Newspaper Page Text
: ■■■■■■ “”■"ls ' —=— I —*———— : —j • ■ (■ | Cbntinuing the Sale and Demonstration lug ' ■ of Mascot Da-!Site Beds „ ■ ■ G & 11th Sts . Service and Courtesy Established 1877 * r o ■ -J p > “ ♦ ■ ■ ' I i- Economy Stem at Home and Goes to The Palais loyal | : ' , . -■ ' ' , ■ • I pj us c u ff s The French Gloves f . r . y i\r i ", _ a Time was when the gloves were just a hand covering, neat enough, no //l II fV / />J / | / /A I/ £/A FI/# t ■ * doubt; none the less merely gloves. Today they arc plus cuffs, and these L/d , 1 , 1 , 1('£» J- J- ■ •'*-/M'OLl'f •'vA X. AC'S VCO ■ 1 .') cuffs, as the flapper Says, are most intriguing. They arc all styles: they arc B A ">) turned back; they are embroidered, beaded and frilled. And the colors are* J * : l • A j'“L ■ inis Excellent rloortex I 1 / Suede-Finished Fabric Gloves, 1.50, $1.95 to $2.75 vy *' * " • ~4tj In elbow length and fancy cuff styles, in all the popular colorings and PnUIID ■ ■ v I embroideries. [::WV>\'4 p- ~ r luEIBB I ■ ••'•'•vsnl DDH I—l ■ $ (} Specially Attractive Showing of- rr J.... ", ... HBSE (5; : 7 : '' RIJ s ■ . j Suede Fabric Gloves, $1 m. E D w , (/ li-button length, of excellent quality chamoisuede fabric, with two-- 7 -“-j .*••:•.;? r"”* ÜBBSiH : •' Bflla g ■ v' -J$ *S 66H Through Cl ’tone % embroidery stitchings. Many styles of novelty cuff gauntlets, fancy J BTSB * : 1 RIHVVI i"I O % embroideries and contrast color trimmings. :kv.;£# -- ; .j; JTz/.a W " HoVH 1 M _ r I'Hliii. Itojnl—Slain Floor, v ti, _ * - f ■ _ UHH|f| a ■ Roman s Eyes - ; Kg LS life H I So. Yd. ™ BttS w ■ ■ By ETHEL M. PARKS i * r-™ M IfiSQ jR| = ■ \ A woman's individuality is best () PfAy»i-i Ay»AQ Pn Iy* rl \Z ...d t■ -i : .-J I-' LHfßfl m H shown when one steps into her A A V-/A lid i|/ A U IpiW 1 A Ciil FiTi ' <■' I ,i* M i imi i I" '■ 1 V<” '.^'V’-rew boudoir, for there it is she has excr* \ ‘ A * ® ' ciscd her own taste in the furnishings, For large and medium size splaccs. a special lot of Velours shown g-h § -t *• t- : - I y £ - J a ■ the hangings, all the dainty toilet that arc sunfast and rich looking. New French edge. The following colors: aMu /»//"/f*/!/* /tOz» I*o * //"i * I ft ■ ) nrcessorles. which mark her as plainly a Blue to Taupe—Blue to Broun—Green to Broun—Rose to Blue T y iJLILV -J lit U 11 <>| as words as of one particular type or i/ d . o n . <r .., «... „ , , n , I jF/A... B ■ / another. —Rose to Green —Rose to 1 aupe —Blue to Mulberry—Gold to Blue. i '■.■>. ■ The newest draperies give one tin- S Also reversible with the same colors on both sides. J /»/->/'iiy/ awt rr l/i C»V/» - ■ limited scope, for there is the new silk . . 1 ilOiWI • J±CCOt Clllli' LO f/vV 'WW/S 9 a plisse in and gold stripes, with Cliclla VciOlir Portieres » ■- .—KJT /j f 'dT- m ■) brocaded effect, in blue and gold as } $8.95 Pair Wli I (I \| , well; lovely silk marquisette m gold or V : |fl| : «.>,** * Will m So'sJ Jr'*' f"I ® ■ v champagne color, old gold or combina- Nationally known as Chenille loi - '^l sJh. * _ tions; the new silk curtain laces in a Ueres. m the regular width and length. IW I F JIS?Sr ■«»MCSI' I , ... ... • i ■ many patterns, which wash well, -nd / ?. hc colors to , , bc h ? d brown, taupe, iflf , .fijSiam Hoorlcx 18 a gtaudurd lluor covering. It is so recognized -".'le ; : .T^pKrStfcV'SrfrtX.fl? % C^ S |R: U.r«u S l.o». iU. land. I. i 8 »,.er P roof.-,l »„ both sides an.l all * H prefers alc s formal room- A * vcrvTiow 'and your selection. I It 18 (IcaU. easy to 7 keep dean. It does Hot wrinkle or S * new cream voiles with blue lace bor- Art Silk huckle, lying flat without tacking. S ■ ') dallion comers, too. M^der^cly 3 tV'Krade I a? W c have bought an extraordinary quantity of this cxeellent E " desired. * -■■ ■ ■ Floorlex. Had to buy it in order to get the price down to the 8 C /r . 1,500 Yards Drapery, sl.lO Yard last notch. The selling starts tomorrow. You are urged to get T ■ / * . > V In designs that are exactly like the rich damasks. LMain shades or in , , , ~.. ° p “■ ■** B „ '■V/' —•< combination effects. 36 inches'wide. • *»7r— —«« v liere ou time. It is moving aud housccleamug time aud thou- — m H (, I’alnlH llojal—Srrond Flour. , c I IT- ■ . ~ , , fi ii, H r a- 0 8ail " !! ’ °* other Washingtonians are reading this announcement. j;| l i j ,|jj ![| ! | c t Regular $5.95 Brushed U 00l c ~, .. ..,, c ~ ~ , * a a ° Some of the patterns are sketched. Suitable for | BHteJjUj ||!||'y|!|!j □ ( 5 Picnic kitchen, dining room, nursery, pantry, den, bath, ; I 1 ’' $' ' I » O Wt/CllCi VjUd Lo J i X 1 ! -A hall and living room, as well as hospitals, clubs 3 tllhTSl e a C' 0 . . c ‘ cnd restaurants. | Jij(liP''!l| a ■ ;; i - Special , $ 4.9o —One Day P . tataH . ,_ s . . * expressive of the individuality oi the .. . .. . . - I ** 0,0 ct ‘ ,n, i n«ur. HEIT Vilmll |l i | ■ a ’ occupant. Ah. there is the secret! II () The line s the thing—especially the neckline. Come, see how the de- “ I Biiitd-.-j.rkl BJ/ 1 L. _ ■ is a blending of two or more perfumes. signers have varied the necklines oi these sweaters. Really it one has a I 1 , , -rr^^^========^-^a= '.v■■=—■■-~■ 1 . -■ — —- . - ■ » ® perhaps, essentially personal • and' \ pretty neck, why should wc hide it. g ■ unique. And on a tiny stand, or per- Q The colors are rust. B g haps the dressing table itself, stands /, Lanvin, buff, brown, ■ -'■' ■' -■ ■ - ■■ : j I JS Household Specials for Wednesday Only ' : other designs tor ones selectieii. \ nous color combina • B T l llr c l lar '” °f her \ tions. Ten styles for , j E ' jl'apc. ami altogether | pleased to'find practf- «u*!i he w;*K • \\l 1 a p r ic s- All have the vor j 1 23-Piece Luster Tea Set ■* . V allci satin nnca. vviin \ \/l\ , \ nV 7 ,/£&ztr cricket neck, with contrast- | | v _ _ _ 75 I]ti 1i t v () , ' . , matching perfume V \M f ing stripe at neck, sleeves Warti . B set packed in a car- ( jj $10.95. Special $7.95 Garbage or Ash i > -ar." comwr 7. tie"- "■ ■ dropper ,t makes a delightful gift at () and lower. Colors are gray. , any season , A poudre bleu, white and huff. fuMv pua ran'teed. Will save ! Imnortcd laoanese "\waii" Tea Set> eon with covers 13- removal.l.-■ -atimr . - Beautifully made pillows of velvet \ *n brushed wool and plain time and labor. Kasily adjust- mm M Imported Japanese A tap ica bets con . amntx ":onts. operates on al- i ■ with silk tapestry centers, all silk tap- Q *m knit. ed to the faucet as illustrated. r / /■ sisttng ot 6 cups. 6 saucers. 6 tea plates. | ® ‘ t-matinq and direct j a , cstry and taffeta silk, may be had in /• .alnlw Royal—Third Floor. Regularly $18.95. -Special. £ tea po t. sugar bow! and creamer. Choice I " P /> a . current, special. ■ () U g*jug S * s * iadcs to match the \ ' sl3 98 °* UC- l nvcndcr - preen and yellow colors, j $ 1 ,4-4 $3 59 *•* ' i HR 0 Two groups of New Vanity Cases n jI I „~ rT ~ ~ B ~ : "j did h ?c^rodU s tion p ' Cn ' B v New DreSS Slips With Cigarette Case " Cologne* which brings h under tunic blouses or sheer eve- Cleverly combining a cigarette ‘ll’lllll‘iiljk ji-C I tIH |l ’} \ m 0 back 8 memories of \ ntng gowns; in a variety ot the cas e with the vanity, fitted with Ctßaßji JBLI • .* ~ J \ \ " . ! VfsTij-P Wj\ . t ! ; jfJ lJ ) other davs and a fra- V hew 1; all shades. change purse and two shirred IBEm 43’ Stainless Steel / ' ' / \ I .S&S!L A trranre of nW timr A pockets, with mirror. A 4J-stainless steel l nu • \ - I i ■. ■ J V T. -/ „ * fomanee The young! A At $2.98 I At $5 Os beaver calf or silk filigree Paring Knives, to A J Choice V. $2.50 Wizard Polishing Com- 1 | " ) cr generation inay go v An «ttr«etire frame in oxidized or gilt finish. imported Bird be >old W ednes- 94c r" tiarbage hinaiitm. consisting of 1 81.33 ; ■ ■ in & for odd bizarre 0 T.tin 1 flounce d ™§ fi p ; diu .™ “<] , s * t i n studded with colored stones Some Care-. Has dee- day at the very at- While KnamHed km. hen itenniu. will, blue bended , C f ns ' Lo .‘J i !*»>>• sh mop. made of good j B ( scents, but our fath- A a ! oSrIVJe ZJft ease nn guards and re! tractive price of. edges, white enameled interiors. Choice of convex kettles uL'rt siz .varn.aml quart ! S * «rs and mother, ar. K BS JS'n'S BSV2S SB-S SS3&.*««« cad., .I*..* ™«. M . ..I I“" g* ,l,c ■ ~ happier in the possession of this’ U 44. to 44. . siuc. i imsneu wiin citiicr a trays. Special. convex kettles w)th bail handles; in 4. 6‘and s j combination. R $ {»"*«'■« scent, in its Straw encased bot- <) Falais Boyal—Third Floor, PCn iiSFuoy S .'l k M-^ C Floor. $3.44 19c . Ch .° ,Ce 94 c 54c $1.38 •* W omen's Corduroy Robes, Special at $3.98. Unusual value I —— , I—j ” j ~Z~ —l 3 Colorful robes —straightline models, made of good quality corduroy | i I i * T / —unlined. Deep collar and full kimono sleeves. *-C <bssC~-a. M)\ - - C^ le^,r^, en^a ® en ' enna ’ turquoise, rose, Wistaria, orchid j M' | I | J j j * ■ I A Special! Cohasset Sheets and !■£& \-ACJ -1J ' I; l’ m \ / r»*|, r- * h*i **l .. . It- 1 j ■■ -v - 500 Pieces of Stem Ware, I 1 31 « k « \ 11 ntX7PO epe i-amiiy Hodm- Co binct*. Aluminum Perco- teh— ii i Porcelain Enameled • , n • i i \S*rJ 1 IHOWL-cloCo ’ hold Seale*. Made White eiiam- ‘ / 1 N 1 with Pom>ctta cut design. 3 _ i () ’ ' xjly U c . ZQ on cu . I • c* AC or r* i • by L. ande rs, eled finish. lators. hbonized f \ Table Tops. Good ■ Choice of goblets low and M «, \ W / Size 63x90 sheets, plain, Size 42x36 Cases, .plain, Frary & Clark. Has glass handles 4-cup size tan no J , . c- , , . , . * , 1 *■ V $ Q $].35 each. j 36c each. Weigh up to 24 shelf and 8x w 7 P $40.98 / quality seconds, bizc high footed sherbets. Rcgu- * 0 Nosegay’Kerchiefs are the latest fad, 0 Size 72x99 Sheets, plain, Size 45x36 Cases, plain, special ounees ‘ spee+ai. * *° ' _ I - U 4 25.\40' i. (t IA A “ l v cach ' I'hCCldl 1 'h CCIdI - i E d and no daintier bit of linen and lace has Q $1.65 each. 39c each. I QA <1 AA 1 T \\ Special.... 1 6 Pieces for SI.OO \ come out m a longtime. The centers \ c- oi nn cl . i • tn l I. •& 1 .UU V i/U (J Vi 1 -* () pre of colored linen, exceedingly fine, 0 Size 81x90 Sheets, plain, $1.59 each. * - " " ‘ s , Jet%So?ed C ?Xlack dgingS ° f taC * aDd = 1 J. . - j Cabinet Gas Ranges. ■" (> Tuck them into the pocket of your 0 , ~ . _ . lif i 1. ■ croft'Stove cSmpaJi"’ (Hfe fe MMII —-SHIiT ■ llT"- ji\ B. A gown or suit, yout cuff or under your jj \ U/yniif,r -)Kaßa»- ;fe TWril ~»i>f Has roomy oven with .. .Jt- - , J? <?• First Aids to ueauty ImT fr / j Yfcfcr to |BB ,r"n i Imported and Domestic Compacts of the Better Kind -Jnl, 'nil stVJt.V.t: - aTlpitS?” Tot 1 **,***. ; |Ci»sS» i *1 .-i ifte.’ , s?SJs£ d Are Featured At Our Toilet Goods Department. ■■££«?! rla'w I "»»• s.,„c j.r. mi, ft I/) diate vogue. , A Houbigant s Single Com- | Hudnut’s Deauville Don- Der ,. Kc v . her. Has nickel- J* r 1 , * , . ww kitchen. Can be bought on SaK Boxes. Glazed finish, with fight ht- | -« A th T h */ «ri. ar h l ht o n?w o f<S V &»lmh?t W/) P* $1.50 blctte Comp ac t, silver Stone make. ,‘panned Plated station- r. H kr t easy time payments. Spc- (Neatly deco- 3-gallon size. I ting metal cov- <h "'"'" r K '" ( "4 ' Q the store just now, for September is Q Cotv’a Single Comoact*. va- - i nlate $2 50 Large family ary pins. Size Household cial, , rated. Spc- Special. % • . ,ar *- °; . a the beginning of another season and A *omgw Gompacw, va ptaie, *£.ov uargo ramnj finish. S X IO feet. Spc- size. Spe- .1 H crs. Special, **•»•- >!••• »* v everything is new and fresh. Come in rious perfumes, 89c Hudnut & Three Flowers N size.’ Special, Special, c i a j < Cial, ! cial. down. *3 v y and just roam around. You will en- 0 Mury’s Single Compacts, SI.OO Twin Compact, $1.50-and $2 (A. nO r C/iA OA BSzir» fif nr ic r " ()7 oyU - 0 Djer-Kiss Double Compact, $1.50 Colgate’s New Watchcase iaVC Djer-Kiss Lobse Pact, SI.OO Double Compacts, $1.50 . ■"•■• . ' . .a=^^=i. , ..» ■■'. ■- l _■—■. ~—~ u ■>■. - ' ■ ■- THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1924.- 21