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32 FOR SALF—HOUSES (Continued). r A BARGAIN NORTHEAST. S2OO CASH. $47.50 PER MO. (Includes All Interest) A very attractive six-room and bath brick home with co lonial front porch, double back porches; long yard to alley; room for garage. Newly papered and painted and in first-class condition throughout. PRICE, $4,950.00. J. DALLAS GRADY, 904 14th St. N.W. Main 6181. $"14,750. ON THE HEIGHTS. IDEAL ROOMING AND BOARDING HOI'SE. A Kennedy-built home situated on beautiful 13th st. just a few squares above Central High School. It is an excellent home-investment property or ideally adapted for rooming and board ing. There are ten unusually spacious, bright rooms and two complete baths; six bedrooms: sleeping porch on second floor; third floor now arranged as apart ment an., excellent income obtained. Many appealing features, including beau tiful woodwork throughout, rear stair way. extra electrical outlets, large, pan try. hot-water heat and electric lights. The future value of the property is positively assured. Circumstances re ouire IMMEDIATE SALE. Terms . can be arranged. Investigate. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K ST. N.W. MAIN 0300. 1006 M ST. N.W. A really beautiful home, and at the price asked this is one of the best buys in the city: 11 large, bright, airy rooms, kitchen and bath, elec tricity. repapered and painted, floors re finished: in perfect condition throughout. A truly wonderful home: an excellent location for a yooming house. Day, Main 989. ! Evenings, Adams 6557. “MASSACHUSETTS PARkT Home and Land Values Over 58.000.000. DETACHED BRICK HOMES Finished and under construc tion. Central and side halls. Complete in every detail. Built to please the most critical. Four to seven bedrooms. Three and four baths. Lots 50 to 115 feet front. Five minutes from Sheri dan Circle. Prices moderate. Terms to suit. “Exhibit,” 32d St. and Cathedral Avenue, one block from Woodley Road Bus. MIDDAUGH & SHANNON, Incorporated. Builder, Owner. Potomac 2200. RIGGS-SEMMES BUILDING. Dupont Circle. Truly Wonderful Homes — That is what you will say once you have riven this new group at 3800-3816 Windom Street. North Cleveland Park. your inspection. They are Kite Homes and contain all the little niceties and con veniences for which our Homes have, be come famous. You'll find many unusual and unique features that will be of great interest to the housekeeper. Take the plan ning and arrangement into consideratiori-—- there isn't a bit of waste space to compli cate your housekeeping—every bit of room is available for living purposes. The care ful finishing throughout will be appreciated. Wholly Detached. On Ample Lawns. Make it a point to inspect these splendid Homes today. There are several types of distinctive architecture from which to choose. Located in the most exclusive residential section of the National Capital within one square of the Wisconsin ave. car line. Sample Home and Office, 3816 Windom St. Priced to make purchase easy— most liberal terms. Open for inspection every day and eve ning. Sundays included. If you wish to make a special appointment, phone our Mr. R E. Hamilton at Cleveland 1490. Drive out Conn. ave.. turning left at Albe marle st.. turning left into 38th st. or take Wisconsin ave. cars to just beyond the Na tional Cathedral, at Windom st. Built. Owned and for Sale By HARRY A. KITE (Incorporated I. 1514 K St. Phone Main 4846. NR MASS. AND WIS. AVES.—HIGH novation: exclusive home section ; two I‘2-r. & b. modern houses; built .‘l >ears: orierinal uost about $60,000: price of both only $4M.500: open for an offer on terms. Saul’s Addition—Location ideal: modern 7 r. & b. bungalow: a real barcain at 512.050; easy terms: po6- pession. For homes in all sections of the city and nearby Virginia, from 5 rooms upwards, on easy payment plan, see us. Our salesmen can show you some bargains. N. E. RYOX CO.. INC. Main 4597. 1423 F St. JUST OEE 16ih ST. $12,500. Loeatcd just a few feet off lHth St and close to the Sacred Heart. Thuroh. this practically new home represents a remarkable value. It is an uneovered-porch type having six splendidly arranged rooms, complete tile bath with shower, breakfast and sleeping; porches, oak floors through out. h.-w.h.. elec, lights, screens, awn imrs and weather strips. A special feature Is the larre built-in fireproof parade. An opportunity not to be overlooked. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. H EDGES & MIDDLETON. Inc. Realtors. _ 1412 Eve St. N.W. Franklin 9503. PRICE, SS,OOO—CASH, SSOO. Near sth A* K sts. n.e., an ideal brick home of six rooms and bath cellar under entire house. This must bo seen to l»e ap preciated JOHN QUINN CO., INC. MAIN 435, 704 13th ST. N.W, N FAY HOM E—59,450. Oak floors throughout, concrete front ponh. sixteen floor nlutfs. downstairs coat closet, imported pottery fixtures, downstairs mirror door, built-in refrigerator, cold pantry, white m®tal kitchen cabinet, drop-leaf metal table, white enamel ranee, one-piece porce lain sink, tiled-in bathtub, shower with six foot tile, all built-in fixtures, linen closets, shoe shelves in closets. 10-foot double rear porches, hot-water heat and electricity, serv ants’ toilet and laundry trays, paved alley and sodded rear yard. For further informa tional! d terms. f'ALL FRANKLIN 5670. 1268 OATES ST. N.E. Open Sunday. A “PICK-UP” AT $7,950. A rare bargain—new fl+oom—pru-ed to sell quickly; a real. coxy, modern home, with tiled bath, oak floors, wide eolonial front porch, screened dining and sleeping porches, finished throughout in hardwood, built-in re frigerator. one-piece kitchen sink and built in. heated garage Can j>e bought with small down payment, on easy monthly terms. Our experience has been that this kind of bar gain does not stay in the market long. Open for inspection all day Sunday. Take H st. car. get off at 13th st. n.e.. walk north on 13th and Trinidad to Oates. CHAS. D. SAGER. 924 I4th. Main 36. GEORGETOWN. Attractive semi-detached brick house of (t large rooms and bath: excellent condition: h.-w.h.. electric light: room for garage; tiest location: $8,250: small cash payment: balance like rent. C. P. BARRETT. Main 9016. 1502 K St. GEORGETOWN. Six rooms, practically new: owner le»w- Potom»cr3KMfc-* REAL ESTATE:/ REG’LAR FELLERS —Jimmy Helps the Guest Choose. mL^^u^ 1 ! KfSS BY GENE BYRNES ■■ ■ " —im—l." „■ c. I ■■■■ 111—, r . - iTnr-M—T- ~ it n *' B'*~ [ ■' 1 " ■ iriiiniresi ■ ns.-~g< l ■mhu - **'■■■! ' ~ ■ n f OH! > £ veo* I I /wvucw /irr\ I ~~ «*1 I JIN\MIE IS A /CT , \ I n / DOYOOUKEi, \ f ME \ / YBETTEtt niTP 1, \ OUR LITTLE ! ( \ IP | DEVILED EGO ON \ V THIMR* ) I TAKE HAM Xl* *{ ■/ i—2 " ' (Copyright, 1425, by The B«ll Syndics!*, tnc ) ' FOR SALE—HOUSES. FOR SALE—HOUSES. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K St. N.W. Realtors, Main 9300. SIO,2SO—NEAR GRANT CIRCLE. Owner, leaving the city, has just reduced price of this unusually attrac tive colonial-type home ana is offering same at a barrain figure. There are six exceptionally large, bright rooms, tiled bath with shower, inclosed sleeping porches, fireplace in living room, hardwood floors and trim, screens, awminrs. inst. h.-w. heater. Nokol oil hot-water heating 1 plant, electric lights. Large garage. If you can appreciate the utmost in value we urge your prompt inspection of this offering. Liberal terms. $13,000 NEAR 15th AND CRITTENDEN. If* you arc looking for an outstanding value in a modem two-story tapestry brick dwelling situated between 14th and 16th sts.. in that popular section a little south of the 16th st. reservoir, seo this house today. There are four bedrooms, two complete tiled baths (one with shower). hardwood floors, cement front porch, splendid living room with fireplace, inclosed break fast porch, an immaculate kitchen with every convenience for the efficient housewife, screens, awnings and numerous other added attractions: hot-water heat and electric lights. Attic. TWO-CAR GARAGE. $5,000 cash required to purchase this property, which is absolutely being sacrificed. $14,000 —New Detached Home —NEAR CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. An individual English-type cottage that is most appealing, and all of tb« rooms are exceptionally well planned and of good proportions. There is a large cement front porch, beautiful living room with artistic fireplace, dining room, breakfast room, pantry and kitchen. Second floor has three bright bedrooms, beautifully equipped tiled bath and large sleeping porch. The house is constructed of hollow tile and has a slate roof. Oak floors throughout. We are confident it will appeal to any one seeking a moderate-priced home in a convenient location. Only two and one-hall squares from school stores, churches, etc. The lot is 130 ft. deep. Garage built in keeping with house. Liberal terms. SB,2SO—LONGFELLOW ST.—Built-in Garage. A BARGAIN. Situated close to 14th st. car line in a section of up-to-date homes. This house is practically new. tapestry brick, with roomy cement front porch, reception hall, bright dining room, pantry, kitchen and screened breakfast porch. The second floor has three splendid bedrooms, tiled bath am! screened sleeping porch. There are numerous interesting and appealing features, including oak floors, cedar closet, screened and weather-stripped, hot-water heat and electric lights. Very accessible built-in garage. The prop erty can be purchased on reasonable terms. Monthly carrying charges not over $75. All reasonable offers solicited. SB,3SO—CORNER BRICK HOME—Built-in Garage. Situated in one of the best squares in the northeast, composed entirely of practically new and up-to-date homes. This well built home occupies a corner site and is convenient to two car lines and about five minutes' ride by auto to downtown. Colonial type; front porch: six splendid, well propor tioned rooms (three bedrooms), tiled bath, oak floors, ample clothes closets, hot-water heat and electric lights, built-in fireproof garage. Excellent lot in lawn and bordered on front and side with stone coping. The property can be purchased on reasonably low cash payment and monthly carrying charges not over S6O. Investigate il you are looking lor a splendid home in a very convenient location. Phone Service Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. MEMBERS OF WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARD , C. H. SMALL & CO. Main 8034 Real Estate Main 6861 PRICE $11,750. Corner northwest, 3 substantially built home just 1 >4 blocks off the 14th street car line in the very best section of Columbia Heights. The nouse is 20 feet wide, has six 16) large and delightful roomc-titgd ~lmk vertfai huilvm tub. hardwood floors and trim mings. built-in garage, double rear porches on an Improved street. You will be impressed with its many features and conveniences. Small cash payment and very convenient month ly payments. » . PRICE $7,950 Brookland. For the modest sum of $65 a month and a moderate cash payment you can obtain the best six 16) room and bath new home in the most desirable section of Brookland. This home is especially well built, conveniently located and complete in every detail. Phone us to inspect, as there are only a few left. PRICE $7,150 Northeast. This is positively the biggest value in a new home we have ever of fered and once you see it you will wonder how you can get so much for so little on such convenient terms. Six (6) spacious rooms, bath, built-in garage, built-in refrigera tor. double rear and front porches, hardwood floors, beautiful lawn, stone retaining wall in front, convenient to store, schools and churches. Phone us to inspect. C. H. SMALL & CO., 925 15th Street N.W. Main 6861 Main 8034 WE WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU THESE HOMES. FURTHER INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. New Detached Brick Residence—sl7,3oo. New detached modern brick home of the center-entrance type, containing seven splendid rooms and two baths (four bedrooms i. Lot is 60 bv 120 feet and there is a brick garage to match the house Slate roof, open fireplace, hot-water heat and all modern improvements. -Terms. Located iu Chevy Chase's most desirable residential section. Modern Northeast Home — Section of New Homes—sß,loo. Located in a very good section of the northeast in a community of new homes There are six rooms, hath, front and double rear porches. The second floor rented for $35 a month. All modern improvements, screened, and has a built-in garage Terms to a responsible party. Well Built Eight-Room Home Desirable Location, Bloomingdale. Conveniently located house of eight good-sized rooms and bath. 20 feet wide' with electricity and gas. new heating plant. Good lot to alley, with space for garage The price is $10,500. with reasonable terms. Stucco Bungalow— In Takoma Park—sß,soo. Detached modern stucco bungalow on a splendid lot. 50x239 feet having large heautiful trees, fronting on a concrete street. Five spacious rooms and' hath sleeping porch, large front porch the entire width of house, built-in garage open fireplace hot-water heat, electricity and gas. Hardwood flooring throughout entire house. Terms'. A Four-Bedroom Brick Home. Off 14th St., Reduced to $10,950. Located in an excellent residential section, considering convenience to cars stores churches and surrounding homes: a square off the 14th st. car. Large front porch and double rear porches, four good-sized bedrooms, all modem improvements hardwood floors everything in good condition. On good lot to wide paved alley. Possession. Stop Wasting Rent. Inspect These Homes Now. Call SHANNON & LUCHS, Inc. 713 14th St. N.W. Main 2345. N. L. SANSBURY CO., INC., 1418 EYE ST. N.W. PHONES MAIN 5903-4-5. PRICE, $16,000. EDGEMOOR. This is an individually built home and contains features which will have a strong appeal TYie location is ideal, being in a section where values are con stantly increasing and the environment is most pleasing. The house contains eirht beautiful rooms, a well appointed tiled bath, complete lavatory on first floor- of course there are all modern features, such as hot-water heat, electric light, hardwood flotms throughout. There is a garage to match the house. Tile lot contains approximately one-quarter of an acre. w PRICE, $7,500. NORTHEAST. A thoroughly modern house, having every convenience you can find m a house at twwe the price. It is less than one square from the car line and has six rooms and bash, hot-water heat, electric lights, hardwood floors built-in ie« box. If you want a home that is strictly up to the minute, call this office! 5508 9th ST. N.W. WE HAVE BEEN given a price on this splendid home which will make it aell quickly. The house is full 20 feet wide and contains six unusually large rooms full tiled bath, hot-water heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, colonial front porch double rear porches. It is screened throughout and is in excellent condition. There is a garage for two cars. Possession will be given in reasonable time. NEAR 14th AND IRVING STS. N.W. AN UNUSUAL VALUE in a large three-sotry brick house In one of the finest locations in the city. Particularly well suited for a rooming or hoarding house proposi tion. There arc nine very spacious rooms: all modern conveniences, including hot-water healing plant, electric lights. Is in fine condition, having been recently redecorated and lias a very deep lot to a wide alley. The price and terms will certainly interest'you Vacant. N. L. SANSBURY CO., INC., “EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE,” 1418 EYE ST. N.W. PHONES MAIN 5903-4-5. - .REALTORS* TEra-WgyTTNGf STXK, WXSHTNGTOyr, V. U, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1925. FOR SALE—HOUSES. OPEN EVERY DAY ' TILL 9 PJI. 4 SOLD. I LEFT. 730 to 738 Rittenhouse St. N.W. Semi-Detached. Lot 26x100 to 16-foot alley. Six large rooms, tile bath with shower, largo attic: every modern convsniencs. Price and terms very reasonable. Ga. ave. cars one block of house. 3. f. JAMES. 4610 7th ST. N.W. ow NER AND BUILDER. ADAMS 6640. OR SALESMAN. COL. 7809. ANY BROKER. 31* For Colored. To close an estate I will sacrifice a wonderful home in northwest section, consisting of six rooms and bath, large yard to alley. This home has Just been refinished throughout. The price and terms make this one of the best buys in town. CALL MAIN 989. EVENINGS. ADAMS 6567. BARGAINS. 6-Room and Bath Homes, Northeast and Southeast. Row Brick Houses in Town. Detached Homes in Suburbs, Prices Very Low. Built, Owned and for Sale by HARRY A. KITE, INC.. 1514 K St. N.W. Lowest Terms If Bought Through This Office. Phone Main 4846. PRICE REDUCED. NEW CORNER HOUSE IN ECKINGTON. 6 rooms, bath and garage. THRIFT V Blfr>^**CO ter MAIN 788. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, INC., 1412 Eye St. N.W. Realtors. Franklin 9503. $16,500 ENGLISH VILLAGE—B Rooms—2 Baths. Situated in thi» choice community of well kept homes and adjacent to the new Cathedral, this semi-detached English-style brick residence is undoubtedly one of the bimrest values on the market today. It is in perfect condition throughout, nleaaimr in arrangement and moat complete. Seven rooms » four bedrooms), two bAths. hardwood floors and every convenience, including a built-in rarajre. Splendid front, side and rear yards. Au opportunity not to be overlooked. $11,950 —CHEVY CHASE—Detached— y 2 Square off Conn. Ave. This completely detached modern home, situated on a 50-foot-front lot and lust !4 square off Connecticut ave.. is really an out-of-the-ordlnary offering. It is a colonial style. haTing a wide porch entire width of house six splendidly arranged rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, elec, lights, h.-w.h.. and has been newly redecorated throughout. The lot is surrounded with hedge, has some shrubbery, flowers and four garages, three of which are now rented S3O per month. This property should sell quickly at the price quoted and we advise your Immediate inspection. Good terms. SI9,SOO—CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—English Colonial. A brand-new and particularly attractive English colonial home situated on one of the beet residential streets in Chevy Chase west of Connecticut ave. It is a center-entrance-hall plan, having a very lartre living room, open fireplace large side porch with cement flooring, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen on first floor. Upstairs there are fire bedrooms, two tile baths, full attic, servant's room and bath. Two-car built-in garage. Beautiful lot. 63x00. with ample shade. A real good buy. SB,7SO—FACING GOVERNMENT PARK—Modern Home. A practically new light colonial tapestry brick home, located directlv opposite a beautiful Government park in the northwest, that has been priced low and can be sold on easy terms. It has six splendidly arranged rooms, laree tile bath, sleeping porch and a lower rear porch, hardwood floors and trim else, lights, h.-w.h.. and a lot approximately 120 feet in depth, with garage opening on paved alley. $8,450 —TAKOMA PARK—California Bungalow. Just reduced in price. A true California bungalow-type home, located on a paved street, within a few squares of the new public school, near car line and close to neighborhood stores. It is just about five yearß old: has five nicely arranged rooms, modern bath, excellent heating plant, elec, lights also a glass-Inclosed sleeping porch and other improvements. Good level lot. 50x140. with garage. Very easy terms. SI7,BSO—MASS. AVE. HEIGHTS—B Rooms—2 Baths. An appealing eemi-bungalow-type home, situated on a lot .50x110. with sev eral shade trees and a garage. Reception hall, larg* living room, open fireplace, dining room, kitchen, pantry, one full-size bedroom and tile bath with shower on first floor. The second floor has three bedrooms and com plete tile bath. The house is just two years old. modern throughout* has slate roof, hardwood floors throughout and all improvements. Decidedly the lowest-priced home in Massachusetts Ave. Heights. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC., MEMBERS OF THE WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARD. 1412 Eye St. N.W. Franklin 9503. BARGAINS! LOOK THESE OVER CAREFULLY. New—Halt Square of 16th St. N.W.—513,500. Easy Terms. We believe in offering thi* property that for real value you will be getting more for your money than any home of like location and price in Washington Picture a wide, prepossessing brick colonial-style home with spacious front porch, large reception hall, comfortable, light and well arranged living room, a dining room with an abundance of wall space and room for furniture without crowding. French doors to breakfast or lounging porch, a beautiful kitchen, cold storage pantry and kitchen porch Above are four generous bedrooms, each with large storage closets, also linen closet in hall and a great big sleeping porch exposed to the southern breezes. Above this floor is a large attic with wide, easy stairway. Every conceivable modem improvement, with plenty of floor plugs, hardwood floors throughout, beautifully decorated. Jf you call picture it you will surely call us to inspect. High elevation, exclusive neighborhood and too many other attractive features to mention. Phone Main 371. New, Detached, N.W. Suburb—sß,2so. Only SI,OOO Cash. Beautiful detached home of eight light, well ventilated rooms, hot-water heat electricity, hardwoods floors, spacious porches; trees lawn shrubberv; arranged ideally for two families, (rerage. etc. In a charming, exclusive homo section. We can make the monthly payments suit you. too. Phone now. Main 371. New Brick Residence, Chevy Chase, D. C.—59,350; SI,OOO Cash. Can you Imagine being able to secure a new brick semi-detached residence in this high-class section containing six large rooms and tiled bath, with every modern improve ment. for only $9,360? Lots nearly 26 feet wide by 100. The location and the fact that they are brick construction should convince you of the value and the necessity to see them Immediately before all are snapped up. Phone Main 371. Near 14th and Monroe Sts. N.W.—Only $9,500. Easy Terms. A most attractive brick residence facing south on this wide, excellent residential street. Contains large living room, large dining room and exceptionally large kitchen and cold storage pantry on first floor. On the second floor are three l>edrooms and tiled bath, all of them good-sized double rooms. The ceilings are 9 feet 6 inches high (not the 8-foot ceilings of most homes built now). The house is thoroughly modern, having hot-water heat, electric lights, front and back porches. This property is ready for immediate occupancy, and the owner will rrpaper any rooms desired by purchaser. The location is considered by us to be the most convenient to cars, stores, churches, markets and movies in the city. Phone us now. Main 371. On Wide Avenue Southeast —$7,500. Only SSOO Cash. A substantially built brick home of six splendid rooms and bath: large front yard. back yard: southern exposure. Vacant and in good genera) condition. Easy monthly payments can be arranged. Close to cars, stores, schools, churches, etc. Phone Main 371. WILLIAM K. HARTUNG & COMPANY, 1108 16th St. N.W. Phones Main 371, 372, 373. Realtors. ARNOLD AND COMPANY, “Always Offering the Best in the Market.” UNEXCELLED LOCATION. ADJOINING SAUL’S ADDITION. PRICE, $10,500. Located west of Georgia ave.. within one square of graded and junior high school, this beautiful colonial brick house of finest quality contains six big rooms and bath in rood condition, parquet floors, glass-inclosed sleeping porch. Stairway to floored attic. Garage. Reasonable terms. MT. PLEASANT, NEAR SACRED HEART CHURCH. SEMI-DETACHED BRICK, SII,OOO. One-half square from 16th and Columbia rd. This superior home of six rooms and bath is being sold at a sacrifice. Hot-water heat, electric lights. Twenty-foot- alley in rear. Give us a call for Inspection and you will realize this is a pick-up at the price offered. ARNOLD AND COMPANY, JL4I6 Eye St. Main 2434. FOR SAI.E—HOUSES. Just Off 16th St. NEAR RESERVOIR. Just offered for sale. Detached homes fn this delightful, refined location are always lu demand, and we urge your prompt Inspection of this offering. The house has an attractive exterior, and the interior plan is likewise comfortable and practical, one feature being the spacious rooms. First-floor plan ideally arranged for entertaining. Upstairs there are four splendid bedrooms, tiled bath. Finished billiard room In attic. Bronze screens, metal weather stripping for heat economy and Winter comfort: in stantaneous h.-w. heater: front, side and double rear porches: slate roof: hot-water heat and electric lights: splendid lot. 60x150. attractively improved with shrubbery, lawn, trees ami abundance of gretty flowers. Garage constructed like ouse. Price only $22,000. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K ST. N.W. MAIN 9300. LgASE EXPIRING OCTOBER 31. 1926. with firs years' additional option, on 1409 H it. n.w., with fixtures. This property Is available for bank, real estate, insurance or broker's office. Can be disposed of at a bargain If prompt action is taken. See Mr. Offutt, Cashier, Dis trict National Bank, 1406 G street northwest. BIG BARGAINS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 1237-1261 OATES ST. N.E. (Bt. Montello Ave. (12thl & Trinidad Ave.) Go to 12th and K. North to Oates. 6 rooms, fully tiled bath, hardwood floors and trim, large colonial front porch, screened rear porches, h.-w.h.. built-in refrig.: long lots: with or without garage; 20 ft. paved alley. Low price. Easy terms. ANY BROKER or COOLEY BROS.. Owners-Bullders. Main 2670-71. Evenings. North 7318. ol* FOK SALK—HOUSES. FOR SALB—HOUSES. COL. HEIGHTS—SI,OOO CASH. Ten rooms, two baths, hot-water heat, electricity, solid oak trim throughout house, everything in perfect condition; a two car garage. A wonderful rooming house, and it is but a few steps off 14th street. CAPITOL HILL. This house is the most complete home in this section. Tapes try brick, six rooms, hot-water heat, special electric fixtures, fireplace, French doors, instant heater, glass-inclosed breakfast porch, copper screens, awnings. Must be seen to be appreciated. Only SI,OOO cash. INSPECT I —6IOB 9th ST. N.W. A detached seven-room (four-bedroom) house, a.m.L, hard wood floors, open fireplace, perfect condition; beautiful yard with fruit and shade trees, garden, hedge, etc. Only $10,500. CLEVELAND PARK—SIS,SOO. This brick home should sell today at this price. Contains eight rooms, two baths, hot-water heat, electricity, hardwood floors throughout, French doors, open fireplace, roomy cedar closets, attic, very large yard. Similar houses selling at $1,500 more. WM. S. PHILLIPS, 1432 K St. N.W. , Main 4000. Office Open Until 6 P.M. OUT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE FIELD OF BUNGALOWS CONSTRUCTION STANDS MANOR PARK, D. C. COME OUT AND LET US PROVE IT. Fife and six rooms and bath, built-in tuH (Pembroke 1. tile floors, alee! medicine cabinet, clothes chute. %-inch oak hardwood floors throurhout. hot-water heat, open fireplace, base plum in all rooms, one-piece sink, kitchen cabinet, range, built-in ice box in kitchen, specially designed electric fixtures .full cellar under house, with wash trays and coal bins, stairway to attic, exterior finished In stucco, ahtngle. brick and frame, porches front and rear, large lots, sodded and fenced. PRICES TERMS: MONTHLY PAYMENTS: —To «uit everybody s SSOO cash. $750 cash. SI .000 SBS. $75. 585, including pocketbook: $7,450. $8,250. cash and $1,500 cash. all interest and principal. $8,500. SB,BOO. $8,750. $8,950. SB,BOO. 511.600. HOW TO REACH PROPERTY: Fourteenth street car line marked Takoma, ret off at Third and Quackenbos, or drive out Georgia avenue to Rittenhouse street and east to Third then south to Quackenbos. Open and lighted daily and Sunday until 9 p.m. TERRELL & LITTLE, INC., 1206 18th STREET N.W. MAIN 3285. Evenings. Phone Adams 6549 or Adams 3215-W. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC., ESTABLISHED 1887. S2O,OOO—CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Close to Connecticut avq.. on a 60-foot frontage. One of the most attractive homes in the nationally known suburb. Built for the owner several years ago. Abundance of shrubben* and flowers, combined with generous depth of lot and southern exposure, afford an unusual setting for this seven-room and two-bath detached center-hall-plan dwelling. Hot-water heat, electric lighting, and a garage harmonizing with the main structure. Something decidedly out of the ordinary for the discriminating home seeker. Shown by special appointment only. $16,750 —NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. On a through street. In a square improved by exceptionally fine homes, a splendidly constructed three-story and cellar stone and brick dwelling, with 12 rooms, attic and two fullly tiled baths. House screened throughout. Excellent condition, having been occupied by owner ever since completion. Ample room for two-car garage on rear of lot. Kelsey heater and electric lighting. An unusual opportunity to acquire a com modious home in the best of downtown neighborhoods. Shown by special appointment only. SIS.SOO—FINE CORNER ON MD. AVE. N.E., WELL IN. Good rooming house investment. Substantial brick dwelling with 18 rooms and two baths: hot-water heat and electricity. Under rent for $l6O month and will pay 157e on the equity. A real northeast bargain. SIS,OOO—FIRST COMMERCIAL ZONE-NEAR CARNEGIE LIBRARY. On lot 20 by over 140 to wide alley, an 11-room and bath brick dwelling, with three-car garage. House heated by hot water and lighted by electricity. Easily con verted into store and apartments, and. being located on a business street, offers ’future speculative possibilities. $12,500 —LANIER HEIGHTS. Attractive modern brick home with brick jrarage. House has hot-water heat, oak floors, electricity and inclosed sleeping porch. Reasonably priced and desirably located, being within easy reach of both car systems and business houses. Prompt possession SI2,OOO—ST. GABRIEL’S PARISH. Handsome corner property, consisting of a brand-new brick home with eight rooms and bath and built-in garage. The house faces south and east: has outside shutters, very spacious porches, built-in bath and refrigerator, and other features incident to | a high-class dwelling: and its proximity to two avenues and to two circles makes it an exceptional bargain. Call here for an inspection. SIO.SOO—MICHIGAN PARK, N. BROOKLAND. VERY ATTRACTIVE CORNER HOUSE. Detached, on generous lot. with seven rooms and hath and garage. A four-bedroom house, built by Middaugh & Shannon, with oak floors, hot-water heat and electricity: restricted neighborhood and convenient to street cars and stores, yet in a strictly resi dential section, where permanency of values is insured. This very conservative price should appeal to one appreciative of a fine suburban home. SIO.SOO—MASS. AVE. N.E., WEST OF 9th. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL LOCATED. Thoroughly modern brick dwelling with six rooms, reception hall and bath hot water heat and electricity. Don't miss this. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC., REALTORS—ESTABLISHED 1887. 1433 K St. N.W. Main 1016-7. 1315 FERN ST. N.W. (JUST EAST OF ALASKA AVE.) Stately stone mansion, containing 13 rooms, 2 baths and first-floor lavatory; breakfast and sleeping porches, and granite garage; screened and weather-stripped throughout. This solidly built home, with 18-inch walls, is located on a beautiful lot, 60 feet wide. BROOKE TEA HOUSE. GEORGIA AVE. AND BLAIR RD. CLUB OR TEA HOUSE. Spacious house, containing 16 rooms, 3 baths and 4 lavatories, located on a beautiful lot of 3y 2 acres, with numerous fruit trees. This house is in excellent condition and offers a rare opportunity for a club or tea house. 4403 17th ST. N.W., SIS,OOO—NEAR WEBSTER ST. Practically new brick home, containing 8 rooms, 2 baths, screens, hardwood floors and garage. One of the lowest-priced houses in this beautiful section. 1463 HARVARD §T. N.W. A Breuninger-built home, with 8 rooms, sleeping porch, 2 baths and large brick garage. Reasonably priced. After 5 P.M., Call Mr. Brockson, Adams 2095. L. E. BREUNINGER & SONS, Maitt-6140. __ . 706 .Colorado Bldg* RCXC ET STATED FOR SALE—HOUSES. CORNER BARGAINS. 1424 Orren ft n.e.—s room*, etc. 8201 Adams Mill rd. n.w.—-8 rooms. ANY BROKER or B. H- GRUVER. MAIN 2870. MAIN 1583. Beautiful Maryland Ave. Home of 9 room*. 2 baths: hot-water heatlnr plant, electric lights, hardwood floors: In excellent condition throughout: two-car garage; immediate possession: own er In Florida offers property at sacrifice price. $12,500. Terms, if desired. PRATHER & ROBINSON, 614 515-510 Bond Bldg.. 14th and N. Y. Ave.. Main 442. BROOKLAND BARGAIN. Only $8,500. The owner of thts exceptionally at tractive home Is anxious to make an Immediate eale. ' We are confident the house could not be duplicated for SI,OOO more than the price asked. There is a large front porch: tix splendid rooms, all having two or more win dows. modem bath and enormous glass inclosed sleeping porch; breakfast porch; beautifully equipped modem kitchen that will appeal to any housekeeper; screens throughout, numerous added attractions: laundry, extra toilet, hot-water heat, electric lights. Wonderfully improved lot 140 feet deep. The location is ideal. In a section of new homes. Easy terms can be arranged Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. COLORED BARGAINS. 429 17th S.E—Possession: 6r. and » Colonial brick; wired for elec.; deep lot. Only $4,750; terms. 2505 Eye N W.—Vacant: 6r. and b, brick- in good repair; deep lot; alley. Price and terms Interesting. E. Col. Hgte. Section—Vacant: modem 3-story brick, arranged as rats; ideal home or investment: suit able for professional man; below value on < ash payment only $750. balance easy. N. E. RYON CO., INC., Main 4697. 1423 E St. HOMES FOR COLORED* NORTHEAST. PRICE, $3,150.00. $200.00 CASH, $30.00 PER MONTH (Include* All Interest.) f A very attractive home on wide avenue, containing four large rooms, newly papered «id painted, and In first-class condition throughout. Long front yard (fenced-in) and good back yard to alley. This is the Best Buy in Northeast. Don’t Fail to Inspect Immediately. J. DALLAS GRADY, 804 I4th St. N.W. Main 6161. BROOKLAND, Near Catholic University. Suitable for boarding* house. A* larre 7-room home, modern improvements. Larsre corner lot. with fruit ana 6hade. Room for another building* on a portion of the lot. bDfoial arranged Price. $8 750. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. Real Estate Department. 10th and G. Main 432. Evenings. North 313. DOUGLASS & PHILLIPS,Inc New r 4-Bedroom Brick Home. 19 ft. 0 in. wide: 4 bedrooms, built-in refrigerator, downstairs coat closet, concrete front porch. This house is two blocks from the new big Government park The price is $8,850 and the monthly payments are $75. Near Government Park. Wonderful Bargain. Priced at $7,950. with terms of $750 cash and monthly payments of st>s. this house with a built-in irara ge. is an unusual bar gain. It has larye. airy rooms, concrete front porch and lar*e double rear porches, hardwood floors and many other attractive features. Near 14th St. Car Line. . X ou find such a delightful horn* built of brick and eo completely equipped, but very seldom. There are 6 airy rooms and fully tiled bath: a two-car brick garage on the rear of a spacious lot: front and double rear porches, including a screened sleeping porch hardwood floors and trim throughout. All openings are equipped with screens and awnings. You will also find a servant's toilet and laundry trays in the cel lar. The price is exceptional at $9,150 and an inspection will prove well worth your time. Phone Until 9 P.M. DOUGLASS & PHILLIPS.Inc. Franklin 5078. 1516 K St N.W. New Six-Room Homes, Built-in Garages, BROOKLAND. The Lowest Priced Hisrh-Class Homes Offered Today. Compare with anything within SI,OOO of the price. If you have looking- for a home and have been unable to satisfy yourself with the homes offered within your reach, then W e Urge Your Critical Inspection and Comparison. Sample House: 2908 10th St. N.E. Take Rhode Island ave. cars to 12tli st walk north to Girard, west one block to houses. Or telephone Main 2990 for auto service until 5 p.m.. afterward Cleveland 183. CHARLES M. WALLINGFORD. JAMES A. CONNOR. Builders and Owners. Come and See Them, THAT’S ALL. Once jou have taken a good look at these dandy Kite Homes at 200-220 16th Street S.E. nothin* else will do. They have the many refinements of finish that have made our Homes so popular. They are of a conven ient. compact arrangement and m archi tecture they are distinctive and desirable. Wholly Detached. Sample Home. 208. There's plenty of room for the kiddies to play in safety and for making a garden or growing flowers. The interiors of these Homes are compact in arrangement and the finishing throughout is in perfect taste. Kite Built means Well Built—so you won't have expensive upkeep to face. Come and see them at the first possible moment — delay is sure to mean disappointment. Convenient Size. 6 rooms, hath, sleeping porch, kitchen porch, hardwood floors, glass-inclosed dresser in spacious kitchen, complete hot-water plant, with separate heater for hot water: laundry tubs—everything that facilitate* housekeeping. Electric fixtures are most artistic in design, and all the features of finish are very effective. Prices on application—terms unusually interesting. Open for inspection all day every day—including Sunday. Built, Owned and For Sale bv HARRY A. KITE (Incorporated), 1514 K St. Phone Main 484(>. 1235 NEAL ST. N.E. SB,OOO—EASY TERMS. This is a new house, located on high ground, overlooking the Capitol: near East em High School, one block to Wheatle.v School: fine neighborhood: every modern convenience, including hardwood floors, hnt water heat, built-in kitchen cahiuet and ice box. large screened porches, full tile bath: 160-foot lot. fenced yard: unusually big closets: beautiful lighting fixtures with ex tra outlets in nearly every room. Comfort and convenience have been provided in every part of this attractive home. Price. SB,OOO with easy terms. Open for inspection any afternoon or evening this week or call Mam 30 and arrange to go out any time. CHAS. D. SAGER, 924 14th St. N.W, Main 30 ._ BROOKLAND BARGAIN. 6 ROOMS—NEW. ONLY $7,850. New home, in exclusive University neigh borhood. Built of brick to last a lifetime. Modern in every respect. This perfect little home will appeal very strongly to the buyer who is looking for comfort and convenience combined with sound investment value. Six large, cool rooms, including completely equipped kitchen and paneled living room, three large porches, back yard with garden spot and many other unusual features that you would never expect to find In a house at this price. Call our offi.-c. Main 36. and we will drive you out at any time. CHAS. D. SAGER, Main 3tl, 924 14th St. N.W Near 11th and Monroe Sts. N.W. Price $10,500 Large eight-room-hatb brick home, in ex cellent condition, with electric lights, h.-w.h. and extra large cellar. This property must be sold and can be bought on very reason - •bit Jenna. J4aia46S6. TBmongfc-Fxv37S.