Newspaper Page Text
SHENANDOAH WILL mm FLEET Dirigible Scheduled to Take Part in Maneuvers Off Hawaii Next Year. With the dirigibles Shenandoah and Los Angeles now in commission in the United States Navy, the only definite plans made so far for their future use, it was announced today, was that the Shenandoah would go with the fleet to Hawaii to take part in the maneuvers in that area next year. Secretary Wilbur indicated that the airship tender Patoka, which is equipped with a mooring mast, would accompany the Shenandoah to act as movable base of operations for her. A mooring mast is to be erected also at the Hawaiian naval station, hut the Secretary said use of the Shenandoah in the fleet maneuvers was contingent upon completion of the mast. No Definite Plans. There are no definite plans for the use of the Los Angeles on a trip to Panama and Europe. Secretary said that nohting definite had emerged from the discussion within the Navy Department. The report of the special board recommending these two cruises to develop the commercial possibilities of such craft is still in the hands of the officers of the Los Angeles and their colleagues at the Lakehurst naval air station. Mr. Wilbur Indicated, however, that he was personally interested in the matter and would take steps to look over the report at an early date. RITA WEIMAN TO WED IN SPITE OF STORY Just Six Months Ago Writer Told in Magazine Why She Didn’t Marry. Pj the Associated Press. NEW YORK, November 2T.—Rita Telman, novelist and playwright, will be married at her home today to Maurice E. Marks, an advertising man. by Supreme Court Justice •'harles L. Guy. The ceremony will be performed just a month after a magazine appeared with an article by Miss Weiman entitled “I am still •ingle because Miss Weiman acknowledged last night that even six months ago when she wrote the article she was think ing of Mr. Marks as a possible “life time playmate,” The editor, knowing this, however, placed her under agreement not to marry until the article had appeared. ''F'rlends have asked me if I am not going counter to my article in marrying,” she said, “but I said in it that if you found a companionable man with a good sense of humor, why not take him.” Although Miss Weiman said she would retain her maiden name, “for as an advertising man Mr. Marks realizes the value of a trade-mark,” their marital arrangement would not be of the “two breakfasts a week together” sort. “We’ve enough faith In our love to put it to the test un der the same roof,” she explained, and added.that her father would share their home. GENERAL STRIKE MOVE THREATENED IN CUBA Typographical Union Asks Mem bers to Prepare to Help Sugar Workers. By the Associated Press. HAVANA. November 27.—Talk of a general strike in support of the la borers in the sugar cane mills who are seeking union recognition was added to last night by a manifesto issued by the Typographical Union calling on its members to be ready to strike, and saying there would be a general meeting of workers in Ha vana December 14 to discuss the sit uation. The manifesto referred to the re cent deportation of six Spaniards as alleged strike agitators. It added that the workers knew no difference between natives and foreigners, and drew attention to “the harmony ex isting between Spaniards and Cu bans.” It said also that union men should be ready to “give a good ob ject lesson to Yankee imperialism.” Government officials continued to minimize the situation. They assert ed that men are daily returning to work in the 20 or more sugar mills affected. To permit playing in rainy weather, a St. Louis club has had its tennis courts surfaced with asphalt roofing. | Extra! | in 6r izi( f st. n.w P w W || Overflow from Our Big Advertisement I 3 Larger Size Coats, Dresses! 9 m 1~559.50 Black Polaire Coat reduced to $45.00. A handsome Tj P 4 full lined coat with a black wolf collar, size 42)4. Is that TO M your size? M [gjj I— s7s Black Velmara Coat reduced to $59.50. A distinctive M B 8 coat, collar and cuffs of French seal (dved coney) and ftl trimmings of buttons and self stitchery. Size 50)4. m I —s7s Green Mokine Coat reduced to $62.50. Beautifully pi tailored and lined with self color crepe de chine. This coat jj of mokine has a chin collar of Hudson seal (dyed muskrat). ca Size 38)4. , il I—s9s Penny Brown Coat reduced to $79.50. A slimline coat TO in fawnskin, with a Hudson seal collar (dyed muskrat) and j] sleeves banded with three rows of like seal. The lining ill is of fancy heavy crepe. Size 42)4. n vw 1—5149.50 Jammuna Coat reduced to sllO. Penny brown wrappy M Ucoat with a tuxedo front and cuffed in ringtail opossum; | full length and beautifully lined. Size 44)4. ! 2—525 Cloth Dresses reduced to $17.95. Finest black twilline U trimmed in braid. Sizes 44)4 and 46)4. *1 I 2—529.50 Canton Crepe Dresses, $19.75. Good styles, slim lines. I } 1 black, size 42)4. 1 navy, size 42)4. 2— 529.50 Crepe Elizabeth Dresses, $21.75. Black, in sizes 40)4 I t and 46)4. ! 3 $39.50 Black Satin Crepe Dresses, $33. Straightline dresses pal with panel effects, button trimmed. Sizes 42)4, 44)4 , 48)4. ' Lirgrr Size*—Second Floor. * 48 Brushed Wool At Half Price! * Sweaters, $1.95 12 Heavy Brushed Regularly $3.95. Wool Sweater Coats Warm, Woolly Slip-over or Regularly $13.50 to $19.75. Plain Knitted Sweaters, The popular three-quarter * some plain colored, others length coat, smart for motor- S with contrasting color stripes ing or wear under a top around neck, cuffs and hip coat. In colors that are a i band. Splendid for all out- least bit different—lanvin, I door wear, and the color oxheart and Indian. At half I £ range is good, too—buff, price, these are decidedly » madonna, gray, rust and worth a trip in town tomor- | white. row! Street Fleer. Street Floor. I ' 'l* ' *‘' 1 * *r~ r " | FOLKS Franklin Mott Gunther of New York City is another "career” man in the American foreign service who is going through the ■ gradations neccs sary to gain a V? • diplomatic post, jfltt Mr. Gunther has just come to Washington from *** Rome, where he ’ A|Br was counselor of t * lß -American em ” Dassy, and re places Matthew , Hanna as chief of , jgSISB the bureau on M • j Mexican affairs. f ..gßggm Mr. Hanna is now v T counselor of the ' y ':* Amerh'an embassy ln Berlin. Mr. F. M. GUNTHER. Gunther selected a diplomatic ca reer back in his Harvard days, and no sooner had he taken his degree of A. B. than he entered the School of Political Sci ences in Paris and studied there for two years. His first assignment was as private secretary of Mr. Thomas J. O'Brien, then ambassador to Japan. He was third secretary of the Amer ican embassy in Paris under Henry White, and from this post recalled to Washington in 1912 to take over some important work in the bureau of Latin American affairs. Since then few chancelrles in Europe and the East and in the Southern Hemi sphere over which the Stars and Stripes fly have not known the serv ices of Mr. Gunther. In 1918 this young diplomat married Miss Louisa Bronson Hunnewell of Boston, who has accompanied her husband to Washington, The Gunthers were in the midst of things in Rome and were very popular, especially with the hordes of visiting Americans Mrs. Gunther has had a wide experi ence In social matters and she will be a gracious aid to Mrs. Hughes in the heavy burden of dispensing hos pitality to a body which numbers now more than 500 persons. An afternoon reception at the home of the Secretary of State calls forth every available assistance, and the pouring of tea and serving of ices is far from being the sinecure it was formerly in cabinet homes. HELD FOR CHILD’S DEATH. Negro Taken to State's Prison. Following Auto Fatality. NEWBERN, N. C., November 27. — John Godette, negro, was taken to Raleigh late yesterday to be held in state prison until the January term of court to answeg for the death yes terday of Edna Williams, 12-year-old girl. According to evidence at the cor oner's inquest here yesterday the child was killed when the negro, driving an automobile in “a speedy and reckless manner,” ran into a group of children leaving the Croa tan School. 12 miles from here. If you need work, read the want columns of The Star. np. m. mi tiger tiger tiger Ginger Ale Non-Better j Get It By the Case From Your Dealer in 10-oz. or 16-oz. Bottles * A Careful, Reliable T DENTIST» ft !■! y Who takes every precaution kji not to hurt you while re- A W storing your teeth to sound- * ness and beauty. Call for • free examination and advice. ;'{ ';j Moderate charges. U *IBOI FREIOT * y f> surgeon y f .VKTV DENTIST f ™ i t st w.w.l ' Phone Main. 19 | THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C.. THURSDAY. NOVFMTtF.R 27, 1324. I Ready With Beautiful Gift Thing*! The Wom “’ # s tore for Women’* Gift.! || \W Perfume* Rm f Jewelry ~ 1 M The iwcct odors of Arsbr %ow in obei- A A HO iL? M S& b .V JW * i t rt) \ sr«s &asrzjssss w m iOrrOtJLikiM sr.jarj%»fia-arSS / I -4 vV \ “ asfffc. m JcUJctr ,NC M i I I Looking Toward Christmas! j We’ve ready! I m He who steals your purse will steal a j M treasure If you are lucky enough to own f / / / llj in (\ A. \ \ j M**ija|| ill' one of these nifty purees on sale at *S. f f\ / / < O w \ 111 Y ? \ (rjfyf \ \ I ■ pi They are shown In leather, silk and velvet. /\\\ fl f*l \ j I I / / . \ /<// \ \ A ut \U The leathers are pin seal, calf, lizard, >/ l\ Li I I \ \ \ \ / / JL / I I I \ T 4 vachette and alligator. The silks are moire \\ J l\ N. \ ( \ I , / / SI \ I \ I \ \ / \ / BJKSfcJnSmJMKftJLMIftJe . and pin satin stripe, featuring the novelty \\ l\ I jI / / SI \ A \ ties, underarm, arm bags, key-lock and en- l\ \ ni w //I I\v 1 11 l /ill In I &lkSbdrinrfsibat%ar IN \ mmL/ 111 \J r la buy^b?;. 01 thrcc diflFcrent shadcs and y »The two models shown are In the under- Jpl \/ 'I £ A:: 12 11/ II '1 I J PftirS $5.40 I arm and -strap-bag styles. The strap-bag Is 1 \ \ I in black vachette, with red leather stripes. 1 If f+ : ?f: 3 I \ .k-II ’ ...J. -:i The underarm hag Is of taupe calf. 5 if lA Ei3S ! :7 I I \\ • ll ®“ ".“f 1 ® » llver Many other exquisite bags are to be found E?F- >r-T. fiiff > ES 9E; fsf \l \ Pg g gold skin gray L in this department. Many qf them are im- :: Jj : B I 1 /Iflff t brown tan klarlr j* port *' Street Floor. —or any other combination of colors you - . r/TVW Pictured Above Gown pictured, SlO. Chemise, 4S Pictured— ma y wish fr ont the 32 shades always in SOne of IS Oft T ® M « tch Bloomers, ce stock Manv IM s \v") R a d IU m s i I k Crepe de Chine Gown and Chemise to aatin niaomL?2ifh Protected from ruinous garter runs by L _ n I Chemise, with hem- match, with fagoting _ Go J* n ,th ribbon rosette trim- patented gold stripe, and insured for S Fancy Cuff stitched yoke edged "*® k - **’ "® ht blue * fle,h °°' or » ma,M ming. Most attractive I wear by the puritj' of the silk. Stvles in with ,ootin o and fll#t an(J peacn ’ in orchid, maize. Single pairs, SIAS, $2.25, $2.5*. Nx . I,ce> “■". ope< ? bottom m # w mm white, peach and flesh In Washington only at lellcflF’s. y French Kid! snd wnde footing, dou- | _ V color. Shirred at waist iga > : ~x First Floor. P Gloves ...... Lingerie Loveliness • f What woman ever had as many gloves as Lingerie loveliness. It is the gift that lures! It is the challenge to all femininityl I Qur she wanted? She knows this portion of her Ask nine women out of ten what they want for Christmas and their answer will be—“ Lingerie.” D • outdoor wearing apparel la most indicative Step into our big new lingerie section, third floor, and see the great Christmas selections. ' "*g of her taste and good breeding. New gowns of radium arc shown of radium silk and crepe de chine, pleated styles, trimmed with Vww 1 / j Christina* -3$ No one ever made a mistake in giving footing filet and val lacc. Bateau and strap models in flesh, orchid, peach, nile, maize and tea rose, $5.9*. Int s « gloves for Christmas presents. Beautiful gowns of heavy quality crepe de chine with tucked yoke and trimmed with binchc lace— Display*. L SsSiSr-a Handkerchiefs Ready! two-toned embroidered bucks, also crochet Other gowns in crcpc back satin and radium, sl4ll to S2S« Christmas would not be Christmas with embroidery In self and contrast. to $4.50. New silk chemise, in twenty different styles of radium silk and heavy quality crepe de chine, embroid- out handkerchiefs. No one ever thought of One-clasp P. K. gloves in tan, beaver, gray ered, hemstitched and lace-trimmed models, $3.99. omitting handkerchiefs from their gift list, and brown. *2.75 and *&so. Radium silk and crcpc de chine envelope chemise, in many diflFcrent styles. Some with yoke of fine net. The illustrations above ehow three attrac- One-clasp Arabian mocha skin gloves, in Others trimmed with vale and filet laces, $2.99. i tiv© styles. One a French novelty hand-«m --n mode. velvet finlsh: in Brray - beaver Negligees—Exquisite for Gifts! 1 green, yellow and orchid, *2. p > P The same model with strap wrist. *6.00. Beautiful crepe-back satin or crepe dc chine negligees, ostrich trimmed. These are exquisite crea- n An h ther ° f h in J n center and lac » edges In Two-clasp light overseam sewn glove in tions in peach, turquoise, copen, nile and black, $19.79. au * he ne y 8 s ’ ® 2 ; as, In £sA°i£%si ,r>mmedwi,h or se,fr - chin '' J f °B button "ength In white, mauve, grTy! , Crepe de chine negligee, with long tuxedo collar, trimmed with three rows of val lace on pocket One etyl© Is offered in a variety of bright f l S' brown and black. ’ *5,00. and slaves. Turquoise, orchid, copcn and rose, sl3.sft shades with appliqued and embroidered cor- Jfl The longer lengths. 1J - CoStUmC SUpS <Ulcl PettiCOSltS ReA(ly for Gifts! TheJ© are ladles’ handmade linen handker- I 9 t i n p f i for motorlnr, in fine quality • . .. . • , f ** g * cnlcrs, wntle and colors with onc-haJf-lnch pefl capeskin good shade of brown, flare cuff. a j n ' SP ° rt bloomcrs » W|th double shirred cuff, one model with fancy pleated hams, handdrawn threads and rosebud pat- 1 I $ fU Rest ll quality Arabian mocha skim* New petticoat, of jersey and radium silk, straightline style, embroidered in contrasting colors. Black, Ladles’ fine white linen handkerchiefs, with medium shade of gray; warmly lined, gs.oo. navy, purple, gray, fawn, rust, cocoa, brown and flemish. $3.95, \ 7 in< l , ! J 1 *™*' w Gloves, washable fabric that has the New slips, of crepe-back satin, radium, silk and crepe de chine, trimmed with val. filet laces, tailored corners' r i^ h l n ™! in S rol<l ' »! »« mocha finish, double texture: one-clasp and styles with hemstitched yokes. Flesh, orchid, peach. nile, light blue, white and black, fl*. and baeket de.i^n^'Ll > eix-button length in shades of brown, gray. Crepe-back satin slip, tailored styles, with 20-inch shadow hem, in black, navy, brown, cocoa and Sr! 3 f.r «w P hemstitching. M beaver ’ whUe and ChamolS , C I °^ r . B 6 I»wn. $5.90. * Large aT-ortment of novelty linen hand |n „ „ Third Floor kerchiefs, embroidered corners, novelty prints li Btreet Floor ——<———~^ mmmm—imm •>^_ and Solid colors, 260- '! y I AFTER THANKSGIVING APPAREL CLEARANCE FRIDAY I 1 j These are just examples of the wonderful opportunities tomorrow | W T > - 4 —Women's $25.00 and $29.50 dinner gowns of beaded gcor- 9 WX o It Lfl :l Women S gette all-over or motif designs in crystal and silver beads. IVIISSeS LJYCSSGS l\eDriC6U ! l-$29.50 Navy chinchilla topcoat. $15.00. Mostly slim tunic models in white, maize, fuchsia and jade. *%vytlVVU. J ■ 4—525 Sport coats in blocked chinchilla and polairc, penny - izes Jo to - li brown and dusk colored. $15.00. • Women s $69.y0 to $79.a0 exclusive street models, shown noon and evening wear. They are trimmed with laces and 5_545 Sport coats, in blocked downywool and feltex, with in straightline, tunic, scarf, and tailored s t> dcs l trimmed in me- ribbons. Reduced Friday to SBAO. U opossum and muskrat collars, dusk and kaffir shades. $35. £tt I IV.* 7 “ M .i.»e»' $29.50 Street and Business Dresses, of fine charmcen, J p 6—559.50 Black cordara coats with lock squirrel collar, cuffs. ep U, and flat crepc ma,enals - Na 'y and mack ,n s,zes with button and braid trimming. $17.50. border and tuxedo edging. $38.00. ' A __^ s f 056950 chjffon brocadc and silver lace dinncr gow n S) 12 -^ ses ' $29-50 to $35 Afternoon and Evening Frocks of crepc 2- r ?6sGray vTlvoWoomcoats with bay seal (dyed coney) col- circular fur _ t rimmed tunics over black satin, the knee flare in a sattn ’ P°*K Ut ’ be nffMine, in tiered, draped and basque models. lar a - nd ts - c nd 538 \ 00 -, ■ .. . silver lace over silver metal cloth. French blue, sapphire, rust, some beaded, some tur trimmed some with ribbons. In black, : L. d—569.50 Straightlme coats, trimmed in beaver or sable squir- w hite and coral. Sizes 36 and 38 $53. „ rust ’ brown - Srecn and tan. $2L9*. rC *‘ ->^^ l ? n^ ter * a ' \ S c °f da . ra - ... j a- £ o—Women’s $45 to $55 lace dinner gowns, draped or with cir- ' Misses’ Charmeen and Flannel Dresses, basque and coat $3 Gray vclvobloom straightlme coats, collar and cuffs ot tu l ar or pleated flouncings, made over self or colored slips, in models, in navy and nutmeg, trimmed in button and braid. $24.50. mo , cn /- 1 - « » -,t , , brown, black and ecru. S3O. 9—Misses’ $55 Afternoon and Evening Frocks of crepe satin and 1—579.50 Gray vclmara coat, Tjyth a tucked border, and a col- s —Women’s $49.50 to $59.50 afternoon and dinner frocks of bengaline and chiffon, lovely lacc dresses, exquisitely beaded U lar nat _ u r a * squirrel. *55.06. chiffon lace, and georgette. Beaded tunics, appliqued embroid- models and fur-trimmed styles included. ’ Black, brown tan S 3 3 —575 Mokine coats, cranberry kaffir and Lebanon colors, er y t j aces draped over georgette or crepe de chine slips, all- coral and maize. $3L59. ’ ’ collar, cuffs and front panel of bay seal (dyed coney). SSO. ovcr beading in colors, every possible trimming idea. Rust, 2—Misses’ s6iWhite Georgette and White Satin Dresses adorned 5—589.50 Coats in cranberry, shutter green and penny. Fawn- beige, orchid, ecru and black. $34. with handmade ribbon flowers $28.50 ’ skin, self-corded border and sleeves and mink squirrel and beaver 6—Women’s $59.50 to $89.50 afternoon gowns of embroidered 9—Misses’ $59.50 Dinner Frocks in one-of-a-kind styles flares collars. »5. v „ ... net > Plated georgette with fine lace insertions, Jacquard crepc and tiers, drapes and basques. Chiffon, velvet and satim’ s42J«l’ g 6—sßs Coats in penny, dusk and black Montebello, with large draped model, and a lace and pleated chiffon combination. Pow- __. L collar and ruffs of natural and mink squirrel and fisher fitch. $65. dcr blue, shell pink, black and cocoa. Sizes 36 to 42. $37.5*. * Fl ** r t* 6—slls'6'otts in kaslora, with sable squirrel trimming the col- 4—Women’s $45 to $55 charmeen ensemble costume dresses m * lar, cuffs and tuxedo edging. Hinoki, kaffir and green—all good smartly tailored and trimmed in silver and gold embroidery, |l/|lCQ£*C 7 i Aoffi *> n J C.-. - colors. $65. and buttons. Navy and brown in sizes 38 and 40. s3l. IfIiOOCO V/Udld dllU i^UIVS L 6—5125 Coats of beautiful kashmana. tiered models, trimmed s—Women’s $25 to $29.50 afternoon dresses of georgette and 4 to; in Jap mink. Hinoki. cinnabar and penny. $75. crepe satin, with lace insertions and lace yokes in pleated and tierpfl a .:,j. t j ana «' an( f , mokme ’ straightlme and 5J 15—5115 to $125 Coats of kashmana, kashlora and cuir de tucked models, sizes 36 to 40. sl*. • j brown crrppn 1, brown W °LI apd Jap mink, laine, all the new suede-like materials, and the fur trimmings are 6—Women’s $35 to $45 dinner dresses in georgette with cir- ■> M - ~.1 *' t. ... , .... 1 elaborate. Note the fine furs used as collars and cuffs—sable squir- cular tiers, and fine straightline pleats, all-over embroidery in with fur mllar ar.4 shr^ a J ia - Bcautitul straightlme coats rel, mink squirrel, fisher fitch, civet cat, pointe fox and the desired beads. Choose from maize, white, flesh, cork and black. $2L9*. o \»-zc j« U p«.u!!r * Ur cd , gings ’ . i* s .®’ . baby leopard. A good assortment of colors. Oxblood, green, cin- 10 —Women’s $25 to $29.50 tailored satin and pleated gcor- * straiahtlinp c .,-u c n k aS hmana and cuir de lame, tiered and *l. nabar, kaffir, penny and black. SBS. gette street and afternoon dresses, with lace collar and cuffs, and bordeTs nf tnfdrrpf’ Kp,, I and cuffs and some with fur 2--$l5O Coats of black and green kaslora, kasha lined and appliqued embroidery, in navy, cocoa, brown. Sires 3A to 42. ->_\iran/hart *«i P .. J trimmed with black fox. $95. SI6J*. J-Mis*cs’ $3950 c ° llar - J Slß r s ®’ ‘ 1—5165 Especially fine black kashmir kermana Coat with a ll—Women’s $22.50 Jersey dresses. Smart tailored models, patch pockets P s22J* polaire, button-trimmed and with fisher fitch collar, cuffs and panel border. $95. full-length sleeves, turn-back cuffs, monogram ribbon ties, in I—Misses’ SBS HrVss r£t in Kr n » n u a j j . , J Little Women’* Coat* rust, green, brown and tan. Sizes 36 to 44. sl33*. l ed $45. b Montebello, braided and tuck- 5—569.50 little women’s coats in cinnabar, penny and kaffir; B—Women’s $29.50 to $35 charmeen and English rep dresses, 4—Misses’ $65 straightline coats in black and dusk montebello with I brown vcloria, with Jap mink and beaver collars. $55. str « ct and business wear, in navy and brown, with plaid collar and cuffs of mink and grey squirrel $48.50 Ensemble Suit* ..Ik .... .nJ .nj colored S .,.ch.n ß . 5„»36.0«. U,M 9_ MisS „- $65 in brown?’cranbcrinf'imd bUck, with 8—£79.50 Ensemble Saits, consisting of long coats with viatka Women’s Velvet DtCSSCS fraiaTopoTsam”'Up Sink A “ s ' J squirrel collar and cuffs and matching Crocks of faille and crepe COA CA 2—Misses’ $55 sport suits of imported tweeds, box jackets with J de chine. Among the eight you will find good colors. Navy. JZSf.DU collar and cuffs of American raccoon. S3ASO. k blsck. I d “®„’ Tnvptv Inner mate rmhrnM.r.j Th e women’s dress department desires to offer a spe- 3—Misses’ $89.50 ensemble suits trimmed in viatka squirrel, with !S Ensemble costumM. Lo c y ong coats embroidered m c j a j selling feature for tomorrow, and that is why you (™? ck ?*Jl at crepe :, In and penny. SS4AO. self color and trimmed m ‘ nk s<l rcl ’ The nock is equally can get these beautiful straightline velvet dresses 4 —^? S * €S $95 ensemble costume suits in fawnskin and mokine, J attractive m dusk and cinnabar. SS4AO. . 0 for S29J«. w'th matching dress of silk crepe. Jap mink and mink squir -1 .l 5 -^ 10 * 0 . sl pnl^ n ?r? b L?,?t;f«llv fnr m tr!^’Jp% mn?Una d They are smart, simple models, suitable for a multi- , r *\ colors 9IU* I L kashlora. The coats are butitifully fur n med In nniik, tude of everyday uses, business, shopping, informal parties. 3—Misses sllO ensemble costumes in kashmana, either green or M * squirrel, fisher fitch, natural squirrel and Choose from They each disp i ay some chaVming feature—a slashed pe . nn y colored with matching frock or blouse. The coats are fl cranberry green pc ”"£ “JJ* » nd qu t skirt has colored facing, one model is beltless, another has , trimmed in beaver and mink squirrel and Jap mink. $84.50. 12— $125 Penny brown kashmana costume Ensembles, with nat- a narrow tie belt, full-length of cap sleeves, collars and Misses $135 ensemble suits —long coats and a matching blouse ural lynx collars. $69.5*. cuffs of heavy bengaline silk or fine lace. Sizes 36 to 42 in or , dre <£?; ,J ?ur tri ®nnngs of Jap mink and beaver. In green ¥T f brown and black. $29.5*. only. S9AS*. 113 Umbrellas to =— N Be Closed Out! Blouses Skirts Furs —Timely '» A Remarkable Sale of \ 14 were $5.90, to sell at $4.95 96 Cotton Overblouses, SI.3E $12.50 and $16.50 Skirts i—569.50 Beige Caracul Coat; kit fox p , s Regularly $155 and $2.95. FOOtWCar j. »i .a *7 ac Handmade Dimities or English pleated and wrap styles in canton trasting collar and cuffs. I.pairs of the season’s smartest - so seu « Ji. w Broadcloth, in all white or white with crepe, crepe de chine, flat crepe and , . x . t .*?’•? pumps and oxfords for women at one were $l2J>O, to *ell at $9.85 colored stripes. The collars are novelty stripes These are all fine *— Newfoundland Natural Seal low price— L fl 18—were $15.00, to sell at $11.85 varied—Peter Pan, V neck or mannish quality skirts offered at this price . gwt. N0w................... .WM S Some have slight imperfections,but effects. Somewhat mussed but priced for a final clearance tomorrow, $7.75. I—SBSX» Baby Pony Coat, fox collan $4.75 & Fair ' 10 fnd U 8 h rib e stJS* aCC ° rd,ngyl ’ n Tm? . I—sßsUo Brown Caracul Coat; sHf These shoes are known for their || tiful handles. 16, 10 and 8 rib styles, PofflOAotfi collar. Now SSSJO supreme quality and smart styles and ?■ i » ders. S The’re fa are a urn- 38 Silk BIoUSCS, $3.50 /ii , . 1— Fine Quality Persian Lamb such an assortment as this is truly I |L{| r . r ?.‘ arc a tew lowing um- Silk Jempv Petticoats Coat: natural skunk collar and remarkable at the price. Wise women brellas, with leather straps or silk Regularly $5.95 to $7.50. «o fiC cuffs - Now $147J0 will buy more than one pair, for such i cords. The nandlesare most at- A few fri f ls are j nc i uded j n t hj s tractively carved _ wood, carved and g,. OU p 0 { fi ne s ;ik blouses, made of 37 jersey, radium and Victoire jer- sl47J* . th ' s season. Leathers and materials # Mi plain amber shade with tips and ter- heavy quality radium silk, pongee, sey petticoats, S2AS. Straightline, 1—5275.00 Persian Lamb Dyed Fitch include patent leather, suede and satin. M rU i»L l ° matcn ’ n , /. crepe dc chine and tub silk. Peter embroidered styles or fancy pleated collar Now SI4MO Colors include black, brown, beige, tan M fl Blue Ked Izreen Pan or V necks. style flounces. Regularly $4.00, but 1—5125.00 Black Caracul Coat; dyed and buff. Heels are medium, low and | J Brown Black Purple the small number forces a price re- squirrel collar. Now ....s9B.** high. J First Floor. Ftal Floor. duction. •* Tklrd Floor. First Floor. , Li l "« M '"'w'"' 1 w w ' '"U. M ZF M ia~- Ji 1 1 ■ 8} 19