Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER. (U. S. Weather Bureau Forecast.) Fair and continued cool today; to morrow Increasing cloudiness and warmer, followed by showers. Temperature—Highest, 76.5, at 6 p.m.; lowest, 58.8. at 4 a.m. • Full report on page 6. \T n 1 on 1 ‘>Q Entere <i as second class matter IJ/U1 I>Q. —LDP-t. p OSt ofßce Washington. D. C. CORRUPTION RIFE IN U.S. DRY FORCE, INQUIRY REVEALS Alarming Conditions Dis closed in Investigation by Justice Officials. STATE AND LOCAL AID DECLARED OFTEN LACKING Shipment of Liquor Over Railroads Said to Have Been Facili tated by Employes. By the Associated Press. New evidence of corruption in the enforcement of prohibition has been disclosed to Federal authorities in nu merous instances as a result of the efforts of Assistant Secretary An drews of the Treasury to rebuild the enforcement system. Tiie disclosures came in reports from United States attorneys to the Department of Justice, which had re quested of them a statement detailing: for their confidential information an accurate perspective of conditions within the jurisdiction of each pros ecuting: officer. While Department officials declined to discuss the contents of the reports except in a general way, the infor mation contained in some of them was described us alarming and as indica tive of a need for concerted Federal and State action. No official would hint, however, as to the possible course of the Federal Government, but the statement was made by a high Department of Justice official that that department had been given no funds by Congress with which to make such investigations. Charge Failure to Congress. The department’s requests of the United States attorneys, to which all except a very few have replied,' were made in order to provide for Mr. An drews a definite outline of the weak spots in the country’s prohibition ar mor and to supply him with an inti mate knowledge of facts concerning the Federal forces which he is to di rect. It was suggested to him that with this data available he then would know the particular problem with which each of his new appointees is to be confronted. On Department of Justice officials who studied the reports the deepest impression was made by the general inference that State and local au thorities were not co-operating with Federal officials in a majority of in stances. Some of the attorneys felt the Federal Government was playing a lone hand in their Jurisdictions. On the other hand, it was expiainetTWaft “fine help" was being accorded the Government officers in many other Instances and that where such help was had the dry law was being well enforced. It also was shown in the reports that a considerable number of Fed eral prohibition agents were winking at violations. It was indicated that Mr. Andrews would be supplied with the names of agents to whom sus picion was attached in the reports and their services ended when the re organization becomes effective. Some Rail Officials Help. Railroads in some sections of the country were mentioned in about two dozen of the reports, and officials made no effort to conceal their belief that in some instances minor rail officials were willing to assist in mov ing the contraband. This was said to constitute a new problem for enforce ment officials, who generally had felt in months past that railroads were co-operating by making known planned or actual liquor movements. The requests to the United States attorneys were drawn up in the form of a questionnaire by Mrs. Mabel "Walker Willebrandt, Assistant Attor ney General in charge of prohibition matters. She is convinced that the information already turned over to Mr. Andrews will enable him to find some of the cogs that have slip ping in the present enforcement ma chinery. and make the necessary re pairs. The Assistant Attorney General was not prepared, however, to say how far the process of rebuilding this machinery should go. Ports Principal Problem. It appeared from the Information gathered at the Department of Jus tice that officials there regarded their greatest problem as confined to half a dozen spots. Several Great Lakes cities were known to have been men tioned in the attorneys’ reports, and the conditions depicted by them were accepted at the department as being "generally accurate." The Mississippi River also has proved a channel through which much liquor has moved from the Gulf of Mexico, and some of the railroads serving river points were reported by several of the attorneys to be offering the Federal authorities little or no aid in their efforts to run down liquor shipments. Another section of the country men tioned in the reports as increasing enforcement difficulties was Florida's countless inlets and bayous’ where refuge for the rum runners is avail able with the minimum of effort. HUGE RING BARED. “Mail Order” Bootleggers Hail Cus tomers in 29 States. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, July 18.—A John Doe Inquiry into bootlegging activities in 70 cities in 29 States will be begun Monday by the United States attor ney’s office here as a result of the raid made by Federal prohibition agents on offices at 1123 Broadway. The seizure of business files of the raided offices revealed, according to the Government agents, the names and addresses of more than 20,000 customers in various parts of the United States. United States Attorney Buckner, supervising the inquiry, announced to night that the raided offices had fur nished data that may lead to the homes of thousands of persons prom inent in political, social and profes sional life. It is with this list—termed "customers” —that the Federal au thorities hope successfully to prosecute what they call the biggest bootleg ring uncovered in this part of the country. Eight were taken prisoners Friday, i barged with conspiracy to violate the l, roh Ibltion law. Other arrests are (Continued on Page 4, Column 6.) Destroyers Rout Rum Runners Hovering Off Swampscott Drive British Schooners , Defiantly An chored Off President's “Doorstep” Far Out to Sea. BY .1. RUSSELL YOUNG, Staff Correspondent of The Star. SWAMPSCOTT, Mass.. July 18.— Rum Row along the North Shore, visi ble from the piazza of White Court, the Summer White House, is now de serted. The 12-mlle limit, between Cape Ann and Nahant Point, which, until very recently, harbored five or six English boats loaded with rum, has been cleared of these vessels seeking to land their supply on the shore filled with Summer residents. President Coolidge has taken a per sonal interest in seeing that the Gov ernment activities were concentrated here. Two British schooners, the Grace and Ruby, sighted 20 miles off Cape Ann yesterday, were driven to sea by four destroyers, the McCall, Beale, Patterson and Cummings, which, with two cutters of the Coast Guard, have vigilantly combed the so called rum row. Reports which have been received here axe to the effect that the British schooners have gone PRESIDENT CALLS AT WEEKS’ HOME Finds Him Recovering—Will Receive Curtis —Coal and Special Session Talk. By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. SUMMER WHITE HOUSE. SWAMPSCOTT, Mass.. July 18.—Pres ident "'Coolldge visited Secretary of War Weeks this afternoon at the lat ter’s seashore home on Colee Island, about 28 miles north of here, and he found him greatly Improved in health and eager to return to his desk at the War Department. The last time President Coolidge saw Mr. Weeks in Washington no one then thought the Secretary would ever be able to resume his duties in the cabinet, but after seeing him to day and talking with him for nearly an hour the President is convinced that his cabinet officer is on the road to rapid recovery. Mr. Coolidge was represented as saying that he was delighted to note this marked change, and that he was glad to witness Mr. Weeks' high splr ifV and to hear him speak so deter minedly about returning to work. The resumption of duty depends entirely upon the decision of his physicians. Mr. Weeks is said to have told the President. Although greatly reduced in weight, the President found Secretary Wetks looking fine, as he expressed it-. He has discarded his cane and walks with a firm, sure step. His color is good, his eyes are clear, and his voice is that of the John W. Weeks of old. That was the impression the President gave as he spoke of Mr. Weeks’ ap pearance- Expect Return to Duty. Those who are in a position to know feel very certain that Secretary Weeks' return to the War Department in the early Fall is a certainty, but they, of.course, do not expect him to remain long. His physical condition would not permit that. They are sat isfied that his return to his desk is merely for the purpose of disposing of several of the more Important pending matters in his department, and to clear out his desk, preparatory to re tiring officially to private life for all time. They look for his resignation before December 1. President Coolidge rlecided sudden ly, after lunch, to make this visit. He sent for Hecretary Sanders, and the two slipped away from White Court and were gone for four hours. An hour of this time w-as spent in the library of the Weeks home. Take Wrong Road. Because of the remote location of Coles Island, the White House auto mobile got on the wrong road several times en route, and each time it was difficult to obtain the correct informa tion from persons along the road. However, it was a beautiful afternoon and the President fully enjoyed the scenery along the way. Mr. Weeks is represented as stating that he has virtually recovered from his illness and that he is beginning to feel like a new man. Several times during the long talk matters dealing with military affairs and the department presided over by Secretary Weeks came up. and each time Mr. Weeks spoke with unmis takable assurance that he would shortly be going to Washington to work. The President admired this evidence of spirit, but is said to have warned Mr. Weeks not to be too hasty. Uurtls To Be Guest. It is thought In official circles here that initial steps looking toward the adoption of the administration’s legis lative program for the next session of Congress will be taken tomorrow, when Senator Curtis of Kansas, Re publican leader of the Senate, arrives at White Court for a long conference with the President. Senator Curtis will remain over night as a guest at White Court, and it is felt certain that a very wide va riety of subjects will be discussed be fore he leaves. First of all, the Presi dent no doubt will want to obtain the Senate leader’s view upon what is (Continued on Page 4, Column 8.) COUNT KAROLYI ROBBED. Former Hungarian President Ad mits Loss of Valuable Gems. PARIS, July 18 G4>). —Count Michael Karolyi, former provisional president of Hungary, who recently visited the United States and now is staying at a Paris hotel, today was robbed of his traveling bag. While admitting the loss of Jewelry valued at more than 50,000 francs, Count Karolyi declined to share the belief that the theft was organized with a view of securing vrrious documents of political Impor tance. IPhe pt af. ' ' with daily Evening edition WASHINGTON, D. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 19, 1925-NINETY PAGES * in the direction of the Grand Banks, and probably will land their supply In Nova Scotia. The Volstead act, since the coming of the President to Swampscott, is probably better enforced here than in any other community of similar size In the country. Two months ago the rum runners landed their supply in the deserted promontory near White Court, and, under the alleged protec tion of the local police, the runners were easily able to deliver their con traband inland. This scandalous con dition was broken up Just before the President came here, with the result that the chief of police was indicted along with others Involved In the vio lation of the law. This chief of police was succeeded by William Callahan, who on several occasions has con ferred with President Coolidge about rum conditions. Acting upon his own initiative, but with the knowledge of President Cool idge. Chief Callahan yesterday made a trip along rum row, and today re ported It entirely dry. _ Mr. Callahan was in a high-powered (Continued on Page 4. ColumnTH.) MACMILLAN’S SHIP IS READY TO GO ON Bowdoin, Spare Propeller Fitted, Will Leave Hope dale Today. A radio message received last night by the National Geographic Society said the MacMillan Arctic ship Bow doin is again ready for the sea and that she probably would leave Hope dale, Labrador, this morning. The message filed yesterday and picked up at Manchester, Conn., was signed by the explorer. It read: "The Bowdoin is again ready for the sea and if the thick fog clears we will leave Hopedale at dawn to morrow (Sunday) morning. "This morning Engineer Jaynes and Second Officer Robinson fitted the spare propeller. The deck's cargo. Including three Liberty engines and gasoline, has been rrjoved back from the foredeck, where It served to lower the bow and so lift the stern. "Water has been taken aboard and we are ready to sail. All are well and happy at the thought of resuming our voyage. It is still earlier In the sea son than I have hitherto sailed north from here.” Planes Leave Next Month. The naval planes of the expedition probably will not take off for their flight over the polar sea in search of unknown land until after the mid dle of August, but should complete their work by about September 1, ac cording to advices to the Navy De partment from Lieut. Comdr. Byrd, head of the Navy section of the ex pedition. The department, in an announce ment embodying advices from Comdr. Byrd, said that while the main base would be at Etah, Greenland, it w'as uncertain whether the advance flying base would be at Cape Columbia, in Grant Land, or at Cape Thomas Hub bard on Axel Helburg Island. An in termediate base also will be establish ed midway between Etah and the base on the polar sea where supplies will be kept for emergency use. Plans of Expedition. After Etah is reached it was esti mated that more than two weeks would be required to assemble the planes, give them test flights and form the advanced base. Plans of the ex pedition and the scientific prepara tions that have been made were out lined by Comdr. Byrd as follows: "The base on the polar sea will he either at Cape Columbia. Grant Land, or Cape Thomas Hubbard. Axel Hei burg, depending upon which seems to afford the best landing places en route. It is known that there are landing facilities at the two above-mentioned capes. “To load an airplane to the limit is hard on its engine, as too many revo lutions per minute are required to get the proper speed of the plane, causing lessened reliability of engine perform ance. “Therefore an intermediate base will be formed between the main base at Etah (or near Etah), and the base on the polar sea. This case should be midway between the two bases or about 150 miles from Etah. Ammuni tion, firearms, engine fuel and food will be put at both bases, and In addi tion the base on the polar sea will have a small tent, some food and spare parts, radio operator and radio set, smoke bombs, field glasses, primus stove, kerosene, planes’ stakes and lashing for bad weather, and one Eskimo and dog. The Eskimo and dog are taken along as an emergency measure, in case it becomes necessary to live on the country. At least two months’ supply of food will be taken to the base on the polar sea. Will Keep Radio Busy. "If the polar sea base is put at Cape Thomas Hubbard the first long flight over the polar sea probably will be 319 degrees true course. This rhumb line is a spiral but it does not get very ominous until very near the pole. It passes over problematical Crocker Land —the land which Feav thought he saw from Cape Thomas Hubbard, but which has been called a mirage. The second course will probably be 294 degrees true. From Cape Columbia the first course will probably be 281 degrees true, and the second 305% degrees true. It Is not practicable to attempt to predict any course other than those due to the impossibility of foreknowledge of con ditions to be encountered. \ "Great attention will be given to ward Informing the department by radio of the character and course 'of every flight prior to its start. “In order to steer the rhumb line given above, variations as high as 180 degrees will be encountered and changes of variations of about 5 de grees will have to be made every 20 miles of travel. The ground speed therefore will have to be carefully calculated with the course ’and dis tance Indicator disc after having ob- IContinued on 4, Columu 4.) JOHNSON PLANNING I TO LAY ALIEN CODE BEFORE CONGRESS Immigration Committee to Meet on November 1 to Form Action. WOULD SIMPLIFY LAWS, CURBING HODGEPODGE I Chairman Says Exclusion of Japa nese Has Proved an Un qualified Success. BY FREDERIC WILLIAM WILE. Staff Correspondent ot Th<» Star. SEATTLE, "Wash., July 18.—Repre j sentative Albert Johnson of Wash | ington, author of the Immigration law. has summoned the House Immigra tion committee to assemble at the Capital on November 1 to lay the foundations of "the alien code,” which will be submitted to the Sixty-ninth Congress. The "code’’ is to serve the purpose which its title Indicates, i Proceeding on the theory that the | new law fixes American immigration policy with finality as far as the I restrictive principle is concerned, Mr. j Johnson and his colleagues are not | bent upon "codification” of the law. It is desired to dispense with “the ' hodge-podge" of both the immigra- I tion and naturalization statutes by j simplifying them all along the line, j Representative Johnson Is under no ■ illusions as to the difficulties in pros- I pect. He knows these will be numer j ous and hard to overcome. He | doubts whether the proposed legisla- I tlon can be accomplished in two years, j The Washington Htate legislator, j who is putting In the Summer explaln i Ing to the people In his huge district and elsewhere what the new law Is, is an avowed opponent of the plan to dilute it with immigration.” He has no’ sympathy with the project to that end which the National Asso ciation of Manufacturers is sponsor ing. and will fight it tooth and nail if it reaches the stage of a congres sional measure. Ignored hy Manufacturers. Johnson says that the manufac turers’ association, in its anxiety for j plenty of cheap labor in boom times. ' wholly Ignores the fact that the new | restrictive law was mssed to assure j sound racial and political conditions lin America. "The association.” says ! Johnson, “talks a lot about deporting radicals, hut says nothing about de porting the hordes of laborers whom It would allow to enter the country when the d#mand for unskilled labor is brisk. The manufacturers propose to let them stay here when business is slack, to become a charge upon the community and a menace to our institutions. I am opposed to letting down the bars in that way. I am con vinced Congress is opposed. It would undermine the whole fabric of the immigration policy which has become an accepted part of the organic law of the land.” The proposed "alien code” Repre ' sentative Johnson expects will be con j tested mainly because of the provision i for registration of aliens. "There are I between 13 and 14 million aliens now | in the United States,” Mr. Johnson | said. “Possibly half of these have I taken out their first papers. I “No one contemplates registration for revenue purposes. Registration Cards. "Registration cards should be given without charge. It already costs an arriving alien $lB for visa fee and head tax. Nor should registration be looked upon by the alien as a com pulsory proposition. It should be vol untary on his part. It would have practical and beneficial results for him. Under the law, an alien must hand over to the American authorities all his immigration papers, without exception. "When he has done so he is virtually bereft of all official evidence of origin and identity. We had to provide for this because of our experi ence with Chinese immigrants, of trad ing documents for immigration smug gling purposes. When the alien, un der the registration system, is pro ! vided with a card his identity is estab lished, for his own purposes as well %s those of the United States. It is not Intended to Prussianize our coun try. Registration is not espionage. It is a mutual protective scheme, from which all parties concerned can only benefit, provided always that the alien Is bona fide in his desire to become an assimilated element of the people among which he has come. It will facilitate naturalization and promote Americanization.” Representative Johnson was asked from what quarters he expects oppo sition to the alien code. “Mainly from four sources." he replied. "First, from the manufacturing interests, which think the United States will (Continued on Page 4, Column 5.) MOTHER KILLS SELF, POISONS 3 CHILDREN Baby Is Dying as Result of Action Laid to Unreasoning Jealousy. By the Associated Press. WINDSOR, Ontario, July 18. —Mrs-. Mary Hanes. 28 years old. is dead, her 2-year-old daughter Patricia is dying and two other children are reported Jp a serious condition tonight as the result o£,the mother’s effort to poison herself and children here this morn ing. James Hanes, one-legged war vet eran and employe in the Ford plant here, returned to his home from an errand this morning to find his wife standing beside the kitchen table drinking from an aluminum mug. The three children were writhing on the floor in agony. Hanes called the neighbors and his wife and children were rushed to a hospital. The mother died, on the way. Hanes explains that his wife ac cused him of giving his attentions to other women, which accusation he I protested. He believes his wife’s mind was affected by her unfounded jeal louey. Os the three children, Ronald. 5 j years old. and James Malcolm, 4, are • expected to recover. sfsfede FRENCH MASSING TO ATTACK RIFFS Ready to Strike if Peace i Terms Are Rejected by Tribes. By the Associated Press PARIS, July 18. —Pending the ac ceptance or rejection of the Franco- Spanish peace terms by Abd-El-Krim, the French, by sending Marshal Pe taln and Gen. Naulin to Morocco, and the Spanish by their action north cf Loukkos and in the Larache section are bringing all possible pressure to bear to heighten their prestige in the eyes of wavering tribesmen. At the same time they are organizing the situation so as to l>e ready to reply vigorously In case the Rtffian chief’s answer is negative. France's famous Moroccan division, cited more times than any other sim ilar wartime unit, is proceeding rap idly to Morocco, and other important effectives. Including battalions of Mad agascar infantry, are on their way. In the meantime Marshal Petain is due to arrive soon at Fez. where he will confer with the general in com mand and then visit the front. Natives Impressed. Rabat dispatches affirm that the marshal’s arrival has greatly Im pressed the natives, as his record In the European war has made him al most a legendary hero. Marshal Petain si*ent a busy day conferring with Gov. Gen. Lyautey. He was received in audience by the sultan, to whom he gave assurances that France would do everything nec essary to secure peace in Morocco. The sultan thanked him cordially and said that his people were united with the French in defense of the country. At Fez the sultan caused to be read a communication in all the mosques adjuring the faithful to eschew poli tics and patting them on guard against mendacious rumors regarding the Rlf fian operations. It ended with the warning that the mountain tribesmen following Abd-El-Krim would soon be punished. A further sign of the extension of French activities against the Rijans is seen in the arrival of a hospital ship at Casablanca to evacuate the wound ed and transport them to France.' French Surrender. EL ARAISH, Spanish Morocco, July 18 (A>).—The French garrison at Rih ana, northeast of Quezzan, has sur rendered to the rebel tribesmen on account of lack of munitions. Three French officers, 10 soldiers and 53 Sen egalese troops, comprising the garri son, were made prisoners and taken to Sheshuan. Two violent rebel attacks In the Fez sector against Aiu Aicha and near Bab Morouj were repulsed with the aid of French artillery and airplanes. French reinforcements are being hurried to Morocco. New units are being concentrated at Casablanca and Rabat, including native cavalry. MRS. THORNE SAYS SON WAS HIDDEN FROM HER Boy, Heir to $3,000,000, Con cealed by Father, Divorced Mother’s Lawyer Declares. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 18. —In reply to dispatches from Denver quoting John Wolfe Thorne, jr„ heir to $3,000,000, as saving that he had not heard from his mother, Mrs. Mary Case Thorne, in seven years, her lawyer today said that her silence was due to the fact that the whereabouts of the boy had been concealed from her. Mrs. Thorne obtained a decision in the Court of Appeals recently giving her the custody of the boy. His father was killed In an automobile accident a few hours after his decree of divorce from Mrs. Thorne was sus tained by the Supreme Court May 29. 1924. “Ever since the boy was taken from her by stealth seven years ago." the lawyer said, “Mrs. Thorne has sought in vain to learn the whereabouts of her boy so she might communicate with him. Her efforts in this direc tion were always balked by the father in the latter’s lifetime and since the father’s death by those having charge of the boy.” , 9 Woman Artist Wins. PARIS. July 18 OP).—The first woman painter to be awarded the Grand Priz de Rome of the Academy of Fine Arts was selected today in the person of Mile. Odette Pauvert, 22 years old. The subject of her prize winning painting is the "Legend of Saint Ronan,” based on an old Breton folklore tale. TODAY’S STAR PART ONE—2B PAGES. General News —Local, National and Foreign. Civilian Army News —Page 18. Boy Scouts —Page 20. District National Guard—Page 22. Current News Events —Page 22. Veterans of the Great War—Page 22. Army and Navy News—Page 23. Radio News and Program—Page 24. PART TWO—I 6 PAGES. Editorials and Editorial Features. "Washington and Other .society. Tales of Well Known Folk —Page 11. Club Notes —Page 12. Reviews of New Books —Page 13. Fraternal News — 14 and 15. Around the City—Page 75. PART THREE—IO PAGES. Amusements —Theater* and the Photo - Play Music in Washington—Pave 4. Serial. "The Wrath to Come"—Page 4. Motors and Motoring—Pages 5,6, 7, 8 and 9. PART FOUR—f PAGES. Pink Sports Section. PART FIVE —b PAGES. Magazine Section —Fiction and Fea tures. The Rambler—Page 3 PART SIX—I 2 PAGES. Classified Advertising Financial News —Pages 9, 10 and 11. GRAPHIC SECTION—B PAGES. World Events in Pictures. C OMIC SECTION—I PAGES. Betty: Reg’lar Fellers; Mr. and Mrs.; Mutt and Jeff. RUHR EVACUATION COMPLETE JULY 31 French Troops in Westphalia and Belgians in to Leave Tomorrow. By the Associated Press. COLOGNE, Germany. July 18.— Gen. Gulllaumat, commander of the French army of occupation on the Rhine, today notified the state presi dent of Duesseldort that evaluation of the French zone ir. Westphalia and of the Belgian zone will be completed hy midnight Monday and the remain der of the Ruhr by July 31. when the whole territory occupied hy the allied forces in January, 1923. will he -leared. Regarding the evacuation of Dues seldorf, Duisburg ani Ruhrort, how ever, occupied since 1921. the consent of the British and Italian govern ments still Is required before evacua tion can become effective. The last of the French colonial troops will leave the Ruhr on Monday. OIL TANK LOSS $725,000 BY FIRE FROM LIGHTNING Blaze Fought by 500 Californians While Lines of Fire Walls. Two Miles Long, Are Built. By the Associated Press. BAKERSFIELD. Calif.. July 18.— The loss caused hy lightning firing a great oil reservoir of the Pacific Oil Co. near here is expected to reach $725,000 before the fire finally burns out. The tank of oil continued to burn today and probably will not be extinguished for 12 to 24 hours longer. Five hundred men, suffering from the hot weather and heat of the flames, are fighting the blaze. Last night they were forced to flee when the burning oil boiled over. The lines of fire walls, each more than two miles In length, have been thrown up. They are composed of steel barricades and earth breastworks. The oil reservoir, which will be a total loss, is valued at $500,000. The burning oil has an estimated value of $225,000. There were 180,000 barrels In the tank. LONE WOMAN, 82, SLAIN. Coroner’s Jury Believes Robbery Was Probable Motive. GREENSBORO, N. C., July 18 (/s>). The body of Mrs. Bobby Stevenson. 82, was found swinging by a crude rope this morning in an Isolated shack seven miles south of this city, where she had lived alone for the past 25 years. Evidence was that the aged woman had been murdered, as the rope, made out of pieces of sack, was not con sidered of sufficient strength to have broken her neck. There was a wound on the head and blood spots were found in the house. A coroner’s jury rendered a verdict that the woman came to her death at the hands of a person or persons un known, with robbery probably the motive. “From Press to Home Within the Hour” The Star is delivered every evening and Sunday morning to Washington homes at 60 cents per month. Telephone Main 5000 and service will start immediately. i■ ■ OP) Means Associated Press. FIELD EMPLOYES FACE COTS IN PAY Light, Heat and Quarters Given Civilians Must Count as Cash, McCarl Rules. Controller General McCarl gave an other mighty tug yesterday to Uncle Sam's purse strings with the result that the Departments of Agriculture. Interior and Commerce may find it necessary to cut down salaries of many of their workers in the field, be ginning with the pay day of August 15. It all came about from the audit of accounts of disbursing officers, where the general accounting office dis covered, according to a ruling handed down yesterday by McCarl, that some bureaus were believed to be not only paying salary to Government em ployes, but furnishing them with such extras as quarters, heat, light, fuel, or household furnishings without au thorization of law. In other words, the five-page rul ing of McCarl sounded a warning to all Government departments to keep within their appropriations and the law in payment of salaries in the field. It furthered ordered any de partments guilty of such overstepping of the law to "make necessary ad justments in the cash salary of field positions carrying any item of quar ters, maintenance or equipment furn ished in kind, effective with the pay period beginning subsequent to the date of this decision." “Pays Cash Only.” "In view of the long-standing prac tice,” continued the ruling, “no objec tion will be raised prior to June 30. 1026, to contracting for personal serv ices in the field partly on the basis of quarters, maintenance or equipment furnished for personal use by the Government, but if identical or simi lar provisions of law to those herein set forth are enacted for the fiscal year 1927, and in the absence of ex press statutory authority therefor, the practice must be discontinued June 30, 1926, and thereafter compen sation paid solely on a cash basis." Close scrutiny of the laws con cerned following the discoveries by auditors "justify the conclusion," said the ruling, "that Congress does not intend civilian employes of the Gov ernment in the field to be furnished any item of quarters, maintenance or equipment for personal use, which would constitute in effect the furnish ing of an extra allowance in contra vention of the provisions of section 1765, Revised Statutes, in addition to the compensation properly payable for the position, unless specifically so provided by law', and then only by reducing the amount of cash salary paid to an amount, which, together with the cash value of the quarters, maintenance or equipment furnished, equals the proper rate of pay for the position." Many Given Heat and Light. Specific mention is made by the controller "for the purpose of" illus tration" of the Weather Bureau. De partment of Agriculture, “which fur nishes living quarters, heat and light for observers and their families in places where they have no Govern ment-owned buildings: to the Bureau of Animal Industry and the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Ag riculture, which furnish dwellings and heat for superintendents of field stations: and to the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, which pro vides by regulations for furnishing employes cooking stoves, kitchen ta bles, cupboards, garbage cans, etc. It is understood also that a similar practice prevails in certain field serv ices of the Department of the Inte rior and Department of Commerce.” BUTLER DENIES HE WILL MAKE RUN FOR GOVERNOR Conference With Pinchot Declared to Have Been on Proposed August Fishing Trip. By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, July 18—Gov. Pinchot and Gen. Butler conferred for half an hour in a hotel here today and afterward each said they had discussed a fishing trip to Pike County, Pa., next month. Both said politics was not discussed. "This rumor about my running for governor is not worth denial,” Gen. Butler added. "I have said time and again I would not run for public of fice. “I have 5 months and 14 days to re main as director of public safety of Philadelphia. Unless the President changes his mind I will be through in that time.” FIVE CENTS. DARROW EXPECTED TO PAY FOR‘INSULT TO JUDGE RAULSTON Press Display of Remark Held to Leave Court No Other Course. | JURIST SEEN DELAYING ACTION UNTIL JURY GOES Would Not Want to Appear as Prejudicing Case. Friends Say. * SpeHal Dispatch to The Star. ■ DAYTON, Tenn., July 18.—What is ! going to happen to Clarence Darrow | when he appears in court Monday j eclipses in interest every other phase i of the heresy trial situation. ; Judge Raulston is away at his home ; in the mountains, but his friends say : the only thing that prevented him j from ordering Darrow into custody i for contempt of court yesterday, when | the Chicago lawyer deliberately af i fronted him. and practically challenged j him to start contempt proceedings. I was that he believed Darrow was j seeking that very thing, to reinforce [ his unveiled charges that the Rhea j County court had not functioned as fan impartial tribunal during the trial I of John T. Scopes. j The Dayton Idea is that Darrow | sought to he singled out for punish- I ment on the theory that his martyr j dom would Inflame the country, al- I ready excited at the Tennessee law. j So open was Darrow's defiance that j the Chattanooga Bar Association con i sidered the advisability of taking of ! ficlal action, on the ground that Dar- I row’s insult was directed at the whole I ’Tennessee bench. There was an idea j that the movement, if started in Chat | tanooga, would spread and that the i State Bar Association would come into i line to discipline Darrow. The only | penalty they could have enforced I would have been by a resolution that j he be disbarred from practicing in the i courts of Tennessee. Raulston tan Defend Self. Before the movement got very far ! the older men of the Chattanooga Bar 5 stopped it. Their argument was that j whatever offense Darrow committed was against Judge Raulston. and that | his honor had ample powers to de ; fend himself. . The particular utterance by Darrow j that is quoted as deliberately intended ' to provoke his honor, was his reply to j the Judge's expression of the hope I that the chief counsel for the defense intended no disrespect for the court— j to which Darrow responded that "the ! court has the right to hope.” 1 There were numerous other exhibi- I tions of the same sort during Friday's i proceedings, notably Darrow’s ex j pression when the judge told him he j could always expect the court to rule ; correctly and he answered, "No. we :do not." Another instance was when Judge Raulston ruled that the de- I sense's experts, if put on the stand, i even though their evidence were not Intended to go to the jury, but merely Ito make clear what the defense ! sought to prove, would be subject to j cross-examination. The Judge asked if the object of cross-examination was | not to bring out the truth and Dar row came back—referring to the par i ticular cross-examination the court ; had in mind—with the declaration i that it was meant to arouse prejudice. Tennessee Press Affronted. The Chattanooga and other nearby newspapers herAlded their reports ! with eight-column headlines. "Dar row Insults Judge Raulston.” So It jls hazarded that while his honor might have overlooked the actual of fense, he can hardly ignore it when j it has been so widely proclaimed. One theory Is that the judge means 1 to wait until the case has gone to the i jury and then call Darrow to account. I thus escaping any accusation that he : used the incident to further prejudice the case against Scopes. It is proh | able that even if the judge does not j bring it up that some of the attor neys for the prosecution will spill the 1 beans. | Darrow today declined to discuss , the matter. , There Is expectation that he will he jno more guarded in his language I when he makes the closing argument | In the case than he was yesterday. | William Jennings Bryan Is almost i sure to refer to it, as he did to Dar ; row's speech in the Loeb and Leopold | ease, with the certain result of an | other flare up. VERDICT SEEN TUESDAY. ■ Argument of Counsel in Case to Start Monday. i By the Associated Press. | DAYTON, Tenn., July IS. —The ; "Scopes case” tonight was nearing Us ; end. Well informed observers sug i gested that not more than two or j more court days would be required j to close the "evolution test” with a | verdict that would either exonerate | the young school teacher on a charge of teaching evolution theories in vio- I lation of the State law or send the lease on its way to higher courts. Constant application of scientists, lawyers and stenographers today failed to complete the task of pre paring some eight or ten statements they will place in the record to show what experts in fields of science would have testified had they been permitted to take the witness stand. Judge John T. Raulston excluded this class of testimony as Irrelevant to the issue. It was said by defense attornoys i that a portion of tomorrow would be l needed to get the statements of the j scientists In proper form for admls | sion to the record. Few Steps Remain. i With the submission of statements I expected to be the only testimony j offered by the defense, disposal of 1 this part of the program Monday : morning would leave only the argu ments by the attorneys and charge of the Judge to be delivered before it enters the last stage by being placed In the hands of the jury. It was understood that eight hours would be devoted to speech making, four hours for each side. It was not considered likely that the court day Monday would he extended to a length that would permit aU Ihe speeches. However, the opening of court Tuesday was expected to find (Continued on Page 4, Column !.$