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PIES MOLD FIRM MCENTER MARKET Weather Curtails Trading and Also Receipts—To day’s Vegetable Review. fad wPathPr again greatly cur tailed trading in the wholesale mar ket today and also made the usual rteejpts of produce verj mueh lighter. Thf best crad. s ..f beef are still in Hood demand. There were no mark' ! l»rlee eiiances. Beef. pork, lamb. but ter. rggs and cheese remaining prac tically the smite as on Monday. I'ca 1 - i is li 'k form iii-li better business with the end of 1 lie Jew ish holiday and im provement in weather conditions. I'rultK nnd \ egetables. Today’s review of the fruit and vegetable markets by the United States Department of Agriculture follow s; Apples- Supplies liberal; too few eale.v to establish market. • ’abbafte Supplies liberal; too few Sales to establish market. Drapes - Eastern supplies light. ■Western supplies liberal; Eastern stock no sales reported; Western stock, wti few sales account weather and holiday. < Pilous - Supplies light; demand light; market dull ac ount weather and holiday: New tori; a- I Ohio. 100- pound saclv- yellow No. 1. best mostly 1’.25. I’.-acli Prices I.otter. Peaches Supplies liberal: demand very light: market dull and slightly ■weaker account weather; Pennsyl vania. bushel baskets Belles, medium size. 2 00; New York, bushel baskets Elbortas mostly 2.50; Maryland and Virginia, sixes and bushel baskets, various varieties, small to medium sizes, 1 .OOaU.OO. * Pears—Supplies light; demand light; rnarki t dull account weather and ~ holiday; New York, bushel baskets. Bartletts. 2.50a2.75; some ripe. 2.00 Potatoes-Supplies liberal; demand light: market dull account weather; very few sales: New Jersey. 1 S No. I. 150-pound sacks, tliants. 2.50 per sack. Melon ItHVipP Light, t’antaloupcs Supplies light: de mand light accent weatln r; mar', ct about steady: Colorado flat-. I2s and 15s. pink meats. 1.10a1.25: few higher, jumbo flats. 12s. pink meats, 1.25a1.t0; boneydews, demand slow: market dull: Colorado, standard crates. 1.25a 3.50; mostly 1.25. Sweet Potatoes —Supplies light; de mand light: market dull; cloth-top stave barrels, yellow varieties. No. 1, Kastern Shore Virginia, 4.50a5.00: North Carolina. 4 00a4.50. Celery Supplies liberal; demand light; market dull; New York, two third crates, Golden Self-blanching in the rough. 2.50. Celtuce—Supplies moderate; demand limited; market dull; New York, crates, Big Boston type, 1.25a1.51>. • CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET •'HIi’AGO. September :o.—Huy Receipts. 15.000 bead: mostly 10 t > 15 liiirher than Mondays best ti me; light light and Killing pigs show 15 !<• 25 advance; light receipts; top. 10.00; better, 100 to 225 pound weight. 10.40 »10.85; majority good and choice, 250 to 250 pound butchers, 10.20a 10.60; desirable 140 to 150 pound kind, o.ooa 30,25; packing sows, largely B.ooa 0 20; desirable strong weight slaugh ter pigs, mostly 0.00a0.50. Cattle—Receipts. 8.000 head; fed steers and yearlings strong to 15 higher; mostly 10 to 15 up; spots more on weighty steers; best year lings. 11.50: handyweight. upward to 11.10; heavies. 10.75; some held higher; fed steers and yearlings. S.oOalO.50; run Includes about 2,500 Western greasers; largely steers. liberal .sup ply in feeder quality and flesh; tendency higher both to killers and feeder dealers, killers discriminating again: t i"ugit weighty Western gia -- e in-in tw«en grades fat she s'oek 1 111); to choiei bcT hc'fers f rly .1 i; v' ; . atm r mov lug . !-■, . I.ulis very slow, vve. o Uli .nl- low*.; few hea ? OoOglliS .. f 12.; coalers. 25 to 50 big'...; bulk to packers. 11.50al2.00; outsiders upward to 12.50 and above Sheep—Receipts. 26.000 head: fat native lambs strong to 25 higher; sorts considered; early sales Westerns steady to strong; bulk natives, 12.75a 13.00; few to city butchers. 13.40; culls, mostly 10.00; good to choice range lambs, 13.00a.13.25; best held above. 13.50; sheep and feeding lambs steady; fat ewes, strongly. 4.75a6.25; choice feeding lambs, early. 12.75a 13.00; feeding ewes. 5.50a5.T5. ■ —— GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. BA DTI Ml >KK. Md.. September 30 (Special l -Potatoes, w hile, bushel. 40 aSS; 100 pounds, 75a1.50; barrel. 2.00a 2.25: sweet potatoes, barrel. 1.50a4.50; yams, barrel, 3 50a4.00; loans, bushel, I.ooa 1.10; lima beans, bushel. 2.00a 2.75: beets, hundred. 3.00a5 00; cab bage, hundred. 3.00a5.00; carrots, hun dred. 3.00a5.ini: celery , er. U 1.50a 2.25: corn, dozen, 15a3tt; cucumijers. bushel. 2 25a2.50; eggplants, basket. 75a 1.00; lettuce, crate, 75a1.75; onions, 300 pounds. 1.75a2.50; peppers, liasket, 45a75; spinach, basket. 35a45; pump kins. hundred, j.OOalj.OO; tomatoes, basket. 50a?5; packing stock, bushel. 3.20a1.25. Apples, barrel, 1.50a4.50; bushel. 75a 1 75; orabapples. basket, 50a75; canta loupes, basket. 50a75; damsons, 100 pounds, 3.50a4.00; grapes, 4-8 basket. fiOa’l.OO; peaches, basket, I.OOal.50; bushel. 2.00a3.50: pears, basket, 25a 1.25: bushel. 1.50a3.25; watermelons, hundred. 8.00. Selling Prices at Noon. Wheat No. 2 red Winter, spot. 1.51-U; No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, l.irf’t; No. 3 red Winter, garlicky. 1.42 'I. 8 Sales—-None. Corn —Cob. old yellow. p> r bar rel; old while. 6.35 per barrel; track corn, yellow. No. 2, 1.32. Sales None. • •als No. 2 new, 57 per bushel; No. 3. 56a56Vfe per bushel. I lye—Nearby, I.OOal.lO; No. 2 rye, spot, 1.30 tg. Hay—Receipts, 29 tons. There is a fair demand for the top grades of timothy with no pressure of stocks on the market. The main portion of the receipts consist of weedy and grassy timothy and poor grades of clover-mixed hay, for which prices are very irregular. Quotations today: No. 1 timothy, 1>.00a20.00; No. 2 timothy, 1S.00al9.00; No. 3 timothy, 16.00aI7.00; No. 1 light clover, mixed, 17.50a15.00; No. 1 clover, mixed, 16.50a 17.00. straw No. 1 wheat, new, 12.00a 13.00. DIVIDEND DECLARED. LYNCHBURG, Va.. September 30 (Special!.—TJ»o United Cigarette Ma chine Company here has declared a’ 3 per cent dividend payable Novem ber* I. The amount involved is $75,000 and the dividend is for no slated period. - A Word to Speculators. If you must /speculate select a reputable broker’who holds member ship in a recognized stock exchange. Exchange requirements, in them selves, arc some protection, as Ita members must comply with business ethics as-provided by rules and regu lations. If a member violates these rules, he hazards his membership, yhich to usually his greatest assst. FINANCIAL. —* is NEW YORK CURB MARKET Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office 111 44 11,1,1 AM K. HKKKEII V\4. < NKW YORK. September 30.—Irreg- 1 ular price movements characterized 1 today’s dealings in the curb market and it was difficult to detect a definite 1 trend. An outstanding incident was the scarcity of offerings of the new Con solidated Gas of Baltimore shares at ■ top prices around 38*£. Strength! was sympathetic with the demand for the old shares on the stock cx- 1 ■ change which also sold at a new high record. Buying was based on belief that in view of the company’s large earnings, distributions would be in- 1 creased in the near future. other public utilities were held in NKW YORK. September 30. fol lowing is an official list of bonds and slocks traded in on the New York Curb Market today; sales in bonds thm Band*. Rich, l.ew 24 j. 32 Allied Parke-s (Ik. , -] 31 Allied I’aekerK k ». . Mi"* s« s«(^ M Alum 7k imw 33.. lOT’.j 107', IftTN 6Am * Klee (Ik . KtT'.j 107', I 07», 4Am Cue \KIHs nw 03% 03% 03U 3 Am |.e 7k 103 m 3 * |O3 lAm !>» A l.t Old «K 04% 04% 04% 7Am Snmm Teh 7%» 83'- 83 1, k 3% I Am Roll Mills tie.. inn% |no% tone. 1 Am Thread to «k . 103% |i«% 103', 1 Anaconda «* 103', 103', 103% 1 Anglo Am Oil 7U.K 102 102 102 3 Akkii S'rn lldw rt'.'.K 84% 84'- 84 % 27 At (i A \V I S 8 3k 37U. 311% « Belli Si,el 7k '33 .. 103% 103% 1034, 1 t it Serv Is (' OS 0s 0, 18 ('it Serv 7k 1* 07 !Ml% 07 2 foil fas r.ill 3%k K tl'2 102 102 1 fmi (.as Bal It%K II !lil%. IKt*-, 08' 1 foils Tevtllcs h 70 *. 70'.. 70' 1 Deere A ' » T'.-jk . 103'' 103%' in.".' 2 Detroit I ily fas Ok 102% tO'.'i, 102'. 2 Detroit lot 'son Ok. . In.V, tOS'% t"8 n i 11 Dun Tire & Hub ,s !»;. 03 03 I 1 fed Sugar »;s '33.. 10|% mi % top. I I f'sher Body ('2s. 102' 102 t"2 1 fair. Bob' 7- ..... 00 00 00 1 fen Asphalt 8s 103% 103% 105% 13 feaeral set «s 10% 100% 100% 8 framl Trunk 6*xs.. 107% 107% 107% 10 fulf Oil Corp 5s 08% 08% 08% 5 Inti Match 11%a 10t:% lik»% HKI% 2 hans (by Terra 3%k 102% 102% B«% 1 Kenneectt fop 75.. I(al% 106% l(8t', 3 fell \al II H 3. 100% 100% 100% I f.diigli Val Klt ss. 00% 008* 00% 1 l.ibhy MeX A I. 75.. 100 nai ICO 7 Manitoba Power 7s . It»l% 100 100 1 Morris Afo 7%s ... 00% 00% 00% 27 Nat feather 8< 101% 101% 101% 2 New Or Pub Serv 5s 80% 80% 80% 10 Nor ten Ky 5k A... 102% 102', 102% 2 Nor Slates Pow o%s 07% 07% 07% 0 Nor S I* Min 6%s f 1111% 101'., 101% 3 lOiio Power 5s B ... 01% 01% IM% t 3 l ark A Tilford «*... 02% 92% 92% j 0 ‘■■"l I'm* a ft .>s.. bz'a ' 20 full S-r N .1 0- wl 07% I'T ', '.'7' ; 2 Pub Ser N ,! 75.... 107% 107% 107% : 12 Pur*' Oil (o «%s. . 03% 05% 93% ' 1 Snaw*sheen 7s mi 1"4 I'd 10 Skelly Oil o%s wl.. IOC, 100% mo‘. 30 sianu (,a- ,u'K (j‘..s 104% 103', 103% 2S (t N V 7s ’25.. .. 100’, 100% 100% 20 S O N V 7s '2B. 105% 105% 11*5% 3 S l> N V 7s ’3O 100 10(1 too ISON Y 7- Ml.. . . 100% 100 100% 3 s o X Y O' s 107% 107% 107% 10 Tidal (l-age 7s I'll 101 104 3 I n EUP 5%s A 08 I*B 08 1 fnion Oil 6s B ’25. . 101 101 101 2 Ini Itv of Hi* 7'-.k 108% 108 108% 1 Webster Mills 6%5. 103% 103% 103% fOKKIf.N BONDS. 25 french 4s 29% 29% 29% 22 In Mtg Bk es fin 7» 93% 93 93% 34 In Bank nf Jap os.. 100 09% 100 2 Italian Power o%k 98a, osa, 98% 1 King of Neth Os ’s4s 9'ia, 90% 90% 10 Is*n Aus Mv El o%s 83 83 83 18 Parts Orleans 7s. .. 92% 92% 92% 3 Paris fyons 7s 9:«% 93% 93% 12 Rep of Poland 65... 73% 72% 73 11 Buss fvr 3'—s 14*-, 14% 14% 3 Rusk fvt «%s 13% 13% I'd, I'l Itns fvt. 6 1 .. sna cf 13% 13 13 ' 5 Swiss fvt 5%5. . 101% JOJ i v K'l'... Sates iu nulls, STANDARD (Ilf ISSffS 3(B* Amrlu Amer, 0i1.... 14% 1»a, I I t" Ituekeve f-ne, 61 30 30 I" K ir. kit Pipe fine.. "I 01 01 i" fal nit ('if... 31 31 31 3o Imp oil of Canada. lo.t 1"3 it'3 l*t bid Piii- fine 73 7.1 73 ItHKt Inti Pet so I,td ... 10% 10% 10% I 10 Magnolia Pet 129 120 12. t 100 Nat Transit 22% 22% 22% : Itl Northern P b Istl 18(* ISO \ 2(81 Ohio Oil 61 61 61 120 Prairie Oil A fas.. 207 2e7 207 to Stliwest Pa P bine. 76%. 76% 76% 110 Southern P I, 80', 88% 89% 24(81 S O In.liana 36% 55% 55% 500 s O Kansas 33 33 33 8(81 S O Kerluckr 116% 116 116',.. 4(81 S(» N Y 393* 39% 39% 20 S O Ohio pfd 117 117 117 10 Swan A finch 39 30 30 1500 Vacuum Oil 70% 69*» 70% Sales in INDEPENDENT OIL STOCKS. Hundreds. 10 Allen Oil 40 .40 .49 1 Ark Nat fas 4", 4% t«, 1 Boston Wyo oil 80 .80 .80 ; 9 t aril, Svnd 3% 3 3 I fit Serv 142 141 % 141% ! Wasmngion Stock Exchange MaLS. 0 .*• •. ■ = . r»-f »u ..I ** .(MN• ;• I ? 7 w • ,n. Ir. .11 ~ I.'* Was., Itw... . pfd. :» al 7«5 :i 4 . i 6» 4 . r» at 7*r». 10 at AFTER ( ALL. U'ash.njztoß Oas -SJOO at 100^* (ap lal Trtft.on —sl,ooo at 07 Washington Lts Light—lo at r.o-V 10 at 10 at 50%. 30 at 50%. JO at 50%. Capital Trartion -o at 92*4- Moncj—Call Intna. 5 and 6 rent. BONDS. Bid and Asked Prices. PUBLIC UTILITY. B d. Asked. American Tel. A Telga 4s 98 ... American Tel. A Telga. 4%5.... 105% .... Am. Tel. A Tel. cl I tr. 5s 101% Amer. Tcf A lei. tone. 65.,.,. 110% ..... Anacostui A Potomac 5s 80 Anacostia A Potomac gua -. ss. so f. A P. Te’ephonc 5s 09 j f. A P. Telephone of Va 5g.. 96 . ,' Ira. ton !!. If 5s 07 9s , T- ,v suburban 5s s 2 83 •..ergeown tins I<i 3, ss st| , 1 epolitan B If 5s BBi H'Ot,. ■ ?* ac Etc-. Ist 5s 98 99 I' domuc Elec. Cra*. 5s 07% 9 % Potomac Elec. deb. 6s !('"% Potomac Elec, (is 1953 D« Pot. Elec. Pow. X. m. A ref. 7s. B>7 Wash.. Alex. A Mt. Ver. 5k . 30 Wash.. Alex. A Mt. Ver, otf 28 Wash . Bait. A Anapoiis 67 Washington lias 5s 96 97 Washington fas tis 101 % 102% Wash. Hwy. A Elec. 4a 74 % 75% Wash. Raj. A Elec. gen. 65... 98% 99 MISCELLANEOUS*. I>. C. Paper Mfg. Its... 85 Riggs Realty 5s I long! 92 Riggs Realty 5s tabort) 98 ..... Southern Bldg. 6%s 99 Wash. Mkl. Cold Storage 55.... 92 Warrlman Park Hotel 6s 100 Jftl ’ STOCKS. PUBLIC UTILITY. Amer c an Tel. A Telga *126% J Capital Traet'on *92", 93% ; Washlng'on tjas 50% i N .Hoik A Wash. SlP.imbont *213 217 | W ash. Rwy. A Klee, com 79 • i - . . | Wash. Rwy. A I'lct*. pfd 76;* 76% | l.rmraal Taxi com Bit 125 NATIONAL BANK National Capital 220 240 j Columbia *2M 3'hi i Commercial ...*!4o .... 1 District *l'*2 167 fatmera A Mechanics’ 239 federal American *212% Lherty, 150 160 Lincoln 356 National Metropolitan 260 Riggs *294 300 Second l'»0 National Bank of Washington.. 2m* TRUST COMPANY. American Security A Trust *296 310 Continental Trust 85 8? Merchants’ Bank 130 National Savings A Tru5t....... 390 Union Trust *166 169 Wath. Loau A Trust 375 100 SAVINGS BANK. Commerce A Saving*. 200 East Washington 23 -.77. Security Savings A Coin B’2Bo 305 Seventh Street 180 ( United States 320 j W ashinglon MechanVs* *3O | / IT It E INSURANCE. American <*]"' 1 C r.-n an 131* firemens 1 K National Union 10%. TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia Title... 8% 9 Real Ealate Title 145 165 MISCELLANEOUS I*. ('. Paper pfd.../ 73 Merchants' Transfer A Storage.. 110 Mergenthaler Linotype 163 166 Naif Mtge. A- Invt. pfd 8% 9 Old Dutch Market com 1* 4 Old Dutch Market pfd 3% 8 Ijnston Monotype 79 80 Security Storage *353 375 Washington Market 47 53 Yellow Cab.., .......15 ..... •* *Ex dividend. THE EVENING STAR, ’WASHINGTON. P. C.. TtTESPAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1924. •hook by profit taking and offerings if Ibis character resulted in declines >f a half point to 2 points at times n recent favorites. This was true >f Middle West Utilities, of Uommon acal th Power preferred and common md of several others. Among high-priced .specialties Singer Manufacturing lost 2 points u hen it sold* at 172. It is said that there is no likelihood at this time >1 a stock dividend being declared. The action of the oils showed (hatj recent cuts in Mid-Continent Crude md the subsequent reduction today if I to 2 cents a gallon in gasoline were having their effect upon senti ment. I Fit Srrv |»!'*| 7‘i 1 -, iK 1 ,. 7*»*-_. i cat s-t\ j.f i r.. iPi ipa ip« | 12,(100 <' i t Sen i virij*. #0 ill m 1 M.O'IO l’lf Srrv scrip. .. . s*.’ S 2 Fi { 4 Pr«*ol" Svn»i s * I 1 I»«rbv I’e! a H 2 ! 40 Engineers Pet n’» .04 .°4 j *J ftulf Oil of I’n :.«* 4 •’*«% I 42 Ifudsfui nil 02 oj .02 24 Lhco Pef 1 7 h t ; »« 4 7 s I 40 Latin Amer (>il 04 o.’f .0.1 » 10 Mount Pr#Hl . jn lf»u 10% t 1 Mount <.illf I 1 -.* I 1 _• I j 4 Mutual Oil vot r's 11 lO 7 * 11 ] ;; New Hrail ord Oil. 4N. | 1 New Me\ Land 0 ' % o'i 0' 4 t 20 Noble nil \ (ia> . Ob nb °b I 10 Penn Leaver oil.. .22 .22 .22 | 41 Pennoek f»|] IT 0»-\» 17 | I.T Red Hank Oil :;4' 4 32% :W r » 1 Rov Fan Oil & Ref .V« '•’k» 11 Salt Fk Prod 27 1 » 2b 7 , 27 N 1 Sapulra Reflfi .. lla II 1 I it oil of Fal 0 132 132 132 1 Ventura Pons .v . 20*$ 2<F, 20* i 41 \nc7i;elan Pet ... 2*l 2*S» s 4V ilcO\ Oil b9s 1 7 x I 7 ** t 7 s 11 Woodley Pe! in o t lo 20 V oil o . or. o;, IMM’STUI \L> I Adirondack l*ow<»r. 32 F> ' _• 1 Allied Pack new. -• •'* * 4 Allied Pack pr pf 41 F. 421- 44 F. 3 Amal Leather . . > s } 7 Am Fas X Kl new 94% 91% ;» Am I. Trifl 1 -»b'j 130 13(1 2b Am I* »V L new.... 17% 47% % Am P X I. pfd 90 90 1H» 52 Am K P \vi 34% 31% 34% I Am Type Founders. 73 7.* 73 1 liorden X Fo 120% IJ'i'y 12ti% 2.3 Rrit Am Toll Foil. . . 24 21 24 12 P.klyn City R R . 9% S- 4 9 31 Hurr Add Mach new I*3 (»1 % b 4% 2 Font Pipe lb lb lb 13 Fh i« Nip A .33' 2.3 33 1 Fliic Nip it Trust M» L*»% K> 2 Child Fo new 33 34% 34% I % Colorado Pow & l.t. 34% 34% 34% 7 Commonw Pow For 107*4 103% 107 1% Com l*ow For pfd. 7s 77% 77% 22 Fnm INjw F.»r rl>. 1 3 » t 4 ( on ti lien Toll Ihc. 23% 23% 2.3% 2(uua Fo 31 •_• 34' j 34% 179 Cun iia> R new \\ i 3K% 3«% 37 ‘% • 14 I* I. xV. \\ Foal !•»♦»% lot;* a lob 1 .. ? I ll'-eiile* Hie Fa- Fo lb« u ib% lb»- i 3 hub her « Uidio 31 r 34% j 1 Ounhili inti ill. .. 23% 23 %• , I O nanr M.-f lb% lb% I»J% 1 1 On Pou« Mol or- .. 1 % 1% 1 % I L On/ ((i A 23 21 , 23 I 3% Last Penn LI. • F*» ♦•! 3u% bl 1% Kl Roll i X si:ar pf 10l U)*»% 0»l | • I Ini 1.i.-pe f Ma-h s % S% b% 1.3 Oil S R new wi... 38 3U% 3b l v 3% Oillettc SR 327 317 317 2 (iinter Fo 2.3% 23% 23% I (»len Aiden (oal. 12-1 12.3 123 20 (iiod.rrar Tire . 13 14% 13 1 Hall S X S 4% 4% 4% 2 lia/cltioc Forj* . . 27% 27% 27'*^ 9 Hcyden Fhem .. 3% 3 3% 13 Hudson a. Man KU 22**>* 22% 22% H lluil>0!j C o pfd . 42% 42 42 I Inti Fonil Rubber. 3% 3% 3% 10 Ini Ocean Rad 11 10% 11 13 .lone> Radio . . . . 8% b% 7 Pow Set . . 87% 87% % 1 Udnuh \ al ( oal . 83 Ni b-i lb Lehigh Val C3 # a! NF 41 *« 40% II 1 l.ibhy McN A Lib n .*»% 3‘... :*'.■ Oi M.ddb fi11... *4 M >*2% j 11 Midtale « ... . 21% 24 21 , 1 \at I«»’Utlier 3 » 3% 3 % : 1% Naf To i( ■ 24H 241 2M | 1% \ N lei «.* pl-i... 109 4 0(9 %• 190% ' 4 N Plate ney, pf wi .' , 2-*», ' s 2-.* b 2 • ! I Pa Mol.*r . . I*% 14 , 14\ ‘ I Pa t .ic I.**-,* lac. . . 41 10-‘ S *3 , i 4 Put- I* in w . 11 7 4 II »» 1 Pit;> I enii |*fd.. M Si M j 22 Rad i«» 4*o. |».. . 3% .3% ••% j 11 cor p ,*f«l 4 H .4 • ud.o « o Hew ,\ 23 'j 23%. 23% . b Uova Ra lor !r cfs 14 T « 1I % 14 7 * [ b Sierra Paotb Kl 0> 29 19% 20 % Stager Mfg 172 172 172 I 00 S«j F X I new. ... 08 .Ob .(i8 I %So cal Edison ... 98% 98% 08% j 2 Standard M0t0r.... 3% 3% 3% : 2 Standard Pub Co A 23% 2.3% 2.3*% ■’•l Swift Inf I 29 28 % 28 % 1% Swift A Fo 103 104*2 104% 4 Term Klee Power. . 43% 43 43% 1 Tenn Elec p 2d pfd 68 68 68 1 Thom Ua For v.t.c, 8 8 8 6 Tobacco Prod Expta 3 3 3 % Todd Ship 43% 43% 43% 4 I niled bakeries .. 114% lit 114 3 I n Bakeries pfd . HU K*»% 100% 1 Fnited (» A. K new 31% 31% 31% 8 In Ll X Pow A.... 34 % 33 34% 1 t n Retail i andv. . .3% 3 1 4 .3% 3 Ward P.ak Fo 127% 127 127 ! 29 Ward Fo B :ki% Tt% | 2 Ward l»k F«» j*M !»1 91 91 12 Ware Radio C%»rp . 22*j« 21 %. 22% j 13 Wit* epn power 41%. 11 41 % j 2 Wli Ko k Sp uw 13 * 11% 1.3 i 3 Vcl I,«v •Coi p N 3 20 19 •t» 2»» MINIM* Fal nine' »\ J- none .13 13 .3 •3 l on- *op A, i lies . • • 3 3 10 < oris N v 4 an ob (*b .Ob 10 Cortez Silver .... .12 .12 .12 I i re>»on Fold 3% 3% 3% 3 Eng F M Md md. . 13 12% 13 40 Firrd Thought F M .43 .42 .43 30 Foldfieid llecp Mine .03 .02 .02 10 (gold Zone 03 (»3 .0.3 330 Hardshell Min ... .oi .01 .01 9o Hawtb Mines Inc . .43 .41 .43 5 Howe Sound 2% 2% 2% 3CM Jib Cons 61 .36 .60 17 Kay Copper Corp. . 1% li T « % T « 1 Kerr Lake 1% 1% 1% .39 %»rr Silv Syod Ltd .79 .72 .79 lo McNamara 03 .0.3 .03 10 Mohican Fop .* . .10 .10 .10 6 Ohio CVipper 1 iS liV 1 70 Ply I>ad Mine? .. .74 .69 .74 8 Premier Fold Min. 2% 2% 2% 130 Red Hill Florence. .01 .01 .01 20 Reorg Div Annex. .29 .29 .29 7 Rck Ml Sm X lief 1% 1% I\i 2 Rck Mt S X R pf if* 1% Ift 10 Silverdale 04 .04 .04 1 So Ain Fold & P-• 4% 1%1 1 1 I 1.% " Ii« 5 .: %« 1 Tone* Beimont 60 .6(4 .60 29 I'onopaii Exten. .. 3% 3% 3% boll? Bull ion 1 *. .11 .11 72 Tnuily Copper. ... .30 . 4 » ."*(4 b 1 niled Venlc Em.. 26*- 2«*%» 2b’-j lo I S (dnl tacatal. .. 1* .14 .14 I I n.iy Fold 1 % I % \ 1 Wtat'-Eud Em 22 .21 .21 AUSTRIAN ENVOY HERE NOTES BUSINESS GAINS Great Industrial Progress Made Since Finances Were Ren dered Sound. Kdfjar frochnik. Austrian rhargo d'afraircs lo the United States, in an interview yesterday, gave an opti mistic report as lo the progress of industrial developments in Austria since Hie tinancea of that country were placed on a stable basis as a re sult of the extraordinary efforts of the Austrian people in co-operation with the I.caguc of Nations. Mr. ITochnik said that since allied powers have guaranteed the political integrity, and since the stabilization of the currency, the Industries of Austria had revived and were now making gratifying progress with the support of Austrian banks. GASOLINE CUT 3 CENTS. SHREVEPORT, La.. September 30. — The Gulf Refining Company today an nounced that, effective tomorrow, it would reduce the price of gasoline here 3 cents a gallon, botli retail and tank wagon sales, making service station prices IB 1 ,4 cents and tank wagon prices 12’4 cents. RATES ON BAR SILVER. LONDON, September 30. —Bar silver. 35 3-16 d per ounce. Money. S-H per cent. Discount rates- —Short bills, 3 r N,a3 11-16 per cent. Three-month, 3 ~/s per cent. CUTS PRICE OE PAPER. MONTREAL, September 30. —The Helgo Paper Company, one of the largest news print mills in the prov ince of Quebec, has reduced the price of paper )3 a ton for 1925. The new price is S7O. As one of the schemes for relief of unemployment in England during the Winter, it now is proposed that a road tunnel be constructed under the Thames River to connect Kent and Ebeex. TOBACCO AUCTIONS OPEN TOMORROW Virginia Has 80,000,000 Pounds to Sell—Rain Cuts Down Early Receipts. By the AMneiifed Pre*». DANVILLE. Va.. September 30. The monotonous chant of the tobacco auctioneer will echo throughout the bright belt of Virginia when the mar ket places open tomorrow. Auction houses and receiving stations open simultaneously to handle a crop that Is estimated not to ezeeed 80 t>er cent of I a set year's production. Eighty million pounds Is the estimate. Ninety-six hours of almost inces sant rainfall will make flrsl day re ceipts small since automobiles and trucks which hate superseded the picturesque white-hooded tobacco wagon will find it«'late(J roads im passable. Seven auction ‘fcnufet here, the largest market in the belt, will be gin triple sales tomorrow, automatic ally increasing the sales to quad ruple next week The "pool” organi zation, numerically stronger than ever, will enter on its third season Many farmers, however, are ezpeeted lo sell son all lots to "feel" the trend of the market. BANKERS GET SURPRISE. Mexican Bond Offering Startles New York Financiers. NEW Y(»RK. September 36. Bank ers here are surprised by an an nouncement made through an adver tising agency that J. L. Arlitt. an investment dealer of Austin. Tex., and New York, is offering for public pur chase a new issue of $50,000,060 6 per cent Mexican bonds, secured by a pledge of oil taxes. A member of a hanking house here said he did not know Mr. Arlitt, and suggested that it was unusual that a bond iseiue df such proportions should be handled by any save a syndicate of large banks or investment firms. Mexican bonds, inactive for months, after default on interest, suddenly became active last week, gaining 3 points. Similar activity was reported from London. WOOLEN PRICES RAISED. Advances of 5 to 20 Cents Per Yard on Certain Fabrics. NEW YORK. September 30. — Amer ican Woolen shares were not in fluenced by the action of the company in posting higher prices for certain lines of its production. The company announced increases ranging from 5 to 20 cents a yard in men’s wear fabrics made from worsteds and wool. The change will affect 10 of the fac tories and reflects the increase In woolen contents. Only last week the company revised quotations - on all of its woolen materials upward, hut so far has announced no change in ma terials made entirely from worsted. COTTON TRADERS WARNED Investors in South Lost Over ‘ $5,000,000 Last Year. NEW YORK. September 30. —The New York Cotton Exchange tonight issued a statement warning investors in the South of the danger of losing millions of dollars in the next few months due to the operations of ir responsible firms, who are flooding the mails with literature describing large profits to be made by trading in cotton at this time. Last year, the exchange estimated, so-called cotton brokers of this type fleeced the South of more than $5,000,006, AMERICANS REPORT RUSSIA STILL CHAOTIC S((("' at Dispatch to The Star NLW Y( *RK. Hi plomber 30. Amer ican Business ni"ti recently returned 'tom Itu si ■ report i -;r at commun istic reaction aga'-st the new eco nomic policy ins-il uted by Lenin. S nee tin- death o, f.enin. says the Guaranty Trust Company, the Com munist leaders have organized new opposition to any effort to expand private trading or ownership so ef fectively that it is reported private business activities of any kind are made almost impossible. The result is that most of the ground gained by business last year has been lost, and the Russian problem remains as great as ever, with conditions still most unpromising. The lack of capital Is th« basi 4 difficulty and there seems to be no way of meeting it. In view of the con flict between Soviet principles and policies and those of the only coun tries from- which investment capital might come. MORE AUTOS SHIPPED. i kpee'al Dispatch to The Star. DETROIT. September 3*V—The up turn in the automobile business here after the slump of the t-’ummer i.s be ing reflected in earnings of railroads, hluptember in most instances showed decided gains in net earnings. ________ COMMODITY NEWS WIRED STAR FROM ENTIRE COUNTRY NEW ORLEANS. September 30. Stocks of dry goods are at their low est here and local wholesale dealers expect to be heavy buyers for the next three months. One house has sold $1,250,000 worth of goods in the last HO days and must buy at least $500,000 worth more to run It the remainder of the Kali. GRAND RAPIDS. September 30. The movement of furniture out of Grand Rapids is Improving rapidly, according to railroad officials, al though outbound traffic at present Is sliil about 15 per cent under that of last year. OAKLAND. Calif.. September 30. — The Hartman Process Company of Pittsburgh has begun the construc tion of a $250,000 factory here tO manufactlre hardware. Since Janu ary 70 firms have established plants here in various lines of industry. SPRINGFIELD, lIC September 30. Calhoun County, HI., apples now are moving briskly to market, most Os them by river steamer. The crop 18 smaller than last year, but the qual ity is of the highest. DETROIT. September 30.—The Mich igan white bean crop is less than that of 1923 by more than a million bush els, but prices are higher this year. The total yield is placed at 5.492.000 bushels, against 6,532.000 last year, hut the bean farmers’ Income will be about the same. SI 7.600.000. PORTLAND. Oreg., September 30. Orders for Christmas candy received by local manufacturers are increas ing. and the volume of business booked is far ahead of that done up to October last year. Center-stuffed and satin-finished candies are In spe cial demand. Orders received by Southern Pine Association mills last week increased lo 81,600.000 feet. There, were 78,000,- 000 feet shipped and 77,000,000 sett produced. Unfilled orders total 178,- 000,000 feet. PENNSY’S EARNINGS OFF IN 8 MONTHS ——— * Net Operating* Income Shows Gain Orer August of Last Year. By the A**«ei»te«l Press. NEW YORK, September JO.—Gross I revenues of the Pennsylvania Rail-, road In the first eight months of 1921 decreased $*0,868,060 to $414,404,168 compared with the same period f f 1921. Net operating income fell to| $54,585,430. about $5,565,006 loss than a year ago. Although gross revenues for August showed a drop of nearly $9,506,660 to $81,605,955, net operating income of $9,718,474 was h gain of about $575,006 over August last year. _: ; I “When Buying” Our 7% First Mortgage Notes -ytor iiteattkeat la aeeured oa carefully •circle* i«pr*r»(J penperllea ahd placed «a ■ aoaad. (’nnorrcaiHe taluatlAa Natct «• achllAWc ia aaaitata nf 9100 up Apply Una Dept. Mr. O’Dangell, Mgr. Chas. D. Sager 30 I Realtor < 91aia 37 1 >24 14th St N.W. 3 * i Public Service Corperstion es New Jersey Plato and No. 0t on (~ taiana Stock ftkUato No. $$ on •« Comulatiao Rewired Itaefc PCildaeed No. Too T% Cuneulotiao The Board 4f Direct ore it Public Serrter Cor- | rorptlSa ti New Jerary haa declared dt video It i at tier rata of 8% par aniMa «■ tbe 8% Cunu tatlao Pfrjerrrd Stock. bHna $2 ear ebere;al the rata of J% per annum en Iha 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock, baiat $1.75 per share and Si per abaraea the non par value Common Stock tor tha quarter endint September 50, 1924. Dividtnde are payable September to. 1924. to atockbolder* r.f r«a»rd September IS. toja T. W.Van Middieeworxh T»«arar«e r ' Good investments for this year and for the years to come. Our October list is broad enough in range to meet your particular re quirements. Send for a copy The Nstionsl City Company Washington—74l 15th St- N.W. Telephone—Mala 3176 As All of These Bonds Have Been Sold, This Advertisement Appears as a Matter of Record Only A 'ew Issue $20,000,000 Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Railroad Company (Compagnie des> Chcmins de Fer de Paris a Lyon et a la Mediterranee) 7% External Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated September 15, 1924 Maturing September 15, 1958 Bearer Coupon Bonds in Denominations of SI,OOO and SSOO. Interest payable March 15th and September iMh. Principal and interest payable in gold at the office of Bankers Trust Company, New ork. Fiscal Agents for the Loan, without deduction for any French taxes. Redeemable only as a whole on or after September 15, 19.12 on any interest date at 103 and accrued interest, except for Sinking Fund as shown below. Gradutad annual Sinking Fund payment* beginning with $244,000 nn September 15, 1931, and progressively increasing to a maximum of $1,540,000, calculated to retire tbe entire issue by maturity through purchase at ■at exceeding 100 and accrued interest or by annul drawing* fer redemption at 100 and accrued interest. Information in regard tr this issue is eftrn in a letter from 1/. StePhane Dtrviili. President of thr Foard of Directors of the Pnris-Lyons-Medi'erranean Rat road, (. ntt.'Ninv. dated September tocj. copies of which mj\ be had from the undersigned on application and from which we summarise in part as follows: Description of Company The Paris-L} ons-Meditrrranean Railroad Com pan \ was organized in 1857 and is the largest railroad in France. Its lines comprising about b. 121 miles of road include a main trunk line from Paris to Lvons and Marseilles, and branches and extensions southeast of Paris, through the French Riviera and to the Swiss and Italian frontiers. GUARANTY OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT The Government of the French Republic hat undertaken, ms described in the above-mentioned letter, dated September 25, 1924, to provide, if necessary, funds sufficient to pay interest on these bonds and sinking fund sufficient to retire tbe entire issue by maturity. These bonds are a direct obligation of the Paris-Lyons-Mediterranevi Railroad Company and rank pari passu with all the other outstanding debt of the Company. For payment of interest and sinking funds on outstanding bonds, there is available; 1. The operating receipts of the road: 2. The "Common Fund” of all the largest French Railway Systems into which Fund the excess receipts of these Systems are paid; 3. The payments which the French Public Treasury has undertaken to effect if neces sary to make up any deficiency in the "Common Fund” as provided by the terms of the Convention between the railways and the French Government ratified by the law of October 29th, 1921. Application will be made to list these bonds on the New York Stock Exchange. Price 93Vi and interest, to yield over 7.55% to maturity Should the issue be called as a whole before maturity the above yield would increase to a maximum of about 8.45% if the bonds are called on September 15. 1932. the earliest option of the Company. The yield On any bonds called for sinking fund will increase up to a maximum of about 8.29% for those called on September 15, 1931, the date on which sinking fund operations begin. This offering is made in all respects, when, as and if issued and accepted by us and subject to the approval of the French Minister of Finance and French Minister of Public Works, and of Messrs. Sullivan & Cromwell of New York, counsel for the Bankers We reserve the right to reject any and all subscriptions in whole or in part, to allot less than the amount applied for and to close the subscription hooks at any time without notice. It is cxoectcd that ‘delivers- of temporarv Bonds or Interim Receipts will be made on or about October 20, 1924. at the Office Os Goldman, Sachs & Co.', 30 Pine Street. New York, N. Y„ against payment thercior in New York funds. GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY LEHMAN BROTHERS HALSEY, STUART & CO. THE UNION TRUST COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH lacarperatsd i T>< .bat Unwin, h»™« *<• » »»'<• '• ’** »" " O'™" «■ ' EARNS SIOO,OOO A WEEK. NBW YORK. September 30.—1 n the three la«t weeks of August and the first) two in September the Ward Bak ing: Corporation earned net profits of more than SIOO,OOO a week. The amount for the five weeks was $503.- 954 after deductions for depreciation and Federal taxes. Second trust Notes j Bought Our clients are rradv to pay cash for SECOND TRUSTS in any amount. The rates will please you if the security is sat isfactory. MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT 713 and 713 14th Street N.W. Maim 1345. : MONEY TO LOAN Oa Imprwad Preparty ib D C. mad Md. ART AMOUNT—THREE, FITE mad TEN TEAR TERMS. Lav**t Rata*. BUILDING PROJECTS FINANCED. FRED T. NESBIT Inamtmaat Bldg. Male *3>> federal American! NATIONAL BANK RESOURCES $13,000,000 1315 F ST JBNM Pool* fame Safety Is *f Paramount To safeguard every dollar invested through us is the su preme aim of our House. W e are sure we can convince any investor of this policv. * If you want 100 f c insurance against loss invest your money through the House where SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT. Write or telephone 1 our Mortgage Invest ment Department to send literature. No charge and no obligation. (%kaKinon & maffi 713 and 715 14th Street N.W. Main 2345 FINANCTAr. Oil PRICES ADVANCED. NEW YORK, September 30.—Tide water Oil Company has Bdvarticed prices of lubricating oils 1 to 1 % cents a gallon. • I Metropolitan Housing Loans I g (Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.) | On homes in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and r 3 | suburbs in MARYLAND and VIRGINIA for fifteen | {| years. No life insurance requirement. I I Business Properties | Apartment Houses These loans in amounts large or small for long terms at— B Ej Lowest Interest Rales Weaver Bros., Realtors 735 15th Si. N.W. Main 1821 | f^Mgfgißjasja^gißfßiajßißiß>erefafßiß^ f gigMsjgMgMgjgj^ f gig r E.rafßjßarßJsMasfafa r sjsiu MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES ! at . CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ntr /S2Y Sswmte Office Space | for Rent Long Lease Reasonable Rents 923-925 15th N.W. Opposite McPherson Sq. B. F. SAUL CO. Main 2100 1412 Eye St. N.W. 31 Money to Loairo Secucad oj ftrst deed .»f trust on real Imm t’rrf*ilin« inirrMt and commtaaioa t V Joseph I. Weller 420 Wa,t L - * Tnut j ocp a. vv Ciicr B i dft> 9th 4 F K.W.