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34 FOE SALE—HOUSES. Confirmed. NEAR ST. ALOYSH’S’ CHLECU—COLORED. 8 room*, only *3,500. SOCTHWKBT—NKAR PARK AND DEPTB. 9 rooms, $6,750: *750 cash. SOUTHEAST. 7 rooms, only *4.950; easy forms. - MT. PLEASANT WEST OP 16th. • rooms, all moilorn. *11.500. PARK VIEW. 6 rooms, colonial; splendid condition; vacant; *7,850. PETTY & PETTY. Main 21.17. 1410 Eye St. TFE ARE OFFERING ONE OE HISTORIC Georgetown’s quaint old homes; renovated and equipped with modern conveniences; located in exclusive section, surrounded by other hand *onre homes of t'olonial design: nine rooms and three baths; glassed in porrh; old-fashioned garden in rear. One desiring charm and ele gance in a home should see this at once. Call Mr. Manning. McKEEVER & GOSS. 1415 K Sf. N.W. Main 47.»2. COLOR EI>—NICK LITTLE BUNGAUIW IN the northeast section. Onlj s*soo cash, balance monthly. PERCY 11. RCSBELL CO.. 920 15th St. N.W. TOC WHO KNOW VALUES WILL aPPßE ciate these wonderfully built semi-bungalows. Situated at 3.1 Williams Lane, one of the prettiest streets Jn Chevy Chase, __Md., one block from Outu. are. Only $10,750; terms if desired. 7 rooms and full tiled bath, built-in tub, open fireplace, h.-w.hent, h.w. floors, glassed-in sleeping porch, bearing fruit frees, one piece sink. HOW TO REACH PROPERTY: Conn. axe. cars lo Williams Lane, cue block east to houses. TERRELL & LITTLE. INC.. 1206 1 sth St. N.W. Main 3285. Krenings phone Frank. KlB6-J. or I*ot. 2592 J. THREE FAMILY FLtT, $11,500. Tn a strictly white section; a m.1.; garage; rental will more than carry the property. This is a bargain. Address Box 280-L. Star office. I* IN SIXTEENTH fcTTKKKT HEIGHTS. Attractive and substantially built detached home of 0 rooms and bath; o;»en fireplace; hot water heat; cellar under entire house; garage; lot. 50-foot front. Pri«*e, $1.1.750. Robert E. Heater. Colorado Buildinir. Main 1004. $1L500! ROOM ING AND BOARDING HOCSE. This property is situatnl on E st. n.xv., a d s rect thoroughfare from Union Station to the heart of the city. It is just off Judiciary Square close to Capitol, Cnion Station. Pension Office. Court House, etc. A lhn*<* story brick dwelling. 25 ft. wide, having 14 rooms (8 bedrooms). 2 baths, electric lights, etc. Excellent Jot having ample space for a 3-car garage. Property is iu a square zoned for bus.ness anti could be converted into store with apartn\cnts above at very small cost. Possession and terms. Reasonable offers will be consid ered Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors, 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. MOUNT PLEASANT. B. H. Gruver Homes. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. SAMPLE HOT’SKS. 31127 ADAMS MILL KD.: SEMI-DETACHED: AND 3201 ADAMS MILL KD -A BEAUTIFUL CORNER. These homes are located between Lament st. and Klingle rd . facing National Zoological Park: 8 rooms. 2 bafhs, heated garage. Open and lighted daily and Sunday until 9 pm. Take Mt. Pleasant cars to Park rd., west on Park rd. to Klingle and Adams Mill rd. Do j not fail to inspect our deta*!re<! ft-room house I at 2047 Rosemont ave., delightfully situated, j surrounded by Rock Creek Lark. Low price, j Easy terms. FOR SALE BY ANY BROKER OR I B. H. GRUVER. Owner A Builder. Main 8072. NEAR 16th STREET. 1739 Irving St. —New. A real home bargain. Exceptionally attractive ami oompiet*. Open day and night. ANY BROKER OR THRIFT BUILDING CO.. OWNER. PHONE MAIN 788. ONLY $8,230. 325 W ST. N.E, (Near 4t 1> and W sts., dose to oars 1 Carefully built, new 6-rooni and bath brick i dwelling, with garage, hoi-water beat and all i conveniences. SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND EASY XEBM3 | Anv Broker or THRIFT BUILDING CO.. Owner. _____ Phone Main 768. THOS. L>. WALSH. 812 H St. N.W Main 7545. Houses for sale in all sections of the city; some on very easy terms. SPECIALS—VACANT. $10,500—51 Girard st. n 0. —7 rooms and bath. inclosed itreakfast and sleeping porches, built-in garage; all modern improvements. *9 .500—Perry st. near 14th n.w. —0 rooms and . bath, parquet floors; fine large yard to alley. Small cash payment and possession with deposit. $7,500—11 st. u.w. near sth—3-story brick, liotawater heat, commercial zone. $6,250—1025 26th st -3-story brick. 8 rmk and bath, with 2-car car . rented at sls. THOS. U. WALSH. *l2 II St. N.W. Mi in 7545. 2* I FOR COLORED. Near 18th and You Sts. Six large rooms, h.-w.h. and elec, lights: house 22 ft. wide, in excellent condition and va>ant. Terms, SI,OOO cash and SSO monthly pax raenfa. FRANCIS A. CRAWFORD. 4<M Continental Trust Bldg. Main 2730. Nearly New—sß,9so. This two-story colonial tapes try brick home in less than two years’ old and in perfect condition. It 19 located in a section of new properties accessible to both the J4l li street and Georgia avenue • ■ar lines. Fully 20 feet wide, six large rooms, tile bath, glass in closed breakfast porch and a sleep ing porch: hardwood floors, outside pantry, elec, lights, h.-w.h. and a deep lot with concrete garage Owner has left the city —must sell at once and is open to any reason able proposition. It will be to your advantage to see this property. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton. Inc., Realtors. SIX ROOMS. BRICK. BATH. GAS LIGHT, la t robe heat, in northwest section; reasonable i price; low monthly payment. JOHN H. WRIGHT. 1116 Vermont ave. n.w. Main 9407. H ST. NORTHEAST. A dandy brick home of 6 large rooms and bath: hot water heat; electric light; room for double garage; SI,OOO cash; price, $6,000. Im mediate possession. JOHN QUINN CO., INC. 704 13th St N.W. Main 435. Main 1939. ""you CAN’T BUY THIS” with less than $750 cash. New detached colo nial brick; a.m.i. : hardwood floors; garage; $7,750: worth $9,500. Sep Mr. Lee. ANACOSTIA FINANCE CORPORATION, 1205 Good Hope rd. s.e. Line. 5500. — Under Construction Cost, Seven room and bath home, large lot, two ear garage; absolutely modern; would sell for SII,OOO in the northwest. Only $7,250. i" HERMAN SCHMIDT. 729 13th St. N.W. Main 2611. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. NEW HOMES—COLORED. 1428 to 1450 D N.E. Six rooms, bath, elec., a.m.L. built-in re frigerator, some with garages; one corner store with apt. above. Low price; easy terms. Sam ple house open daily until 9 p.m. Four sold. For sale by any broker or E. M. WILLIS. Owner. Main 8072 See Rep on Premises. 30* JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS, 515 EAST CAPITOL ST. PRICe7S9.BOO. 250 10th St. B.E.—Beautiful 6 r. and b. home; lance concrete front porch: garage; dry cellar with stationery tube and lavatory; bouse will have to be seen to be appreciated. PRICE. $6,750. No. 8 10th St. S.E.—Beantiful 6 r. Sc b. heme near Lincoln Park. House is In splen did condition; *3OO cash and balance like rent. A good buy. Possession with deposit. PRICE, $6,500. 830 6th St. S.E.—6 large rooms and up-to date bath; furnace heat; dry cellar; large back yard and room for 2 garages. House vacant and possession with deposit. PRICE, $7,000. 703 Mass. Ave. N.E.—6 r. * b. home near beautiful Stanton Park. House is in excellent condition and can he bonght completely fur nished as is for *7.500, or without furniture for *7,000. Immediate possessfon. PRICE, SB,IOO. 231 12th St. N.E.—6 r. * b. modern home near Lincoln Park. House in splendid condi tin and has a garage. Immediate possession. JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS. j*.l TT a ' T> R'CTU ESTATE/ FOR SALE—HOUSES $5.950—5500 CASH. SOUTH CAROLINA AVE. Six-room and bath bay-window brick home; electricity; Radiant Are gas heat; newly deco rated; vacant; move In on deposit. Phone Main 5028 for key to inspect. J. LEO KOLB, CHEVY CHASE, D. C. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT. EVERT CP TO DATE CONVENIENCE: ABSOLCTELY BUILT BIGHT: TWO TILED BATHROOMS, SHOWER BATH, OPEN FIRBPLAt?, BRICK MANTEL: LARGE 2 CAR GARAGE. SEE IT NOW. M. F. J. HEIDEK. OWNER AND BUILDER, 4215 HARRISON ST. N.W. PHONE CLEVELAND 481. 29* Chevy Chase—sl3,soo. Unfortunate circumstances make it necessary for the own< r to mtke immediate sale of this particu larly attractive properly situated on a corner lot Just one square west of Connecticut avenue and a little south of the Circle. It la a for mal entrance type with large side living porch and contains 4 sleep ing rooms, complete bath, large living room with open fireplace, h.-w.h.. elec, lights and many other features. tine of the few corner properties in Chevy Chase that can he purchased at this low figure. Moderate terms. Evening phone service until 9-P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors. NEAR 16th STREET. New Home, 8 rooms and 2 baths; deep lot. all modern Improvements: home that is worth looking at. Price only *14.250. See T. B. BROWN. 734 15th st. n.w. Main 3505. 30* ONLY $7,250. Columbia Ileighls>—6 r. and b.: h.-w h.. electric light, in perfect condition: this is big bargain: owner going West. See T. B. BROWN. 731 15th st. n.w. Main 8505 . 30* FOR EXCHANGE. Right in the trend of present development—second commer cial zone, just west of Conn. ave. and south of M st. n.w.. an eqnity of *3.500 in a reasonably priced property, im proved by a four-story and cellar brick house, will be exchanged for a aimilarly valued equity in investment or home properly. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc., 1433 K St. N.W, Realtors. Main 1016-7. $17,750. CHEVY CHASE. Detached Brick. Dignity and simplicity are tire outstanding characteristics of this home, situated one block off Conn. ave. amid a beautiful setting. Cen ter-hall plan; spacious Bring room with fire place, haring French doors opening to large aide porch; large dining room and bright kitchen: pantry and the laratory on first floor. Second floor has four splendid bedrooms, sleep ing porch und large tile bath. Attic over en tire house. Features include hardwood floors, instantaneous water heater, hot-water heat inp plant and choice electrical fixtures. has 75-ft. frontage and approximately 125 ft. deep. Brick garage and side driveway. This i* a Brand-new home and represents the utmost in value. Terms acceptable. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors, j Main 9300. 1417 K St. N.W. SSOO CASH. Fine press brick, downtown: 6 r. and b. J Price only $4,500; easy monthly payments. Sec T. B. BROWN, 734 15th n.w. Main 3,505. no* OWNER WILL SACRIFICE Fop large cash payment, detached brick, slate roof house; 7 rooms, 2 tile baths; h.w.h. and a.m.i.; garage; large lot; between 16lh *t. and Rock Creek Bark. Unfurnished or fur nished. Columbia 7717-J, week days after SJISL KENSINGTON. MD. A beautiful home, containing 8 rooms and bath, modern in every re ( spect. spacious porches, large shade and fruit trees, garage, lot 100x150, | located on one of the most attractive corner* of Conn. ave. Price. $9,000. ! LAWRENCE R. SMOOT, i 729 15th st. n.xv. Main 2053 or Kensington 169. _____ AT AX ATTRACTIVE PRICE. St. Martin’s Parish. Desirable semi-detached brick house, the product of one of onr good builders, contain ing 7 rooms and tiled l»ath. oak floors. hot xvater beat, electricity. Owner has moved and as exclusive agent we are prepared to submit anv reasonable offer for the property. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. Inc.. 14X1 K St. N.W. Realtors. Main 1016-7. PET WORTH. $9.750 —Easy Terms. An inspection of these" modern homes will convince yon that they are the best boy in 1 the city. There are six exceptionally large I looms, hardwood floors, tiled bath with shower, concrete fron f porch. 10 foot wide rear porches. v**ry deep lot; large, bright cellar; laundry I trays, servant s lavatory; open for inspection ! every day until 9 pm. Sample house. 523 Crittenden st. n.w. SHAPIRO-KATZ REALTY COMPANY, Owners and Builders. 1409 L N.W. Main 9111. RE At). BARGAIN. S rooms and bath; hot-water boat; electric lights; newly papeced and painted: on Fla, are. n.e., near 7th; only *8,950; small cash payment. FRANCIS A. CRAWFORD, 401-5 Continental Trust Bldg. Main 2730. Near Soldiers’ Home—sß,ooo. A thoroughly modern and up-to date colonial brick home located on a paved atreet dose to Soldiers’ Home Dark that can be purchased on terms of *750 cash. It has sir rooms, bath, colonial front and screened breakfast and sleeping porches, hot-water heat and ele ’. lights. It also lias a two-car con crete garage. A real good valne. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors 1334 H St. N.W. Franklin 9500. PETWORTH, JUST OFF GA. AVE. A very fine six-room home: has hot-water heat, electricity, tiled hath, hardwood floors, rear porches inclosed and two-car garage. House in excellent condition. A very good buv at *9,250. Onlv *I.OOO cash necessary. SHAPIRO-KATZ REALTY CO., 1409 I. fft. N.W. Main 9111 $18,750. CLEVELAND PARK. Brick—Four Bedrooms. It .is a rare occasion that we can offer a Cleveland Dark home constructed of brick and so well arranged. It is. a real colonial type house, having 8 exceptionally bright rooms on two floors. Porch extends across en tire front. First floor: Reception hall, spa cious living room with fireplace and French doors between living and dining roomi; large pantry, cloak closet, kitchen and screened breakfast porch: also service porch off kitchen. Second floor has 4 splendid bedrooms, 2 beau tifully equipped tile baths (one with tile shower), enormous sleeping porch; attic. There are beautiful white oak floors throughout, numerous floor plugs, expensive copper screens, costly electrical fixtures, selected hardware. Every detail for comfort and convenience is incorporated in this delightful home, and we are confident you will be impressed with the individual and practical arrangement of the entire house. It is a home that you will simply fall in love with upon inspection. Terms can be arranged. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors, Main 9300. 1417 K St. N.W. A DECIDED BARGAIN. Terms Only $1,500 Cash. Unforeseen circumstances necessitate immediate sale of thia desirable home property and at the price asked it should be sold quickly. It is situated within walking distance of downtown and on a wide, prominent street. There is a larfe stone and cement front porch; nine ex ceptionally bright and well proportioned rooms, tile bath, beautiful parquet floors throughout first floor: three open fire places; rear stairway; electric lights; I’iitsburg instantaneous beater, etc. Now arranged to produce an income, hav ing three complete kitchens, gas ranges and sinks. Garage. Price, *11,350. .Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors, 1417 K St. N.W. 1 Mam, Q3TKY C— a P - » THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. P. C„ MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1924. FOK SALK—-HOUSES. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. * Six-room semi-bungalow, just being completed at 3403 Oliver st., east of Conn. ave. Price, *13.000 OWNER. Col. 881. DETACHED MODERN HOME NORTHWEST. 20 UIN. FROM TREASURY. $9,500. A real home with garage, hot-water heat, elee. lights, gas, large yard with trees, shrub bery, flowers, hedge, ehickeo yard, porches. 7 rooms, bath and attic. Owner wanta fair cash payment, balance easy terms. C. C. LACEY. Downtown—slo,9so. An especially good offering in an attractive appearing, 3-story brick residence, well situated within one square of Dupont Circle. This prop erty is now vacant, has 9 large rooms, 2 complete baths, electric lights, excellent heating plant and a deep lot with a garage. Just reduced In price and we feel con fident that it will sell at once. Make an early inspection. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtor* 1334 II St. N.W. Franklin 9503. NORTH E A ST. Brand new; 6 rms., filed bath, garage, doable floors, hardwood finish; 3 porches; low price: easy terms. Phone Adams 1583. 30* ■winiiir t sin< ‘* is " JSE” No Place Like Horae: No Xlome Like oura. MASSACHUSETTS PARK. Differently designed, detached 8 to 12 room homes, with lots from 50 to 115 feet front. Over 200 now occupied. " Exhibit home 32nd and Cathedral Ave. MIDDAUGH & SHANNON. Incorporated, Builder, Owner. Potomac 2200. Dupont Circle. FOR COLORED. NEAR 2nd AND R N.W. A modern home of 6 rooms, tiled bath, hot water heat, electricity, hardwood floors, glass inoloeed sleeping porch, garage space. Price is right; very attractive terms. SHAPIRO-KATZ REALTY CO.. 1409 L N.W. Main 9111. To Satisfy the Request of Many. *6.500; *550 CASH, *53 MONTHLY. M. * R. R. Warren are building In Brook land 28 artistic bungalows at the above price and terms. 8 sold before finished; have 5 rooms and bath, modern besting plant, cement cellar with tubs, porches, good lots. Come out and get yours before balance are Bold. Salesmen -n premises every afternoon from 1:00 to 6;00 p.m. HOW TO REACH PROPERTY: Take any car starting at 15th and G sts. n.w., get off at 16th and Rhode Island ave. n.e., walk north to Irving st.. west on Irving to 15tb st. TERRELL A LITTLE. Inc.. 1206 18th St. N.W. Main 3285. Evenings. Phene Franklin 1686-J or Potomac 2892-J. SPECIAL TO COLORED. A Real Bargain. Only $9,450. Goo«l Northwest * location, within walking distance of downtown: modern to the minute brick house of 6 rooms and bath, h.-w.h., elec., oak floors; lot over 150 feet to alley. See y* at core. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. Inc., 1433 K St. N.W. Beal tore. Main 1016-7. A PLACE FOR THE CHILDREN. 5-ROOM AND BATH BUNGALOW, WITH OPEN FIREPLACE. NEAR SCHOOL. ONE BLOCK TO STORES. ONLY $7,750. These are the best equipped houaee in the city: hardwood floor*, hot water heat, auto- • J matte hot-water heater, large attic, sleeping porch, built-in refrigerator and ironing board; an electric floor plug in each room. See these any time at 10th and Irving ».t?. n.e. Drive out Rhode Island ave. to 12th st.. north on 12th to Irving and west to houses. JOSEPH C. ZIRKLE, Ma in 4985. 293 rolorsdo It 1 dg. FIVE-ROOM AND BATH RUNGALOW - tjA'- rage; open fireplace; in Chevy Chase. D. t .; for only $9,250. Ideal for small family: large lot; hardwood flooi% tile bath, laundry trays in basement; large attic. Phone for appointment. JOSEPH C. ZIRKLE. Main 49HA. 263 Colorado Bldg. ' Brookland —$8,300. A completely detached home sit uated on a 50-foot lot in a de sirable section of Brookland with in two squares of the public school, car line, stores, etc. There are six rooms. l»ath. elee. lights, h.-w.h. The lot has several fruit trees, grape arbor and a ga rage. Very reasonable terms. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors 1334 H St. N.W. Franklin 9508. BEST BUY IN THE CITY? $9,350.00. Very Raay Terms. New modern bungalow ofV large rooms and hath, every modern convenience, located on large corner lot, close to car line, in splendid n.w. section. This home is priced at least $1,500 under similar homes in this locality, but owing to financial matters owner must sell. Address Box 34H-L. Star office. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HOME. Only *12,500. This is a well built semi-detached brick home of 8 rooms and bath, on two floors; it is in excellent condition and has a two-car brick garage. Thia home cannot be duplicated in this section for at least *2.000 in excess of the price asked for this. Owner selling on account of ill health. THE LOWTHER REALTY CO., Machinists’ Building. Main 5768. _____ 16th ST. HIGHLANDS. A moderately priced detached home in the heart of many costly and hand some residences —less than 200 feet off 16tb st. Homes are in demand in this delightful section, and this is no' donbtedly a splendid buy at the price asked. A bright, roomy bouse. Six exceptionally large rooms, tile hath; cement porch across the entire house; spacious living room with fireplace; built-in bookcases; inclosed sleeping porch; oak floors, floored attic over en tire house. Slate roof. It is strictly 1 modern and thoroughly up-to-date. Shrubs, etc. Garage to match house. I Terms acceptable. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors. ! Main 9300. 1417 K St. N.W. COLORED HOMES. VACANT. NORTHWEST. 17 Sold—4 Left. Easy Terms. • Good looking brick home, practically new, containing large rooms and modern tile bath. Nice front yard and long back yard to wide al ley. Plenty room for garage. Newly papered and painted and In excellent condition throughout. Convenient to car line. * PRICE, $4,250. J. DALLAS GRADY, 322 Marlyand Bldg. 1410 H St. N.W. Main 727. NR. 14th & PARK RD. N.W? In this convenient and most desirable loca tion we offer a beautiful six-room home. Has hot-water heat, electricity, porches front and rear. This home is in very fine condition. Pric ed at *9,500. Reasonable cash payment, bal ance easy, this will sell quickly. If Interested phone this office at once to inspect. SHAPIRO-KATZ REALTY CO., *1409 Main 91 IE FOR SALE—HOUSES. 1 FOR SALE—HOUSES. YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL! A BARGAIN! Direct From Owner and Builder. 64 of These HOMES Now Under Construction In The Best NORTHWEST RESTRICTED NEIGHBORHOOD. With Many UNUSUAL Features. 1. On a 120-FOOT AVENUE. 2. A Very WIDE LAWN With ATTRACTIVE SHRUB BERY. 3. Large CONCRETE Front Porch ACROSS ENTIRE HOUSE. 4. Fine Reception Hall With ROOMY CLOTHES CLOSET (MIRROR DOOR). 5. SPACIOUS Living and Dining Room, With 6. THREE FULL-SIZED GLASS-PANELED DOORS, Leading to . 7. A Substantially Constructed BREAKFAST PORCH Across the House, 8. Large. FULLY EQUIPPED Kitchen with Built-In PANTRY and ICE BOX. 9. DAYLIGHT CELLAR, Equipped with LAUNDRY TRAYS and SERVANTS’ TOILET. J SECOND FLOOR. 10. Three Well Appointed, CHEERFUL BEDROOMS. 11. Master Bedroom Across ENTIRE I*RONT of House. 12. Extraordinarily LARGE WARDROBE CLOSETS. 13. Tiled Bath with BUILT-IN TUB, SHOWER and FIX TURKS. 14. A Wonderfully Large SLEEPING PORCH. GENERAL FEATURES. 15. Long Yard to a WIDE ALLEY. 16. HARDWOOD FLOORS. 17. EXCEPTIONAL LIGHTING Fixtures. You Must See These HOMES to APPRECIAIE THEIR MOST UNUSUAL VALUE AT $9,500.00. Reasonable Terms. Address Box 209-B, Star Office. ——— 1 " ————— 4 X. L. SANSBURY CO.. INC., 1418 Eve St. N.W. Phone Main 5904-5. PETWORTH—DETACHED. CLEVELAND PARK. PRICE, $8,500. Thin is decidedly a "top- PRICE, $16,750. Detached home in Wash liner" in home offerings on today’s market most desirable near-in snburb ia be lt is on one of the prominent avenues of ID * lon » , Petworth and overlooks Saul’s Addition: bun ing offered at a price that oom'nand galow type, of frame and stneoo construe- intense interest. ArtUtlc in appearance and fion having six rooms and bath, screened distinctive in design, with 8 rooms, 4 bed- 1 rmteh hot water heat electric light, hard- rooms and bath: open fireplace: screened . n . wood’floors, garage Spacious grounds, with breakfast and sleeping porches; instantaneous lovely shade trees and shrubbery. heater; garage on good lot. CHEVY CHASE— JUST OFF CONN. AVE. PRICE. $14,750. It would he hard to find a more complete home in the city at the above figure. It is of brick construction, on a lot 60x115. and contains seven rooms, bath and extra lava tory ; screens, awnings and metal weather stripped; Pittsburg instantaneous beater; double sleeping porch; hot-water beat; elec tric light; hardwood floors. Two-car garage. A slashing reduc tion for a large cash payment will be allowed. MT. PLEASANT. 14th AND DECATUR STS. i PRICK *lo.r>oo. I .oca ted west of 18th »t. PRICK. $13,500. A semi-detached brick and Just off Park id Attractive six room and honse west of 14th at.. in beautiful Saul* bath brick house of the 3-room-deep type, in Addition, having eight rooms and two baths, perfect condition in every respect. Glassed- hot-water beat, electric light, oak floor* . iin sleeping porch; newly papered and painted; plenty of garage space as the lot is deep, | I plenty of room for a garage. Easy terms. and there is a paved alley. X. L. SAXSBURY CO., INC. "Everything in Real Estate." 1418 Eve St. X.W. Phone Main 5904-5. MEMBERS WASHINGTON' REAL ESTATE BOARD. \ FEW HOMES THAI YOU SHOULD SEE BEFORE BUYING ANYTHING ELSE IN WASHINGTON. BEAUTIFUL NEW DETACHED BRICK HOME. CORNER ON CONNECTICUT AVENUE. » woDderftillv constructed, new, detached brick home on a very attractive corner lot facing on Connecticut avenue. ,n the most desirable and convenient residential sec lion of Chew Chase, D. C. There are eight large rooms snd two complete baths, also r™t Sleeping and breakfast porches; ha- all modern improvements of course; many modern * ideas in design snd The lot. while not yet fully developed, esn mv rtadilv be made into one of the prettiest corners in the city: has a bnck garage This home is now ready for an inspection, which will be gladly arranged. Priced remark ably reasonable for this class of home. AN EXCELLENT DETACHED HOME IX TAKOMA PARK, D. C.~510,250. A modern detached stucco home, recently renovated throughoot and in A-t eondi tion Kieht large rooms and bath, sleeping porch, also servant’s room in basement. On . tor 40 hv 95 feet, with a 2-oar garage; modern, hardwood floors and trim, hot-water heat electricity and gas. Is ideally located in Takoma Park. D. C.. conyement to all desires. We consider this a most excellent buy. MODERN NEW HOME. BEST SECTION OF NORTHEAST—S7,6SO. There are six good-sized rooms and tile liath. front and double rear porches: has hot-water heat electric lights, hardwood floors and garage on large lot: located in one of the most convenient sections of the northeast; terms are SI,OOO cash and $69 a month, including all interest. SIX-ROOM BRICK HOME. NEWTON ST. OFF 14th—59,500. Owner lias bought a larger home and has priced this home right for an immediate tale Six good vised rooms and tile bath, front and rear porches, excellent furnace heat ins plant electricity and gas. This is a well constructed, 20-foot front home, on good lot to an’ alley, with a garage. Is clear and terms can be arranged. DETACHED FIVE-BEDROOM HOME IN CHEVY CHASE, D. C—slo,soo. On a good lot, 40 bv 90 feet, with a garage; located in a desirable section of Chevy Ghase D C . near the car line. There are eight rooms (3 bed rooms 1 and hath, front notch ’hot-water heat, electricity and gas. slate roof, all in good condition. Priced at a remarkably low figure, and terms can be arranged. An appointment necessary to lnT gddjtional information. c«” " SHANNON & LUCHS, INC., 713 14th Street N.W. Main 2345. BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors. S7,BSO—NORTHEAST— Easy Terms. A splendid two storv. colonial-type brick dwelling, well situated in the north east convenient to schools, oar line. etc. Strictly white neighborhood. Six excellent rooms: modem buth with shower: parquet floors: pantry; bright, roomy kitchen’ rear porch: hot-water heat; electric lights. There are a number of added attractions and the house is In perfect condition. Splendid lot with large garage. Substantial reduction will be made on cash basia. Investigate it yon are looking for a bargain. $8,775 —CHEVY CHASE—Corner Property. This house absolutely must be sold and reasonable offers are solicited. It is a real California bungalow, in perfect repair, and situated on a wonderful lot. 60x180. Large porch across entire front; attractive living room with fireplace; dining room; pantry: kitchen: two splendid bedrooms; tile bath; attic over entire house, having sufficient space for additional rooms; bardwood floors; electric lights. Terms acceptable. Sg9SO—MT. PLEASANT —Just off 16th and Park Rd. An opportunity not to be overlooked. Terms. SI,OOO rash and $75 per month. This house is onlv a few feet off 16th st., one block from Sacred Heart Church and Just n block from 14th and Park rd. Two-story brick; six exceptionally large rooms: tile bath; electric lights, etc.; newly papered and painted. Prompt possession can be arranged. * $9,750 DETACHED —Petworth. A low price for a detached home situated in one of the most attractive squares in this popular section of new and up-to-date homes. A well appearing house, with large front porch; six bright rooms; tile bath: extra large living room with open fireplace; oak floors and oak trim; large closets throughout; semens; laundry: hot-water heat; electric lights. Lot 40x130 to 15-ft. alley. Several large shade trees, flowers, etc. Paved street. Terms and possession. , SIO,OOO—DOWNTOWN —Near Dupont Circle. Y A modem colonial-type house offered at a very saleable price. Tapestry brick i front porch: six full-sized rooms; tile bath; two rear porches (screens and awn ings for sleeping porch); oak floors throughout entire bouse; large, bright kitchen; laundry; extra toilet; hot-water heat; electric lights. Room for garage. It is a rare occasion to have a small, modern bouse so desirably and coaven iently situated to the downtown section, and thia property will warrant your ’ Inspection. $10,975 —14th ST. HEIGHTS—Four Bedrooms. A new bouse, representing the utmost In valne. It is situated between 14th and JBth sts. and not far out ITihed $1,600 under similar houses by compari son. Seven excellent rooms (four bedrooms); tile bath; breakfast room; oak floors: living room with fireplace: a number of individual features; hot-water heal; electric lights. Excellent lot to wide alley. Easy terms. Evening’ Phone Service Until 9 P.M. ft I L i BOSS & PHBLPS,. The Home of Homes, Main 9300. 1417 K St. N.W. S MiiIBKDS Os WASHINGTON BEAR ESTATE BOAMU ' i FOR SALE—HOUSES | FOR SALE—HOUSES SELECT HOMES FOR COLORED PURCHASERS. 1828 TEA STREET N.W. Seven room and bath fipestry brick home, containing all modern improvements, unusually large living room with maasive fireplace, large ballroom in basement; tins 1 home is especially well suited for social entertaining and represents one of the be?»t buys in this high-class location at the price at which it can be purchased. 3030 SHERMAN AVENUE N.W. ■ New tapestry brick home, containing 6 rooms and tiled bath, hardwood finished floors, electric lights, hot water heat, front and double rear porches, garage, etc.; ia excellent condition; will be aold at a sacrifice for quick sale. EIGHTH STREET N.W. NEAR M. $9,000. Substantial home of 11 rooms and bath. 2-car garage, in excellent condition. This home woula (bake an excellent rooming house or can be converted into three apan menta. Reasonable terms can be arranged. BLOOMINGDALE. » $7,250. Nice borne of 6 large rooms and tiled bath, in good condition; garage for one car. Convenient terms can be made. WARDMAN, Main 3830. 1430 K Street N.W. Exclusive Agent. W STREET OFF NORTH CAPITOL— Here ih a home (hat will appeal to any one who \rinheg to locate in the best auction of ' Bloomingdalc. Semi-detached brick residence, with all modern improvements Hardwood j trim throughout. Four splendid bedrooms and a sleeping porch Kscelleot condition Room far a double garage. At a price that will insure an immediate sale. NORTH CLEVELAND PARK— Large semi-detached brick residence, only one half Mock from car line: splendid living rrmm with a raised brick fireplace, nicely arranger) kitchen Ivith large pantry and built in ice cheat, one piece porcelain sink. etc. Three liedrooma with loomy closets, two tile baths and a glass and plastered sleeping porch. Attic over entire house. Oak floors, elec fricity, h -w.h . Tiltsburg instantaneous heater. Pine yard with a paved alley in rear. Triced at least $3,000 under market value at only $13,950, MT. PLEASANT— Semi-detached brick, situated on one of the prettiest streets in this section, only one short block from the car line. Nine large rooms and two tile baths (one wuh shower I; also sleeping porch. All outside rooms. Colonial front porch. Screens and awnings. Open fireplace on first*and second floors. Newly pattered and painted. Oak floors, h. w.h., elec, lights, especially attractive fixtures. Triced to assure an immediate sale. PETWORTH— I/arge L’O-foot house on a lot 100 feet deep. Six rooms and front and rear porrhes. An unusually attractive feature of this home is that it has - complete tiled baths, one with shower: also a built-in garage with a glass tiled roof Oak floor*, h. w.h. and elec, lights Entirely different from the usual row house. It is a real buy at only ARGYLE PARK— Beautiful brick neml-bungalow on a wide lot very near to 16th st. This home was built by owner and unusual circumstances compel him to sell at once. Seven rooms (4 lx*d rooms) and 3 baths (one on first floor). U.-w.h. and elec, lights Oak floors throughout. Also a one-car garage. An unusual opportunity to get a wonderful value at 113,000. NORTHWEST—S97SO. Near the 14th st. car line and convenient to stores, market snd schools. Splendid six-room home, less than two years old, with a concrete front porch and double rear porches, glass inclosed. Hardwood floors, b.-w.h. and elec, lights. Doable bnek garage An inclosed playground in tbe rear of this home offers an unusual advantage for children. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS. 15th & K Sts. N.W. Phone Main 4600. MEMBER OE WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARD. LOOK! Coiy 4-room bungalow. h.-w.h.. ga* *nd electricity ; near Soldier*’ Home. Price, $4,600; eai»y terms*. Real—MANX —Estate 1114 X. T. Are. N.W M FOR COLORKD. NEAR 6th & P N.W. In thi» convenient location we offer a six- j room house, two (2) baths, good heating plant very good condition throughout. Second floor ' now rented for S4O a month. Owner, anxious to sell, has priced this at $7,500. Cash payment. $1,000: balance easy. Phone us at j once to inspect this bargain. ♦ SHAPIRO-KATZ REALTY CO.. 1409 L N.W. Main 9111. Special—Colored. Several houses vacant. Price low »nd terms Ul7. Different location. Owner, P. D. Holmes, 819 15th St. N.W., Room 23. Main 3677. Convenient to 14th St. Car Line And not very far from Park Brt. $8,35,0, ON REASONABLE TERMS. A tapestry brick of colonial type. In addi tion to six well planned rooms and bath, it is further improved by screened sleeping and breakfast porches and built in garage. The property is modern throughout, in excellent condition and you may consider it a privilege to purchase this house at the price it is offered to you. 387-6 Call this office any evening as late as 9 o'clock for information. McKEEVER & GOSS, Realtors. 1415 K St. N.W. Main 4732. IDEAL HOME. Ontario rd.. north of Columbia rd.—9 rooms. 2 baths; hot water heat; elec.; double brick garage; possession; only $14,750.00; terms, lor further particulars and inspection, see Mr. I’rclolo. with N. E. RVON CO., INC.. M«in 4397 1423 F St. Columbia Road —$12,750. We have just had a material reduction in price on this prop erty which makes it stand ont head and shoulders above anything else on the Heights. It is a three story brick residence 20 feet wide, located less than one-half a square from 14th street. It con tains 8 large rooms, reception hall, 2 modem baths, electric lights, ta.-w.b.. large double rear porches and a deep rear yard Immediate possession and easy terms can be arranged. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., Realtors 1334 H St. N.W. Franklin 9508. “ ONLY $7,650. ~ This Value Will Surprise You.; EXHIBIT HOUSE. 1272 NEAL. ST. N.E. (Between Montello »nd Trini<l«d Ave,.) 6 rooms, bath, vapor heat, beautiful fix turea. oak floors, 3 porches, large yard, small cash payment; easy terms. A remarkable bargain and bound to sell quickly. ANY BROKER OR Thrift Building Co., > Owner. Phone Main 768. Two-Family Apartment —$9,500. A substantially constructed two story brick residence that has been eon verted for two-family use. It is located in a desirable neighbor hood one square from 14th, Just north of Park Road. There are four rooms and complete bath on each floor with elec, lights and h.-w.h. It* is at present rented for $lO6 per month, but possession of either apartment can be ob tained. An excellent home and in vestment combined. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Ine., Realtor, 1334 H St. N.W. Franklin 9308. ‘ A “SOLD” SIGN Will Appear on This Property j Very Soon, Located In the most desirable aection of the city—l6th Street Heights—this attractlTe cor ner Is really an architectural gem. It is com plete, even to garage and shrubbery: lot 95x106; bedrooms (or library) and bath on first floor; extra dressing room with 2 upper bedrooms. Call Mrs. Stambangh and make an apjmint ment to inspect. (Night phone. Adams ,3j.) THOS. E. JARRELL, 721 10th St. N.W. Main 766. THRE£ REAL BARGAINS. SB,OOO. Near Pension Office, 3-story brick; hot-water heat: 0 largo rooms and bath; newly deco rated; payments less than rent; possession. $9,000. Petworth. near school, stores and car line: tapestry brick house. 1 year old: « rooms and bath; strictly modern; 3 porches: brick ga rage; and extra kitchen on 2nd floor; house vacant. Terms. $9,500. Saul's Addition—One block from 14th st„ close to school and stores; tapestry brick semi detached house; large lot; 6 rooms and bath; 3 porches: heated garage: parquet floors. Im mediate possession. Terms. KRAFT, 1405 Eye St. Mam 803. $9,5007" Takoma Park Bungalow. Unusually attractive home on lot 50x183; architectural lines are especially pleasing with wonderful environment of forest trees; garage harmonising with house; a.m.i., including hot water heat and electricity. I>*t us show you a photograph of thia property and then a personal inspection Wtth us. WM, H. SAUNDERS CO., Inc., lU3 X. St- XW, PUtna> Main 10U4. REAL ESTATE. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. | B. H. GKLJVER HOMES. 1207 11-Ki TRINIDAD AVE. N.E. (Betw. Morse A Neal. I.lth A Uih Sts, N.E.i I EXHIBIT HOUSE, 1207 TRINIDAD AVE. 6 rooms, tiled bath, screened breakfast and sleeping porches, hardwood floors and trim, built-in refrig.; built-in garage. Tam- price. Easy terms. Tor sale by any broker or 11. U. i CiKUVER, Owner and Builder. Main 8072. Sample house open until 0 p.m. daily. :;o* ' Off N. Capitol St. —50.500. A practically new home located on a pavrnl street a few square?* #*a«t of North Capitol street in a section of new properties. It is an uncovered porch type, having six nicely arranged rooms, modern hath. elec, lights, excellent hot air heating plant and is in splen did condition. Can be sold on very easy terms. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., j Realtors 1334 H St. N.W. 1 ranklin 9503. I YOU WILL AGREE \ After inspection that our new 6-r.. strictly 1 modern home on Westovcr at.. just off Wilson i blvd.. combines more ideal features for the ; price than any house on the market. It was ' designed and built to meet every requirement j of the most discriminating home seefeor. I-*rge lot: big oak trees. Call M. 9691 or N. j. 7980 after 6 p.m. or Sunday. j COLORED. I have several desirable homes located in the best sections of the city, having 5 to 8 rooms. Prices, $4,250 to $7,950. Terms very easy. ' B. B. FINN, Col. 5817. 712 Kenyon St. N.W. j "WEST OK 16th ST.. ONIsT I Suitable tor Colored Proses- i sional Man. • Handsome 3-story brick house 10 rooms I and - Imths. besides 3 rooms in basement: ; hot-water beat and electricity: J-car garage; j ready for immediate occupancy. Price and i terms and inspection call on I WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. Inc.. ! 1433 K St. NW. Realtors. Main 1016-7. $6,975. NEW HOUSE. Complete in every detail.* Colonial type, Six rooms. Tiled hath. Oak floors. Front porch. Five large cloeeU. Oetroit “Jewel’* range. Screens for front, laundry tubs. Has water heater. Hot-water heat, Electric lights. BUILT-IN FIREPROOF GARAGE. Easiest kind of terms. Pared street, alley i and sidewalk to be included in price. ) BOSS & PHELPS, Realtors. 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. 1400 BLOCK SHEPHERD ST. One of best buys in city; contains 7 rooms, hardwood floors, h.-w.h., elec., colonial front and double rear porches: many built-in extras; floor plug* and switches to all lights: large yard to wide paved alley. Owner needs cash and will sell low. AUSTIN M. COOPER. M 1.132. 820 lull St. PRICE. $3,950. S3OO Cash—s4o Per Month, i (including all interest.) Attract ire Homes Good Residential Section Southeast 19 Sold. J 19 Sold. EXHIBIT HOUSE 916 sth ST. S.E. 1 Open Hally and Sunday % From 10 AM. to 9 P.M. | REPRESENTATIVE ON PREMISES A Terr good looking eolonial porch brick home, in perfect condition throughout. Con tains six large rooms. There is a nicely fenced in front yard and long back yard to alley. Boom for garage. J. DALLAS GRADY, 322 Maryland Building Main 727. 1410 U St. N.W. COLORED. FOR TEN DAYS you may buy any unsold lots in our FOUR subdivisions for *4 less regular prices, easy payments, one car fare. Only S6O and up. Homes built to your plana. Come after noons and Sundays. K. P. Weeks, owner. Office, 61st and Dix sf». n.e.. H »t. “District line’’-' cars. Phone 4587. Near Central High School. A beautiful 3-story eolonial brick home overlooking Ventral High School and only one-half square from the 14th street shop ping district that ran he pur chased on terms as low as SI,OOO cash. This house is 21 feet wide, having nine rooms of unusual sire—3 baths. 3 rear port-lies, hot staler heal, elec, lights, hardwood floors, Pittsburg instantaneous heater at. I other conveniences. Third floor row equipped with sink and gas range and well rented. A wonderful income producer. Price only 914,000. Evening phone service until 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., RtAilor*. •Adi u fit* h.YU mam rot FOR SALE—HOUSES. COLORED BARGAINS. Many w*l"«-t bonu'K. all tactions. 5 to 10 ™*'' pric-.,J Ik-low rnst, on Invilins term-. uTTI* * bargain in modern 6 large rooms and i»a»h. t a pestry brick, built three years; front j and double rear pore he,; lof I,V) deep to 2tt fi ' I'l rSli Columbia Heights; below j SB,OOO. on **a»y term?*: possession X. E. RVOX CO., INC.. Slam 4537. 1 423 V Sr SELECT HOMES. Washington Heights. best value anti terms ever offered; Chevy Chase. Md.. less than eost, new and modern, terms or trade for Georgetown property. .Several six room houses in Columbia Heighla. i’elworlh. I’srk \ iew. on eash payment $7.70 upward- Before buying, let our representatives abe-w you some real barga'ns. X. E. R VOX CO., INC, Main 4.797. 1423 p pt SALE OR RENT—HOUSES H*)7 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W.— A.MI.; DOTT blc screened porches; room for garage. OWN ER. Hamilton t»t. n.vr. Tel. Col. 8902 W LINCOLN PARK H ROOM AND BATH brick: elec.; large garage; price greatly re duced; i-a\v terms, or rent. $67.."*0. Maryland Park, Md. One fare; near ter minal of District line i-im; half an acre «-or ncr lot; attractive 8 room bouse: possession. . will sacrifice on term*. or rent, $47.-30. i X. K. KVOX CO.. IXC.. I Main 1307. 112:1 P Sr WANTED TO BUY—HOUSES. MAJOR I N ARM Y \\Tm lI» MB E TO BI f small in northwest section. Do not answer unless you are owner with reasonable price. Address Box I I*. star office. ALL CASH FOR SHALL HOLSEIToR TWO family flats for investment; deposit at once if good buy. ANTON KOEKBER, 1416 Y *t. n.w. M • A MODERN HOME KRO.M OWNER, IX I'KTI worth or n.w.. immediately; price less than s*.<***: easy terms. Address Box .*544 Ij. Btir offlet*. • »r OR 8 ROOM 11; •IS E. AN Y SECTION large cash payment; would consider old house Lincoln H4OH J. OK lAt HEli Home or s k«ml\i>. Tn * j white section: price a lion t $9,000: ran pay SI.tMM) eash or more. Address Box 341) !•, Star office. SIX-ROOM HOI .SE. IN THE N.fc OK with room for garage; not over ST.OUO; ■ *!, pay SI,OOO cash. Address Box 330-L. Star office. PA RTY Mu v l -Mr To WASHING It*N. Pr sires to buy'6 room modern home; make rock liortom price first letter. Address Box 320-L Star office. • ARM V OiTHER I»KM l:i> Dttl’A* H t.i i home in n.w. by October 17*: not over s2o/*»" Address Box 213-L. Star office, • RETIRED NAVAL OFFICER, DESIRIN'G~TO make his borne in \\ asbmgiun. will purcha.- modern hom«> requiring not more than s3.o**» j cash payment: must have 4 master lied rooms and 2 Itoths: send full description and price to Box O f). Star office. WANTED AT (i.M.'R FOR A CLIENT, A house with S or D rooms and hath, in North west section. Will pay SSOU cr SI,OOO cash, balance substantial monthlv payments. L. KJNG. .313 John Marshall PI. I Franklin P7". 30* WILL MAY $ ioU (AMI AND S6O V hit month fsr good six-room house in tvb e neighborhood. Address Box 2.V.-L. Star offi« # wI: ' AN* S el! . Vo LR litiL'SE. LINO WIT/. REALTY CO.. INC., 730 11th st. n.w. Ma n 17R1 _ WILL PAY ALL CASH FOR HOFSBB FOR colored. Will consider any section of ciM. 1.343 H n.w.. Room 4• • L■”*. Main T-mII. 6 To s Room Hos sE IN N.W. OR N.E. SEC ( tion; have a good cash payment and can nrko j substantial monthly payments. Must have . ; possession within 60 days. Mam 1*730. Room ! *b.~*-7. Continental Trust R!dg. j BUYERS AND SELTeRST i Are quickly and satisfactorily brought together I through our office. That* results. 18 years experience. We now want apartments, flats. , business and investment property, city and ! suburban homes; colored houses on easy pay ment plan. If you have such property for 1 sale, kiudlv list at once. X. E. RYOX CO.. IXC. 1 Mam 4397. 1423 V SI. i LET ME HAVE YOLB PROPERTY FOR ■ skle; no charge unless a sale is made: honest ] service given. Properties ranging from $3,000 to $20,000 desired. Drop postal and some one from office will call. W.M. T. BALLARD, | 1221 Eye St. N W. WE ARE LISTING HOUSES IN ALL SEE nuns of th» rity. If you aro thinking of pla ing your property on tijv market, wo woabl appreciate your giving u*s ar opportunity of proenriog you a purchaser 1 brokerage. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS. 314 Pennsylvania Avenue S.E Member Washington Real Estate Board. Established 1884. SHORE PROPERTY 21 ACHES RIGHT ON WATER FRONT: 12- room furnish*-*! house; artesian well; outbuild ing**: 4-room tenant house; farming tools in «*lud»*d. Will trad*- for • .»y or suburban prop erfy. Price. $7,000. THE J. W. HOLLOWAY CO.. 1110 V si. n.w. SOFT 11 RIVER MANOR \V AI K K FRO N T lots «.n beautiful South River: auto dint good roads: all s.-lt-water sports; s2<N> to SSO" ! near Annaj>. G. W. COX. R. 3. Anuapoli*. Mil. ! SEVERN RIV ER HALF At RE l/'T. RIGHT on river front: hn4* loanon: only SI,OOO to Quick buyer Address Box JT'.* / Star ofllce.9* OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. HAVE A SPI.EN did 5 room and bath bungalow on Elliot ave . a.m.i.: pri<*e, $5,650; will trad** for hon«e in \Va>h. or nearby suburbs. THE .1. W. HOI. LOWAY ' <• . Ill" F o AUCTION SALES THIS AFTERNOON. THUS. HOWLING & CO.. AUCTIONEER.* By Tirtim of certain chattel trusts re .•ordetl in ike oflW of the recorder of deeds of i the District of Columbia, and at the reqoe*.r of the party secured thereby, the undersigned i trustees will offer fur sale by public auction on the premises indicated below, at ONE t O’CLOCK I’.M. AND IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER ON THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1924. certain items <.f ; Furniture, Plate, Plated Articles, Linen. Ola**- , China. Articles of Use and Ornament. Auto ; mobiles. Typewriters: 1128 26th si. n.w.. 726 11th st. ne.. 742 Fairmont st. n.w.. 1215 Car Irollburg place s.w.. 2219 13th st. n.w.. 227 1 Oakdale st. n.w., 231 S st. nw., 329 D st. s.w., 2425 F st. n.w , 422 Florida ave. D-w I 1524 C st. s.e., ]SI« N. .1 ave. n.w., 146 N ; st. s.e.. 32K K si. s.w Terms of sale: Cash. To be removed by ! purchaser. BEN L FI LLER. Trustee j ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEEM. ’ TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. EXECUTOR’S SAI F OF TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING. KNOWN AS NO. 1214 MONTELLO ST. (12th ST. i N.E. To dose an estate, the undersigned executor, under the will of Mary E. Lenman. deceased, will sell at publh- auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE 29fh DAY OF J SEPTEMBER. 1924. at 4 30 O'CLOCK PM. the following described land and premises, known as 1214 Moutello st. (12th st.) n.e . containing six rooms and bath, cellar, furnace i heaf and gas. j Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase [ money to be paid in cash, balance in two j equal installments. payable in one and tw» J years, with interest at 6 per rent per annum I payable semi annually from date of sale, se cured by deed of (rust upon the property sold, or all rash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $2(V> will be required at the time of • sab*. All conveyancing, revenue stamps, re cording and notarial fees at cost off pun baser. Terms of sab* to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale; otherwise the executor reverses the right to resell the prop erty at the risk and loss of the defaulting pur j chaser, after five days* advertisement of such • resale in some newspaper published in the • city of Washington. D. C. ERNEST H. DANIEL. Executor under the will of Mary E. Lenman, deceased, 1337 D Street Southeast. WALTER C. BALDKRRTON. Attorney f:»r Executor, Evans Building. •elo.d&us.eyFn THUS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. Trustee’s Sale of Valuable Two- Story Brick Garage Property, 29x90, in Alley Bounded by 15th, 16th, L and M Streets Northwest and Immediately in Rear of 1116 15th Street Northwest. By virtue «f a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia passed in Equity Cause No. 40675. I will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OK SEPTKMBEB 1924. AT KIVE O’CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and being iot 834 in square 197. more particularly deicribed aa part of original lot 31 in square 197. begin ning at the northwest corner of said lot. thence south along the rear line of said lot 29 feet, thence east 90 feet, thence north 29 feet, thence west along the north line of said lot 90 feet to the beginning, with the 1m provementß thereon. Terras of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balance in two equal installments, payable 5n one and two years from the day of sale. and to he represented by the promissory notes of th»» purchaser, hearing interest at (he rale of sit per centum per annum, payable semi annual ly and secured by dc.-d of trust on the prop erty sold, or nil cash, at the option of the purchaser. S2OO deposit required upon if ceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary fees and recording at pnrchsser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trus tee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days’ advertisement of such re sale in some newspaper published in Wash log ton, D. C. HKNBT I, QT IN-N. TnuUe. Blfrd&di,eiSu Colorado Bid*.