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8 SOCIETY President and Mrs. Coohdge Spending Quiet Thanksgiving Day With Small Family Party* HR President and Mrs. COol • idte vfth their house guests. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. i Stearns. attended service at the First Congregational {Church this morning, and. this ev«- f inp they will have to dine with them f'Jr. and Jits. Stearns and their son s and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. .Foster Stearns. ! 'l’he Secretary of War and Mrs. jWseks are entertaining a house Sparfy over the holidays t • lr in of Corps Honored by 1 I'iiro- American society. The Ambassador of France and !Mme. Jusserand have gone so New York. where they will be the guests ;«,f honor at dinner Saturday of the ‘Franco-American Society, the Feder al ion of Les Alliance Francaiso. and *, he American Society of the French Legion of Honor, which has been ar ranged as a farewell to the Ambas sador and lime. Jusserand and will jbe given at the Waldorf-Astoria. , The Ambassador and lime. .Tusse irand were accompanied by the naval attache of the embassy, ('apt, Rigal. end the second secretary. M. Jules pienry. and will return to Washing ton Monday. The Ambassador and Mine. Jusse trand were the guests of honor at dinner last evening of Mrs. John B. Henderson, who entertained a distin guished company. The guests in cluded the Ambassador of Spain and -Senora de Riano. the Minister .of Sweden and Mine. Wallenberg, the Minister of Egypt and Mme. Vousry. ii he American Minister to chile and irs. William Miller Collier, the (Speaker and Mrs. Frederick H Gil- I'ett, Senator Reed Smoot, former 'Representative and Mrs. Frank W. Mondell, the Solicitor General and ‘Mrs. James M. Beck, the Charge d Af faires of Brazil. Mr. Grade; Mrs. James Carroll Frazer. Mrs. Frederick Cent Grant. Mrs. Theodore V. Hoyn 'on, Count d’Adhemar, the secretary to the President. Mr. C. Bascom fSlemp; the secretary of the Nether lands legation. Jonkheer Ur. H. van L\sch vamWyck: Comdr. Robert Hen tderson and Miss Beatrice Henderson, Tiebutante daughter of the hostess. The Ambassador of Italy Uon 'Gelaslo Caetajii entertained at dinner Test evening when his guests includ ed. Representative Nicholas long worth, the United States Minister to The Hague, Mr. Richard M. Tobin. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Jordan. Mr. and Mre. William Stewart Reyburn. Mr. and Mrs. Newbold Noyes. Mr, and Mrs. John Hays Hammond. Mr. and •Mrs. Chauncey G. Parker. Jr.. Mrs. Noyes Blagden .and Mrs. King Carley, t-hc first secretary of the embassy and Contcssa di Villanova. The Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. •Wilbur were the guests of honor at dinner last evening of Admiral and Mrs. Joseph Strauss who entertained i company of 16 in their home on Massachusetts avenue. 1 Miss Helen Strauss is in Richmond Where she went to attend the debut •if Miss Suzanne Williams, niece of former comptroller of Currency. Mr. John Skelton Williams, who was a • lassmate of Miss Strauss at the Na tional Cathedral School here. Mrs. Robert Nelson Stanfield has Issued cards for a tea December 18 from 4 to 7 o'clock at Rauscher's to present her daughter. Miss Barbarba Stanfield to society. Senator Samuel Shortridge of Cali fornia arrived today, and is at the New Willard, where he will remain for an indefinite period, having come to Washington for the reconvening -Of Congress on December 1. The military attaches of the French embassy, Gen. Georges A. L. Dumont, will go to Fredericksburg tomorrow to attend the exercises commemorat ing the one hundredth anniversary of ihe visit ,of Gen. Lafayette to that -<|ity. ' The counselor of the British embas- D. Mr. Henry Getty Chilton; the as sistant naval attache of the embassy and Mrs. Brown, the commercial sec retary and Mrs. Buxton and Mr. Leander McCormick-Ooodhart, at ’ache of the embassy, will occupy a box at the Monday performance of Jbe Frederick Lonsdale ‘Aren't We All?” at the National Theater next week, in which Mr. Cyril Maude, the distinguished English • ctor, is playing. Representative A. L. Bulwlnkle and Mrs. Bulwlnkle of North Carolina have taken an apartment at the Cairo Hotel for the Winter. The naval attache of the British embassy, Camdr. F. I>. Tottenham, will have as his guest next week at hie residence, 1215 I6th street, Mr. Cyril Maude, the eminent English actor, who will appear in the Fred erick Lonsdale comedy, "Aren't We AH?" at a local theater next week. Representative L. J. Dickinson and Mrs. Dickinson have taken an apart ment at the Somerset House, 1801 16th street, for the winter and are located there. They have with them for the Thanksgiving holiday their daughter. \ Extraordinary Sale •f an Unusual Collection of High-Grade Furs \ : By Public Auction AT WESCHLER S 920 Penna. Ave. N.W. Tuesday and Wednesday. December 2 and 3 Commencing 2 P.M. Each Day Coats and Wraps for street and evening wear of all the latest mode and cut, from fuff length to the short walking coat. Mink, Seal, Caracul, Squirrel, Mole, Broadtail. Leopard, Ermine, Raccoon, Muskrat and others. Neckpieces and Small Furs, Russian and Canadian Foxes, SaMes, Mink, Marten, all in a variety off styles. EXHIBITION MONDAY Attendants will assist prospective purchasers in making their selections. Terms: Cash. Adam A. Wcachler, Auct. ' SOCIETY, Miss Ruth ALCe Dickinson, who is a student at Penn Halt. Chambersburg. Pa. Their son. Mr. Coll Dickinson, is a sludent st George Washington Uni versity. Capt, and Mrs. Emory Land are en tertaining at. dinner Tonight for their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bran of New York, who are going on with them to the Navy League ball a* the New Willard. Others with them at d imer and the bail will be tiie counselor of the British embassy and Mrs. Henry Getty Chilton. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick If. Brooke. Maj. ami Mrs. Solbert. Mrs. Dwight Chester ar.d Mr. Paul Wilstoch. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt will accompany Capi. and Mr;. Land to the Army and Navy game Saturday. Mrs. Frederick It. Brooke will be hostess at tea this afternoon from to 7 o'clock in her home on K street, for tier niece. Mis* Caroline Swift, and the latter’s aunt. Miss Helen Page, w itli whom she makes her home. Among those who will pre side in the dining room will he Mrs. Horace Westcott, Mrs. Thomas Hell Sweeney, Mrs. Henry Leonard. Mrs. Brooke Lee and Miss Mary Sheridan, and among their assistants will be Miss Gratia Houghton and a number of the debutantes. Mr. and Mrs. Brooke will entertain a small company of young people at dinner tomorrow evening, followed by dancing et the Metropolitan (Tub Ajinex for Miss Swift. Mrs Brooke's son. .Mr. Bates McKee, is here from New Haven where lie Is a junior at Yale, and will remain until Sunda>. Miss Swift will return to her studies at Bryn Mawr at the close of the hol iday. and join her aunt. Miss Page, for the Christmas holidays. Dr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dunlop will entertain at lea this afternoon at their residence, at Nortli Chevj Chase Lake. Mu., when they will pre sent their daughter. Miss Katharine Dunlop, to society. Mrs. Dunlop will he assisted by Mrs. Reeve Lewis. Mrs. \V. V. Galbraith. Mrs. Stanton C. Peelle, Mrs. R. D. Simms and Mrs Richard Urqubart cf Baltimore. The debutante will have With her Miss Louise (Taylor, Miss Helen Gary. Miss Beatrice McLean, Miss Anne Coving ton. Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Styles, Miss Hilda Anne Hill. Miss Elizabeth Mobutu Miss Margaret West a;ul Miss Elizabeth Simms. The bud will wear a dainty frock of flesh chiffon made on straight lines, the bodice made sleeveless and with a round neckline. The skirt is made with a deep circular flounce of the chiffon, edged around the bottom with white fur. and finishing oft the top of the skirt is a lovely design in crystal beads. She will .carry an arm bouquet of pink rosebuds tied with silver ribbon. Mrs. Dunlop will wear a gown of old blue velvet made on straight Tines, with a cascade of blue geor gette falling at the loft side. The tea wilt be followed by supper for those assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Blair will entertain a small company informally at dinner this evening preceding the SPECIAL I | For. Friday and Saturday New Arrivals In Smart Hats —to wear w ith tur coats. Shown in Ribbon. Satin and Felt. All the new shades. Specially priced for Friday and Saturday— sls up i M. Pasternak 1219 Conn. Ave. I THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON; D. C„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1924; 111 .WLKaF'- "JEk'*> SrHH* * 131 \if •In i- Mrs. Curtin Dwight Wilbur lupprri, and lira. John A. I.ejrune, who are bending the receding line at the Navy Belief nail ut (he New Willard tonight, with Urn. Edward W. Kberle and Mrs. Henjamin F. liatchinsoo also in line. dance which they will give for their daughters, the Misses Blair, in their country home at Silver Spring, Md. Tiie guests foi -the dance will number about mo ill. and Mrs. Harry Nunnenl enter tained at dinner last evening, when thoir guests were the Minister of (.'osta Rica, the Minister of Egypt and Mme. Vousry. the charge d'affaires of Austria and Mine. Brochnik, tiie counselor of the Swedish legation and Mme. Weidel. Maj. and Mrs Barker West and Mrs. Ollie James. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont have gone to New York to remain over the Thanksgiving period and will return to Washington Sunday. They have opened their residence at HITS New Hampshire avenue for the Winter. Maj. Gen. and Airs. Charles S. Farns worth entertained at the Officers' Club of the War College at Washington Bar lacks last evening, at a reception and dance for more than OdO of their friends. Guests of honor were the Secretary of War, Mr. John W. Weeks, and Mrs. Weeks, and the Assistant Secretary' of War. Mr. Dwight F. Davis, and Mrs. Davis. Assisting Gen. and Airs. Farnsworth in the reception | FOOTER’S I I Cleaners and Dyers \ 1 1332 G Street N.W. \ | Phone Main 2343 | I “Cleanliness is our motto and P j cleaning our business^ H » $s Three Centuries of |t H Thanksgiving Days ig ORE than 300 Thanksgivings {g* have been kept by Americans since fc he Pilgrims first met to S 2 thank their God for a good !g harvest. As a nation we have had more to SP ■g be thankful for each year. Let us take g* count today of the many blessings we enjoy w* and resolve to keep this a land in which *&• <8 people may live thankful lives. }s■ \EsPßai(k>susMup\ ! Exclusively Different TWELVE-TEN TWELVE-TWELVE F STREET & WHERE THE VOGUE OT THE MOMENT IS FIRST REVHALBP Tomorrow! Two Special Values in Fur-Trimmed COATS »59-75 «9g.50 Priced Lower Than Current Sale Prices 0 1316 G Street City Club Building • * -• * 4 ' ■■■? if ■ ■■ ‘' ■' Ass, <• ' I-. ••f their guests were the officers of the office of Ihe Chief of Infantry and their wives. The club was elaborately decorated for this occasion with ferns and flowers and the national and Infantry colors were appropriately arranged In the portion of the hall where the guests were received. Dancing until a late hour followed the reception. Oon. Farnsworth has a two months’ leave of aboenoe beginning December 1 and he and Mrs. Farnsworth will he absent from Washington for the greater part of that period. Comdr. and Mr*. Richard Stockton Field entertained at lunch today in their quarters at Annapolis for Miss Marguerite Earle Barnes and Mr. Kenneth Sabi an Davis, whose mar riage will take place at 6:30 o’clock this afternoon In the Naval Academy Chapel. Miss Barnes is the daughter of Mrs. Adial Parker Barnes. Col. and Mrs. W. J. Glasgow will be at home this afternoon from 4 to 7 o'clock, at their residence, U2l Hix teenth street, in compliment to their guests, Chaplain and Mrs. E. B. Kmlth, formerly of Governors Island, who are their guests over today. The marriage of Miss Anne de Baau jeu Domville. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Domville df Monor d'Atan, Rosomcre, Quebec, to Bignor Luciano Mascta, newly appointed secretary of the Italian embassy, who will succeed •Signor Renato Sllenzl, is taking place today at the home of the bride's parents. Signor Mascia and his bride will come to Washington shortly. The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Radrliffe have us their guests for the holidays the former's niece. Miss Eleanor Hamilton of Philadelphia. Lady Isabella Howard, wife of the British Ambassador, is the chief patroness for her gifted countryman, Ernest MacMillan of England, whio will give an organ recital in the First Congregational Church at 4:80 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. One never ques tions the quality of a musician when Mrs. William Howard Taft lends her name as a patroness, as she has done i for Air. MacMillan, and Mrs. Hughes, wife of the Secretary of State, and I jl Diamonds—and Safety u Satisfy yourself with the sue and I( Since 18*6 setting of the Diamond—and leave the ! i responsibility for a perfect stone to us. You cannot go ' wrong here, because, while my collection of Diamonds and kindred gems is very large, each individual one has ;| been critically selected—and I can guarantee its purity | absolutely. |"| Selections for Christmas may be made now —and m || the privilege of ntir accommodating payment plan i> I , I gladly extended. || j : £L.33urn,st’me :| | 311 Homer The t pslairs Store 13th at F St. || | Building Two Rapid Elevators Entrance 13th St. | , i '*ASm>GTON P\RIS Juuus Garfinckel&.Cq , i SMART NEW SELECTIONS of Misses , Juniors and Girls EXQUISITE APPAREL j For All Social Activities and Sports Events of the Holidays AT MODERATE PRICES Our showings are now complete with the newest distinctive apparel tor town and school wear. There arc many charm ing novelty models different from any we have shown this season. Coats Suits Hats j Dresses for Afternoon Evening and Sports Wear Sweaters * Bloomers Middies Underwear Accessories F Street Corner of 13™ HOTEL HAMILTON j I Follow Up Your I || | Thanksgiving Feast I I; I With Another I! I I $1.50 DINNER | I I I at the , I I ||;l Hotel Hamilton : | S | 111 Perfect in every detail cuisine, |jl |j I | service, appointments, music—all | Eg I ; I calculated to suit the tastes of jr.j , ||i i everyone. We would also direct |/ i| I I your attention to our delicious | I : | j 75c Breakfasts j' | I ' | ami I ]| I SI.OO Luncheon | f |![ I |{ Ala Carte Service If Desired '• | I: I Hotel Hamilton i j „f 14th and K Streets I l 2580 || I Mrs. Hsnry Oetty Chilton art also 1 sponsors for the artist. Mr. MacMillan Is the house guest of Miss Laura Harlan. Mr. and Mr*. James L. Walsh are the guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett, for • the holidays. They trill remain several days and be with Mr*. Walsh'a cousin*, Mr. and Mrs. David Bt. Pierre Oaillard. and their infant eon, David Du Bose Gall lard. 2nd. Mr. and Mrs, Leroy Chamberlin have been Joined In their apartment in the Potomac Park by their son, Mr. Wellman Chamberlin, who Is a student at Swarthmore and will be with them until Sunday. Dr. and Mr*. Eugene Le Merle will entertain at the Embassy Club. Le Paradis. Sunday night for their daughter, Mis* Eugenis Le Merle, and Mr. Pdxey Smith. Miss Le Merle and her mother are to attend the Army- j Navy game in Baltimore Saturday and ’ later go to Annapolis for the hop. I The Rev. Dr. Ze Bsrney T. Phillip* and Mr*. Phillips have an thalr guest* over Thanksgiving the_ former’s (Continued on K'inth - Page.) OLD FURS ua be made toad *• new if they *r* rot,. '•■lestlonaly kindled. Ton will bi aurprlaod If you k*T« them remodeled bore. SenodolUg Our Specialty llfAI r FURRIER WULr a *srsgr • t! 1 Wall Pressed 1 1 j -doe* net noceaaarily a | mean erpenairely drraeed. [ i Save by Baidas your own I 1 ilotber I I • letaens. ft I A Xra. A. X. Hlldetbraid J 1 iita * h. r ilr. S»M 1 r ' ’ Formerly with VToodwtrd ic Lothrop ■■■—■■■— ' ■*■■ ■ I |j Interior Decorating * Fifty years’ experience qualifies us • to render Decorating Service that is | entirely in keeping twill the standing ill . of Henderson furniture. I'' An estimate will convince yon J J that* Henderson PAINTING and ' PAPERHANGING WORK is not « / l!| expensive. I James b. Henderson j fine f-m nilurr, I. Her*. ( phnl*tfr*nQ. F*ftpn hqng> ,. v . f'nmnuq. *•.<. • 1108 G Street-Phone. iSS I i Rizik j Brothers f Smartly New I I Coat Arrivals ultra-mode <>t' v ijjv exquisite expres s’* sion in the de v , < * signer s creative genius. H s, I k r # : i Very Moderately Privet I %/ J !v I t jf ; j ! i % i | T\VEI. V K -Til IRTK. E X K § I I- ' fe l c £ Eleven-Thirteen G Street % s Second of Our Promised z || Sensational Sales | [ Ultra Coats i h Os high-type production trimmed C \ with luxurious furs, and tendered for j p your choice at $ 37 i ?» Made to Sell from X H2 S o to *S7 S 0 ' p Included in the assortment are those much C I favored "high” colors as well as the staple 1 U shades—in the soft, rich weaves so adaptable S to the graceful draping of the present season. * i Collars and cuffs and bandings of * p Muskrat Marmink Q I Sealine Civet \ } Manchurian Wolf Natural Opossum ~ ? Australian Opossum Caracul d J They are Coats fresh from the studios of P leading makers whose close association with C f us commands their co-operation. | SOCIETY .