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COOUDGE GETS UNIVERSITY MEN Message to 700,000 in U. S. Expressed in Letter to 6. W. U. President. ■President Calvin Coolidge extended a Kreoting: to "00.000 university stu dents in this country through George Washington University today. The President sent a letter to Dr. Lewis toda.' at the assembly in Cor coran Hali, the new 5280.000 structure opened up for students of the De partment of Arts and Sciences. Text of President’* Letter. President Coolidge wrote; “My Dear Dr. Lewis; “What you have said to me about the splendid prospect with which you are opening the scholastic year of George Washington University is highly gratifying, because I feel a deep interest in behalf of this fine, old institution of the National Capital. Be yond that. I know it reflects very largely the conditions which obtain In the other colleges and universities of the country. All these things are indicative of a gratifying extension of interest in advanced education, and of increased opportunity at the com mand of young men and women, am bitious for the fullest educational equipment. I read somewhere a daj or two ago that something like 700.- 000 young men and women would he enrolled in the higher institutions of the country this year. It justifies a feeling of profound satisfaction, and 1 wish to express my congratulations to the educational establishments of the Nation in this connection. "Very sincerely yours, (Signed) “CALVIN COOLIDGE." Dean Welcomes Students. At the opening exercises today Doan Howard Lincoln Hodgkins ot the university spoke in greeting the students. Dr. Hodgkins has been connected witii George Washington about 40 years. Memorial exercises were held for the late Maj. Hubert Whitney Imbrle. a graduate of the law school ot the university, whose body arrived from Persia today. Fred East, baritone, and \\ U. Ttaymond. tenor, rendered vocal se lections. VETERAN SELF-SLAYER. Frederick Rogge. 58-year-old in mate of the Soldiers' Home, died early today while being rustled to the city from Vienna, la., in an am bulance after cutting his throat with a razor at the home of Arthur 1.. Leavers of Vienna, with whom he was spending a 90-day furlough. Rogge, who was totally blind, was a veteran of the Philippine insurrec tion campaign. His home was in Hawthorne. X. J. Relatives there have been notified of his death. A coroner’s inquest will determine whether Rogge killed himself acci dentally or intentionally. Like Two Suits / \ p VER consider the economy of such / » j clothes—the true worth of hav /' r V ing an extra pair of Trousers? Costs i \ \ arc cut almost in two —and your sat / \ \ \ —-tni isfaction is immensely increased. ifcl FOR COLLEGIATES fpi| for young men MrjHH $ 9Q' 75 1 see m mm { M. 29 to 55 m M Fau g \ 2-trousers Suit—the good kiMol pjjjlf i Tt. % old D. J. K. quality at the ifcftplP OMI9 * Ihe | good old D. J. K. prices. A fmi mM f Extra Pair I llbe y al allowance if you I OM4 I n LF I dont “ re for ,lle extra | Doubles I trousers. »||li - iliwi 4 . / Igili. |B|||l V the Wear / „ ■ . T 1 t ss*7* g||||||il %> Knitted J°6coat> $24.75 Moneys Worth or Money Back 1005 nil/ r 1724 Pa. Ave. U» J# JVaUtman Pa. Ave. Inc. v 'club CORNER STONE LAID AT ASHTON HEIGHTS, VA. Slate Senator Ball Lauds Co-Opera j live Spirit of Women in Ad dress at Ceremony. Special Dispatch to Tlie Star. ASHTON HEIGHTS, Vn , September 29.—Commending the members of the Woman’s Club of Ashton Heights for “their wonderful co-operative spirit and devotion to their community," Frank L. Hall. State senator, speak ing at the exercises incident to the laying of the corner stone of the community clubhouse being erected by the club on Clarendon avenue near Cathcart road, yesterday afternoon stated that stfch a spirit would make the establishment of the building but the forerunner of greater achievements. Mrs. D. A. Millrick, president of the club, explained the objects and hopes of the club, which was organized two months ago. Ashton C. Jones donated the site. Mrs. Frank Kelly, chairman of the building committee, laid the corner stone, in which was placed a copy of the club’s constitution, an American flag, a Richmond rose, the club's . flower, and a page from The Sunday Star, containing an advance notice of the ceremony. The exercises opened with invoca tion by Rev. Perry Mitchell, pastor of the Clarendon Baptist Church, fol lowed by the singing of "America" by the entire assembly, accompanied on the comet by Harry Maycock. who 1 was also the accompanist during the singing of "The Star Spangled Ban ner.’’ rendered during the laying of j the stone. One of the most impres- i . sive features of the ceremonies eame 1 I when the members of the elub eir- ! vied the interior t>f the foundation. : held hands and sang "Blest Be the I Tie That Binds.” The exercises were concluded by benediction pronounced by Rev. Perry Mitchell. Investment trust principles were | known in Belgium and Switzerland i before England and Scotland look up j the idea. Mortgage Loans Made and Sold J. LEO KOLB Alain 5027 923 N.Y. Are. 1237 Wisconsin Are DOCTORS Ofllrr ami Apartment for Rent Eye St. Near Sixteenth WM. R. ELLIS ir>:t» Eye Street INDIGESTION ' . I Money back without question if DR. 1 HARRIS’ PRESCRIPTION (ails to relieve Indigestion. Cas. Sour Stomach or Constipation. Try this wonderful remedy at our risk. Sold in W ashington bv Peoples Drug Stores THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2D. 1924. ZR-3 GERMAN CREW TO REMAIN IN U. S. Posts Found Here by All Ex cept Captain, Who Will I Return Home. By the Associated Press. F REDRICHSHA PEN, September 29. —Most of the crew of 26 officers and men of the ZR-3, after arriving at Lakthurst. N. J , will remain in the United States. Positions already have been obtained for them in connection with the building of dirigibles for commercial purposes. Dr. Hugo Eckener, president of the Zeppi lin Airship Company and com mander of the ZR-3 on the transat lantic trip, however, plans to return to Germany after a stay of two or three months in America. Dr. Eck ener has arranged to visit New York, where he will spend a month or so, and from there goes to Chicago. St. l.iouis, Milwaukee, Detroit and other cities, where he will inspect various plants of particular interest to him. Oapt. Ernest A. Lehmann, executive j officer of the ZR-3 on the flight, who 1 was in America last Spring, will join | the forces of the Goodyear-Zeppelin j Company. Hr. Eckener and his crew will have | charge of the ZR-3 after arrival at I ! Lakehurst until the big ship has | | passed further inspections by Amer- i I ican naval officers. When the dir- I igihle has been accepted by me 1 United States Navy Capt. George \v. j Steele, who was assigned to make the I DR. H. L. KEMP of the Ground Gripper Institute of Boston, Mass. Will he at the Ground Gripper Shoe Shoppe Each Day Sept. 29, 30; Oct. Ist and 2nd W hen Ik- will give Free advice to any one suffering with ' loot troubles. {■ You will be advised as to your condition and the proper j method to relieve same. Do not fail to take advantage of this great opportunity, I it is a special service we extend to you without any obli gation upon vour part. Remember the dates and if con venient phone for appointments so you will not have to wait. Stach’s Ground Gripper Shoe Shoppe 1315 E Street N.W. National Theater Bldg. Phone M. 6882 transatlantic flight as an observer. I wi'l take command. Lieut. Comdr. S. M. Kraus. United States Navy, who is* to be engineer officer of the ZK-3, 1 and Maj. F. M. Kennedy, United ; States Army, also were designated to make the voyage to as observers. These three Americans will be the only persons on board outside the members of the crew. The full list of the German crew which will take the ZR-3 across the Atlantic follow: Dr. Hufjo Eckener. commanding of -1 L_ | “BLESSED WITH PERFECT HEALTH BY INTERNAL BATHING” Miss Emma K. de Merritt of 515 19th St., Sacramento, Cal., writes to the Tyrrell Hygienic Institution of | New York; "Since using the ’J. B. L. Cas | cade.’ 1 can do things 1 would not have attempted before. 1 do mlt get tired or worn out and that awful heavy feeling lias entirely disappeared from my bead.” The "J. B. I* Cascade” cleanses the lower intestine its entire lengtli and keeps it always free of poisonous waste. Thousands testify that Constipation, indigest ion. Stomaeh Trouhlea. Bilious ness. Headaches and all the many serious I troubles which they cause are absolutely 1 reliered and prevented by this .Nature Treatment. We will gladly explain to you the simple operation of the B. 1,. Cascade.” I why it is so certain In its results, and * will give you free of cost, an interesting i little hoot inniaining the resnlts of the 1 i ex)»er eices of Pr. *'has. A. Tyrrell of | i New York, who was a specialist on In I lestinai Complaints for 2r> years in that ' city. Get a free booklet at . Peoples Drug Stores , O’Donnell’s Drug Stores j j —Advertisement. I floor; Capt. Ernest A. Ixihmann, execu tive and watch officer; Hans C. Klem- I mlng. navigating and watch officer; Wil i helm C. Siegle, chief engineer; Franz A. Wlttemann. chief quartermaster; Hans von Schiller and Walter Hchcrz, assist ant quartermasters. 5 A SHADE BETTER V J 1 1 Made to Measure i i*li Y | «W lltfh S«. S.W. | * | I’hnnr >laln 4574 | I X w. STOKES SAMMONS, Proprietor. f i ®MM M MWja&M HHH MMMM MM HH , WE ARE DETERMINED TO BRING HUNDREDS OF NEW CUSTOMERS TO OUR STORE DURING THIS WEEK BY OFFERING THE FINEST VALUES IN OUR HISTORY @Our budget plan for those who desire to furnish their homp out °f Income rather than Capital, will interest you. J !j6pt. Easy, Dignified Credit I Furniture] A credit service that enables you to purchase what you need without any financial in- Cl i :onvcnicnce. You arrange terms entirely within your means. Our credit service has bridged Ip £ :he gap for thousands of householders in this city! You can furnish your entire home on T«b»e with s»nuiD«TdMe and $Q sl£ Only teat tier wits. Chairs K tvT k. 3 R 7P I NJLJj 1 ** " n ' barge. t- . Davenport Tied \3edttopm I I -lear guaranteed— ~ . Small Cash Payment - I able mirror, mahog Table and —. or two-tone Only tioisb fable. Mirror Save SBO on This Save S6O on This Small Cash Payment BMSlBk.*! 3-Pc. Kroehler Velour 3-Pc. Kroehler -.aifilllllk Davenport Suite Davenport Suite Iv ES r ' | ‘‘terns?! This Smto r-onewt- 1 of largo Bed liatm t beantifnl. well constrnelert V,,«ir (SffPtl' £, ( port, opens to full rizo b».l: largo (lull Smte. With long lied. Large Davenport T*— B| ijjj jr r f r i fI f I | ■ nru* riualiry «ut velour. lias loose spring » uajp and Wing-La*Chair. This Suite hav jj if n| Uh ». Jin i • u-hions. spring etlge and spring sear bo l loo<e spring cushions. spring edge an.l iNIjHpM j * ■ tom-. Chairs are upholstered all oif>r spring seat bottom-. Chair- are upholstered 5JiTt&-5 t/ 5 »Er Was $277. s-|Q 7 Was $339. M 7 Q Simmons Steel Bed * ow __l Now . . . f * Complete Outfits ALL KROEHLER DAVENPORT SUITES REDUCED W V J in or»- Jmdf Jpmd ■ ——' ! Bed and cSo Complete | ALL BEDROOM SUITES REDUCED "NcSCO Oil Range Save s7l on This Save $49 on This tS £2* ; n b LLstl 4-Pc. French Walnut 4-Pc. American Walnut vj . c n p or"%rr R *on' b .™ sI y Veneer Bedroom Suites Veneer Bedroom Suite XMTgf .r s™ raw wonderful ! ' ,ov ‘'- This exquisitely (-harming Beii- Consisting: of Full Size Vanitv Ct r» ,r,> * A * m ‘ n ‘ Cfh 4 Tahle homrs” "nw iw .. . ■ ' Suite consists of Bow-end with large center mirror and 2 Side st, ’ r ” * nd V "’ l * 3>^4 It, them. High ha.-ks t * w " el Bed. Full Vanity. Chiffon.he and Mirrors. Dresser. Man's Chifforohe , vets, in htin. MVle e\tra Style Dresser. Attractively designed. or Chifforette and Bow-end Bed vxl_ tiTP orw ~a t 9\l - Now® 198 ' *149 Stae $46 on Thu Save S3O on This Room Suite An outstanding- value; in genuine Very practical and attractive out- Kroehler Davenport Suite, including fit! Each piece fitted with saftless a, ✓ rnfinis lied chair and rocker upholstered in fine soft springs and upholstered in ™ Pro? Te.f r 2> I I Krade of velour. Davenport opens Fabrikoid. Frames sturdily eon- Electric or GaS Lamps "II fnnr I 1 r > tf> full size bod and has ample strutted of oak or mahoeanv. r V/ Squ*r* bt.k JL JL storage for mattress and bedding. Davenport opens to full size bed. B and G^HADE P AND^HAD? oSk S’:; ■? c S2Sn** w« $169 - *129 S'" $109 ' »?Q 'S9- 75 *15 95 ! Small Cash Payment Now XUS Now MS Small Cash Payment dining room outfit when yoa make your Os genuine walnut veneer; oblong table. Bn. selection here you »re (R»»un>«i Os» /x pm _1 Oa IkT 11 f in<-h buffet. 4 genuine leather-stal chairs. X (V assured the very best! J™™) 829 7til St. IM. W. ma^ a oa^n - -d Server can be had to /V A Small C»»h Pnymrnl Send* ll Home '~^' v * *y_— - f> * Taggart Is Recovering. ’ BOSTON, Mass., September 2P.— ! Former Senator Thomas Tapgart of In- j diana was said to be resting comfort- j ably and to be “doing nicely” today al the Insspital where he was operated on Saturday for appendicitis. Tut Boss AHS f* BuildihSi . * |y| */, y VvJ -i w L m , 1 -M ■fl /i / / y Established ij\ / //M i |H| U<7 K Street 1907 HH BBs| M^m 9j °° 'rvjj You Know S —you'll be satisfied when you buy. rent or sell Real Estate S£ through BOSS © PHELPS I | “THE HOME OF HOMES" 5