Another Big Purchase of lias ■ t ”% A
Yictrolas lisols t/tty VF^TSQCC^iV
Go Into the Sale at ,
•■ ■ _, “Right Over 1 here —
Half Price Fine Dresses Go in the Clearance Sale at over every.
WHERE you look about the store these
—Just when most st °c k s of-Vietrobs we prao- /ft* “l /fl f £& .tnVTn^mp.f^Z'L'a‘JtV\
ticallv depleted, Latins announces the addition - wgk. ■ / /■ jf I* f /j Kami’s. It means something! You can l
of hundreds of machines of the most desirable a| ri I X /■ ■M ■ Jjy <7 " k find evidences of it at every turn! It J
tvpes to its collection, making what is probably Tl ® ® /4f\ means that good merchandise of every M M/ y.Si
! the largest and most varied stock to be found in f t A \W /rs \ description is being priced so low that 11\
! t bt> I ’L • And all ot them <ue going at MALI *• }cs Formerly belling at \] I ] Piin^ 3 \ \ \ We’re satisfied! And thousands of cus- |A\
PRICE OR LESS —Oil the liberal terms of — Irom s2iy.oo to $49.75 y/ / | N> '\Lv ill k J i\ \ 1 tomers are satisfied! It has been a busy C _'l /\ \
T . . A[ ( \ / N '“' / r J sale and it’s going to be still busier TZ7) Ms
: /fU P* T\ "~ lf y° u are starting on your vacation you will [\ \\\ \ lH L < Afr S these last few days.
' 1 want another dress. If you are coming back \V\ \ I W \ $
JL>rXX TT XX from the vacation you will also want a new /\tMl f r^bl
Balance in 10 Monthly Payments “^ Vhat a fortunate thing that this } ' j\ 111 // ‘h Tomorrow—
! J J | ! Clearance happens mto give you the oppor- \ / A \ M // / \
: and j\o Interest to 1 ay! tunjty to buy that other dress at such a big i /1\ J\ $t M \ 720 Prs. of Women’s Full-Fashioned
! .'I saving. There are hosts of pretty styles—• J / ft\ '
; —Come now and make your selection while „ „ / f, fin \ k twldlwh \t Pure Thread Silk Tfose Sneeial
there are SO many models to Choose from! Silk Dresses. Beaded Georgette Dresses PUin 111
Ht (georgettes in Lovely Shades, and Serviceable Satin jk m~B“■/A J •
—A great many of them can be worn quite T7/ 1/ \ U xA.I IT dI M.
late in the I all, in fact, would he good for in- [/ / j \ ! f — Notwithstanding the fact these are called seconds, tliev are an excellent
ormal at tei noon or evening wear. Others are XJ / quality thread silk with only slight imperfections that do not affect the
sports styles. < J wear or looks at all. Sizes in the assortment are Bj4 to 10, and colors are
Kann’s—Second Floor. b L ck > \hite, beige, biscuit, gun metal, nude, white an 1 bran. All with
! mercerized tops, soles, heels and toes.
All Charge Purchases Entered on Sept. Ist Bills
Fancy Rayon Vests and Children’s “Regatta” Make
ff r* C* 1 l • Step-Ins, Special at Athletic Union Suits at
Seamless Axmmsler Rugs — Seconds of 59c Each 59c Each
a $62.50 Grade—in a Wednesday Sale
• colors or sizes in each style. Can be good quality material. They are sleeve
had in flesh, peach and orchid. The less, in knee length, and can be- had
I I | B» fl' i~j | 1 1 in n f.i. i - j. , vests are in bodice style, and the step- with open or bloomer knees. The sizes
* ' ® MJ I IJUjp'' ins with slashed sides. range from 2to 12 years.
Model 2 15 Special .° f the fin e st
Formerly $l6O. Now Trunks! Luggage! Very
buying now you save considerably, and a smail | I O # t
"7" \' S 'r\ your purchase until you want LllUSUal MVIMS
Third Floor. if you desTrff '°“ "‘ ay also ““ °“ r Club »*« &
* —This sale offers a splendid opportunity for vacationists to get desirable
trunks and other luggage at much less than their regular values, the few
This beautiful Console Model is particularly SS=a=^^^^SS====::=:: “ ==^*^^B=s= articles mentioned here being indicative of the others; all being high-grade,
1 , r i ~ 1 J it good-looking luggage.
popular because of the drawers and large amount O •11
of record-album space. Its cover is divided in i t» i i i Ik ri Dillll o nfc y.-0-.y.- $17.50 Two-Tray Dress Trimks
the center; ft is unusuallv neat and attractive, W HSll l>rODClClothS X LO
fOT ,he inStallation ° f a radi ° Special at Are Coin, in the Clearance for f [j ._ At $14.85 I
mm mm T *1 y g~* f Lk O /V \ , J —Three sizes to choose from—34,
O ••tfL IU UA<LX*tXXf X 91a 36 and 38 inches—all cretonne lined
a^„—■ Iv X JIX IX and hard fiber covered. Made with
' ■ 69° to $7 Qualities ’ v I rou " d } ed & es » protected at corners
—Figured and striped designs of —The majority of silks offered in this sale are suit- I I dowels, loop drawbolts and spring
i many kinds and colors on white b .! e for early hall wear, and some of them even for I «I lock.
I and colored grounds. Ideal for ciibc ter /i rocks ‘ * There [ s quite a large variet X of
W//\ m sports frocks for vacation wear. 2.30 Short Trip Steamer
of) inches wide.
n 1 54~inch Bordered Crepes . —W hite and Colored Rayon
— SO-inch Bordered Pongee Satin for Sports W ear ti , , r , . , 1 * (r V B A
C|M — '>o-inch Bordered Broadcloth — S'atural Pongee —T hese are hard fiber covered, have 3 11
~ Fla * Cr *P? —Colored Pongee lock and covered dress tray. Sizes V
—Colored Radiums —White Silks inches.
—Colored Taffetas —White Homespuns ry <> -> / \ •§-» • i m ~WVT 1 1
■ fmii s —V \ -cre P e de eh™ -Black silks t'vff Upeii Kaised-1 op W arclrobe
/ / / r VI —Plain Georgette Crepe —Black Satins hj // //* u * m
■St (( _Tm ’ ] StJ, I rrl,nks ’ Special at
gsjj \ gjCT —Printed Georgette Crepes —Plain Eponge V ' jaMaf a dli
'{} j| n LL~~ —Swiped Tub Silk Broadcloth —Silk Skirtings |
w inn n I\K>rnn - street Floor. —Neatly Cloth-lined Wardrobe
I lUU-JrC. Uinner oets yj< Trunks, fully equipped with garment
——————— tliiiilfillil B hangers, laundry bag, shoe box, dust
Special Tomorrow iSc jPHHL . curtain, hat compartment, drawer sec-
A a £~s f tion and bar that locks all drawers.
, Qlzt Oft Corsets Are Greatly f§ 3 $3.95 overnight cases
Model 350 Yietrolas * i special $3.00
V/ ▼ J.V'l/J. Vri»*t7 —These attractive sets are a complete serv- I o¥* 1,1 OUISiA —Highly- Polished Black Enamel Duck
ice for twelve people, and each set is packed VUVUI UIXV Vy Over night Cases, with leather corners,
Fnemai.lv 40Q? lVrk.ir in. «»<,„ ready to b. sent to you. Th,y Kanns— Third Floor. SStTuu"? P “'“ t '
r Ol llierly i?Z 00, I>l O W JSLSS 1 SLIrZiZ, Discontinued Mode Is
pretty gold line, and very low priced at T « . * * —— - ■ i
$14.98 a set. ~~ ln or<^er to depose of all our
| tl 17 Kann's Third
JL JL t .Oil I I W/P ndJetton. h mentSed bViow™An licuutiiiu Fane (x‘4ar Chests
*> * f are desirable garments, and you
M iL’" e L hat you need Regular $28.00 to $40.00 Models at
—One of the most beautiful of Aictor Upright
Models is this No. 350. It is developed in two o*n i Corsets and Girdles /FK - ■■
tones of wood, composing a cabinet of the finest Slllc anfl lLputllPl* 15 to $6 Models, choice $3.95 Hk 9XX XXXk Xl OP XX
design, that will go well with other furniture AM FF Ml D $6.50 to $7.50 Models, choice, $4.95 f 17*00 LidtU
of the Sheraton, Ilepplewhite or Adam period. SneHal at / STS \ !o T ,*!! „ a choi “' L- , .
& ’ ctl / M \ sll to sl2 Models, choice....! 1.9a —Large Size Genuine Lane Red Cedar Chests, in four attractive styles.
1 - »■ " ' F"o\ V Brassieres including panel, plain, colonial and inlaid effects. Every chest is complete
mi i rm t • 9 D/4 3 rfK, 7 r t . r» M n with lock and key; and some have casters. The sizes are 42, 44. 45 and 4‘&
1 llOllSiinclS OI Victor J# dr 9 999 9 /) ' J j, o ,'*’., a j I'V ~ A inches long, desirable sizes for storing furs, blankets and winter clothes.
,T> i i l C S KIESJkk !, “* Besides being useful, they are also beautiful pieces of furniture that any one
Single-Faced Red Seal Records t 2 ,95 Vabiet take “ “»»"«■
1, on 1 JO -Most of these bags Kann's-Stcona Floor.’ One Model Sketched
At OBC and 4oC are Wack. but there are Three Other Models }J^
■ —The 10-inch size is selling for 30g and the mo°t°popular
priced from $1.25 to $3.00 each! Hundreds SA^Lalues 6 offered at^he 1 Tow D M / fl „ .
of titles! The chance of a lifetime to pro- price of one dollar each. dD*