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/ F^™ Choose Ma ny Cristinas Gifts Savingly From the W 24 NdBVEMBEK iw 1 -■-%_ *w a y '•» j^J s . u * ,x N i™ 6 jtf tTHij s* t ■ IMAKUSaIiIuIEI This monthly clean-up of short lots and broken lines of too popular merchandise offers countless opportunities to gJj £,*j) £(|urj/ secure oractical and beautiful gifts much under what you’ll pay nearer Christmas. And there’s a world of other bargains * /r% f?i in things you need for every day. Remember, quantities are limited —shop early and avoid any disappointment. 30 / QDVJ Christmas Savings Checks Conveniently Cashed—Balcony, Street Floor V»Oa/ / $2.00 Bilrdeye, $1.59 Fur Coats stamped Goods, 39c $2.50 Wizard The well known Red Diamond quality I $95.00 Muskrat Coat, $79.50. __ __ -r- -w-w , ® d( * ,ot8 > including centerpieces, scarfs, * sar ln ""• y * r, ‘ p * ck ‘ , " ,s ' 27 "’ ch " ;is £z. s r.v c v.'« / C/l Swnnrf l\oin / Jvv>«#>a C”hX=;Vo^^, k ' ,>i, ’* nder • , ”" n '• o '^’•■ Mop, $1.69 STREET *LOOR. 1 $195 Caracul 'SfWoo. XtXIXKj M K t/fX K& 11 iAS XX t 00000 THIRD FLOOR. A splendid mop, to keep floor, brightly 5i.35 Table ?S - 5 5«wn w-00. ynr Q 1 TP 9 x Stamped Pieces, 79c !T? hed ‘ *a**noo*. I Damask, SI.OO Yd. irO OTI tSttle tTludX €tt Vacuum Washer, 49c B„ rn finkh SECOND FLOOR. -/ THIRD FLOOR. A '»bor saver for washing blankets and c3SCO'Tlll'sn IT'CrCCf(ZCQ tdulC 03ni38K*“ niarac Pannldrlv/ cq. STSS ,, „S"SSg“ii“S VAr% $4.95 Pettibockers 4* Silk Pillows, I Off w , c «*™. «•<>»• c , „ ”' a '- STREET TLOOR. «i AO . JtflH “SI?,fI"”' ’ VOOI **•«" 'T* LI r* C* I «Pt»U7 #(tSl ffsk'SX T mmed Wlth ~J T k Tt , f l? v tl r *' „ All-wool Hairline Suiting, 54 Inches wide. lah e COV’erS rS I (Iv Pettibockers of heavy quality silk Jersey, IgSStl IX, m W THIRD FLOOR. In navy, seal and black. * V in assorted colors and lengths. fWhL /al Hak A«. S (M AA Dn«««n 7A„ „ THIRD FLOOR. Fancy table covers that regularly sell at THIRD FLOOR. I&ZfoK Egfl 0 J Ip I .UU rOfljSfee. /VC VVonl ffPIID Q«r> $1.25 and $1.50. 47*47 inches; hemmed. AA ■ t • C* •j_ IB3U ILJI ifeai i C> $ Ts Lflll VIVUt, V3C street floor. $2 ftft lltllOfl SllltS lE==Jl |£a I 32-m. all-silk pongee, in twenty shades and . . ~ \ * w~v . . V«f»W \Jlllvrll slUllo Remnants and SI 00 H Wx AIM third floor wanted Odd Lots Linens Ankle length suits of good quality, me- JBH. W 'll 881. I 98c Corduroy, 79c Homespun, $1.95 Remnants and odd lots of table linen. dlum -weight cotton. Assorted sixes; bod,ce . . coSu^' 0 ar.nfh^widr 06 ''*" 1 w,d °- wa,c 54-inch All-wool Homespun and Tweed. In tablecloths and napkins at greatly reduced THIRD FLOOR. ..I jU X ' THIRD FLOOR. P3n C ° ° rS and T^B rac V^n n p^ aldg ' eTi nc *T5 rioo> C u Overblouses, $2.95 iso Frocks for as many women ’ f"luH $ 1.95 Charmeusc, $ 1.65 Hair Switches and $13.9a All-Layer Helt , u skts?mim'™ m wIS who know value ami suie when t ic> luH , “r 1 "'," ci, " n ’“"’ ;n b,atk and Transformations Mattresses, $9.95 ssr *;5 ™r. k hV.V:* r l'." "J 6 " ■«’" | see it! They were all made to sell | I THIRD IXOOR deS ’ Long hair in a hurry—you may put it on Capitol brand all-layer-felt mattresses. the assortment g EC oND FLOOR. fOF fai* UlOrC aiUl tlldr CVCry CICVCr $ | .95 SHItS, $ 1 .69 Toos? Troian Only 6 floor samples, in splendid condition. /i , . f r t r \ V Vl./U L/imj, 4»1.W7 extensive shade assortment. Regular $6.95 4 - 6 ' ft slie - fifth floor. Jersey Bloomers, 64c detail bears evidence ot the fact. inc H h V. vy wid7 p Vo e r rr„ , fl n e e riro d r , , , :5cK a s dium ' 40 value ‘ Specia, ’T^ 4 l D floor EH & Bee w|»ite and color. Assorted lengths. I _ *1 tP I, • | I I -II I Dl * ■yr . RlfiCtflC iinitrpccpc CI2QC .. x third floor. Beaded, Embroidered and 111 Plisse, 25c Yard a BP .en d id h „ter t 0 take i, L . arty iTiaill V33tb, <)IO»OtJ I fl| let (lOOGS ■ r 2.000 yards plain and printed plisse. An morning chlH—Juet right for the bathroom. All-layer-felt mattresses, imperial edge. _ Jr III* JL rimmed >ll excellent lingerie material that requires no Our regu^lar $3,98 value. Friday, $2.98. with four rows of stitching. Weight, fifty Ashes of Roses Rouge, 10c. jmM Ironing. SIXTH FLOOR STXT 3 - 6 " « fifth tlook. or quite, quite frivolous according to occa- ®WS*S, HannelettC, l?C iiimitV Hairbrushes, with ebony and rosewood • £ f tIICV EfC designed. Ihe 27-inch Domet flannelette, in a good quality 1 $35.00 Davenport Table, Italian oak, now I backs. 95c. . r , *, . V " I and weight. Pink, blue and white. $26.25 Radonraodc IQ Triple-cut Nail File 10c. vanetV Os StVICS makes description inipos- \ / STREET FLOOR. I $30.00 Davenport Table, Italian Maizetan ,f lo.:iL sib ' e> ’ bu l in that soUect.5 oUect .! on of ffo s tel : / Outing “%sss^ 81x90 inches. But 36 to sell at this price. Wt h H STREET FLOOR. VCtS, Velveteen, bengalme, Saint, Poiret Ii f I 4.4. 11 6-piece Reed Living Room Set, now n ,4 Cf nf»prj Tor* sheen, Poiret twill, stripe and check Hannel T]yM FlflnnCiSitC, I/C 4 $17.75 upholstered chair*, now $14.20. I 3rt = tf 001 Ol<tlII|JCU yl/ there is sure to be a dress that you’ll want! /Tr i 12t>0 yards of this warm flannelette, suit- \ f rrencp ” eed * 9,6o ‘ ~ d» i a m * Lace-trimmed scarfs, with linen or Jewel " \ able for children's wear. 27 inches wide. ® $35.00 Lane Cedar Chests, now $26.25 S4 V.S cloth center. Stamped in several designs. SECOND FLOOR LANSBUROH k 880. W Vs STREET FLOOR. ,„ 3 J IIOO Ma hogany-fimßhed Boxes, now wu.iiii/i V THIRD FLOOR. L _ i A _ t SB.BO. 72x80-mch comforts, sateen covered, with a eg ■-< L yTklTAtl L .HJJICP 1 56 1 - 60 Mahogany Humidor, now $41.00. bode sos piain bin-, ose or lavender Al! = Feather ‘ WUUUH WlldrmeUS»e, DDL J SflPrifllq FIITH FI-003. ————Drop-stitch cotton charmeuse, for fine lin. LwLlci 12 Clil C iJUCvlulo 1 $12.5© Blankets Piliows, 37c ' «S. t t*i- ***** SiO Pair «aras SL” - An Extraordinary One-Day Sale of : «, aa .?“?”**■ w *" w - T ”" fc & CXIi FIFTH FLOOR. d sM.UU Underwear, OVC I Pax Rite Traveler Trunk, now - a s^i sS' ,JSl $5.45 Blankets, $4.79 Bovs’ Overcoats*Mackinaws «k: srsuss *ssa jst 300w..~.».m.8. 9 .wi„ as .. 0r .,„, hnin4«rr«iiA<d Air' Vyl xtra-size Nashu.aplard . 7 THIRD FLOOR, 1 $25.00 Genuine Gladstone Bag, now $19.95. I $.19 shStT*t.oo and Two-Pants Suits %22JB£.‘iS. wearing qualities. A variety of colors. . \ „ good assortment of colors and sizes. * , _ S T SEET FLOOR. A heavy quality—absolutely perfect. Dou* THIRD FLOOR. $25.00 Wmdeor Brown Walrus Bag, now r* J * ble bed size. 81x90 inches. * t rm>4 _ , $19.95. S~=lK PiIIOWcSesTWC m A price we ran broche. With low bust, long hip and elastic „ Qua "V« B thatpenera, ' y **' a " d 39c ' Ceptioual Value SCEFCeIy ll Op C JpZaVO tO JpU.VO DraDCrV FafenCS top. Sizes 25 to 36. Originally $3.50 and Made of tine sold crescent cotton. 42x36 and F |y lfaE‘ Odds and ends of far more expensive LJI upvl y 1 iIU 1 IvD $5.00. 45x36 inches. - , | IciL' . _ underwear. Good quality chemise, step-ins $1.25 to $3.50 Values THIRD FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. of tllC 8688011. • Dg» tO t6pC 81. and bloomers. (PIAA \7 A Brassieres, 38c Unbleached VJF K 39c Box ..noth. 6U f. An odd lot of brassieres, including styles Pnffnfl Inf- « • f , IVVFIV4Vj 1/7V heient for one or two windows—the lot in that sold up to 50c. wULItPII) IUW I Sturdy garments lor the vigorous I one dozen napkins to the box. eludes Nets, Rayon Fabrics, Sunfast Velours, THIRD FLOOR. , A h#avy , round-thread cotton for sheets, / vi outdoor lad. Strong enough for play STREET FLOOR. Poplins, Cretonnes—lengths 2 to 5 yards; Glove Silk Vests, $ 1.00 work ' 40 wia ” ! p and good looking enough tor dress-up I 50c Toilet Paper $1,25 to $3.50. Clearance, sl.ooyard, A clearance of silk Jersey vests, bodice-top ’ THIRD Wear - 4 Vs, X V* UreiOnHC KemnaniS “isgpxsis*"- Pillow Tubing, 31c 49c Doz. Rolls 19c Sweaters, $2.89 42lnche*s r wfde qual,ty ’ *** * I rnodels, warmly lined, with muff and I paper. 1,000 y 1 cretonnes'"sac, *soc a nd tß 7sc'values^ Brushed Wool Sweaters, in jacquette. THIRD FLOOR. s^e pockets. SIZCS 3 tO O years. H FLOOR. Friday’s price, yard, 19c. middy, slip-on and golf coat styles. Mexico. RfpQrhpn -sbKSport MacklfiaWS in Dig Sport plaid (r J 'jQ S* nUp Cortinfa Dnt*f Lanvin, buff, white and blue, some plaids £UC DiedCliCU «f effects double breasted, with convert- «pl.Oy VdKC sample Portieres '“"■““Hi'iS'Sili” 1 Cotton,'lsc ible collar. Warn, muff and side Cabinet, 99C * ‘ .'SSJ " House Dresses, $1.95 *7® &#i P< serviceable «"• Good quality gingham dresses, in a broken THIRD FLOOR. jrA r'.lK.*! Lr mixtures tweeds and caSSimerCS. SIXTH FLOOR. iff er **’ P ?' r ’.!l 6 ;s o, assortment of sizes. Originally priced $2.95 - j r> t i^ l 4' "i l "Ili&t fagt rV ~ V,! U rc .... -1 pa.r-$25,00 Portieres, pair, $18.60. THIRD floor. ColOfCd 3 / \\ lined. Also sturdy Corduroy Suits with WIfWIOW Brussels Rugs, $19.95 Pettibockers, $2.69 Beads, 77c | tU ° P a ’ rs knickers. Sizes 7to 16. Refrigerators, $1.95 rich patterns; Cast Friday of the Month There are 25 Pettibockers of good quality Novelty string*, generally priced sl-00 to ----- T Regularly $2.25. Made to fit any window— price, $19,95. ,Hco,ha m in .hi. I«. R.Pr.c.d .or Frid.y “*•" *" 4 3 * WiW 'W LOOK dl 1 II6BC. ■»»*». ‘ English LlHOleUm 300 Aprons,Tßc Underarm Bap, SI.OO ■ M '.if -fa $6.75 . 4 Excellent quality gingham and percale Four attractive styles, in an aaspr « / ® » shapes. A household necessity. criv $1.95 and $2.25. Friday souare vard ibunaaiow aprons, in various sizes and colors. leather*. Exc *«m°Jlsj l at SIXTH FLOOR. $1.69. fifth FLOOR, LANSBURGH & BRO ’ THIRD FLOOR. street floor. L-JjV ll (, 1 I Boys’ Mackinaws, well made of 'V I I 4 heavy plaid materials, ■ .——— - - —— - i - si?es 8 tolß i D ---- '■ """ rcf^V.7( i L 4, Junior Overcoats, of Chinchilla and « Girls 9 Dresses . Tots 9 $7.95 Coats Appeal ‘ ■of Exceptional Style H . b^£sT 7 $6.75 Doth in Price and Style at d X *s Boys’ Raincoat Outfits, made of tan »ts — —TjgfrVfe | 1 gas-mask cloth, with red back, with /itt AA a z “S6, at at to . match - $2.95 m Pm P v Boys’ Bath Robes, m pretty floral TT ® \X vLL' 9 \X \X k \Z_ y designs and made of Lawrence robing. r , ShH% - Tkey’USM Quickly! #4 « MW$ B “^ ith washab,c th^ i £rSe3 g^t^rS sfor T hon } i that youthful portion of femininity is. these J ft oants. lined. Slks to 4k J4Q plJn polaire, chinchilla, broadcloth andno4lt°v crepe de chine, wool jersey, taffeta and print . 7 > at F iraraViiW ’iiiiiraoH atao ' I ’ lai<is '. l,l ,nan 7 »*w styles that are smart and \}:Wl- Si&S> frocks will win her instant approval. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J attractive. I l i 11 Picot ruffles on skirt and So ft little fur collars trim : sleeves, hand-embroidered de- . <. " some °f the models and others / j signs in silk or wool, pipings W - _ ±j— «_■ M ‘ -rS, •• ' .severely plain with patch. • j 1_ / of contrasting color and but- . - 3 T M B anc * tailored pockets and but- M 5? I tons constitute the trimming. ■ ’ #% I ■ 1 Bqr 3> - m..ten trimming. Flaring, or WM LJ J And the colors are rust, henna, I II ■■ f ■' I 3 w f I \m, W belted with side fastening or ./J _J green, brown, tan &nd navy. 'JL tie belt. IVavy, tan and brown. _ fourth FLOOR 420-30 7th St. N.W., Thru to Bth. FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1860 Phont Franklin 7400 -- fourth floor ■ ■ ' - ' ■■ ' ' - ■- • ‘ ■"• ' 11 '■ '■ 11 1 ■'»»* ■■ ■ uW..*n mi... m .. THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON. D. 0.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1924. 11