Newspaper Page Text
THREE SHIPS RUSH ! RUBBER TO PORT Cargoes Worth $14,000,000 Harried Toward New York as July Wanes. By thp Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 28.—While Amer ican demands for the removal of re strictions on the output of rubber are being; discussed in the House of Com mons. three ships are racing- to New York, seeking to land cargoes from Singapore before Saturday, and the price lias dropped a little. If the Kansas, the Siberian Prince snd the Menelaus reach port by mid night July 31, they can deliver 6.500 tons of crude rubber to those who have sold it for July delivery. At - s Pot prices in recent soaring markets their cargo is worth something more than $14,000,000, The failure of the vessels to arrive before Saturday will mean large losses to brokers who have contracted to deliver July rubber. They must buy in the open market. Expectation that the vessels would arrive on time caused a sharp break in rubber prices here yesterday. Spot smoked sheets ran off 5 cents a pound to sl.lO. Other leading grades dropped 2 to 6 cents, but the general range of prices still 90 cents above last year's level. Protest Factor in Drop. In some quarters protests of Amer ican manufacturers to Great Britain were considered a factor in the'de cline. Discussion in the House of Com mons yesterday seemed to give little hope for immediate modification of the Stevenson restriction scheme. A 1 protest against this scheme has been ! made by Ambassador Houghton in I behalf of American manufacturers, j I->. S. Amer.v, the colonial secretary, Paid that only after careful inquiry I would it be decided to modifv the scheme. He said there was nothing to indicate that the present high level of prices was anything but temporary. J. H. Thomas, former labor colonial secretary, said that last vear specu lators deliberately jockeyed the mar ket to prevent increased importation j of rubber from the British colonies. 1 I he Lnited States during the war had 1 not charged the British less than cos* for commodities, he said, and Great iH itain now could not be expected to 1 sell rubber at less than cost. I ■ g t = 'PE" —IDE; w" • ini=inr~ im ini ini ir 608 to 614 ELEVENTH §T and August. 7 ~~ = ~ ==z=:: —:..":7Z~;i - ■"■' ~ - ~. ' —--- " t:- ' ' ... - l = :: | July Cl earance Specials j ffl - It is imperative that we make quick disposal I of the remaining Spring and Summer stock 1 _ ! 3ilk Dresses —divided into two groups—tremendously reduced : J Figured and Dotted Crej>e de Chines ♦> Plain and Figured Georgetes 3 Crepes Flat Crepes Crepes Flat Crepes □ Georgettes Tuh Silks Crepes de Chines Face Combinations —for street and afternoon wear in all the desir- —for street, afternoon and the more formal able colors. _ Women s and misses sizes. occasions. Women s and misses sizes. Reduced . 95 Reduced S"1 A,95 to L i to XU i 3 . E j -- ; ! ■ Coats and Tailored v Specials from Other = and Ensemble Suits Departments 16 Silk and Cloth Ensemble Suits. 33 Suspender Skirts. J REDUCED to sl2-00 REDUCED to $1 75 [I 8 Tailored Cloth Suits. 24 Summer Skirts. 2 REDUCED to sl2-00 REDUCED to $4.00 f 5 Tailored Cloth Suits. 33 Skirts—Silk and W/001. REDUCED to f--$25.00 REDUCED t o< $7.00 12 Silk and Cloth Ensemble Suits. 87 Waists—Dimity and Voile. REDUCED to $25-00 REDUCED to C 20 Cloth Dress Coats. 9 Silk Tunic Blouses. REDUCED to $8.90 REDUCED to $2-00 18 Dress Coats; fur trimmed. 7 Silk Tunic Blouses. J REDUCED to $15.00 REDUCED to 1 27 Fine Dress Coats; fur trimmed. 12 Finest Silk Tunic Blouses. j[ REDUCED to $22-00 REDUCED to sg.oo 12 Fine Dress Coats; fur trimmed. 48 Wool Sweaters; slip-on models. REDUCED to $32-00 REDUCED to gg c J 17 Still Finer Dress Coats. 67 Wool Sweaters; slip-on models. L 3 REDUCED to $42-00 REDUCED to $1.90 E 9 Finest Dress Coats, fur trimmed. 20 Silk Scarfs; assorted colors. REDUCED to $52-00 REDUCED to Tii ini ini —ini inirtmiss^—=ini "=ini =ini ~ir ! WITTNER’S COUNSEL HAS SUIT ON BIBLE DELAYED TWO DAYS (Continued from First Plage.) newspaper correspondents who filled the extra chairs provided for the press. Practically all the wire services and many of the newspaper bureaus in Washington were represented, in ad dition to the local papers. Imme diately after the hearing Wlttnc,- and his counsel were surrounded by news paper photographers on the lawn out side the courthouse. Winner's counsel seemed confident that they can overcome the Frothing ham case precedent, especially If they are allowed to amend their bill and name the plaintiff as a District of Co lumbia rather than a Federal tax payer. This would give him a spe cial interest in money expended for the purposes of the municipal Gov ernment which would not be shared by every other Federal taxpayer, Mr. Mackay holds. Mackey said that he was not ready to admit that there was any error in the original bill, hut that the purpose of the plaintiff was to overcome any possible objections. He said that the same issue had been before the courts of the District 30 or 40 times and that there was a clear precedent of the right of a District taxpayer to sue to restrain the expenditure of public money in which he was not more in- QzseJiU \ The Shoe of Invisible Comfort and Visible Style If you have suffered with the I burning, aching torture of ail ing feet, you will find ease. All are good-looking shoes, built ! over lasts which are graceful I and modish. C. B. White Co., Inc. 10 71 r MrKlm Bldg, itlll U Ith Floor Kir vat or Next to Epiphany Church ■■■■ i THE EVENING STAK, ' WASHINGTON, P, C„ TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1925. | terested thun any other District tax • payer. j Once this precedent is settled, how j ever, Wlttner and his counsel still will have a hard fight to force their case before the courts, since both Mr. Stephens and Mr. Gordon have raised other issues in which the ease may be inadmissible. The United States at torney, appearing in behalf of Frank White, Treasurer of the United States, questions in his motion to dismiss the right of Wittner to sue the United States without securing the consent of the Government to be sued. “It is manifest upon the face of the bill of complaint,” he states, “that the moving defendant has not individual interest in the controversy or suit; that the relief sought against him is in his official capacity only as Treas urer of the United States, and that the United States would be affected by any decree against this moving de fendant, and, therefore, it is substan tially a suit against the United States //' T N The coolness of summer // draperies and an atmos- \\ k[ i) ' pherc fifteen degrees lower )1 J than that outside. f Presidential Restaurant \x Offers a grateful retreat from <x\ the prevailing warmth " elsewhere. (fie A Luncheon | L, « Dinner with Dancing £> Wfrm \l 6:30 to 0:30 °ciock - THE MAYFLOWER ORCHESTRA " • Spencer Tuppmun. directing On warm the most delight- if f Upc i wjfc T? r fulspot in Wash- I chilled by special I ' 'A ; A— I^ process of refrig- —j and the United States has not con sented to be sued." At the conclusion of the hearing this morning Mr. Hart filed an. an swer to the rule to show cause why an injunction should not be issued on behalf of Daniel J. Donovan, District auditor, and James R. Lusby, District disbursing officer, who are sued to prevent further i»yraent of salary to Supt. of Schools Frank W. Ballou and W. P. Hay. head of the biology and chemistry departments in the local high schools. This answer is taken up largely with a flat denial that Ballou and Hay per mit to be taught in the public schools matter showing disrespect of yte Holy Bible. The teaching of ordinary scientific facts and theories, such as are commonly taught in high schools nil over the United States, it is aver red, does not constitute "disrespect.’’ Both bees and wasps originally came from the same parent. 1 SAI .r 1 i‘; “Tf\ Another Day Gone! | !|PP Jf M M Only 3 More Days, Then Inventory! | V; | Vnsf'P’'* £& his actually cheaper for us, in the long run, to reduce excess [■-t stocks of Summer merchandise to prices far below their apparent l ’ l'T worth, than to carry them over into our Fall stocks. (J// That, frankly, is the reason—and the only reason—we are so R H / / // / determined to sell them right out. When we decided cn these dj • - - - - clearance prices, we did not ask ourselves, “What prices can we get for this merchandise?” We asked, “What prices will sell it right pj y Only 3 More out—quick?” Those are the prices you’ll find on the tags tomorrow i 3 and Friday! Wonderful chances to save! M VjQIJ l*r I If) V C These low prices do not permit exchanges or credits on these )-4 «/ ts clearance items. All sales final. Choose carefully, please. ,j, Before the beginning A T4 r T ( WOMEN’S DRESSES SLATED TO GO! i ZlUffUSi OSIiC Ol 15 — W ® men '* $16.50 Printed Crepe de 10— Women’s $55 to $125 Fine Si Ik Street f- Chine and Striped Silk* Dresses — and Afternoon Frocks, of fine printed Jo T FT* a smart models for street crepe, jacquard crepe, crepe de chine j k l * wear SIO.OO and satin, conspicuous for their fine , j 7—Women's $49.50 to $59.50 Dinner tailoring and draping $35.09 Choose tomorrow from our magnificent col- Gowns, of crepe Elizabeth and 9—Women’s $65 to $93.50 Dinner lections of luxurious Furs, and of beautiful georgette, adorned with beautiful Gowns, of Chantilly lace, crepe r J Winter Cloth Coats—at a crystal beading and filet lace roma, satin and silk net, with fine *1 furs Guaranteed Savings of 20% .mZZV ,o WS' *£ TTL ~ , *** on Prices to November 1 and Sports Frocks, of printed crepe, s—Women s $55 to $79.50 Sport Frocks. ! , F °r instance—if a Fnr Coat markedl $250 suits ka^ a ’ m -g„ cr ' fa it [1 deduct -ho (SO<J in this case) and pay only $15.00 over embroidery. Some ensembles Eg S2OO. 6 —Womens $35 Crepe de Chine After- amonq them 63A AO noon Frocks, trimmed with embroid- II | ,1 , ery or beadirvg, some with 15 —Women's $75 to $159 Snorts and 1 Int h I TC pleated tunics SlB 0A Dinner Frocks, of faille silk, satin, L, 11. VelUUl 7 —Women’s $35 En.embl. Costume ch '* or \ a " d i '"P°.?* d fl -^onne- J For both women and misses! Coats of georgette _ crepe _ full Aft Four special groups—ssß, $75, $95, sl2s—at a length, finely tailored, in black, navy guaranteed saving o i $lO to $25 on our Septem- f" d b# ', fle -' ' e ' ‘ ‘ $25.00 15— Women’s SBS to $175 Exclusive Dm ber and October prices 10—Women’s $39.50 to $49.50 Silk Dresses, ner and Evening Dresses— all im- Atso higher nrired mats t-> Ml3 nn„„ of a fine duality of crepe de chine, P° r *s ° r copies of the best imports. ■ ‘ 1 cd coat- at a guaianteed sat- satin, flat crepe and georgette crepe. Os chiffon, metal brocade, satin and S '• _ , . Trimmed with beading, embroidery crepe romame $65.00 [J Storage Free ~11 November 1 and p1eating......... $25.00 6-Women’s $95 to S2OO Exclusive Eve ■ 10—Women's $65 to $175 Smart, Exclu- ning Gowns — one of a style —cf sive Street and Afternoon Frocks, chiffon velvet, metallic lace, romaine - ■ - " rn of crepe romaine and satin, showing crepe and chiffon. Fine beading. . _ _____ _ smart flares, drapes, beading or embroidery or soft draping gives jiij J\ NEW Special! ,aCCS $45.00 *be m unusual Charm $75.00 R * Women’s Dress Shop—Second Floor kt This 22-Oz. Bottle of ™ RfU C f 1 MISSES’ APPAREL MUST GO! i 3 03XII /-F/.R.-vA o b, Voile Dresses, in orchid, maize, bengaline and faille, with or with peach and white. J 5 out fur $34.75 j / V.-’dft.' ■ Kj 15—Misses’ $49.50 to $65 Afternoon and Misses’ $60.50 to sllO Silk Coats, show /;/.* ,‘hH '■ i\ . Evening Frocks, in lovely two-piece ir>g the fashionable flares and I 'l.l Just 4p2 bottles —and probably styles, chemise models and smart straightlines, both fur-trimmed and x : f at least two thousand women j flare styles $28.75 without fur. Black only §55 wanting them —so get here as Misses’ Dress and Coat Shops—Third Floor ” early as possible! Choice WOMEN’S COATS BRINGING CROWDS! 2: 2 — Women's $29.50 Flannel Sports Coats. 3—Women's $45 Navy Blue Twill Cos.' smartly tailored, with velvet notched in •traightline style, with smart Su m squirrel c011ar5... 524.75 ; * 1 - ■ 1 collars. In tan and rose $14.75 a »a/ > enc cn „ -n r- .. r* Tl ° 4—Women s $26.50 to $39.50 Georgette # 4 —Women’s $39.50 to $45 Smart Top- Crepe Coats, in navy and black, trim- S Corset JDraSSiereS coats, of diagonal cheviot, and mix- r r o?de7y th . . ribbonS ’ tU . CkS . a . n sl9 75 -n tures, in tan, amber, rust, bambino 3— Women’s $95 Black Bengaline Silk 2 I r rwr f L i . * nd oray 519.75 Coats, with stunning fitch fur bor- Ot Washable batin 4—Women’, $25 to $39.50 Flannel Sports de™ $59.75 nnrf Pmnn rfoc Coats, in white, canary, rose, rust, 2 Women s $165 Black Crepe Satin IWD i ana Drocaaes • . . , Coats, with deep borders of black or pink, green and chili. Smartly trim- P q. yi _r with fur $19.75 2 — Little Women's $49.50 Straightline j —Women's $89.50 to sllO Novelty Coats, Twill Coats, in wigwam and navy * of twill, Joseena and jeweltone, trim- blue $24.75 ' sis r , .. _ . "' ed w 'tb braid and fur borders 4— Little Women’s $55 to $65 Coats of / \\ Combination Corse* Chili, rose, gray and bambino.. $39.75 navy blue, chili and tan twill 538.75 j /II / Brassieres for average Women’s and Little Women’s Coat Shop—Second Floor / /14 — l l f»3ures. Two sections of „ If i ;) excellent quality sur- jj J j gical elastic. Front rein- WOMEN’S SUITS LESS! FALL’S NEAR! / / ! d forced. Two sets of hose . ... , _ ... _.. . . ... / / ■ : Eiinnnpfpri I I—Woman’s $65 Navy Twill Suit, tai- 25—Women’s and Misses’ $7.50 to $lO ( ( jl ppo ters. Limited lored, with long jacket $49.75 Riding Breeches of natural color [ V \ i • quantity. Special value,. I—Woman’s $25 Black Mohair Sleeve- snd5 nd white line " or white gabar c . oc ICQ \\ [ i ! Brassieres—Alf-o ve r * es * Riding Jacket $9.85 * % ' e \ 04.05 L, |.i \\u» ' i | •. i • . m 4—Women s SSO WOOLTEX Suits, in \\s ; | heavy lace with insert of s—Women's $32.50 WOOLTEX Sports tan, brown and blue mixtures. \ Jjl ; Jl shell pink and white satin Suits, in rust color tweeds, with Smart box jackets $34 75 I . ! to match shoulder straps. smart boxed jacket $14.75 2— Little Women’s $59.50 Tailored IL Tla-i--a IJ An excellent value, $1.50. 2 —Women’s $55 to $95 Ensemble Suits, Suits, in navy and black twill, with * ‘.III’ Third Floor tw '*' and lorchene, in bambino, long coats—like the new Fall tiger-eye, chili and green. They suits $48.75 —■ ■ ■ have long coats—predicted to be 3—Women’s $159.50 Fine Tailored Twill popular in the Fall. And printed Suits, with long jackets. Sand and and plain color crepe dresses, $34.75 navy blue only S6B 75 Second Floor. Special Purchase! Glove Silk EXTRA SIZE COTTON DRESSES REDUCED L. $16.50 to $25 Printed Voiles and $10.50 * 1 ¥ T *J Normandy Voiles—reduced t 0.... KmJ liUVvl W CCll In the season’s favorite plain colors—white, peach, French blue. rose. Styles include—pleated panels, tucks and models beautifully trimmed with lace. t_, _ AH in the most delightful slenderizing styles. Sizes 40* 2to 50!/ 2 . OVO 1 $18.75 to $25 Extra Sizes Wash Silk Dresses — sl6.7s Vests—NEW Every dress in our stock of beautiful wash silks at this price tomorrow. Choose early! Only 3 more days before inventory! 51.50 Second F,oor A beautiful quality of o . » 01 , Cx 1 • II ~ 1 glove silk makes these Sweaters! Blouses! otockings—less! wonderful values! They .... . ..... „ . , . . . have tailored tops and $8.95 to $13.50 Sweaters of light wool, in Sports Stockimgs in a large assortment neat picot straps. The P lain or fan °y weaves, in sl'P-°n or of co | or s and wide ribbed pat under-arms are rein- coat styles $7.50 terns 95c forced. Colors: Flesh All-wool Slip-on Sweaters in lovely Chiffon Silk Stockings, of fine evenly , color, maize, nile green, bright shades $2 95 woven silk from top to toe. Black, j| ' peach and orchid. Cotton Blouses, of voile and English white, nude, silver, gray and grain. broadcloth, with long or short sleeves. 3 pairs for $5.25, or, each... $1.85 p- C*ll * n or P aß * e l shades. .. $i Street Floor Ulove oilk Sports Shop—Street Floor Step-Ins Ol . . . . Ask today to be shown . - I P1 Ar . Skirts in Close Out! VANITYSII K jbg j $1.95 —58.50 and $14.50 Shoulder-strap # # Skirts, in brown and black (it’s striped) r ! l * These match the vests satin $3.75 The wonderful Silk Underwear that described above. They 6— 58.75 and $10.75 White Crepe de Chine will not shrink in length, and has a are cut with unusual Skirts, with kick pleat and panel guarantee on its wearing qualities. Cool fullness at the points fronts—a wonderful value for late est underwear we know of. And low where fullness is most vacationers $4 76 ' n price! Ask about it here tomorrow! r v J desired. in white 'r m ' ’ u )■ j-f flesh color, orchid! Skirt Sh °P —Second Floor Third Floor v 4. peach, nile green and / \\ maize. U / JLJ DOWNSTAIRS! DRESS BARGAINS! L, /A~ Clea.ra.nce! 40 — Women’s and Misses' $7.50 and 10—Women’s $22.50 Street Dresses, of A/ I / $10.75 Imported Porto Rican Voile trouvay crepe; in smart tailored /</ l\ I Costume Slirts Dresses, in pastel colors; beautifully coat models $lO 75 ( \ |\ I P trimmed with lace. Hand-drawn s—Women’s $22.50 Afternoon Frocks, I\ \l\ J Originally $5 and embroidered $4-95 satin and crepe de chine, with N. \I ' ' __ __ 4—Women’s and Misses’ $10.75 to sls beading and applique embroidery. QC Silk Dresses, of satin, faille silk, In navy and black $10.75 j printed crepe and crepe de chine, 15—Women’s and M isses’ $18.75 Tailored A Os lustrous quality or wear $4.95 Shirt Waist Dresses, of Tru-hu ' L— radium silk, with neat 10—Women's and Misses’ sls :o $22.50 washable crepe; in white and pastel j hemstitched band tops Silk Dresses, of flat crepe, printed colors. $12.75 L and inverted pleats at crepe, crepe de chine, roshanara 9—Womens and Misses’ $19.50 and / the side. Deep shadow- crepe. Showing pleats, tiers and $22.50 Ensemble Dresses, of geor / proof hems. In flesh embroideries $7.95 gette crepe and crepe de chine— / color, white, peach, nile 20 —Women’s and Misses’ $12.75 and smart sports models with lace jabots / green, light blue, emer- $16.50 Dotted Swiss and Imported and collars, or pleated tunics SJS 00 / aid and purple. Voile all hand-drawn and 10—Women’s $19.50 Flowered Chiffon f-T/ liiflprivpar Third witk na v ** ,ace • d 9' n o * nd pleated Dresses, showing flares, pleats and <3 » 1 Costuine JlstrLt * nd »75 ra o ng r e aStin9 Pipln9S ‘ G °° d j « loP : — —.-. t— Inexpensive Dress Shop—Downstairs 9