Newspaper Page Text
8 SOCIETY «•! h " - - Xtp Secretary of State, Mr. Hughes, Leaves for Cincinnati Friday To Deliver an Address. HK. Secretary of State. Mr I At- Hughes. will go to Cinctn- i V nafi Friday and Saturday If JL ' will deliver an address, re -3 turning to Washington Im ■ed lately after. Mrs. Hughes will- H>t accompany the Secretary. » The Ambassador of Chile and Sfnora de Mathieu will return to ■Washington this afternoon after jwssing about a fortnight at Hot SJ rings. | yThe Secretary of Mr. Davis, Will return to Washington October 8 after making several addresses in the "West. »» minister of Egypt Tearing Fur extended Western Trip. .The Minister of Egypt. S. Yousry Pasha, accompanied by the first at tache of the legation. Dr. Karag Mik hail Moussa will leave this afternoon for an extended tour of the West. Senator Reed Smoot is in his home in Sait Lake City whore he has been Cor some weeks. Mrs. Smoot, accom- ‘ panifd by her daughter. Mrs. A. K. Garden and her son. Mr. Ernest Smoot. Save opened their Washington home on Connecticut avenue for the Winter. Senator Robert E. Owen has joined Mrs Owen at Stockbridge for a few days. .The Minister of China and Mme. Hf.e and their children have returned tj|> Washington from their summer hp?ne at Woods Hole, Mass., and are at their residence. 2001 Nineteenth street. f The charge d'affaires of Japan. Mr. Isaburo Voshida will entertain at din ner Friday evening in honor of the iy-w United States Ambassador to Ja pan. Mr. Edgar A. Bancroft. | Representative and Mrs. Eouis T. McFadden have taken an apartment ip the Methodist Building on Capitol Hill for the Winter. They have with ttiem Mrs. McFadden's mother, Mrs. iSmma Westgate. Miss Barbara Mo- Hadden, daughter of Representative laid Mrs. McFadden, will resume her fiudies this season and will probably li presented to society next year. tMr. James W. Wallace, son of the Secretary of Agriculture, and Mrs. Wallace, who have been visiting his parents at Wardman Bark Hotel, left last evening for his home in Des Moines. | Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kauffmann are tteain in their home at 1708 New Hampshire avenue for the season. Mr. <l,id Mrs. Kauffmann returned to Washington a week ago after being at Bass Rocks, Mass., for the Summer. j The United States Ambassador to France, Mr. Myron T. Herrick, is in Washington for a short stay and is at the Metropolitan club, before sail ing to liis post in Paris. Mr. Herrick spent the week end in Newport, where no was the guest of Mr. Edward J. Berwind and stopped in New York westerday on his way here. * Mrs. James Robert McKee and Mrs. BJieodore E. Pomeroy, both frequent xSsitors in Washington, were among the several hundred who attended the con dri Sunday evening at the Greenwich Cjriuntry Club at Greenwich. Conn. The rtfogr am was given by Mr, Maxim Karo llk. Russian tenor, and Mr. Frank Bibb, pjanist. f Mrs. Borah, wife of Senator William jt. Borah, has gone to Atlantic City, V here she is at the Traymore for sev eral weeks. C Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Prentice Soyes returned to Washington last fvening after spending the Summer months in Europe. 5 Mr. and Mrs, William Newton Garner !* nnounce tlie engagement of their aughter. Loretta Una. to Mr. Elton lerdon Taylor. The wedding will take lace Thursday evening, November 27, t Calvary Baptist Church, at 7:30 Clock. Jt reception for members of the ♦redding party will follow in the home of the bride's parents, at 3120 I’ark f lace. t Mrs. Frederick W. English and her daughter. Mrs. Basil Gordon, have re turned to Washington after passing a few days with Gen. and Mrs. George Barnett at their country estate. Wake jeld Manor, Va. Mrs. Gordon will leave Shortly for Baltimore to join Mr. Gor don, and Mrs. English will go to hei home in Philadelphia. | Dr. James Robertson of the Nava SPECIAL SALE QUALITY SERVICE AND VALUE AND THE GREATEST OF THESE IS i VALUE ModelFurShop 923 C St. N.W. | ' Salts amJjl i Peppers— | ■ A charming novelty that is S 1 just out. Salts and Peppers K I fashioned in the shapes of S I Ducks, Pelicans, Chicks and » I Parrots. They come in pairs S| I and will make most attrac- Si I tlve and acceptable gifts and g| | remembrances. You'll want ■ a pair for yourself, also. gS Make it a point to drop In I and see them; they're as |IS cute as they can be. Deco- HE rated in high, contrasting as colors. IS Reasonable Prices | (The National ■ Remembrance Shop I (Mr. Foster's Shop) S 14th Street „£■£*«. I Also 1230 Pm. Arm. «j SOCIETY. Observatory was honor guest at luncheon today at the Army and Navy Club, with Mr. Charles P. Light as host. To meet the distinguished astronomer, who was discoverer or the fifth moon of Jupiter, were Dr. Charles E. Munroe, Mr. Coleman Jen nings. Dr. Henry H. Washington. Dr. William Mather Eewis, president ot George Washington University: Mr. Hon McKelway and Mr. Thomas K. Henry. Col. and Mrs. Robert M. Thompson have closed their-Summer home, at Southampton, Long Island, and are at the St. Regis, in New York, for a few days on their way to Washington. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Stuart Patter son entertained a large number ot guests at tea at the Tuxedo Club Sep tember 28, to meet Mrs. Patterson's parents, Col. and Mrs. Archibald Hop kins of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Eouis Vernon Slon aker, son-in-law and daughter of Representative and Mrs. Frank Clark, are at the George Washington Inn for the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Eewis and their four children arrived today from their Summer home In the White Mountains and have taken pos session of the house on Scott Circle, which they have leased from Mr, auid Mrs. Gurnee Munti. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Vanderllp occupied the house for a short time in the Spring, but will not return to Washington for the Winter. Society was well represented last evening at the National Theater, when the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Curtis Dwight Wilbur and their daughter, Miss Edna Wilbur, were in the audience, and among others at tending were: Mrs. James J. Davis, wife of the Secretary of Eabor; Mrs. E. J. Henning, wife of the Assistant Secretary of Eabor; Mrs. Hughes S. Cumming, wife of the surgeon gen era! of the Navy; the charge d'af faires of Austria and Mme. Proch nik. Miss Meta Evans, former Repre sentative and Mrs. Frank Mondell, Miss Dorothy Mondell. Mr. Rudolph Kauffmann, Mrs. R. M. Kauffmann, the second secretary of the Brazilian em bassy, Mr. Roberto Mendes Gon calves; the second secretary of the Argentine embassy. Mr. Conrado Tra verse; Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hood Watson. Dr. Hugh S. Cummlng, surgeon gen eral of the Navy, sailed Saturday on the Majestic for Europe, to be gone until the end of October. Miss Diana Camming, daughter of Dr. and Mrs Cummlng. has returned to Washing Extraordinary Sale of Oriental Rugs The method of this 35-ycar-old house of buying and selling oriental rugs enables us to undersell any of the high-rent stores and auction houses. When buying oriental rugs think of the firm that buys from small dealers for cash and sells at a small profit. We invite you to inspect our stock and compare our prices and quality before buying. This selection comprises the best grade Persian, Caucasian, Turkish and Chinese Rugs. Select from over 500 rugs. A. H. Bakshian, 818 Conn. Ave. N.W. Oppeiite the Sochunboeu | The LOUVRE | 9 11151117 F STREET I Dominating Fashions It’s The Louvre’s privilege to present the season’s most fascinating styles—engaging both for their modishness and intrinsic value. Especially in Frocks Beautifully designed—and effectively de veloped in the new materials and new shades, as well as the staples. Whether for street, aft ernoon or evening. Distinctively original mod els —smarfly trimmed. $lB-50 to $125-00 1 " » Costume Suits They’re the novelty of the season —and a very practical one. A complete Dress, with Coat to. match. Combined you have a very pleasing costume. Fawnskin, a soft weave, is the most popular for this type of garment—and we are, therefore, featuring it—trimmed with Rock Martin, Jap Mink, Fox. Squirrel, Beaver, etc. $105.0° to $185.00 Exclusive—Aptly Describes Louvre Hats None like them are displayed in Wash ington —for we represent the studios from which they emanate. Sports Hats—sy.9s to $Jg. 50 Dress Hats—sJ 0.00 to $35.00 gSaSSSaSSSBI " THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1924. ' 11 ' "■'! HRB, KM.IOTT VERNE RICHARDSON, Wife of the American Oonral at Per nambuco, and who will again Halt Washington xvlth Kim before re turning to hlia poat for duty. ton after passing several weeks with' Mrs. Hugh Campbell at Wythcville. Va. Miss U M. Harrison has returned to Washington and will be at 1727 K street through the Winter. Miller- White Wedding In Church of thr Covenant. Mrs. Bessie Johnson Brothers an nounces the marriage of her cousin, Miss Pauline Bessie White, to Eleut. Col. Howard Stanley Miller. U. S. A.. yesterday. The ceremony was quiet ly performed at the Church of the Covenant, only the immediate rela tives being present. Mrs. Miller is the daughter of the late Betlie H. and James W. Whit© of Greensboro. N. C., and is a graduate, with a de gree of B. A., of the North Carolina College for Women, class of 19H. Official, diplomatic, and resident so ciety will be represented in happy proportion tonight at the gala pres entation of “Yolanda," by Marlon Da vies, at the Rialto Theater at 9 o'clock. The Postmaster General and Mrs. New will entertain a party of eight, and Attorney General and Mrs. Stone, the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Wilbur and the Secretary of Agricul ture and Mrs. Wallace will also have guests to view the film Secretary and Mrs. Wallace will be hosts to six. The President and Mrs. Coolidge have already seen “Yolanda,*' the film having been shown aboard the May flower recently, when Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, with the Secretary of State and Mrs. Hughes and Miss Elizabeth Hughes among their guests, were on a week end cruise down the Potomac. The White House will, however, be represented at the Invitation presen tation tonight, for box parties will be entertained by Miss Harlan, secretary to Mrs. Coolidge. and Ed ward T. Clark, the President's per sonal secretary, and Mrs. Clark. The charge d'affaires of Austria and Mme. Prochnik will attend and box parties will be given by Dr. San tiago F. Bedoya of the Peruvian em bassy and Dimitri Dem Dlmancesco, attache of the Rumanian legation. Commissioner and Mrs. Cuno Ru dolph will entertain four guests. Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh and Mrs. John Allan Dougherty will be joint hostesses to a party of eight. Mrs. Armlsted Davis will have among her guests Mrs. Joseph Noell and Mrs. Kenna Elkins. Representative and Mrs. Fred Purnell will have six guests and Representative and Mrs. Riley Wilson will also be present. Others who will entertain box par ties are Admiral and Mrs. Edward W. Eberle, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Prank T. Hines, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Wil liam A. Moffett, Rear Admiral and Mrs. Joseph Strauss, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. John A. Col. and Mrs. George Weitzel. Miss Frances Hamp son, Col. Howard Dickinson, Miss Anita Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. L L. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Da vis, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Ennalls Waggamap; Capt. and Mrs. Alfred E. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wales, Mr. El wood A. Wagenhorst, Mr. and Mra. Thomas A mint and Maj. and Mrs. Lewis Hays Watkins. Former Governor of Rhode Island and Mrs. R. Livingston Beeckman Featuring Ladies’ Shoes at 8.00 Truly this Shoe does belie its price—but it also emphasizes Burt \ For we have found it possible to produce such a Shoe and mark it Eight Dollars! You «u nuu can deptnd upon it to is illustrated. serve you exception ally well. The Kiddies’ Shoes should be carefully selected. That's one special reason for coming here. Arthur Burt Co., 1343 f street Cartmg tor feat la better than curing them I SMART FURS ] I At Saving Prices | I flCom parison only I j flUyB serves to emphasize the j economic advantages of I j supplying your fur needs | H fl You’ll find E. & B. I • n _ values biggest styles I 4 MUSKRAT smartest PRICES I | JACQUETTES LOWEST - | I .nd Jacket,—the J Coats. Jacqueries, latter in all shade*— Scarfs and Chokers in exceptional variety and jpecial) vnjtvV a || wan ted furs. I Remodeling and Repairing a Specialty We are splendidly equipped to execute your repair- I ing and remodeling orders, giving you finest work at | VERY SPECIAL PRICES. Eanet & Bacher FURRIERS I 1413 F Street N-W. Hundreds of New Fall ■n and Winter A COATS Savings of $lO to $25 /MrWSlirm jH\ Fhr Trimmed and Plain COATS Women’s and Misses’ Models MB *45 *69M |H| Superbly Fur Trimmed B COATS (■■n Finest Fabrics—lndividual Djf *B9A * Sport Coats —Top Coats, S2S All the Smart Cloths and Colors For Larger Women Coats, $79~ Handsomely Pur Trimmed and Plain Larger Women's Self-Collar Lustrous Coats . $55 Larger Women’s Top Coats—Tans, Grays , s29£o‘ Charming Frocks —for daytime, afternoon and dinner wear. All the . _ . new Autumn and Tall stylet. New silks, satins, crefet and combinations, and cloths. Special, priced V XTI at Hundreds of Others —Exclusive and Individual $39M to $69 JO Flannels—Twills and Silk Dresses—Special, sls have taken an apartment at the Madi son, 15 Eaat 58th street. New York, for the winter, and will close Land a End, their summer home at New port, late In October. Mr. and Mrs. Colby M. Chester, Jr., will give a dance Thursday evening In the Round Hill Country Club at Greenwich. Conn., January 1, to pre sent their daughter, Miss Mary Ches ter, to society. Miss Chester Is a granddaughter of Rear Admiral Chester M. Colby, U. S. N. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Hardy Talia ferro will take possession of the apartment tn the Concord which they recently leased and will give up the apartment In the Portsmouth this week. Miss Callie Doyle who has Just re turned from Europe arrived today at the New Willard, where she has taken an apartment for the winter. Mrs. Walter P. Johnson, her chil dren and her mother, Mrs. Roberts have arrived in Washington from Kansas and are at the Arlington Ho tel where they will remain during the world series. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Hanson E. Ely and the officers and ladles of Wash ington Barracks will bo at homo the first Sunday In each month begin ning next Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. William F- Dennis are spending some time'in London, where they are at the Hotel Savoy. Miss Agnes Peter, who has been abroad for several months, has. re turned to Washington and is at the Grace Dodge Hotel for the Winter. Former Undersecretary of State and Mrs. Norman H. Davis have closed their Summer home, Oronoque, at Stockbridge, Mass., and went to New York yesterday. Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Kendall, who have been In Europe since early Sum gni |k | | 1 | I Quality Comes First | 1 —hi the making of BTONIXEIOH = 5 CANDIES, ICE CREAM and = 1 FOUNTAIN DRINKS. They tat- * E itfy a ditcrimlnatiTS clientele, ~ s whioh la continually increasing. = S flPalate-tempting Sandwiches and = ~ other tea room feed things. 3 s 3 I &tdneletgf) Cca &oom | I 1407 F St. SWIRuSS I TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiimiiiMiiiiiniiil Newest Fall Frocks t For Women and Misses t 29.50 Each One Chosen For Its Beauty A LL arc high-class models in the new straight ■CL line and tunic effects individually styled for street, afternoon or informal wear. Fashionable satins, bengaline. faille, charmcen and many hand some combinations. Black, navy, green. cocoa and brown shades. Siscs 14 to 18 and 34 to 46. Other New Frocks Extraordinary tnlucs, pleasing choice. $14.95 $19.50 $25 $55 up 1 ■■ g »isa—ness - i 1 ■ i'-.' i■■ ■ ae— a— ■—as m Better Apparel at a Lower Price Jttaper Pros. Sc Co. Shop of Quality 937-939 F St. N.W. i of our carefully ' I ■ and appearance of the rooms Room, especially, has become a I Boudoir Lamps Parchment M M W Table Lamps Shades || tll Junior Lamps Painted Shades mS Silk Shades Pottery Bases DULIN MAHTINa^ 11215-17 F Stmt and 1214 to 1218 G Street Start Baum 8:45 to 5:80 SOCIETY. mer, will return to this country the middle of neat month, and will come to Washinffton directly upon their Rizik Brothers A Certain Beauty Fall variance of artistry in UL design, fabric and embellish ment is most complete in our — THREE-PIECE RIZIK ENSEMBLE COSTUMES Long coats, some smartly fur trimmed at sleeves and collar. Matchless colors of bronze, smoke and russet, rivaling the Autumn outdoors. Veldyne, astrakhan, pile fabrics and soft effects in silk vel vets. T W E L V E THIR T E E X V arrival and open their house on New Hampshire avenue. Their daughter, (Continued' on Ninth Page.>