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28 ifiEND OF STOCKS AGAIN DOWNWARD Selling Not as Heavy Today. Seasonal Issues Do Fairly Well—Steel Off. B \ STI ART I*. WEST. Dispatch to Tlie Star. NEW YORK. December 11. —Tbe .tendency of slocks was downward again today. Althouci there were no violent declines, prices slipped nway rather easily in many direc tions, and as a result the whole list presented a heavy appearance. Seasoned issues among the indus trials and rails were fairly well sup norted for a while, but the more spec ulative stocks were distinctly under pleasure from the outset. Oil Shares Again Weak. The oils continued one of the . weakest groups. The market was 'ignoring entire!} the surprisingly good tonnage figures of the United States Steel Corporation. Profit-tak ng increased as traders acted on the theory that stocks could be bought to better advantage at lower levels, and short selling played more of a ’ part. There were a few exceplions to the ! downward swing. One was American Bosch Magneto, which was bought on reports of the new radio device which lie company lias perfected. Another was American Water Works, and still another May Department Stores. Still Off Three Points. The weakness of United States Steel was the most formidable influence against the market. The stock was off over 3 points from where it was Felling when the monthly tonnage figures .came out, and these were admittedly as favorable as expected. Selling of the oils continued very heavy', but there was no fresh trade news in connection with it. The pub lic had bought a lot of these stocks ■on the idea that they would have to participate sooner or later in the for ward movement. What occurred to day was more selling of the disap pointed character. Pacific Oil broke well below 50. Cosden, around was within little more than a point of its extreme low of the year. Texas Company was off over a point, and Houston Oil yvas very weak. The selling took in the Pan-American and Pure Oil. Railroad shares Weak. The termination of the boom in the railway shares was further empha sized. Atchison yvas off more than a point, and Southern Pacific pretty much the same. The weakness in the low-priced non-dividend payers was pronounced, especially in such stocks as Chicago Great Western preferred, M. K. and T., Wabash and Kansas City-Southern. The last named was off over 3 points. As more people were attracted to May Department Stores stock on ru mors of a stock dividend and an in crease in the regular cash rate, the stock rose sharply' again to much its highest for the year, across the 110 level. The Street was talking about a 30 per cent stock dividend and the raising of the regular cash rate from J 5 to $7 annually on the entire new capitalization. Hrokerage Advices. The morning stock market letter of a prominent wire house which has been right on the financial situation since before the elections and which was one of the first to cal! attention to the danger signs in the recent over speculation, today advised clients to “take some profits" though it devel oped there was no occasion for turn ing bearish. American Bosch Magneto ran up briskly on discussion of the company's new device for supplying current for radio sets. After getting up about 8 points above the previous day’s Close, however. Bosch Magneto met ljuite a bit of stock and fell back. MILLS ON FULL TIME AS ORDER LIST JUMPS Special Dispatch to The Star. BAI/TIMOKE, December 11.—For the first time in four years all three plants of the Mount Vernon-Wood berry Cotton Mills are working on full time. The -local mills now in operation will be continued here per manently and will in no way be af fected by the big' developments by the company in Columbia, S. C., and Tallahassee, Ala. The Mount Vernon - Woodberry Mills, Inc., is manufacturing and sell ing more goods and receiving better prices for its products than at any time during the last four years. CAR MEN GET RAISE. Baltimore Employes Granted 2 Per Cent More Pay. BALTIMORE, Md.. December 11.— Wage increases of 2 per cent yester day were granted to shopmen, motor- I men and conductors of the Baltimore | Street Railways In the annual confer ence of various classes of workers ] ■with President ,C. D. Emmons. As a result minimum wages of shopmen, etc., yvlli Increase from 4k to 47 cents an hour, while motormen and con ductors' maximum will be 52 cents instead of 51 cents, as heretofore. The increases, affecting 5,000 men, will be effective January 1, 1925. CURB TRADERS SUSPENDED. NEW YORK, December 11.—Two floor traders on the New York Curb market were suspended today for violation of the trading rules N. Ben jamin for one year and Jerry A. Re for 30 days. BRITAIN'S TRADE STATUS. LONDON, December 11.—Following are the board of trade figures for the month of November: Total imports. £118.740.000. Exports of British products, £68,- 150,000, Re-exports, £12,320.000. Total exports, £801.470.000. Excess imports. £38,270,000. WOOLS MOVE FASTER. BOSTON, December 11 (Special).— Lower grade wools moved in fair volume in today's dealings, in Sum mer street, but finer grades were spotty. South Americans have been especially active for the past few days. Montevideo 58-60 s have sold as high as 73 cents. Montevideo 4s are being held for 51 to 52 cents in the grease. TODAY’S BUTTER PRICES. CHICAGO, Deoember 11.—Butter — Unsettled; creamery, extras, 41; standards. 39; extra firsts. 39a40; firsts. 34%a36; seconds, 31a33. Eggs—Unsettled; receipts, 1.525 cases; firsts. 50a57; ordinary firsts. 35a40; refrigerator extras, 36a36%; firsts, 34%a35. EXTRA DIVIDEND VOTED. NEW YORK, December 11.—An ex tra dividend of 1 per cent was de lared yesterday by the Lawyers' Title ft Trust Co, and the regular uuarterly 2 per cent, payable January £ to ktcck oi record December 22, F 1 X A NCIAL. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Received by Private NVlri) Direct to Tbe Star Office Open. High. tow. Clou* i Acme Coal pf. . . 38% 38% 38% 38% 'Ad v Rumley.... 14% 14% 14% 14% Ad Rumly pf 43) 51 51'* 51 51V* 1 Air Reduct (t 5). 89V* 89V« 87% 88 Ajax Rubber 13% 13V« U'% 13 Allied Client (4). 844. 84*. 81% 83V4 Allied Cm pf (7). 118% 118% 118% 118% Allis Chaim (4). 6514 65*. 64% 65% Am Agrlcul Chm 14V« 14V. 13% 13% AmAgChmpf.. 39% 39% 39% 39% Ainßk N(fl2%). 158 158 158 158 | Am BkNpl (3). 54% 54% 54% 54% i Am Beet Sug (4) 43V. 43% 43% 43%: Am Bosch 32% 31 32 33% ! Arn Can (t 6) 147 147% 144% 146% Am Can pf (7).. 116% 116% 116% 116% Am Car ft F (12) 175% 179 175% 178 Am Chain A (2). 24% 24% 24V4 24% Am Chicle 37% 38 37 88 Am Chicle ctfs. . 37 37% 37 37% AmDrugSnyd.. 5% 5% 5% 5%. Am Express (6) 135 136% 185 135% Am & F P 2R<*(7; 115% 111 116% AmPPfpf (T), 117% 119 117% 118% Am Hide & Lea. 13 13 12% 12% Am Hide & L pf. 69% 69% 69 69 Am Ice (7) 84 85 83% 85 Am Ice pf (6) 78 78 78 78 Am Internatl... 33% 33% 33'4 33% AmlaPrance ill 11 11 10% 11 Am LaFrn pf (7) 98 98 98 98 Am Linseed 24% 24% 24V. 24% AmLocomo(6). 86 87% 86 87% Am Metal (3)... 60 50 49% 49% Am Radiator (4) 129% 129% 128% 128% Am Ry Exp (6)., 80% 80% 80% 80% Am Safety Kai. . 86% 37 36% 37 Am Ship & Com. 12% 12% 12 12 Am Sm & Ref (5i 86% 86% 85 86 Am S*R pf (7). 105 105 105 105 Am Snuff (12) ... 150% 150% 150% 150%. Am St! Fdys (3). 41% 42 41 41% Am Sugar 46 49V* 46 48'v Am Sugar pf (7) 88% 88% 88% 88% Am Sun\atra.... 11% 11% 11% 11% Am Sumatra pf.. 36M. 36V» 36 36 Am Tft Tel (9). 132% 133% 132% 133% AmTob(n) 83% 83% 83% 83% AmTobß(n)... 82% 83 82% 83 Am Tob B (14) .. 165 165 164 164 Am Typ Fdrs (71 113% 115 113% 114% Am Water tfks. 35% 38% 35% 38 Am WW pf '6l. 100 100V4 100 100% Am W W Ist (7) . 101 101 100 100 Am Woolen .... 60% 60% 59% 60% Am Writ Pap pf. 5H 5% 5 5 Am Zinc 10% 10% 9% 9% Am Zinc pf 32% 82% 30% 31% Anaconda 41% 41% 40% 41 Armour Del (7). 94 94 94 94 Am Cons ft Co.. 9 9% BV. 9% Asso Dry G (5) .. 133% 134 130 132% AssoDG2d(7). 101% 101% 101% 101% AssoOll (1%).. 81 31 80 30% AtTftSFe(6). 115% 116 114% 116 AT&SFpf G). 94% 95 94% 94% At! Blrm & At. .. 3% 8% 3% 3% At Gulf &WI. .. 20% 20% 20 20% At Gulf &WI pf 27 27% 26% 27 Atlantic Reflnlni 86 86% 85% 85% Austln-Niehol*. 31% 31% 31% 31% Austin Nic pf (7) 89% 90 89% 90 Baldwln L (7) . . 122% 123% 121% 122 - y F;ald Loco pf (7) 114% 114% 114% 114% Ba! & Ohio (5).. 76% 76% 75% 76V. Bal &Oh pf (4) . 64 64 64 64 Barnsdall A 19% 19% 18% 19% Bayuk Cigar.... 47 47 47 47 Beechnut <t3)... 56% 57% £6% 56% Bethlehem Steel 48% 48% 47% 48 Beth Stl pf (7).. 94% 94% 94 94 Bootli Fisheries. 5% 5% 5% 5% British Erap 2d.. 9 9 9 9 Bk! Edison (8).. 121% 121% 121 121 Brk-Man Tran.. 38% 38% 37 3.% Bklyn Man pf (6) 74% 74% 74 74 BrklynUnG (4) 78% 80 77% 79% Brown Shoe (4). 71% 71% 69 69 Burns Pro (101. • 103% 103% 100 101 Burns Br B (2).. 25 25 24% 24% Burns Br pf (7). 98% 98% 98% 98% Bur Add Ma (3)... 64 64% 64 64% Butte Cop (50cj. 7% 7% 7% 7% E utte&Supcrior. 18V* 19 18% 19 Butterlck C 0... 19% 19% 19% 19% Caddo Centra;.. 1% 1% 1% 1% Cal Packing (6). 100 100 98 98% Ca! Pete (144).. 22% 22% 21% 22 Calif Pet pf (7).. 96% 96% 96% 96% Callahan Zinc. .. 3% 3% 3% 3% Calu & Arlz (2). 53 53 53 53 Calumet ft H 50c 16% 16% 16% 16% Can Pacific (10). 150% 150% 148% 149% Case Threshing. 31% 31% 31 31 Case Thresh pf.. 70 70 70 70 Cent Leather. .. 19% 20% 19% 19% Cent Leather pf. 55% 55% 54% 55 Century Rib (2). 30% 30% 30% 30% Cero d Pasco (4) 50% 50% 49% 50% Ctrtain-Taed. .. 42% 43% 42 42% Chand Mot (3).. 33% 33% ”3V* 33% Ches ftOhio (4). 93% 94% 93% 94% Ches &O pf (6%) 106 106 106 105 Chicago & Alton 8% 9 8% 9 Chic & Alton pf. 17% 17% 17% 17% Chic & East 111. . 85% 35% 36% 35% Chi & E 111 pf. .. 56% 56% 56 56% Chic Or West... 9% 9% 9% 9% Chic Gr West pf. 26V* 27 25H 27 Chi MU &St P... 16% 16% 15% 16 ] Chi Mil &S P pf. 28% 28% 27% 28% Chi ft Nwn (4)... 72% 72% 70% 72 ! Chi&Nwpf (7). 113% 114 113% 114 Chi RI & Pac. .. 45 45 43% 45 CRI&Ppf (6). 81% 81% 81% 81% CRI&Ppf <’)• 93% 93% 93% 93% Chi Yellow C (4) 49% 49% 49% 49% Chile Cop (2%).. 33% 34% 83% 34% Chino Copper. . . 27% 27% £7 >27 Ciuett Peab (5).. 60 60 56% 56% Coca-Colo (7). .. 81 81 79% 80% Colo Fuel ft Iron 38% 39% 37% 38% Colo Southern. .. 45 45 45 45 Colo Sou 2d (4). 58% 59 58% 69 Col G& E (2.60). 44% 44% 44% 44% Col Gas i El pf. . 103% 103% 103% 103% Col Carbon (♦).. 50 50% 49% 50% Com Solv A (4).. 99 100 97% 100 ComSolvß 96 104 95 103% Com Solv rgts... 3V* 73% 6% Congol-Nairn(3 ) 41% 41% 40% 41% Conley Tin Foil. 13% 13% 13 13 Consol Cigar... • 25% 26% 26% 25% Con Dlstributrs. 1% 1% 1% 1% Consol Gas (5).. 76% 78% 75% 77% Consol Textile.. 4% 4% 4% 4% Cont Can (4).... 63% 63% 62 68 Contlnsur(6).. 101 101 101 101 Cont Mot (80c).. 8% .8% 8% 8% Corn Prod (2). .. 40% 41% 40% 41% Cosden C 0...... 25 2o 23% 24V* Cosden pf (7)... 85 85 84 84 Crucible Stl (4). 70 71% 69% 71% Cub Am Sug (3). 29% 29% 29% 29% Cuban Am pf (7) 97% 97% 97% 97% Cuban Cane Sug. 18% 13% 13% 13% Cub Cane Su pf.. 57% 57% 56% 56% Cuba Dominican 5 5 4% 4% Cuyame* Fr 14). 52% 62% 52% 52% Daniel 800ne... 7% 7% 6% 7 Davison Chem. - 42 42% 40% 42% De Beers <BBO. . 21% 21% 21% 21% Del & Hud (9> .. 129 129% 129 129% Del L& W (6).. 140% 140V* 139 140 Detroit Ed (8)... 114% 114% 114 114 Dome Mines (2). 13% 13% 13% 13% Doug Pectin (1). 15% 15% 15% 15% Dul S S & Allan. 4% 4% 4% 4% Dul S S & All pf. 7% 7% 7% 7% Du Pont (8) 133 133% 131 131% Eastman (t 8)... 110 110% 110 110% Eaton Axle 13% 13% 13% 13V* Elec Stor Bat(s) 63% 64 62% 68% Elk Horn 11% 11% 11% 11% End-John 16)... 69% 70% 69% 70 Erie 31 31% 30% 31% Erie Ist pf 43% 45% 43% 45% Erie 2d pf 40% 48% 40% 43 Fairbanks C 0... 2% 2% 2 2 Falrbke (2.60).. 33 33 31% 31% Famous PI (8).. 93 94% 92% 93% Famous pf (8).. 104% 104% 104% 104% Fed Lt ft Tract.. 105% 106 104% 106 Federal Mines.. 18 18 18 18 Fed Mines pf (7) 58 58 57 57% Fifth Ave (64q). 11% 11% 11% 11% Fisher Bdy (10). 219 219 217 219 Fisk Rubber 18% 13% 12% 13 Fish Rubber pf.. 83 83 83 83 Flfclschman (t 4). 82% 83% 82 83% Foundation (6).. 92 92 89 91 j Freeporl-Texas. 9% 9% 9% 9% Gen ATCpf (7).. 98% 98% 98% 98% I Oen Asphalt.... 55 57% 64% 57% IGen Aspbpf (B). 94% 94% 94% 94% ! Gen Baking (6). 143 143 141 141 i Gen Cigar 18)... 95 95 94% 94% 1 Oen Electric (8) 274 276 270% 273% iOenElspl (60c). 11 11% 11 11% I Q*n Motors (5).. 60% 60% 59 60% Gen Mot db (6).. 93% 93% 92 92 Gen Mot pf (7).. 103% 103% 103 103 | Gen Petrol (2)... 41 41 40% 40% ; Glmbel 8r05.... 57 57% 57 67 ' GinterCo (1%). 24% 25 24% 25 (Hidden Co 12 12 12 12 Goodrich 84% 34% 34 34 i Goodyear pf 84% 84% 84 84 Gdyear prior (8) 107 107 107 107 Granby Consol.. 18 18 17% 17% Grav & Davis... 4% 4% 4% 4% Grt North pf (5). 70% 70% 70 70% THE EVENING {STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1924. Open. High. Law. Clom. Grt Nor Ore (4)... 83% 38% 32% 83% GrtWjtn Su (8) 95% 96 .94% 94% Ot West Spf (7) 113% 116 113% 115 GreeneCanan... 17 17 17 17 Guantanamo.... 6% 6% 6% 6% Gulf Mo & Nor.. 25 25 24% 24% Ou Mo &N pf (5) 85 86 84 84 Gulf St Steel (5). 78% 79% 78 79% Hartman Co (4). 37% 37% 35% 35% Hayes Wheel (3l 85% 35% 34% 35 Hayes W pf(7%) 100% 101 100% 101 Hoe &Co (A)... 49% 49% 49% 49% Househ P (13%). 86 86 36 86 Houston OU 71 74 70% 74 Hudson Man 24% 25% 24% 25% Hud Man pf (5). 64% 64% 64% 64% Hudson Motih. 33% 83% 32% 32% Hupp Motor (1). 16% 16% 16% 16% Hydraulic Steel. 1% IV* 11 Illinois Cent (7). 114% 114% 112% 112% 111 Cent pf (6). . . 114 114 114 114 Independ Oil (1) 11 11% 9% 10% Indian Motorcyc 17% 17% 17% 17% Inland Stl (2%). 46V* 46V* 45% 46 Inspiration Cop. 30% 30% 29% 30 Interb Rap Tr... 32 32 30% 31% Int Bus Mac (8). 109% 110% 109% 110% Int Com Eng (2) 34% 37% 34% 37% InternalHar (5) 106 107 104 107 Int Mer Marine.. 13 13% 13 13% Int Mer Mar pf.. 43% 44% 42% 44 Internal Nickel. 23% 23% 22% 22% j Internal Paper.. 50% 51% 49% 50% Int Ry Cent Ain. 17% 17% 17% 17V. Inter Shoe (5).. . 115 115 115 115 Int Tel & Tel (6) 88 88% 86% 86% Invincible 0i1... 14% 14% 13% 14 Iron Prod (4%).. 76% 76% 76% 76% Jewel Tea 20% 20% 20% 20V* Jewel Tea pf 102% 102% 102% 102% jordon Mot (3).. 47% 49% 47% 48 i Kansas & Gulf.. % % % % Kan City South. 36% 36% 34 35% Kan CSo pf (4). 57% 57% 57% 57% Kayser (Julius) 28% 28% 27 27% Kelly-Spr'gfleld. 16% 16% 16% 16% Kennecoft (3).. 52% 53% 52% 524. Keystone Tft R. 2% 2% 1% 1% Kinney GR 81 81 81 81 Kresge Dep Str. 43% 43% 43% 43% Dee Rub & Tire. 12 12% 12 12% Val (3%) 72% 74 72% 74 Dig & Myrs (8). . 63% 63% 63 63% Llg ft Myrs B (3) 63% 63% 62% 62% Uma Loco (4)... 66** 66% 65% 65% Uews Ino (2)... 221* 23 22 22% Loft 6% 6’i 6% 6% Lorrillard .3)... 36 36 36 35 Louis & Nash (6) 104 104 103% 103% Ludlura 12) 31% 32% 31% 32% McCrory (1.60). . 89 89 89 89 Mclntyre (76c).. 14% 14% 14% 14% Mack Trucks (6) 111 111 S 109% 110% Mackay (7) 115 115 115 115 Macy HR & Co. . 68 68% 68 68% Magma Copper. . 36% 37% 30% 37% Mallinson & Co.. 34% 34% 34 34% Man El Sup (4).. 42 42 42 42 ManElmdg(o). 46% 47 46% 4” Manhat Shirt (31 31% 34 31% 33% Maracaibo 0i1... 27 27 26 26 Market St prior. 44 44 44 44 Marland Oil 36% 36% 35% 35% Marlin Rockwell 11 11 11 11 Mathieson Alka. 48% 49% 48% 49% Maxwell Mot A.. 79% 79% 77% 79 Maxwell Mot 8.. 36% 37% 35% 36% May Dept St (5). 107% 114 107% 114 Metro Ed pf (7). 98% 98% 98% 98% Metro Gpf (1.89) 16% 16% 16% 16% Mex Seabd (2).. 20% 20% 19 19 Miami Cop <2)... 22% 22% 22% 22% Middle States... 1% 1% 1% 1% Minn ft St Louis. 3% 3% 3 3 Mis Kan & Tex.. 29% 30 28% 29% Mis Kft Tex pf.. 73 73% 72% 73% Mlssout 1 Pacific. 81% 31% 30% 31% Missouri Pac pf. 69% 70 68% 70 Montgora Ward. 45 '45 43 44V* Moon Mot (8). .. 23% 23% 23 23 Morris & Essex.. 77% 77% 77% 77% Mother Lode 75c 8% 8% 8% 8% Mullins 80dy... 16% 17% 16% 17% Munsinewr <!).. 84 34 34 34 Nash Mot (tlO). . 186% 188 185 185 Nat Acme 7% 7% 7% 7% Nat Biscuit (t 4). 70% 70% 70 70 Nat Cloak & Sut. 63 63% 63 63% Nat Cl &S pf (7) 100 100% 100 100% Nat Dairy (3)... 41% 42 .41% 41% Nat Dept Stores. 38% 38% ’ 38% 38% Nat Distillers pf. 43% 44 43% 41 Nat Enamel &S. 28% 28% 27V* 28% Nat Lead (8> 159V* 159% 156 157>4 Nat Lead pf (7). 116% 116% 116% 116% Nat Ry Mex 2d.. 2% 2% 2% 2% Nat Supply (3).. 59% 59% 58% 58% Nevada Copper.. 15 15 15 J 5 N O T&M t 23% . . 114 114 113 113 Nwpt U Gas (5). 54 54 54 54 N Y Air Br (4).. 48% 48% 47% 47% N Y Central (7). 116% 116% 115% 116V* N YC & StL (6), 117% 119% 117% 118% NYC&StL pf (61. 90 90 88% 88% NYDockpf(o). 52% 53% 53% 53% NY NH & Hart.. 27% 28 27% 27% N Y Ont & West. 24% 24% 24 24% N Y Shlpbld (2). 17% 17% 17% 17% Niagar Fpfl % . 28 28 28 28 Norfolk South. . 25 25% 24% 24% Norf ft W (t 8) ... 122% 123 122% 122% North Am (3.40).. 41% 41% 40% 41% North Am pf (3). 46% 46% 46% 46% North Pac (5)... 68% 69% 68% 69 Ohio Body & 8.. % % % % Orpheuro (1 %'.. 25% 25% 25% 25% Otis Elev (t 5%).. 82% 82% 82% 82% Otis Steel 9% 9% 9% 9% Owens Bot (3).. 44 44 43% 43% Pacific Gas (8).. 101% 103 101% 103 Pacific oil (2)... 49% 50 : . 49 GOV* Packard (t 1.50). 13% 14 13% 13% Packard pf <7). . 101% 102 101% 102 Pan-Amer (4)... 56% 06% 54% 55% Pan-Araer B (4j. 55% 55% 53% 55 Park & Tilford. . 32% 33% 31% 33V* Penn Cft C (4). . 23% 23% 23% £3% Pennsyßß (3).. 48% 48% 48 48V* Penn Scab Steel. 1% 1% 1% 1% Peoples Gas (8).. 116 116 116 116 Pere Marq (4)... 65% 66% 65% 66% PereMar pf (6). 74 74 73% 73% Fhila Co (4) 62% 53% 52% 53 PhilaCo pf (3).. 46% 46% 46% 46% Phlla&KC&l. 47 47% 46% 46% Fhila &RC&lct 46% 46% 46% 46% Phillip Morris... 16% 16% 14% 14% Phillips Pet (2). 34% 34V4 33% 33% Phoenix Hosiery 24 24 24 24 Pierce-Arrow... 14% 14% 13% 14 Pierce-Arrow pf 49% 49% 47 48% Pierce OU 1% 1% 1% > 1% Fierce Oil pf 24% 24% 23% £B% Pierce Petrol.. 0 5% 5 6% Pitts Coal (4)... 54% 64% 64 54 Pitts Coal pf (6) 98 98 98 98 Pitts Utpf (1.20) 14% 15% 14% 16% Pitts Ut ctfs 1.20 16 15 15 15 Pitts & West Va. 71% 71% 70 71% Pitts & WVa rts. 12% 12% 12V* 12% PostumCer (4).. 96% 97% 93% 97 Press Steel Car., 56% 56% 56% 56% Press Steel C pf. 82 82 82 82 Prod & Refiners. 25% 25% 25 25 Pro &R Pf (3%). 44% 44% 44% 44% Pub S El pf (7) . . 100% 100% 100% 100% Pub Ser N J (5). 67 67% 67 67% PubSNJ pf (7). 101% 101% 101% 101% FubSNJpf (8). 112% 112% 112% 112% Public Serv rts. . 22% 22% 22% 22% Pullman Co (8). 142 143 139% 140% Puma A1 Su (6). 41% 41% 40% 40% Pure Oil (!%)••• 28 28% 27% 28% Radio Corp of A. 43 43% 42% 43% Ry StlSpg (8)... 128 128% 128 128% Ray Cons Cop... 16% 16% 15% 15% Reading (4) 67% 68% 67% 68V4 Reading rts 21% 21% 21% 21% Reading Ist (2). 36% 36% 36% 86% Read 2d pf (2).., 35 35 35 35 I Remington Type 46% 46% 46% 46H Replogle Steel.. 19% 19% 19 19% Hep Ir & Steel... 64% 55 52% 64 Reynolds Sp (1). 16% 16% 15% 16% Hey Tob B <3). .. 76% 76% 76% 76% i Roy Duth 4.42%. 47% 47% 47 47% iSt Joseph Ld (2) 39 39 38% 38% St Lft San F (5). 61% 62% 61% 62 !St L San Fps (6) 79% 79% 79% 79% St L Southwest.. 51 51% 49% 50% | StLSwn pf (5). 72% 72% 72% 72% i Savage Arms... 80% 80% 79% 80 Schulte (8) 107% 107% 107 107 Seaboard Air L.. 22 22 21 22 i Seabd Air L pf.. 39 40% 39 39% ! Sears-Roebk (6) 141 141 135% 138% Seneca Copper.. 1% 1% 1% 1% ! Shattuok-Arl*.. 77 6% 6% 1 Shell Trad (2.05) 38% 38% 38% 38% j Shell Union (1). 20% 20% 19% 19% I Shell Un pf (6).. 98 98% 98 98% ! Simmons (2) 86% 85% 85 35 ■ Simms Pet (60c). 16% 17 16% 16% 1 Sinclair Oil. .... 15% 16 15% 16 Sinclair of (8).. 78% 78% 78% 78% Skelly Oil 20% 20% 19% 19% Sloss-Sheff (6).. 78% 80 78% 78% South Pac (6)... 101% 102 10C% 101% Southern Ry (5). 76% 76% 75% 76% South Ry pf (8). 81% 81% 80% 80% Spicer Mfg 15% 17 15% 17 WEAKNESS NOTED IN LIBERTY BONDS Profit Taking and Good Buy ing Alternate in Other Bond Issues. BV GEORGE T. HUGHES. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, December 11.—A fair ly sharp reaction in United States Government loans was the feature of the day in bonds. Treasury 4%s were the weakest, dropping below 105. bower prices were also recorded for the first, sec ond and fourth 4%5. The third 4%s were relatively steady. It is this issue that is exchangeable for ths new long term 4s. It was announced in Washington to day that the books for the exchange will be kept open until December 30. Total of cash subscriptions to be ac cepted will be about $250,000,000. There was no quotable change In money rates to account for the selling of the Liberties nor did it have much effect upon the high-grade rails. C. A O. >%« Dead Hails. Chesapeake and Ohio convertible 5s were the leaders among the active railway Issues. They ran up above 104 with a gain of more than a point in sympathy with the. stock. The general tone of the speculative bonds, however, was heavy. This was true of St. Louis-San Francisco Income 6s and of the Seaboard Air Line bonds generally. For a time Erie bonds were strong The argument seems to be the ap proval of the Interstate Commerce Commission of the Missouri-Paciflc- New Orieans-Texas and Mexican deal foreshadowed an Indorsement of the Nickel Plate combination, which in cludes the Erie. The same conditions were preva lent among the tractions, Chicago Railway 5s falling away sharply from the previous close. At one time today they were down six points from the recent high. Argentine Hands Strong. In the foreign group the strong feature was the new Argentine 6s, which continued to sell at a premium. The German 7s were also firm, but French la-mis sagged Reports about the expected Greek loan put the price at SS and coupon rate 7 per cent. Today's new Issues included $4,- 009,000 Murray Body Corporation 6%5. due 1934, to yield 6.70 per cent; J 2,500.000 Georgia Light, Power and Railways three-year 6 per cent notes, to yiejd 6.20 per cent, and $3,266,000 Montreal Tramways first and refund ing ss. due 1741, to yield 5.45 per cent. $30,000,000 PLANT TO BE BUILT SOON Unit of Electrification of Pennsy Will Furnish 300.000 Horsepower. Special Dispatch to The Star BALTIMORE, December 11 —The initial unit of the Philadelphia Elec tric Company's hydro electric plant to be established at Conowingo, Md.. on the Susquehanna River, which, it is said, will have an important bear ing on the plans of the Pennsylvania Railroad for electrification of its principal divisions, including the lines between Baltimore and Wash ington. will have a capacity of 300,- 000 horsepower and an ultimate capacity of 500.000 horsepower. The construction will Involve an expenditure of upward of $30,000,000 and eventually a far greater amount, all of which would be taxable in Maryland. Spicer pf 95% 97% 95V. 97V* Std Gas &El (3) 40% 40% 39% 40% St OU Calif (2).. 59% 59% 58 69% St Oil N J (1) ... 86% 36% 35% 36 St Oil NJ pf (7). 117 117'i, 117 117% Stand PI G1 <3>. . 16% 16% 15% 15% Sterling Prd 5%. 63% 634* 63% 63% Slew Warner (5) 62% 62% 61% 62% Stromberg (6).... 67 67 65% 66 Studebaker (4). . .42% 42% 41% 42% Submarine Boat. 10 10% 9% 10 Superior 0i1.... 4% 4% 4% 4% Telautograph... 11". 11% 11% 11% Tennessee Coyp> S% 8% 8% 8% Ts x’s Co (3) 42% 42% 41% 41% Tex G Sul(t7% >.. 91 91 89% 90 Texas ft Pacific. 44 * 45% 43% 44Vc Tex & PacC &0 10% 10% 10% 10% Timken (13 9* ). . 37% 38% 37% 38% Tobac Prod (6).. 69% 69% 68% 69 Tobac Prod A (7) 92% 82% 82% 92% Transcont 0i1... 3% 4 3% * Underwood (3).. 39% 39% 39% 39% Un Bag A Paper. 45 45 45 45 Union Oil (1.80).. 35% 35% 35 35% Un Pacific (10). . 146% 147% 145% 146 s * Utd Cigar (t 3 %) 61 61 61 61 United Drug (6) 114% 114% 113% 114% Utd Drug Ist 3% 52 52 52 52 Utd Fruit (10).. 204% 204% 204% 204% Utd Ry Invest... 25 25% 25 25% Utd Ry Invest pf 54% 55% 53% 54 US Cast Iron P. 138 138 133% 137 U S Distributing 37% 38 36% 38 U S Ind Alcohol. 81% 82% 80% 81% US Realty (8). ~ 128% 129% 126 128 U S Realty pf (7) 129 129 126 129 US Rubber 38% 35% 37% 38% US Rub Ist (8).. 93% 93% 93 93 US Smelting 36 36 35 35 U S Smt pf (3 %). 45% 45% 45% 45% US. Steel (t7).... 116% 117% 115% U 6% U 3 Steel pf (7). . 121% 121% 121% 121% U S Tobacco (3). 55% 55% 55 55 Universal Pipe. . 32% 33% 32% 33% Unlver Ppf (7). 66% 66% 64% 66% Utah Copper (4) 84% 84% 83% 83% Utah Securities. 39 41% 39 41% Vanadium 27% 27% 27 27% Va-Caro Chem.. 2% 2% 2% 2% Va-CaroCh pf.. 10% 10% 8% 9% Vaßy & Power. 63 63 63 63 Wabash 21% 21% 20% 21% Wabash pf A.... 66% 57 55% 57 Wabash pf 8.... 38 38 38 38 Waldorf (1%).. 18% 19 18% 18% Webber &H(1). 17% 18 17% 18 West Pen (4)... 97 104 97 104 West Pen pf (7) . 94 97 94 97 West Maryland. 12% 12% 12% 12% WestMdSdpf.. 21% 21% 21% 21% Western Pacific. 33% 34% 38% 34% West Pac pf (6). 84% 85 84% 85 West Union (7). 116% 116% 115% 116 West Air Br (6). 107 107 106% 106 Weatinghse (4). 67% 67% 66% 67% Westhse Ist (4). 80 80 80' 88 Wheel &L Erie. 13% 14% 13% 13% White Eagle (2) 26% 26% 25% 25% White Mot t 4).. 68 68 67% 68 Wlckwire Spenci 1% 1% I 1 Wilson &Co 7% 7% 6% 6% Wilson &Co pf.. 19 19 19 19 Willy3-° verlantl WUlys-Over pf. 73% 73% 71% 72% Woolworth (3) . 112% 112% 110% 112% Worthington... 51% 52% 50% 52% Wright Aero (1) 15% 15% 14% 14% Wrigley (3) .... 44 44 44 44 YelCMf (2.82)... 38% 38% 88 S 8 Youngstown (4). 71% 71% 70% 70% ■fPsrtly extra. {Payable In preferred stock. Dividend rates as siren in the shore table are tbe annual cash payment! based on the latest quarterly or half-yearly declarations. Unless otherwise noted, extra or special ghridends are not included. , PITTSBURGH’S TAX CUT. PITTSBURGH, December 11 (Spe cial). —The 1925 fax levy has been set by council at 19% mills on land and 9% mills on buildings. This is a re duction of half mill on land and 2% mills on buildings from present rate, ' which is 20 and 12 mills. ON NEW YORK "BONDS STOCK EXCHANGE Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office. UNITED STATES BONDS. (Bale* are In J 1.000.) Sale*. High. Jjjw. 2:30. Lib 3%s 158 101 100-26 100-31 Lib Ist 4%5... 81 101-26 101-16 1.01-26 Lib 2d 4%s 724 100-30 100-21 100-30 Lib Sd 4%s 1090 101-6 101-3 101-5 Lib 4th 4%a. .3814 101-31 101-23 101-30 US 4%s 1962. 1178 105-6 104-21 105-6 rOREIGN. Sales. High. Low. 2:80. Argentine Bs 10 83 83 83 Argentine 65'37.. 167 95% 95 95 Argentine 7s 7 102 102 102 Austria 7s 78 96% 96% 95% Bank of Japan 6a. 44 99% 99 99 Belgium 6s 12 100 100 100 Belgium 6%s w 1., 74 94% 94% 94% Belgium 7%s 23 109% 109% 109% Belgium 8s lo 107% 107% 107% Bolivia 8s 7 92% 92% 92% Bordeauxes 3 87 86% 86% BrazHVa 38 82% 82 82 Brazil 8s 25 96% 96 96% Canada 5s 1926 15 100% 100% 100% Canada 5s 1981 8 101% 101% 101% Canada 6s 1952 33 102% 102% 102% Canada 6%s 1929. . 2 102% 102% 102% Chile 7s 1943 1 99 99 99 Chile 8s 1941 3 106% 106% 106% Chile Ss 1946 6 106% 105% 105% Chinese Gov Ry Bs 42 46% 46% 46% Con Pow Japan 7s. 49 93 92 92 Copenhagen 5%5.. 9 94% 94% 94% Cuba 5%s 29 97 96% 97 Czecho 8» 1951 8 100% ICO 100 Czecho 8s 1952 ct.. 24 100% 100 100 Danish Munic 8s B 1 109% 109% 109% Denmark 6s 13 100% 100 100% Denmark 8s I 110% 110% 110% DE I 6%s Mch '53 25 92% 92% 92% UE I 5%S Nov'63. 64 94% 92% 92% Dutch East 16s '47 20 99 98% 99 Dutch Ease 1 65'62 51 98% 98% 98% Finland sf 6s 1945 8 87% 87% 87% Framerican 7%5. . 10 94 93 93% French 7s w 1 268 94% 94 94 French Govt 7%5. 36 100% 100 100 French Govt 8s .., 62 104% 104% 104% Germany 7s w1 ~ 386 95% 95% 95% Holland-Amer 69. 9 78% 78 78% Hungary 6%s 54 88% 88 88 Japanese 4s 4 83% 82% 83% Japanese 6%s 67 91% 91% 91% JergcnsU M 65’47 11 88% 88% 88% Lyons 6s 8 86% 86% 86% Marseille 6s 15 87 86% 87 Mexico 4s‘o4 asntd 5 20% 19% 20% Mexico 5s assen ted 5 32% 32% 32% Montevideo 75.... 1 89 89 89 Netherlands 65'54 25 101% 100% 101% Netherlands 6s '72 64 103% 103 14)3 Norway 6s 1943. .. 34 98% 98% 98% Norway 6s 1944... 14 98% 98% 98% Norw ay 6s 1952... 3 98% 98% 38% Norway 8s 5 112% 112% 112% Orient Dev deb 6s. 4 86 85% 85% Parls-Ly's-Med 6s 36 81% 80% 80% Parls-Ly's-Med 7s 28 90% 90 90% Paris Orleans 75.. 9 89% 89% 89% Porto Algere 85... 3 95% 95 95 Prague.7 %» 3 91% 91V* 91% Queensland 6s. ... 1 103 103 103 Queensland 7s. ... 1 109% 109% 109% Rio de Jan 8s 1946. 4 95 94% 94% Rio de Jan 8s 1947. 15 93% 93% 93% Sao Paulo City Bs. 2 98 98 98 Sao Paulo State 83 11 100% 100 100% Seine Dept of 75.. 38 92 91% 92 Serbs CUtes Slo 8s 44 86% 85% 85% Solssons 6s 4 88 88 88 Sweden 5%s c1... 26 99% 99% 99% Sweden 6s 7 103% 103% 103% Swiss 5%s 1946. .. 34 101 100% 100% Swiss Confed Bs.. 4 115% 115% 115% Tokio 5s 1 66% 66% 66% Ud Kingm 5 % s'29 39 115% 115% 115% Ud Kingrr. 5 % s'37 1 104% 104% 104% Ud Steam Copen 6s 10 91% 91% 91% T.Tuguav 8a 2 105% 105% 105 1 '. Zurich 8s 1 110% 110% 110% MISCELLANEOUS. Am Agr Chem 55.. 1 98% 98% 98% Ajax Rubber Ss... 2 96 95% 9c% Am Agr Chem 7%s 8 95 94% 94% Am Chain as 6s '33 10 96% 96% 96% Am Cotton Oil 55.. 8 92 92 92 Am Smlt&R Ist ss. 47 95% 94% 95 Am Smlt & R 65... 4 105% 105% 105% Am Sug ref 6s 42 99% 99% 99% Am TftTol tr 45.. 20 96% 96% 96% Am TftT cl tr ss. . . 65 100% 100% 10( % Am T& T deb 5%s 36 102V* 102 102 Am T & T cv 6s 2 124% 124% 124% ,Am Water Wks 5s 7 92% 92% 92% Am Writ Paper 6s. 2 44% 44% 44% I Anaconda Ist 6s. . 59 99% 99% 99% Anaconda cv db 7s 19 101 100% 101 Armour &Co 4%5. 13 86 85% 85% Armour of Del 0%: 41 90% 90% 90% Associated Oil 6s. . 6 101% 101% 101% i Barnsdali s f 85... 5 102% 102% 102% ; Bell Tel Pa 6s 15 100% 100 V, 100% ; Beth Steel pm 55.. 15 90% 90% 90% Beth Steel rs 5a.. . 3 94% 94% 94% Beth Steel 5%5'62 5 85% 85% 85% 1 Beth Steel s f 6s. .. 39 94 *93% 93% I Brier HSt Ist shi a 17 97% 97 97 Bklyn Ed gen 55.. 22 99% 99% 99% ; Can Gen El deb 6a. 8 107% 107% 107% i Chile Copper 65... 13 107% 107% 107% jcmO & E 5%s '62. 2 102% 102% 102% | Col Gas & El ss. .. 1 100% 100% 100% ; Col Gas &El 5s sta 2 100% 100% 100% Commonwth P 6s. 11 97H 97% 97% Con Coal Md Ist 6a 5 88 87% 88 , Consumers Pow 5s 17 91 90% 90% | Cuba Cane cv 7t’3( 1 95 95 95 Cuba Cane cv d Bs. 60 100% 99% 99^ | Denver Gas Ss. ... 5 92% 92% 92% j Dery (DG) 7s 8 76 76 76 1 Det Edison ss'4o. . 16 99% 99% 99% : Det Edison ref 65.. 6 107% 107% 107% {Du Pont de N7Vi a. 4 107% 107% 107% Duquesnc Light 6s 13 106 105% 106 ; Est Cuba Sug 7!s. . 2 104 103% 103% i Empire G&F 7%5. 15 97 96% 96% Fisk Rubber 85... 6 108% 108% 108% Francis Sug 7 %s.. 6 106 105% 106 Gen Elec deb 55... 20 105 105 105 Gen Refractres 6s. 5 101 101 101 Goodncn 6%s 31 100% 100% 100% Goodyear 8s 1931.. 19 109 108% 109 Goodyear 8s 1941.. 10 119% 119% 119% Hershey 6s 1942... 2 103% 103% 103% Humble Oftß 5V4s. 8 99% 99% 99^ Illinois Bell Ist fas. 86 97% 97 97% Illinois Steel 4 %s. 2 93% 93% 93% I Indiana Steel 55... 20 102% 102% 102% Int Mer Marine 6s. 16 89% 88% 88% Inter Paper 55'47. 15 86% 86% 86% KCP &Ltss A '52. 21 95% 95% 95** Kan Q& El 65'52.. 9 98 97% 98 Kelly-Spring 85... 1 96% 96% 96% Keystone Tele 55.. 2 84 83 S 3 Lackawa S 55'50.. 1 90% 90% 90% Liggett & Myrs 6s. 3 98% 93% 9^% Liggett & Myrs us% Lorillard (P> 5«... 5 97 Magma Cop cv 75.. 18 118% 118 118 Manati Sug sf 7%t 1 IDO 100 100 Maxwell Motor 7s. 74 106% 105% 105% Midvale Steel 5s cl 10 87% 87% 87% Montana Pow 55.. 13 98 97% 97% MoTs&Co Ist 4%5. 9 79% 79% 79V* Nat Tube Ist 8e... 10 101% 101% 101% I New Eng Tel 65... 7 100 99% 99% N Y Eden Ist 6%5. 11 113% 113 H 113% NYOELH&P4S.. 3 80% 85% 85% NYGBLH&PBs.. 20 101 100% 101 N Y Tel 4%s 7 96% 96% 96% NY Tel 6s'4l 14 106% 106% 106% N Y Tel 65'49 12 108 108 108 North Ain Ed 65.. 6 97% 97 97% North Am Ed 6 %s. 10 101 100% 101 Nor States Pow 5a 1 93% 93% 93% Nor Ohio T&L6s. . 3 92% 92% 92% Norlhwst B Tel 7s 23 107% 107% 107% Otis Steel 7%5.... S 92 92 92 Pacific Gas &El 5s 34 94 93% 94 Pacific T&.T 5s '52 47 93% 93 93 Pan-American 65.. 27 97% 97% 97% Pan-Amer Pete 7s. 2 104% 104% 104% People’s Gas 85... 1 94 94 94 Phlla Co 5%5'38.. 3 94% 94% 94% Phlla Co ref 6s A.. 9 102% 102% 102% j Phil & BdS C&I 5a 1 99% 99% 99% Pierce-Arrow Bs.. 44 98% 98% 98% Pierce Oil deb Bs.. 30 103 102% 103 Producers &Bf Bs. 1 110% 110% 110% Public Service 55.. 6 104% 104% 104% Pub Serv Elec 65.. 7 103 103 103 Punta Alegre 7s .. 10 103% 103 103 Sharon Stl H 85... 2 105% 105% 105% Sinclair Oil 6%5.. 14 83 82% 82% 1 Sinclair Oil 75..... 38 88% 87% 87% I sin Crude Oil 6%5. 11 100% 100% 100% i sin Crude Oil 65... 42 100% 100% 100% j stn Pipe Line 55... 33 83% 83 83 j South Bell Tel 65.. 2 99% 99% 99% 1 Southwest Bell ss. 10 96% 96% 96% j steel & Tube 7s-.. 5 105% 105 105 ; Sug Est Orient 7s. 2 97 97 97 j Tenn Elec Pow 6s. 6 99% 99% 99% ' Tide Wat OU 6%5. 1 103 102% 103 i Union Bag & P 6s. 1 96% 96% 96% IU S Rub Ist rs 55.. 17 86% 85% 86% |US Rubber 7%5.. 10 105 10*% 104% I US Smelter 6s 11 101% 101% 101% US Steel sfSs 20 104% 104% 104% Sales. High. fjxn. 2:30. Utah Pow &Lt 6s. 4 91% 91% 91% Va-CarChem 75.. 86 73% 73% 73% Va-Car Ch 7%s s w 8 46 45 45 Vertientes Sug 7s. 2 92% 92% 92% Warner Sug 75'39. 5 80 80 80 Warner Sug 7s ’4l. 3 90% 90% 90% West Eire 6s 7 98% 98% 98% West’n Union 6%a 1 110% 110% 110% Westlnghouse 75.. 2 107% 107% 107% Wickwlre Span 7«. 6 78 76% 78 Wlllys-Ov 6%e '3D 9 99H 99% 99% Wilson &Co Ist 6s 6 91% 91% 91% Wilson &Co cv 6s. 3 55% 55 55% Wilson&C cv 7%5. 23 56 65 55 Winchester A 7%s 2 101% 101% 101% Youngstn SftT 6s 13 95% 95% 95% RAILROAD. Ann Arbor 4s 2 64% 64% 64% Atchison gen 45... 25 89% 88% 88% Atlantic CL cl 45.. 1 86% 86% 86% Bft O gold 4s 36 86% 86 86 BftOcv 4%s 30 89 88% 89 B& O ref 6s 5 86 86% 86 Balto ft O Ist 5a ct 27 100% 99% 100% B & O rs Imp 65... 39 101% 101% 101% Bft O PLEWV 45.. 2 84% 84% 84% Bft O Toledo 45... 5 69% 69% 69% Bklyn-Manhat 6s. 132 83% 83 83% Canada South Ss.. 4 100% 100% 100% Canad North 6%5. 6 116% 116% 116% Canada North 75.. 4 116% 116% 116% Canada Pac deb 4s 29 79 78V* 78% Car Clinch ft O ss. 1 101% 101% 101% Car Clinch ft O 6s. 12 106% 106% 106% Cent of Gaffs 20 102 102 102 Central Pacific 4s. 4 87% 87% 87V* Chcs &O cv 4%5.. 21 95 94% 96 Ches ft Ogn 4 %».. 6 88% 88% 88% Ches ft Ohio cv 551170 105 103% 105 Chi ft Alton' 3s 8 62% 62% 62% Chi ft Alton 3 %s. . 12 46% 46% 46% Chi B&Q gn 4s'sß. 2 88% 88% 88% Chi H&Q Ist rs ss. 7 101% 101% 101% CB ft Q-111 3%5... 3 81% 81% 81% Chi ft Elgn 6s 7 76% 76% 76% Chi Great West 4s. 32 61 60 60 CM ft Puget Sd 4s. 3 57% 57 57 Chi MftSt P4s '25 132 77% 76% 77% CMftSt Pdb 4s. . 29 55% 55% 56% C M&St Pgn 4s'B9 4 72% 72% 72% Chi M&St Pcv 4%* 32 61% 60 60 CMftStP gn 4%s 12 82% 82% 82% Chi M&St Prf 4%s 29 54% 52% 54% Chi MftSt Pcv ss. 8 58% 58 58 Chi MftSt P 65... 18 100% 100 100% Cft N W gen 4s. . . 2 84% 84% 84% Chi ft N W ref 65.. 3 99% 99% 99% Chi Rys 6s 218 84 82 82 Chi Hlft Pgn 45.. 25 83% 83% 83% Chi Rlft Prs 4».. 78 86 84% 84% Chi Un Sta 4%5. .. 69 91% , 91% 91% Chi Union Sta ss. . 7 101% 101% 101% Cnl & W Ind cn 4s. 32 76V* 76% 76% Chi & W Ind 7%5.. 5 103% 103% 103% CCC ft St LGs 24 95% 95% 95% CCC ft St Lrf6a A 22 103% 103 103 Clevt Term 65.... 24 100 100 100 Cleve Term 6%5.. 7 104% 104% 104% Colo & Sou 4%5... 3 91% 91% 91% Cuba RR 5s 3 84 84 84 Cuba R R 7%s 2 101 101 101 Def ft Hd Ist rs 4s. 2 90 90 90 Del ft Hudson 5%s 10 100% 100% 100% Den ft Hlo Gcn 4s. 17 83% 82% 82% Dft Rio G imp ss. . 54 96 95% 96 Dft U G Ist rs 55.. 21 58% 57% 58% Det United 4 %5.,. 9 92% 92 92 Erie Ist cons 45... 13 70% 70 70% Erie gen 4s 18 62V* 61% 01% Erie conv 4s 8.. .. 5 63% 63 63 Erie conv 4s D.... 97 72% 71% 72% Erie ft Jersey sis.. 3 102% 102% 102% Erie Genessee K6s 5 100 100 100 Great North 65.... 17 93% 93% 93% Gr. North Gr North gen 7s. . . 13 109% 109% 109% Green BftWdb B. 5 13% 13% 13% Ha van 0 ERLtP 5s 10 86% 86% 86% Hud & Man rtf 6s. 9 87% 87 87 Hud & Man aj 5e.. 82 69 68% 68% 111 Cent ref 55'55.. 4 104 104 104 111 Central 5%5... 9 103 103 103 Int Rap Tran 55... 19 68% 67% €7% Int Rap Tr 5s stpd 16 67% 66% 66% Int Rap Tran £9... 14 71% 70% 70% Int Rap Tran 75... 7 93% 92 92 Int ft G Nor Isi 6s. 4 100% 100% 100% Int & G Nor aj 63. .198 70% 69V* 69% lowa Cent rs 45... I 21 20% 20% Kan City Ft S 45.. 14 82% 81% 81% Kansas City S 35.. 7 70% 70% 70% Kansas City S 55.. 5 89% 89% 89% Kan Jity Term 4s. 3 83% 83% 83% Lake Shore 4s ‘2B. 1 98% 98% 98% Lake Shore 45'31.. 11 95% 95% 95%, Lehigh Val cn 4s. . 10 80% 80% 80% Long Island rs 45.. 6 >82% 82% 82% Louis ft N uni 45.. 6 92% 92% 92% Louls ft Nash 75... 3 107% 107 107% Manhat Ry cn 4s. . 19 64 % 64 64V* Market St Ry 7a.. 6 99% 99H 99*, MU El Ry & L 55.. 39 86 84% 84% M&St L Ist ref 4s 3 21% 21% 21% MftStL rs ex ss. . 6 18 17% 17v* M StP ft SSM cn 4s. 5 86% 86% 86% M StP & SSM 6 %s. 10 103 103 103 MKft T Ist 4s 21 81% 81% 81% MK&T4aB 4 72% 72 72 MK&Tadjßs... 189 77% 76% 76% MK&Tprln 5s A26 86% 86 86H Mo Pacific gen 4s. 83 63% 63% 63% Mo Pac 5s 1926 19 100% 100 100 Mo Pacific 55'65.. 20 83H 83% 83% Mo Pacific 6s 27 99% 99 99^ Nassau ERy 4s '57 I 52% 62% 52% N O Tex ft Min ss. 51 92% 92 92% N O Ttx ft Mss B. 2 90% 90% 90% NO Tex & M 5%5.. 3 98% 98% 98% N Y Cen gen 3%5. 4 76% 76% 76% N Y Cent r 1 55.... 99 99% 99% 99% V Y Cent deb 65.. 224 110% 110 110 NYC&StLdb4s. 2 93% 93% 93% NY Chi ft St L 5%s 29 94V* 93% 94% NYCftSt L6s A. 3 102 101% 102 New Havn d4s '57, 11 53 52% 53 New Haven c d 65.. 36 85% 85 85% New Haven 75.... 52 95% 95% 95V* New Haven 7s fr. 25 94% 94% 94% New York Ky rs 4s 14 44% 44% 44% NYHyrf 4s ctfs.. 16 44% 44% 44% N Y Slate Ry 4%5. 3 67 67 67 NYW ft Bos 4%5. 100 60% 60 GO Norfolk &Wcn 4s 5 87% 87% 87% Northern Pac 85... 6 60% 60% 60% Northern Pac 45.. 18 84% 84% 84% Northern Pac 5s D 6 95% 95% 95% Northern Pac rl6a 20 107 106% 107 S Ore ft Calif I9t 6s. 4 100% 100% 100% [ Ore Short L ref 4s. 17 96% 96% 96% Ore-Wash Ist rs 4s 65 82% 82 82% Pennsyl gen 4%5.. 11 93% 92% 93V* Pennsyl gen 55.... 3 102 101% 101% Pennsyl 6%» 4 110% 110% 110% Pennsyl gold 75... 5 108% 108% 108% Peoria ft E Inc 45.. 6 36% 36% 36% Pere Mrq Ist 4b'56 2 82 82 82 Pere Mara Ist 65.. 51 97% 97% 97% Reading gn 4%5. . 143 94% 94% 94% Hlo G West cl 45.. 5 72% 72% 72% HI Ark & L4%5.. 10 87% 86% 86f* St L IM&S 4s '29... 6 92% 92% 92% St L IM&S R&G 4s. 14 83% 83% 83% St L&SFpi 4s A. 20 71% 71% 71% St LftSF pr In ss. 20 86% 85% 86% StL&SF6%sD.. 15 94% 94% 94 !stLft S F adj 65.. 31 84% 84% 84% 'stLft S F Inc 65.. 94 78% 77% 77% I StL&SFpI 6s C.. 1 102 102 102 IStL S W Ist 4s. ... 20 80% 80% 80V4 'StL S W coa 4s '32 11 86 85% 85% StP & KCShL 4%S 5 81% 81% 81% SlPUnDep 6%5.. 23 100 99% 99% r.„A4 ArnP4s.. 38 81 80% 80% Seab’d A L ref 45.. 15 60% 60% 60% Seab d ALadj 55.. 66 76% 76 76 Seab'd A L con 6s. 26 85 84% 841- Sou Pacific 4s '29.. 25 96% 96% 96% Sou Pacific ctl 45.. 4 84% 84% 84% Sou Pacific ref 45.. 65 88 87% 87% Southern Ry gn 4s 17 74% 74 74% Southern Ry Ist 6s 30 101% 101 101% Southern Ky 6s ct. 5 103% 103% 103% Southern RyC%s. 20 107% 107 107 Sou Ry Mobile 45.. 2 81% 81% 81% Third Ave rtf 45.. 1 66 56 56 1 Third Av* adj Bs. . 30 51 50% 50% 1 Union Pac Ist 45.. 3 91% 91% 91% ■ Union Pac 4s '27... 5 98% 98% 98% Union Pacific cv 6s 13 103% 103% 103% Virginia Ry st 55.. 13 95% 95 95 Va Ry ft P Ist 55.. . 7 94 93% 94 Wabash Ist 55.... 1 100% 100% 100% Wabash 2d 5s 2 §5 95 96 Western Md 45.... 9 63% 63% 63% Western Pacific 5s 10 91 90% 91 West Shore Ist 4s, 16 82V* 82 82 Wlkes-B&E Ist ss. 1 62% 62% 62% Wisconsin Cent 4s 6 80% 80 80 a CANADA’S POTATO YIELD. OTTAWA, December 11.—Canada's total potato yield for 1924 Is 2,590,000 cwt. in excess of that for 1323, ac cording to an estimate of the de partment of agriculture. The yield estimated for 1924 is 58,069,000 cwt. as compared with 55,497,000 cwt. for last year. The gloss used on chlnaw&re Is be ing used for the coating of art paper. BIG RAIL MERGER DECLARED CERTAIN Van Sweringen Brothers Re- 1 port Steady Gain in Shares I Pledged to Plan. — By the Associated Preaa. NEW YORK. December 11. —Reiter- ating their statements that the suc cess of the leasing plan devised to carry out the proposed "Nickel Plate” Railroad merger was assured, the Van Sweringen brothers of Cleveland, creators of the enlarged system, re ported today a steady Increase In the number of shares of the participating roads pledged to the plan. These Include, in addition to the present "Nickel Plate,” the Pere Mar quette, Erie, Chesapeake and Ohio and Hocking Valley Railroads. Following the acceptance of the re cent plan by the Erie, further prog ress is expected In bringing the other lines Into an agreement. COTTON QUOTATIONS CHANGE BUT LITTLE Failure of Goods Market to Pick Up Holds Back Price Advances. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. December 11. —The cotton market opened steady today at unchanged prices to an advance of 11 points on covering and Liverpool buying, prompted by tbe steady rul ing of the English market. January sold up to 22.90 and March to 23.28, or 8 to 9 points net higher on the early demand, but prices soon turned easier under commission bouse realizing or liquidation. The latter was supposed to be partly due to disappointment over the failure of demand to develop more rapidly in the cotton goods market. Helling was restricted, however, by claims of a firm spot situation in the South. January sold off to 22.77 and March to 23.15, active months ruling about 2 to 6 points net lower at the end of the first hour. New Orleans Quotations. NEW ORLEANS. La., December 11. —The cotton market opened quiet hut steady, with little disposition to trade. As Liverpool was better than expected, first trades showed small gains and January advanced to 23.18 right after the call. March traded at 23.22 and May at 23.43. After this small gain of 8 to 10 points the mar ket turned easier and soon was trad ing 1 to 2 points below yesterday’s close. CHICAGO GRAIN PRICES. CHICAGO, December 11.—Wheat prices showed a downward tendency today during the early transactions influenced more or less by lower quo tations at Liverpool and by selling here to realize profits. For at leas* the time being, buyers showed a no table disposition to await setbacks before taking hold. Besides, the move ment of new Argentine wheat was said to be developing volume earlier than had been expected. Opening prices, which ranged from >4 to % lower, with May 1.65% to 1.66*4, and July 1.45% to 1.45%, were followed by a material further decline. Rain in parts of Argentina had a bearish effects on the corn market and also on oats. After opening at % to 1 off. May 1.28 to 1.28%, corn con tinued to recede. Oats started at % to % decline. May 63%10 63%, and later showed an additional sag. Provisions were weak, sympathiz ing with grain. WHEAT— Open Rich. Ixvw. Close. December 1.61% 1.61% 1.59% 160 Ma v 1.65% 1.66% 1.94% 1.64% JU (' V "KN 1.45% 1.44% 1.44% December 1.23% 1.24 1.22% 1 2”% May 1.28% I 28% 1.27 1.27% July 1.28% 1.28% 1.27 1.27 OATS— December 58 .58% .57% 571. May 63% .63% .62% .63% July 61 % .02% .61 .61% BYE— December 1.34 1.35% 1.34 1 35% May 1.40% 1.40% 1.88% 1.38% July 1.29% 129% 1.28% 1.28% DAIRY PRODUCE. BALTIMORE. December 11 (Spe cial). —Live poultry—Young chickens, pound. 1 5a24; Leghorns. 15a20; old hens. 15a23; old roosters, 14a15: young turkeys. 34; old, 30; poor and crooked breasts, 25; ducks, 16a22; geese. 18 a25; pigeons, pair, 30; guinea fowl, each 40aS0. Dressed poultry—Turkeys, pound, 30a35; poor and crooked breasts. 25; chickens. 20a25: old roosters, 15a16; ducks, 20a25: geese. 20a28. Eggs—Receipts, 1,285 cases; native and nearby firsts, dozen, offered, 60; bid, 67; quotations, 57. Butter —Creamery, good to fancy pound, 40a46; prints, 46a38; nearby creamery - . 56a42; ladles, 30a32; store packed, 24a25; process butter, 33a34j dairy prints. 25a27; rolls, 25a27. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. BALTIMORE. Md„ December 11 (Special).—Potatoes, new, 100 pounds. l.OOal.BO; sacks, 1.75a2.25; sweet potatoes, barrel, 2.50a5.50; yams, bar rel. 3.50a4.00; beans, barrel, 5.50a7.50: beets, 100, 4.00a5.00; broccoli and kale, bushel, 40a50; brussels sprouts, quart, 10al5; cabbage, 100, 3.00a5.00; savoy, bushel, 50a65; carrots, 100, 3.00a6.00; cauliflower, crate. 2.00a3.25; celery, crate. 1.75a4.00; cucumbers, bushel, 2.50a6.00; eggplants, crate. 2.00a4.50; lettuce, basket. 1.50a2.50; onions, 100 pounds, 2.75a3.00; oysterplants, 100, 6.00a8.00; parsnips, basket, 50a60; peppers, crate. 3.50a6.50; pumpkins. 100, 15.00a25.00; spinach, bushel, 40a75; squash, 3.50a6.50; crate. 3.00a4.00; tomatoes, crate, 3.50a6.50; turnips, basket. 25a40. Apples, packed, barrel. 3.00a7.00; bushel, 75a2.00;. loose, basket, 40a75; box apples, 2.00a3.00; cranberries, box, 6.50a8.00; grapefruit, box, 1.50a2.50; oranges, box, 2.00a3.25.> , Selling Price* at Noon. Wheat —No. 2 red Winter, spot, 1.71; No. 2 red Winter, garlicky, domestic, 1.71; No. 3 red, Winter, garlicky, 1.67. Sales —Bag lots of nearby at 1.60, 1.63 and 1.65 per bushel. Corn—Cob, new, yellow, spot, 5.70 and 5.75 per barrel; track corn, yel lowy No. 2, old, 1.42%. Sales—None. Oats—No. 2, new. 65 and 65*4 per bushel; No. 3, 64 and 64%. Rye—Nearby, 1.10a1.25; No. 3 rye, spot, 1.40%. HAT —Receipts, 31 tons. There is a limited demand for the better grades of timothy and choice light clover mixed hay, of %vhich class of stock the supplies are not excessive. Me dium and low grade hay of all de scriptions Is In ample supply and hard to move at any price. Quotations today—No. 2 timothy, 19.50a20.50; No. 3 timothy. 16.00al8.00; No. 1 light clover, mixed, 18.50al9.00; No. 1 clover mixed, 17.B0al8.00; No. 2 clover, mixed, 15.00a16.00. Straw —No. 1 wheat. 12.00a13.00 per ton; No. 1 oat, 13.00a14.00 per ton. Knowledge Is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another. FINANCIAL. DIVIDEND DECLARED BV MORTGAGE FIRM Bankers’ Meeting Here. New Bank Director —Gas Light Stock Up. BY CHAS. P. SHAEFFER. Directors of the Real Estate Mort gage and Guaranty Corporation to day declared the third semi-anriual dividend on the preferred stock at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and also the third semi-annual disburse ment on the common shares at the rate of 2 per cent on par, which is equivalent to about 8 per cent on the present market level. Both divi dends, which aggregate more than $40,000, will be paid on January 1 to stockholders of record Decem ber 20. The corporation began functioning here in July, 1923, and has shown steady growth from the beginning, despite active competition. Resources now are given as $1,941,024.66. while surplus, discounts and earnings ag gregate *236,659.92. L. E. Breuninger. president of tbe Citizens Savings Bank, heads the com pany, with Thomas Somerville and. p R. L. Ncuhauser, vice presidents: Gen. Anton Stephan is treasurer and W. F. Stickle secretary. Banker* In Snwioß Here. The annual meeting of the adminls -1 trative committee of the American Rankers’ Association today opened a two-day session at the Willard Hotel. The convention Is more or less per-' functory, held for the discussion of particular subjects In which the ! bankers of the country are espe ■ cially Interested. Before adjourning the financiers will pay their respects l to the President, Secretary of the • Treasury. Governor of the Federal Reserve Board, controller of the cur -1 rency and chairmen of the banking and currency committees of the House 1 and Senate. The r meetings win be presided over by William E. Know, president of the I American Bankers’ Association 1 Willard on Bank Directorate. • A ' ' Vil,ard . 2d. prominent l Washington real estate operator, was yesterday added to the board of the 1 National Metropolitan Bank. The ■ election continues unbroken repre ’ sentation of this family in the Met ropolitan for three successive genera tions. • The new director is a son of Henrv K. Willard, former director c.f ti . 3 bank and a grandson of Henry A. , Willard a former vice president ami director of the institution. Bank Y ault Bids Opened. Bidding for the installation of the , two vaults in the new home of the Federal-American National Bank has been opened, with five of the Nation’s i leaders in the field. These Include the Diebold Safe & Lock Co., the Reming ton & Sherman Co.. Mosler Safe Co . York Safe & Lock Co. and the Her ring. Hall, Marvin Safe Co. The award for the construction will be announced at a later date. Mends Riggs Bank Club. , 1 William H. Taylor has been InstalT i ed as president of the Higgs Bank 1 j Club for 1925. W. A. H. Church. Jr.. - j and Harrier M. Barrett were elected , ( vice presidents; William M. Rankin, ■ ; lr., secretary, and George M. Ireiau ; j -easurer. .I The new board for next year con , j sists of D. E. Wlsecarver, George | Dagenais, Earl Haycock, Harold King, I j J- S- Rarosburgh. P. M. Garnett, ex j officio: W. G. Coe, W. L. Hoeke, J. A. { Keene and Frank Auldridge. i The ciub. which was formed for j the furtherance of social activities 1 among the Junior personnel, was or | ganlzed in November, 1923, with a membership of 110 members. Offi -1 cars of the bank hold associate j , memberships. Gas Eight nt New High. ■ I Stock of the Washington Gas Light Company established a new high . mark for the year today when 10 shares sold at 54. This issue has J ' been extremely popular in 3 924, but ' j has maintained a relatively even . | trend, moving in a range of less » i than seven points. i Lanston Monotype eased off to 76 on 1 sales', of 76 shares, while National i Mortgage and Investment preferred • decreased a quarter point to 9%. , American Security and Trust Con • > pany was unchanged at 305, as was ■ i Capital Traction at 93. | Bonds were steady and unchanged. Treasury Books Kept Open. • | The Treasury anounced today that it • I would hold open until December 31 * I i the subscription books for exchanges • j of maturing securities into the new J 1 issue of 20-30 year 4 per cent bond-. ' j In addition to the $200,000,000 • j sought in cash from the new Issue, I the Treasury offered to take in ex ’ j change as a refunding operation ail ; j third liberty loan 4% per cent bonds, ’ i Treasury notes of 1925 and Treasury certificates of indebtedness maturing • next March 15 that were tendered. ; CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET s CHICAGO. December 11 (I'nited : States Department of Agriculture).— I Hogs—Receipts. 72,000 head, uneven; j mostly steady; weighty butchers fin >; i light weight slow; underweight steady to 25 higher; fairly active de- I mand, big packers doing little: top. 4 9.90; bulk desirable, 225 to 323 pound t butchers. 9.50a9.80; 170 to 210 pound weight, largely 5.40a9.4(D bulk 14'» • to 150 pound kind, 7.25a7.75; packing sows. mostly 8.90a9.15; hulk strong weight slaughter pigs, 6.50a6.75. ’ Cattle Receipts. 19,000 head: .’ weighty fed steer trade semi-demor ’ aiized. weak to 25 under Wednesday’s average market. In-between grades ■’ yearlings showing declines; choice J yearlings about steady; early top. i 4.00; some held higher ; medium and • big weight steers predominating in run; fresh receipts increased by mod ■ erate holdover from Wednesday: | many weighty steers being held off market: bulk of quality and condition to sell at 9.50 downward; fat she ■ stock strong: little done; other ■ classes generally steady; largely 9.50 trade on choice vealers to packers. ! Sheep—Receipts. 26,000 head; ac tive: fat lambs steady to weak; bulk fat natives and fed Westerns, 15.50a 15.75; best bid early 15.85; best held . at 16.00; no clippers sold; fat sheep ’ steady; handy weight fat ewes, 8.50a ’ 8.75; feeding lambs steady to strong. ’ bulk, 14.50a15.23; best bid, 15.50. • NEW MARYLAND BANK. BALTIMORE, December 11 (Spe cial). —The Parkville Bank of Parl%; ' . vllle, Md., has been authorized to commence business by George W. Page, State bank commissioner. The ’ bank will have a paid-up capital of L j $25,000 and paid-in surplus of $7,250. 1 The officers are: President, P. A. Beermann; cashier. E. J. Hapimond; ’ vice president. A. M. Bacon. FOG STOPS WOOL SALES. LONDON. December 11.—The wool sales were again postponed today on ! account of fog. PARIS MARKET FIRM. . PARIS, December 11.—Prices were firm on the Bourse today. Three per * cent loan. 51 france. Exchange on London. 87 'francs 75 centimes 1 per cent loan, 62'francs 60 centimes. 1 ‘ The dollar *m quoted at 18 francs t )i) J*