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' <D I SALE 4» Tots ’ Winter Coats ~~ - |! Brushed Wool Sweaters ( \ ZT\ duo Styles Melt hrJ) I that every woman and miss •7 such have at least one! G^ls’Winter Coats . TrimmedF^^ mWmk u With Anniversary Values Second to ISone /rK pr x' j fifl#^p\ ||| *IO.OO iTC *76.64 Jft [iM% WMtm Coats that will really U ■{ (H i jl a (dyed coney), in 48-inch pp? |l -fp|k surprise the most skep- I length, with collars and AH J rli M\ Coats for dress, school or Priced Far Less than Women /WT jira high crush collar and new vR jjMmm ■lil#ll\H%ra sports wear-bought at a # need tar Less mail o onu it /M /7K flSgji puff sleeve: elegant W® 9|f Mlpll if i r price far their Expected It ho It ante d **j /H A figured silk lining. jOjkjtjSjL ||j r Jfiai savings are passed along Really Luxurious Looking ' / Isl H IhR I i;-:;' Mostly Fur Trimmed / ■ j^^^H^ff l (it S 146,64 lEb I I $49.75 for the most important gar- J— jIM4L v B JJm 9 \ > , / I Big. convertible fur col- ment you have to choose in the IB B _..,,. . ' I I i jPfrrr T| lars— and every Coat whole year—nothing is so conspicu- B W Seahne (dyed coney). ■ 1 Ik fczipfph fully lined for additional ous or is worn so long. REAL op- B ! W 48-inch length: two styles. (A ,y \ ,v 'L-U-j. warmth. Two of the portunity to the woman who must i" one wfith new bolster col a coat __ many smart styles consider her pocketbook. lar and Mandarin sleeves; n”r Ty ful ” sketched. Lustrosa, Furlane , Ormandale, Excello , Velvatone . Clovella other with crush collar p^ e a a iir»tr Good, Heavy Fabrics Truvenette, Suede , Zaamara , Velaria. J r elverelte and trim of kolinsky fitch, Scarfs, jiriuoloo! / / Chamois Suede. Doicnyirool skunk or squirrel. newest I/ j . Polaire Suedine, FUR COLLARS—Beaver, squirrel, marmot, marmink, opossum, RUSbR F° x Scarfs, light and iRp / / / scal - sealine ’ nutria, muskrat, fox. fitch, wolf—some with fur cuffs and \ \ dark browns $19.64 J jl those s art P ad add bands, or tailored models. Straight cuffs—melon-shaped cuffs—rows of \ f/ Lx stripes. izes / o 0 ,1 buttons—over-panel and tunic effects. Instructive in the newest sash- i V \ 7 Stone Marten Scarfs. : . * ; years. ions and color"—as well as a sale. / k \X animal effect $24.64 roaßiH floor Sizes 16 to lb—and 36 to but not in every style—s49.7s. SSft W fioor • M SECOND FLOOR. LANSBURGH i BRO SECO.T) FLOOR. First Day Anniversary Features in Drapery Department Talking Value 4s We Seldom Have Before—A Purchase of ;i 2,100 Yds. Sun fast Rayon Drapery Fabrics nZrnt'l Nippon Lustrous Artificial Silks in ~| All first quality ware: usually S' j Beautiful Patterns and 1 Cl# sold from 75c to $2.00 o4c ea. joS g'S f Here are drapery fabrics you can't resist when you see their quality and Fine - transparent China Dinnerware. decorated with coin gold band. Sf 1 f Efeg | beauty! You must see them, the light shining through their silky, shadowy What an opportunity! Choice includes dinner plates, soup plates, cups and H / \ | Ffe C— = fabric, to really realize the charm they can give to your home. Plain colors saucers, vegetable dishes, sauce boats, sugar bowls, cream pitchers. cif If | M = CkS =_ : and patterns—every yard GUARANTEED SUNFAST. . <~> jf I I I 6,000 Yards Cretonne 1,600 Pairs Curtains 54.00 Covered Vegetable Dishes to Match, 51.64 '^^””■“o E [1 —' —f- ri c 150 full holts—both English and domestic Curtains and Panels—a tremendous special ' | 5 1 : cretonnes —31 and 36 inches wide. Beautiful purchase brings imported Irish Point, Quaker »-»• w i | r^niTintyWTffnnp l = colors and patterns—all new—all perfect— Filet. Ilanddrawn Marquisette Curtains of ~ „ 2f)*r IPPC I 111 Ititl'tiUl ' i : £ and worth two, three and four times highest quality. A vahie that will I t Cl * T S IjB.O | 100 Large Axminster Rugs, $29.75 87.64 | ~— large home or the small apartment—and quality rugs, seamed—and a beautiful selection of ? f SEAMLESS VEL\'ET RUGS —9\I2 and CHENILLE BATH HI ‘.- IB sible price; two- tone iridescent | I 8.3x10. Good l patterns and «25.00 Splendiid quality rugs m- w. 81,75 luster ware, with jet-black handles. ZmM&mmmmm good rugs. Anniversary price Si/.e 18x36 inches. Each ' ** eBSB ““ 1 FIFTH FLOOR. LANSBURGH t BRO. SIXTH FLOOR. .I\ I ; | Ij ; • Save and Sleep in Comfort! Anniversary Offers Opportunities to Save Mot Likely to Be Duplicated This Season! Buy a Year's Supply Mou ! Ell-Bee All-Layer j| Pure Aluminum Cooking Utensils PEQUOT Sheets and Felt Mattress I i The Sale of Aluminum Ware eclipses all others—to our I Da ///Tf I A knowledge no such values have been seen in recent years. Re- J. ww W%J Lfut/O An Astounding Value at member, Pure Aluminum—heavy gauge—highly polished. Better WT J. W m If 1 come early for choice of these: ■ Iff Ml Are Less in the Anniversary Sale m I *F f■ J B I I II HI I>6-Q.nart CofTee Percolator. Honnct Dralilr Roa*frr. I II HI | vs | | H ivi-anart iionhie itoiirrs. xv*-Huart w r atrr pitchers. We feature for Anniversary Sale—a real feature! *fP JL Z/yy - I I SS , S^KT 1 Set - 1 A standard product of known worth-one of the best, if Here’s one that beats them all! Imperial edge, four rows | ! oo.iandcr. " ot the Jest-and the Prices lower than lower, of stitching and full fifty pounds of comfort. Covered with i ! 4 ery Sheet carries the ongma equot abel. Priced as excellent quality ticking, in stripe or art effect. Soft, resilient O AA — \ . . " Anmversary wou,d in - |i flip/ mOmm 1m W ■ All sizes—bring exact width of your bed. II II U If I lit ki 1 ;B| \vH\ (ff 1 : H,» i 2x99 Pequol sheets, eacli v 5^1.69 Blankets at Anniversary Prices I I \\ B/ (|h( ]]■) vl My 81x90 Pequot Sheets, each ...51.69 66x80 PART-wool BLAN- 70*80 ALL-WOOL BLAN- | | || \\ //#/ //#/ VJL jWJ ha 81x99 Pequol Sheets, each Sl.^9 KETS—Block plaids, wide saline KETS—Block plaids, large showy Lill IMJ Wv 42x36 PeqUOt PiIIoMCaSCS, each 37e SSyltj utSdJr’sTfe 4/1 f.4 Sto d bui bl ."d j Kit.-All WI.A.W 45x36 Pequol Pillowcases, each 39e pra., ... E,..p,i0».l v.l„. Pair a„.„ A.K Sllor. SZSU „ ’C* 8.”,"'. .T.‘,7 t". 4 ' ««.. 66x80 ALL-WOOL BLAN- 72x84 ALL-WOOL BLAN- , j Made of hea\y &al- m etal: ad- white and * wood handles and These are heavy quality and good l«»pe<l sheets, our regular quality. KETS—Block plaids; made of sc- KETS—Block plaids; the famous van 1 zed OQ just able. g»-| Qff assorted col- on with c - foot oOp dome cover, nn count. An exceptional value sold under Neponsit lected materials. Pink, blue. tan. "Old Towne” make, in all the most I metal. Each 3!>I.VD ors Each..'. «*-'* handle. Each Special 70t 1 Sizes 1 2.\3«. 12x384, I3x3fi; plain label. Vary serviceable. gray, black and white. wanted shades, includ- j SIXTH FLOOR. LANSBURGH 4 BRO. Vito,* , " "’ s1 ”' 1 '" 1 , N 25c sriue in «lVe Wixiw eqei, t tMI Wide sa tine binding. ®7 Q, red - end -b1 ue; gJ2 64 1 ’ ' st«if m «ue suini, eqih. »i.s«. Pair black-and-white, pr. - FIFTH FLOOR. LANSBURGH 4 BRO. —- W<|S ww W w WTOISTOTO W WWW w w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww THE EVENING STAR. ‘WASHINGTON’, T). G.. TUESDAY, 35