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SAFETY OF LABOR I SOUGHTBY BAVIS Department Head to Ask Appropriation to Begin Research Work. Ity the Associated Tress. IjOUISVILLE, Ky., September 30. •Secretary of labor James J. Davis disclosed In an address before the I National Safely Council!! which opened | its thirteenth annual meeting here yesterday, that he proposes to ask for an appropriation with which to pro vide for safety research work in the Labor Department. •’Our fundamental need in the light for safety in industry is facts,” >Lr. l>avis said. “Without them we are working in the dark. We are, nationally. like a physician, who would undertake to treat a patient rnTOfftTmmOTOTnTnTCTyfu nYQTQTOTnrrirOTOTQTrvroTQTOToTfiISnrfMfAYKTmrftT/YtfSistwvvSYNy^^titftTrtYhTmSYrtTSyoTfW oTfuhTnTnYnYhTnYhTsYflinTnTl Extra Saleswomen Will Be Here || jk ft All Purchases Made in This Store Must to Serve You Promptly I 1 J Be Satisfactory or Your Money and Efficiently I T u r »oru Cheerfully Refunded I GSTREET BETWEEN ll ,H £<j2 TH i. j Sharp at 9:15 Tomorrow Morning Brooks’ Great October Sale of New Merchandise Begins With Values, Qualities and Economies B-E-Y-O-N-D A-L-L C-O-M-P-A-R-I-S-O-N A MOST REMARKABLE j| f aTgREAT EVENT Beginning of the Season Sale of Ij| Our First October Dress Sale -j 1 WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ I j| WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ I *—j | Fur-Trimmed | | Cloth or Silk j That Out-Value li || High-Priced Dresses /X / All You Have Seen I I At a New Low Price IMI jL At the Extraordinary Price of || | Truly Sensational Values at Wool fabrics soft as suede, are new | | Every Dress brand-new and bought ISJ |}r I for Coats this season. Slender youth- | I especially for this sale from our very IKfl W" I 1 ii| %]' h riii || best dressmakers at price concessions PW W\ I bd models —new smart shades —lux- | make these astounding values urious fur trimmings and silk linings. I I possible. // > | jL-i VI Ij 4/0 of These Coats Are Samples, || II || The Season's Most Wanted Materials ll \\ i j// | r Only One of a Kind. Be Here | I I and Colors. Many One-of-a-Kind 1 ® reSseS J 1 ' || Early for the Choice Selections. |8 I | Models. So Please Shop Early. | |. The Colors: The Models: The Materials: The Fabrics: The Models: The Trimmings: j| PENNY STRAIGHTLINE ' AVAZANDA CREPE SATIN SLEEVELESS BEADED j | RUST DRAPED MODEL VELMORE | | BENGALINE CREPE LONG SLEEVES EMBROIDERED ] J DEER SIDE BUTTON KORASAN FAILLE SILK TUNIC DRESSES LACE TRIMMED A | BROWN CRUSHED CHOKER • MONTEBELLO CANTON CREPE STREET DRESSES BUTTON TRIMMED 1;| TAUPE PUFF SLEEVE ■ MOKINE I | SOFT SATINS AFTERNOON DRESSES RIBBON TRIMMED J | GRAY FANCY SLEEVES BLOCK VELVO | POIRET TWILL EVENING DRESSES - BRAIDED -J $ GREEN YOUTHFUL MODELS LEE-ZETTE | SATIN CANTON TAILORED FROCKS CONTRAST BANDINGS J BLACK MELON SLEEVE VEL-SUEDE I | FLANNEL SPORT DRESSES MANY COMBINATIONS || Women’s Sizes, 36 to 44; Misses * Sizes, 14 to 18 || I Misses’Sizes, 14 to 18; Women’s Sizes, 36 to 42; Stout Sizes, 44 to 50 || I without lirst making a diagnosis of his ailment. You cannot make a j true diagnosis without facts.” Points to Be Covered. Mr. Davis declared he favored legislation to cover three major poin ts: Provision for collection of all in formation, data and statistics as to industrial accidents and their pre vention. together with industrial di seases and their prevention, by the Federal Department of Labor, co operating with State agencies en gaged in such work. Provision for publication and dis | semination of this information throughout American industry by the Labor liepartment. Provision for maintenance by the Labor Department in Washington of an industrial safety exhibit where , plans and devices for safeguarding j the American worker might be as | sembled. \on National Problem. Safety as .an essential df national progress was discussed by Richard K. Grant, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. "It Is a matter of great public con cern and interest,” ho declared, “that the question of safety has now as sumed national proportions and now is enlisting the unselfish work and THE EVEMMI STAR, WAiSIUKUTUK I>. I’., TUESHAV. SEHTEALBEIt 30. 1924, devotion of men from all walks of life In an effort to find the best pos sible safeguards against th* hazards of our complicated present-day life." Officials estimate the attendance a t approximately 2,000 delegates from all parts of the country. OIL HEARING IN CANADA. Contempt Charged to Witness in Sinclair Case. TORONTO, Ont., September 30. Contempt of court proceedings against H. S. Osier, president of the Continental Trading Company, for his refusal to give evidence bearing on the dealings of his company with 11. F. Sinclair, the United States oil mag nate, were postponed indefinitely yen terday because of a death In the fam ily of A. W. Anglin, counsel for Os ier. Decision will be made tomorrow as to the time the case will be pre sented. * Thursday was mentioned as the possible date for the motion to com mit Osier, and the counter-motion to set aside the commission appoint ed to take the evidence or to set up a Canadian commission. ROOSEVELT’S TOUR TO MATCH SMITH’S G. 0. P. Nominee’i Program Calls for 185 Meeting! in Pint 18 Days of Drive. By the Associated Prear. NEW YORK, September 30.—Repub lican leaders have announced plans for a speaking tou- by their guber natorial nominee. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, that wili match, if not sur pass, that mapped jut by supporters of Gov. Smith, the Democratic aspi rant. The plans rail for 185 meetings during the first IS ilays of Col. Roose velt’s upstate camfaign. Most of his speeches will be delivered from the rear platform of a special train that will carry the Republican nominee from one end of the State to the other. A notification ceremony apropos of Col. Roosevelt’s domination will be held at his home Cove Neck, about 2 miles from Oyster Bay, tomorrow night. An invitatim to the ceremony, j signed by the Republican State com mtttee and sent to the entire citizen-I o ship of Oyster Kay, reads as follows: | li “Col.- Roosevelt invites all his friends I n and neighbors to attend the noliflca- j 1 tlon ceremonies at bis home on ii Wednesday evening, October I. Music. F fireworks, automobile parade. Meet t at Oyster Bay town hall, at 7;3U.” 1' Gov. Smith will open his campaign a Thursday night with a speech at a Madison Square Garden, where John < W. Davis, Democratic presidential nominee, also is scheduled to speak. HONOR PERSHING’S'AIDE. i Oen. Adalbert de Chambrun Made Commander in French Legion. PARIS, September 30. —Gen. Adel bert de Chambrun, who was one of Gen. Pershing’s aides rturiog the ’ World War, and who was a professor I) Franklin Sq. Hotel | 1 Coffee &J)oppe N quiet efficient sendee com* I blneg wi tli excellent food i aud unusually pleabaxit al- Emosplierv. 14th Street at K ;it tactics at the American War Col lege in Washington In 1919,,has boon made a commander of th*» Legion of Honor In recognition of bis services In the war and in the campaign in French Morocco. The citation recalls that Ucn. dc chambrun participated in 15 campaigns, was once wounded andwas once cited in an order of the army, Hraud. Office DISTRICT NATIONAL BANK Conn. Ave. and K Street No Parking Restrictions “Park Your tar at the Door” 1336 F Street l; i Mam 3936 Luxurious Fur Coats II <■ Models for street, sport and evening* L] wear, developed along the newe'st * lines, in every fur that’s fashionable, i 1 f ' 80 aca - uettes and Scarfs in un ’ usually w i de selection. Hudson Seal Coats . SLVtU <r»je.l Muskrat) exceptionally V VI \ll r ‘ ne Quality, with Brown Kox J O C I > 1 < i^ l i lar, ‘ 48 " i - ver i' smart. Sp.-- j,i, ff Special Attention Given to Remodeling and Repairing. 11