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- TO DEAL AT "*****"'^ - *~ Women’s Coat Sweaters, $6,98 A Kemarkaole bale of ji _ Jam- - rrr J ■■ II mS^Sk 9flOnSt |Ph mor» these practical as as dressy garmente. ■■ ZB || || || ffßjSZllfQcill •• l| || I|BI || -T Ur- X flUllTlCd OI Lboth sides of 7™ AT K.ST "THE DEPSNDABLfRmDRE" p l Golden tort's—Third Floor. Lustrous Pile Fur Fabrics Sale Extraordinary of Perfect Quality s,,iis F„r Fabrics suk Seal pimh American Woolen Co.’s Winter Coatings Shelton Looms Pile Fabrics Worth $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Yard Worth Regularly SSO, S6O and $75 Wonderful Qualities Heavy-weight P* / r \ Children’s aMI / A / i 1 111 For Unlined HP £f W 1% I I The Best Coals TI ® Coats \ J Coal Value aha „ fl _ . Shelton Loom kI will of aii the All Are Full 54 Inches Wide I! 1 Labels Jew Year r most opportune purchase—and all first quality materials. The outstanding feature I * n 1C r * s P^ cn( lid colorings which are in demand just now for making women’s and chil dren’s coats. Such a sale, coming right at the very beginning of the season, should create These beautiful coatings are offered in the favored colorings for Winter, including such de- sirable shades as gray, tan and rich brown shades, mahogany, brown, light brown and medium X fjMI \ brown, also handsome iridescent mixtures, as well as the always popular black. / vSmp!!^ American Woolen Co.’s fabrics are the recognized standard of quality, and these are / f \ among the finest products of those famous looms. In a word, they’re the finest all-wool \ fabrics used for women’s and children’s coats —firm, durable weaves that give no end of I r | Seamless Sheets New Arrivals in Advance 1 WmjBKMBm % I Fall Models in Millinery M Blx9o-inch \ \\ / $2.50 Bedspreads, $1.98 jm Nk nt^/| \ . /In M 75x99 White Dimity Bedspread*. till / 1 I% I* til M >l/1/ Xd '% /"V f I H M length for thre.-quartfr w j H douhle-bed heavy raised j 't t d t t‘ f J |j floe Exceptional models of fine Lyons Velvet, Panne Velvet, I ss-fneh Unbidfhed Cotton, toire shape to the large dress hats. They are developed of Hatter’s. lengths from 2to io yards; close ,/ P Plush, lustrous Panne and rich Lyons Velvets, all displaying the Think of buying Winter Coats of such wonderful fabrics as these- woven grade. j newest style notes. • y • C # II Cl I 1)7 I 25c Bleached Muslin ; Tailored, dress and sports hats in a profusion of the most cffec irenume Lapmex Silk Seal t'lusli i9 C tlve tones and combinations. Trimmed in peacock, ostrich, ribbon, * 36-inch Bleached Muslin, cios-e ,1 embroidery and ornaments. Included are large and bobbed head W~l TAJ • f JTXf f woven, soft finish grade, frea 'S! r : Famous Norma Seal Plush The Fine Dukana Silk Seal Plush > Regular 35c 3^-inch Genuine Kerami The Celebrated Salts Peco Plush $2 HcflVy All-Silk GfCpC dc Chine Dress Ginghams In fact, all of the finest fur fabric coats at a price that is incredibly low when one considers the beau- F»df 25c I t y and high quality of these wonderful new Winter Coats. nche * I H / .t^hwd , _ . « « i 11 in. c . • , Wide W fashioned of these pretty fast Every coal bears a famous label, and all are genuine, ine tur trimmings are simply gorgeous. color ginghams. They come Tbere are full fur collars on every eoa.. Many have fnr collar, enffs and border of fur around .he «“ bottom. The best furs, too—such as pu ' re silk> q heav ' y> firm-woven quality, in a complete assortment of street and evening shades,. »» nd all c l 'aSe tm iti am f • IF/ IX 17•* I If _,./// j • including white, flesh, pink, coral, apricot, light blue, turquoise Real box , Manchurian W Oil) tltcll upossum 9 inourtlon ana Opossum orchid, tan, fallow, brown, garnet, mohawk, gray, copen, navy blue and black. 36 . inch outini Flannels light Coal values like these are impossible to find at $36.50, except on some rare occasion like this— $2.50 Satin Gharmeuse, $1.98 i ' $1.85 Spiral Crepe, $159 P iaid" ; s heavy 0 rev^rsibir^cL where a store has se. out to do something so extraordinary that the whole city has cause for wonder. «•-£<-£«ST ,t SSu *" ,*Kr‘.. B KS£,rSI. &t4 n, U”£S .nd ..i,., hi 6 h. Here in this magnificent collection you will find coals that the most discriminating woman will be tan. gray. AUce, copen, light blue, pink and white. Autumn and Winter shades, as well as black Apron c;ingiu.ina. in Jg c proud to wear when Winter comes. The favored straightline and wrappy models, with crashed crown $2 Russian Crepe, $1.69 $2 Taffeta Silk, $139 $125 white Flannel. 27 inches np fi,vf>rlr» rnllars sct-ifl and raglan effect sleeves. 39-inch Russian Crepa. rich, lustrous, heavy, close- 36-inch Taffeta Silk, a. soft chiffon finish, all-silk wide, all-wool quality. with or tuxedo collars, set-in ana ragian encci Sleeves. woven quality, in black? brown, navy, copen, reseda, quality, in a full range of street and evening shades. SO ft finish, for infants’ Q o Black, Brown, Cocoa, Navy and Gray. Sizes 16 to 44. gray> cocoa and henna. also beautiful changeable effects. wear VSC Goldenberj s—Second Floor. Oeldeaberr’i —Flirt Floor. ‘ ’ Goldenberp s,—First Floor. I B »f ’ » T»a-P ? ntS —gi 'SSJT&'fr Men’s 2JPants’Suits I ft 2T Tj wT 1 An unusual opportunity to purchase several pairs of high Novelty Cuff Scalloped and ‘ pB 1 Nl % W WM IV k. W I—M I LkJ L— shoes at a substantial saving. This lot comprises Strap Gauntlet Gloves, of fine >3fc-, I r / m b jj \ \ several numbers from regular stock of which the sizes are quality washable fabric, m gray. rffj J. M I Neat Dark broken together with samples and left overs from recent coven whhcomraTti’ng rolor’ \\9A* M \fivlnvoc and i'T sales. embroidered backs. All sizes 'O'l jjr*) { // __ iTllXlureb duu 'm '•y B r / Pumps and Oxfords of patent leather, black satin, alredale suede, in the assortment, but not in Y // Men wllO seek the best possible I'nrdiipnvf A l I / tan calf, black kid and dull leathers; welted and turn soles, with Span- each color. I_/ i I J /1 m „i„ • i? 11 .*• .i 1 j | Lorauroys 1/ ■> ish, military and low heels. Sizes in the assortment from 2V4 to 7, . . I \ \aiUC in rail SUllS—in Other words, j i Durable grade Norfolk suits for school wear-tailored in the \ v V A fidot newest Fall models of good wearing fabrics in a wide selection of A I H : / b * c a k = r in „^ cu ‘*; d n l o « e ’ P than their real worth—should not MtlJj cirildren’s FaU Apparel LjjT *-a i d a,». 1/1 All J • t • -m broidered backs, in new gray, I j |4~- USUaI savings is the excellent tailor free U, \ Attractivelv Priced ass? . bw.rth H egm> m >te. They«eau With each purchase of a boy’s Norfolk suit tomorrow we will fe •/ Ooldwiberg’*—Fint Floor. j;j brand-new and COITeCI in CVCrV de give free of charge a regular 50c Leather Belt. M , Children’s Bestyette Raineepes, Children’s Flennelette Sleeping jl Stv l eg to meet everv rcmilrc - Q of red and blue rubberised Garment*, neat striped effects; Di.- C* - l J IHU. CJlVies IO meet every reqmre «■ . . . ■ i ■■ sateen; guaranteed quality; made with feet; dropseat and E/Xira menL including the popular Prince I $4 to $5 Juvenile Suits, $2.95 Boys’ $1.50 Pants, $1.19 si**s *to » mrs....’. $2,98 at!.’...*. **... $1 Garments v j of Wales model for young men and ~ rtw ’ . s Sr v !S • coMervmUvc two-biitlon.B ingle- ’ M i with full lined pants; also novelty suits, with white assorted strtpes; double yoke Fal , Co | o rlngrs; made with mus- and navy blue; made with hem- w breasted Styles. Materials are fine or tan mercerized poplin waists and jersey pants; CIA JIZ r l\ lfrfc Dnnfo C,.!f c back and front; braid trimmed. wa ists; full plaited* models stitched yokes; full cut zn r i i i rfti « sizes 3to io years in the lot. IplUi/i) CO sl*- 1 WO*i ftfllS ollltS 2fo i YwTS with wide hems; sizes ao and well made $l»OV Casßiineres and hard finished Worsteds* The season s 70r» Rlnncpc $9.75 of 6to 14 years ’ at Extra-size Aprons, of chambray approved colors of brown, gray, tan, blue checks. Boys /VC Blouses, TOC ° . at/VC Giris’ Wool Middy Blouses, navy and percale, open front model. an A Perfect quality Blouses, with attached collar; All-wool Two-pants Suits, clever Norfolk models, C* 7pfi Q | A blue and red; regulation models. neatly trimmed; larpe assort- Binpes 9 ullAllircS anu Uverpiaius# neat striped madraa and percale, Also white and In rich mixtures; sizes Bto 18 years. Both pairs OIZAJa Oiuxt x voi trimmed with braid and silk ment of colors. Regu- (i in c . ~ I .i n Q AA o . . ( , tan cotton pongee; plain or button-down collars; of pants fully lined. at 9gc embroidered emblem; Q« lar » 139 e rade - at & 1 - 1 " Slzes 33 to 44 Aguiar and 38 to 46 Stout*. sizes S to 16 years. Goldenberr’s—Third Flmt. OeUaatorg’s—TWrt Fleet. slzes 6 t 0 18 Tears, at.. GeldenbeiFe—Third Floor. Goldoeberr’s Clothißg Store for Xen—Flret Floor; Direct Eatraaoe from K Street. THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, D. C.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1924. 15