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14 A || Shares Honors on “The Avenue” Tomorrow With the nmversaxy Home-Coming Champion “Griffs ”! Don H Miss Either Event! Specials 45x36-lnch Pillowcases J|mk p p rri / O \ Special, 29c Each lIIJB L<UltOll LrCpC*, 1 OlllOrrOW ) Page Arc free from filling, will '«L lllpl J-L. —m mmmj y -m Chocoiaie-Covered Peanuts j n the Anniversary Tomorrow at »&■ Special, 38c Pound —J u.i think of how little a dress would cost ii made of this pretty materia! 1 It is an _ - y? —Regularly 00c a pound. These arc de- JIHV fllV excellent quality, with a bright finish, and will not slip. Splendid for street and liciout and fresh. . ¥ y ' afternoon wear. 39 inches wide. The color list includes; /^ c -Po9s^e9W -60 c Milk Chocolate, filled with walnuts. /f —Fallow -Louis Philippe —Burnt Russet -Brown Special. 44c pound. M / f —Quaker —Shutter Green —Reseda —Light Navy Kami’s—Street Floor. X\\ X X 11 —Rouge —Pekin Blue —Cocoa —Dark Navy n h lltro' Girls' Sateen Bloomers 41] W„„l CWbwxzx Cnautlnl of line. at Pair —Best grade of heavy sheet aluminum,* polished outside, sunray finish /% II- W ilfil lilvDCn ODCCyIcII HI special ai dvcrair inside. Never before have we offered such splendid quality aluminum at JL ' 2 400 Pairs of Pure r n^!^S. l :re]lßV?h^n“for W piy this low price It is easy to clean, and adds a spic and span appearance In -36-inch plain and cross-bar crepes, in Hack, navy, OIA XT’ 1 *TI. „,1 filll. I. „ and school wear. Have elastic at waist the* pantry and kitchen. elect from tan, brown, gray, henna, rust, canna, Lanvin green, Xf Z"¥ 1 xU*eaCi ollK liOSC anJ k, ’ Ce Kanns-Second Floor. -3-pt. Rice Boilers -5-qt. Paneled Tea Kellie. ' blue, red and taupe. 36 inches wide 1 U. —2-qt. Cereal Boilers —lO-in. Round Roasters Seconds of (/uoitfy 5.000 Cotton Handkerchiefs =*£ “ST - All-Wool CoatillgS, $3 OualilV Special at 5c Each —ll-in. Colanders —lO-in. try Pans w 7 J B —Women’s dainty cotton handkerchiefs, —Saucepan Set, 1,1% and 2 qts. —5-qt. Covered Windsor Kettles —Beautiful materials in stripes and plaids /tt* "I A A -\T "| fPl’ in white with self cord borders, or white —lO-qt. Dishpans —Lqt. Covered Saucepans 0 f brown and tan combinations. 54 inches XIK I XX Z"¥ with colored stripes. A wonderful bar- —2-qt. Water Pitchers —6-qt. Covered Kettles wide tt ® XX JL XX • Kami s—Street Floor. Kami s Third I loor. Kann’s—Street Floor. —W omen’s good qualitv silk ' stockings, the imperfections Women’s Knit Underwear ” ; c*A ¥ bein g hard to detect - Are SI.OO Qualities for 79c Domestics LUUtlieOll ”k£ ,t?d Medium weight vests and pants, the size SUSO** They* are'ofVrg- 00 J—seamed backs, mercerized vests made with high neck, long sleeves ular sheetins and a P erfect »-| |r| ~ ~ tODS, heels and tOCS. Select and Dutch neck, elbow sleeve. The pants si.iU 'll lIJ , v ’ , are in knee and ankle lengths. Sizes 36 to ' plliowcasing, 45 -Pure Imen Madeira U-p.ece Luncheon 11A 5 n from black and popular 44, hach garment is 79c. inches. Good quality cotton, cut or »Sets. They arc in very neat, attractively - 1 U colors. Sizes BrA8 r A to 10. (.OHIC Kan,.-s-Siree. Floor. ,„ m , u n p,.„. 35c iifiW« OSA 18 , early for several pairs. anna ree oor. j d o i]j Cs Most acceptable Christmas .* n Mi/v/ ¥/ ¥ Vogue Hair Nets gut that can be given. ilu ■*«■* 19 At 63c Dozen $2.50 All-Over Kan„- s -S„e« Floor. || I Plate MirrOl’S jl -- .., /. 1 Laces, $1.85 Yard $1.95 Worsted «! j| $ 1.7a KidG oves Kami’s — Street Floor. —Nothing Is more desirable for trimming O_ _ c? **^ J ~ c&c ~~ goJ *■’^~S than this exauisite 18-lnch Plauen Venise i7i ,rl ■ I n Li 't - c .' —7 ‘ —•■“.* —''—'■ c ' ——V'rr' ~Sr\va3 fl B I W "■/» .. . , c . All-over Late. An exceptional assortment “ B| * I I t.olgate S Soap L.ilips of white, cream and ochre shadrs. in small —Beautiful striped worsted Cashmere- m WZ -M. M. 9 I unn/Lrino and medium patterns to choose from. finished Scarfs, with hand-tic worsted C l .- „ „ # r M ror lot fringe. Very stylish as well as service- W X OFTi/O —9OO pairs of women’s two-clasp Pound size boxes of these pure soap ]\L*f FlAlinmiintt ab!c - French Lambskin (.iloves. Arc chips—espcciallv made for washing ma- X v i d,.;, i • v my a os. ..... . . overseam sewn, t ans point nacKs. ! Kami's—Third Floor. «1 75 Yard LaCC Neckwear, $1.87 /Jl) In black, while, while sv,,l, black 4 Jdi it —R ca | Irish and Filet I.ace Collars, and green finish. Select from upright or arid brown with mode. , i/.e Samnle Motifs in a —White Oriental Lace*, 36 inches wide; ollar a ' ld s^ ts , the attractive horizontal shapes—each mirror ar- to 8. Beautiful quality gloves and .. , “ all pure white, especially desirable for Peter Pan, Tuxedo* and round nock tistically mitered. Lovely for the A a mo st unusual value. Don t miss Splendid Variety, 5Tc Eacll a nd surplices, etc. __ shapes. home, or as an appropriate gift to a W X_i j -Select from pearl, jet. crystal, wool, steel Kann’s-Street Floor. Kann’s-Strcet Floor. bride 11 Kann’s-Street Floor. j and colored bead motifs. ————— ' • Kann’s—Street Floor. Kann’s Street Floor. k . iT 11 _ • f i 1 Dainty Plisse Crepes Great Collection oi Artiiieial p ,, D . . C i. Fur Chokers I Silk Drapery Materials Faß j^® #ate Cosl ]*™® S,l P s ttOft O? new patterns and colorings to choose from. i * | C#il WC • ¥ /■ Ju Xi|| a '/a ■ Kann’s-St root Floor. V n „ r , ~i •i, J/ \ iTL \ Regularly $1.95 to $2.95 a Yard —Spl i did petticoats of tricolctte I —They arc made of a good tricolettc I —Lovely Stone Marten Chokers, made Doll Llectric Llgllt rranies I(rayon), in the new Fall shades, with (rayon)—are full length and width. of dark pelts of exceptionally line (AQ Pj..!, J*Qm Jßr V / 4-K —M mmg pleated flounces trimmed with two-color with strap top and wide side pleated quality. Every scarf is finished with ' 1 EidGU * —CI I# I M m Van Dyke prints or fancy braids. All flounce. Colors are peacock, jade, light head, tail and paws. —Complete with cord and socket. Dolls Hr t BBK I I I _l wanted street shades. gray, cocoa, henna, brown, navy, black Kami's Second Floor. have very pretty faces, with white, black, JOg j I MM W W II —Regular sizes, special, $1.89, and Sizes 36 to 44. brown and blonde hair. Pincushion forms 1 ™ -B- —Double extra sizes, special. $2.89. Kann’s—Second Floor. to match, special, each, 79c. Pistil —A wonderful assortment of drapery mate- O *ll Silk Hlonmers Pearl Necklace Uncle Sam Playing Cards Jjlgf |,..f 1 gIOVC Silk Special, 25c nfl|9li ' colors, combinations and jacquard effects in mr -| ty im I A— Both regular and Pinochle cards, with . Ckp | the combined assortment—all full bolts. V6SIS« v|-[/ MM • § red or blue backs of good weight. Buy IBF « J Buy this Wednesday for all kinds of dra- * / _j n a n t j lc pre tty dark colors suitable ‘everal packs tomorrow at this price. r / periCs. bed sets and fancy work. It will be —They arc bodice style, with self and to wear with the Fall suits. They have -Three-strand manufactured inde- Kann s—Street Floor. «■ |MI t j \j liard to duplicate such wonderful values. ribbon shoulder straps. Some of them double clastic cuffs and reinforced crotch. structib e pearl neckUce. of beautiful (fll 7 arc hemstitched. Colors arc white, _ graduated pearls, clasp is sterling sil- Cn|j n D (JP U VulvAt RiKhrtn aIW /' Al*n pink, orchid, peach and black. Sizes 38 Lan bc liad 111 and ,nch lengths. VC r, set with a square shape cut stone . alin-Dd 101 ItIDDO S¥taa/»/Aii to 42. Regular $1.69 qualitv. A re- Regularly $3.95. in emerald or sapphire colors. This i-. Special, 39c Yard Jf J Three Other 1» UCdtUU markable value. J a remarkable value, as nothing like it * , B' / c ni) . l - n | I ftta , , _ _ Kami’s—Street Floor. Kann’s—Second Floor. has ever been offered before at such 1 —Excellent quality ribbon, black onlv. w s Special LjUIS _ 1_ . 4YC a nrice ' E •> and 4 inches ivido. Lovely tor r .. „ . , Kolies, 84.V0 P sashes and millinery. Regular 69c to 98c 95c Fabrics, OoC yard. ~ value. (B*Q QC pabrics 51.94* yard. —Serviceable and attractive Bath Robes. I AAA O ■ 1 n 1 II Other Pearl /jHkfltt , KannS-Siree. Floor. ;7.95 to $11.95 Fabrics, *5.58 1,200 Stlirdv KompCrS SUM ,/jHRI i L i nen . ( j U !f' T p W v ,S >ar<l ’ choose from. o|<.>fl|ia|<e0 |<.>fl|ia|<e SlUM'lill T'rtltlol*ooW -«Mnch Endlew Special, 25c Each TT 11 r Kann’s—Second Floor. Vzl UIJULICII X UIIIUI 1 Un of manufactured tnde- 1 I —A splendid pure linen heavy weight ¥XUUCII*CCIS Oi structiblc one- J # 39 A , I*. | towel, size 14x21. of very close weave with _ 17 • J J s ' ze P earß *** V ' J S°e n i:.T spac ' border - Maktn,ost Window Shades Embroidered •! i|% > —j-sirwidPC. Bri„. V-V Kann’s-Street Floor. DfCSSCS, 98c V I # ,et of manufactured A S'' F** XX | 1 " M H #■ . f indestructible pearls S I $1.75 to $2.95 Curtains dOfi Est. /»«i\ V «1.00 W'M Special, sl.ll Pair mother. They are prettier than any we I I / / ||j jaWm \ ’j P I I SI ' Cr cas P - * gS —Beautiful scrim, voile and marquisette | W | curlain,. regulation sill length and widlli. Opaque Window Shades. Select from . Till 1 |r}M\\V crepe, gingham and poplin, in checks Indestructible | J 1 in a largo assortment of patterns. Plain P lain and duplex colors. The plain col- . Kann's—Second Floor. HI ! if/la J!) and plain colors. Have square necks. / |\ LA Pearl Bead 08, S | hem. hernstitchcd edge, lace edge and ors are white, light and dark c sonic with embroidered yokes, others I \\ \ Necklace % § ruffled borders. White, cream and ecru duplex colors are olive B rr< J n and white. \ *. 'l y \ with white collars, finished with lL) $ colors dark green and ecru, dark green and Haffi \ dainty pleated ruffle. The colors are L7 TT Kann’s—Street Floor. l( . Kann’s—Third Floor. white, medium green and white, medium T d-Td*/ tJ \ M blue, pink, yellow, red, green and (I \ \ green and light ecru. —Adorable black, brown, blue and tan Lml © bro wn - —j j—J —mmmmmmm—m m mm hJ Kann’s—Third Floor. Velvet Hats, all ready .to wear, finished iH LA W 75/* tn $1 00 Values I I /(ft 11 FI *l.O. with silk facing. Trimmings of flowers Tjfaj <Q A>C to &I.UU V OIUCS I I .KP, 1 Ollet j or feather tips attractively arranged. T J Kann’s—Street and Second Floors. W • 400 Colored Umbrellas "““Sr* I , ; 1 a i a aa ; That Would Sell for $5.00 ~~ “ " _ *. I ?°J . , SnPPUII riUPn twice this price. It is made of a splen ,, . , T j I —— —— m IZt/VzJ-C* 1 d j d qua I ity imitation Ivory, and comes Special I omorrow at XM X t _ B B _ , * in the natural Ivory color or in amber .. . . . , ~ cilLr m M ■ MX W The Busy * m 7 /B renna, Ave. —An attractive lot of semi-circle and Set consists of a long-handle mirror, fin. -Theseareverystylish andpracticai; made ofall-silkandsilk W J M >Jf M /| Q . . n masque vetls. with colored silk em- quality hairbrush comb and all the clona, in the 10-rib club st\les. If the> were the x I fl B COTTICT / H Sth QUO, U broidery borders also eold and silver necessary manicure articles. An ideal would sell for *5.00. though the imperfections are &o slight they M # XVT ’ K M M MM M M M/ X »Sd y a usitv will^Aurelv olease Christmas gift, and one that will bo do not detract in the least. Ail the popular colors, with good- TT -MM K A 800(1 quality ttiat Will surely please. mos{ apprec j ated looking handles and Kanns-Strect Floor. Kann’s-Street Floor. I THE EVENINO STAR. WASHINGTON. T). TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1924.