Rains and Cooler Weather
Help Crop Prospects.
Drive at Opening.
By the Associated Pres*.
NEW YORK. July 28.—Early re
ports of rains in western Texas, with
a lowering; of temperatures, led to a
selling movement in the cotton mar
ket at the opening today. Prices
broke 17 to 25 points on the opening
call and still lower in the next half
There was active realizing by local
traders and selling pressure from the
South and from Wall street, partly
based on belief that rain and cooler
weather might extend into the drought
Brea of Texas. Altogether, at the end
of the first hour the market was
about 50 to 55 points under yester
day’s highest levels and down 33 to 36
points from Monday’s close.
The heaviest buyers on the decline
Were brokers who frequently act for
Japanese interests. Their purchases
of January contracts were estimated
Be high as 20,000 bales.
New York cotton futures closed steady at
bet declines of 30 to 36 points.
_ . Higrli.- Low. Range.
October 25 ”1 24.89 25.02-04
December 25.33 24 05 25.17-18
January 24.77 24 46 24.60-61
March 25 06 24.76 24.87-88
May 25.31 25.06 26.13
Opening: October. 25.05: December. 25.25;
January. 24.76; March. 25.05: May. 25.27.
New Orleans Quotations.
NEW ORLEANS, July 28 </P).—The
fcotton market had an active but
easier opening, owing to lower Liver
pool cables and reports of good rains
in north Texas and parts of Okla
homa. Reports from the Western belt
and from other sections claim rapid
crop deterioration.
New Orleans cotton futures closed steady
St net decline* of 32 to 37 points.
_ High. Low. Range.
October 24.62 24.37 24 44-50
December 24.76 24.53 24.60-65
January 24 76 24 54 24.66
March 24 88 24.74 24.80
May 24.01 24.82 24.87-89
v. Opening: October. 24.50: December 24.66:
January. 24.65: March. 24.85; May 24.93
$100,000,000 POWER
Pittsburgh Concern to Join Forces
With Canadian Company
in Near Future.
•B y the Associated Press.
PITTSBURGH. July 28.—Stockhold
ers of the Aluminum Co. of America,
meeting here yesterday, approved the
management's proposal for reduction
of the capital stock from SIOO to $5
a share, par value.
This was said to be the first step,
in the plan to merge the company'
with the Canadian Power and Man
ufacturing Co., and the establishment
of a large power development and
manufacturing plant on the Saguenay
River, Canada.
Expenditure of approximately SIOO,-
000,000 is said to be involved in the
combined industrial and power project,
Washington Stock Exchange
Potomac Elec. Light 7s '4l—sl,ooo at
10714 •
Washington Rwy. & Elec. pfd.—s at 84. 1
fct 84. 10 at 8414.
Capital Traction Co.—s at 100, 11 at
Rwy. & Elec. pfd.—lo at
Natl. Mtge. & Invest, pfd.—2oo at 9%.
Washington Rwy. 4 Elec. com.—2 at 113.
Mergenthaler Linotype—6 at 105%. 5
fct 196.
_ Washington Rwy. 4 Elec. com.—2o at
Money—CaU loan*. 6 and 6 per cent.
i Bid and Asked Prices.
American Tel. & Telga. 4*.. .. 97 44 .....
Amer. Tel. & Telga. 4%5.... 98 44
Am. Tel. & Tel. ctl. tr. os 101 V*
Am. Tel. 4 Tel. conv. 6s 133 %
Anacostia 4 Potomac 55.... 92 .....
Ana. 4 Potomac guar. 5s 92
C. 4 P. Telephone 5s 99 74 .....
C. &P. Telephone of Va. 55.. 98
Capital Traction R. R. 55.. . . 98 44 99
City 4 Suburban 5s 84 85
Georgetown Gas Ist 5s 95 90
Potomac Elec. Ist 5s 100
, Potomac Elec. cons. 5s 100
Potomac Elec. 6s 1953 100 100 41
Pot. El. Pow. g. m. 4 ref. 7s. 107 44 108
Wash.. Alex. 4 Mt. Ver. 55... 9
Wash.. Alex. 4 Mt. V. 0tf.... 8
Wash.. Balt. 4 Annap. 65.... 68
Washington Gas 5s 100 100 44
Washington Gas 0s 103 44 103 44
Wash. Rwy. 4 Elec. 4s 79 44 79%
Wash.. Rwy. 4 Elec. gen. 6s. 102 V* 102%
J). C. Paper Co. 0s , 85
Pot. Joint Stock Ld Bk. 55... 10144 103 44
Riggs Realty 5s (long) 99
Riggs Realty 5s (short) 98 .....
Southern Bldg. 0 44s 101 .....
Wash. Mkt. Cold Storage 5*.. 93
SYardman Park Hotel 0* 101
Amer. Tel. 4 Telga 140%
Capital Traction 99 % 100 44
Washington Gas *61% 61%
Norfolk 4 Wash. Steamboat. 250
Wash. Rwy. 4 Elec, com 11l 115
Wash. Rwy. & Elec, pfd 8444 84%
tTerminal Taxi com 90
National Capital 205 ....<.
Columbia 300
Commercial 190 200
District 195
Farmers 4 Mechanics' 240
Federal-American 257
Liberty 190 103
Lincoln 288
National Metropolitan 310 .....
Riggs 356 358
second .. 200
iat. Bank of Washington 225
Amer. Security 4 Trust 344 345
Continental Trust 87 88
Merchants' Bank 134 140
National Savings 4 Trust.... *450
Union Trust 190
Wash. Loan 4 Trust ..*4lO 415
Commerce Savings 250
East Washington.. 25
Security Sav. 4 Com 325 400
Seventh Street 190
United States 300
Washington Mechanics 43
American 225
Corcoran lOO
Siremen’s ~~
atiunal Union 14
Columbia Title. 8 9 ,
Real Estate Title 150 155
D. C. Paper pfd....... 58
Merchants' Trans. & Stor 110
Mergenthaler Linotype 195 197%
Natl. Mtge. & Invest, pfd 944 9%
Old Dutch Market com 144 4
Old Dutch Market pfd 3 44 6 %
Lanston Monotype 84% 86 44
Security Storage 375 600
Washington Market 63 66
Yellow Cab 23 4
•Ex dividend.
Date. Corporation. per share.
July 28—Continental Bank of N Y. . $4.00
July 31—American Bank Note Co. .. . 1.25
July 31—American Can Co 1.25
July 31—American La-France Fire
Engine Co. Inc 25
July 31 —American Radiator Co. pf.. 1.76
July 31—American Water Works 4
El. Co.. Inc 30
July 31— Do 7 vt> Ist pf 1.75
Julv 31— Do 6% part pf 1.60
Julv 31—Burns Bros. A 2.50
July 31 — Do B 60
July 31 —Columbia Gas 4 El. Co 0o
July 31— Do pf. A 1.75
July 31 —Cornm l Invest. Trust Corp. .62
July 31—Miami Copper Co 25
July 31 —Norfolk 4 Western Ry. Co.
adj. pf 1.00
July Colling 4 Co.. Inc .76
July 31 —Pennsylvania R. R. Co 75
July 31—Pullman Co.. The 2.00
July 31—Sinclair Con. Oils Corp pf.. 2.00
July 31—Stewart-Warner Speed C.. . . 1.25
July 31—Tob. Prod. Corp. A 1.76
July 31—West Penn. Co. 7% pf..... X. 75
Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office
Special Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK, July 28.—The pro
nounced activity and strength on the
stock exchange was communicated to
the curb market, but the buying was
not as pronounced. Higher prices pre
dominated, although there were sev
eral weak spots.
The traditional ''selling on the good
news,” came into the market for Kel
vlnator following publication of the
NEW YORK. July 28.—Following
8 *I n list of bonds and stocks
traded in on the New York Curb
Market today; .
Sales in BONDS
tho “"* n .ds „ „ High. Low. Close.
9 Alum 7s new 33.10«% 107 4* 107 44
36 Am Gas 4E! (is. . 98% 98% 98%
toaS 't ■, 181 118% 12044
‘•’Am Pow 4 Lt (is 97 44 90% 97
5 Am Roll Mill 6s. 102% 102% 102%
Am I bread C 6s. 103% 103% 103%
.8 Asso Gas 4 El (is 95% 95% 05%
SAG4W ISS 5s 71 70% 70%
n!r-r rh !; r<, ,B‘'" 8 ‘'" 91 % 91% 91%
T Can 5s A. 99 99 99
2 Beth Stl 7a 35. . . 103% 103% 103%
1 Boston & Maine tts 9*2 02 92
Can Nat Ry 7s. . . 112% 112 112
1; Cent Pac R os wi -98 98 98
Lit |t Serv 7„ C... 123% 12344 123%
3 « Fw o erv ,' 8 D... 102 44 102 102%
Ak ‘ §erv 6s ... 1)1 01 m
r S U ,ra b ?F v . P „ *J rts 94 4. 93 44 94%
5£ £ S? 1 ? ft " Fwi 100 100 100
8C G Balt 544 a E 105 % 106% 105%
“F°n» D Balt 6s A 107 107 107
,3k® Balt, 6%s DUO 110 110
15 ( -oban Tel 7%5.,109% 109% 109%
*S° , 7 '* 8 - 104 I<'3% 1«3%
c ;t ® *i*. . . 106% 105% 105%
1 o vTi E c l Os-.. 131% 13144 13144
lyikt Ed 7s 28.. 132 131 132
? E0 5s B. . . 100 100 100
1 pet Ed 7s ’3O. 132 132 132
lpur.lcp T4R 7* 105 105 105
• o F alr r 5°& l . 7 * I° 4 104 104
I C o%s wi.. 109 4, 109% 109%
lft c^^nun 1111 6%a. 168% 108% lUS%
1 2F U 15 ® u Corp os . 100 09% 09%
J 9- £. orp 31 * 8 - loin 101% 101%
U Kans L Term 4a... 86 86 86
1 Manitoba Pow 7* . 103% 103% 103%
5 Morris 4C07 44 s 103 103 103
Vi nLU ?‘'2 T % too % 100 44 100%
I *v.*" °. r Pub Ber ss. 92 91 % 92
i o -« ,r k' t il t C s v " 4»s 103% 103% 103%
c - 11!l 118% 118%
n ° 5, e B. . 93 % 93 % 93 %
3Okla G Sc K fte U*2 Vk 14 (»•> 1?
3Pen k p A l T , °* rd 97$ 97 2
o “en P&L 5g 52. 97 ft util, 07 T 6
?£ p & . D ’53. 97 H *»7§ 97 4
igenook O Cor os. 10()% 100% 100%
d 5s 0° • • 09 % 99% 99%
5 Phil Ran Tr 0s . 98 97% 97%
■ I°l 101 101
Hlv h }, st j?d os. 100 100 100
hi §i°9?' S . h Os JO 102 10144 lul 44
® * 5 149% 147% 149
, * t 1 ?? 2L C< L r , 05 95 95
hi I 9,. N . Y o 6 H 8 • 107 S 107 107%
J 2 *Co 05... 96% 96% 00%
7 Thv I 4 St. L 7s. 94 % 94 94 %
0 Tidal Osage 75.. 103% 103% 103%
11" O of Cal 55.. 95% 95% 95%
2 U S Rub 6%s 27. 101 % 101% 1014*
12 U S Rub o%s '2B. 101 100 44 100%
11) 8 Rub 6%s '29. 100% 100 4* 100%
3 L S Rub 6% s '3O. 100% 10044 100%
6U 8 Rub 6%s >3l. 100 100 100
10 U S Rub 0% s '32. 99% 99 99
BUS Rub 6% s 33 9944 99% 99%
3U S Rub O%S '35 98% 98% 98%
1U S Rub o%s '3B 98% 98% 98%
1U S Rub 044 s '4O 99 99 99
2 Vacuum Oil 75... 105% 105% 105%
2 Alpine Mt S 7s wi 91 91 91
0 Cit Berlin 6%s wi 89 89 89
13 City Graz 8s 98% 98% 98%
8 Est R RFr 7s. . . 83% 83% 83 44
3 French Nat 75... 80% 80 44 80%
5Gt Cons PLt o%s 80 % 80 80
10 In Mtg Bk Fin 7s 96 90 90
14 King Neth 6s '54. 168 10744 108
2 Krupp Fried L 7s 89 4, 89 % 89 %
14 Mtg Bk Den 65... 99% 98% 99%
0 Mtg Bk Chile o%s 9744 97% 97%
I Pr Santa Fe 7%s 96 96 96
3 R of Peru 8s '32 101 101 101
3 Siem A Hal 7s '2B 95 95 95
5 Swiss Govt 5%«. 103% 10244 102%
II Toho El Pow C7s 90 44 90 90%
200 Anglo Am Oil.. 2344 23 23%
700 Atl Lobos 2V* 2% 2%
80C All Lobos pfd.. 44a 4% 444
60 Borne Serymser. 240 239 240
70 Buckeye PL... 00 % 00 00
100 Chesebrough Ms 64 4, 64% 64%
5500 Conti Oil new . . 25 % 25 % 26 %
200 Crescent PL... 15% 15% 15%
10 Cumberland P L 163 153 153
2700 Humble Oil & R 08% 00 00%
1000 Imp Oil Can n. 32 44 31% 31%
50 Ind P L 07 4* 07% 07%
2700 Inti Pet C Ltd.. 25% 26 25
60 Magnolia Pet .. 14744 147% 147%
10 Northern PL. . . 81% 81% 814*
200 Ohio Oil 06% 05% 05%
100 Penn Mex Fuel. 27 27 27
1300 Prairie O & G n 58 % 57'% 57%
680 Prairie P L 12544 125 12544
20 South Penn Oil. 170 170 170
6800 S O Ind 65 % 05 % 05 %
300 S O Kansas... 35 34 44 34%
600 S 0 Ky 125 44 125% 125 %
60S O Neb 250 245 245
1600 S O New York.. 43% 43 44 43%
40 S O Ohio .354 352 352
4000 Vacuum Oil 9144 89% 89 44
in hdrds.
2Am Contr Oilflda 7% 74* 7%
130 Am Maracaibo... 11 10 10%
1 Brit-Am Oil 39% 39% 39%
14 Cardinal Pete... 344 3 344
37 Carib 5ynd...... « 5•% 5 %
25 Cities Serv new.. 38% 38% 38%
3 Cities Serv pf. . . 83% 83% 83%
1 Cities Serv B cfs 19 44 19% 19%
27 Columbian Synd. 1% 1% 1%
ICons Royalties... 11l
31 Creole Synd 12 11% 1144
1 Derby O & Ref. 4 4 4
1 Derby 0& H pfd 20% 20% 20%
4 Euclid Oil Co. . . 1 % 1 % 1 %
0 Gibson Oil Corp 2% 244 2%
1 Gillil'd O vtr. . . 2% 2% 2%
II Gulf Oil of Pa.. 77% 77 77%
1 Kirby Pet 2% 2% 2%
49 Lago Pet 5 4% 5
9 Lion Oil 22% 22% 22%
7 Livingston Pet . . 1 % 1 % 1 44
61 Mex Panuco. . . 24s 1% 1%
9 Mount Prod ... 21% 21'4 21%
1 New Bradford 0 5% 5 % 5 %
2 New Mex Land. 7% 7% 7%
3N Y Oil 10 10 10
3 Peer Oil Corp... 1% 1% 1%
1 Pennoek Oil Cor 25% 25% 25%
1 Red Bank Oil. . . 33 33 33
13 Reiter-Foster Oil 19 18 19
7 Roy Canada OAR .60 .55 .55
2 Salt Ck Cons .. 7% 744 7%
1 Salt Ck Prod... 26% 20% 20%
1 Shrevent Eld P L 16% 16 44 10%
8 Sun Oil 40% 30% 39 44
1 Tid Osage 0 N V 8 9 9
10 Venezuelan Pet.. 3% 344 3%
5 Wilcox OAG new 27% 27% 27%
2 Woodley Pet 5 5 5
• 60 “Y" Oil 07 .00 -.00
3 Adirond Pow 94 44 94 94
1 Allied Pk pr pfd. 56 50 56
1 Alum Mfg 34 34 34
1 Amal Leather.... 10% 10% 10%
3Am Gas A Elec.. 80 80 80
6Am Gas A El pf. 90 89% 89%
39 Am Lt A Trac. . 181% 174% 179%
33 Am Pow ALt n. 01 00% 00 44
%Am Pow ALt pf 93 % 92 % 92 %
11 Am Rayon Prod. 36% 35 30
5Am Stores 70 75 70
5Am Superpow A . 37 % 37 % 37 44
47 Am Superpow B 38% 38 38%
2 Arix Power ALt 30 % 30 % 30 %
1 Armour B vte. . . 14 14 14
3 Arundel Corp... 35 % 35 % 35 %
14 Asso Gas A Elec 39% 38% 38 44
1 Atlantic Fruit... .85 .85 .85
1 Atlas P C new . . 52 % 52 T 452 %
2 Balaban Katz vtc 78 74 74
10 Belding Bros. .. 39 39 39
10 Brooklyn Cit RR 8% 8 8%
2% Bucyru* Co 182 180 18i %
22 Can I) Gin A new 40 44 % 45 %
6 Car Light 3 3 3
% Carolina PAL.. 430 430 430
5 Ccntrif Pipe Corp 15 14% 14%
211 Chapin Sacks Co 48 40% 47%
40 Chatterton A Son 44% 43 44 %
1 Chi Nip A 38 38 38
1 Chi Nip B T't.... 104 16-f 164
14 Clcve Auto 24 23% 23%
3% Comm* P 0 pfd. 82% 82% 82%
87 Commw P C new. 41% 39% 41%
93 Comw Rts wi.. . . 1 % If* 1 %
35 Con G Balt new.. 44 % 44 % 44 %
151 Cont Bak B 37% 30% 37
7 Cont Bak pfd... 102% 102 102%
19 Coty Inc 46 44% 44 %
68 Cuba Co 51 50 50%
1 Cub T C vtc.... 30 30 36
2 Curtiss Aero M.. 10% 10% 10%
2De For R C vtc.. 25 25 25
% D L A W Coal. . 125 125 125
% Dixon Co 149% 149% 149%
3 Doehler Die C C 10 15% 16
lODubilier CAR 17% 17% 17%
1 Dunhill Inti Inc 25% 25% 25%
lfVDuraiit Mot ... 12.% 12% 12%
1% Elec Auto Lite 09% 08 08
1 El Bd A Sh pfd 104% 104 104%
25 El Bd ASh n cor «n% 08% 68%
48 El Invest Inc... i,o % 64% 64%
12 Eureka Vacuum 52% 51% 62%
4 Fed Motor Truck 34% 34% 34%
12 F A W G S 70 73 75
3 Film Tnspec M. 6% 0 0
% Ford Mot Co Can 500 600 500
10 Fox A 58% 57% 58%
10 Fr H H Mfg C. 41% 38% 38%
1 Freed Else R C. 11% 11% 11%
1 Frenhma Chas . . 15 15 15
34 Gab Snub Mfg A. 3.1% 31 31
8 Gen I C w i... 37% 37% 37%
1 Garod Com .... 0 6 0
% Gen Q A E pf A. 169 109 160
19 G GAE pf nAwi. 01 59% 59%
21 Gen Out Ad CA. 40% 45% 40
14 GOA Cv t cfs. 20% 20% 20%
12 Gillette SR... 80% 80% 80%
11 Ga L Pow‘A R. 73% 73 73
■4O Goodyear Tire T. 30% 35% 35%
7 Gould Counlcr A. 22 21% 22
2 Grennan Bak . . 18% 18% 18%
4 Grimes RAC R. 23% 22% 22%
IHa E n v cfs wi. 17 17 17
3 Hall Sw ASC. . 4% 4% 4%
69 HapD C St A... 9% 9% 9%
5 Happ CStF. . . 8% 8% 8%
1 Hazeltine Corp. . 19 19 19
1 Heyden Chem... 1% 1% 1%
1 Hood Rubber.. . . 03 03 03
2 Horn A Hardart. 65 54% 54%
3 Intel Conti Rub.. 13% 13 13%
8 Inti Cone Ind C.. 12% 12 12%
1 I M Ch n pf wi. 68 58 58
12 Inti Match C pf.. 60% 50% 60%
31 Int Match rts wi. 6% 6 6%
2 Inter Ocean R C. 2 2 2
24 Int Util B 10 9% 0%
13 Johns Manville... 177 173 174
1 Kelvinator C 45 43 43
4 % Kraft Cheese 94% 93 94
1 Landov Hold CA. 19% 19% 19%
29 Leh Pow sec vtc. 165 160 150
highly favorable report on operations
in the first six months of 1925.
Goodyear Tire common held firm
just under 36, pending issuance of
the earnings statement due later in
the day. Further upturns occurred
in film stocks, but operations for the
rise were not pressed. One of the In
cidents of the day was a run-up of
about it point in American Maracaibo.
With the exception of Kay Copper,
which continued active at top prices,
the market for mining stocks ap
peared to be resting.
% Lehigh Val Coal. 81% 81% 81%
2 Lull Val C N C.. 38% 38% 38%
2% Libbv Owens Gl. 211 203 210
25 Lib ft Ch Strs.... 8% 8 8%
2 M"C Rad A M vtc 22 22 22
10% Mm gel Box ... 08% 05 08
8 % Mid West Util. . . 90 94% 94 %
% Mul W Util pfd. 96% 90% 00%
% Mid W U pr lien I<>3 102% 102%
2% Miller Rub ....180 181 182
2 Midvale Co 21 21 21
47 Mot Met A wi. .. 39% 39% 39%
04Mohawk Val new 45% 43% 45%
2 Municipal Soc . 13 12% 13
16 MuMc Ma*ter C. 10% 10 10
1 Nat Leather ... 4% 4% 4%
11 Nat Pi>w A Lt. . 349 347 347%
0 Nat Pub Ser A . 25 % 25 25
1 Nat Puli Ser B. . 17% 17% 17%
2 Nevada Cal Elec 30 30 30
2 Nick PI new wi. 80 86 80
1 Nick Pnwpf wi 84% 84% 84%
16 Nizer Corp A... 57% 50 57%
75 Nizer Corp D... 55% 53% 54%
70 North O Pow C 12 12% 12%
1% Nor Ohio Lt A P 48 48 48
3% Nor States Pow. 124% 122% 122%
% Nor States P pf. 100 100 100
2 Nor Slates P wts 24 % 24 % 24 %
181 Norwalk T A R.. 17% 17 17%
1 Omnibus A pf. . . 92 92 92
2 Omnibus vtc.... 13% 13% 13%
3 Ohio Trac 12% 12 12
1 Ohio Trac pf... 08% 08% 08%
18 Pathe Ex Inc A. 83% 81 81
9 Penn Wat Pow. 164 158% 159,
53 Pow Corp NY.. 81 Vs 77 % << %
113 Pow Cor N Y rts 4% 3% .2*4
1 Power Sec Corp . 18 18 18
% Pub Serv N 111 % 119 119 119,
1 Pitney Bowes P. 8% 8% ,8 %
1 Pratt & Lambert 45% 45% 4 5%
1 Prophylae Brush 40 40 40
2 Purity Bak A. . 44 % 44 % 44 %
1 Purity Bak 8.. 39 39 39
2 Rem Noisl T 0 A 48 Vi 47 47
1 Rem Noisl TC pf 109 108% 109
16 Reo Mot 23 22 % 22 %
% Singer Mfg .... 270 270 270
9 Sou Cities Util. . 07% 63 03
7 Sou Cities Ut vtc 52 61 61
60 Secur C Ist pfd. 23 21 Vz 22%
1 Sleep Rail vte. . 7 % 7 % 7 %
80 Southeast P A L 158 % 148 153%
39% Sou Cal E 134% 131 131
% Souweat Bell pf lit) % 110% 110%
37 St Reg Pap.. TUT*; 78 78%
2 Std Textile Prod 10% 10 10%
island Pub C A. 20% 20% 20%
1 Stutz Mot .... S 8 8
5 Swift Inti 20% 20 20
4 Thump R C vtc. 8% 8% 8%
1 Todd Ship .... 33 33 33
2V* Tubize A S vtc. 170 104 104
3 Union Carbide... 07% 07% 07%
7I n G A E new. 49% 48% 48%
6 Uni G A Imp C. 93 92 92
24 Uni Light A P A 114% 113 113
00 Uni LA P Arts 8% 7% 7%
4 Uni Pft Shar nw 16% 10% 10 %
7 Uni ver Pic C. . . 36% 30 30%
2 U S Lt A Ht new 4 4 4
31’ S Rub Reclaim 5% 5% 5%
2% Vic Talk Mach— 82% 82 82%
11 Warner Bros P A 10% 10% 10%
18 West Pow 62 % 01% 02%
% West Pow pfd .. 95% 95% 95%
4Wh R M Stir nw 48 47% 47%
3 Wil A C new wi. 14% 14% 14%.
6 Yel Taxi C N Y. 12 % 12 12
10 Ariz Globe C. . . .24 .24 .24
10 Butte & West.. .11 .11 .11
11 Canario Copper. . 7% 7% 7%
10 Cons Nev Utah. .05 .05 .05
2 Cresson Gold ... 3% 3% 3%
16 Dolores Esper .. .05 .05 .65
30 Eureka Croesus.. .10 .09 .09
8 Eng G m Ltd I. 92 % 91% 92%
10 First Nat Cop.. .20 .20 .26
10 Forty Nine M. . .33 .33 .33
It) Haw thorne M I. .19 .19 .19
24 Gold ten M... 0% 0% 0%
10 Hccla Mine .... 15% 15% 15%
58 Kay Cop Cor... 2% U 1%
0 Mason Val 2 1% 1 •»
4 New Ment 44% 44% 44%
% N J Zinc 191 % 191 % 191 %
1 Nipisslng 4% 4% 4%
16 Ohio Copper 80 .80 .80
50 Plymouth Ld M.. .20 .15 .15
21 Premier Gold M. 2% 2 2 A
10 Spearhead Gold. .07 .07 .07
10 Teck Hughe* . . 1% 1% 1 %
22 Tono Ext 1U 1 % 1 %
1 Tono Min .... 3% 3% 3%
10 Tri Bullion 09 .09 .09
1 tin Verde Ext.. 33% 33% 33%
10 U S Conti 07 .07 .07
2 Utah Apex .... 6% o % o%
25 Wen den Copper. 4'* 4 4 %
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK, July 28. —Directors of
the United States Steel Corporation
declared the usual extra dividend of
50 cents a share on the common stock
in addition to the regular quarterly
payment of $1.25.
Total earnings for the corporation
for the second quarter of the vear
amounted to $40,624,221, compared
with $39,882,992' in the first three
months of 1925 and $41,381,039 in the
corresponding period last year.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
BALTIMORE, July 28.—Both ex
ports and imports through the port
of Baltimore last week again showed
decreases as compared with the previ
ous week, according to the weekly re
port of the collector of customs Im
ports totaled $1,527,267, compared with
$2,822,701, while exports amounted to
$1,773,739, against $1,845,232 the pre
vious week.
Exports consisted of tobacoo, grain,
copper, flour, dextrine, brass and
NEW YORK, July 28 ( A 3).—lmprove
ment in the silk industry carried net
profit of Belding Bros & Co. to $890,-
675 for the half year after deprecia
tion but before provision for taxes.
The company reports encouraging
business prospects.
RESOURCES, $14,000,000
1315 F Street
JOHN POOLE, President
Smith Bonds
SMITH Bonds combine
a 7% income and strong
first mortgage security
with the safeguards that
have resulted in our record
of no loss to any investor
in 52 years.
You may buy these 7% bonds in
SIOO, SSOO and SI,OOO denomina
tions, outright or by payments
extended over 10 months. Every
payment earns 7%. Maturities
range from 2 years to 15 years.
Send your name and address for
our booklet cf current offerings.
No Lots to Any Investor, in 52 Yeors
The F. H. Smith Co.
Founded 1873
815 Fifteenth Street—Main 6464
York Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh
PhiUdclphii Minneapolis
Name *
First and Second Trust Real
Estate Notes secured on In
come-producing real estate '
In Washington, D. C.
Construction Loans Made
Real Estate Mortgage &
Guaranty Corporation
26 Jackson Place N.W.
Resource* Over $2,000,000
14th & K
Offers a Limited Number of
First Mortgage Notes
—secured on brick dwellings
occupied by owners. These
investments are unusually at
tractive, especially to the real
conservative investor.
+ Real Estate Financing +
♦ Money to Loan ♦
Z On ♦
4 Ist and 2nd Trusts +
♦ At ♦
♦ Lowest Interest Rates
Call Loan Dept. ▼ j
t CO., INC. tj
X 1418 Eye St. N.W. X
Main 5904 \
A |
Bof Confidence—
THIS is what we de- I
sire our announce
ments to imply. No
where in the great
world of barter and sell j
is the important ele
ment of CONFI
DENCE so sorely |
needed as in'the realm ;
of financial invest
We solicit an opportu- J
nity to prove that we j
never have lost a dollar
for an investor.
What we have done for j
others we can do for you.
Give us a chance.
NOTES AT 6y 2 %
Mortgage Invtitment Dept. !
(ShannonluchSl !
713 and 715 14th St. N.W.
Main 2345
1 The New York Life Insurance Company |
Offers to Make
First Mortgage Loans
on Improved Real Estate
I I In ths
District of Columbia and Suburbs
for 3, 5 or 10 Year Periods j j
Houses Apartments j
Business Properties Office Buildings
5V2% j
I KAisBJAXia H. Hagner Company §
Mortgage Loan Correspondent
S cphvruie, 9700. s
For Rent
925 15th St. N<W.
• !
We have a suite of rooms L
iiff that are especially adaptable p
for an insurance office. They |
are on the front.
Main 2100 925 15th St. N.W.
i f j.
$l5O to $5,000 on
- Ist, End and 3rd Trusts)
In Three Days
I*l7 F Bt. N.W.
Open Evening* 7 to B. Tel. Main 4438.
Ronfrtl debt only 50% of
ron,'matlve property value.
Hltai EARNINGS Averi»*e
for limit 0 year* over 1.8
time* total intereet eharse*.
tin*. for flr»t 0 month* Indi
cate rarnlnr* daring 1925 of
over 2.0 tlmrs Interact r»-
We recommend
Wabath Rmf. <ft Gen’l.
Mtge. s!i>, Due 1975
a* a*i attractive lone term
Brice to yield 5.70%
Th&National City Company
Washington—74l 15th St. N.W.
Xeleuhon* —Main 3170
Electric Light
and Power
Includes the Electric Light !
& Power Companies
St, Louis &
M ilwaukee
and adjacent territories
j . The North
.Company . I
is oiue of the oldest, largest
and most successful Utility
Holding Companies in the
Statement ju*t issued shows
Record Earnings
Descriptive booklet on request.
We recommend parchaae
of the common etoek.
823 15th St. N.W.
Washington, D. C.
Money to Loan
Secured by first deed of trust on real estate.
Prevailing interest and commission.
I- Welhr 'i % VT
5i% ts&ikfflSMm
Hotel Alba j
First Mortgage 6 1 /i% Sinking Fund Bonds
The bonds are a direct closed first mortgage on the new Hotel Alba and
land in fee, now being erected on the site of the old Palm Beach Hotel,
to be completed and ready for occupancy next January 1. The building,
9 stories in height, will contain 533 guest rooms and will be in the first
rank of the resort hotels in the United States in design, equipment,
finish and service. Independent'appraisers value the completed property
at more than $6,500,000. Net earnings are estimated at nearly three times
the greatest annual interest charge. The bonds are the direct obligation
of the Southern Florida Realty Corporation, of which Mr. G. M. Heck
scher of New York City is president and principal stockholder and of
which Mr. August Heckscher is a director. Through the operation of a j j
sinking fund, all of the bonds but $1,306,000 will be retired prior to J]
maturity, June 15,1940. j j
Price, par and accrued interest to net 6Vz%
Write for CIRCULAR 293-G
Legal for Trust Funds in Pennsylvania
The Great Atlantic and Pacific I;
Tea Company Building P
First Mortgage 51/2% Serial Coupon Bonds
The bonds are a direct closed first mortgage on the building, 4 stories in
height, and land in fee, approximately 154x276 feet, on the northeast
comer of Front and Venango Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. The mortgaged
property has been appraised at $425,000. The building and land have
been leased to the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea'Company at a net rental
of more than twice the greatest annual interest charge on these bonds*
Dated, July 14, 1925. Due serially, 1927 to 1935.
(AH the bonds of this issue having been sold, this adver
tisement of this issue appears as a matter of record only.)
Legal for Trust Funds in New York
Crescent Plaza Building
First Mortgage 6% Serial Bond Certificates
The bond and certificates constitute a direct closed first mortgage on a
5 story newly completed store and office building and land in fee,approxi
mately 118 x 100 feet, located on the southwest comer of Crescent Street
and Bridge Plaza, Long Island City, a portion of Greater New York. Inde
pendent appraisers value the property' at $500,000. The building is being
rapidly rented and the net annual rental earnings are estimated at more
than twice the greatest annual interest charge. Chatham Phenix National
Bank and Trust Company, Trustee; Herbert S. Martin, Vice-president
S. W. STRAUS &. CO., Co-trustee. Dated July 15, 1925. Due serially,
1927 to 1935.
Price to yield from 5.80 to 6%, according to maturity
Write for CIRCULAR 292-G
Legal for Trust Funds in New York on
completion of the building (next October 1).
610 Park Avenue Building
First Mortgage 6% Sinking Fund Bond Certificates
The bond and certificates constitute a direct'dosed first mortgage on the
15 story apartment hotel building to be known as Mayfair House, and
land in fee, fronting 75 feet on Park Avenue and 160 feet on East 65th
Street. The building will contain 144 suites. It is approximately complete
and is expected to be ready for occupancy October 1. Independent
appraisers value the completed property at $3,952,000, or at higher
figures, this being more than 150% of the amount of the bonds. Net
annual rental earnings are estimated at approximately two and one-half
times the greatest annual interest charge. Through a sinking fund
$782,500 in bonds will be retired before maturity, July I,l94o.Chatham
Phenix National Bank and Trust Company, Trustee; Herbert S. Martin,
Vice-president S. W. STRAUS &. Co., Co-trustee.
Price, par and accrued interest to net 6%
Write for CIRCULAR 290-G
I The Straus Hallmark on a bond stamps it at once as the premier real estate seettrity
Telephone Main 5847
p teg—a. w. a. * co.. lac. .
1 Denomination! of $250, SSOO
$750, SI,OOO and Upward*
All Loans Made on Property
Located in the District of
643 Louisiana Ave. N.W.
% WANTED! ;;
Funds available lor the pur- .
» x chtt# °* kinds of second trust i r
notes, secured on D. C. or nearby
real estate. Prompt action m "
i V every case. A a
Washington Investment ►
4 and Transactions Co. ' *
715 14th St. N.W. °
Main 3662 < ►