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30 TABLE BOARD. TnfT 10th ST. N W—Good home-cooked jneals: week or month: reaeonable. * WHERE TO DINE. BEACON INN, 18th and Calvert ate (half block WMt Ambassador Theater). Club breakfast. 7:30- P3O am. Table de hole dinner. 5-7:30 V> m. Phone Col 5042. COIXTRY BO ARP. SIVEB CREST—On the water: modern; ouiet. Mr» B B Todd. Easton. BUMMER BOARDERS. 48 miles from Wash, ington. 10 minutes' walk from R. R. station: rood country food: terms moderate. Mrs. J. |t. Adams Broad R'tn.Va. 28* suburban board. CHEVY riIASK. Mil—Rooms and tioardf. Kensington 188. 80* APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. _ PLAT—SIX ROOMS AND BATH: NEWLY papered: elec, gas.; hot-water heat; .‘lrd floor. *50.50. Includin£ heat. 848 H et. n.e. 28* TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS; GAS; housekeeping; S4O per month. 2112 H st. n.w • j 430 TAYLORN. W. —3 ROOM S. COM PLETE kitchen, heat. gas. electricity, phone and laundry privileges: adults: $55. Col. 6023 W. CHEERFUL. AIRY. ARTISTICALLY DECOR. 2-room, kitchenette apt , furnished mahog any: 3 exposures: elevator: reasonable 1448 Park r Apt. 44. 28* 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH AND PORCH apartment; nicely furnished, reasonable. 1401 Col, road.. Apt 203. __ 229 PA AYE. S.E.—i ROOMS. BATH. h.-w.h.. electricity. ! 0 I! ST >F LARGE FRONT ROOM ee'-ond floor: kitchenette; near car line N. IV.—A UG V Ist —ONE ROOM. BATH, kitchenette, phone, janitor service. Call One. 3120-W _ . 31* A COOL attractive apartment in Georgetown; 6 r. and b.: 3 exposures and large screened porch; rent nominal for suitable party. Phone Potomac 818 after 5. 28* DOWNTOWN APT.—3 ROOMS BATH, porch, housekeeping: all front rooms SSO per month. 1700 loth st n.w. WARDMAN. „ Main 3530. 1430 K St. N.W 1448 GIRARD ST. N W.—l ROOM. DINING alcove, kitchen and bath, nicely furnished, SOO per mo. GEO. W. LINKINS, 1719 K st. FIRST FLOOR —LARGE LIVING ROOM, la-ge kitchen, bath, glassed-in sleeping porch. *024 111, ave. n.w. Col. 3392. 31* I ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH, com pletely furnished: outside: available Aug I. Inquire Apt. 208. Copley Courts. 1514 17th st. n.w. References. 31* THE ALBEMARLE 17th" AND T STS n.w. —Three desirable rooms and bath: permanent. Telenhone North 3570. 31 * LEAVING CITY. SUBLET UNUSUALLY beautiful 5-r.. h.k.. exclusive res. section; spacious: charming outlook: liest exposure: also beautifully situated 1-r . bath apt. at unfurnished rental. North 1833. 1272 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.— Front. 2, 3 rooms elec.: pas. janitor serv bug line: wais ce downtown. * 1338 FAIRSH'N'T S IT N W.—Nb ELY FUR nished apartments of 1. 2 or 3 rooms: clean, cool, newly decorated, electricity: reasonable; large front room on 4th floor. sl6: garage. MT. PLEASANT. 2518 17th N.W.—LIVING, breakfast. 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, porch; near cars. bus. school; all outside rooms. Adams 2DOO-W. _ _ _ _ • U2u 9th ST. N.W.- -3 ROOMS. KITCHEN ette and bath; completely furnished for housekeeping. 14th AND MADISON ST.—2 LARGE. OUT side rooms and kitchenette, bath and show er adjoining: completely furnished: new pri vate home: SSO mo. including gas and elec. Adams 5H22-W. 220 B st NT FLOOR. FACING park modern, private: complete for present day living: sleeping porch; new piano: beau tiful home: 4 to H girls. NEAR 16th AND COLUMBIA ROAD— Housekeeping apartment two rooms with kitchenette: small porch: electricity. 3033 Isth st. n.w _ THE ARGONNE. APT. 108—TWO ROOMS, handsomely furnished, kitchenette, bath and balcony: Summer rates. Tel. Col. 4630 1318 R. I. AVE N.W.—NICELY FUR nlshed 1 room, kitchenette and bath: sleep ing porch. 'nVO NICE. BRIGHT ROOMS. A.M.1.. screened porch; 1.h.k.: garage if desired; rea sonable. 1201 Quincy st n.w_ W BHV.AN'i N u —3-ROOM APT.. NICELY furnished: 1.h.k.: new sink in kitchen: elec.; half block from cars, TWO ROOMS KIT. AND BATH. INCLUD- Ing piano, vietrola. twin beds: $65. Near i6th and Newton n.w. Col 5631. 30* 640 MD. AVE. N.E.—3 ROOMS AND BATH, sleeping porch; price. $75 per month. JOS A. HERBERT & SONS. . 515 East Cap. St. or 1013 15th St. N.W. Near dupont circle—bedroom with use of living room and kitchen: unlimited phone: reasonable. Phone N. 3727 between R and 7 p.m. 29* ENTIRE FLOOR. THREE ROOMS. KITCIF en and bath; electricity and gas furnished: facing park, downtown: adults. 1342 Ver mont ave. ___ 3 • 1918 18th ST. N.W.. APT. 21—ONE ROOMi kit., and bath, to desirable tenants only. HNSON CO- 941 N Y. ave n.w L _ THE CALVEBTON. 1673 COL. RD—l room kitchen and bath, nieelv furnished. See Mrs. DOUGLASS. Col. 8806. TWO ROOM APT. WITH PRIVILEGE OF kitchen: ull modern conveniences. Tel. Franklin 8197. * BUNGALOW COOL. COMFORTABLE: 4 rooms and bath, a.m.i.: furnished: fireplace: two screened porches St. James. Glen Echo. Md. Phone Bethesda 205-F-4. 3* 5 ROOMS. LARGE RECEPTION HALL, bathroom, also lavatory; piano; till Nov. 1, $75 per month. 1842 California st. n.w. Apply to ASA L. GILBERT. Falkstone Courts. Phone Col. 442. 29* __ EXCELLENT MT. PLEASANT SECTION, west of 16th—Small housekeeping suites, porches; pre-war prices. 535 mo. Col. 8632-W. * _ ONE ROOM. KITCHENETTE AND BATH. 1415 Chapin st. n.w.: rent reasonable. Call after 6:30 pm., Apt. 54. 30 * TAKOMA —3 ROOM AND BATH K K. APT. porch-balcony: second floor large colonial h*Oise converted for apartments- heat, elec tricity. continuous hot water: delightful lo cation; beautiful trees, song birds: adults. Adams 589. __ 30* COMPLBTEI.V FURNt>HED ONK ROOM, kitchen and bath ant See janitor. 1416 B n.w 30* GIRL WANTED TO '-HARE APARTMENT. The Sherman. Apt. 106. 1101 15th st. n.w-. TWO LARGE FRi )NT (OM M U NIC ATING rooms, completely furnished for l.h.k . ¥4O. \ ft 52 T st. n.w * FOR RENT - 0\ ERLOOKING ROCK < REEK Park: living-dining room, bedroom, kitchen ette. tile bath: la.’ge. screened poreli. clean, $65 \ ms 3911. 29* 1106 E CAPITOL ST.. OVERLOOKING LIN coln Park —Three rooms and bath, house keeping. Call between 9 and 6 p.m. 31 •_ NICELY FURNISHED APARTMENT. REA sonable rent. Columbia rd between 16th and 17th. Call Adam- 2790. after 5 p.m. 29* MT. PLEAS ANT—HA NDSOMELY FURN- 3 rms.. reception hall, sleeping porch, pantry and bath two or three adults Adams 2588 I lams 3407 BE AI7TIFUL LY FURNISH E D APT. —TWO rooms. August 1 to Nov. mber 1: only $55 per month Apt. 33. 1665 Lamont st. n.w.. or call Main 36. 1268 col. Uli,—2 APTS.. SECOND. THIRD floors nicely furnished electricity, gas. Col 3 28* 1726 M ST N.W .—THE MONTANA —NICE” !y furnished living room, reception liall. kitchenette and bath apt. within wahung distance of downtown price. S6O. including gas and elec. ALSTON APARTMENTS. 17 21 21st ST n.w., around the corner from Connecticut ave. cars—Delightfully arranged, attractive ly furnished, very comfortable, modern con veniences. **hon e location. 'ingle room, dressing alcove, hath... $43 :t rooms, hall. bath, housekeeping, 75 4 rooms, hall. bath, housekeeping 110 Apply on premises. MADDUX, MARSHALL. MOSS A MALLORY. INC . 1108 16th St. N.W. Main 9970. IN THE TENNYSON. 1318 22nd st ; four rooms, bath and large porch. Rent, $65. ARNOLD AND C(>MPANY, 1416 EYE ST. MAIN 2434. 1020 R ST.'W\Y. ~ l r.. rw--. hail, k ami b.. all outbid* rooms: Beautifully anti coonpleteb furnished, m« iu«l insr silver, linens and maid *»**rvb***: available A.uir. 1: slls mo. to desirable party on lease only. See resident manager or phone '■‘"t 1900 30* :HE H<) rEL MARTINIQUE Sixteenth Street at M. Main 6424 l"i rep root —European Plan Low monthly rates. Excellent table (Thote meals. NEAR DUP< )NT CIR( LET * Four-room and bath modern apartment Franklin 5571 HOPKINS & HOP KINS, 220 Bond Bldg. MERIDIAN HILL STUDI< >S. 2633 15th nt.. near Euclid: renter diplo matic se<tion: attractive, unusual duplex apts- 4 to <; " H< )TEL BRIGHTON. Just north of Dupont Circle, exclusive modern hotel, uptown; fireproof throughout: highest grade accommodation* and service. Extra large, bright room*, coolest in Wash ington; 200-ft. elevation: summer rates now in effect. Special rate* for tour ing parties. Unlimited free parking. 2123- 31 Pallfornia st. n.w. or phone North 3406. VISITORS TO~ WASHINGTON! Get hotel accommodations at less than ! half once in some of the finest apt. bldgs.; elevator, switchboard: housekeeping apis.: • completely furnished. Ciifton Terrace. 14th and Clifton sts., 2 rooms and bath. $57.50; 4 rooms and bath. SIOO. Phone Col. 7744. Akgyle—Finest corner bldg.: Mount Pleas ant: 4 rooms. SB6. Phone Adams 7589-J: 2X38 California st. —Exclusive, fashionable location. 1 rm.. bath. <4O: 3 rooms. $65; 4, rooms. $75. Plaza. 22nd st. and Pennsyl vania avenue, overlooking park; 3 rooms. $57.50. Will pay you to see these before For further details phone APARTMENT?, ETC. MUTT AND JEFF—This Musical Comedy Doesn’t Look at All Promising. (Coprlf L l9 LVu H , Tr ‘ de BY BUD FISHER TToOKTT I GOT TUUO \ l „ 2T~r~7'i *lTi cove A SNAPP'f IRos-S u*HAT Afi-fe \i UJKY TWOS 6 1 teijgSl 11 f vxJg»U- SHooT SOAAg \ PAsses FOR The Mew ) H V-.. a SHovw full of p»€Tall'*mos€ trunks }we chorus J Pool. tt>n»ght v mJloil comTov ' wAL '‘ PAS I G.RVV TKsMfc w eft gy G.ffvV , ams essioy f p, . AT TM . ,/y HnT \ THC VHeATRs AMb j SCANTY 777 L THC WAS* SoO*y i C LOTH. i. A V, ooeseuvgs'. J t 3& ' amaaaiaaagasa&aaaw —— _ APARTMENTS—FUR. (Otnfd). BENEDICK. For Bachelors. 1808 Eye Street. 2 ROOMS AND BA’rH. SINGLE ROOM 3. VALET SERVICE. SHIMMING POOL. MEAL SERVICE TO ROOMS. CLUB SERVICE Summer Rates to Parties Without Children. 16th ST. MANSIONS. Finest apartments, located in the beat sec tion of the city. Two. three and four-room suites, with screened-in porcheß. The cool est and most comfortable place in the Sum mer. Excellent Dining Room. Complete Hotel Service. 16th ST. MANSIONS, 16th at R St. N.W. Phone Mgr., North 10000. APARTMENTS—FUR. & UNFUR. WOODRIDGE. 1802 KEARNEY—2 ROOMS, kitchenette, private bath: clean and at tractive. second floor; wanted 2 adults. Phone North 8743. FRONT AND OUTSIDE APTS. REMODELED like new; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, largo kitchen, private bath, laundry, porches, yard, continu ous hot water: janitor: $42 to $55. In quire 4324 Georgia ave. n.w. 1714 CORCORAN ST. N.W.—lst. 2nd. 3rd floor apts.: garage: strictly white block. Phone Pot .1461. J3 1 * APARTMENT ON SECOND FLOOR. Fl’R nished: gas. electric lights; heat; hot and cold water: on two car lines: near Columbia road. 2469 18th et n.w.. 3 rooms and bath. 1620 R ST. N.W. A few desirable housekeeping and non housekeeping apts.. fur. or unfur. Special rates on subrentals until Oct. 1. Now mak ing reservations for Fall lease. See resi dent manager or phone Pot. 1900. 30* STONELEIGH COURT, Conn. Ave. A L St. ANNOUNCEMENT is ma<lp of special rates, now in effect, for the term or by the month to September 30. for desirable housekeeping and non-house keeping: apartments, furnished and unfur nished. SPECIALLY OFFERING - rm. and bath. 3-rm. and bath. $125: 6-rm. and bath. $l5O 8-rm and bath. $175 per month. Also, for subrental. several desirable *P* r tmqnts. furnished or unfurnished. APARTMENTS—UX FURN ISH ED. 932 14th ST. N.W.—2-ROOM AND BATH apartment, suitable l.h.k. S4O mo. Phone Main 620. CRESCENT. 1656 CRESCENT PL. N.W.— Delightfully cool corner apt., 2 rooms. kitchen, dining alcove, bath, $52.50, Janitor. 1468 GIRARD ST. N.W . Perkins—3 ROOMS and bath: a.m.i.: fireproof building. WM. P. NORMOYLE. 810 F et. n.w, 624 E ST. N.W.—6-ROOM AND BATH Apt. WM. P. NORMOYLE. 810 F st n.w. 1841 MONROE ST. N w 7—3 ROOMS. PRl vate bath, sink and gas stove: reasonable. Adams 4927. 31 * THE BUCHANAN APTS.. COR. X3th AND Buchanan sts.. 2 rooms, outside porch: kitchen and bath: vacant. Adams 1891, 3126 16th ST. N.W.. APT. 2 (FRONT); “2 rooms, kitchen and bath; rent. $55 Apply janitor or John Quinn Co.. Inc. 704 13th n w. Main 435. 930 14th ST. N.W.—6-BOOM AND BATH apartment: bright, large, cool rooms, a.m.i.- S6O per mo. Phone Main 620. JUST OFF 16th ST.—THE CARLO. 1475 Spring pi. n.w.—B attractive rooms bath. large closets, $65. Under lease. 12* 1215 13th N.W.—5 ROOMS AND BATH: a.m.i.: newly decorated: $55 month. J. HIGH. 1215 13th. 2* 2151 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. Lease now for Fall and save money. Two well appointed five-room and bath apart ments now available in high-class fireproof building at reduced rents under subtenancy. Present tenants leaving Washington. Owner will thoroughly repaint and redecorate to suit tenant. Apply premises or WM. K HARTUNG & CO . 1108 lflth St. N.W. Main 8277 1 ROOM. KITCHENETTE AND BATH 1030 K st. n.w.. $37.50 to SSO. Agent. 1745 K st, n.w. 2 LARGE ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND bath for lease: present occupant buving home. 312 South Clifton Terrace. Col. 7<44. 2413 PA. AVE. N.W.—THREE ROOMS, kitchenette, bath. elec., gas: rent $45.50 hot-water heat furnished. 29* 1810 INGLESIDE TERRACE—4 ROOMS, back. S6O. 3rd floor, facing Rock Creek Park, newly decorated, modern. Adams 2196- i THE CLIFTON. 1323 CLIFTON ST. N.W.— 4 rooms, reception hall, pantry sud bath. 314 Bth st. n.w. ROGER B. SMITH 30* 815 N. CAPITOL—4 ROOMS. KITCHEN ette and bath, and large back porch: h.-w.h.. elec, light, newly papered and painted: very eozily arranged: rent. SSO month. Apply 831 N. Capitol MODERN APARTMENT OF 2 ROOMS, kitchenette, private bath and garage in quire 900 Emerson st. n.w. Col. 1620-W •;-R<" >M APT.: S3O: LARGE. ~ FRONT walking distance. 2401 Pa. ave. n.w. In quire Apt. 1. THE DamXrISCOTTA. 918 18th ST. N.W.. now operated as apartment hotel, with rooms with and without kitchenettes; S2O up. THREE OUTSIDE ROOMS AND BATH IN first-class apartment house, $65 per month. See janitor, the Van Cortlandt. 1417 Bel mont st. n.w. ALLAN E WALKER 4 CO.. INC.. AGTS.. sl3 15th St. N.W, Main 2690. OCTAVIA. 1089 COL. RD. N.W. 2 rms.. kitchen, b.: recep. hall; pantry; SSO. 8 rms. kitchen, b. recep. hall: pantry; S6O. Apply to operator. Col. 516. 2408 14th ST. N.W.—Five rooms and bath; very reasonable. 1405 Eye at. n.w.—One large, airy room and bath: reduced rental. 1400 Md. ave. n.e.—Family apartments. Two six-room and bath apts. Good propo sition to right parties. GOLDSMITH & COMPANY. Goldsmith Building. Eye St. Near 14th. Main 9670. KALORAMA TERRACE—irROOMS AND 8.. S4O up. Apply Kalorama rd. and Champlain ave. or tel, manager. Col. 2441. * FIVE LARGE. BRIGHT; CLEAN ROOMS, bath, porch: newly decorated: south front: apt house: to adults; excellent location; $80.50. Se» janitor, 1601 Park rd. n.w. • PETWORTH GARDENS APTS. 133 WEB ster st. n.w.; newly papered and redecorated. Please sek janitor on the premises. THE BRADFORD —1800 K~ST. N.W 1, 2 ami 4 room apts., with kitchenettes. TlfE DAMARISCOTTA —918 18th ST. N.W. 5 and 6 room apts., $75 and SBS: outside. THE SHERIDAN—I 623 22nd ST N.W. 4 room apartment; sssjper month. 1625 lflth ST. N.W Apts 1. 2. 6 and 7 room (2 baths) apt*. THE PEBBLETON—I747 CHURCH ST N W. 5 room, apt.: south porch, S6O. 1322 12tli ST. N.W 3-room apt.. $52.50. 17 Hth "«T.—6 ROOMS AND HATH rear porch. $75; newly decorated. Story & Co.. 812 17th st. Franklin 4100. 1315 11th N.w.—SECOND FLOOR. LIVING room, bedroom, dining room, kitchenette. bath: janitor service: SSO. THREE LARGE. PLEASANT OUTSIDE rooms, kitchenette and bath: very desirable: reasonable. 2917 13th st tvwc 1821 lflth N.W—ONE ROOM. KITCHEN ette. balh: Ist-floor front, corner: south and west exposure, fireplace: garage North 8931. NEW BUILDING. 2610-12 2nd ST. N.W.— Higli-class partly furnished. 2. 3. 5 rooms. bath, kitchen, porches; cheap. 1311 Uth ST. N.W.. 2nd FLOOR. 3 ROO'MS. private bath, range, sink, h.-w.h.. $47.50. including electricity. North 1559-. T. 3<)» BEAUTIFUL 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN AND bath, liot-water heat, electric lights, a mi. OWNER. Main 8646. 1923 Pa. ave. n.w. • i :26 F ST. N.E—4 ROOMS. BATH. ELEC tricity, newly redecorated: only S4O COURT BUCHANAN, Investment Bldg. Main 414 CALUMET. 300 EAST CAPITOL—PER fectIy delightful 4-room, bath apt.: all out side roqms: newly decorated: $55. Adams 5541. 3* 1726 20th N.W.—SELECT LOCATION, near Dupont Circle. 3 rooms, tiled bath. $55 including gas and electricity. •_ ONE ROOM" AND BATH. DOWNTOWN apt. house. Franklin 424 COZY CORNER APT.. 803 D ST. N.E.—5 rooms and bath with all improvements: free heat: reasonable rental. Apply on premises or Pot. 4444-W. 1808 NEWTON ST. N.W.—SECOND FLOOR, three bright, outside rooms and bath: elec tric.. gas. telephone and garage: reasonable. 29* THE VALOIS. 1330 MASS. AVE.—3 rooms, kitchenette and bath: SSO: 3 rooms, kitchenette Jk bath: $55. FRANK A. O'NEIL. 1332 WU. ave. THE EVENTN T <3 STAR, WASHINGTON, Pi ts., TUESDAY, TUIJY 28, 1925. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) __ 206 6th ST. N.E. —3 ROOMS AND BATH: SSO. DAVTS A STEELE. 1420 New York ave. Maln 2327. ‘ 2nd AND 3rd FL. APTS.: GAS. ELEC HOT and cold water: on two car lines. 2409 18th st.. near Columbia rd. ______ A VERY CLEAN. NEAT APT.: TWO rooms, including modern kitchen and dining snare, bath, elec and gas included in rent of $35; janitor service, 732 21st et. n.w. 9 H ST. N.W. 4 Rooms. Balh: A.M.1.: $46. GARMAN BROS.. Line. 9400. WOODRIDGE—SIX LARGE ROOMS. A M L. 2nd floor, entirely separate: detached house: delightfully located, single or double garage. 31 Ofl S. Dakota ave. n.e. Phone N. 5633. 3427 13th ST. N.W.. NR. PARK RD.— Recep. hall, living room. 2 bedrooms, bath, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry, porch. 105 oth SU S.eT" 2 rooms and bath, porch. See janitor. 30* FOR COLORED. 2nd and Florida ave. n.w —Desirable loca<- tion and building: two attractive apartments vacant: No. 5. rent. $55; No. 8. rent. SBO. JESSE L. HEISKELL. 1115 Eye St. N.W, Main 668. 2 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE: SMALL, cheerful apartment; present tenant will var cate August 16th: rental. $55: call after 0 p.m. Apt. 3, 3126 16th st. n.w. * WOODRIDGE—I92O KEARNEY ST. N.E.— Entire second floor: two large: four small roome: private bath; garage. If desired. 29* 2222 QUE ST. N.W.. APT 23—3 ROOMS, kitchenette and bath, available immediately. SBS per month. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 2138 P ST. 4 rooms and bath: first floor. Apply 2038 Pst. 29* 14th * GIRARD STS. N.W., THE SAVOY — Four rooms, kitchen and bath, in excellent condition: $75 per month. 2fcb* _ 1884 COLUMBIA RD.—4 ROOMS. REC. hall & bath: Ist floor: immediate possession; rent. SBO. A. McNEIL A CO.. INC., Insurance Bldg. Main 5644. 1884 COLUMBIA RD.—2nd FLOOR FRONT 5 rooms, rec. hail & bath: rent, SIOO. A McNEIL A CO.. INC . Insurance Bldg, Main 6644. WOODRIDGE—3 TO 6 ROOMS. BATH AND ?orch: private entrances: ami.: one block rom car. Call North 7089 30* COOL OUTSIDE ROOMS. AMONG SHADE trees: entire second floor consisting of 2 rooms and a fully equipped kitchen, porch and private bath, space for auto; one block to cars: possession August 1: all modern conveniences. $45 a month: gas and elec, on separate meter: inspection any time on prem ises 3014 33rd et.. Mt. Rainier. Md. Phone FRANK M. COWARD. North 1653 for full particulars and appointment 2120 G Sf; N.W'.. No. 201—3 ROOMS aVd bath: S4O: vacant Aug. Ist. Apply be fore p.m. 29* 900 19th ST. N.W.. APT. 210—AIRY. ONE room, kitchenette, bath, sleeping porch; fur nished for two; will sublet for month or more at unfurnished rates. 29* 441 NEWTON PL. NEAR PARK VIEW School—2-room, kitchenette and bath apart ment: S4O; all improvements. 3* BROOKLAND— 1037 EVARTS ST. EN tire second floor: 4 rooms large porch: am i : S4O mo.; adults. Potomac 2219. 30* MOVE IN NOW AS OF AUG. 15—NEW. modern apt. house near Govt Printing Office and Post Office and all car lines 2 and 3 room apts.. Murphy beds. s*mi-fur . Pullman diner atatlonary dresser with mirror $47 50 and $57.50 per mo. Inspect and get in touch with owner. Phone Adams 7378 before 12 o'clock m. 31 * KEDRICK. 18th AND K —II OUTSIDE windows. 3 large front rooms, reception hall, kitchen and bath, 3 extra large closets immediate possession. Inquire No, 202. 30* 1018 EYE ST. S.E.—3 ROOMS. BATH, electricity, gas: will repair: vacant. Room 311, 710 14th st. n.w. Main 7877, 30* 2215 14th ST. N.W The Princeton: 6 rooms, bath, large porch; newly decorated: SBO. See janitor. 31* 2434 PA. AVE. N.W.—DESIRABLE APT., containing 3 large roome, reception hall, bath and glas6ed-m porch: rent very reason able; open 1723 Eye st. n.w.—Apt. on the 4th floor front. 3 large rooms and bath: elevator, gas. elec., heat. h.w. and janitor service. WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS, 1432 K St. N.W. Main 4000. 2211 N ST. N.W. (2-FAMILY FLAT)—S rooms, bath, electricity, porch. $52.50. 926 L st. n.w.. NO. 4 THE DE FRAN CIS—S rooms, bath, electricity. S6O. GARDINER 4 DENT. INC.. Maln 4K84 1409 L St. N.W. THREE LARGE ROOMS AND PRIVATE bath; a.m.i. (downtown): front or back apt. Apply 207 H Bt. n.w.. Apt. 2. 28* 4822 Bth ST. N.W".—3 LARGE ROOMS, kitchen and bath: all modern im provements; two blocks from street car Adams 3188-W. 28* 1314 21st N.W—6 ROOMS. BATH AND large screened sleeping porch. 907 New 1 York ave., 3 rooms ana bath. King jr. 907 New York ave. n.w Main 8179. i* FOR COLORED—I7OO 2nd ST. N.W.. 3 4 rooms; h.-w.h., electricity: janitor; rent. $57.50 and $55. On 3-4 rooms and bath: rent. $65 and SSO per month. D. Blum & Sou. 920 New York ave. n.w.. Main 3031. 1732 16th ST N.W.—TWO ROOMS. KlT chen and bath; furnished or unfurnished: in private home: newly decorated. 28* 3801 MACOMB St7~N.W.—3~'ROOMST KIT Chen. bath, front and rear porches; detached building, large yard, a mi , hot-water heat; se.ond floor apartment. $75; third floor apartment. S7O; no children. Apply to owner. Apartment No. 1. 28* 824 D ST. S.E.—2 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE private bath. ■ 28• 1213 10th ST. N.W.—FRONT APART - - nient. 4 room* bath: modern fireproof building: reasonable. 28* 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W.—THE BALTL more, one-half block from 18th and Colum bia rd 3 large room* and bath. s6s' 4 large rooms and bath. $67.60. Both apart ments newly decorated throughout. 621 U, PARK RD.—5 RMS.. BATH. ELEC., n fine shape; rent reduced to desirable tenant. 501 Park rd. 29* | CONN. AVE. CORNER. 1800 BLOCK. 2nd | floor—Four delightful, larre. outside rooms. ; tile bath: kitchen has two large windows; i open fireplaces, handsome electric fixtures, i oak floors: four exposures: cool, comfort- I able newly decorated, delightful home for people of refinement: $95 on lease. Adams 0541. 30* PRINCE KARL. 1901 K ST,—FIVF. ROOMS! and >' ath - SBS. UNION REALTY CORPN, 410-411 Evane Bldg. Main 8416. 1914 G ST N.W.—TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN and bath apartment, electricity and gas in cluded UNION REALTY COftP’N. 410-411 Evans Bldg. Main 8415. _ 1020 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—Comfort! Four looms and batli. porch, janitor service' rent SSO per month: with garage, SSB. Armly Apt. 2. 28* 1709 EUCLID ST N.W.—O ROOMS SE(> ond floor, large norch. 1022 PARK ROAD NEAR TTVOLI: THREE extra large, outside rooms, private bath, screened sleeping porch, with awnings; con tinuous hot water, gas. electricity; furnished: si’A 28* 1301 C ST. P.W.—5 ROOMS AND BATH; newly decorated: janitor service: a.m.i.: near Bureau of Engraving: $46. Apply WASH INGTON REALTY EXCHANGE. 511 E n.w. Mam 3281. 1430 OGDEN ST. N.W. Attractive two-room, kitchen and bath apartments in a new building near the up town business renter of 14th and Park road. This apartment will be delightfully cool thia Summer, as it faces a 10-acre estate, with trees and grass. Price, $52.50. THE MUNSEY TRUST COMPANY. Real Estate Dept.. Rental Agents. THE NEBRASKA. 51 RANDOLPH BT. N.W. (bei. R and S. N. Cap. and Ist) —6 rms., bath and pantry, $60.60: 0 rms.. bath and pantry. $66.50: in good condition. WARDMAN, Main 3830, 1430 K Bt, N.W. THE NEW' BERNE. 12th AND MASS. AVE. n.w. 5 rooms and bath. WARDMAN. Main 3830, 1430 K Bt. N.W 194!) BILTMORE ST. N.W.—3 LARGE. DK lightful rooms, bath, large back porch. 5 closets, entire floor; continuous hot water private home: price, $65, Adams 3263. * FOR COLORED. NEW BUILDING. 654 MORTON ST. N.W. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. JANITOR SERVICE. Apply H. R. Smith & Son. _ 408 Jenifer Bldg. Main 8729. NEW. MODERN. FIREPROOF BUILDING—I 3 and 4 large, airy and sunny rooms, porches; 24-hour elevator service: rents rea sonable. Inspection invited. 1724 17th st n.w. HARRY A. KITE. INC. Main 4846. 1514 jTaA APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. ~ 2600 MASSACHUSETTS AVE* 10 room*. 4 baths and garage $300.00 _ 1302 18th ST. N.W. 7 rooms and 3 baths *260 00 _ 2301 CONNECTICUT AVE. 1 room and bath $40.00 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath., 60.00 THE AMBASSADOR. 1760 18th ST 1 room and bath $37.50 to $42.60 3 rooms, hath and porch 77.60 THE RICARDO. 3835 16th ST. 2 rooms and bath, .....$50.00 to $60.00 „ THE RAVENSWOOf). 1486 COD. KD. 2 rooms and bath $47.5«> to $50.00 3 rooms and bath 60 00 to 80.00 2800 CONNECTICUT AVE. 4 rooms. recep. room and bath $82.50 THE IROQUOIS. 1410 M ST 6 rooms and bath $85.00 to SIOO.OO _ 1205 16th ST. 3 rooms and bath $66.00 4 rooms and bath. ..... *82.60 to 88.00 THE IRIS. 1420 ST * b4th and porch SOO.OO to $70.00 THE DAMONT. 1627 LAMONT ST. 5 rooms and bath $70.00 to $75.00 THE OBSERVATORY. 2630 WIS. AVE. 3 rooms and bath $46.00 4 rooms and bath 62 60 6 rooms and bath 66.00 PRINCE GEORGE. 1813 36th ST o rooms, bath and porch. $90.00 to $85.00 , 1600 21st ST 5 rooms and bath SBO.OO to $85.00 468 K ST.. APT. 3. 8 rooms and bath $45.00 „ 1525 M ST. 2 rm*. kitchenette A bath. .$56.00 to $60.00 910 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. 3 An.'J ba«h ... .$45 00 to $50.00 THE WISCONSIN. SllO WIS. AVE. 3 rooms and hath $55.00 to $57 60 3 nos- bath A incl. porch. 07.50 to 76 00 THE AVALON. 2627 ADAMS MILD RD. 5 rooms and bath 572 50 FLORENCE CT. WEST. 2205 CALIF. ST. 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath SSO 00 „ 3800 14th ST. N.W. 3 rooms, bath and porch SOS 00 4 rooms, bath and porch.. $77 50 to 82.50 6 rooms. 2 baths and porch 125.00 „ 828 18th- ST 2 rooms and bath $75 00 2 rooms, kitchenette end bath. 85 00 „ 2108 N ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath . $55 00 4 rooms and bath $67.60 to 70 00 THE CLEVELAND. 3039 MACOMB ST. 4 rooms and bath $65.00 to $75 00 THE CHESTERFIELD. „ 3141 MT. PLEASANT ST. 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath ... $39 00 6 room*, bath and porch 70 00 1016 16th ST N.W 4 rooms and bath 5100.00 to $lO5 00 4 rooms, dress, nn. and bath 130 00 5 rooms, dress, rm. and bath 102.50 H. L. RUST COMPANY, 912 16th St. N.W. Main 8888 7 ROOMS AND BATH. $65.00 per month, over store on 14 th st: ideal for subletting. Phone M. 3853. Adams 2851 b • ONE OF THESE SHOULD • SUIT YOU. All are in first class. modern buildings Each apartment is in excellent repair _ 2530 6 ST. N.W. On the new bus line. Fifteen minutes to business dtstnct. Apts. Nos. 7. 21. 27. 35. •17 Each consists of three rooms, kitchen and bath and breakfast room. 3026 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W Overlooking the grounds of the National Cathedral. Apts Nos. 1. 2 and 21. Located on the first and second floor front Each i-ontalns three rooms, kitchen and bath A white enameled kitchen cabinet is furnished with each apt. 3224 WISCONSIN AVE. N W Near Woodley Rd. Bus Line Apt. No. 4 has two rooms, kitchen and bath Apt. No. 22 has two rooms, kitchen, bath •nd reception room. Apt. 26 has two rooms, kitchen, bath and reception room. Apt. 23 has one room, kitchen and bath. 3032 0 StTn.W. In Upper Georgetown. Convenient to bus and car line. Apt. 21. second floor front—Three rooms, kitchen and bath. Apt. 22. second floor rear—Three rooms, kitchen and bath and large screened-in sleep ing porch. THE EARLINGTON. 3033 16th St.. Near 16th and Col. Rd Apt. 212. on second floor has four large rooms, kitchen and bath. Apt. 412. on fourth floor of same size. Rents. $75 and $72.50. respectively. ALL APARTMENTS LISTED ABOVE ARE AVAILABLE NOW OPEN AND .LIGHTED UNTIL 10 PM RENTS ARE REASONABLE. MANY REDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. QUINTER, THOMAS & CO., REAL ESTATE FINANCING. BEVERLEY COURT, 1736 Columbia Rd. Very desirable apartment of two rooms, kitchen and bath in flrst-elass apartment building with 24-hour telephone bcrvice. Rental 550 per month. H. L. RUST COMPANY, 012 15th St. N.W Main 6888. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. 439 N. J. ave. s.e.: No. 2: 6-r.. b.. h.-w.h.. elec $50.00 602 2nd st. s.e.: 6-r., b.. h.-w.h.. elec $60.00 1001 N. C. ave. s.e.: 3-r., b $45.00 242 12th st. s.e.. 6-r.. b.. h ah $40.00 121 16th st s.e.: No. 1: 6-r.. b.. h.-w.h.. elec $37.60 123 15th st. n.e.: 4-r., b.. lat. h $37.50 1101 7th st. s.e.; No. 3: 6-r.. b., h.-w.h $35.00 107 16th st. n.e.: 4-r.. b $35.00 453 H st. nw.; 4-r.. b $32.50 410 G st. s.e.: No. 2: 4-r., b., lat. h. .$27.50 HEATED— -320 Pa. ave. s.e.: 5-r.. b . h-w.h.. e1e0..550.00 603 B st. s.e.: No. 2: 3-r.. b $40.00 128 D st. s.e.; No. 3: 3-r.. b $36.00 308 East Cap. st.; No. 3 (furnished): 5-r.. b„ h.-w.h.. elec $75 00 THE AVALON, 2627 Adams Mill Road. Very attractive apartment of 5 rooms and bath in Mt. Pleasant residential section. Rental. $72.50 per month. H. L. RUST COMPANY, 912 15th St. N.W. Main 6888 THE LOWEST RENTS IN WASHINGTON. 3541 lltli N.W.. NEW BUILDING—-JUST COMPLETED 2 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND BATH. .542.50 3 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND BATH. . 49.50 NEAR WAR DM AN PARK. 2831 28th N.W 3 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND BATH..SSS 00 4 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND BATH.. 75.00 930 EMERSON ST. 3 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH $49 50 EXCELLENT JANITOR SERVICE. THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO COMPANY. 919 16th ST. FRANKLIN 1140 POTOMAC PARK. 21st and C Sts N.W An ideal place for discriminating people to live: rooms unusually large: equipment the best: service unexcelled. 3 rooms and bath $70.00-$76.00 2 rooms, breakfast room and bath. . 67.50 1 room and bath 45.00 Resident manager on premises. W. H. WEST CO. 916 15th St. Main 9900. THE CLIFFBOURNE (1865 CALVERT 3T.) (Fireproof, elevator, switchboard.) No. 3—5 rooms and bath $62.50 No. 31—5 rooms ana bath $76.00 THE TULANE (2109 18th St. N.W.) No. 31—5 rooms and bath $65.00 THE ST. PAUL (1822 15th St.) No. 12—3 rooms and bath .$45.75 THE LEUMASS (1201 Q St. N.W.) No. 305—5 rooms and bath $60.00 THE ESSEX (1422 N ST.) (New electric fixtures throughout.) No. 2—5 rooms and bath $55.75 THE DE SOTO (1300 Mass. Ave. N.W.) No. 3—3 rooms and bath $46.75 No. 22—5 rooms and bath $77.60 CHAS. E. TRIBBY. 819 Diet. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Pay Ph. M. 4778. Night Ph. Col. 6670. THE COLORADO, I4th & Longfellow Sts. N.W. Apt. 307—2 rooms, kitchen, reception hall and bath. S6O Apt. 206—3 rooms, kitchen and bath, $76. Corner apt., front: fresh air: modern. L. E. BREUNINGER it SONS^ Main 6140 706 Colorado A DESIRABLE APARTMENT OF 4 R. * ff. at 414 Warner st. n.w., 2nd floor. Rent. S3O. WM. T. BALLARD. 719 6th ST. N.W. 9 rma.. k. and h.AJII. Apply Janitor. 30* APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. 1301 MASS. AVE. A few attractive apartments in this down town building. 8 rooms, bath and porch 570.00-582.50 2 rooms, bath and porch 56.00- 62.60 Resident Manager on premises. W. H. WEST CO. 916 15th St. Main 9900 808 10th ST Three rooms, bath. $45 and $55: beauti fully furnished. sls additional: extra large sunny room* MONMOUTH HOTEL 1819 G ST Three rooms and bath. Price. S6O fur nished. S9O. We have fine furniture which you oaD select. All-night telephone and elevator service. High class tenants only 908 20th ST. Three rooms, bath, porch price. S4O: ts famished. 955: freshly decorated: desirable tenants only. FIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY. 1818 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—6__ rooms and bath $76.00 2000 H st n.w.—6 rooms and bath. . 60.00 2000 H st. n.w.—4 rooms and bath. . 60.00 121 13lh st. n.e -—6 rooms and bath. 55.00 Non-heated. 716 L st. s.e.— (Individual hot-water heater). 6 rooms and bath 45.00 3917 7th st. nw —5 rooms and bath. 35.00 ARTHUR CARR. 206 Mtlle Bldg. Main 2865, 1869 MINTWOOD PLACE. 8 large rooms. 2 baths, sleeping porch: also 5 rooms and bath, sleeping porch, com pletely furnished 31 * BEAT THE RENTAL GAME! Do as hundreds of others have done. Free yourself of rental worries and troubles by buying your own apartment on the highly euccessful Walker plan of co-operative own ership. You can own your own apartment for less than it costs to rent. CAVANAUGH COURTS, 1524 17th Street N.W. Two room** and bath. $2,860. Cash pay ment and only $33 62 per month. Three roomp and batn. $4,950. Caah payment and ,$59.00 per month RUTLAND COURTS, 1725 17th St. N.W. Two rooms and bath. $3,600: cash pay ment and only $40.20 per month Three rooms and bath. $5,100: cash payment and $63 00 per month. AVONDALE. 1734 P Street N.W. Four rooms and bath. $0,350: cash pay ment and $03.09 per month. We also have a few five, six and sev en room apartments available on similar terms. The monthly payment includes proportionate share of upkeep and oper ating expenses, the balance applying on principal. Evening Phone Service Daily Until 8:30. Allan E. Wal.ker & Co., Inc., 813 15th St. N.W. Main 2690. PENT ILLY, 1812 K N.W. Apts., rent reasonable: continuous switch board and elevator serv : resident manager. FREMIER. 718 18th ST. N.W. Two—2 rms. and b.. kitchenette: 1 r. and b. ROCKINGHAM. 1317 R. I. AVE. One, 4 rms. and b.. S7O: one. 5 ran, b.. S9O. MELROSE. 1343 CLIFTON ST. N.W. One. 3 rms., and b.. S6O: one. 5 rms . b.. $75. BRUNSWICK. 1332 I ST. N.W. One. 0 rms. and b.. $lO5. 1246 9th st. n.w.—3 rms . b.. mod ern: SSO 431 10th st n.w.—4 rms , b. EDWARD P SCHWAhTZ. INC. 1349 KENYON ST. N.W. One and two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove, bath and porch, in new, fireproof building. Apply to janitor. 28* GET OUR APARTMENT FOR RENT LIST. B. F. SAUL CO.. 925 15th St. N.W. Main 2100. THE FILLMORE. NEAR 22nd AND PA. ave. n.w.—s large rooms, bath, newly pa pered. painted. DINOWITZ REALTY CO.. 736 11th St. N.W. Main 1761. THE YORK. GA AVE. AND N. H AVE. Attractive apartment of 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: excellent condition. Rent very reasonable. T. F. SCHNEIDER. JR.. * CO- Main 9688. BIG REDUCTION IN RENTS. Apartment 1210 12th n.w.—These one room. kitchen and bath apartments are ideal. Kitchens furnished, all windows screened ana awnings. Murphy l>eds. newly painted and papered. Take advantage of this cut on rent. Only a few to be had. Act quickly. Resident manager. Apt. 24 1745 K St. N.W. 1 room, kitchenette and bath. T,^¥ _ MARQUI'S,“ Near Conn. Ave. Bridge. _ 2to 5 rms., kit., bath. Pot. 270. 26* 1627 16th ST. N.W., APT. 31— Unusually nice apartment, five rooms, kitchen, bath. French win dows, facing 16th st.; available August 1. and renewable to de sirable tenant for year, Oct. 1. SIOO per month. No small chil dren. North 4034. 28* 933 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—3 RMS., KIT.. 8.. modern : SSO. 400 East Capitol st—s rms.. b. 1309 Col. rd.—3 rms., b.. $45. 717 11th at.—2 flats. 4 rms., b.. $55 and SOO. 1314C| Oth st n.w.—3 rms., b. elec., heat, $40.50. 1026 14th st. n.w.—3 rms . b., heat. $35. 3335 M st. n.w.—6 rms.. b„ $36. 202 D st. n.w.—3 rms., $lO. 103 H st. n.w.— 7r. and b., 2nd and 3rd fle EDWARD P SCHWARTZ. INC. DOWNTOWN—S4O.6O. 1764 S STREET N.W. Surprisingly large. light apart ment. near Connecticut avenue and Dupont Circle. Large room, excep tional kitchen. hall and ample closets. WALK TO THE OFFICE 1737 P STREET N.W. Live where you may enjoy Dupont Circle Park as your lawn. Easy walking distance of downtown con venient to Modern building, good service. Four rooms, bath, screened porch—s7o. Three rooms, bath—s 66. A BIG VALUE 3513 13th STREET N.W. New huildinr near 14th and Park road. Everything to attract: con venient to market, churches, the aters. stores, cars, busses. Three rooms, tiled bath with built-in fix tures: sitting balcony; hardwood floors: tinted walls; plenty of closets. Rent. $62.60. ARNOLD AND COMPANY, 1410 EYE ST. MAIN 2434. 1331 D ST. S.E. Three 6-room and bath apart ments; modern improvements; rents, $47.50, SSO and $52.50 per month. Ready for occupancy. HARRY A. KITE, INC., Main 4846. 1514 K St. N.W. THE CUMBERLAND, 14th ST. AT THOMAS CIRCLE. Two rooms and bath $40.00 Two rooms and bath • 50 00 Five rooms and bath 90 00 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Swartzell, Rheem & Hensey Co ro lfitb st/js.w. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS AT RANDALL MANSIONS. 1900 LAMONT STREET N.W. . MODERATE RENTALS. , , , Idr&l Summer apartments overlooking: beautiful Rock Creek Park, within easy ac cess of stores and with excellent transporta tion service. All modem conveniences. Ap ply resident manager or THE MUNSEY TRUST COMPANY. Bead Estate Dept Main 8080. DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS. HOTEL ANNAPOLIS, Fronting on H, 11th and 12th Sts. N.W. Delightful unfurnished apartments of one and two rooms, kitchen and bath are now renting in this mam moth new 11-story building for from $47.60 to $76 a month. Wonder fully located, within one square of the main shopping and business dis trict. Convenient to cars and busses. All outside rooms. Excellent serv ice and many modem conveniences. INSPECTIONINVITED, Main 9220. Under Wardman Management. 900 19th St. Modem elevator building, complete service. 1 rm.. kit. and bath $45. and S4B 1858 California St. 2 rms.. kit. bath and porch $57.50 5 rms.. rec. hall and bath 85.00 2807 Conn. Ave. 1 rm., rec. hall. din. ale., kit. 4 bath S6O 2 rms . rec. hall. din. ale., kit. & bath. . 83 1810 California St. 1 rm.. kit and bath ..S4O 1372 Randolph St. The Randolph. 2 rms . kit. and bath. . .880.00 and $62.50 2109 F St. 1 rm.. dm. aJc.. kit. & bath $45 2 rms . din. ale., kit. A bath 65 2215 14th St. The Princeton. 6 rm* . bath and porch SBO 1305 30th St. The Colonial 6 rms. and bath, newly decorated .. S6O SHANNON & LUCHS, ftic., 713 14th St Main 2345. NEW, MODERN BUILDINGS, 1445 N St. N.W., 1818 Riggs St. N.W. and 225 Mass. Ave. N.E. Two rooms, dining alcove and bath; ready for occupancy; rents, $47.50 to $55 per month. Open for inspection. HARRY A. KITE, INC., Main 4846. 1514 K St. N.W. “ 3218 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. Across Mount St. Albans, AND 3030 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W Very Attractive. Three. Four & Five. Room Apartments: All Outside Rooms. Moderate Rentals: Special Concession to Desirable Tenants Can Be Seen Any Time, or Call C. P. BARRETT. MAIN 9016. REALTOR, 1502 K ST. N.W, WE HAVE A NUMBER OF VERY ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS IN MOST EVERY DESIRABLE LOCATION IN ALL SIZES AT MATERIALLY REDUCED RENTALS QUINTER THOMAS & COMPANY. REAL ESTATE FINANCING. 819 16th St, N.W. Main 8416 THE SHERMANOR. ILLINOIS AVE. AND BUCHANAN ST.. “ON THE CIRCLE." NEW BUILDING JUST BEING COMPLETED. Reception hall, large living room, bed room. tile bath, kitchen. 1409 11th STREET. Two-room apartments, close to downtown section, available for immediate occupancy. $35.50. THE MADISON. 936 MADISON STREET. Very bright 4-room apartment with full southern exposure: convenient to two car lines, busses, stores, etc. REDUCED TO $50.00. 1101 FAIRMONT STREET Four rooms and bath, in excellent condi tion, in new building. $85.00. CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th AND K, MAIN 9QBQ. THE WISCONSIN, 3110 Wisconsin Ave. New Apartment Building, Opposite the Cathedral. APARTMENTS 6FtWO ROOMS. KITCH en, dining alcove, entrance hall and bath to three rooms, kitchen, bath and inclosed porch. Rentals, SSO to S7O per month. All apartments are equipped with built-in tubs, tile baths, shower baths and cedar closets. There are individual locker spaces and laundry tubs in the basement for the con venience of the tenants. YOUR INSPECTION* IS INVITED H. L RUST COMPANY, 912 15th St. N.W. Main 6888. THE INGLESIDE. 1051 Lamont St 3 rooms and bath $56 4 rooms and bath 05 HARTFORD COURTS. 1434 Harvard St 4 rooms and bath $55 WILLSONIA. 1830 K Bt. N.W. 2 rooms and bath $45 3 rooms and bath 75 VERNON. 1774 You St. N.W. 5 rooms and bath *35 6 rooms and bath 70 1862 ONTARIO PLACE N.W 3 rooms and bath *SO 1802 VERNON ST. 3 rooms and bath 550 DAKOTA. 1410 Girard St 0 rooms and bath, porch $76 BERKSHIRE. 1412 Chapin St 5 rooms and bath $75 2 rooms and bath 40 1329 BELMONT ST. 2 rooms and bath $45 THE CHAPIN. 1474 Chapin St. 4 rooms and bath SO7 50 3 rooms and bath 56.00 THE BELMONT. 1831 Belmont Rd. 0 rooms and bath, porch sllO 64 M BT. N.W. 3 rooms, bath and dining alcove. . . . $57.50 2 rooms. ad™ve 47.50 8 rooms and bath. S6O 2710 WIBCON3IN AVE. 4 rooms and bath. . $07.60 HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC Realtors. 1412 Eye St. N.W. Franklin 9503. THE COMMODORE, New Hampshire Ave. at T set. Just completed. Ready for occupancy. Two rooms and bath, alcove dining room and kitchen. Four rooms (2 bedrooms) and bath. Open for inspection. Representative on premises. SWARTZELL, RHEEM & HENSEY CO., 727 13th St.' N.W.. READ ESTATE, APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. THE WOOD SIDE, 1000 H ST. Desirable apartment of one room, dressing; room, dining alcove and kitchenette: fur nished with bed. table and four chairs, also ice box Excellent service. SEE RESIDENT MANAGER OR T. T. SCHNEIDER. JR- & CO. JUST COMPLETED and ready for occupancy. THE NEW MONROE. 3541 11th ST. 2 large rooms ami bath $42.50 3 large rooms and bath $40.50 THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO COMPANY 010 15th St. Franklin 1140. _ MODERN B1 ILDING. 17th AND EAST CAP itol ets—3 room*, dining alcove and bath; rent. $42.50 to $45 00 per month; janitor service. Open for inspection. HARRY A. KITE. INC . Main 4846. 1514 K St NW “GOOD NEWS” FOR TENANTS. If interested in getting a new apartment at a moderate rent in a delightful neighbor hood. Inspect our new apartment lust com pleted at 2920 Ontario rd.. overlooking Rock Creek Park, just west of the fashionable Ontario Apartment. Two blocks north of Columbia rd. and Ontario rd. Open for in spection until 9:30 p.m Lowest rent in the city. Inspect before too late to get one. See janitor. CHAS. D. SAGER. 924 14th St. N W, Main 360 RENT THEM NOW. Only 3 unf. apts. in city's largest and finest group: fireproof elev. bldg : walking distance downtown; opp. Central High School: fashionable location n.w.. overlook ing entire city nearly 5 acres of beautiful lawns and shrubbery: extra large rooms, hardwood floors, tile baths, concrete porches: 24-hr. elev. and ewitchboard service, most efficient in city. Families with children of HIGH SCHOOL AGE make reservations Immediately, as later in seaeon we can never supply the demand. Extra low rent: 4 rms.. 2 ree. halls, con crete porch and bath, as low as SBS: worth SI 50; 3 rms.. porch. SOS. Renovated like new. See Mrs. BRODT. center bldg.. Clifton Terrace. 14th and Clifton ets. n.w.. or phone Columbia 7744, BEST IN WASHINGTON —for the least rent: downtown, overlooking Pennsylvania ave. and Washington Circle at 22nd st.: 7-story, fireproof bldr 24-hour elevator service: 4 rooms, breakfast room, tile bath: all front: completely renovated, only $80; 3 rooms and bath. $57.50: see jan itor. the Plaza Apartments: only two avail able: act Quick: also west of Connecticut ave.; exclusive, fashionable, beautiful de tached bldg ; extra large all outside rooms: parquet floors: unusual apts of 4 rooms. S7O: 3 rms.. $52 50. See janitor. 2138 Cah fornta st. n.w. or phone Main 5437, FINEST IN MT. PLEASANT. Fireproof corner bldg.: completely detached: 5 minutes' walk to Rock ( reek Park over looking Government reservations: magnifi cent apt. of 5 rooms, tile bath, pantry, pol ished hardwood floor, open fireplace, glassed and screened sleeping porch: everything up to date; in tip-top condition; only $87.50: 4 rooms, bath, pantry, open fireplace, extra large glassed and screened porch. $72.50: 3 rms.. $52.50. Act quickly. Phone Adams 7580-J. MERIDIAN HILL STUDIOS. 2633 15th st.. near Euclid; center diplo matic section; attractive, unusual duplex apts; 4 to 6. 16th and SPRING ROAD. Between 14th st. cars and 16th st. bus in the best residential section. READ THESE FEATURES. French windows and flower boxes, built-in beds, built-in Ironing boards, kitchen cabi nets. spacious dressing rooms, large closets, hardwood floors, floor plugs in all rooms, tiled baths, refrigerator drains, laundry in basement. All apartments in excellent condi tion. Plenty of playground space in rear for children. Two rooms and bath $50.00 Three rooms and bath 69.50 SEE RES MANAGER or CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th A K MAIN 9080. 1708 NEWTON ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath $67.50 4 rooms and bath 75.00 "STRATFORD —2OIO KALORAMA RD 4 rooms and bath. . $96.00 5 rooms and bath, special. 135.00 "BANCROFT' 1 800 18th ST. N.W. 2 rooms and bath, non-housekeeping. $47.50 3 rooms and bath, non-housekeeping . 67.50 "LEGATION —5430 CONN. AVE. 3 rooms and bath $62.50 4 rooms and bath 77.50 "WESTFIELD" 3120 R ST. N.W 3 rooms and bath $55.00 3 rooms and bath 60.00 3 rooms and bath 62.50 3620 CONN. AVE 3 rooms and bath $57.50 3 rooms and hath 60.00 3 rooms and bath. . . 67.50 4 rooms and bath 80.0(1 4 rooms and bath 82.50 1809 BELMONT RD. 3 rooms and hath $62.50 3 rooms and bath 66.00 4 rooms and bath... 76.00 758 6th ST. S.E. 3 rooms and bath. Murphy bed ... $45.00 3 rooms and bath 47.50 4 rooms and bath 62.50 4 rooms and bath 65.00 1632 30th ST N.W. 4 rooms and bath and recep. hall.. $65.00 2526 ONTARIO RD. 4 rooms and bath $85.00 5 rooms and bath 75.00 5 rooms and bath 85.00 147-149 R ST. N.E. 5 rooms and bath $65.00 1803 CONN. AVE. 4 rooms and bath $75.C0 1801 CONN. AVE. 5 rooms and bath $75.00 642 11th ST. N.E. 3 rooms and bath $26.00 1106 VERMONT AVE, 3 rooms and bath and recep. hall. . $55.00 304 QUE ST. (COLORED). 4 rooms and bath $35 00 MOORE Sc HILL INC.. 730 17th ST. N.W. Main 1174. ~ ' ON THE HEIGHTS. Entire second floor of two-family house at 1674 I rving- §t.: large rooms and bath, with porch acroen entire rear width of house. Rent ti very reasonable at $75. MOORE & liILL. INC.. 730 17th ST. N.W. Main 1174. 2100 MASS. AVE. 6 rooms and bath. 2 rooms, breakfast room, kitchen and hath. 1 room, breakfast room, kitchen and bath. 1 room and bath. THE JEFFERSON. 1200 16th ST. N.W. 2 rooms and bath. 3 rooms and bath. POTOMAC PARK. 21st AND C STS NW. 1 room and bath. 2 rooms, bath and dining alcove. 3 rooms and bath. „ 1301 MASS. AVE " rooms, bath and porch. 3 rooms, bath and porch. 5 rooms, bath, porch and rec hall THE TORONTO. 20th AND P STS. N.W. 7 rooms and 2 baths. THE CONGRESSIONAL. 100 East Capitol St. 2 rooms and bath, non-housekeeping. THE COLUMBIA, 14th AND GIRARD ST§. N.W. 6 rooms and bath. THE LEONMAR, 2100 N ST. N W. 3 rooms and bath. THE MONTICELLO. 3161 MT. PLEASANT ST. 5 rooms and bath. . . THE ANALOSTAN, 1718 CORCORAN ST. N.W 3 rooms and bath. v THE LAVINIA. 618 F ST. N.E 5 rooms and bath. 1430 CHAPIN ST N.W. 3 rooms and bath. 4 rooms and bath. 1628 K ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath. 1151 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. NW. 3 rooms and bath. 1169 21st ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. 1408 EYE ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath. W. H WEST CO. WANTED—APARTMENTS. YOUNG COUPLE—2 ROOMS, K. AND B private home; prefer Me Pleasant: husband employed Bur. of Std*. The Lambert. Apt. 42. V • WANTED—APARTMENTS. (Continued.! kitchen, bath-apt ~T"s a!!? ni <*i n.A. location: not over ss** Addreeg Mr. DAVIS. 1 «joh h n.w. «§* DESIRES so pUHCHASE APART SOon ftn l n U ‘n, iVa rood location. not Building containing 3 and 4 room apartments preferred. EDW. P. SCHWARTZ ,d * 16th st. n.w. (See Mr. Bircki RENT HOUSES—f-TKNISHHI). TAKOMA PARK—FIRNi-HKD HOUSE ,t rooms, bath, large attic and collar; hot water big yard: double- garage- SOO month. Phone Columbia. 2500-J. 29- A! G. l TO NOV. 1: NEW 6-ROOM HUM] ► nicely furnished and verv reasonable rer, ii-er] Adanih 5971 -W RENT HOUSES—FUR. \ UMI R. ® ?• 4 B - NEW DETACHED HOUSE U n.w. suburbs; close to «ar line and «t garage: am i. Adams 6078-YV after « i RENT HOUSES—I'N’FURNISHEi > 74 YOU ST. N.w!:—B RMS.. ELEC.. GA«" 2iCT'JI- two-car brick garage: rent so rent. $80.75. Colum ola 5.173. 29 * 3512 CONNECTICUT AVE.—SIX ROOMS possession Immediately; eiery modem on venienc-e SHS month. Call Adams 6445 w • or get key at Shannon A Luchs. gp • 1355 HARVARD ST N W.—lo ROOM* 2 baths garage, steam heat, electricity• monthly, Mrs, ZEH. CoL_2 195, _2 H• COLORED— 2115 FLAGLER PL. N.W —« arsre rooms, tile bath eletncjtv fine lar: garage; all in fine condition $75 Kev next door. Main 78:; 1 1205 30th st. N.W.- TWELVE loom’ brick dwelling Tenant can eaaih realize UT!V,_ o i' ■ Übletting 2nd and 3rd floors h c.d-mith A CO.. Goldamitl street near ■ • i COLORED—6- ROOM HOC*E. 513 9th street; a.m.i.. $35 per month Inspect and owner at once. MR. GROVES. Room 1100. 927 15th st. n.w. Phone Hyatts wile !>r> 4. so* COLORED— NEW SUBURBAN. 5-ROOM house. Call at 1021 7th st n.w. cIu R ? A?Pe D v WE LLING. 2224 GA. AVE. Call at 1021 7th st. n.w. SIX-ROOM AND BATH BRICK. 2335 SHE’.-' man Cal) 1021 7th m. n.w easa io r porch, newly papered and painted *7 5 nr mo. Key at l<niß_T«h st n.w. ' ‘IP* IN BEAI"TIFT :. K IODRJDG! new semi-detached brick; 8 rooms, pantry baths; built-in garage deep in' fia-d" ,■' ■! floors throughout: built-in bnek idea) for two families. rent S9O. ( j.l Ms *ilT4 PA RT OF HOUSE (6~ROOM S ~ EVERY convenience; h.-w.h.: no small children - * rent: references required. Address Box 30 K Star office. • SIX ROOMS AND BATH7 BRICK: TO white only near 11th and S n.w. *4O per K :■ -- Box 8 K Sta fflci 210 V ST NE brirk: a modem nearly new hous' l lease. $65. or rent hy month L. V THACK ER. 1037 Evarto st.. Brook land. Pot. 2219. FOR RENT HOUSE. UNFURNISHED. 1308 Mich, ave., n.e.; all conveniences; kev on premises. 29* 633 GIRARD ST. N.E—BRAND-NEW SIX room modern home: beautiful location: or r $65 per month. Open Sunday or see CE AS. D SAGER 924 14U et n« _ i 1737 PARK ROAD NW —8 BOOMS HOT waur heat electricity; $125 28* 18 r EYE ST. N.w! , 9 rooms and bath. $65.00 per mo. Front and back yarn. W. H. WEST CP. 1355 MD. AVE. N .E.—9 ROOMiT& BATH electric light; h.w. heat; SBO ARTHUR CARR 206 Mills bldg Main 2863 ATTRACTIVE 9-ROOM HOUSE: FINE IJ cation in beautiful northwest see;,on: pear 14th st. car: ex,'eUent condition throughou: a.m.i.: immediate possession CHAS. D. SAGER. 924 14th St N.W. Main 36 NEW HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH • a m i.: built-in garage: vacant Aug lr. $57.50. 220 Adams st. n.e. Phone Adams 2808. 29* 2214 CATHEDRAL AVENUE Ideal home, facing park. All modem im provements. Large two-car ga-age Six rooms, two tiled baths, porches. Ruud water heater, hot-water heat fireplaces, et-'. Rent only $125 if rented before August 1. 1925. Open. See it today WILLIAM K HARTUNG A CO.. 1108 16th St. N.W. Main 8277 3326 19th ST. N.W.—6 ROOMS AND BATH a.m.i.: entire house newly papered and painted. 321 Varnum et. n.w.—New home. 6 r.. a.m.i.. porches: reasonable. 818 Quintana pi n.w.—Det. cor.. 7 r„ b , a. new home $75. 1412 Quincy st. n.w.—New. temi-det . 8 r.. b.. a.m.i.. built-in gar. 24 Todd pi. n.e.—2nd-fl. flat. G r.. h $42.50. 1343 Montague st. n.w—Det. home. 9 r . 2 b.. a.m.i.. porcher. gar., beautiful lawn and shrubbery, 1927 Kenyon st. n.w.—6 r.. b , inclosed porches, SIOO. * 223 l4tx st. ne—<s r. b.. porch; entire house just papered; SSO. 14 Netv York ave. n.e.—6 r.. b . a.m.i.. garage. $65. Colored tenant—lsll Que st n.w.—S r , b . with 6-oar garage WILLIAM S. PHILLIP*. 1432 K St. N.W. M.,in 4600 IS. BA heat, electricity: newly papered and paint i: in first-class condition. Cleveland Park near Conn. ave. n v—7 r , b. h.-w. heat. elec.. 2-car garage $125 GARDINER A DENT. INC.. Main 4 *B4. [4 ■ - • ■ 1530 VERMONT AVE N W 16 rms. & 3 baths: ideal for roomers. . C 2P-1 3331 P ST. N.W 8 rms. A 2 bath.- old ■ olon al «150 C. P BARRETT * Main 9016, RE ALT 13 KSt NT NINE ROOMS AND RATH lights, newly papered. M si n-a r Conn ‘ ave. and St Matthew’s Catholic Church splendid location for renting rooms. SI 15 a month: immediate possession FRANK A. GIBBONS. Main 21* 308 Ins. B'dg . Islh and Eye Sty NW. FOR RENT—HIGH-CLASS NEW TAKOMA Park bungalow: owner will rent for one J'.ea-r: 6 large rooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath large lot and shade trees near cars and stores: oak floors- ls>a;itifu!ly dec orated. h. L. THORNTON. Takcma Park D. C Adams 6254. BRAND-NEW. 5-ROOMS CORNER HOUSE « sleeping porch: a.m.: : garage < onvement to Wis. ave. cars, and W. R. E. bus $50."9 New. 5 rooms, sleeping porch: garage ami.: convenient to graded and High schools and two car lines *55 oO Six rooms, gas. electricity: In Southeast convenient to Pa. an-. ,ar line and bui line $55.00 CYRUS SIMMONS. 1410 H St.. N.W. Washington, D. ( CONN. AVE. NEAR WARDMAN PAR rooms. 3 baths, garage. BORDEN A NEW BOLD. Investment Bldg. Frank. 62-i72. 806 D ST. S.E—OWNER'S HOME—IO rooms and hath: hot-water heat: in perfect condition: beautiful location: near ail car lines. Inquire on premises. 28* 1355 HARVARD ST.—lO RMS.. 2 BATHS, garage. 1250 Girard st. n.w.—lo rms . bath, ele -.. $lO5 1350 Fairmont st. —10 rms . 2 b.. $125. 1627 Mass. ave. n.w —l2 rms , 2 b., e'er. 3027 Rodman st. n.w.—7 rms. h-w h.. elec., garage: sllO. EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC. SIX ROOMS. BRICK: NO BATH. WATER IN kitchen gas light: on 54th st. n.w fur sale, not for rent, but no cash payment !• quired: $47.50 per month covers all interest and principal payments JOHN H. WRIGHT, 1116 Vermont Ave. N.W. Main 9407. 1407 VARNUM ST N.W. Between 14th st. cars and 10th si bu* six rooms with beautiful tiled bath and two additional shower baths, large sleeping por, n and colonial front porch very attractively finished and m perfect condition. Va ant August 1. $95.00. 4620 KANSAS AVE. N.W Brand-new six-room house with beautiful bath and additional shower ami two- ai ga rage, front and rear porches. A "Cafritz Lifetime Home " $85.00. 611 COLUMBIA ROAD N W Very desirable six-room and bath bouse with all modern features. Porehes. garner etc. Near Soldiers' Home Park. Vacant A uni si 5. $76.00. 3417 14th ST. N.XV Colonial home of nine rooms and two baths, parquette floors, hot-water heat, elec tric lights, garage: near Tivnli Theater and uptown shopping di**tri t. 3503 14th ST N.W Attractive three-story house of nine • hath cm second and third floors, especially adapted for rooming or large family hot water heat and electric lights: perfe-t con dition. SIIO.OO CAFRITZ COMPANY. REALTORS. 14th AND K. MAIN 96b0 CHEVY CHASE. D. C 3913 Ingomar street: detached, center-hall plan; nine large rooms, living room 14x26. with open fire place: two baths: garage: excellent condition: front porch. 10x34. Shrub bery and fruit. Rent. $135. 839 Longfellow street—Modern light tapestry brick, six rooms, sleep ing porch, concrete front porch: one car brick garage. Rent. $75. NEW HOUSE. * 127 18th street s.e . near Eastern High School—Six rooms, bath, with built-in tub, hot-water heat, elec tricity. colonial front and double rear porches. Rent. SBO. ONLY $42.50 246 17th st. s.e.. near Eastern High, four rooms and bath, hot-wa ter beat and electric lights. Rent. $42.60. ARNOLD AND COMPANY, 1418 EYE ST MAIN 2434. FOR "COLORED. Six rooms, brick, no bath tas light, water in kitchen: on R st. rear 6th st. n.w For sale, not for rent, but no -ash pay » ment required; SSO per month covers all T . 4 interest and principal payments. JOHN H. WRIGHT, 1116 VermoDt Ave. N.W. Main 9407. . (Cooturned on NexUtagt.i ——