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28 CONCERT LISTED , BY WRC TONIGHT Philharmonic to Be Heard 1 for Two Hours —Other Features. The New York Philharmonic Or chestra, conducted for the first time bv Nickolal Sokoloff of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, will be heard to night In a concert at the Lewisohn Stadium, New York City, from broad casting station WRC. The concert also will be broadcast by stations WGY of Schenectady and \Y.IZ of New York. The program that will be played by the Philharmonic is headed by Tschalkowsky’s “Fifth Sym. phony" and will include Loeffier’s “Poem for Orchestra.” in its first sta dium performance; the "Freisehuetz" overture of Weber and Berlioz's "Ra koczy March.” The concert is sched uled to begin at 7:25 o’clock and will continue until 9:25. The second interesting event on WRC’s program tonight will be a spe cially arranged dance program by W. Spencer Tupman and his Hotel May flower Orchestra, which also will be broadcast through a chain of three stations from the presidential room of the Hotel Mayflower. The dance pro gram will begin at 10 o'clock and will be continued for one hour. Travelogue Announced. The travelogue, “Over the Seven Seas,” will begin at 7 o'clock and will take listeners to Benares and Delhi. WRC's studio program for the eve ning will include a recital by Floyd Williams, tenor, accompanied by George F. Ross; a talk by F. R. Eld ridge. chief of the Far Eastern Divi sion of the Department of Commerce, on “The Charm of the Tropical Orient”; a second talk by Charles A. Russell, assistant assessor of the Dis trict of Columbia, on “Timely Hints on Personal Taxes,” and announcements of the base ball scores. The noon organ recitai was played today by Ruth Farmer on the organ of the First Congregational Church and was fol!ow*ed at 1 o’clock by an hour of luncheon music played by the Hotel Mayflower Orchestra. Local Radio Entertainment Tuesday, July 28, 1925. NAA—Naval Radio Station, Radio, Va. (434.5 Meters). 3:45—Weather Bureau reports. 10:05 p.m.—Weather Bureau reports. WCAP Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co, (468.5 Meters). Silent. Early Program Tomorrow. 6:45 to 7:45 a.nt. —Morning “setting up” exercises by the Metropolitan Eife Insurance Co., direct from the Metropolitan Tower, 1 Madison ave nue. New- York City. W RC—Radio Corporation of America (468.5 Meters). 6 40 p.m.—Base ball scores. 6:45 p.m.—"Timely Hints on Per sonal Taxes.” by Charles A. Russell, assistant assessor. District of Colum bia. 7 p.m.—“Over the Seven Seas— Benares, Delhi,” broadcast w-ith Sta- and WGY from New York. 7:25 p.m.—Concert from the Lew lsohn Stadium by the New York Phil harmonic Orchestra, Nikolai Sokoloff, conductor, broadcast with Stations MJZ and WOY from New York. Program as follows: “Freisehuetz.” overture, Weber; “Poem for Orches tra” (first time at Stadium*, Loeffier “Rakoezy March,” Berlioz; “Sym phony No. 5.” Tschaikowsky. 9:25 p.m.—“The Charm of the Trop ical Orient.” by F. R. Eldridge, chief of the Far Eastern Division, Depart ment of Commerce. 9:40 p.m—Floyd Williams, tenor; George F. Ross at the piano. P-m. —W. Spencer Tupman and his Hotel Mayflower Orchestra, broad cast with WJZ and WGY from the Presidential room of the Hotel May flower. Early Program Tomorrow. 9 to 10 a.m.—Women’s hour, broad cast with station WJZ. 12 noon—Organ recital, broadcast from First Congregational Church. 1 p.m.—Concert by Irving Boern stein s Hotel Washington Orchestra. Orders Taxis By Radio. W. O. Arzinger of Birmingham. Ala., has been working for a number of months on a radio transmitter with which to dispatch taxicabs. He an nounces that his Invention is now per fected. Mr. Arzinger claims that with one of his transmitters in the central office and a receiving set in each taxi cab the central office will be able to get in touch with any driver at a mo ment’s notice. Urges Rubber Ear Muffs. A peculiar skin eruption is the new est disease to puzzle medical circles in Vienna. It is caused by hard rubber receiver cases pressing against the car for long periods of time. Dr. Mar cus of Vienna, who discusses the dis ease in a recent medical journal, recommends the use of soft-rubber ear muffs fitted over receivers to prevent the irritation. Court Protects Neighbors. Radio enthusiasts who own loud speakers are subject to fines if their use of these instruments late at night disturbs the neighbors. Magistrate Gresser held in a Jamaica. N. Y, court reoently. He found a radio fan guilty of violating a city ordinance when neighbors testified that he kept his loud-speaker going loud enough to dis turb them after 9 o'clock at night. Uninterested In Radio. Although the ba.n on receiving sets in Morocco has been lifted, the natives take no interest in their use. Only Europeans who are residents there hail the new ruling. Religious con servatism is a large factor which has Impeded the advance of radio in the Orient even among the wealthier non- Christians. When the old swimming hole has been properly safeguarded it will lose much of Its lure. RADIO’S BEST OFFERINGS TONIGHT, New York Philharmonic con cert, \YRC, WGY and WJZ, 7 JO to 9 ;45 o’clock. Veselli’s Band, WIP, 7:50 to 9 o’clock. Bizet’s “Carmen,” WGBS, 8 to 9:30 o’clock. Grand opera, “La Gioconda,” bv WEAK Grand Opera Com pany. WEAK, WE El. WEI. WCAE. WGR and WWJ, 9 to 1£ o’clock. Dance program by “The Pa rodians,” WPG, 10:05 o’clock. tl _ l LONG RANGE RADIO ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY. JULY 28, 1925 Programs of Distant Stations Scheduled for Eastern Standard Time 4 TO 5 P.M. Stations. Meters. Miles. 4 '3o—New York: Market reports: news bu11etin5.............. .WJZ 454.3 204 4:6o—Philadelphia: Base ball scores; sports results. .•••••«.•• .WLIT *104.5 1~0 5 TO 6 P.M. s:oo—New York: Hotel Waldorf-Astoria dinner music WEAF 491.5 204 Philadelphia: Weather: Benjamin I»ranklm Orchestra. ... WIP 508.2 123 Louisville: Musical program; stories: markets; news WHAS 399.8 471 New York: Uncle Geebee; metro Dance Orchestra WGBS 315.6 -04 Schenectady; Markets; news; scores: Hotel Van Curler Or- chestra WGY 379.6 313 Chicago: Organ: lullaby time; farm program: Joe Bren's . Minstrels: midntte revue WL3 344.6 694 6:ls—Newark: Talk: Metropolitan Revue with Charles Tobias: „ ... ___ “Man in the Moon” stories for children... WOR 405.2 195 6:3o—New York: Carolinian Orchestra .WMCA *141.2 -04 Boston: Shepard Colonial Dance Orchestra ..WNAC ”280.3 390 Chicago: Skeezix time for children WON 370.8 694 s:4o—Philadelphia: Scores; Bellevue Stratford Hotel program.... WEI 394.6 JfJ . . Atlantic City: Beores: organ recital .WPG 299 8 142 s:4s—New York: Herman Neuman, pianist .WNYC o~u 6 TO 7 P.M. 6:oo—New York: Markets: the Canadians; police alarms WNYC 626 204 Atlantic City: Hbtel Morton Trio, dance music WPG 299.8 14- Chicago: Stock exchange Quotations: dinner concert by ... Drake Concert Ensemble and Blackstone String Quintet. .WGN 3<0.2 694 New York Talk; vocal solos; Columbia Park program... WMCA 341 -04 Newark: Metropolitan Revue with Charles Tobias: sport talk by Bill Wathey WOR 406.2 196 Hartford, Conn: Travelers’ Jongleurs: weather reports; ... base ball scores WTIC 348.6 301 Springfield: Leo Reisman's Hotel Lenox Ensemble; base _ ball scores of all leagues WBZ 333.3 321 Philadelphia: Uncle Wip’s roll call anil birthday list WIP 608.2 123 New York: Vocal solos: Columbia University lecture: piano selections WEAF 491.6 204 New York: "The French Poodle,” by Frank Doie: Hotel Vanderbilt Orchestra: scores: racing results WJZ 454.3 -04 Cincinnati: Music; organ recital; weather and market ... reports WLW 422.3 403 Detroit: Dinner concert WWJ 352.7 397 Chicago: News, financial and final market reports: bed- . time stories KYW 635.4 694 Chicago: Juvenile period; stories: contests WBCN 266 604 Montreal: Health talk: Windsor Hotel Orchestra CKAC 410.7 489 Cleveland: Hotel Stat’er Concert Orchestra WTAM 332-4 *}OJ 6:ls—New York: Sports results: commerce of the day WRNY 268.5 -04 6:3o—Atlantic City: Book review by Mrs. Lord WIIAR 276 142 New York VoeaJ program: 6olos WHN 381.2 204 Philadelphia Hotel Adelphia Concert Orchestra WOO 508.2 123 New York: Paul Galileo: Woodwind Ensemble WGBS 315.8 204 Schenectady: Base ball scores: entoinolgical talk; travel talk. "Over the Seven Seas.” WJZ. WRC IV G\ 3 <9.5 313 7 TO 8 P.M. 7:oo—Now York: Barber Shop Ballads. Ring Lardner and Dr. Sigmund Spaeth WGBS 315.6 204 New York: '‘Colonial Aces": vocal solos WHN 361.2 204 New York: Orlando’s Concert Orchestra: vocal 50105... WRNY 258.6 204 Atlantic City: Seaside Hotel Trio WHAR 276 142 Chicago: Dinner concert from Congress Hotel, by Joska Deßabarv s and Paul Whitman's "Collegians” KYW 535.4 694 New York: New York Lyric Trio. WEEI. WCAE. WGR and WWJ. from WEAF 491.6 204 Cincinnati: Story lady: base ball scores WLW 422.3 403 Philadelphia Comfort’s Philharmonic Orchestra and soloists: "Song of the Surf ": Vesclli's Band WIP 608.2 123 Hartford. Conn.: Mrs. H B. Armstrong: organ recital.... WTIC 348.0 301 New York Vocal solos; Columbia Park program WMCA 341 204 Atlantic City: Base ball scores; Comforts Orchestra WPG 299 8 142 Boston: Talk: Evening American Orchestra WNAC 280.3 390 New York: Base ball results; Bessie Simon, violinist: singers; piano selections: solos WNYO 626 204 Philadelphia: Same as WEAF WFI 394.5 123 Davenport: Music: stones; Plantation Players VVD.AF 365.6 942 Chicago: Organ recital: Grayling's String Trto; birth day party .. . . WHT 400 6P4 Davenport' base ball scores . WOC 483.6 737 Minneapolis: Scores; Biley's Orchestra WCCO 416.4 937 Chicago: Organ recital; Jack Chapman's Orchestra WMAQ 447.6 694 Cleveland: Marjorie Moore's Melody Maids WEAR 389.4 303 Pittsburgh: Base ball scores of all leagues KDKA 309 1 188 Los Angeles: Household hints; stones .....KNX 3.30.0 2,300 7:3o—San Francisco: Rudy Seiger's Fairmont Orchestra KPO 428.6 -.442 New York: Stadium concert. WRC, WGY and WJZ 454.3 204 New York: Gold Dust Twins. WEEI. WFI. WCAE. WGR. WWJ. WOC and WJ.4R. from WEAF 491.5 204 Montreal: S. S. Montrose Orchestra: talk on Quebec attractions CKAC 410.7 489 Dallas: Vesper recital: Hawaiian music .....WE A A 475.9 1.183 7:4s—Cincinnati: Chime concert by Robert Gadg1ey.............W5A1 325.9 403 8 TO 0 P.M. B:oo—New York: Eveready hour. WEEI. WFL WCAE. WGR. WWJ. WOC. WJAR. WCCO. WSAI. from WEAF 491.6 204 Cleveland: Organ recital by Vincent Percy WEAR 389.4 303 Chicago: Reading: musical program: Kaisers Orchestra. .. WHT 400 694 New York: Vocal and instrumental solos WNYC 626 204 Atlantic City: Chalfonte-Hsddon Hail Duo Trio WPG 299.8 142 New York: Vocal solus: Southern songs; music WMCA 341 204 Hartford Violinist: talk: Colt Park Orchestra WTIC 348.6 301 Cincinnati: Orchestra: vocal solos WLW 422.3 403 Chicago: Musical program, vocal and instrumental: speeches by American Farm Bureau Federation KYW 635.4 694 New York: "Driving Hints": studio program WRNY 258.5 204 New York: Clarence Williams Trio: Palisades Orchestra. . WHN 361.3 204 Springfield: Vocal and instrumental program WBZ 333.1 321 Chicago: Midway Dancing Gardens Orchestra, varied musi cal program solos WBCN 266 694 B:3o—Des Moines: Musical program WHO 626 895 Louisville: Concert: thrift talk: news: scores .....WHAS 399.8 471 Los Angeles: Examiner program KEI 467 2.300 Providence: Arcadia Dance Orchestra WDWF 441 352 Chicago: Classical program, vocal and instrumental WGN 370.2 694 San Francisco: Children's hour; stories KPO 429 5 2.442 Pittsburgh: News items: concert, vocal and instrumental. .KDKA 309.1 188 9 TO 10 P.M. 9:oo—Los Angeles: Talk: radiotorial period: news KFI 467 2,300 Springfield: Hotel Brunswick Orchestra market reports' world market survey; scores: weather: description of missing persons WBZ 333.1 321 New York: Vocal solos. “The Hay Hay Duo” WHN 301 2 204 Cincinnati: WLW Orchestra: Formican Orchestra: 50105... .WLW 422.3 403 New York: Chiropractic hour of music WMCA 341 204 New York: Vocal and instrumental program; police alarms: weather forecasts WNYC 526 204 Cleveland: Musical program from studio WEAR 389.4 803 New York: Grand opera. "La Gioconda,” by WEAF Grand Opera Company, with chorus and orchestral accompaniment. WEEI. WFI. WCAE. WGR and WWJ. from WEAF 491 5 204 Cincinnati: Vocal and Instrumental program ....WSAI 325.9 403 St. Louis: Musical program ...KSD 645.1 703 Davenport: Vocal program: readings WOC 483.6 737 Philadelphia: Movie talk: Traymore Hotel Orchestra WIP 608 2 123 9:3o—Montreal: Harold Leonard's Red Jackets CKAC 410.7 489 Dallas Vocal and instrumental artists WFAA 476.9 1.183 Chicago: Jack Chapij»fV« Orchestra ..-..* .WMAQ 447.5 694 New York Spanish Marimba, guitar, castanets WGBS 315.6 204 San Francisco Talk; Waldemar Lind and his States' Restau rant Orchestra KPO 429.5 2.442 I.os Angeles: Children's program; stories; reading; bar monicist KHJ 469.5 2.300 9:4s—New York: Radio Franks. Wright and Bessinger WJZ 454.3 204 10 TO 11 P.M. 10:00 —New York: Hotel Mayflower Orchestra. WRC. WGY and WJZ 454.3 204 San Francisco: Rudy Seiger's Orchestra KPO 429.5 2.442 Detroit: The Red Apple Club WCX 616 397 Philadelphia: The California Night Hawks WIP 608.2 123 Cincinnati: McKays Bond Hill House Orchestra WKRC 325.9 403 New York: Vincent Lopez's Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra WEAF 491.6 204 Cleveland: Melody hour WEAR 389.4 803 Atlantic City: Dance Orchestra, “The Parodtans” WPG 299.8 142 New York: Ernie Goldens Hotel SleAlpin Orchestra ...WMCA 341 204 Los Angeles: Organ recital KFI 467 2,800 Chicago: Vocal and instrumental program WBCN 266 694 Hot Springs: Sport review: Whittington Park Orchestra. .KTHs 374.8 905 Atlantic City: Strand Theater organ recital .......... WHAR 276 142 10:30—Chicago: Fords Dance Orchestra: vocal solos.. ........... WHT 400 694 Portland: News: markets: police reports; scores. .......... KGW 491.5 2.357 Chicago: Drake Hotel Orchestra: 6ongs ........WGN 370.2 694 Pitssburgh: Concert from Grand Theater KDKA 309.3 188 Los Angeles: Talk ou '‘Dogs” KH.T 406.1 2.300 New York: Plantation Revue and Orchestra WHN 361.2 204 Los Angeles: Style talk KNX 336.9 2.300 11 P.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT. 11:00—Los Angeies: Feature program KNX 336.9 2.300 Los Angeles: Musical program KHJ 496.2 2.300 Portland: Rainer Hotel program, vocal and instrumental.... KGW 491.5 2.357 San Francisco: Studio program: golf instructions KPO 428.5 2.442 Chicago: Midway Dance Orchestra: varied musical program. .WBCN 206 594 Los Angeles: Examiner program KFI 467 2.300 Cincinnati: Classical program * WKRC 325.9 403 11:30—Chicago: “Evening at Home” program: "Applesauce CIub”..KYW 535.4 694 12 MIDNIGHT TO 1 A.M. 12:00—Los Angeles: Vocal and instrumental solos ............... .KFI 407 2.300 Portland: Orchestra program .....KGW 491.5 2,367 Chicago: Organ recital: vocal and instrumental solos WHT 400 694 Dallas: Walter Romberg, violinist: others WFAA 475.9 1,183 12:45—Kansas City; Nighthawk Frolic; Plantation Players: Dorn berger's, Johnnie Campbell’s and Earl Coleman's Or- chestrae .WDAP 865.9 ©42 1 TO 2 A.M. 1;00 Portland: Herman Kenin's Multnomah Hotel Dance Or chestra .....•••••••»••• .KGW 491.5 2,367 Ran Francisco: Johnny Butck's Cabinans KPO 428.5 2.442 Ix>s Angeles: Art Hickman’s Dance Orchestra .....KHJ 405.2 2.300 Los Angeles: Abe Lyman's Orchestra KNX 336.9 2.300 Los Angeles: Ballad hour: Ashley Sisters: others KFI 467 2.300 FIFTEEN MINUTES OF RADIO EACH DAY BY JOSEPH CALCATERRA, Noted Authority on Radio. AH Rights Reserved. Reproduction Prohibited. Inspect Your Joints. Every joint made In a receiver in stallation is a possible source of trouble. It is not enough to go gun ning for trouble when the set goes dead on you. The best procedure to follow is to make every joint as per fect as possible to begin with and then follow this up with frequent in spections and overhaulings to elim inate the possibility of trouble from this source. . _ . Joint trouble usually exists both m the set itself and in the auxiliary cir cuits such as the aerial, ground and battery circuits. Whenever possible. Joints should be eliminated. Where this is impossible, extreme care should be taken to see that the joints are carefully made to withstand the ravages of weather, strain and vibra- If it is at all possible to do so, have the aerial and lead-in one continuous piece of wire. Bring it from the far insulator, twist it around the loop of the insulator from which it goes down to the window without breaking the wire, bring the wire through the lead-in insulator and thence to the "antenna” binding post of the set without a single break in the wire. If you cannot get a wire long enough for the purpose and find it absolutely necessary' to join two pieces together, be sure to twist the wires together in approved fashion after having carefully cleaned with sandpaper the portions that are to be soldered. Use a good grade of rosin-core solder and heat the joint sufficiently to cause the solder to run in well and grip the wire firmly. Ground Clamp Connection. In making the ground clamp con nection to a water or radiator pipe be sure to clean all paint, rust and dirt from the pipe so that the con tact is made on good clean metal. If you find it impossible to. solder the clamp to the pipe, make the joint as clean as possible and tighten the ground clamp firmly to the pipe. It will then do good work for a long time, but you should inspect the joint occasional!/ po maka cure that (he X THE EVESTETO STXH, WaSHTHOTOy, P.'P., TTTEHD7F7, TTJLY 28, 3925. point of contact has not become dirty or rusted. Use great care in making your sol dered joints, especially when' using a rosin flux. If you have not applied enough heat the joint will be held to gether only by melted rosin instead of with the solder, and while it may look like a good joint to the eye, it will be like an insurmountable wall to the electrons. Binding post nuts have a very bad habit of loosening up and causing considerable trouble. Such joints whether made directly to the bus bar connectors or to soldering lugs should be gone over frequently and tightened up. When Terminal Needs Cleaning. You will often notice the collection of a greenish deposit on your storage battery terminal. This is a bad sign and is an indication that the terminal needs cleaning. Remove the deposit and rub on a little vaseline to pre vent Its formation. The binding post and spring clip terminals on “A,” "B” and "C”' bat teries should be inspected regularly and tightened up when they show signs of weakening. The same should be done with the binding posts on the binding post terminal strip of the receiver. Occasionally the cord terminals be come loose where they are connected with the terminals of the loud speak er, phones or phone plug. These, therefore, should also be given care ful attention from time to time. It is a good idea to heat up the old soldering iron occasionally and touch it to all soldered joints until the solder starts to flow and Indicates that the joint Is properly made. It Is just such little maintenance kinks as these that spell the differ ence between a receiver “which never has trouble” and another which is constantly afflicted with ailments and loss of power.” To attract tourists a round trip is to be offered from Cairo, Egypt, to Eu rope by a new British-French trans portation. company* KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES —A Very Responsible Job. BY POP MOMAND Alct/SIU* P JXS you MErtM Tfc> 'j jVfIWVdE SWEfcAK TH’t>4* MOAf. rVUSKATC ""H OWkY TVO* nO«NtW& WINN»e 3 AID -TO p>T5 - MWM7TtrT(CotTT>? _ riliEr&rf : tort^~ Ux»t «t tW T HE meE AMP TEH. Nt 'jto«£ HAS SCO* AFTER fTt R«. A wetK ME —AL IT/ Coy yojse »M A fttnf PICTURE Coeißvsy, AW* -tW Cos s savs stm. piaamvsctcp attc® i weht mkd t>£«t»u* ret -to nocepT e Posmov/ Cont with us; we weep a he’s «sotta kwow -ps-DAy whether kuxd yeuc» a#*Afty up p»on -ti> oe gcwvt respowxi ou.rry with the capes dee. / ear mwof wfairs mu. is go»w to tp>kz -that sc® •is a week ? ANSwea nt2 , Coftftwy! mr* here I ah, a <3oy wrm usee yco an* name yoor own 4? assistant , " *—■ ■ ■ -■■ ->» rw htecutme. AtyuTy hahsin* abound salary!! thato how gcx%>t am property man? j *■ a f / —— —T-N. t O a EEMALe HAt Step FOR CEUEVE ME «T*S A ( ' ■» ' V ** yyy!f..A /CoL-yt —) r~y *****«whale. ©f a so®, « <sxs ( Star “Want Ad” Branch Offices NORTHWEST. 1135 14th St.. Joll's Newsstand. 3 4th and P, Day Pharmacy. 15th and U. J. S. Clemence. 14th and W n.w.. Eagle Pharmacy. 2001 Georgia ave.. John G. Biggs Pharmacy. 2908 3 4th n w , Colliflower Art and Gift. Co. 3401 14th, Bronaugh s Pharmacy. 3 4th and Buchanan. Hohberger's Pharmacy. 3 4th and Colorado ave , O'Donnell's Pharmacy 3209 Mount Pleasant st., Mount Pleasant Cigar ami News Shop. 1785 Columbia road. Hutcher’s Cigar Store. 2102 California st., Harry J. Paul. Wardman Park Pharmacy. __ N. Y.. N. J. ave. and M st. —Perfect Pre scription Pharmacy 2nd and Mass. ave.. Phillips’ Pharmacy. Ist and K sts.. Duncan s Pharmacy. 7th and K. Gnidenlierg's (time clerk’s desk). Smith s Cut-rate Drug Store. 7th and O sta. n.w. 7th and R I. ave., J. French Simpson. 3 Ith and M sts.. L. H. Forster s Pharmacy. Vt ave.. 12th and R sts . Howley s Phar. 9th and V sts.. McGuire's Pharmacy Ga. ave. and Rock Creek Church road. Rock Creek Pharmacy. Ga. ave and Upshur st.. Colody A Blalek. 6505 Ga. ave.. Monck's Pharmacy. 6916 Ga ave . Brightwood Pharmacy. 1901 1. st.. Morse Pharmacy. 1906 Mass ave. n w. Dupont Pharmacy. 3 «th and Fla ave.. Pearson's Pharmacy. Fla ave. and Ist st.. E. A. Gaylor & Son. North Cap. st. and R I ave.. Parkers Phar. 1722 Pa ave., J. Louis Krick 21st and G sts.. Quigley Pharmacy 25th and Pa ave.. Herbst's Pharmacy. 6026 Conn. ave.. Chevy Chase Pharmacy. Wisconsin ave. and Macomb st.. Harry C. T»ft. . 4005 Wisconsin ave.. Wisconsin ave. Phar. Takoma Park. 359 Cedar st.. Mattingly Bros. Pharmacy. GEORGETOWN. . „ . Morgan Bros.' Pharmacy. 30th and P Sta. 3204 M st.. O’Donnell’s Pharmacy. 3411 M st.. Moskey's Pharmacy. Wisconsin ave. and O. Donohues Pharmacy. NORTHEAST. 4th and H sts.. Home Drug Co. 907 H st.. Garren's Music Store. 7th st. and Md. ave.. Louts F. Bradley. 12th st. and Md ave.. Louis Sacks. North Cap and I. Keneaiy Pharmacy. 320 East Capitol st.. Paul's Pharmacy. East Capitol and Bth sts Blelouss Pharmacy lath and East Cap.. Lincoln Park Pharmacy. 20th st and R. L ave.. Collins Pharmacy— Woodridge. _ , , . 3500 12th st.. M ayo's Pharmacy—Broobiland SOUTHEAST. _ 3rd and Pa ave.. O'Donnell's Drug Store. Bth and I. F, P Weller's Pharmacy 13 th and Pa ave.. Fraley a Pharmacy. 14th and Pa ave . Smyser's Pharmacy. 1907 Nichols ave.. Anacostia. Healy s Drug Store. _ SOUTHWEST. 7th and D sts.. Lantr Bros. 4H and L sts.. Columbia Pharmacy. RATE 3 CENTS A WORD. In Washington aud Suburbs so Help and Situations Wanted. Lest and Found. For Sale and Wanted Miseellaneou*. Automobiles for Sale and Wanted. Rooms for Rent and Wanted. Business Opportunities, etc. RATE OrTSIDK. OF WASHINGTON. 4 cents a word. REAL ESTATE ADS. . 6 words to the line. 3-line minimum, at line rate, as lollows: 1 time. 20*- per line 2 times, 19c per line. 3 times. 18c per line. 7 times. 17c per line. STAR OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 11 P.M. All advertisements for The Evening Star must be at The Star office or one of The Star branch offices by 11 p.m. the DAY BEFORE ISSUE, with the following excep tions: Lost and Found. Death Notices. Wanted Help Wanted Situation*. Advertisements under the above classifica tions will be accepted at The Star office, 13th st. and Pa. ave. until 9:30 am day of issue. All advertisements for The Sun day Star must be received at The Star office by 5:30 vim. Saturday, or at any of The Star bran-h offices by 4:30 p.m.. Saturday. CASH WITH ORDfcR tr required for all advertisements from transient advertisers HELP—MALE. AGENTS wanted for all kinds of insurance: good for $5,000 and more yearly: large company: ample co-operation. Apply 730 Investment Bldg. 29 AMBITIOUS young man by national bank a* runner; state age and experience. Address Box 17-K. Star office. APPRENTICE BOYS (twol. with tools for plastering. Call at 7 p.m. 124 Carroll st. se. Phone Line. 4177. _ AUTO MECHANICS, two. first-class. Gay's 24-Honr Auto Service. 630 L st, n.w. * BOY— Young, white, for work around mi; chine shop. D. Baliauf. rear 621 H st. n.w. BOY experienced at soda fountain, evenings Cali Col. 3308. L_ Bl'sP, >Y white at once 1411 14th at. n.w. j CARPENTER, first-class: also two foremen; steady work good pay: non-union. George town rd., Wilmer Park, Va. 30 _ CHAUFFEURS, colored, several men with identification cards: sl6 per week. Col. Ido. CHEF, white, experienced: apply at once. Monterey Restaurant. 411 13th st. n.w. 28* COLLECTOR experienced, for furniture cred it- house Address Box 2-K. Btar office GARAGE MAN —Colored, experienced. 14 # 25 Irving st. n.w. GENTLEMEN —Earn while you learn: In struction in life insurance free. Tuesday, Thursday nights, for one hour six weeks' contracts given those who qualify: one of the larrest insurance companies: competent instructor. Address Box -26-H. Star office. HIGH SCHOOL BOY to work on soda foun tain. Apply 2102 Califomta_sL JANITOR, middle-aged white man. single pre ferred one who knows how to clean: must be reliable: state references. Address Box 98-K 4tar office. _. JANITOR colored: married man: no chi’dren; for apartment building. Apply at Apt. 21. 1712 17th st. MAN. first class, to represent a leading life insurance company Salary. SSO per week to start Give references and experiences in first letter. Address Box 227-H. Star office. MAN—To fill position as day watchman and timekeeper, also to handle some clerical work 12 hours a day; salary $lB per week; answer in own handwriting giving refer mces. Address Box 8-K, Star office. MAN, on farm. Call 1021 7th et. n.w. vVat CUTTERS—Two. first class, at once. J. J. Swaggart. 3000 Ga. ave. n.w. and 324 3rd n.e. MEN (twol —Permanent outside sales work; *22 per week to start; advancement. Apply 8 to 9, 3 to 6 p.m.. 305 District National Bank Bldg. MEN Rapidly growing organization selling fast-moving specialty requires the services of three more men on straight salary basis: you will be given two days personal train ing under direct supervision of sales manager and then placed In the field on straight sal ary basis until you are producing enough so that you prefer a commission basis. We want men who are real experienced sales men. Under our plan you work on direct leads, and if instructions are followed earn ings will not be less than $< 5 weekly. Call for personal interview between 10 a m. and 5 D m at 622 10th st. n.w.. on Wednes day. Ask for Mr. Sutton. * NIGHT WATCHMAN—Must have best of references. Apply to Heehman & Company. 605 R. I. ave. n.e. * OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED—An ener sretic young" man. (rood at figures and famil* far with branch packing house stock work: good opportunity for man who will apply himself. In your reply, give qualifications, age and salary expected. Address Box 28-H. Star office. PAPERHANGER —Apply to the head painter Lafayette Hotel. 10th and Eye st. n.w. I'APF.UHANGERS —Two: first-class men. J. R. Mahoney. 324 Penna. ave. s.e. PLASTERERS, white, non-union, excellent mechanics. Apply 6 to 6 p.m.. 306 Tivoli Bide.. 14th and Park rd. n.w, 29* PLUMBER'S HELPER. 2 or 3 years' experi ence and apprentice: state wages. Address Box 106-K. Star office. * PORTER, one who has had experience in automobile show room. Locomobile Co.. 1517 Conn, ave. 9 to 10 a.m. * PRESSER —Must be good; also able to drive Ford. 4622 14th st. n.w. 28« PRESSMAN —A steady position to one that can produce. 611 F st. n.w. * SALESMAN —Experienced stock. to sell readily salable stock on liberal commission. Address Box 453-H. Btar office. 28» SALESMAN —Paint, who is capable of In troducing special lines of paint; reference reauired: ail applicants will be held con fidentially. Address Box 427-H. Star office. SALF«MAN for Ford Motor Co.'a products; splendid opportunity; must have Ford car. Hartman & Howard, Ford Dealers. R. I. ave. at sth st, n.e. SALESMAN —To sell Chevrolet automobiles: plenty of leads furnished by authorized Chev rolet dealer. Gish Garage. Inc., 17th and You sts. n.w. SALESMEN —To sell an article used by everybody in business: a good position to one that can eelL 61X Vak n.w. • _ HELP—MALE (Continued). SALESMEN—Experienced selling twieted-ln wire brußhen to homes. 667 c commission: advancement to managership. P. O. Box 0. Station X. New York City. * SHIPPING clerk and yard man wanted for j building material business; state experience, are ana salary expected. Address Box 32-K. Star o(fine. X* _ TAlLOß—Busbelman to repair overcoats. $26 a week. Juath, 818 D at. n.w. TENOR wanted for Quartet in Catholic Church; sight readers only need apply; lest pay. Addreaa Box 38-K. Star office. * YOUNG MAN with some experience as auto mechanic. Mr. Nesline, 1117 14th n.w. YOUNG MAN. colored; relieving elevators. Mr. Shaller. South Cliff ton Terrai-e. YOUNG MAN, runner for Investment house: reply in own handwriting, state age. experi ence and salary expected. Address Box 91-K. Btar offlee. CEMENT FINISHERS lBth st. n.w., between Ontario rd and Harvard st., Carl 11. Smith. Col. 10160. YOUNG MAN, 17 to 20 years of age, by real estate firm; must ride bicycle. Salary to start, s<>o, with good opportunity for advancement. Reply in own handwriting. Address Box 100-K, Star office. SALESMEN, experienced, with car. Leads furnished at once. Universal Real Estate Corp., 1329 N st. n.w. Fr. 9010-11. Will You Work for Money? We want men who can furnish small cash bond to do a Utile driving each day and operate our machines in meat markets and grocery stores for SI2 to SIB per day: can place you in almost any city or State. Come to 2410 14th st. on Wednesday after noon from 2 to 3 o'clock and see this won derful machine operating and you will not he disappointed. ♦ WANTED—SALESMEN. SALESMEN—Three experienced wiring and fixture salesmen: excellent opportunity for producers See Mr. Nolan. 810 I.lth n w. _ 28 * SALESMAN wanted —experienced in selling high grade correspondence courses for home study: leads furnished liberal commissions paid Washington territory Write Edward Smith, Federal Schools. Inc.. Minneapolis. Minnesota. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES CALL MAIN 2876. BR 6. City Employment Service for stenog., typist, bookkeeper, cleri cal help; free registration. 1338 G st n.w. 26* _ COOKS general housew-orkers. day workers. 1600 13th n.w. Phone North 1965. AT YOUR SERVICE: EFFICIENT HELP SUPER SERVICE BUREAU. 2001 Bth et. n.w. North 6009. 30* BUSINESS INSTRUCTION. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION—-BOOKKEEPING, accounting and normal training in Palmer , method penmanship. Col. 8119 after I Civil Service Examinations. Special course beginning today for Sep tember exam, in sten. and typ. Tuition. So. Also new class In statistics and general clerical subjects. Special rates for those who enter this week tn preparation for Patent Office exam. Salary. 51,860. The Civil Service Preparatory School, S.I. cornel 12th and F n.w. Phone Fr 2080. INSTRUCTION COURSES. AUTOMOBILE DRIVING LESSONS. ANY hour, by appointment: satisfaction guaran- I teed: excellent references. Mr. Kennedy. I Adams 4717, WILL TEACH YOU TO DRIVE YOUR FORD car at reasonable rates. North 6879. * DESIGNING IF YOU CAN DRAW, TRAIN to become a commercial designer or illus trator. Good salaries paid to commercial artists. Results guaranteed. Write Dr. G. A. A. Mildon. 2224 F st. n.w.. Apt. 23. Washington, D. C. ANOTHER STUDENT SAYS "IN YOUR school 60 days, made 5135 Ist month s em ployment. through your training ’’ Short courses: high standards: graduates best paid. Pos. for grad, or tuition refund. BOYD SCHOOL. 1338 G st. M. 2876. 10* MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL OF BEAUTY Culture. 310 Burohe!l Bldg.. 817 14th st. n.w. Take advantage of special Summer rates. Franklin 5131. 28* _ AUTO DRIVING LESSONS BY OLD. Expe rienced instructors: satisfaction insured. Call Lincoln 82. AUTO DRIVING LESSONS FOR OPERA tor's perm.t and heavy traffic; any car fur i nlsherf Call "FOSTER." Franklin 8787 ' COSTUME DESIGN ING. DRESS STAKING i and millinery, fashion drawing and com mercial art. Special Summer rates now. Ask for booklet. LIVINGSTONE'S At'AD EMY. 1517 Rhode Island ave. Fr. 7476. 28* HAIR CUTTING. MANICURING. MARCEL waving and all other branches of beauty culture: you get actual experience. Dorothy Coffey Beauty Shop. 1123 14th n.w. F. 10141. THOSE WITH UNDEVELOPED TALENT FOR DRAWING. Large studio offers un usual opportunity for practical training eve nings; will interview only those desirous of making Commercial Art a profession. Ad dress Box 21-H. Star office. Now is a good time to begin a course that will fit you for life's duties. Toil will never regret a course in our school. Thousands say it placed them on the road to success. Caul, write or telephone. It la better to call. WOOD'S SCHOOL. Established 1885. HELP—FEMALE. GlßLS—Several, as clerks. Address Box 23-K. Star offlee. MAROELLER wanted, experienced. Apply »t Whelan s. 619 H st. n.e, Bgf _ MARKERS AND ASSORTERS. experienced on marking machines: best salary. Berg mann g, 623 G, 30* NIGHT CASHIER. Apply Palace Theater. 307 9th st. n.w. 30* OPERATOR. Burroughs bookkeeping ma chine. experienced. State age, experience and reference. Address Box 15-K. Star office. .. SOME ONE to board and take care of little girl, age 6. References required. Write to Mr. H. L. Blckerton, 327 11th st, n.e. STENOGRAPHER with secretarial experi ence. Give qualifications, age. whether-now employed. Address Box 16 k. Star offlee. STENOGRAPHER. 18 or 19 years: some knowledge of bookkeeping. Give system of shorthand, previous education and salary expected. Address Box 37-K. Star office^. TYPIST WANTED, experienced, for about two months; hotel correspondence; give ref erence. experience and salary expected. Orkney Springs Hotels. Orkney Springs, Va. WAITRESS, white. Sunlight Lunch. 820 11th st. n.w. * . WAITRESSES (two), white: must be thor oughly experienced. Apply The Rendezvous. 1109 Conn, ave. * WOM AN—Demonstrator for outside city. Between 25 and 60 years of age: must be ambitious: no experience necessary: rapid promotion. Address Box 36-D, Star offlee. YOUNG LADY, with knowledge of drafting preferred, required by public service corpora tion- salary S2O to commence: state age. ex perience and education. Address Box 415-H. Star office. 28* YOUNG LADY for dental offlee: state quali fications and salary expected. Address Box 112-K. Star offlee. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR. Must be thoroughly experienced on patent specifications and amendments: willing, punctual and industrious; no other need ap ply: salary commensurate with ability; per manent position to right girl. Phone Mr. Berman. Main 0568. MILLINERY SALESLADIES wanted. Only those having thorough experience will be con sidered; highest salaries. Mai son Maurice, 13th and G n.w. OPERATOR WANTED, for Nestle Permanent Wave ma chine. Apply Beauty Parlor, M. Brooks and Co., 1109 G st. n.w. GOOD SALARY DURING SHORT TRAINING PERIOD. PERMANENT POSITIONS PLEASANT WORK. TELEPHONE OPERATING. CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC W TELEPHONE COMPANY. m HEXP—FEMALE (f’ont’d). YOUNG LADY—ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS SEWING AND WILLING TO WORK. NEW ENGLAND FUR RIERS, 618 12th ST. HELP—DOMESTIC. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 9 to 1:30: experi enced only: $24 per mouth. Apply 1423 Columbia rd. * GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must be good plain cook: stay nights. Call Cleve, 522. * HOUSEKEEPER—By widower with children: middle-age widow. Address Box 457-H. Star office. 28* NURSE GlßL—White, foreign preferred. Phone Cleveland 19 78 WOMAN, middle aged, white, to keep house for widower with children: modern improved home in country 4 miles from city: no waeh jjfj, 615 Raleigh place. Congress Hgts.. WOMAN, reliable, white, ahout 60. to wait on old lady and look after 3 rooms: compen sation. one who is alone and want* a home: two In family; daughter employed during the day. Address Box 26-K. Star office. « COOK AND MAID, can stay at nights if desired; references re quired. Address Box 12-K, Star office. SIT CATIONS—MALE. AUTO mechanic, 12 years' experience, de sires a good permanent position. Address Box 1-K, Star Offlee. 29* AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS, experienced, graduated from Hampton Institute Automo bile School. North 5847. 29* BOOKKEEPER, cashier and stenographer want* permanent position. Franklin 7124. CHAUFFEUR, colored desires position lm medlately. Phone North 8367, ‘29* CHAUFFEUR Wanted, good position to place my chauffeur (colored >; highest refer encct. Address Box 170-H, Star offi--e, 28* GOVT. CLERK, young, married, desires eve ning work. 0 to 12. Address Box 107 K. Star offl'-e. 29* HOUSE CARPENTERS. 2. good want from 1 to 3 cottages by i-ontraet. Address Box 24-K. Star office. 30* HOUSEMAN or day work by voung man: referem-e furnished. Address 730 Fairmont at.. Washington. D. C, JANITOR, first-ciass 20 years experience: can operate any boiler, or houseman. 001 Que st. n.w. Potomac 1678 * LINOTYPE OPERATOR. 1 year's experi ence: open or non-union shop. Call Adams 4610-J, 28* MAN. colored, wants work: will consider anything: experienced switchboard and ele vator operator. _SI De Frees st. n.w . * MAN. colored, work part of day or all day. driver’s permit; reference. Line. 8023-J. * MAN. all around, in meat market, l*est ref erence. Address Box 29 K. Star office. 29* MAN. white middle age. married, would like position in apartment building as carpenter, painter and general mechanic or as janitor. Will give best of references. Address Box 289-H. Star office. 30* PRINTER S APPRENTICE—Young man de sires position in printers shop: desires to learn printing and linotyping. Address Box 418 H, Star office. 28* SALESMAN 6 years' men's and boys' clothing experience, desires position: salary no object. Address Box 99-K. Star office. * STENOGRAPHER—FiIe clerk with knowl edge of bookkeeping and general office work wants position about August 10; references. Address Box 3-K Star office. 29* WORK of any kind: steady single white j man. Addregg Box 114-K, Star ome». * _ YOUNG MAN. iI3. denire* position in office college graduate expert typist; thoroughly experienced; references. Address Box 86-K. I Star office. • SITUATIONS—MALJS, FEMALE. COUPLE, colored, wishes work as chauffeur and maid or work in city or out references. Gal 1 Adams or ld?2 Kalorama road. SITUATIONS—F KM.XI. K. ADDRESSING, folding circulars, cleaning apts . doctor's office, maid few- hours, or few hours' light work wanted by reliable light colored woman. Address Box 19-K. Star office, 29* _ BOOKKEEPER, double entry; Burroughs bookkeeping machine operator, typist: per manent position in real estate office by mar ried lady, resident of Washington: willing to start at a low salary: not afraid of work. Addreas Box 22-K. Star office. 29* COMPANION-NURSE, care of invalid or el dery lady: always helpful. Potomac 1090-J. DRESSMAKING at home: out by day. 50 cents hour. Adams 5982. GIRL, experienced, light colored, wishes place as counter girl or waitress: can fur nish reference: no Sunday work. Phone i Lincoln 8473. • _ LADY, young Washington resident, wishes permanent position with responsibility ex perience. secretarial, stenograph,c. double en try bookkeeping, general office work and ex ecutive: four years contracting and nine years automobile: high school graduate: can furnish first-class references: conscientious and willing to work for reasonable salary if future is assured. Address Box 437-E Star offlee. 28* NURSE, white, for child or adult. Potomac 4520. PRACTICAL NURSE desires night duty. Potomac 4526 PRACTICAL NURSE and housekeeper, moth er’s helper, general work: refined white. Ad dress Box 113-K. Star office. *' READING ALOUD, accompanying on piano. Adams 5082. SCHOOL GIRLS, two. want office work or waiting in afternoon. Potomac 1589. STENOGRAPHER wishes temporary or permanent position: five years experience: S2O week. Address Box 90-K. Star office. 29* _ STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST. 6 years' expe'rt ence. high school graduate. Col. 5473. * YOUNG -WOMAN, school-teacher, college graduate, owns a car. would like positiou i until Sent. 15. Phone Adams 1381. __ SITUATIONS—DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAID or housework girl: stay nights. 1815 6th st, n.w. CLEAN MORNINGS, neat colored girl. Adams 6757-W, COLORED GIRL, take care bachelor apt. 1712 9th st. n.w. COLORED WOMAN—General housework: no laundry; stay nights. Call after 6 or write. 53 L n.w. COOK, white woman; also general house work: $7 week: good home for right party. Address Box 109-K. Star office. • COOK, by neat colored girl] Tn private family, go home nights. 1348 T st nw. second Boor. City reference, 28• DAY WORK: colored rirl. 2212 Bth bt.~n.w~. DAY'S WORK, by colored woman. 3840 Fessenden st. DAY’S WORK of any kind, by colored wom an: beet references. Call Lincoln 10051. * DISHWASHER or part time hy colored girl. 408 South Capitol or phone Lincoln 801t)-R. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 1432 Florida arm n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK or nursing: to go home nights. 408 Mass, ave, n.w. 28* GENERAL HOUSEWORK, by girl wiehuur position: go home nights. 718 Florida ave. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEW'ORK. by girl wishing position; go home nights. 1614 Covington n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK White w Oman. J, L.. '2003 3rd st. n.e. • GENERAL HOUSEWORK or nurse, by re liable colored woman. Adams 7117-. T. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Day s work, dish washer; city references. 410 Ne\y Jersey ave. n.w. _29• GENERAL HOUSEWORK, by girl. 1823 13th st. n.w. GIRL, colored, wants job as office or house maid. 1913 17th st. n.w, 29* GTRL. help .with housework and baby. 57.60 week. 4100 14th, Apt. 1, GIRL, colored, wants morning work or. day's work. Call Adams 5100, HOUSEKEEPER wishes position: widower’s home preferred: refined surroundings desired Address Box 83-K, Star office. 29* HOUSEWORK wanted, by colored woman: stay nights. 2810 Champlain st. LAUNDRESS, first-class, wants work out at once. West 2256-W, « LAUNDRY, take home or out. at 1509 4th n.w. LAUNDRY WORK and housecl ea niug by colored woman. 312 P st, n.w-. LAUNDRY WORK, first class, to take home. or morning work out. North 8549. * LIGHT HOUSEWORK or nuree. by neat col ored girl: no washing. 1801 lath st. Potomac 2776. MAID or light housework. 1643 Tea st. n.w. MOTHER S HELPER, inexperienced girl, wil llng to learn. North 8549. * MOTHER’S HELPER: colored girl wishes position: no Sunday work. Call North 10248. HEEP ANT* SITtrATTOTTS.' SITUATIONS—DOMESTIC (Cont’d). NURSE, child’s: permanent place, first clas* references required. Call Wednesday. 7 p m., 1601 23rd st. 29* NURSE-GIRL or mothers helper: colored. 2618 Georgia ave. n.w. PART-TIME; OR DAY WORK, by colored girl no cooking, laundry. Lincoln 8276-W. PLAIN COOK or maid, waitress or nurse, with references: neat colored girl wishes place- Call or write 2322 Champlain st. n.w. SISTERS (2 1 wish place together, general housework. 2225 10th n.w. SMALL WASHINGS to take home. Address Box 276. Suitland. Md. * WAITRESS, maid or part-time work of any kind by neat reliable colored girl: reference. Call or write 1440 Swann st. WAITRESS or day e work, by experienced woman. 2648 15th st. n.w. WAITRESS —Girl wants position. 1348 T st. n,w, ________ WOMAN, experienced, with reference.#, wishes place a* cook or pantry work; no Sundays. Address 2021 11th st. n.w. * WOMAN, colored: place as nurse: cook or ch.imbcrmaid. 1027 New Jersey ave. n.w WOMAN, settled, for general housework: stav nights. Apply Mrs. Sherman, 018 12th st. WOMAN wants part-time or day s work. Phone North 0297. * WORK of anv~kind. by colored girl, with reference 1417 sth n.w. WORK of any kind by colored girl with ref erencH. Phone Potomac 2250. WORK as nurse, by colored girl. 3840 Fes sendenst. WORK OF ANY KlND—Cofinty girl. i 144 29th st n.w, PERSONAL. BUP'K. TO JACKSONVILLE. FLA.. JULY 29th: accommodate 3: trip reasonable: apt. 106. 653 East Canitol st. 28* EVERY CARE GIVEN INVALIDS. CON valeacents and aged, by nurse in her own home. 1833 Kalorama rd. Adams 7363. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS. DItUGLESS methods. 11:30 to 8 p.m. 318 Kresge Bldg. Grace Nash. Ph. C. Frank. 3747-J. PLUMBING. GAS FITTING AND HEATING —Expert mechanics on gas appliances. CROUCH & DAVIS. 909 14th et. s.e. Phone Lin- 9162. 29* _ NESTLE LA NOIL PERMANENT WAVE. 26 to 30 curie. $lO. Call Adams 6461 after 6 p m Residential work. ELF.I'TRIC MASSAGE. VIOLET RAY. THER molite treatment for neuritis lumbago, rheu matism a-hing swollen joints, nervousness Hours, 9-8; treatment. SI. Fr. 6713. 29* WANTED—3 PASSENGERS FOR AUTO trip to North or South Carolina; leaving August 8: references required. Post offlee Box 1271, •_ FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING TO SPRING field. Maes, via New York. August 2 or 3: accommodations for three. Col. 7178-W. 29* ELECTRICAL TREATMENT DRUGLESS method: 11 30 to 8 p.m 318 Kresge Bldg. Frank. 3747-J. GRACE NASH. Ph. C. 2* MOTOR TO ATLANTIC CITY. JULY 29 and Aur. 4 Toronto. Aug 7: New England tour. Aug. 3L Phone Adams 5303, * TOURING TO MONTREAL AUG Ist; CAN take one passenger; large closed car. Call Ma 1472. A CHILDLESS GERMAN COUPLE WISH TO adopt aii infant. Mr. JOSEPH FRITZ. 426 2nd st. n.w, * FACIAL HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED. sl. MARIE >TF.YENS. elec, needle expt ,20 years exp. 309 Kresge Bldg.. 11th and G. 29* WE PAY S 2 TO $lO FOR MEN’S—LADIES’ suite, overcoats Our prices for old clothes, all kinds, are the highest. WASH. CLOTH ING EXCHANGE. Phone M. 3378. 633 D «.w. A GRADUATE IN ELECTCY WILL GIVE you scientific treatment: excessive weight re duced by new methods Phone Pot. 1447. HOSPITAL FOR THE CARE OF THE BET ter class of unfortunate young women be fore and during confinement Strictly private. Charges reasonable. Babies for adoption. Veil Hospital. Corry. Pa. X E\Y M ASSA'' E— Institute Expert Masseur & Masseuse: R. N. Grad. fr. 'weden. 20 yrs. exp—Reliable—Reasonable. Ph. Main 5725. 1029 17th st. n.w. * \V ANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITCRE—Like to purchase immedi ately some used furniture for 8 rooms, as whole or odd nieces. Adams 6632-W. 30* ANTIQUES —Furniture, china, brass, jew elry; all kinds. A. F. Arnold, 1323 G st. n.w. APPAREL (men s women s and children s) needed for rummage ease; also miscellaneous household articles, odds and ends. etc. Will pay cash. Phone Frank. 8416-J. 30* AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, books, stamp col lections. coins, gold. silver, false teeth, bought. Kohen. 619 14th st. n.w. Main 5619. 31* BOOKS—BOOKS BOOKS— ALL KINDS— "Bring them in" or phone Franklin 5416. Pearlman * Book Shop. 933 G n.w. CALCULATING MACHINE I Burroughs i to I rr--,t Address Box 349-H. Star office. 28* | CAMERAS, tools of every kind, field glasses, shotguns: anything you have to sell. Groce’s. ; 11th and E n.w. Ph. Frank. 833 or postal. : CLOTHES—WiII pay highest price* for ladies' ! and men’s worn clothes. Write or phone D. Stein, 1308 7th st. n.w, Ph. X. 499, CLOTHING—Men's used clothing bought of all kinds. Highest prices paid. Auto calls. Maip 4145. Justh’s Old Stand. 619 D. DIAMONDS, jewelry and old gold, lor cash: no Alvin Hoffa. diamond broker. 918 F et. n,w„ Rooms 17 and 18. M. 6458. FEATHER BEDS and furniture: highest prices paid Give us a call. Eagle Furniture Co_.. 1305 7th st. n.w. Potomac 1667, 7* FEATHER BEDS and furniture; be6t prices paid. Square Deal Furniture Co.. 501 Eye st.n.w. Phone Main 6636. FURNITURE wanted by private party for a 7-room house: wBl buy in suites or odd pieces. Kindly call Adams 1652. 1 FURNITURE—If you want to obtain best ! results for your furniture and other mis cellaneous cal! Mr. Shapiro. 600 Louisiana ave. n.w. Franklin 3786. FURNITURE —I will purchase some used furniture and player-piano for cash. Phone Franklin 5394, _29 FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon or have me call. "Weschler," 920 Pa. ave. n.w, FURNITURE and household goods wanted; you will feel satisfied with prtcee I pay. S. Weisenberg, 410 10th st. n.w, Main 9275. FURNITURE of all kinds w anted: best prices paid. Capital Furniture Co.. 490 La. ave. n.w.. or phone Franklin 10267. FURNITURE—If you have any furniture or other goods to sell, and you want to obtain best results, send for Louis Notes. 421 10th st. n.w. Phone Franklin 2015. GOLD, silver, watches, diamonds and old iewelry needed in our manufacturing dept full cash value paid, Selinrer’s, 818 F st. OLD GOLD, silver, diamonds, jewelry: fine, beautiful pieces especially. A. F. Arnold. 1323 G st. n.w. Main 8173. PIANO BOXES —Will buy upright hoxes if in good condition. Phone North 8846. POTATO PEELER, electric: oscillating fan. 12-inch: exhaust fan. 12-in. d.e • 2 gas logs; gas-water urn. 0-8 gal.: meat block: glass dessert shelves. 4 ft. Address P. N. Vestor. 2022 G st. n.w. 20* REAL ESTATE—Good opportunity for right party: must have car: drawing account. Ad dres* Box 117-K. Star office. • SHOTGUNS—We will pay cash for your old shotgun Bring it In today. Groce s. 11th and Esta. n.w. USED FURNITURE for 8 rooms: complete suites and odd pieces Ad. 600. RECOMMENDKD SERVICE. The following business concern* guarantee satisfaction to Star readers. Any complaint found nec essary to be made to The Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Serv ice Column call Main 5000, Branch 115. ANTS, bedbugs, roaches, rats exterminated from rooms, apartments, hotels, etc.: expert workman. Frank. 3854, 1218 12th n.w. 1* ANTS. BEDBUGS. ROACHES* vermin and rodents exterminated by Washington’s most scientific exterminators, using products that are odorless and clean. Guaranteed results. Guarantee Exterminating Company of Wash. D. C.. 200 Victor Bldg. Main 6982. au3* _ BEDDING —Box springs repaired. Mattresses renovated. $3. Work guaranteed Columbia Bedding Co.. 616 E st. n.w Main 6528. 28* AUTO REFLECTORS REPLATED. BRASS beds relaequered and repaired, silver plating and repairing: prompt service. Main 9697. Acme Plating Co.. 1227 D et. n.w. BEDDING. MATTRESSES, box springs and pillows reno.: best prices and prompt del. Wash. Mattress Co.. 617 F st. n.w, M. 6679. BOILERS CLEANED and plants put in first class condition. Adams 6451-w. or 1654 Gales st. n.e. 28* BOX SPRINGS, matt., pillows, down com forts. leather matt., renovated and recovered. Ideal Bedding Co.. 1624 7th. North 101487 BOX SPRINGS, MATTRESSES* and pillows— Before the Spring rush comes. Let us ren ovate yours Right prices and prompt serv ice assured. EAGLE BEDDING CO.. 1123 7th st. n.w. Phone M. 7992. fRICK WORK done by contract: estimates free. J HAIRSTON. Jr„ 1689 Columbia at. n.w. Potomac 4690. autt* RECOMMENDED SERVICE. (Con tlnoed.) BRICKWORK—Lowest price: foundations, chimneys, fireplaces, porch piers garages. houses: estimates free. Call Adams f>no;:-y ! • BUILDING CONTRACTOR—Remodeling and repairing: garages, metal, wood and brick. J. E. Doran. 1008 N st. n.w. Phone M. 3540. 3* CARBON BURNING. 30c cylinder. ownfT to remove plu*a and wires: caatinr. steel and aluminum welded properly all work guar anteed. M. M. Coleman. 207 12th st. n.w. Phone Mato 4598. CHAIR CANING, UPHOLSTERING. RE. pairing: Al work: lowest prices. Line. 4285. lulu' 8989 L. L. Bailey. 211 Pa. ave s.e. CHAIRS CANED, upholstered; porch rocker* splinted. C. A. ARM STRON G). 1233 10th st. n.w Franklin 7483. ELECTRICAL WIRING and repairing at rea sonable cost; work guaranteed: estimates riven. Phone Franklin 8937-W, 27* ELECTRIC WIRING—Save yourself money, worry and inconvenience. See us and get our prices and plans: ur> to 18 months to pav. We include bringing current into your home. PENN ELECTRIC CO.. 911 9tb «t. n.w. Main 512 and Main 1855. 1 * EXCAVATING AND HAULING. Small eg-' cavating. heavy haulm? prompt service; low rates. Main 923. Night. Col. 4101. au3* _ EXPERT FLOOR FINISHING, house pa nt ing. by skilled mechanic*; reduced prices PAUL SERENE. 37 Tea st. n.w. Pot 251 1 • FLOORS—ELECTRIC MACHINE and hand finishing; efficient; reasonable; reliable serv ice. R. E. NASH, 2371 9th st. Col 4231 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. rep ; u; slip covers made. E*t. cheerfully given Return ed free TITTENSOR. 1424 Bth n.w N 7702. HEATING. PLUMBING. OIL BURNING Ap paratus Established 1897. J. R. Guerin. 412 E. Cap st. Lincoln 3417. JOB PLASTERING and cement work of all kinds by experienced man: prompt service; reasonable prices. Main 9&19- 38* _ KEYS'—DUPLICATE KEYS. 25 CENTS: made while you wait. Turner & Clark. 1233 N. Y. ave. n.w Basement. Fr. 3005. LAWN MOWER REPAIRING; PARTS FUR nished. Power and hand mowers for saie. Tel. Fr. 7707. C F. ARMIGER, 303 13th n.w. ORNAMENTAL IRON designer and manu facturer of bank, office inclosures, partitions, railings, elevator doors and inclosures, en trance doors, door and window guards, fence*, gates, arches, iron and pipe railngs. ba ies. iron stairs: plain, ornamental and spiral fire escapes, iron and brass thresholds, kick plates ni»tal awnings, builders’ iron work general service. Estimates given Alfio Longo. 332 Maine ave, sw Main 9185. PAINTING—House tainting, floor finishing, bv skilled mechanics at reduced prices. PAUL SERENE. 37 Tea st n.w. Potomac 251 1 • PAINTING and papc.-haDging. Summer-time prices good workmanship. Adams 3173-J. Samuel Tamtnaro. 3* PAINTING—If you have any kind of deco rating to he done, now is the time We spe cialize in Paintlpg. Paperhanging. Floors and Plastering. Special July prices Phone, day or night. Col. 2458. C. E. BISHOP. i3d3 Kenyon st. n.w. PAINTING-PAPERHANGING Special low priees now prevailing Give us a trial. THOMPSON'S. 3413 Ga. ave Col. 8244. 28* PAINTING, interior and exterior: plastering, paperhanging, average size rooms. 812: esti mates free. Washington Decorating Co . 35 H-st. n.w. Franklin 6889; evenings. Adams 6080-W. 30» _ PAPERING AND PAINTING-—Special prices for this week only-—Average size room scraped, cracks to be pointed, papered with polychrome paper. SI2: also painting at very low prices: plastering a specialty. Don't worry about cash; will give you 10 month* to pay without interest Estimate free. Philadelphia Decorating Co.. 817 9th st. n.w. Main 2238. 30* PAPERING AND PAINTING—Very reason able prices: good work guaranteed EDWIN S. RUCKER. 1210 H st. n.w. Main 7422 and 3713. * PAPERHANGING—Rooms paper'd. $6 up. Ftrst-class work, your own selection paper. J. EGDAL. 33 Fla, ave. n.w N, 1551. 3<l• PAPERHANGING & PAINTING Let me es timate on duplex polychrome striple tones, crepes and harmonella papers: pay cash and save half. J. R. Sears. 639 N.Y. ave. N 2030 paperhangin'g. plastering, paint mg satisfactory work guaranteed. Win. A. Little. 819 9th st. n.w. Phone Frank. 6754 PAPERHANGING, rooms, $7.50 up: interior and exterior painting at lowest prices. Metro polltan Dec. Co.. 427 G n.w. Ph Fr. 800. PAPERHANGING—ROOMS PAPERED. 58 and up A T. GEORGE. 2534 Ilth st. n.w. Phone Adams 6687 PIANO TUNING—We specialize on general piano repairs and rebuilding. Get our esti mate. Prices reasonable. Skilled me chanics. Work guaranteed. Terms if de sired. Sanderron-Schaeffer Co.. 644 H st. n.e. Line. 1057 PRINTING—SOO business cards, envelopes or statements. $2: 200. SI. 639 F st n.w. Room S. Fr. 5820-J. McConvey. 28* REFRIGERATOR REPAIRING—Let me re pair your old refrigerator, good as new. M. ISIS. 803 9th st. n.w. Main 7610. RUGS WOVEN from worn carpets that wear lifetime: nothing cheaper Old Laurel Eclipse. 309 10th 6t. e.w Mam 8390. [ aul 1 * : slip COVERS made to order Perfe. t fit guaranteed. Special prices this month Upholstering and repairing Main 232 or 3419 J, Holoher Co 622 E n.w 28* TRUNK REPAIRING MINTZ REPAIRS trunks, leather bags, ladies’ handbags eb Call or phone Mintz. 938 F st. Main 368« TYPEWRITERS REBUILT, all makes; price* that will please you: repair any typewriter. Call Bail, Main 2019. 605 6th st. n.w._ WINDOW SHADES AND SCREENS—FREE estimates. J. M BUTLER & SON. 2031 Nichols ave. s.s. Lincoln 10123—6968-J. WINDOW AND DOOR SHADES—AfOOD quality opaque shades fitted to your win dows. 8oc: the beet quality of opaque shades. 51.15: hung free. We will call with sample-. KLEEBLATT. 11th and H sis n.e Line 879 BUSINESS OFPORTrXTTIES. ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITY to invest in well established manufacturing business requiring additional capital to enlarge production. For particulars address Box 28P-H. Star office. no• CLEANING and Dyeing Business good price reasonable. Col. 3643. 28* GOOD PROPOSITION for lady with some cash who understands running a roadhouse. Address Box 425-H. Star office. • 1301 C ST. S.W.—NEAR BUREAU OF UN GRAVING: STORE GOOD FOR ANY BUSI NESS: NEWLY DECORATED GAS AND ELECTRICITY APPLY WASHINGTON REALTY EXCHANGE. 511 E ST. N.W MAIN 3238. GROCERY’, fruits and delicatessen: new stock and fixtures: low rent: cash trade, very reasonable terms to responsible pari.v for quick sale. 202 11th st. n.e. Sunday between 10 and 12 or Monday and Tuesday. DRUG STORE—N.W. corner: 516.000 yearly business: rent. s4l mo. heat furnished Established 36 years. Price. $2,000 cash. Lincoln 346. ROOMING HOUSE, attractively furnished fine location: great bargain: on small pay ments. Address Box 111-K, Star office, * SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY, store ar.d tw . apartments. 2 baths: h.-w.h.. elect., near school. Col. 10426, 29 • LARGE ROOMING A BOARDING HOUSE Sixteen rooms, three baths: electricity, ga*. steam heat: modem: an ideal home; well furnished and two-year lease: rent reason able: well situated; small amount of cash will put you in possession or will exchange for small grocery store. Address Box 106-K. Star office * BATTERY' SHOP—Good business excellent location. Address Box 39-K. Star office :o t_* CONFECTIONERY and delicatessen: doing $350 weekly: three-year lease: corner store. Address Box 41-K. Star office. 29* STORE on Balto. blvd . next to Sanitary: good for any kind of business: rent reason able. SUBURBAN REALTY CO.. Next to AAP. Cottage City Md.. Hyatts. 872. TAILORING, cleaning and pressing; good business. Tel. North 9447. 29* _ CONFECTIONERY’ STORE for sale cheap, owner leaving city; act quick. 19 H st. n.w. 29* A BARGAIN Fully equipped lunchroom, close to large Government departments. Ad dress Box 338-E, Star olfice. SMALL GROCERY’ AND MEATS: must be sold: stock, fixtures, good will; 3-year lease: SI.OOO. Phone Lincoln 4809. 30* MOTOR MARKET —Only one of its kind do ing 51 000 a month business: proved to your satisfaction or no sale: my bad health give* you this opportunity: investigate, if you want a money maker. 1016 Spnng^rd. BEAUTY SHOt*. Ist floor. F stT; fully equipped; nestle lanoil permanent waving machine: grossing $600.00 per month: sell ing for cost of equipment: terms considered. Call Franklin 9842 before 9 a m. or after 6 p.ra. 2* LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL want* silent or active partner with money: unusual returns from national advertising and a noble service to humanity. Address Box 417-H. Star office. 31 * _ WELL EQUIPPED HARDWARE, in fine lo cation : wonderful opportunity for quick buy: rent reasonable; terms considered. 3303 Rhode Island ave. n.e. R. E. Milor Co. SALES MANAGER and organizer will raise from 510.000 to $60,000 in a business prop osition that promises a worth-while future. Address Box 402-H. Star office. 28* (Continued on Xsxt Put* 4