FREE DOG BOOK! f P o 1 k Miller’s n if* T \V'rite fro jour dop's health. Write us full/. POLK MILLER DRUG CO, INC. 1358 K. Main St, Rleknoali Va. Mourning Blacks Dyed 24-HOUR SERVICE Carmack Dry Cleaning Co. Main 1344 Sage Tea T Gray Hair Dark ffiBANDMOTHER *tpt 0 VJ her hair beautifully a • darkened, glossy and attrac- “ live with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied, with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for “Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound,” you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, all ready to use. at very little cost. This simple mixture can be depended upon to re store natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-fcnown downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied—it’s so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through the hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair dis- i appears; after another appli cation or two, it is restored to its natural color, and looks • glossy, soft and beautiful. ' ats In theJS/ew (VinferJlcdes Make an Interesting Selling for Friday and Saturday at $lO and TF YOU desire to anticipate the mode rather than trail it, view this authentic collection. Unmis takably new and smartly different at the very moderate prices—$10 and $12,50, The : § DOWNSTAIRS SHOPPE /|>s Offers an Unusually a% f* All I V Smart Collection at C * \ Price I Every new whim and conceit of fashion ' f may be found at this one and only price, $5. Satin and Felt Combinations are featured. ■ = === f.-urrsigar-..-. ■ ==i SOCIETY (Continued from Eighth Page.) Harrison, in her apartment at 1160 Fifth avenue. New York. Mrs. Park er was absent several weeks, spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. James Blaine Walker in their new home, in Locust Valley, L. 1., whieh was recently completed. Mrs. Walker was formerly Miss Elizabeth Harri son. niece of Mrs. Parker. Before her visit in New York Mrs. Parker spent some time in Honcs dale. Pa., with relatives of the late Capt. Parker. , Mrs. Robert A. Beall and her daughter. Miss Mary Beall, are again :n their home on Highland avenue. Takoma Park, after spending several weeks as guests of the former's brotheo-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gurney, in Paris. Mrs. Beall and her daughter sailed from New York aboard the Leviathan the middle of August and made a short trip to England before returning to Washington. Mrs. Eva Hell Myers entertained at luncheon informally yesterday at the New Willard in compliment to Mrs. Herman Mitts of Chicago. Mrs. Myers was hostess Tuesday afternoon at a theater party and tea In honor of Mrs. William Woleh of New York. Mrs. Albert Pelyea and her daugh ter have taken an apartment at 1707 K street. Mrs. George Albert Parr was ma tron of honor at the marriage yester day of her brother, Mr. George L. Wentworth, to Mrs. Florence Ran dolph. whieh took plaee in the chapel ,°f ■ v 't. Bartholomew's Church. New j York. The ceremony was performed jby the Rev. Gilman Buskie of St. 1 Paul s Church at New burgh, formerly assistant rector of St. George's Church, New York, and was followed by a wedding breakfast and reception at the Hotel Astor. The bride's other attendants were Mrs. Joseph Blye of New York and Mrs. Robert Meunkie of Chicago. Mr. Parr was best man and the ushers were Mr. Silas Birdsong, Mr. Edward J. Sisley, Mr. Lee Goldsmith and Mr. Blye. Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth loft later for Moosehead latke. Me., where they will spend their honeymoon and will make their home at Floran. Huoka- I hoe, N. Y. Among the out-of-town guests were ! Mr. and Mrs. George O. Wentworth, parents of the bridegroom, who mo tored to New York w ith Mr. and Mrs. Parr. Mrs. Austin McCarthy has gone to Spencer. W. Va.. for the Fall season. She will lie the guest of her sister, Mrs. Sijuier Early Jtoggess, during! her stay t here. The marriage of Miss Eleanor Roth well Richards, daughter of Mrs. Rob ert Morris Richards, to Mr. Lawrence Alfred Adams of California was sol emnized at 8 o'clock last evening at the bride's home, in Cleveland Park, Hr. Warner of St. Alban's Church offi ciating. The bride, a member of an old Washington family, was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Irving Richards, who escorted her through j an aisle of white satin ribbons held I by ten of her young friends, to an | improvised altar of palms and roses banked around the fireplace. The bride's gown was of white j chiffon falling in soft folds from a | lace yoke, the long tulle veil forming i the train. A coronet of duehessc THE EVENING STAB. WASHINGTON. B. C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1924, lace with orange blossoms held the veil. White roses and lilies of the valley formed the shower bouquet. The bride's sister, Miss Frances Richards, was the maid of honor, dressed in a gown of yellow chiffon over a skirt of cloth of gold. Her bouquet was a shower of yellow roses. Mr. Bradford Ssmlth, who, like the •bridegroom, is also from California, and a classmate at Harvard Univer sity, served as best man. The ribbon bearers, each carrying a bouquet of roses and lilies, were Miss Beatrice Clephane, Miss Huzlup. Mrs. Archi bald Straub. Mrs. L. H. Whitaker. Mrs. Ernest Slgme, Miss Elizabeth Boyd. Miss Mary line Mann. Mips Dor othy Sheiry. Miss O’Brien and Miss Miriam Richards, a cousin of the bride, nearly all of whom were mem bers of Phi Mu Sorority of George Washington University, of which the bride Is a member. They later as sisted in the dining room, where a buffet supper was served. Mrs. Richards received wearing a gown of black chiffon over white and carried pink roses. A profusion of flowers filled the house and a stringed orchestra played during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adams left Imme diately for a motor trip through the South, and will be at home after No vember 1 at 1 433 Spring road. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Laning. accompanied by Mrs. Laning's mother. Mrs. Llewellyn Tharp, have left Washington by motor for Augusta, Oh., to visit Capt. and Mrs. L. D. AMAZE YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOUR COMPLEXION Do you want a clear, fresh, glow ing skin—free from even the slightest trace of pimples or i i blackheads" You ran have It I j easily. And so quickly that your friends will be amazed at the change in your appearance. Simply take Ve-Lak —two tablets with each meal. Then watch the re sults. Before you know it. every i pimple and blackhead will have disappeared and you will have a dean, youthful, velvety skin—the kind that is envied by every one. , Ve-Lak supplies your system with j certain vital elements —the very i elements needed to keep your skin i beautiful. You w»n't believe what ; a wonderful change it can bring i in your complexion until you try I it. Recommended and sold by 1 ! Peoples I>rug Stores and all other j good druggists. Ve-Lak Company. ; Atlanta. Ga.—Advertisement. 1 | J | For Something Better | H —in the way of CANDIES. ICE S = CREAM and FOUNTAIN DRINKS. = S try BTONELEIGH products. Their 5 duality is incomparably superior. S = U For an inviting LUNCHEON visit S = our TEA ROOM. s | &toncleigfj &ea &oom | | 1407 F St. J siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimniiii Tharp. From Augusta, Mr. and Mrs. Laning will go to Florida, to remain until Spring. Mrs. Tharp will return to Washington after a month's visit with Capt. and Mrs. Tharp. Miss Marjorie K. Oelrn. whoso par ents. Capt. George E. Gelm, U. S. N., and*Mrs. Gelm, announced her engage ment August 31, to Mr. George Na poleon Eustathopoulo, formerly of Constantinople and Alliens, who now represents a Greek bunking firm in New York, was one of the popular Navy girls here when her father was stationed In Washington, mid recently held an exhibition of her miniatures In Newport. Mrs. Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte was hostess at tea yesterday after noon on the lawn of the Casino at Hot Springs, Va., for her daughter. Miss Blanche Streheigh. Miss Btre bclgh will go to Philadelphia today for a visit. Mrs. Edson Bradley entertained at luncheon yesterday at 1 ido-Venice In New York for her daughter. Mrs. Her bert Shipman. Mrs. King Parley was hostess at luncheon yesterday at Sherry’s In 0 Franklin Sq. Hotel ■ i Coffee &t)oppe Nqnief efficient service earn bines with excellent food and unusually pleasant at f-s mcophrre •j L j 14th Street at K M BRfIDKS &CD | G STREET BETWEEN 11^12™ FRIDAY j Jw day" Tomorrow at 10 O’Clock and While They Last 74 Silk and Cloth Dresses! Bought from 16 different manufacturers . Each manufacturer contributing a few at unheard-of price for our Friday Remnant Day . 1 Poudre Blue Afternoon Dress, size 16; regular price $59.75. f $| C.M Friday Remnant ( I Tan Lace Sleeveless Dress, size 16; regular price $39.75. / S{T.O9 Friday Remnant ( ** 1 Navy Canton Dress, size 40; regular price $59.75. f $| A-00 Friday Remnant V 1 w 2 White Beaded Georgette Dresses, sizes 16 and 18; regular price $25.00. ( SC-00 Friday Remnant. I 16 Dark Beaded Georgette Dresses, sizes 16 and 18; regular price $25.00. 1 SC.OO Friday Remnant i ' 2 Lace Dinner Dresses; regular price $25.00. £ SC*OO , Friday Remnant ) 29 Printed Crepe Dresses; regular price $25.00. f SC-®® Friday Remnant 11 Dark Silk Dresses, sizes 36 and 42; regular price $29.75. { $|A °® Friday Remnant > avr 1 Gold Lace and Red Evening Dress, size 16; regular price $35.00. f $| r.OO Friday Remnant f * O 1 Black Satin Dress, size 38; regular price $39.75. / Friday Remnant i 1 Black Bengaline Dress, size 38; regular price $29.75. / $| Q.OO Friday Remnant \ 1 Black Satin Tunic Dress; regular price $39.75. ( S'SC.OO Friday Remnant 1 1 Brocaded Afternoon Dress; regular price $49.50. ( $ /^C.OO Friday Remnant I 1 Tailored Satin Canton Dress, size 16; regular price $39.75. / J'IA.M Friday Remnant ) 4\3 1 Faille Silk Tailored Dress; regular price $39.75. ( $| q.OO Friday Remnant > U 1 Fur-trimmed Satin Dress, size 18; regular price $39.75. I $|Q. 75 Friday Remnant S 1 Brown Satin Embroidered Dress, size 16; regular price $35.00. I | .75 Friday Remnant I 4 i 1 Cocoa Satin Dress, size 16; regular price $25.00, ( $ | 'y.JS Friday Remnant ) a 4 1 Poiret Twill, size 39; regular price $29.75. / $| ai.OO Friday Remnant * ( $ “ Please Be Here Promptly at 10 O’Clock—We Do Not Guarantee , Quantity to Last All Day 14 Cameleen Coats 17 Dark Broom Camel 4 Tailored Suits Natural and Caramel Cloth Coats Regular price $69.50. $ / 5Q.00 color.; reg.pri««s.sJ Q. 75 Si C-DO Friday Remnant, *0 Friday Remnant, ** Friday Remnant, .15 ■■ ,- ~~ I Black Tailored Sait —— ™ Regotor prit. «S.O«. SjO * 5 Suits iloo Ml* I/, Price Friday Remnant, 1 w Regular prices Fridav Remnant. 7* — : $35.00 to $45.00. $| c.OO 109 f airs Semi- Friday Remnant, 6 Slip-on Sweaters Fashioned Hose Regular prices . Regular price SLOO. 40 Rayon Vests $3.00 to $5.00. $*5.00 fSgKSi. 24 Pairs Gauntlet Gloves p V? » Regular price $5315; all colors 25 Bath Robes Slightly soled. Rego and broken sizes. (Odds and R e guj ar price $5.00. $ -5.95 * ar P rice *» $4-®® *° ©•••• J I S 5 _ e^ _ . Friday Remnant, Friday Remnant, Friday Remnant, ** 4 Silk Bags 24 Tunic Blouses *0 Long Bead Regular prices $15.00 to Regular price $5.00. Necklaces SIB.OO. $ 5.00 (Odds and ends) $-5.90 Regular price SI.OO. FAc Friday Remnant, O Friday Remnant, ** Friday Remnant, vU New York entertaining In eompllmenl to Mrs. Edward H J. McVlckar. Mrs. A. W. HhullHs of Independence, Ivans., is In Washington at Wnrdman Park Hotel for an extended stay She Is accompanied by Mrs. Ernest Hewal of Independence and Miss Julia Far well of Vermont, A delight fill % social evening of dntiring was spent when the members of the Abigail Hartman Rlev Chapter, Daughters of the Amerlean Revolu fed = “A Shade Better" |>| 1 SHADES- To Measure I PRACTIOALI/Y ANY Os) DOB. OUARAK- I=l pS TKKIi To KIT AND WORK I’EnKFX-TUY. |=| = HAVE U 8 KINIHII KBTi MATKS. FACTORY BS ~ J’UK'ISH. p-J Q 830 13th SL N.W. ® Phone Main 4874 | ||| | W. STOKES SAMMONS. Proprietor. hSi linn, entertained their guests and friends Moniiity in the ballroom at 17.14 N street, Immediately following h short business meriting of the chap trir. {.fencing started at 9.30 o'clock and Issled until a lair hour, when refresh men ts were served. Those In charge of arrangements were: Miss Olive Pres cott, chairman; Mrs. Walter B. Dosh. vice chairman; Miss Isabelle Brown, Mrs Henry Wade Heaford, Miss Mary I». .funklii and Mlsh Rutir. t’lairmont. Mrs, .losper Marion Heall is regent of the chapter. RING | a ing and |l or both I 1 § James d. nenaerson jj I rmC ; ’ ttrnt ' Urf - *•««• Wobterv. Painting, eU , ? | ' 1108 G Street—Phones ££%% | I *^ =====^==!==!=^^^^== t' /C oSea