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KENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. ] _ (Continued.) j « : ‘3 ALLISON ST. N.W—SIX ROOMS AND > * . glassed-in sleeping porch' screened breakfast porch: am i.: Karate s7o. davis & steele. ...1420 N. Y. Ave. Main 2327. 4813 9th ST. K.W..—O ROOMS & BATH: a.m.i.: SBO. A!t23 111. ave.—6 rooms, bath & garage $76. LLOYD R. TURNER. _ 602 7th St. S.W. JOHN F. DONOHOK & SONS, XOft D it. H.e.; 10-r.. tv. h.-w.h.. e1ec.5100.00 ? sth Bt. s.e.: 10-r.. b.. h.-w.h.. elec. .$85.00 1010 Pa. ave. &.e.: 10-r., b . h.-w.h.. eleo $85.00 112 L Chicago st t.e.. Ur.. C-b.. h.-w.h., elec SBO.OO 138 C st. 6.e ; 8-r., tv, h.-w.h . Hpv .SBO.OO 1007 East Cap. st.; 7-r., b.. h.-w.h.. elec .$05.00 349 E st. s.e. and gar.: 0-r.. b.. x h.-w.h., elec. sbo.oo 26 18th st. s.e. and gar; 0-r.. b.. h.a.h., elec.. $03.00 639 G st. 5.e..; 7-r., b.. lat. h $65.00 492 Md. ave.. sw. and gar.; 9-r.. b.. lat h Son.OO 440 J. avp. s.e.: 7-r., b.. lat. h . .$50.00 1515 White pi. s.e.; 6-r.. b.. h.a.h.. elec $50.00 fa* h C - aV °- and : 6 ' r ‘* b ~S4S 60 1928 15th st.’B.e;:' b-r.'.l fjJOOO 3214 E st. s.e.: 6-r..... $27.60 1618 A st. se.; 3-r $26.00 712 Eye st se ; 6-r . . ... . . .■ . .$20.00 FOR COLORED. Six rooms, no bath, water in Kitchen: in rood condition: on If «t. near l^t * w.: lor sale, not for rent, but no oa-h pay ment required- S3O per month «x»vers all in terest and principal payment-. JOHN H. WRIGHT. 1110 Vermont Ave. N.W. w M dn 0407. WANTED TO RENT—HOI SI S KEPINED. INTELLECTUAL COUPLE DE sires attractive home at moderate rent: par tially furnished and excellently located: will act as caretakers under suitable arrange ments. Address Box 34-K. Star office. * WANTED—TO RENT A HOUSE IN CHEVY Chase: 4 bedrooms. Call Cleveland 1508-\N. 29* PCRNI9HED HOUSE. NEAR THOMAS~CIR ole preferred: l*est of care. Address Box ( 394-H. Star office, 28 * j CITY OR SUBURBS MODERN IMPROVE ! ments desirable but not essential: large or , small; permanent tenant must la* reason able. JOHN OOUGE. 917 East Capitol st. I OFFICES AM) STUDIOS. 16th ST. OFFICE ROOMS ELEVATOR j -ervtce: single or on suite. Best location j in town. Very low rentals. WM. K. BARTI NG & CO., 1108 loth st . Mam 8277 FOR RENT—Entire tilth floor and two second floor front ofli-e rooms in THE BERRY AND WHITMORE BUILDING 2nd F1... 800 10th ST. N.W. —LARGE of fice. SIOO 933 N. Y. ave.—Large office, Ist floor. S4O. EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. STEWART BUILDING. 6th AND D STS. Near Courthouse and City Hall. Attrac tive rooms available on 2nd and 3rd floors:* elevator and excellent service: Sls up. CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th and K. _Main 9080. 815-817-819 11th ST. N.W.—2nd FLOOR, all outside rooms, one. or two or five com municating. THOS. D. WALSH. 815 11th st. DENTAL OFFICE. VF RV ATTRACTIVE downtown location, associated with ethical dentist many years' practice: handsomely fur. nished reception room. pri\ ate dressing room and lavatory: strictly high-class office and very low rent. Call 1225 K st. n.w. north east corner. „ 1412 eyeTst - n7w7 , Largo room, second floor; heat, light and Janitor service; very reasonable rent HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. 1412 Eve St N.W. Frank;-,n 9503. 1915 CALVERT ST Very desirable office for physician: excel lent location: reasonable rent. HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. _ 1412 Eye St. N.W Franklin 9503. WHITFORD BUILDING. 424 sth St. N.W ~ Entire building or separate floors. ''ill redecorate to suit. HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. 1416 K ST. N.W. Attractive rooms m the heart of the busi ness section at intersection of 14th st. cars and crosstown bus: Sin up. CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th and K Main 9080. Evening Star Building. An exceptionally fine suite of three office* located on 6th floor of Star Building. One comer office, one facing Avenue, one facing 11th st. All outside exposures. Fine loca tton for parades. Approximately 800 sq ft. Rent. S1»0 month. Apply 610 Star Build- j n't. Phone Main 6000. Branch 3. PHILLIPS BUILDING. 927 15th ST. N.W.— j Desirable office rooms: rents low as $2~.0U j per month. _ WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS. 2nd FLOOR. V ST. POST OFFICE—FINE ; office quarters and convenient location for j corporation, association or mail order busi ness. For inspection see A. B. WILLIS. Winter Bldg.. 1438 U n.w. North 8845, ED MON DS BUILDING, 917 15th St. N.W. • Several Desirable Suites. Very Low Rates. SHANNON & LUCIIS, Inc., 713 14th St. N.W. Main 2345. FOR RENT—STORES. 1301 C ST. S W NEAR BUREAU OF EN GRAVING. STORE. GOOD FOR ANY BUSI NESS : NEWLY DECORATED: GAS AND ELKfrrRICTTY. APPLY WASHINGTON REALTY EXCHANGE. 511 E ST. N.W. MAIN 3238. STORE—ONE DOOR FROM 14th AND TRV ing. Apply DIKEMAN'S ORANGE BEV ERAGE STORE. 29- 438 H ST. N.W,—STORE AND 1 ROOM. S6O per month. 1606 7th st. n.w.. store, room and garage, Ist floor. $126 per month, bear O street market. Shreve. 1222 Conn. ave. 3 BASEMENT STORE. sls: WINDOWS above sidewalk: for business or office. 2401 Pa. ave. n.w Apply Apt. 1. 61.2 F ST. N W.—LARGE STORE. 2816 14th st.—Store and basement. 1106 H st n.e. —Store. 18x60; vacant. 1314 *4 9th st. n.w.—s3s. 1246 9th st. n.w.—New store. S7O. 1651 9th st.—-Large store. SSO. 800-2-4 10th st. n.w.—sso EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ, INC. TWO SPLENDID STORES FOR RENT. Lo cated at 1405 and 1407 Eye st. n.w.; con cessions made to desirable tenants. 1400 and 1402 Md ave. n.e—-Fine loca tion; splendid opportunity to desirable tenants. 618 and 622 Kennedy st. n.w.—Two fine stores In fastest growing section of Wash ington; real opportunity for right party. GOLDSMITH & COMPANY, Goldsmith Building. Eye St. Near 14th Main 9670. * DOWNTOWN STORE AND DWELLING Three rooms and bath, with electricity. ras. large store. $125. CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th and K. Main 9080. _ STORE, 1200 PA. AVE. S2O. OD p n. S no owner. t* ~ XEW“STO R E IN GEORGETOWN'S BEST BUS.INESS SECTION —1428 WISCONSIN AVE. Good for any bus*ns»o. oest improvements: s heat, treasonable rental. Apply 2919 J® st.. or Pot. 4444-W. RENT—WAREHOUSES. ENTIRE CELLAR OF 931 G ST. N.W FOR rent lor storage purposes. $lO. CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th and K. Main 9080. BAI-JE—BUSINESS PROPERTY. " Downtown—First Commercial. 15 rooms, hot-water heat, electric lights: double garage; corner alley Can easily be remodeled into offices. Only one block from Patent Office. between 9th and 10th. S2O 0 f >0: special terms. McI.ACHLEN BANKING CORP N. Real Estate Dept.. 10th and G. Main 432. __ Evenings, North 313. $25,000. NEAR 15th AND K. NEWLY REMODELED BRICK BUILDING. Three-story brick, with' newly finished store and apartment above. Choice location in square where two large office buildings now being completed. Re markable value on very easy terms! . Call Main 9300. Business Properties Dept., BOSS & PHELPS. 1417 K Street. ‘ CORNER STORE NORTHWEST. Corner grocer* store at prominent inter section, mixed neighborhood. Splendid store room with five-room and bath apartment, > garage and large lot. Business about S4OO per week. Price, $16,000. including busi ness and building. BUSINESS PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc., Realtors. 1413 Ert St. N.W. Franklin 9503. REAL ESTATE!. IN R.4BBITBORO —Dora Dumbunny Is Just Investigating. BY ALBERTINE RANDALL X^ u -r!" A Dollar, \ljilj f V whv- er-yes . Dora ill no t Dtp NT ? f JitJST IJLI - f everybopy i've asked) 1 AROUND THE. MoTtL Tr 445 DID YOO .-Ji THOOGHT UP ASK HAS LOST ONE:- ISN*T ) I HORN ING, PocToß FtND one *> \ Zk lAROOIHP . AMP SEE C .. = THAT FUNNY ? YOU <T~~' MARE FOURTEEN'. J I —.—'■ | ... 11 v liENT-m SI NESS PROUERTY. 203 EVE ST. N.W. LARGE 5-STORY BUILDING, previously occupied by the Juvenile Court. LOT 48x135. LONG LEASE. EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ, Inc., 734 15th N.W FOR SALE—LOTS. BEAUTIFUL WOODED BUILDING SITE lust west of 16th st.. overlooking Rock Creek Park. OWNER. Lincoln 8«4!> or Main 5974. BEAUTIFUL BLDG. LOT. 60x128 —PRF.T- tiest se<‘. of Brookland: all imp.: cheap lor quick eale: few sites offered as desirable for double the price asked. Phone Adaing 4710. 29* 3 BEAUTIFUL LOTS NEAR EASTERN Star Home. 157 ft. deep, fine shade. $260 each: terms. Address Box 142-H. Star office. FOR SALE—I LOT ON COLUMBIA PIKE. 125x640 ft. Apply E. C. FIGGEN3. Arling ton. Va. 28* TWO 50-FT. LOTS AT 25c A SQ. FT.. Chevy Chare D. C. Call Cleve. 2311 before 10 am. * TWO BUILDING LOTS At Colmar Manor. Address Box 27-K Star office. * _ BROOKLAND. 45x168. ONE BLOCK FROM 12th and R I. ave. care: facing aouth on a terrace: all improvements. $1,600: SSO down. $25 month. Great big discount for all cash. My sign on property, which will be 1204 Evarts st. Mt. Rainier. Md.. 50x150. near cars: all improvements: facing south. $850: S2O down, balance $lO a month. Discount for all cash. Large corner triangle lot on Eastern ave. near R. I. ave.: $825: easy terms. My sign on property: lot 64. Cedar Croft. 39th st. near Newton st. 50x132. lot on Bunker Hill, near 24th st.: S3OO cash. My sign on property, lot 54. Cedarcroft, 39th st. near Newton st. FRANK M. COWARD 2824 Bunker Hill Rd. N.E. Ph. N. 1653. APARTMENT SITE. An excellent northwest residential loca tion. Lot 54x100. all improvements, on paved street. This site is close to car line, school, churches, etc Price only $8,600 BUSINESS PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT. HEDGES A MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. _ 2771 WOODLEY PLACE. SIOO—NEW HOME—NEVER OCCUPIED. 8 Beautiful rooms, tiled bath, h.-w.h elec., built-in garage "Such a home is sel dom advertised for rent." _ THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO COMPANY. 019 15th St. Franklin 1140. 50% SACRIFICE. Two lots, corner of 120-ft. avenue. Chevy rhaw. D. C.. one square from bu? line: all improvements in: $3,750 for both. Call Cleveland 2:111 before 10 a.m. * CHEVY CHASE. 50-foot Lot on 20th St., a Few Feet North of Rittenhouse. Highest Point in This Immediate Locality—Owner Will Saerifloe for Immediate Sale THE MUNSEY TRUST COMPANY. Real Estate Dep’t. Main 8080. WANTED—LOTS. IN N.W. SUBURBS AS INITIAL PAYMENT on new. modern home in exi-ellent white community. Reasonable price and terms. Phone OWNER. Cleveland 1914. after 5 p.m. 3* SEVERAL“LOTS IN CHEVY CHASE AND Woodridge immediately: give full particulars. Address 331 Bond Bldg. * WILL PAY CASH FOR LOT REASONABLY priced in n.w section or suburbs of n.w. Ad dress Box P6-K. Star office. 30* SALE—FARMS. 2 ACRES. 1 BLOCK OFF BALTIMORE pike. 6 r. house, elec. fur. heat: 75 fruit I trees: $5,200. Main 1593. 1303 H st. n.w. H'u, ACRES. 4-ROOM SHACK. 5 MILES from District. I, mile Marlboro pike. $950; $350 cash. $25 month. M. 1413. * _ 16 ACRES NEARBY ON BALTIMORE pike: -460 ft. front some timber: $7,500: bargain for quick sale. 1303 H st. n.w. M. 1503. » OLD COLONTAL LARGE BRICK HOUSE, baths, hot-water heat and all in perfeet con dition: beautiful lawn with old trees: over 700 acres of finest land: a wonderful stock farm or country home: offer $25,000. CHA PIN, 1711 H st. 5 ACRES LAND. 2-ROOM COTTAGE: price. $1,800; terms. Apply L. C. HINES Store. Shockey Sta.. 1 mile beyond Vienna. Va. 3* 158-ACRE DAIRY OR TRUCK FARM. 3 miles from District line, on concrete road: f-enutiful driveway and shade- good build ings: gentleman's estate: $175 per acre. Address IRA K. GRUVER. Hyattsville. Md. Phone (IN. 29* _ 6 R.. MODERN. 2 ACRES $7,000 8 r., large house 10.000 6 r.. 5 acres 10.000 10 r.. 273 acres, dairy farm 18.000 14 r.. modern, h.-w.h 25.000 12 r.. 15 acres. 2 large tenant houses 25.000 E. C. HALL, Room 18. Potomac Bank Bldg.. Phone West 2323 29* WANTED—FARMS. LOW PRICED. IN MONT. CO.: HOUSE with some charm and shade: 60 aeres or more rough land acceptable. Address Box »2-K. Star office, WANTED TO RENT FARM WITH BUlLD irig. near District line. Address Box 101-K. Star offiee. 29* FOR SALE—ACREAGE. 10 ACRES. LOCATED NORTH OF BRIGHT wood. in a fast-developing section, where values will double within a few years: all improvements available for immediate sub division; attractive pries and terms. Mr. SCHAEFER. Main 342 or Adam* 6074. 27* SAFE—INVESTMENT PROPTY. FIVE LOTS FOR SALE IN ONE OF MOST exclusive suburbs. Owner in need of cash, will sell under market value. Address Box 6-K. Star office. FOUR-FLAT APARTMENT HOUSE WITH an inconi*' of $3,000 a year in best north west section. Price. $22,500: easy terms. Good opportunity for purchaser to get free . rent, and satisfactory return for investment, j Address Box 123 K. Star office. | 5415 GA. AVE. N.W. STORE AND 4- I room apt.. 2-car garage. $1,200 rental per i year. Price. $12,000. A. W. LEE. cxelu- I- 1 v " agent, 1311 G st. rt.w. I 0-FAMILY FLAT: NO EXPENSE: $l2O month income Price. $11.750. OWNER. Columbia 5610. S.E. NEAR NAVY YARD. FOUR FAMILY apartment of four rooms each: rent, SIOOO year. Expenses paid by tenants. Only $7,000. N.w-.. near 26th and Penna. ave.. two fam. apt.; rent nearly S9OO year. Price, $6,350. These are good buys. WARREN COCHRAN. Main 5918. 729 16th St. N.W. 3 TWO-STORY BRICKS. ON 30-FT. COURT near 20th and L n.w. —Second commercial zone: rented $540 per yr.: only $4,600: first tr. $2.500. 8 000 6it. ft. fronting on Met. Branch of B & 0. R. K.. also two street frontages, south of Brookland. A give-away at 65c per ft. Apt. bldg, on Hgts.—lo ants.: rental. 56.250 per annum: equity about $20,000: desire about $5,000 cash, balance in trade. N. E. RYO.Y CO.. INC., Main 4597. 1423 F St. Investment Opportunities Like This Are Few. Comer brick, four large rooms and bath on second floor: four large rooms and lav atory on first floor: basement floor on street level has a 9-foot ceiling. In first commer cial zone, where stores and apartments rent readily. Priced to sell with small cash pay ment. ! TERRELL & LITTLE, INC., 1206 18th St. N.W. Main 3285. Evening's phone Adams 6549 or Adams 2503 J. WANTED TO BUY—APTS. WANTED. TO BUY CO-OPERATIVE APART ment of not less than four rooms and bath; substantial cash, payment; no agsnta. Ad dress Box 2&-K, Star offlc&g, ■ THE STAT?, TTTTSHTy V. tt, TTTESTOPF, 3TTLY 28. T020.' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, _ TWO BRICK STORES. INDUSTRIAL AREA long lot to alley. Price, $6,250. Apply 426 Colorado Bldg 51 am 3853. • BUSINESS PROPERTY. RIVERDALE. MD. CHAS. E. QUIGLEY. 402 Westory Bldg.. 14tn and F *ts. Phone Main 6039. 30* M ANY YeSIRABLE PROPERTIES. IN AND outside the District, improved and unimprov ed: homes and investments; prices reasona ble. on terms. What can you offer and what do you wish? 29 years' experience on ex changes. N. E. RYON CO., INC., Main 4697. 1423 F St. POTOMAC HEIGHTS. D. C.. OVERLOOK itur Conduit rd.: corner: one block from store*, two blocks to car line; large. 0-room and bath semi-bungalow; concrete basement: one bedroom first floor: larire front and back porches. $7,200: verj easy terms or will trade for small lot or used car. KRKD H. SEITZ. Frank 4233. Residence phone Fr. 6881. Have You Realty to Exchange? 'V© Have and Get New Listing's Every Day WHAT IS OFFERED FOR— 1. 526,000. Stores, graraffes & bungalow; >a. nearby town : “clear." lor D. C. realty. 2. 566.000. Los Angeles home A apt. site: o : D. C. realty to $200,000 3. $ 1 6.000. Cor. apt. house site. 160x100; . *‘S* lear ” for apt. equity to $200,000. 4. $#6,000. Apt. house on ‘‘Heights'*: ex. _ lor stores or nearby subdivision. 5. SIOO,OOO. Apt. house, semi-fumished: x* jor houses, ground, farm or what r 6. $140,000. Florida property wanted in trade for equity in corner apt. house. *. $200,000. Detached apt. house, trade « t»rm or good subdivision. 8. $200,000. Valuable coal lands: ‘ clear": « * or a Dt. house up to $500,000. 9. s*22r>.ooo. 16th st. cor. apt house. , _ trade for business property or ground 10. $250,000. Chicago. N. Side. cor. lot. 200x250; opposite hotel: for D. C. apt. { 11. $275,000. 10th st. apt house; ex. for stores & apts. or building ground. 12* $350,000. Cor. apt house downtown: trade for stores, farm or ground. 13. $350,000. Downtown cor. apt., facing 3 sts.: ex. for business prop or ground. 14. $450,000. Cor. apt. house on “Heights"; trade for business property or ground. GOLDSMITH & CO.. 1405 Eye St. N.W. Main 9670, 18th & COLUMBIA RD. Eleven roome and two bathe; two-i-ar brick garage; first commercial zone Will trade equity subject to one trust and add reason able amount of cash for income-producing property. Lot 28x92 ft . just off of 14th st. n.w second commercial zone, in the heart of the ' automobile district: will trade dear of In- ! cumbrance for income-producing property. I For particulars apply H. R. SMITH & SOX. | Exclusive Agents. 408 Jenifer Bldg. Main 6729. j FOR EXCHANGE. WILL TRADE EQUITY IN A BRAND-NEW detached bungalow, with hot-water heat, elec, and 4, acre of ground, for a house in the ctt.v. Consult our sales department for further particulars. THOS. E. JARRELL, Realtor. 721 10th St. N.W. Main 766. A 22-FT. HOUSE IN MT? PLEASANT having eight rooms and bath: modern: hard wood floors throughout: garage; clear, for detached house west of 14th »t. FRED F' GRAHAM. 407 Woodward Bldg. Frank. 5801. 28• 1653 HOBART ST. N.W. Modern home in every particular, for un encumbered city property: improved or un improved. D. H. ROLAND DRURY. Main 23, 403 Maryland Bldg On 14th St. Proper. Large brick building, containing 2 stores and 3 apartments, all rented. Income $3,780 per annum Subject to first trust of sl7 500 at 6'i. 3 years. Owner will take small properties and small amount of cash. We will gladly submit any reasonable offer for exchange BUSINESS PROPERTIED DEPARTMENT HEDGES & MIDDLETON. Inc.,! Realtors. 1412 Eye St. N.W Franklin 9503. I FOR SALE—APARTM ENTS. THREE GOOD VALUES IN APARTMENT HOUSES. 1. Downtown location, modern building containing six apartments of three rooms and bath each. Rentals. $47.50 to $65 per month. Price. $38,500. First trust. SIB,OOO. 2. On Irving st. near 14 th st. First commercial zone. 15 apartments of three and four rooms and bath each. Annual rental. $10,254 Very low rentals. Prlre. $72,500. Reasonable terms. 3. Northwest near Cleveland Park. New building containing 14 apartments and jani tor's quarters: also five garages. All back apartments have sun porches. Annual in come. $1.1.000. Price. SBO,OOO. Will con sider fair exchange. For further informa tion call — SHAPrRO KATZ COMPANY. REALTORS—BUILDERS 1416_K ST. N.W. MAIN 9111. SALE—APARTMENT HOUSES. _ SAFE! SANE! CONSERVATIVE. FIREPROOF 12-APT. BLDG. IN THE HEART OF THE NORTHWEST. A 100 7<> renter, just off 18th and Colum bia rd. Strictly modern, completely de tached and in excellent condition. Screened porches. PRE-WAR RENTS, showing at tractive return on investment. Ist Trust. $35,000 — 6%. Price, $67,500. Reasonable Terms. Act Quickly If You Want This! WALTER A. BROWN, 1400 H ST. N.W. WANTED—APT. HOUSES. CLIENT WILL PAY ALL CASH FOR equity In good apt. house. ANCHOR REAL TY, £OBFu_Sbfii“£ill_lild£. REAL ESTATE LOANS. NO WAITING—LOANS UP TO *SOO SET tled in 24 houre. secured by 2nd or 3rd trust. H. I. COLEMAN. 1410 G st. n.w.. Room 10. 30* MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT ON first and second mortgages. Lowest internet rates. Quick action. CAFRITZ CO.. INC., 1400 Kst Main 9080. Telephone service evenings until 0 p.m. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT FOR 3 or 5 years to be secured upon flrsl mortgages in the District of Columbia. Installment loans made in Washington and nearby in Maryland and Virginia on the 10-year monthly install ment plan, providing for cancellation of the mortgage in case of the death of the borrower. E. QUINCY SMITH. Inc.. 909 16th. UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR Ist AND 2nd trust loans on improved property. N. L. SANSBURY CO.. INC. 1418 Eye st. n.w. Phone Main 5904. SECOND TRUST 9 BOUGHT AND FIRST trusts placed. D. C. and Md. G. B. LIKENS. 1519 M st. n.w. Main 5057. PLENTY OF MONEY FOR FIRST AND second trusts. D. C.. Va.. Md. See Mr. Robey. PENDLETON-O BAft. 1116 14th st. nw. Franklin 6515. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE. Let us have your application. EDWWRD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THE PURCHASE of 2nd and 3rd trust notes. Immediate ac tion. F A GARVEY 307 Phillips Bldg.' 927 - 16th St. N.W. Main 9186. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C REAL ESTATE at SH. 0 and 6'4 per cent interest, accord ing to class of security and amount. Con struction loans made also. MOORE & HILL. INC.. Metropolitan Housing Loans. (Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.) The best residence loan obtainable. Its 16-year term eliminates the COST incident to renewing the usual 3-year loan. Loans in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and nearby suburbs in MARYLAND and VIRGINIA at lowest interest rates. Weaver Bros., Realtors, 786 16th St. N.W. M. 1831- foi;J3ooklet, REAL ESTATE LOANS. (Continued.) JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS. 314 PENNA. AVE. S.E. We have first trust money at prevailing rate of interest: usual brokerage; prompt answers, MONEY TO LOAN ON D C. REAL ESTATE in any amount at prevailing interest. JESSE L. HEI9KELL, 1116 Eye st. n w. MONEY AT 6 PER CENT AVAILABLE FOR loans on improved city property, any amount. Applications answered immediately. WAR DM AN, QUICK MONEY TO LEND 2nd AND 3rd TRUSTS. S2OO TO S 4 000 ON MARYLAND AND D C HOME? THREE DATs TO COMPLETE TRANSAC TIONS. COURTEOUS SERVICE. C. F. WARING, QUICK SERVICE- Si C<>ND-TRr«'V"NOTES bought on D. C. and nearby Va and Md. im proved real estate. Also first-trust notes nought on acreage, building lots and farms. Also builders and subdivision operators financed. Cash enables you to make addi tional profits It will pay you to talk your financial problems over with FULTON R. GORDON. MAIN 6231. Continental Trust Co. Bldg . 14th A H Sts. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 H 7c ON IMPROVED property in the District of Columbia. Chevy Chase and Takoma Park, Maryland. Residence loans up to *15.000 00 specially desired. Unusually attractive terms on large amounts. H. L. RUST COMPANY. 912 16th Street N.W. Main 6888. Loan Correspondent The Prudential Insms anee Company of America. LOANS! LOANS! LOANS! SI 60 to $6,000 on Ist. 2nd and 3rd Trusts tn 3 days. Low commission. DISTRICT LOAN PROCUREMENT CO.. 1417 F St. N.W. Open Evenings 7 to 9. Main 4438. REAL ESTATE -NOTE9 BOUGHT. FIRST trust loans placed. E. H. RUSSELL. 1343 H St, N.W, M. 1665. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED D C PROPERTY. RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS PREVAILING INTEREST RATES. Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc., REALTORS. _ 1433 K St. N.W Main 1916. 1917 . MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE AT 5*4% and 6% INTEREST. LOW COMMISSION. Tvler & Rutherford. Inc., MONEY ALWAYS IN HAND LOR LIBERAL loans on D. C real estate: prevailing interest and commission rates. STQVF. i FAIRFAX. 1342 N Y Ave | MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS AND TRUCKS. You keep the car; no delay; confidential. Mr. Monk, 477 Mo. ave. n.w aule* LOANS OF S6O TO SIOO CAN BE SECURED on furniture and personal property. CHAT TEL TITLE CO.. INC,, 805 6th «t. n.w. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Have you a car? Call Main 5246. CONFIDENTIAL—IM MEDIATE YOU ffEEP THE CAR. _ WANTED—MONEY. LOANS WANTED FOR RESIDENTIAL building operations in Chevy Chase: libera] tnlere-t paid. Address Box 110-K. Star office. 30* BUILDER NOW ENGAGED IN GARAGE building desires financial hacking tn order tn start building small houses. Address Box 488-H Star office. "** . I MONEY FOR FIRST CASH PAYMENT ON home, will remit in monthly payments. Address Box 354-E. Star office. SALE—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. 2 ACRES. 5 ROOMS. BATH. WELL. SHADE fruit, near rr . p 0.. stores, school and churches: commutable. $2,875. best offer accepted. Cleveland 1395 or address Box 364-H. Star office _3l * HIGH-CLASS BRICK RESIDENCE. 7 R. AND K, h.-w.h.. concrete cellar, gas. elec., 50x i 150: fruit trees, grapes, etc. 1 mile from i Kev Bridge Eagv terms Park Lane. Va. 1 pv 'nne OWNER. Cleveland 3726. | TAKOMA PARK. D C. —NEW FIVE-ROOM j house, large porches: strictly modern: gar d«n. Adams 116-J. * SELL OR TRADE ON BRICK DWELLING: prefer northeast: a 5-room modern bunga low in Takoma with electricity, fireplace, stationary tubs etc. Lot 42Hx150: price only $6.000. Phone M 9908 before 4:30. AT C. J. P—ON CONDUIT ROAD. 100 especially desirable lots for suburban homes. S3OO to SBOO. Get your choice while prices and terms are easy Houses for sale and rent. Ask TOMLINSON. 134 4 Vt ave. Frank. 301. 29* A MOST DELIGHTFUL 8-ROOM HOME, furnished throughout, and 4 shares in the corporation with porches, lawn, flowers and shade, and electricity: one and a half (l‘«i t blocks from cars. Price. $2,750: SSOO cash, j Call Main 1191. WOODSIDE. MD.—ATTRACTIVE HOME. 6 j r. and b.. am 1. lot 150x150: $7,500; sac- | rifice for quick sale. Main 1593. H ; st. n.w. r "NEARBY MD.—4OO FT. ON PIKE, 6 R and b.. a.m.i., built-in gar.: owner leaving town. M. 1593. 1303 H st. n.w. • WOODRIDGE. D. C. i $350 cash. $55 monthly. Price only S 6 850. Brand-new. detached. 2-story home; h -wh.’ sleeping and breakfast porches, etc. See 2411 Otis st. n.e. Open 1 to 5 and 6 to 7. OWNER WILL SELL BUNGALOW IN TA koma Park: five rooms and bath: a.m.i.: good location: best condition: garage. Price reasonable. Col. 1344-W. 2* _ BUNGALOW 4 ROOM'S AND BATH: ELEC tric lights and water- lot 40x100; near stores and bus: $2,550: $340 cash. $36 month. Cheaper for cash. Call North 1925-W for auto to inspect. * WOODRIDGE, D. C. Some new 5-room bungalows: a m i.: good location: can be carried on small monthly payments. 6,7 and 8 room houses, a m i., in ’ Woodridge. Brookland and nearby Mary land; small cash payment and monthly pay ments less than rent. WOODWARD & VIETH, 2104 R. I. Ave. N.E, Ph. North 729 A 730. A BARGAIN. Four-room bungalow and 8 acres of ground close to Baltimore Dike and bus line, also B & O. Railroad. SIOO cash and S3O a month See our list of homes before buying. THIS BEATS RENT. New 5-room and bath bungalow with gas and elec, lights, hardwood floors, concrete cellar with pipeless furnace, large lot. Best section of Hyattsville. Price. $6,250. $260 cash. $45 a month. See our list of homes before buying. O. B. ZANTZINGER, Phon* Hyattsville 72. HvattßYille. Md. Owner anxious to effect quick sale of WOODRIDGE BUNGALOW —270.5 Hamilton 9t. N.E. Phone M. 9670. WELL BUILT NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BUILT-IN GARAGE, J4-ACRE LOT. $350 CASH. $45 MONTH. ONLY $4,775. 24 SOLD—I NOW READY. House 24x36 ft., contains five large rooms, large pantry, electricity: concrete cellar; pipeless furnace: room for bath (without fixtures): two communicating bedrooms; each has closet: shades throughout: stairway to attic, space for two rooms: front porch 8x25 ft.: concrete block foundation: lot con tains 10.713 sq. ft.: outside sanitary toilet: house double sided, building paper between: waterproof tar paper under all roofing shin gles: best paint inside and outside: floors varnished: entire house well built and well plastered. We invite inspection by builder or carpenter: construction the very best: union day labor: streets cindered. Property located at Barcroft. Va.. 6 miles to White House. Title perfect. Twenty-one houses same kind sold in 20 months. One block to new $30,000 school recently completed. To inspect take Columbia pike bus <34 tripe each way per day) at 13lh and Pa. ave. n.w. or call office and we will take you in auto. WALTER O’HARA, Owner. I Specialize in Nearby Virginia. Main 2450. 1309 H St. N.W. BY OWNER. Colonial bungalow. 5 r. and b. and sleep ing porch: house fullv screened, h.-w.h.. open fireplace, hardwood floors in living room and dining room, built-in china closet. Os a dis tinct colonial type with fluted columns in .front on lot 60'xl50' having abundance of shade. No. 209 Ashton ave, Aahton yu* Phona Clarendon A3l-W-A. £B% SALE—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. (Continued. I BROOKLAND, Yi Block 12th & Lawrence. SB,OOO. Terms to Suit. 6 rooms and bath: h.-if.h.: elec, lights: slate roof; house newly decorated through out and in splendid condition; large lot with an abundance of shrubt>ery. fruit and shade. MoLACHI.KN BANKING CORPORATION. Real Estate Department. 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings North 313. CLARENDON. u a oozy, modern or house, with bix plot of ground awaitlne’ you at a reasonable price on moderate f*a«h payment, balance like rent. In this desirable home sec tion. Call our Clajendon office, open eve rungs. N. E. RYON, 1004 Wilson Bird. Clarendon 282-J-2. “"RIVERDALE. 575 monthly includes all interest and cur. tallment for 6-room houae. large yard front and side porches: facing Baltimore Pike. HOPKINS Sc HOPKINS. CHANNING ST. N.E. Ideal bungalows. located one mile Inside city limits, containing 5 large rooms. Ule bath am i., concrete cellars 26x36 ft., with laundry trays, gas heater, etc., large lots: SSOO cash and $65 per month. TO INSPECT: drive north or transfer to bus at 15th and H ets. n.e.. and ride to Channing st- 2 blocks CARMAN BROS., 2453 Bladpnsburg Road. L.ln'v 0400. BEFORE BUYING —see this wonderful ft-room and bath bun galow with a.m.i.. large lot: S3OO oaeh. SSO month which include* all Interest. COTTAGE CITY HARDWARE STORE on Wash. Balt Blvd. at Hamilton *t.. Cottage City or tele* phone Hyatts. 663. 20* WOODRIDGE. D. C. Some new 5-room bungalows: a.m.i.: good location: can be carried on small monthly payments. 6. 7 and 8 room houses, a.m.i.. in Woodridge. Brookland and nearby Mary land: small cash payment and monthly pay ments less than rent. WOODWARD & VIETH. 2104 R. I Ave. N.E. Ph, North 729 & 730. SPECIAL BARGAIN For Quick Sale. Price Cut From $7,450 to $6,950. 7-room house, reception hall. Summer kitchen, large room finished in attic, tile bath, electricity, tuts, city water, cellar, fur nace property newly papered and painted, in good condition. Lot 60x100: garage, shade, high elevation, on good road to city: possession at once: $6,960: S6OO cash, bal auce terms. To inspect see ERNEST H. SHINN, Exclusive Agent. 3333 Rhode Island Ave.. Mt Rainier. Md. Phone Hyatts. Ex. 496. OLD VIRGINIA MANSION. Locat'd on the Mount Vernon road ad joining Mt Eagle, the home of Lord Fair fax and not far from Woodlawn. the home of Nellie Custls. Mansion contains 11 spa cious rooms and is in almost perfect condi tion. Offered with 2 acres of land at the I price of a bungalow ($9,500 and terms*. This is a real country home in the best neighborhood. I Close to city and Country Club. Can be seen by appointment only. PHONE MAIN 3033, NEAR ARLINGTON COURTHOUSE. VA. $8,500. A detached home, containing six large rooms and bath, fur nace heat, electric lights, two car garage, chicken house and yard, garden, shade and shrub bery. Splendid trolley and bus service and but 15 minutes to downtown section of the city. Owner has purchased a larger home and is offering this at a bargain. • CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th and K. Main 9080. 6 ROOMS MODERN HOUSE. CLEAN ~A~ND ! in splendid condition. 2 blocks from Claren don Station at school and in center of the town: price. $0,750: terms to suit. E. C. HALL. ! Clarendon. Va. Phone Clarendon 493-J-l. j 30* TAKOMA PARK HOMES. We are selling them right and left. ONLY we have a few left: 4. 5 and 0 room bun galows. $5,250. S6OO. $6,500. $6,750. $7,500. SB,OOO and up: convenient terms if j desired. Fine old home, plenty shade, large Rounds: D. C. side: special price this week. it for small apt.. 70x175: shade: in D. C. Dandy store room for rent. A-l location fine shape: low rent for term. Call Col. 9508 for service. _ _ __ TAKOMA PARK REALTY CO.. 327 Cedar St.. Takoma Park 7D. C. WOODRIDGE, 24th AND R. I. AVE. Chaney Stabilt. Open for Inspection. 4 SOLD—2 LEFT. Special Terms. Six-room homes of the hotter olass. with every modem improvement, hardwood floors and trim, open fireplace, built-in refrigera tor. full tile bath, with built-in tub. Before buying, please inspect these modem homes. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP N. Real Estate Dept.. 10th and G, Mam 432. Evenings. North 313. BROOKLAND. $8,750 —Special Terms. Near 12th and Jackson. 7-room home, pebble-daah. h.-w.h., elec, lights, garage: lot 50x150: will subdivide for another building. < McLAOHLEN BANKING CORP N. Real Estate Dept.. 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings. North 313. Woodridge Bungalows. Chanev Stabilt. $7,500 —$500 Cash. .5 rooms and bath, h.-w.h., electric lights: full cement basement with laundry trays: located in very desirable section of Wood ridge and only 2 blocks from Rhode Island ave. Immediate possession. McLACHLEN BANKING CORP’N. Real Estate Dept.. 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings, North 313. $4,800. NEARBY MD. CLOSE TO CAR LINE. Nearly new 5-room and bath bungalow: elec.: pipeless furnace: large front porch laundry trays; garage; high location: good neighborhood. S3OO down and $42.50 per month Including interest. The J. W. Holloway Co., 1110 F St. N.W. Franklin 898. BENT—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. 5415 BLADENSBURG RD.—4 large room*. Bath, a.m A.. S4O. Garman Broe. Line. 400. 6 ROOMS. GAS. ELECTRIC AND GARAGE. $38.50 month: half block care. Apply 30 North Clarendon ave.. Clarendon. Va. 17 HAMILTON ST.. COTTAGE CITY MD Bungalow. 4 room* and bath: unfurnished: garage. Inquire 16 Central ave.. Cottage City. Md- or 1033 10th at. n.e 28* A BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, fireplace, a.m J.. $25 per month: never occupied. Take Alexandria bus, get off top hill. Addison ave.. walk down in Virginia Highlands to Holtzman st. and Ad dison ave. Owner, MR. GROVES. Hyatts ville 564. 30* . MT. RAINIER, MD. On Good Road to City. New 5-room bungalow, built-in re frigerator. laundry trays: lot 50x160: ga rage: $62.60 month: will rent by month or give lease for one year. ERNEST H. SHINN, 333 S **• FOR SALK—HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSE. 9 ROOMS. ALL : filled, dose in downtown: rent reasonable: »_bargajm Phone Fr. 31*>0 28 • BY OWNER. 410 4lh ST. N.W -4 STORY. . 15 rooms, red brick: fine rooming houe* or apartment. Col. HfiP-W 29* 18 4th ST. S.E.—DETACHED 8-ROOM brick home modern: vacant: posaeaßion with deposit; widow lady forced to sell, con venient terms. Any broker or Main <B3l. ‘ NO. CAROLINA AVE. S.E.—7 ROOMS, bath, large back yard, space for two cars widow lady must sell immediately: 57.9»>0; fumuhed. 58.750: terms Main 31. , SO. CAROLINA AVE. S.E.—B ROOMS. « h.-w.h.. electricity, hardwood floors, double front porch; home in perfect condition; large front and rear yards. brick garage Owner having bought small home northwest, and is giving you your money's i worth in this home 5*11.850. (jRObAN } REALTY CO.. 201 McGill Bldg Mam 7831. | ‘ We sell the earth with improvements on it. 1 ! < 23rd ST. N.W.—JUST OFF OF WASHING »on Circle—ll rooms. 2 baths, brick home, fine rooming house and a bargain at sll.- 850. Main 7831. SEVEN ROOMS. TWO BATHS. DETACHED in Chevy Chase. D. C.: ami.: inclosed sleeping porch, large front porch; fine shrub bery; lot 00-ft. front; half eauare from car l line and school: close to golf clubs; garage to match unusually convenient and attrac tive; $20,000. on terms. Owner. Cleve. 1286. ATTRACTIVE. NEW. 6-ROOM BUNG A - n.w. section, h.-w.h.. hardwood floors, flreplffc-e, 58.960; $760 cash: consider trade. Adams 1741. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IS OFFERED at a great sacrifice in a Dutch colonial home of six (0) large rooms and tile bath. The setting is beautiful, on a lot 45x140 with well kept lawn flowers and trees. It is I*4 blocks from 14th street line, stores, etc. The better clast* of people own homes adja r*ent thereto The price is $9,750 and is $2,000 under current market value, with $1,500 cash and balance easy monthly pay* ments. Address Box 110-K. Star office. UNUSUAL OP PORTU NITY—S2OO C ASH buys a beautiful 5-room home, a.m.i., $7,395. payable sfiO per month: large lot. farage. 2211 Lawrence st. n.e. Take Rhode sland ave. car. get off 22nd. walk 3 blocks north. 30* MT. PLEASANT—IO ROOMS. BATH porches, electric, ga- newly papered and painted: $7,750. OWNER. 1008 7th st. n.w. 1628 R. I. AVE. N.W.—ll ROOMS.’ 4 baths and cellar 4 open fireplaces, new plumbing and fixtures: new liot-water heat er new Instantaneous hot water; newly pa r>«red and painted throughout: ne\* garage. One block from 16th and also Conn. ave. Must be seen to be appreciated: open even ings 7 to P. for inspeetion. Phone North 8655. or see your broker. SWISS CHALET. CHEVY CHASE. 9 R . 2 baths, one-fourth a**re lot of unequalled beauty; 2-car gar.: no agents. Cleve. 2959. BUY OF BUYS *—NEW 0-R. BK. N ET. white section: modern to the minute nothing like it anywhere. $750 cash: no agents. Cleve. 2959. • CHEVY CHASE—IF YOU WANT TO BUY in Wash, beat suburb, call Cleve. 2959. Spe dalize in Chevy property. • __ BARGAIN—HOME NEAR 10th AND MON roe—p r.. b.. elec., h. a.h.: perfect condi -1ion; easy terms: _59.600. Franklin 1237. __ PA. AVE. S.E. BETWEEN 10th AND 11th sts—3-story brick, h.-w.h.. elec.; business zone: no reasonable offer refused. Address Box 42-K. Star office. • LEAVING CITY—B ROOMS. DETACHED” am i 2-f-ar garage al-o furniture. Apply to OWNER. 6903 sth st.. Takoma Park. _ BY OWNER—NEWLY BUILT 5-ROOM AND bath frame: elec., hot-water heat. gas. cel lar, 1624 23rd Bt. s.e. • MT. PLEASANT SECTION. NR. I£th ST.— 8 r . 2 baths, tapestry brick, built-in garage. Priced lo**. SSOO ,-arh. M. 1414. * 827 L ST. N.E.—SMALL BRICK DWELL iner. Irortt porch, electric lights, sp. garage. $350 cash. $35 n:o. anil interest M 1413 * 3600 BLOCK SIXTH ST. N.W.—5-ROOM. A.m.i. brick. $250 cash. $35 mo. ami int. A real bargain. M. 1414. • MT. PLEASANT. OVERLOOKING PARK— 9-room house. 6 bedrooms. 2 baths, hard wood floors, h.-w.h.. etc.; exchange eonsld ered. Address Box 25-K. Star office. 29* fl-ROOM BRICK. BATH. CELLAR. ELEC trivity. hot-water heat, front and back yards, 10-ft alley. 2 car lines in e-ood condition: $3,500 first trust. Pri'-e, $7,000. 247 Bth st. n.e. OWNER. Apply 9 a.m. to s^jKm. GRUVER-BOLT HOME, NE. VACANT—6 rooms. Karate, etc : easiest kind of terms from OWNER. Main 2670 or Adams 1583. N.E. SECTION, rs BROOKLAND: Two nearly new houses bungalow style: 7 rooms and bath each- h,-w.h.: elec, lot 50x135. Small cash payment balance like rent. D BLUM & SON. WITHIN FOUR BLOCKS OF THE WHITE I House: lot 60 by 143 to alley: on 20th st. opposite Georre Washinrton University: im proved bv four frame dwellings and two brick buildings in the rear. Price. $30,000. which is less than 54.50 a foot. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. SII,OOO WILL BUY AN ATTRACTIVE home near Massachusetts ave. and 22nd st. n.w. 7 rooms and hath, cellar, electricity, hot-air heat. Any reasonable terms con sidered. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. _____ 723 20th St. N.W. ATTRACTIVE HOME WITH 7 ROOMS AND two baths: all modern improvements: ideally situated on sth st. just off East Capitol, i Price and terms reasonable. 9 sth st. s.e. JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS. 515 East Can. St. or 1013 15th St. N.W. SMALL FRAME HOME IN SPLENDID CON dition: $250 cash payment, balance like rent. Located 706 Eye st. s.e. JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS. 515 East Cap St or 1013 iSth St. N.W COLORED. 6 rooms and bath: brick: small cash pay ment. balance like rent. 1238 Duncan st. “ B ’ JOS. A. HERBERT & SONS. 515 East Cap. St. or 1013 15th St. N.W, $8,600 WILL BUY AN ATTRACTIVE BRICK bunxalow in Randle Highlands. 5 rooms, bath, cellar. Karaite, hot-water heat, electric ity, frarake: all in perfect order: lot 60 by 180. with fruit trees and shrubbery. Owner leaving city and will sell furniture if desired. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. 723 20th St. N.W. $7,500 WILL BUY AN ATTRACTIVE BRICK dwelling near the Capitol 6 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electricity. Occupied by owner. Easy terms if desired This is a splendid home for colored buyer and a speculation at tl*i= price. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD. Realtor. BARGAIN—LEAVING CITY—NO AGENTS. Completely, nicely furnished. 10-rm. brick: 3 complete h.k. apts.: laundtw equipment: sraras-e. $13,250. Income. $145. besides owner's quarters. Near Tivoli. Terms. Act quick. Address Box 167-H, Star office. NEAR GRANT CIRCLE. Attractive house of 6 rooms and bath; a.m.i.; front and rear porches: deep lot to alley: price rea-sonable. GEO. W. LINKINS. 1719 K St. FOR SALE 3621 ORDWAY ST.. CORNER Idaho ave.. overlooking Wis. ave. and Mc- Lean estate. “Friendship," desirable detached center-hall plan house, 7 roome, 2 baths, porches: built-in Karaite: poseesston Sept. Ist. h. l. rust Company. 912 15th St, N.W. Main 6888. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. BLOCK FROM CONN, ave.. five from best school city: 6 rooms, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, brick, semi detached. 3720 Jocelyn Cleve. 4144. * BY OWNER. AT SACRIFICE. 131 16th ST. n.e.—Tapestry brick, colonial porches, hot water heat. elec.. larire yard to 10-ft. alley: just like new: only $650 cash. bal. $67.50 including; principal and int. Call M. 1332 for inspection. FOR COLORED. S.E—LARGE. FRAME house containing 11 rooms and bath, hot water heat. »as. cellar, room for double ira rajre: house in Food condition: could be made into apts.: should be sold at once at price. $5,850. AUSTIN M. COOPER. 820 11th st. M. 1332. DOWNTOWN. $10,500. Modem house of nine rooms on three floors. Suitable for small rooming; house. Accessible to all downtown sections. Good terms can be arranged. SHAPIRO-KATZ COMPANY. REALTORS —BUILDERS. 1416 K ST. N.W, MAIN Bill. 16th AND KENNEDY STS. A beautiful home situated only one-half block from 10th st. Detached. 9 rooms on two floors: also servant's room. Lanre sleep ing porch, hardwood floors and natural wood trim throughout; h.-w.h. and electric lights very large yard with grape arbor and several cherry and apple trees. Alto beautiful shrub bery. The cheapest house tn this section and unusually easy term* can be arranged. SHAPIRO KATZ COMPANY. REALTORS—BUILDERS. 1416 K ST. N.W. MAIN 9111. TWO COLORED BARGAINS. S3OO CASH FOR EITHER. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Both Vacant and Newly Decorated. 607 Morton n.w.—6 rooms and batL Brice. $4,950. _ 407 E st. n.e.—6 rooms and bath: electric PRINCE. Investment Bldg. READ ESTATE. FOR SALE—HOUSES. Bargain home to quick buyer. No. 2122 First St.—Near Reservoir Park. 9-r. & b.; two r«*ar porches; 2-car §r&rap». Ownpr anxious for quick sale. Call M. 96/0. 3229 11th ST. N.W. An pxoellent buy for hi*h-rla*« colored. 10 rooms, bath,, ele«'.. stationary tubs and extra lavatory in basement. \ ery rea sonable cash payment. M. J. RAINE. 328 Investment Building, Main 1437. OWNER IS ANXIOUS TO DISPOSE OF A ! delightful bungalow in an especially desirable section. It is exceptionally well adapted lor a family having small children, the absence of traffic being the desirable feature. A tastefully de-orated living room contains an open fireula' e. The house also has two bedrooms a delightful bath, fine dining room, fully equipped kitchen and an ex qulsite dinliie alcove There is wide front porch for Summer evenings ami a one-car garage. Pined for a quick sale and on attractive terms at 58.250 PHONE FRANKLIN 5677. CLOSE TO 10th ST. AND PARK RD . slo.soo—An excellent home, well built, hardwood trim throughout: hardwood floors, electricity: an unusually economical heating plant: colonial front porch: large cellar, with front and rear entrances: 1-car garage on rood alley: a fine buy: vacant and pos session on settlement. MOORE & HILL. INC . THREE WONDERFUL HOME VALUES IN CHEVY CHASE. D. C. 518.500. on terms—Just on the market, a new. semi-detached tapestry brick of 8 large rooms. 2 baths: side entrance: center hau type: maid's room: built-in garage; many other excellent features one and one half blocks west of Connecticut ave.—a tine location. $23,500. on terms—The last of a group of lovely detached brick homes in one of the most attractive streets in Chevy Chase, facing homes valued at $50,000 and up ward- finely constructed of best material spacious and well planned: an ideal proposition. $32,000. on terms —An extraordinanly beautilui home, detached, brick, *4 block west of Connecticut ave.: about 100 ft. frontage on street- fine lawns, shrubbery, flowers, etc.: center hall: modern in every respect. A home you’ll love to own. MOORE A HILL. INC.. 730 17th St. Main 1174. Members Washington Real Estate Board WOODRIDGE. $350 cash: 555 monthly. Price only $0,850: brand-new-, detached. 2 storv home, h.-w.h.. sleeping and breakfast porches, etc. See 2411 Otis st. n.e. Open 1 to 5 and 8 to 7. 4912 9th N.W.—6 ROOMS AND BATH, a. m.i.: 59.750. 50 K st n.e.—6 rooms and bath. 935 C st. s.w.—B rooms and bath: newly papered and painted: easv terms. LLOYD R. TURNER, 802 ?th S.W. NO RTHE AST CO kNE R. N#»ar Lincoln Park Seven outside rooms, hot-water h**at. electricity, hardwood floors, tile bath, ppacioue porches: biir lot with Ka rate. Will trade for suburban property. \VM. S. PHILLIPS, 1432 K ST. N.W. M. 4600. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 9 PM. 5500 CASH MUST BE SOLD. 15 Central ave.. Cottage City: modem 6- roora and hath bungalow : large lot: garage Inspect and make offer. Cleve. 2294 Just Off Sherman C ircle. $9*750 —This lovely colonial tapestry home has 6 larxe rooms, tiled bath, pantry, breakfast port h and two sleeping porches all and screened. Hot-wa ter and electric hxhts. larr*» cellar with ia\H2dry and toilet. Hardwood floors through out. plenty of room for garas’e to wide alley. Now vacant. $1,250 cash, balance $75 per month in cluding all interest. DAVIS & STEELE, 1420 N. Y. Are, Main 2327-8. NEW-HOME BARGAIN. 1448 MONROE ST. N.W. 6 large rooms. 2 baths: built-in. heated garage: oak floors, h.-w.h., screened porches attic, etc. Do not fail to inspect Open and lighted until 9 p.m Easy terms. Act Quickly if you want one. B. H. GRUVER. Main 2670 or Adams 1583. Near Corner 22nd and Pa. Ave. $7.750 —$750 Cash. 8 rooms and bath, brick. This U a splendid purchase in the downtown section, convenient to all Government buildings. In come from rooms would practically cake monthly payment on house. frank a. gibbons. 308 Ins. Bldg., loth and Eye N.W. M. 218. NR MASS. AVE. EXT—BIG COR lot: high elevation: nr. busline: beau tiful. modem sr. and b. bungalow; space for additional rooms on the top floor A give-away at $9,050; 51.250 cash takes the equity. For bargains in homes and invest ment property, city and suburban: all sizes and prices, on easy payment plan, see us. A number vacant: sev -1 eral can be traded. I N. E. RYON CO.. INC., Main 4597. 1423 F st. New Six-Room Homes, Built-in Garages, BROOKLAND. The Lowest Priced High-Class Homes Offered Today. Compare with anything within SI,OOO of the price. If you have been looking for a home and have been unable to satisfy yourself with the homes offered within your reach, then We Urge Your Critical Inspection and Comparison. Sample House: 2908 10th St. N.E. Take Rhode Island ave. ears to 12th st.. walk north to Girard, west one block to houses Or telephone Main 2990 for auto service until 5 p.m.. afterward Cleveland 183. CHARLES M. WALLINGSFORD. JAMES A. CONNOR. Builders and Owners 1039 Woodward Bldg. $250 CASH. Vacant, move in with deposit: 8 large rooms and bath: new gas range; hot water heater: large garage: $5,950. R. DUNCAN MaoPHERSON, 413 Insurance Bldg. Main 2889. * NEW BUNGALOW, S3OO CASH. 8 ROOMS AND TILE BATH. H.-W.H ELEC. LIGHTS: GOOD N.W. SECTION. R. DUNCAN MaoPHERSON. 413 Insurance Bldg. M. 2689. * SS,6SO—NORTH EAST. New Brick Home. Terms, SSO Per Month. Rent payers will welcome this oppor tunity to have a home of their own that can be purchased for the same money spent on rent. This is an at tractive English type brick dwelling, two stories, beautifully finished in the most careful manner. Large living room, combination dining room and kitchen, pantry and built-in cupboard: oak floors on first floor. Second floor has two splendd bedrooms and excellent bath: ample clothes closets; choice electrical fixtures and highest grade hardware. Attractive front and rear yards and paved alley. Positively the best value in the city for the money. Compare the apartment you now pay rent fpr and you will surely want to own this cozy home. The convenience of location to downtown will surprise you. House now open for your Inspection. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K ST N.W. MAIN 9300. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE—S2O,SOO. TERMS. 10 rooms. 3 baths. 2-car brick garage, on 21st st. between Mass. ave. and P. A beautiful home of 10 rooms and 3 full tiled baths. 3 extra lavatories. 3 open fire places. h.-w.h., electric lights. This prop erty is in splendid condition throughout, having . been, newly decorated. Inspection invited. Immediate possession. Terms, i McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. Beal Estate Department. 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings. North 313. FOR SALK—HOUSES. FINE HOME. SEATON ST. N.W. 2-Story brick house in a desirable residen tial section: 8 rooms and bath, modern im provements and garage: can be purchased on easy terms. Consult our sales depart ment. THOS. E. JARRELL, Realtor. 721 10th St. NW Main 788 COLOR ED—NORTHWEST. S7,SOO—TERMS. In a very desirable location of the northwest, and can be pur chased on very attractive terms. A brick home in hrst-class con dition. Contains six large rooms and bath, large double back porches, electric lights. Vacant. Immediate possession. Phone us for inspection. C A FRITZ COMPANY. 14th and K“, Main 9080. REAL HOME BARGAIN. 1276 TO 1282 NEAL ST. N.E. Between Montello Ave. M2tb,> and Triuidad Ave.. north Florida A Nr. Wneatl#»y School Six room*, bath, oak floors. hatV woo# l trim tbrourhout. Colonial front and rear screened. Deep iot to wide a Her Hfffh elevation. Southern exposure. .Vmpi« house open daily and Sunday until U p.m. Immediate possession. Easy terms. ANY BROKER OR THRIFT BUILDING CO.. Owner. PHONE MAIN 768 1653 HOBART ST. N.W. Two-story. 7-room. bath, servant's room, sleeping porr-h and front porch. All modern improvements, hard-vood floors throughout Owner will consider takinp unencumbered improved or unimproved property in pa*t payment. True $16,590 D H ROLAND DRURY Phone Main 2.T 4 oft Maryland Ft Mr COLUMBIA HEIGHTS.' West of 14th. The be K t hi;- in th>« <F* slrable section. Home containing 9 large rooms t five bedrooms*, servant*, -ootn and bath in cell a-: H l«i rsre < ion?t- rile bath: new hot-water heatm? plant: ele tr *- lirht* ionc l*akk yard with t^a r age: $12,500. $1 ou<» caah. GARMAX BROS., 2423 Bladensburg Road. Lino. 94 00. WOODRIDGE. 24th & R. I. AVE. Chaney Built. Open for Inspection. 2 SOLD—2 LEFT. Special Terms. Six-room homos of the better class with every modern improvement, hardwood floors and trim open fireplace, built-in refrigera tor. full tile bath with built-in tub. Before buying pleas'* inspect thes- modern homes McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. Real Estate Department. 10th and G. Main 432 Evenings, North 313 FOR SALE—NEAR sth AND BUTTERNUT sts. n.w\. an excellent deta- hed bungalow, on a large lot. 50x170 five exceptionally large rooms and bath: electric and gas lighting hot-water heat: front ami rear porches open fireplace. J EDWARD LEWIS. - 912 loth St. N.W. Main 551. $15,500 —Detached. SAUL’S ADDITION. Corner Property. Situated on one of the no‘l attractive corner? :n th:- PX'-lu&nc action Outstanding feature? arc the beautifully improved corner lot and the charm and comfort of the home. Center-hall plan open fireplace in living- room; splendid dining room. par.try. kitchen: side porch off living room three charming:, -pa ious bedrooms and large tiled hath al»o extra tiled lavatory; side sleeping por-h hard wood floor- throughout: screened and weather-stripped: slate roof liot-water heat and electric light** carafe t<- match house. Entire property in beautiful con dition. and you must see the house to appreciate it Naval offi*-er. leaving out must sell and will make convenient terms. PHONE UNTIL 9 P.M BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K ST N.W. MAIN 9300. SUNSHINE HOMES. MICHIGAN PARK, 12th and Taylor Sts. N.E. Brick Homes Built to Las'. Prices less than houses in a row. If desired, terms so low you can scarcely afford to rent. 4 bedrooms. Dining and sleep ing porches. Lots 32 feet front. Over 70 houses sold. Telephone or call for booklet or take “Brookland” car to end of route, 12th and Michigan avenue n.e. MIDDAUGH & SHANNON, Incorporated Builder. Owner Potomac 2209 BIGGS-SEMMEB BUILDING. Dupont Circle. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. OLIVER ST. NEAR 33d. Donn & Demine. Architect*. Specially deeijmed and bunt for owner 8 v**ars aim: now in per feet condition. Splendidly con structed of the Itest material. ! etories. with stairway to larirn at tio: American colonial la'-en South: center entrance front and rear hall, unusually at tractive stairway. French doors leading; to dinimr room, living room and r*»ar hall. Second floor. 4 larre l*»droom« and porch. This bouse will appeal to purchaser nt disoriminatinsr taste May i»e in spected Sunday. 3 GO to »». F. C. LASALLE BRYANT. SOS 17th. Main 2529. Compact Homes Designed and Built by Kite at 3056-58-3100-2-4-6-8-10 Monroe St. N.E. Here you will find the most charming Homes in Northeast Washington awaitio-r your inspection. They are in a very o sirable and homey neighborhood and each Home is Completely Detached. 45x185 Foot Lots. These large lots provide ample spar* f.,r ! raising flowers or making a garden and in , sure a safe place for the children to play A striking feature of these Homes is the practical planning and thoughtful arrange ment of the several rooms, which praci: rally eliminates the labors of houftFkeepins The compact construction does’away with all annoying waste space. Finished tbronch ■ out in perfect taste and built of ins Deal materials. Six rooms, amply large, a perfectly ap 1 pointed bath; plenty of closet room; hot ' water heating plant, with a separate heater for service water, artistic electric fixtures splendid finishing, excellent floors: laundry tubs. Foundation planting—growing lawns The price and terms which we will make will he an added argument in tavor of your owning one of these desirable Kite Homes. Come and see them today without fail. If you are motoring, come out Rhode Island avenue and turn Into Brentwood Road—it will take you directly to these Monroe st. Homes Or take the trolley on G st.. leaving the car at Rhode Island ave. and Newton st n.e.: a few steps down Newton st.. taking first turn to right over foot bridge, will bring you to Monroe st. and this interesting group of Homes. Our representative will be on hand to show you about all day every i day —including Sunday. * Built, Owned and For Sale by ; HARRY A. KITE (Incorporated), j 1514 K St. Phone Main 4846. I ROOK LAND BARGAIN. ; Large, detached stucco: 10 rooms and 3 1 servants' rooms: all modern: will make ideal ; home. apts.. or hoarding house sacrifice for *13.000: easy terms. L. V. THACKER, 1037 ! Evarts st.. Brookland, Pot, 2219, 29* Wonderful porch space front and rear, three spacious bedchambers in this beau tiful tapestry brick home, together with cozy living room, ample dlninr room and kitchen that is a veritable delight, equipped with one-piece enamel sink, built-in refrigerator and walls covered with brilliant Sanitas make this the most startling value in this rapidly de veloping section. The bath is tiled, out side window. There is a brick garage with each house. There are but 3 left. You must phone right away if you hope to get one of these One block from car line, bus line and stores. Don't think this is an error, the once i is really only— 1 Three out of the fir»t five people who inspect these will buy. If you are left you lose, for there will tie no more at this price. _ i ARNOLD AND COMPANY. 1410 Eye St. N.W. Main 2434. (OHtUu4 ou Nut ftia) 31