Newspaper Page Text
MINER ADMITS PART 1 111 POISON DEATH- Plotted Killing With Wife of; Victim in Order to Wed Her, He Confesses. I the A'*■ nci i *pr.*-* MARKiX, IM , Pentpmbpr 29.—Se-.'t ed 1.> the side of hi l - bride of so on I days. Robert T tc coal miner. yester day confessed to Sheriff G'lligan and; other prosecuting officials that ho h ii | administered the first do-e of poison j to .Tody Herrjnsto.i. w hose w idow lie married 2" davs after his death His I eonfes ion •ante after a lons srillinc. durms which his wife pleaded wtih him to confess his part o the plot which they h<d jointly decided so that they could eventually be married. Jn Ins confession Tate said he had at first opposed Herrington's request that he come to his home to board, because the couple were too religious for him However, he yielded later. His infatuation for Mrs. Herrington, he said in his confession, came crad ually. but it was not until April. 1924. that he became familiar with her. He had been Injured in a mine, he said, i and after his return from the hos pital he and Mrs. Herrington began to love one another. I’lotteil Poison Death. The poison plot, he said, was first mentioned during a secret meeting in a cow pasture, two miles from the Herrington home, after Mrs. Herring ton had repulsed his suggestion to kill her husband with a gun. They decided, he said, that he get the poi son and that she administer it in her husband's food. The poison, he said, was stolen from a drug store in Johnston City. They met nearly every evening dur ing the time Mrs. Herrington was giving her husband the poison, he said, and each lime he inquired about the effects of the doses. Herrington died Friday, September 5. Immediate ly after the funeral, his confession continued, he and Mrs. Herrington went to look for a home in West Frajikfort, whither they moved a few days later. Tate's confession supplemented that made Saturday by his wife. The in quest will be completed tomorrow. Coroner McCown said. In view of their confessions, prosecuting officials said the couple are expected to waive the formality of a preliminary hear ing. ANSWERS WIFE’S SUIT. Charles S. Woodin Denies Charges in Divorce Proceedings. Charles S. Woodin. a clerk in the Navy Department, today answered a I suit for a limited divorce brought by his wife. Virginia Woodin. a physical culture teacher in the public schools. He denies that he deserted his wife and refused to permit his 14-year-old son to return to her. He declares the son was not properly treated by ihe wife and says she should not be allowed to have his custody. Mrs. Woodin has three man board ers. the husband says, and frequr ntly left the boy until late at night. On one occasion, he states, the wife at tacked the boy anil tore his clothes from him. according to his story to the father. He asks that the wife's petition be dismissed. Attorney W. F. Plumley appears for the husband, File Adoption Petition. Maj. Joseph C. Thomas and his wife. Violet Thomas, residing at Hotel Gordon, today asked the District Supreme Court to permit them to adopt Keith L. Banjo, four months old. The officer and his wife tell the court they have no children and the child's mother is willing they adopt him. Attorneys Taylor. Hegarty & Mooers appear for the petitioners. SPECIAL NOTICES^ 1.000 FIFTKKN LINK MI LTK.BAI’U LET ter>. $2.40: 100 mmieoKrapli letters, sl. 002 ln-t Na t Punk Whig. Fr. 714:i. HAVE AN OPENIN'; FOR SEVERAL MEAU t v parlor scholars in nnr newly formed Garden Hose beauty Parlor, 1112 H. TRUCK FROM BUFFALO. N. Y., WOULD like return load Koine north nr northwest ahont Oet, S. Write A. J GERHARD. 128 Maple st.. Buffalo, N Y., or address this paper. <v-j*_ NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE. 1 AM CLOS inp out at remarkably low prires. the nursery stook at Highwood. 33rd and Rilfenhonse sts. n.w.: evergreens, shrubs, roses and fruit trees, for quick sale and immediate delivery. See | me on the premises or telephone Cleveland 1198 A. B SHIPP. 12* OSTEOPATHY—DK. KIRK PATRICK AN nounees his removal from the Farragut te the Presidential. Ififh and L. 20* A~HOUSEHOLD NECKSSITY—WE HAV~E Tu You need it. Our perfect silver polish, used and sold by us for 35 years. Call Main 918. aay a.lver polish Your name and addresa. It will be delivered promptly c.o.d. Price. Soc. Full size jar. R. HARRIS A CO., cor. 7th and P n-w FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REFIS ISHED. special furniture made to order, ehair ran ing, willow and reed furniture finished in any , color desired; always reliable. RIGHTWAY FINISHING GO, finishers from Grand Rapids. Mich, 1415 Bth st. n.w. Ph. West 2727. 2t>* WANTED—Id BRING A VA.MSIAD OK FUIb niture from New York. Philadelphia, Bethle hem and Easton. Pa.: Wilmington, Del.; Do ver. N J.. and Richmond. Va.. to Washing ton SMITH S TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. GUARANTEKD NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE —Ornamental shrubs. fruit trees, ehoire peonies and perennials. Full line of ever greens. Col. 9172. STEWART A LONG, 66 Park View Market. • HEDGES NORWAY SPRUCE, ALL KINDS of evergreen and shrubbery furnished and planted. Lawns put in first-clasi order, with neb soil and manure. U. A. HERRELL, 728 10th st. n.e. Line. 9640. BEFORE SELLING YOUR OLD SILVER GET our prices We pay eonsid* rably more than you can cet elsewhere We also buy dia monds. gold#*nd platinum. We carry a large line of solid S.lver teasels, antique English and Early American SHEFFIELD PLATING COMPANY. 122-5 Conn, ave Better Roof Painting* In this one field onr leadership is never questioned. Our famous Protec-Tm Roof Paint keeps out rust and is guaranteed for years. Let us apply it. ROOFING Phone Main 933. aWDINJ COMPANY 119 3rd St S W ROOF PAINT ‘t™^ 7 Will Applv if desired. LINCOLN ~H3, ‘o* BAD WEATHER Is Not Far Off Buffer liavp us examine tout ROOF NOW. TRONri AD R" 08 ”* «th &.«. irv.UINVaivJVU Company Phone Mn» 14 REPUBLICAN VOTERS’ INFORMATION BUREAU. The Republican Campaign Committee of the Republican Slate Committee in and for the District of Columbia Is operating a Voters' Information Bureau, under the direction of A. E. Chaffee, on the first floor of the Repub lican headquarters, at 1324 New York avenue n.w.. wher.e information Is available to all persons entitled to register and vole in the States. This bureau is open from 9 o'clock a m. to 10 o'clock p m. Money Can't Buy Better Printing Let the Million-Dollir Printing PUnt furnish estimates. The National Capital Press Try Us —and you'll be completely aatisfled with our quality work. HIGH GRADE. BUT NOT HIGH PRICED. BYRON S. ADAMS. SHKDD PLUMBING. The Efficiency of Sbedd __ . , _ , Experts guarantees econo 7nA ifHn a » well as satisfaction » uo >uui to all employing them. ! LA FOLLETTE’S tour IS STILL UNMAPPED 1 Cand'date to Leave Capital This Week—Wife, in Speech. Asks Fair Appraisal of Husband. Mapping out of the route and speaking toinfs for the intensive cam paign tour that will carry him to the Pacific Coast continued to occupy j Senator Hubert M. Ha Kolb tie and Ids politic ) advisers today. Indica- I Hons are that the independent pr< si j dential candidate will leave Wash ] ington before the end of the week, and | definite announcement of the route he wi'l follow in his campaigning is expect |ed in the next day or two. The ma ! tor question, as yet undecided, is l wheth< r the Wisconsin Senator will make a swing through the Kastern Slate - and New England before start ing the Western tour or reserve that for the later stages of the campaign. Mrs. I«i Kollette. who joined the campaign forces of her husband in delivering an address at a political rally at Mount l-ake Park, Md.. last night, has under consideration one or two invitations to speak. It was said to be doubtful, however, that she would undertake any other formal speaking engagements. In her ad dress last night. Mrs. I.a Kollette asked that her husband's candidacy lie given fair-minded consideration, asserting many voters have a preju diced or erroneous impression of his record and views, i The La Kollette platform plank 1 proposing that Congress lie given power to make valid by re-enactment any law declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court was defended in a “campaign document" issued yes terday by Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. Mr. Gompers declared the court's present power of "final veto" was "wholly incompatible with Democ racy." SEAMEN FREE ON BOND. Pair Who Left Ship Deny Effort to Stay in U. S. Justice Siddons of the District Su preme Court has released Alexander Katsoulis and his minor son. Evan gclos, seamen of Albania, who were arrested by local police at the re quest of the authorities of Mobile, Ala., on JSOO bond. The court granted j a writ of habeas corpus and set a hearing before Justice Stafford next Wednesday. Attorney Soterios Nicholson appeared for the peti tioners. In the petition Katsoulis tells the < court that they are citizens of Al bania and seamen by trade. They ar rived recently at Mobile with the vessel Helelos and left because of the cruelty of the captain and his threats to do them bodily harm. They were on their way to New York to ship on 1 some other vessel, they state, when they were detained here by the police on a telegram from Mobile. They question the authority of the captain to order their arrest. Colored Woman Dies Suddenly. Catherine Brown, colored, of 6031 Dix street northeast, died suddenly j last night after taking a dose of an herb medicine which she had pur chased from a peddler. Investigation disclosed that the woman had taken several previous doses without ill effect, and the police are inclined to believe she died from heart trouble. An autopsy to fix the cause of death will be held over her body at the morgue probably this atfernoon. Wife Asks Maintenance. Maintenance is asked in a suit filed by Laura V. Higdon against Karle C. Higdon on charges of desertion and inadequate support. The husband makes $lO per day. she says. They were married in August, 1914, and have two children. Attorney J. J. O’Brien appears for the wife. Marriage Licenses. Marriaxe licenses have hern issued to the following: Eustace A. Alsop and Carolyn L. VYildman. Marcus L. Compton and Bruce Kitchen Bush, both of Martinsburs. W. Va Jack Abell and Rosa Handle, l«oth of Bal timore. Md. Courtney U. Thayer, sr.. and Margaret T. Towberman. James Newell and RaclieUßrown, Births Reported. The following births have been reported to the Health Department in the last 24 hours: I Morris and Parras, girl. George and Maty Speropnlos. girl. Frank and Barbara Rock, girl. Hyman and Cecelia Tabb. boy. Louis A. and Katherine I. Bh krrton, boy. Joe J. and Gladys Fowrey, girl John and Annabel Knight, boy. James and Mamie Banks, boy. Andrew and Clara Price, hoy. William and Sarah Spears, boy Edward and Hattie Holman, girl. Deaths Reported. t The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department in the last 24 hours: Michael Gaygan. 66, United States Soldiers’ Home Hospital. Mary G. 7. 232 Randolph st. n.e. Robert Martin. 30. Providence Hospital. William S. Foster. S 3. Sibley Hospital. Mary F. Leary, 61. George Washington Uni versity Hospital. George Schatf, 61. Sibley Hospital. Mary K. Leary. 61, George Washington Uni versity Hospital. George Scharf. 61. Sibley Hospital. John W. White. 71, Home for Aged and In firm. George W. Miller. 68. 5313 Illinois ave. John W. King. 34. Walter Reed Hospital. Mary J. O. Coates. 37, 1115 48th at. n e. Simon Owens. 56. Gallrager Hospital. Helen R. Taylor, 26. 918 N st. IpilllllllllliilllH | We Pay You | on your == | DAILY BALANCES | H on daily balances—compounded j|| 1 M /(/ monthly. || i== Interest on ordinary savings accounts compounded quar - = | /I/ efr/y. | ifl /vy Interest on special savings cer- m = tißcates compounded semi - HI / V annually. | The Munsey Trust Co. | = Munsey Building | Pa. Ave., Bet. 13th & 14th Sts. N.W. | THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1924. NEW* IS SAFE, COOLIDGEASSURED Senator Wadsworth De clares National Ticket Will Sweep State. President Coolidge was told by Sen ator Wadsworth of New York today that the Republican national ticket would sweep that State In November and that the chances of Col. Theodore Roosevelt, former Assistant Secretary of War. the Republican nominee for governor, defeating Gov. AI Smith, who is seeking another term, are es pecially bright. Gov. Smith is not the formidable candidate he was two years ago. when he received such a decisive vote, ac cording to Senator Wadsworth. He pointed out that many things have happened since then, and as the sit uation presents itself now. Gov. Smith has lost considerable of his popular appeal, lie said, however, that Gov. Smith is by far the best candidate the Democrats could have put up. and had he not consented to run the State election would have been a virtual walkover. I.n FollcHe Hackers in City. "Many people do not take to the j idea of Gov. Smith being a candidate for the fourth time," Senator V\ ads- | worth saiti. Many think that the, two | terms he has served as executive of the Umpire State are sufficient, and ] they want new faces at the State Capital. Also. Gov. Smith received many thousands _of Hi publican voles two years ago. These went to him principally because of his damp plat form but he has done nothing sim-c being elected on this platform that would encourage the out and out wets of the Slate, and they will fall back to the Republican candidate this ye. t r. Besides all this, many cit izens of the State, conservative and Democrats included, think the plat form of Gov. Smith 100 revolutionary to serve for the State in general. There is some little La Kollette in terest in the State," he continued, "but it is confined almost entirely to New York City and other larger cities up State. Outside of the Dem ocrats of New York City there appears to be very little sentiment for John j Davis.” Arrange for Navy Day. Senator Wadsworth's call at the White House was primarily in the in terest of the celebration being plan ned for the observance of Navy day, October 27. which also is the birthday anniversary of the late President Roosevelt. He was accompanied to the White House by Walter Bruce Howe, of this city, and Marion Kp pley of Newport. R. 1., members of the committee in charge of Navy day celebration. Definite plans will be announced later. Republicans of Washington State are not going to be led away from their party's candidate by Senator let Kollette, according to Col. C. B. Bletham, newspaper publisher of Seattle, who conferred with President Coolidge today. He said Coolidge would be elected by a large majority if the election were held today. Tells of Coast Prospects. Col. Bletham is satisfied that La Kollette's cause will be greatly helped by a personal visit and that the Republicans should be prepared to meet the situation in the event he decides to make a personal tom paign in that section. For instance, he looks upon Gen. Dawes as the natural antidote for for such an in vasion. Dawes, according to him, is popular in that country and should hold the Republican ranks together despite the presence of the third party candidate. C. J. Mahoney, chairman of the legislative board of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and H, T. Drew, ehairman of the legislative committee of the Order of Railway Conductors of Massachusetts, during a brief talk at the White House to day. assured the President that the majority of the men from their respective organizations wanted to see him elected. Recent archeological finds at Cromer. Kngland, tend to disprove the view that there was no human habitation until after the glacial period. Rim YOUR PIANO was mo e INSANE VET AT LARGE. Walter Beed Officials Unable to Explain Escape. George Miller, a soldier under ob servation for Insanity in the locked ward at Walter Heed Hospital, is be- Inpr sought by military authorities and the local police, following his es cape from confinement last Wednes day. According to Maj. Walson. execu tive officer of the post, Miller’s es cape was accomplished unnoticed by physicians and guards. How he got out of the "strong house” is a mys tery, the major said. There is a tall steel fence around the recreation yard to the building, fitted on top with unsurmountable palings and | wires. The patient was not considered dangerously insane, officials declared. D. t MAN IS FREED OF DRY LAW CHARGE Excepting J. E. Boudwin, Jr., Defendants in Florida Indict ment Held for Hearing. i United States Commissioner Tur . nage today discharged from custody j .James K. Boudwin. Jr., one of the 15 | Washingtonians charged with con spiracy to violate the national pro hibition ait in an indictment report ed by a grand jury at Tampa. Fla. The commissioner held that young Boudwin had offered testimony which rebutted the prima facie case of probable cause raised by the indict ment-. He showed he did not know of the alleged conspiracy and had no knowledge of the presence of intoxi cants in his father’s house. Commis sioner Turnage held the other 14 men for the action of the District Su preme Court, to which United States Attorney Gordon and Assistant United States Attorney Burnett will apply for an order of removal. Habeas|nu> Writ Granted. Those held by the commissioner were immediately taken into custody by deputy United States marshals and detained at the courthouse while their counsel prepared petitions for their release on habeas corpus. Writs were allowed hy Justice Siddons, and the 14 men gave hail of SI,OOO each to appear for a hearing on October 7. In their application for writs of habeas corpus the accused men at tack the validity of the indictment, which, they claim, is not properly verified and does not sufficiently al lege the commission of any offense against the United States. They de clare the indictment also fails to con tain allegations sufficient to show probable cause to believe the men guilty of the offense and that no tes timony to that effect was offered be fore the commissioner. Their deten tion by United States Marshal Sny der is therefore declared to he illegal Those held for removal to Florida by the United States commissioner are: Joshua 1.. Sprinkle, lieutenant of police; William Haller, a police man; O. <Fredericks, t'iaude Mc- Neill, Wallace Barcsdale and Walter A. Tapscott. employes of the Pullman Company; Patrick H. Barteman. John B. Newman and Charles Marshall, for mer deputy marshals: James Boud win. sr.; Janies Hunter. Bromety Hun ter. Kmil Krause and Ralph McCullough. UNDER UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Specialized Service to Army, Navy and Civilian Depositors Industrial Loans Checking Accounts 4% Savings Accounts Banking Honrs: 8:30 to 5 P.M. THE DEPARTMENTAL BANK 1714 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. i I I WHAT IT TAKES I To make you Buy A Home for your Family tRIIRIEITIt At 36th and R Sts. N.W. HAS Proven 150 Times And we are just be ginning. Att emp t s may be made to copy our Homes, but there is just one j tRIIRIEITH in all Washington, and that is up NORTHWEST, where the FAMILY WANTS TO LIVE and where YOU WILL IF YOU SEE IT. GO NOW TO INSPECT Open Until 10 PM. TO ISSPEOT By into—Drive acron the Q Street Bridge, turn north one block to R Street and drive due -veil to 36th Street (right next the Western High School). Or tako P Street oar te 36th Street and walk north to R Street, or Wisconsin Avenne ear to R Street and walk west to 36th Street. Shannon & luch^) Realtors Owners and Builder* ffl 1 -M i ■ * ■ ■ a TEACHERS’CHECKS TOMORROW LARGER Get First Pay Under New Salary Schedule in Keller Bill. I District public school teachers will receive tomorrow their first checks under the increased salary schedule provided in the Keller salary bill. The finance office of the school system worked night and day to complete the work of reclassifying the teachers so that the pay checks could be is sued on time. Reallocation of the teachers under the new salary scale gave the finance office a tremendous task. Kvery teach er in the school system as well as the officers had to be reclassified. Nchetlnle Explained. In explanation of the new salary schedule, Kupt. of Schools- Frank W. Lallou Issued the following circular letter, which was sent to all school officers today: “The payment of salaries for the month of September will be made on September 30, 1924. Supervising principals and principals will secure the checks from the disbursing officer on that day at I pm. “In order thai payment of salaries of teachers might be expedited, it j was impossible to make ail transfers: between the schools and divisions on the September pay roll. It is sug gested that supervisory officers call at the office of finance and account ing before September 30, 1924, and examine their respective pay rolls in order to determine in advance the disposition to be made of the checks they will secure from the disbursing officer. "The salaries of all teachers as car ried on the September pay roll have been adjusted under the new salary schedule on the basis of salaries re ceived by them on June 30. 1924, without regard to possible longevity placing as provided in section 6 and authorized in sections 4 and 5 of the new schedule. Those teachers as signed to class 1A receiving less than SI,BOO, those teachers assigned to class 2A receiving less than $2,000, those teachers assigned to class 2C receiving less than $2,300. those teachers assigned to class 3A receiv ing less than $2,300 and those libra rians assigned to class 4A receiving less than SI,BOO will be given an op portunity to prove additional service and to receive longevity placement. Specific information relative to the procedure to be followed to secure this placement will be issued later, "The deductions for retirement on the September pay roll are in many rases made at the maximum rate of 8 per cent, and adjustments to the correct rate will be made on Ihe Oc tober pay roll. "Should any employe, except those employes who may be entitled to fur ther longeoity placement and adjust ment under the provisions-.of the new s-alary schedule referred to above believe that the salary allowed is noi in accordance with the provisions of Hie new salary schedule, it is sug gested that the matter be taken up with the chief accountant. Mr. it. W. Holt, in writing and through the proper official chanels of communi cation.” Foot ball players and swimmers are subject to baldness in later years, while tennis and cricket players are not. declares a London observer. || ~ | Extended Payments to ||; i [j >«i A with a world of meaning at this store! Not just an emptv ’|« ra a ~ *" , f |»\ f\ phrase, but a vital, necessary qualification that every piece of furni (| yAy J '®\ ture must meet before it finds a place on our floors. You may buy here | jig § V I 1* * ial with confidence, knowing that your purchase will give you not only ycar a I ivi«nf Ron in «■/ °f serv,ce . but complete satisfaction as well. Below arc a few of the main- w ||i S „ ®. xml dependable values for Tuesday. W :S; p furniture ffnl a Should not be bought simply >*\ (j; :g\ K • because it is outwardly attrac- A mapnificent Three-piece Diving Room Suite—Davenport. Ohair and Winer Ohair in Bl IS live. Most overstuffed Suites —upholstered In rich Jacquard velour, with deep spring- cushions and roll OS *7C fIA M a present a good appearajice, I arms, exposed mahogany frame, is priced at 01/DcUU (u 5/ g but the important thing is the xMf v»w j 5 I interior construction. We Km I (« jfcS g ) know exactly what is inside vB/ A handsome Three-piece Suite, in beautiful Mohair, including Davenport. Chair Ul IS? k every Suite we sell—and we ,91 and w 'ng Chair, with full web bottoms, loose spring cushions and roll Q*y M p fkf\ S tell yon about it. «■ 1 arms, priced at just «D^ftD.UU S ) )ja\ A charming Ten-pieoe Dining Room Suite, a new Fall pattern, in the stately >S ■] \vH I lyiuis XVI period style, including 68-in. buffet, an enclosed silver cabinet with grille i>) IB P } f*i 1 [Ti 91 front, a cupboard server and six chairs—choice of genuine leather or >) iS £3 IT I nfl jfUI tapestry seats —finished in rich walnut, is priced now at a saving, pnnn aa I ,g= igL . (ml A new Fall pattern - d< £ n Mi °|j |l A Four-piece Tudor Period Bedroom Suite, including a bow-end Bed. a roomy K bo 1 / SJll aII J. vBl Chifforobe, a full Vanity Dresser and a large Dresser, all finished in r> 1 a a u( s. f, |N[ g^ps , i—i[[T «- ainut ’ 5155.09 /| (| & ( Cm A Ten-piece Walnut Dining Room Suite, in the Tudor Period. «0-in< h Russet, jjf if>< P | j I j| ami wood panel China Cupboard. Server, Oblong Table and Six Genuine OIOC AA 5 fe K —F=?== "" -**“ | MJ Leather Seat Chairs vIoO.IIU Llj jlj I| I j i? - jfll A handsome Nine-piece Grand Rapids Make Dining Room Suite, in the Hopple- WIS P ■MWjhp=lj -" Jj vBl white Period—Buffet ia 66 inches long. Oblong Table, large China «( B •f. 91 Cabinet, Six Solid Walnut Chairs covered with fine quality tapestry. 00 'j'Up TVp W pat Dpfiifms I A Four-piece Walnut Veneer Bedroom Suite, choice of either the regular walnut ))> e* P Ml or French walnut. All large pieces—consists of a 48-inch Dresser with jewelrv com- ») B i ■ The new bedroom Suites are JMI partment on top. a 48-inch Vanity. Large Chifforobe and Bow-Foot A A (; E » unusually charming. We are |l| e * vfaTwiUU ))! g | showing many in the period cBl T:' fe styles, including the popular trmj | a™ ““ | SeWBIGHT fa FURNITURE | ? room should be as well chosen, xi _ ■ j. • o j■, C' J M 2 g as artistic as that you would hHI lAboays mgnt m Quality ana rnce h place anywhere in your home. CM I L | 905 Seventh St. N.W. ||| BAND CONCERT By the United States Navy Band, Charles Renter, director, today at 7:30 p.m.. at the bandstand. Navy Yard. (Note—ln the event of rain the concert will be given at the studio of WCAP.) March. "Call Me Hen ry”... Renter (Dedicated to Henry l.ansburgh. Overture, "Oberon” Von Weber Washington D., C.) “Suite de Ballet,” Part 2... .Delibes • (a) Introduction and valse of the doll, (b) March of the war riors. (c) Czardas, Hungarian dance. Rhapsody. "Slavonic" Friedeman Grand scenes from the opera. "Madam Butterfly" Puccini Characteristic, "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” Jesse) Valse. “I.a Invitation.” Weber- Wei ngartner Airs from "The Pirates of Penzance” Sullivan March, "The Dure of Alaska," Ben ter (Dedicated to the late President Warren G. Harding.) Finale. "The Star-Spangled Banner” Note—The concert which was schedule for the Sylvan Thea ter has been canceled. AD MEN TO HEAR EDITOR. W. N. Taft of Philadelphia Maga zine to Speak. William Nelson Taft, editor of the Retail Ledger and News Magazine of Philadelphia, is to be the guxtt of honor and speaker at the weekly luncheon of ' the Washington Advertising Club to morrow in the blue room of the Men’s City Club, from 12:30 to 1:30. The of his talk is to be ’’What’s Wrong With Retail Advertis ing.’ The Ad Club invites all retailers and those interested otherwise to hear Mr. Taft. ITizes are to be featured as part of the luncheon program. Maurice Kafka, president, will preside. SIGHT CAPSIZED SHIP. Crew of Six of British Boat Be lieved Lost Off Boston. BOSTON, September 29.—A tragedy of rum row was reported here today when the fishing schooners Ingomar and Nathalie Hammond brought word that the British tern schooner Beryl M. Corkum was sighted, capsized and derelict off Georges Fishing Hanks last Friday. She was apparently a victim of recent storms. Whether her crew of six was lost or saved was not disclosed. COURT-MARTIAL NAMED. Gen. Rockenbach. commanding the District of Washington, has appointed a general court martial to convene at Fort Myer, Va.. to investigate certain alleged irregularities in the accounts of the sales commissary at that post The detail for the court is; Col. H. C. Whitehead. Quartermaster Corps president: Col. K. w. Tanner. In fantry; Lieut. Cols. A. C. Voris. Air Service: Robert Sterrett, Quarter master Corps, and W. R, Pick. Veterinary Corps; Maj. John Mather, ordnance Department, and Capts. J. I. Wood. Infantry; It, <Sherman, In fantry. and T. 51, Kngland, Medical Administrative Corps. Capt William J. Bacon, judge advocate general’s department, is detailed as judge ad vocate of the court, and Lieut. K. J. Bond. Infantry, as counsel. The names of those involved in the pro ceedings are withheld, pending de velopments NALLY’S BOND FIXED. Accused in Piggly-Wiggly Theft. Must Put Up $6,000. Justice Siddona in Criminal divi sion I today fixed at $6,000 the bond of Joseph Nally, who was recently brought back from Xew York on a charge of robbery in connection with 1 the hold-up last March of agents of Piggly Wiggly stores when $13,000 was stolen. The Government asked for a bond of SIO,OOO, but the court at the request of Attoroney T. Morris Wampler fixed the penalty at $6,000. (tond had not been given at a late 1 .our this afternoon. CLOTHING STORE LOOTED. Harry Dodek Reports Burglars Made Big Haul. Burglars early today broke into the j clothing store of Harry Dodek. 82T ! Seventh street, and stole a large I quantity of men's and women’s cloth- | ing, police were informed. Investigation disclosed the thieves j had placed a ladder against a second- j story window at the rear of the I building and removed several steel j oars from the window in order to j gain entrance. Mr. Dodek stated he was unable to make an estimate of 1 the amount of stock taken. Something New—Stove Size Screened Soft Coal $lO £n Hard Coal In All Sices for Immediate Delivery John P. Agnew & Co., Inc. T2S 14th *». VW. Main SOAK. [| lied with 11 s at low- if quality |J I Marlow Coal Co. ! I 811 E St. N.W. Main 311 |j Years of Faithful, Efficient Service= . I otmiomJ BALLOONS Fit Present Rims. Recommended by LEETH BROS. (the argonne I 16th and Columbia Rd. All-year location in the ; residential huh of north- j ! west: on high elevation: • overlooking the entire citv j I and Rock ( reek Park, j Apartments with iarge out- 1 side ran m s. spacious }j i closets, built-in hath tix ; tures. reception halls and j balconies; latest improve- | i ments; 24-hour service. Moderate Rentals Resident Manager on j Premises Phone Col. 4630 jj # MILLS BIULDINGI Cor. 17lh, Pa. Ave and G St. | Ideal Location \ Newly Renovated Offices || At Very Attractive Rents || Arthur Carr 206 Mills Building 3