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22 [COURT MAY HALT DOHENY DRILLING Must Prove Further Elk Hills Operations Required for Conservation, Judge Says. m : V- tho Associated Press. I .OS AXGEI.ES, Calif.. September 30, —Oil drilling inthe Elk Hills naval oil | r-Ofitrve. now In litigation between the I * jvpniminl and the I'un-American * iTtroleum Company, of which Ed j ward L. Doheny is an ollieial. will he halted unless it is proved that fur ther operations are for conservation purposes, Federal Judge I’aul Me dormick indicated in court here yes terday. Judge McCormick’s indication was offered while 'argument was being heard on the request of the Govern ment for the appointment of a re ■ ceiver for sections 1 and 2 in . the oil reserve. Efforts to stop further exploitation of the oil resources of the national reserve would be made, X'nited States Attorney Joe Burke announced, in the event of the ap pointment of a receiver. < ‘harles Welborn, attorney for the Doheny interests, attacked the pro posal of the Government with an affi davit made by Frank Anderson, a ! geologist, declaring that ’ the oil « on- : tent of the sections will be decreased ■ and the petroleum now available will he extra- ted by adjacent operations, ! to the ircparablc loss of the owners." After arguments the applieation was I submittod. Judgi McCormick said a; decision w ould be given m two or I three days. pgramv, w.4 rHARf.F D. Alpher’s Tenth Anniversary SALE Feaiuring All Jewelry, Hatches, Silverware, Novelties and Fraternal Emblems-—at | I 71 k off X § $ A £ rca * sale of Jewelry—celebrating our Tenth Anniversary; we’ve § stra,ned every effort to give you the greatest values possible, so that you S can remember this event for a long time to come. And here it is—start | mg tomorrow promptly at 8:30 a.m.—20 r ; OFF* § I *) ou ’ is the time to open a charge account with us; you'll get I S the benefit of these savings, without the requirement of cash. |y - v I ' • at^es? n / Ladies’ \ a Diamond Rings *Mm Diamond Rings Group Ao. I 'j Grot *P 2 k Fine blue white dia- Beautiful blue white nionds; set in handsome gems, set in artistic 18- I * 18-karat white gold mount- _ | karat ' vh . l \ e * old m ° unt ' I «*-. A ‘ our •* —' S7C Vr r AS | Anniversary Price— || £\J sary Price— | \ O*™ « M°r t c Account /\ Open a Charge Account | | - y g r ; Ladies* Ladies* fl|l | HI Wrist Watches Wrist Watches SI A beautiful present for A handsome assort- 5 m, i Wl^e or ment, and wonderful val- 5 $ mother can be selected „_ c ot . • A _ • tfftO fVM 5 ; A , . ~ ues at this Anniversary jf|* - AK 5 s fO MT t; from these 16 - jewel ~ . ... , II 9 5 Wrist Watches; adjusted PnCe * 16 -J ewel move '\ movements; and 14-karat ments; in 25-year gold white gold cases. Large filled cases. VsSS| > |J TfcjT ■ j Open a Charge Account open a Charge Account Shop for Articles Held | Christmas on Deposit | at These f•“ >» 2A I «*t These I [ Reductions 3* Reductions j The holidays will be r) Wc want you to en^oy here before you know it tke advantage of these | —and we don’t believe reductions; and we’ll you’ll be able to find J Mdl’s Elgill acce Pt deoosits upon 9 values like these for WiltcheS article you pur- : I . A . • . A chase. Anticipate your ; some time to come. Do A big Anniversary ; ij . Special for the men; 7- 2*“ requirements; se- > j your Christmas Shop- jewel movements; 20- lect your gifts; pay a j P in * Now—at these big CBSeS ’ small deposit and the i | - reductions in price. dh P* balance as convenient. 3 Open a Charge Account Open a Charge Account - ! 3 17-Jewel—s29.oo ; | Open a Charge Account j . I N |ji Special Anniversary Prices on All Diamonds | I D. ALPHER 907 G Street N.W. • :■ ' - , ■ ■ r» . V SKELETON OF TREASURE HUNTER BELIEVED FOUND — f | Newspaper With Bones In West | Virginia Tells of Legend of Indian Days. By the Associated Pres*. J CHARLESTON, W. Va„ September 30.—A tale of a lone man's quest for treasure, said by folk lore to have been buried by Indians many years ago in the mountains of Kanawha County, is believed by authorities to have been unfolded by the finding of a man's skeleton in a section of the mountains where rocky cliffs and deep caverns abound. » A weather-stained newspaper, con lainlng an account of the treasure ■ | legend, was found near the skeleton i and led authorities to believe that the man met death either through a fall, exhaustion or starvation while scouring the mountains for the mound, which, in the story that has been handed down from generation to generation, covers the hidden treasure. Physicians expressed an opinion that had been dead many months. Xothhing was found that would aid in solving the mystery of his identification. TO HOLD RALLY. Representatives Connally of Texas and Barkley of Kentucky will be the speakers at the meeting of the Davis- Bryan Progressive Democratic Club ; tonight at 8 o’clock at the Shorebam i Hotel. It is expected that Mrs. Izetta Jewel Brown of West Virginia also I will he present and make a few re | marks. Albert Earned will bo in charge of j the music program. Miss Heha Hen- ! : dersoq, wil render several vocal selec- I I tions. Mrs. Walter K. Hutton, pres- | I ident of the club, will preside. •) THE EVENING is TAB. WASHINGTON. D. C.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1924. THREE DIE IN FLOOD; THREE ARE RESCUED Bridge Near Scranton Washed Away by Waters, Hurling Six '■ Persons Into Stream. By the Associated Press. SCRANTON, I**., September 30. When a bridge at Jertnyn, near here, was washed away by flood waters last night/ six persons were hurled Into the swollen waters ■of Uushbrook Creek. Three were rescued. Volun teers are searching the banks of the stream for the missing persons, two nu n and one wohfan. The missLng men are Sam l.angman and his brother-in-law, Emery Avery, but the name of the woman has not been ascertained. Reports front Carbondale, IS miles from Scranton, state that residents Itraueh OffPe DISTRICT NATIONAL BANK Coan. Av«. and K Street No Parking Restriction* “Park Your Car at the Door” along Kallbrook Creek had to move their household furniture to second floors aV flood waters in the creek rose higher. The roadbed of the trol ley line running from Carbondale to Forest City is washed out in several places. A continuous rain was responsible for the swelling of the streams. Murder of his mother-in-law be cause she ate too much was the defense of a Budapest man recently. I & Ah 9 500 New Hats This Time, Choice $7.50 (? ,• g g & O 7' for our first-of-month Millinery Event! Sorry our new ft 1 M I department is not completed, but the hats will moke up for it. j CJ uu fst HW~O J | | $ 7 rSO | I / pfc«Zwelw“ abU t 0 make anoth " •"* PUTChaSe ° f Fa “ HatS 10 be 1 ft ■ hatter~^ln d r ‘ atS ' appllq V e ’ a " d f ° r the matran hats with muclHndividual stvle- W W mad ® V lwtters P ,u f s t ! >anr >e and Lyons velvet, with satin and scratch felt combs. « la 4F ,' anety ,a,s u,t 1 brims in all the different sizes and all the lovelv fall «harb>& j . d ! sunset—oOO hats—impossible ter describe—all at $750 tnc lo elj * aH shades—wood, arab and celebrate the*removal'of our fir WEDNESDAY SA SS - 1 ‘l • 1 't?T~ An Extraordinary Event W ». J cordtri 001 ” 100 New Winter Fun _ IfT *»-- S \ I Veloria Collars' and j|! NEW—the Wf Nubian f vl #A4 g .j Cuff* of— Mg JVoo/ Jersey j F £fek Mon, ' b *"° Natural "\ff OverbloUSe k. Suede de luxe Squirrel -'lost attractive tor Clovella ggO Pf d\ Mink Squirrel ,«£?s. SPORT, SCHOOL OR I'll i ’ L ' ifw Colors— v>/TC|.ot/ . ssjx* JM **;"•' * BH Cranberry Sr 3HI . j \3gS3 Oxbiood M r ,, * h Imlrt x " TT '-o lyCcJyf c Mole rosewood, gn't t. i T iSEI Penn y Straightline styles—self insets and bias red. madonna. T'j Cinnabar panels—tucked panels—button-trimmed panels „ „ _ pecan, also black tiers—fur borders—tucked borders. Collars oi— IHli and ran 1 , with |f fvaffir The illustrations are from the actual coats, but Beaver lift I’crisp white, de- / yOQBO? \ Saddle “iustrate only a portion of the styles. Sabledyed ]■« tachablc coll a s / fSQc>OA \ f^j Dust By foresight we secured these coats and cufTs ’ which /ivWV >« Shutter Green J"f* '*** Price, and ,/tie too*. " «L //KBS// , Black *° 6 event whlch u>dl stir many /W ' U more than 100 coat purchasers into action! *vj l* mPfit*' We cannot duplicate them at thi s price. Some of the fur collars alone mfvl would cost $lO.OO additional. So we say—Come early! ~a s 8 ° use Shep-Str ' et Focr Little Womans Coat Given Away j*J ■ ■ " T , If you arc a woman—height between 4 feet 11 inches J- tM and 5 feet 3 inches, come to our Little Women’s Coat Sec- ! j Ji 1 l tion and register. This will entitle you to enter the contest • lt:| l^-^fegg^sTpAt.orr. for the Little Women’s 595 Coat to be given awav October i MPt§ Si*k Stockings That Wear X 2.->th absolutely free. ' I Tlv ' X * I g \||| Tlicy wear because the patented [< X—_____ ' " m Gold Stripe protects them from Jjg ruinous garter clasp “runs." I , * 4"* by the box—3 pairs, $5.40. j Getting Ready for the / ami ... World’s Series! (Vlulippine /Land made' : : d What to wear? Sport Clothes, of course. Where to buv? | ' E , r Where else but at our Misses’ Shop. ■ V"!"' ■•* ' whge yon find such gt»3-laoking | s<3o 50 Fir«t Philippine Underwear S (ill IB but m pla?n at silk l nings ,n for those prefer P ie «s-gowns and envelope chemise just ar- £. tH them—large patch pockets. ‘^ r JH rived from the Philippines for this event. "^|j *! BIS Raccoon Collars $2.00 Envelope Chemi.e - fe g Rust. and Autumn brown. bow J On c^.inur— cranberry, oxbiood, tan and shutter green-- and Chemise $3.95 —patent, and suede leather belts. kthis underwear our own importation. f AND OF COURSE Misses' Shop-Third Floor. I Beautiful selected designs and choice materials. Shade*—— " j KILLED IN SYNAGOGUE. LOS ANGELES, Calif., September 30.—While nearly 100 horrified wor shipers looked on, Solomon Ostraw, 35, walked Into the Zion Synagogue during Jewish festival services here yesterday and shot and killed his busl ness enemy, Harry Denny, -65, and wounded a man and a woman in the struggle that followed with the mem- bern of the congregation for posses sion of the gun. Kscaping the throng of angry wor shipers who bacily beat and threatened to lynch him, Ostraw later was” arrested by police. In jail he said that the slaying was the result of business trouble be tween him and Denny, but refused to divulge its nature. The wounded were Bennie Benasty. 2S, shot in the leg, and Mrs. Fannie IClein, 52. shot in the shoulder. Guns tlsed in Cuban Politics. HAVANA. September 30^—An excur sion train, carrying adherents of for mer President Menocai from Trinidad to Santa Clara, where Menocai is cam paigning for the presidency of the re- i public, was fired upon yesterday near • riacetas. Several bullets struck the j coaches, but no one was injured. The famous River Shannon of Ireland may flow through hydro-electric plants, i plans for development of projects, at a • cost of JX2. promising to su;ip'» from three to four times the pres, ,'r power requirements of the Krt-r sutn-' y FOR RENT \ I _ Fireproof building, 30.000 su, ft. \ ! 1214 New Hampshire Ave. i ! J. LEO KOLB \ B—J New York Ave. / Main ,WJ7 /