Steels and High-Grade Rails
Come to Front in Today’s
9pffia! Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK, August 7.—The sig-.
niflcant thing about today’s strong]
stock market was the manner in
tvhirh standard shares, such as the
steels and high-grade rails, came to I
the front and took the lead U-wny I
from the specialties. This maneuver!
was calculated to inspire confidence, j
The buying movement broadened out
and on an increasing volume of busi-1
ness .practically the whole list partici-j
paled in the upswing. United States I
Steel common got under way early!
in the session and it crossed the 121 |
level on active trading, carrying along |
with it Crucible Steel and Republic
jron and Steel.. Sloss Sheffield. Gulf
. States. Ludlurn Steel and United I
States Cast Iron Pipe. The steel |
stocks were responding to the decid- j
(idly more favorable reports from the
steel centers and was in anticipation
of a report of a much smaller decrease
in United States Steel Corporation
unfilled tonnage.
Ray’s Big Feature.
One of the big features of the day
ilfas the rapid lipbidding of the Van
Sweringen railway shares. It was
interpreted as an indication of a
favorable decision in the Nickel Plate
merger case, now before the Inter
state Commerce Commission. Nickel
Plate, common led the way. It rose
several, points and was followed by
Chesapeake and Ohio, which rose
sharply in heavy volume, then by the
Erie issues and finally by Pere Mar
quette. Ontario and Western was
prominent on reports of buying for
the account of the New York Central.
New high records took in Simmons.
Havana Electric. National Dairy Prod
mots, Midland Steel Products preferred,,
which jumped approximately 10 points;
. VVestinghouse*Air Brake, Public Serv- j
ice of New Jersey 7 per cent. White*
Rock Mineral Springs. South Porto !
Rico Sugar, which had a sensational I
rise; Mack Trucks, allowing for the
•rights, and New York Dock.
Characteristic Cprush.
General Electric had one of its char
. acteristic uprushes, and so did Laclede
The advance in the copper metal to
14 s * cents a pound was a favorable
incident and made itself felt in the
market for the metal shares. Nevada
Consolidated and Rav Consolidated
were bought for special reasons. Ne
:vada is expected to resume dividends
and Ray is believed to he slated for
?a merger with Caktmet and Hecla and
eventually with Kennecott.
Closing Strong Following Day of
Active Trading.
the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. August 7. —Heavy
buying of the public utilities featured
the firm opening of today's stock
market. Havana Electric opened 1%
higher at 197. a new record top, and
Initial gains of a, point or more were
recorded by Montana Power and
American Foreign Power. General
.Railway Signal, which recently an
nounced the receipt .of a $5,000,000
I order from the ' New York Central.
opened 2>2 higher at a new peak of
F £4O. ■? '
With bankers inclined to regard the
lowering of the Bank of England bank
rate as an indication that no Imme
diate increase in the New York Fed
eral Reserve Bank rate was likely,
and reports of trade improvement
from the basic industries, operations
for the rise were conducted with In
creased vigor as trading progressed.
General Railway Signal quickly ex
tended its gain to B*2 points by touch
ing 245. or more than 100 points above j
the original price at which it made its :
appearance on the “big board.”
Markets at a Glance
B.t the Associated Press.
NEW YORK—Stocks, strong; Van
Sweringen rails show large gains.
Bonds, firm. Chesapeake and Ohio
convertible 5s touch 110. Foreign ex
changes easy; continental rates off 1
to 8 points. Cotton, steady; better
Manchester advices. Sugar, dull; Wall
Street liquidation. Coffee, higher;
firm Brazilian markets.
CHICAGO—Wheat, strong; tight
cash situation. Corn, steady; sympa
thy with wheat. Cattle, steady. Hogs,
lower; all interests buying.
$36,300,000 IN COTTON.
Russian Textile Syndicate's Pur
chase in U. S. Announced.
MOSCOW, August 7 (A>). —The all-
Russian textile syndicate has pur
chased this sear $36,300,000 worth of
cotton from the United States, a
part of which already is in transit,
according to official Information here.
It is said the operations were financed
hv the Chase National Bank and the
Equitable Co. of New York.
Further negotiations looking to the
consolidation of Soviet business con
nections In the United States are be
ing carried on here by Reeve Schley,
vice-president of the Chase National
Bank, and the Soviet Bank for Foreign
Trade, and state textile syndicate.
Agreement in principle has been
reached on numerous points regarding
future commercial banking business
between Russia and the United States,
it is said. These agreements will be
ratified when Mr. Schley returns to
New York.
Mr. Schley, who with a Mr. Fleming,
a New York cotton tnan. has been
here since August, has investigated
the conditions of the Russian cotton
growing area and Russian textile
industry since his arrival here. He
expects also to visit. Leningrad and
Nishni Novgorod before returning to
New York.
. Baltimore Grain Exchange to
Function in Reshipments.
BALTIMORE. August 7 (Special).—
The local grain exchange will become
* primary as well as an export grain
market on August 13, according to an
announcement by G. Stewart Hender
son, traffic manager of the Baltimore
Chamber of Commerce.
Henderson announced the Pennsyl
vania and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
roads had agreed to reshlp grain to
destination in the East and South
for domestic consumption or for mill
ing purposes, from the original point
of shipment, without adding the cus
tomary transfer charges.
Negotiations have been carried on
with the railroad officials for several
nfonths to effect the new ruling, Hen
derson said.
The grain men believe the change
will tend to increase grain shipping
nnt of Baltimore, especially in the
' southern termory-’
Received by Private Wire Direct te The St*r Office
Open. High. Low. Close.
Abitlbi Pow (41. 66i» 67% 86% 67Vi
Ahumada <tl). . JO 10V, 10 10%
Air Reduc (4) .. . 103 105', 103 105
Ajax Rubber. ... • J 3 13 13 18
Alaska Juneau.. is 1% 1% 14i
Ai led Cham (4). SOW 93V4 90% 93%
•Allied Cm pf (7) . 11914 120 119V4 120
Allis Chaim (6). 81% 82 81% 81 ! i
Am Agrieul Chm 21% 22 21% 22
Am AgChm pf.„" 63 7 ,4 64% 63% 6414
Am Beet Sug(4). 88 38 3T 37
Am Bosch., 33 3SH 33 33%
Am Brk Shoe<s) 11914 120% 118 118
Am Can (t7J 215V4 218% 21514 218
Am Can pf (7).. 120% 120% 120% 120%
| Am Car&Fdy («) 101% 101*4 101% 101V4
AmC&FpffT). 128 128 128 128
Am Chain A (2). 23% 23% 23% 23%
|Am Chicle 46% 47V4 4614 47%
Am Chicle erfs. . 46% 46% 46% 46%
jAm Drug (60c). . 5% 6% 5%
Am Express <6l. 133 133 133 133
j Art A Vot Pow] . 44% 46 42% 4244
lAm*F P pf (7). 90S 90*4 90% 90%
I Ami-FP 25% (7). 133 134 133 134
lAm Hide & L pf, 63% 64% ■ 63% 64
i Am Ice (7) 118% 118% lIBV4 118%
jAm Ice pf (6). .. 84*4 84** 83% 83%
|Am Tnternatl... 35% 36 35% 36
|Am La Fran (1). 12% 12% 12*4
Am Linseed 30% 30% 30 ! 4 30%
Am Linsd pf 3V4. 77% 77% 76% 77
|Am Loco (f 18).. 109% 112% 109% 111%
jAm Loco pf (7). 118 118 118 118
■Am Metal (3)... 49% 49*4 49% 49%
jAm Metal pf (7). U 4% 114% 114% 114%
j Am Radiator (4) 110% 110% 110% 110%
Am Republic,.... 60 60 60 60
Am Safety R (3) 63% 63*4 63V4 63%
Am S A Ref (6). 106% 108% 106 107%
Am Stl Fdys (3). 38% 38% 38*4 38%
Am Stl Fy pf (7). 111% 111% 111% 111%
Am Sugar 67% 68 67% 68
Am Sugar pf (7) 98% 98% 98% #B%
Am Sumatra... . 9% 9% 9% 9%
Am Te ATel (9) . 139V4 139% 139’, 139%
Am Tobacco (7). 98% 99 98% 99
Am Toba B (7). . 97% 98% 97*4 98%
Am Type pf (7). 107*4 107% 107% 107%
Am WW&EI 1.20 65 65V, 64 64
Am W Wist (7) 98 98 98 98
Am Woolen 39% 40% 39% 40%
Am Wool pf (7). 86% 86% 86%
Anaconda (3)... 42H 42% 42 42%
Archer-Daniels. 36% 36% 36% 36%
Armour Del (7). 96% 97 96% 97
Armour 111 A(2). 23 23 22% 22%
Arn ConsACo. .. 11% 12% 11% 12
Artloom Corpn. . 44% 45 44% 45
Art Metal (1)... 17% 17% 17% 17%
Asso 011 (2) 38 38% 38 38
.Atchison (7) 120% 121% 120% 121 V,
'Atchison pf (5). 96% 96% 96% 96%
I Atl Birm A At... 5 5 5 5
Atlantic CL(tS) 181% 182% 180 18214
! Atl Gulf &WI. . 49% 49V, 49% 49%
I Atlantic Refing . . 110% 110% 109% 109%
Atlas Tack 10% 10% 10% 10%
j Austin-Nichols.. 24% 25*, 24% 26%
1 Austin Nic pf (7) 89 89 89 89
Baldwin L (7)... 111% 113*4 111% 113*,
Bald Loco psi 7) . 107 107 107 107
Ba Ito A Ohio< 5). 77% 78% 77% 78%
Ba! &Oh pf (4). 65% 65% 65% 65%
Bang &Ar (3). . . 41% 42% 41% 42%
Barnsdall A 20% 21 20% 21
Barnsdall B 17 17 17 17
Bayuk Cigar 39% 39% 39% 39%
Beech Nut<2.4o). 73 75% 73 74%
Bethlehem Stl... 41 42% 41 42
Botany A <4).... 44% 44% 44% 44%
Briggs Mfg( 3 V 4) 38% 38% 37% 37%
British Empire. . 2% 2% 2% 2%
British Emp Ist. 28 28 28 28
British Emp 2d. . 9% 9% 9% 9%
Bkl Edison (8). . 138 138 138 138
Bkl-Man Tran... 52% 53% 52% 62%
Bk-Man T pf<6). 80% 80% 80% 80%
Bkl Union G(4). 88% 89 88% 88%
Brown Shoe (4). 110 111 108% 110
Brunswick Ter. . 5*4 6% 6% 6%
Bur Add Ma (3). 93 96% 93 96
Butte Cop (50c). 6V» 6% 6V, 6%
Butte * Sup (1). 11% 11% 11% 11%
Butterlck 19% 19% 19% 19%
Caddo Centra!... % % % %
Cal Pete (2) 27% 28*4 27% 28%
Calu & A (tSV*). 49», 49*4 49% 49%
Calu A- Hec (60c) 14% lfc 14% 15
Can Pacific (10). 141% t4l*i 141% 141%
Case Threshing. 43% 44% 43% 44
Cent Leather 17%* 17% 17% 17*4
Cent Leather pf. 61% 62*, 60% 60*4
Century Rib (2). 32% _ 32%. 32% 32%
Cerro d PascoCD 62% 52% 52% 62%
Certain-Teed (4) 54 55 53% 54*4
Chandler (3>.. . . 30% -31% 30% , 31%
Chee3&Ohio (4 ). 96% 100% 96% 100*4
Ches&O pf(6'i). 110V4 110% 110% 110%
Chi & Alton 5% 5% 5% 6%
CM A Alton pf.. 9% 10% 9% 10
Chi Great West. 12 12% 12 12%
Chi Gr West pf. . 23% 24% 23% 24%
Chi Mil A StP... 8% 8% B*4 8%
Chi Mil A StP pf 15V, 15% 14% 15%
Chi&Nwn(4).. 66 66% 66 66%
ChiPneuT (5).. 103': 103% 102V4 103%
Chi RI & Pac. .. 45% 46% 45% 46%
LCRI&Ppf (7). 96V, 96% 96 96
i Childs (t 2.40)... 57% 57% 56% 66%
Chile Cop (2%). 34% 34*4 34V, 34V*
Chrysler Corpn. . 116 117% 116 117
Chrysler pf A(8) 104% 104% 101*4 104%
Cluett Peab to). 61 61 61 61
Coca-Cola (7). .. 144*4 145 142 142
Col Fuel & Iron. 42% 43% 41% 41%
Col G& E (2.60). 73% 73% 72 72%
Col Carbon (4 >. . 46 47 46 47
Com Solv A (4) . #2 95% 92 95
Com Solv B • 89*, 94% 89% 94%
Congoleum (2).. 24% 24% 24% 24%
Consol Cigar 37 37 36% 36%
Consol Distribut 4% 4% 4% 4%
Consol Gas (5). . 89% 90% 89% 90
Consol Textile. .3 3 3 3
Cont Can (4) 77% 78% 77% 77%
Cont Mot (80c). . 9% 9V4 9% 9%
Corn Prod (2). . . 33% 33% 33% 33%
Crex Carpet (4). 48 48 48 48
Crucible Stl (4). 71% 72% 71% 72
Crucible pf (7). . 95% 95% 95% 96%
Cub Cane Su pf.. 48 48% 47 47
Cub Am Sug (3). 26% 27 26% 26%
Cuban Domin. .. 3% 3% 3% 3%
Cuban Dom pf. . . 25% 26% 26% 25%
Cudahy Pkg 1"). 99% 100% 99% 100
Cushman’s (3). . 73% 73% 73% 73%
Daniel 800ne.... 1% 1% 1% 1%
Davison Chem. . 42% 43% 42 42%
Del & Hud (9).. 149 149% 149 149%
Del L& Wn Ct7) 138% 138% 138% 138%
Detroit Ed (8)... 129 129 129 129
Dodge Bros Cl A 27% 27% 27 27
Dodge pf (7) 82% 82% 81% 81%
Dome Mines (2). 14 14% 14 14%
Doug Pectin (1). 22% 23 22% 22%
Dupont (10) 197% 199 197% 199
(7). 110% 110% 110% 110%
Eastman (ti)... 105% 106% 105% 108%
Eaton Axle (2).. 17% 18% 17% 18%
Elec Powr & Lt.. 36% 36% 86% 86%
EIPALpf(7).. 91% 92% 91% 92%
EP&Lpf 40% pd 108% 109% 108% 109%
Elec Str Bat (4). 64% 64% 64% 64%
Emmerson Brnt. 3% 4% 3% 4%
Emmersonßpf. 17% 20% 17% 20%
End John (5). .., 68% 68% 68% 68%
Erie R R 29% 31% 29 31%
Erie Ist pf 39 41 38% 40%
Erie 2d pf 37% 38% 37% 38%
Exchange (1%). 16% 16% 15% 16%
Fairbks (2.60). . 46% 46% 46% 46%
Famous PI (8). . 106% 107% 106% 107
FederLt (t 1.40). 80% 30*4 30% 30%
Fed Min pf (7). . 57 67% 67 67%
Fid Phoenix (6). 166% 166% 166% 166%
Fisher Body (6). 81% 82% 81% 81%
Fisk Rubber ... . 21% 22 21% 21%
Fisk R Ist pf (7) 106 106 106% 106%
Fleischmann (4) 99 99 98% 98%
Foundation (8).. 127 129 127 127
Freeporl-Texas. 17% 17% 16% 17
Gardner Motor.. 10 10 10 10
Gen Asphalt... . 66 55% 55 56%
Gen Baking (6). 163 165% 163 165%
Sen Cigar (8) . . . 90 90 90 90
Gen Electric (8). 306 311% 304 310
Gen El spec 60c. 11% 11% 11% 11%
Gen Motors (6).. 92% 98% 92% 93
Gen Mot pf (7).. 112 112% 112 112%
Gen Petrm (2). . 60% 51% 49% 51
Gen Ry Sig (6) . - 240 247% 240 245
Gimbel Bros. ... 63% 63% 63% 53%
Qinter (1%) 47% 47% 46% 47
GliddenCo 21% 24% 21% 24
Gold Dust 42% 43% 42% 43% ]
Goodrich Ru (4). 64% 65% 54% 54%
Goodrich pf (7). 99% 100 99% 99%
Goodyear pf (7). 103% 104% 103% 104%
Goodyr pr pf (8) .108 108 108 108
Granby Consol.. 15% 16% 16% 16%
Grt North pf (5) 68% 70 68% 70
Gt Nor Ore (1). . 27% 28% 27% 28%
Grt Wstn Su (8). 99% 101% 99% 101%
Gt West Spf (7) . 11l 111 111 1)1
Green Canan.... 13% 13% 13% 13%
Gulf States S (0) 80% 83 80% 82%
Hartman (2%).. 29*4 29*4 28% 29%
Havana Elec (6) 197 197% 188 190%
Hayes W <1 3%). 42% 43% 42% 43
Homestak* <t4).. 46% 46% . 44% 45%
Open. High. Low. Close.
Household P (8) 42 42 41% 41%
Houston Oil 67% 67% 67% 67%
Howe Sound Co. 21% 21% 21% 21%
Hudson Mn (2%) 82% 32% 82 82
Hud Man pf (6). 67 *67 67 67
Hudson Mot (3). 62 62% 61% 62
Hupp Mot (1) ... 18 18 18 18
Illinois Cen (7). lie 117 116 117
IndepOII(l) £7% 27% 27% 27%
Indian Refining. 7% 7% 7% 7%
•Ingersoll R(l). 265 266 265 265
Inland St (2%).. 41% 41% 41% 41%
Inspir Cop (60c) 27% 23% 27% 28%
Interub Rap Tr. . 28 28% 28 28
Ipt Bus Mac (8). 126 126 125*4 126%
Int Cement (4).. 67% 67% 67% 67%
Int Com Ent (7) 46 48% 45 48
Internet Har (6) 116*4 117 116*4 117
Inter Har pf (7). 119 119 119 119
Int Mer Marine. . 8 8% 8 8%
Int Mer Mar pf.. 31 31% 31 31%
Int Nickel 30% 31% 30% 30%
Inter Nick pf (6). 99 99 99 99
Int Piper *4%. 66% 64% 66%
Inti Paper pf (7) 87% 87% 87% 87%
Int Shoe (5) 178% 178% 166 173
Int Tel A Tel (C) 136 136% 134*4 134V4
Intertype (tl%) 21 21 21 21
Jones Bros Tea. . 18% 18% 18% 18%
Jordan Mot (3).. 37% 38% 37 38
Kan City South. 33*4 34% 33*4 33%
Kan CSo pf (4). 69 69 58% 58%
Kayser (Julius). 31 31% 31 31%
Kayser (J) pf(8) 93% 93*4 93*4 93%
Kelly-Spring 18 18% 18 18%
Kennecott (3)... 64% 65 54*. 54%
Keystone TAR. 2*4 2% 2*4 2%
Kresge Dep S (4) 36 36 36 36
Laclede Gas (8). 164% 167% 160 161
Lee Tre A Rnb. . 16 16% 16 16%
Lehigh Val (3%) 76% 77% 76% 77%
Liggett A M (t 4) 65% 65% 65*4 66%
Lig * M.v B (t 4). 66% $5% 66*, 66%
Lima Loco (4). . 63% 64 63% 64
Loews Inc (2)... 32% 32*4 32% 32%
Loft 7% 7,4 7% 7%
Lorillard (3).... 3414 34% 34 34
Louisiana Oil. . . 15% 16 16% 16%
Louis A Nsh (6). 118% 119% 118 /, 119
Louisville Gas A 25 26% 25 26
Ludlum (2) 34% 36% 33% 36%
Mclntyre P (1).. 19% 19% 19*4 19%
Mackay (7) 128*4 130 128% 130
Mackaypf (4).., 68% 68% 68% 68%
Mack Trucks (8) 192% 198 192% 198
Mack Tlst (7).. 112 112 112 112
Mack Trk 2d of. . 106% 106% 106% 106%
MacyHRACo.. 87 87 87 87
Macy pf (7) 117 117 117 117 S
Magma C (76c). 42 42% 42 42%
Malllson A Co. . . 29% 29% 26% 25%
Man-Elev gtd. .. 97 97 "97 97
Msn E md g (5). 44 44 44 44
Manila El (2*4). 41)4 41% 41% 41%
Maracaibo 0i1.... 23% 28% 23*4 23%
Market St prior. 50 50 50 50
Market St pf... . 30 30 30 30
Marland O (75c) 44% 44*4 44% 44%
Maxwell(B)ctfs. 117% 117% 117% 117%
May Dept St (6). 117 117*4 117 117*4
Metro Gpf (1.89) 21% 21% 21% 21%
Mexican Seabd. . 12*4 12*4 12% 12%
Miami Cop (1).. 10% 10% 10% 10*4
Mid-Continent.. 29% 30 29 30
Middle States. .. 1% 1% 1% 1%
Midland Ppf< f 9 136 142% 135% 142%
Mis Kan A Tex.. 37% 39% 37% 39%
MKA Tpf (5) . . 87*4 89% 87*4 89%
Missouri Pacific. 36 36% 34% 36*4
Missouri Pac pf. 79*4 81 79*4 80%
Mont Power (4). 96% 97 93% 93*4
Montgom Ward. 68*4 69% 68% 69%
Moon Mot (8)... 31% 31% 31 31
Mother Lode 75c 8% 8% 8 8
Motor WheU. 60) 30% 30% 30*4 30%
Murray B ($2.40) 80% 30% 30*4 30*4
Nash A Chat (7). 150 150 160 160
Nat Biscuit (3).. 70 70 69% 69%
Nat Cloak (4)... 73*4 73% 73 73
Nat Dairy (3)... 62% 65*4 62*4 64%
Nat Dpt Stores. . 42 42 42 42
Nat Distillers... 35% 35% 34% 35%
Nat Distillers pf 67% 67% 67*4 67%
Nat Enamel AS. 32% 32% 32*4 32%
Nat Lead (8) 163 154 * 153 154
Nat Ry Mex 2d. . 1% 1% 1% 1%
Nat Supply (3). . 56% 56*4 56% 56%
Nevada Copper.. 13 7 4 13*4 13% 13%
N Y Air Br (4) . . 48% 49 48% 49
NYAIrBr A(4) 55% 55% 65% 65*4
N Y Canners (2). 49% 63% 49% 63%
N Y Central (7). 118 119% 118 119%
NYCAStLpf(S). . 95 96 95 96
NYC ASt L (6) 126 133 126 133
N Y Dock 32% 36% 3C% 36%
N Y Dock pf (5). 69% 69% 69% 69%
NYNH&Hart. 33*4 34*4 33% 34
NYOnAWn(I). 26% 29% 26% 29
N Y Shipbld (2). 40 40 39 39%
N Y State Rys... 30 30 30 30
Norfolk South... 39% 39% 39% 39%
Norf A West (7) . 133% 134 183% 134
North Am (3.40) 57% 60*4 56 69%
North Am pf (3) 60 50 49% 49%
North Pac (5)... 66% 67% 66% 67',
Onyx Hosiery... 32 33 32 33
Oppenhelm (3).. 42*4 42 5 , 42% 42%
Orpheum (1.80). 30 30% 29% 30%
Orpheum pf (8). 102% 102% 102% 102
Otis Steel 13% 13% 13% 13%
Owens Bot (3). . 64*4 55% 64% 55
Pacific Gas (8).. 116% 117 116% 116%
Pacific 011 (3)... 66 65% 64*4 66
Packard (tl-70). 83% 33% 38*4 33%
Paige M01d.20) . . 21*4 21*4 21 21%
Pan-Amer (6). .. 68% 69 68 68
Pan-Amer B (*). 68% 69V* 68 68
Panhandle 3*4 3% 3% 3%
Park A Tilford. . 28% 28% 27% 27%
Penick A Ford... 21% 21% 21% 21%
PennCACke... 14 14 14 14
Pennsy RR (}). 46 46 46 46
Penn Seab Steel. I*4 I*4 I*4 I',
Peoples Gas (8). 115 115 115 115
Peoria A East. . . 16% 18% 16% 18%
Pere Marq (4).. 65% 68% 65% 68*4
Pere M priori 6). 80 82 80 82
Pere Mar pf (5). 71 72 71 72
Phla Co (4) 60% 61 60% 60*4
PhlaCo pf (3). .. 49 49 49 49
PhIIaARCAI.. 39*4 40 89 39%
Phillip Morris... 21% 21% 20% 20%
Phillips Pet (2). 40% 41% 40% 41*4
Phoenix Hosiery 36 36 36 36
Pierce-Arrow... 30% 31% 30*4 31%
Pierce-Arrow pf. 80 80 80 80
Pierce Oil 1% 1% 1% 1%
Pierce Petrol.. 5% 6 5% s 6
Pitts Coal 44 44 44 44
Pitts Coal pf (6) 86% 86% 86*4 86%
Pitts Ut pf t 1.20. 15 *l6 16 15
PittsU pf n(1.20) 14 14 14 14
Pitts A West Va. 69*4 69*4 69*4 69*4
Postum Cer (4). 118*4 118% 118*4 118%
Prod A Refiners. 16% 16% 16*4 16%
ProducersAß pf. 34% 34% 34% 34%
Pub Se EAG pf 6. 96% 96% 96% 96%
Pub Ser N.J.(6). 86 86% 85 85
PubSNJpf (7). 108 104 103 104
Pullman Co (8) .. 136 138% 186 188
Punta Aleg Sug. 36% 86% 36% 36%
Pure Oil (1%).. 27 27% 27 27%
Radio Corp of A. 63% 65% 62% 55
Radio Cps (8%). 49% - 49% 49*4 49%
Bay Cons Cop — 14% 16 14*4 14%
Reading (4) 86% 86% 86*4 86
Reading rts 18 18 17*4 17%
Reading Ist (2). 39% 39*4 89% 89%
Reading 2d (2).. 40% 40% 40% 40%
Robt Reis A Co.. 24 24 23% 28%
Remington Type 82 82V4 81% 82
Replogle Steel.. 14% 15% 14*4 16%
Rep Ir A Steel.. . 48 49% 47% 47%
Reynolds Sprngs 9 9*4 9 9
ReyTobß (3)... 80% 81 80% 81%
Royal Dch 1.73% 60% 61 50% 61
Rutland pf 54% 66*4 64% 56%
St Joseph Ld (2) 41*4 41*4 41% 41%
St L A San F (6) 90% 91% 90% 91
St L Southwest.. 48% 49% 48% 49*4
StLSwnpf(B). 71% 72% 71% 72%
Savage Arms. .. 62 62*4 62 62%
Schulte (•!) 105% 107% 105% 107%
Schulte rights. . . % % *4 %
Seaboard Air L.. 34% 86 34% 84*4
Seabd Air L pf. . 43% 44% 43*4 44%
Seagrave (1.20). 1644 16*4 14% 14%
Sears-Rebk <«). 192 198% 192 ]98%
Shattuek FG(2) 88 91% 87% 87%
Shell Trans 2.16. 41% 41% 41% 41%
Shell Un (1.40).. 22% 22% 22% 22*4
Simmons Co (2). 49% 49% 49 49%
Simms Pet (1).. 22 22% 22 22%
Sinclair Oil 20% 20% 20% 20%
Skelly Oil 24 24% 24 24
Sloss-Sheff («). . 101% 103% 101 103%
South Port S (6) 85 89*4 85 87(
South Por pf (8). 108% 109 108% 109
South Pac (6)... 98% 99% 98% 99%
Southern Ry (6). 99% 99*4 98% 99*4
South Ry pf (5). 90% 90% 90 90%
Spear A Co 17 17 17 17
Spicer Mfg 30 31% 29% 31%
Std Gas AEI (3) . 56% 68% 56% 67%
Stand Mill (5). .. 73% 74 72% 74
St Oil Calif (2).. 66 56% 66% 66%
St Oil N J (1) .. . 41 42 - 41 41%
St Oil NJ pf (7). 117% 117% 117% 117%
Std Plate Glass.. 7% 7% 7% 7%
Sterling Prod(4) 70% 70% 70% 70%
Slew-Waroetm 68% «. . 68% M
Heavy Trading in C. & 0.
Convertible 5s —Money Out
look Regarded Favorable.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
NEW YORK, August 7.—Bond
prices were a little higher today, al
though activity was confined to a few
selected issues. The money outlook
was considered more favorable now
that the action of the Bank of Eng
land in reducing its rate had made
very improbable any advance here. On
the other hand, there was no sign in
the money market of any change in
the conditions that have prevailed
even since the decline in bonds set in.
Features of Market.
Among the features of the day were
the heavy trading at advancing
prices of Chesapeake and Ohio con
vertible ss, which went up with the
stock into which they are convertible.
Another was the break in the iiew
Belgian 7s, apparently on the with
drawal of syndicate support.
The opening sale was nt 97%, a
point and a half down. Subsequently
the bonds sold below 96. There was
nothing significant of any change in
the status of the Investment. It was
simply the usual course following on
the expiration of a syndicate agree
I/eads Speculative Rails.
Missouri-Kansas-Texas adjustments |
resumed the position of leadership
among the speculative rails. After
having sold down to a fraction above
89, against the high record of 91% late
in July, it advanced rapidly today
above 90. The other speculative fa
vorites, such as Seaboard Air Line ad
justments, International Great North
ern adjustments, the St. Louis-San
Francisco Issues, were practically sta
tionary. Industrials were Irregular,
but the conspicuous movements were
upward. Vlrginia-Carollna Chemical
7s crossed par for the first time in
two years. There was a fractional
rally in International Mercantile Ma
rine -6s. Unusual activity came Into
Cuba Cane Bs, but demand and supply
were just about balanced. Most of
the convertible oil bonds were a shade
higher. Brooklyn Manhattan 6s were
strong above 90.
BALTIMORE. Md.. August 7 (Spe
rial) —New potatoes, barrel. 2.25 s
6:50; culls. 1.50a2.00: bushel, 75a2.10;
beans, bushel, 80a 1.20.
Beets. 100, 2.00a3.00; cabbage. 100,
8.00al0.00; sw-eet potatotes, barrel,
3.00a7.00: yams, barrel, 5.50a6.50;
carrots, 100, 3.00a5.00; corn, dozen,
10a20: celery, orate. 2.50a3.50; cucum
bers, basket, 15a26.
Eggplants, basket, 76a1.00; lettuce,
crate. 1.00a2.00; lima beans, bushel
2.00a3.00: peas, bushel, 1.75a2.00:
peppers, basket, 35a50; onions, bushel.
t.50a2.50: squash, basket. 15a25; to
matoes, hamper. 30aSfl: green, 2SaSO.
Apples, barrel, 1.00a3.50; bushel.
50a1,50; peaches, bushel, 1.50a2.76;
damsons, basket, 75a1.00; canta
loupes. crate, 50a1.25; basket, 35a50.
Blackberries, quart, 12a16; huckle
berries. quart, 18a22; plums, basket,
40a65; watermelons, each, 15a65.
.Selling Prices at Noon.
Wheat—No. 2 red Winter, spot, do
mestic. 1.65; No. 2 red Winter, gar
licky. 1.59.
Sales—Bag lots of new at wharf
sold at range of 1.50 per bushel. Car
goes on grade: No. 2 red Winter, gar
licky. at 1.47; No. 3. 1.54; No. 4, 1.50;
No. 5. 1.58..
Corn—Cob, new. yellow, spot. 6.26
and 6.50. nominal, per barrel: track
yellow. No. 2. 1.27.
Oats—No. 2, 54; No. 3. 521*.
Rye—Nearby, new. 1.10 and 1.15;
No. 2 rye. spot, no quotations.
Hay—Receipts. 34 tons. Prices on
old hay are more or less nominal,
there being no stocks on hand of the
better qualities of old timothy or light
clover mixed. The new hay that ha*
thus far arrived on the local market
has been more or less Seated, and all
stock arriving In this condition has no
definite market value.
Quotations todav—No. 2 timothy,
18.50al9.00; No. 3 timothy, 16.00a17.50;
No. 1 light clover mixed, 17.50al8.00;
No. 1 clover mixed,*l7.ooal7.6o; No. 2
clover mixed. 14.00a15.00.
Straw—No. 1 wheat, 11.00al2.00;
No. 1 oat, 12.00a13.00.
Stromberg (6). . 68>* 68% 68% 68%
Studebaker(4).. 48 48% 48 48%
Submarine Boat. 8% 8% g g%
Superior 0i1.... 3% 3% 3*4 344
Symington 15 15% 14% 15%
Symington Atl). 21 21 21 21
Tenn Copper (1). 10% 10% 10»» 10%
Texas Co (3) 48*« 49% 48% 49%
Tex Gulf S(7 % ) 111*113 111% 111%
Tex&PacC&O. 18 13% 13 13%
Tex & Pacific. . . 48 49% 48 49%
Third Avenue. .. 13 13 13 18
Tide Water Oil. . 31% 31% 31% 31%
Timken RB<t4) 43% 43% 43% 43%
Tobac Prod <6). . 88% 90% 86% 88%
Tob Prod A (7).. 102% 106 102% 103%
Transcont Oil. . . 4% 4% 4V4 4%
Underwood 601* 60V* 60 50
Un Bag* Paper. 46% 47 45% 45%
Union 011 (1.30). 36% 36% 36% 36%
Un Pacific (10). . 140% I4i*4 140% 141%
, Un Pacific of (4) 76% 76% 76% 76%
Utd Alloy Steel. 28% 29% 28% 29%
Utd Cigar (13%) 79 82% 79 81%
, Utd Fruit (10). . 223 223 223 223
, United Drug (7). 131 131 130% 131
US Cast Iron P. 160 154% 160 154%
i U S Distributing 32% 33 52% 33
i US Hoff (2) 38% 39 38% 39
U S Ind Alcohol. 88% 88% 87% 87%
U S Rubber 56% 58% 65 58%
US Rub Ist (I). 104% 104% 103% 103%
, U S Smelting(3). 88% 39% 38% 39%
i USSmpf(3%). 46 46 46 46
U S Steel (t7)... 120 122% 120 122%
U S Steelpf (7).. 124% 124% 124% 124%
' Universal Pipe. . 32% 36 32% 36%
' Univer Ppf (7). 76 77% 76 77%
Utilities P&Lt A 36% «7% 36 36
. Vanadium (2)... 28% 29% 28% 29%
. Va-Caro Chem.. 3% 3% 3% 3%
, .Va-Caro Ch ctfs. 1% 1% 1% 1%
Va-Caro Ch pf... 11% 11% 10% 11
> V*Ry& Power.. 136% 136% 136% 136%
, Vivaudou 14% 14% 14% 14%
Wabash 35% 36% 35% 36
1 Wabash pf A (6) 70% 71% 71% 71%
Waldorf (1%)... 14% 15 14% 15
1 Ward Baking B. 67% 68% 67% 68
i Ward Baking A. 155 155 165 166
Warren Co (4) .. £48% 49% 48% 49
. Weber (4) 66% 67 66V* 67
. West Elec pf (7); 116 116 116 115
i West Maryland. *14% 16 . 14% 14%
, West Md 2d pf. 22% 23 22% 23
i Westn Pac (sa). 21% 22% 21% 121%
« Wesn Pac pf(6a) 74 74 74 74
. West Union (7). 133 133 182% 132%
, West Air Br (6). 114% 117% 114 114%
, Westinghs (4). . 72% 72% - 71% 72%
i Weston Elec.... 14% 15% 14% 15%
h Weston A (2)... 24% 26 24% 26
, Wheel &L Erie. J 9% 20 19% 19%
i Wheel &LEpf.. 42% 42% 42% 42%
i White Eagle (2). 26% 27 26% 27
> White Mot (4).. 91% 91% 90% 90%
White Rock (t 2) 47% 49% 47% 48%
i Wlckwlre ctfs... 4 4% 3% 4%
I Willys-Overld... 17% 18% 17% 18%
Willy s-Od pf (7) . 102% 104% 102% 104%
i Woolworth (3).. 166% 167 165 165%
i Worthn Pump... 40 40% 40 40%
. Worthton B (6). 64% 64% 64% 64%
Wright Aero(l). 28 29 28 29
i Wrlgley (t 3%).. 61% 62 51 61
Yale & Towne. .. 67% 67% 67% 67%
Yellow C (2.52). 42 42 42 42
i Youngstown (4). 74% 75 73% 74%
■ ' ‘Odd lot.
1 (Partly extra. (Payable in preferred stock,
i Dividend ratee a* given in the above table
. are the annual cash payment* based on the
latest quarterly or half-yearly declaration*,
unless otherwise noted, -eatraa or specie]
dividends are not in eluded.
1 11 ( >»l
Received by Private Wire Direct to The Star Office.
united States.
(Salet in In *1,046.)
Sales. High. Low Close.
Lib 334a... 24 100 24 100 20 100 20
Lib ISt 4 >4* 15 10128 10125 10J 25
Lib 2d * 3is. 101 100 26 100 23 100 24
Lib 3d 4 Us. 50 101 13 101 10 101 IS
Lib 4th 4%i 207 102 3 10131 102
IT S4a 1944. 53 102 27 102 25 102 25
TJ S 4 ’52 26 106 6 *OS 31 106 6
Sale*. High. Low. Close.
Argentine 65'69... 28 96% 96% 95%
Argentine 6e A 18 96% 96% 96%
Argentine *»B 7 96 95% 96
Argentine 7s 60 102% 102% 102 V.
Aua govt 6s ’56 28 99% 99% 99%
Austria 7s 4 99% 99% 99%
Bank of Japan 6s. . 28 99% 99 99
Belgium 6s 110 85% 85% 85%
Belgium 6%s wl. .. 38 91% 91 91%
Belgium 7s wl 699 96% 95% 96%
Belgium 7%s 2 108% 108% 108%
Belgium »s 2 107 107 107
Bolivia 85... 9 96 95% 96%
Bordeaux 6s 11 84% 188% 88%
Brazil 7s 7 82% 82 82%
Brazil 8s 19 98 97% 98
Canada 6s 1926 17 100% 100% 100%
Canada Bs 1952 2 102% 102% 102%
Canada 6%5J929. . 67 102% 102% 102%
Chile 7s 1943 7 101 101 101
Chile 8s 1928 1 10234 102% 102%
Chile 8s 1941 13 109% 109% 109%
Chile 8s 1946 2 108\, 108% 106%
Chinese Gov Tty ss. I 41% 41% 41%
Con Pow Japan 7s. 9 90% 90% 90%
Copenhagen 6%5. . 21 97% 97% 97%
Cuba 6%s io 100% 100% 100%
Czecho 8s 1961 6 100 100 100
Czecho 8s 1952 ct. . 1 99% 99% 99%
Danish Munlc *s A . 2 111 llle 111
Denmark 6s 16 102% 102% 102%
Denmark 8s 6 110% 110% 110%
DE I 5%s Mch ’53. 2 100% 100% 100%
DE I 5%s Nov 93 . ]| 100% 100% 100%
Dutch East I 6s %7. 5 10234 102% 102%
Finland sf 6s ’45.. 1 85 85 85
Finlands 7s 15 93% 97% 93%
French 7s 128 -91 90% 90%
French 734 s 41 100 99% 99%
French 8s 44 103% 103% 103%
Ger El 6%5'50 wi. . 11 87% 86% 87%
German 7s 61 96% 96% 96%
Gpr Gen Elec 75.... 42 93% 93% 93%
Greek 7s 30 87 86% 86%
Haiti 6s 29 96%. 96 96V4
Holland Anier 65... 25 8814 89% 89%
Hungary 63is 5 92% 92% 92%
Japanese 4s 5 83% 83% 83%
Japanese 6 34s 73 92% 92% 92%
Jergena U M 6s ’47. 67 107% 102% 105
Marseille 6s 1 81 84 84
Mexico 4s’o4 asntd l 19% 19% 19%
Mexico 5s assented t 32 32 32
Montevideo 7a 5 95% 96H 97%
Netherlands 65'54 . 15 103 102% 103
Netherlands 6s '72. 1 108 108 108
Nord 634 s 1 82% 82% 82%
Norway 5 34s wl. . . 30 96 94% 9434
Norway 6s 1943 8 100% 100% 100%
Norway 6s 1944 ... . 12 100% 100% 100%
Norway 6s 1952 6 101% 101% 101%
Norway 8s 3 110% 110 110%
Orient Dev deb 6*. . 8 85% 85% 86%
Parls-Ly’s-Med 6s. 18 78 1 77% 77%
Parls-Ly’s-Med 7s. 6 85 Bfi 85
Paris Orleans 75.. . 2 84% 84 84
Peru 8s 3 100% 100% 100%
Poland 8s ’SO w1... 48 87 86% 87
Porto Alegre 8s 1 95% 95% 95% I
Queensland 6s 9 104% 104% 104%
Queensland 7s. 5 111% 111 111
Rio de Jan 8s 1946. 1 94% 94% 94%
Rio de Jan 8s 1947. 1 94% 94% 94%
Rio Gr Do Sul Is. .. 1 96 9t> 96
St of 8 Pmlo rets. . 4 100% 100 100%
Seine Dejtt cf 7s. .. 9 88 % 88% 88%
Serbs CrOt Slo Bs. . 12 88% 88 88%
Solssons its 3 86% 85 86%
Sweden s’%s ct. .. . 83 100% 100% 100%
Sweden 64 10 104% 104% 104%
Swiss 53* 1946 6 102% 102 102
Swiss Confed 8». .. 13 116% 116% 116%
I’d Klngn 5% ’29. . 20 118 117% 117%
Vd Kingii 534 s'37. 20 106% 105 106%
I TTd Stean-.Copen 6s 1 94 94 94
I Uruguay sis 2 110 10934 110
j Miscellaneous.
Am Agr C'hem 6s. . 1 102% 102% 102%
!Am AgrChem 734 slB 10334 103% 103%
Am Chain sf 65'33. 10 98% 98 98
{Am Cotton 011 6s. . 1 94 94 94
; Am Smlt .*£ R Ist bs 21 98 97% 98
; Am Sug ref 6s 7 102% 105!% 102%
rAm T A T<cl tr 4s. . 86 97 96% 96%
j AmT ATSltrbs.. 7 101% 101% 101%
IAmTAT sf 6s 138 96% 96 96
; AtnT A T tieb 6% a. 39 103% 10234-103
,Am Writ 6s. 1 66 66 06
i Anaconda’ Ist 65... 22 101 100% 100%
r Anaconda cv db 7s. 107 102% 101% 102%
‘.Andes Coo 7s rets. 65 98% 98 98%
: Armour A'Co 4 Vis. 8 88% 88% 83%
Armour Ittsl 6 345.. 6 93%. 93% 93%
Associated Oil 6s. . 20 102% 102% 10234
Atlantic Ksfln 6s. .. 6 99% 99% 99%
Barnesdst's f 8a... 4 106% 106% 105%
Bell Tel PA 6a 7 101% 101 101%
Beth Steel pm 55... 21 91% 91 91
Beth Steel 5 345’53. 11 86% 86 86%
Beth Steel s f 6s. . . 14 94% 93% 93%
Brier H St Ist 6 34a. 16 100 99% 100
Bklyn Ed gen 65... 191101% 100% 100%
Bush T Bldg 5s ’6O. 4 96% 94% 96%
Calif Pete 6 34s 7 104% 104 104
Cen Leth 6s ’46 cfs 20 100% 100% 100%
Chile Copper 6s. . .. 31 107% 106% 107%
CinG E s>is’s2. .. 1 103 103 103
Col Gas A El 6s 4 100% 100% 10034
Col Gas AEI 6s sta 6 100% 100 100
Con Coal Md Ist 6s. 11 80% 78% 80%
Con GNY 534 s wl. 43 103% 103 103
Consumers Pow ss. 2 95 95 95
Cuba Cane cv 7s. .. 6 96 96% 96
Cuba Cane evd Is.. 36 100% 100% 100%
Cuban Am Sug Bs. . 3 108 107% 108
Denver Gas bs 12 94 98% 93%
Det Edison 65’40.. 2 102 102 102
Det Edison ref oa. . 3 107% 107% 107%
Dodge wl 61 188 98% 97% 98
Du Pont de N 7 %s. 7 106% 10634 106%
Duquesne Light ts. 2 106% 106fe 106%
Est Cuba Sug 7 3»s. 1 106 106 105
Empire G A F 7 345. 34 104% 104% 104%
Goodrich 6 34s 8 104% 104% 104%
Goodyear 8s 1331.. 10 110% 110 110
Goodyear 8s 1341.. 21 121 120% 121
Hershey 5%s wl. .. 26 98% 98% 98%
Hershey 6* 1948... 10 104% 104% 104%
Illinois Bell Ist bs. 9 100% 100 100
Indiana Steel 6s .. 3 101% 105% 101%
Int Mer Marine it. 3 83% 83% 83%
Int Paper bs ’47... It? 90% 90 90
Inter Paper 6a 22 95% 95% 96%
KCPA Lt Bs A'62. 31 98% 97% 97%
Kan GAEI 6s 62. . 4 102% 101% 101%
Kelly-Spring 85... 2 102% 10234 10234
Lackawa S6s '50.. 13 92 91 92
Laclede G 6%5'62. 41 99% 99% 99%
Liggett A Myers 6s 5 100 100 « 100
Liggett A Myrs 7s. 7 11934 119% 119%
Louisv GA E 6a’52 2 96% 95% 96%
Manatl Sugaf 7 34«- 3 100% 10034 100%
Mld-Coh 6 34 8 ’40... 24 98% 98% 98%
Midvale Steel sa. .. 8 9034 90% 9034
Montana Pow bs— 5 99% 99% 99%
New Eng Tel 6s 9 100% 100 100
NYEd 6a '44 wl. 8 100% 100 100
NY Eden let 634*. 9 113% 113 113%
NY GEL HAP 4s. 26 88% 88% 88%
NY Tel 4 34a 4 96% 96% 96%
NY Tel 6a’4l 5 196% 106% 106%
N Y Tel 6s ’49 4 10ST4 10834 108%
North Am Ed 65... 7 100% 100% 100%
North Am Ed 6345. 16 103% 10234 103
Nor States Pow Bs. 6 95% 9534 96%
Nor States Pow 6s. 6 105% 106% 105%
Otis Steel 7%a 7 100% 100% 100%
Otis Steel 8s ... 8 105 106 .105
Pacific Gas AEI ss. 5 96% 91% 94%
Pac TAT Ist 6s. . . 4 100% 100% 100%
PacTATss’B2... 16 96'4 963, 96%
Pin-Amer Pate 6s. 90 107% 106% 106%
Pan-Amec Pete 7s. 12 105% 106 105
phlla Co 6%s ’3B ... 9 97% 97% 97%
PhllaCoref 6s A.. 6 104% 104% 104%
Phlla ARdCA I6s 1 99 99 99
Pierce-Arrow 85... 41 105 104% 104%
Producers ARf Bs. 1 110% 11034 110%
Public Service 65.. 2 104% 104% 104%
Public Service 65.. 62 97% 97% 97%
Pub Serv Elec 65... 1 106% 106% 10«%
P Serv Gas 534 s ’59 1 102% 102% 1Q2%
P Serv Gas 634 *B4. 6 108 102% 103
Remingtn Arms 6s. 5 88% 88. 88%
Rep Ir A Steel bs... 1 96 95 96
Saks ACosf 7s 2 107 107 107
Sinclair 011 6s 62 107% 106% 107
Sinclair 0i1*34a... 4 87% 87% 88%
Sinclair 011 7s 11 92% 9134 92
Sin CO PL 65’28.. 20 100% 100% 100%
Sin Pipe Line 5a... 11 86 86% 86%
Skelly Oil 6%s 22 109% 109% 109%
South Bell Tel 6s. . 6 101% 101% 101%
Southwest Bell 6s. .'2l 99% 99% 99%
Sug Est Orient 7s. . 1 9434 94% 94%
Tenn Elec Pow 65.. 16 102% 102% 102%
Tlde Wat Oil 6345.. 11 10134 101 U 101%
Union Bag A P 65.. 2 97% 9634 96%
United Drug 6s |0 104% 104 104
U S Rub Ist rs I*.. ft •*% M% 88%
Sale*. Hifh. Low. Clone
II S Smilur is 4 101 100% 101
U 8 Steal sf 6s 20 106 106% 106%
Utah Row A Ltos. . 20 96 94V* 96
Va-Car Cham 7a... 162 101 90%-tOI
Va-Car Ch 7%s w.. 66 60 90 60
■Warner Sug 75'39. 2 62% 92%. . *2%
Warner Sub 7s’4l. 1 93% 93% 93%
West Elec 6a -13 100% 99% 99%
Westn Union 6%5.. 2 111% UJH 111%
Wsstlnghouse 7a.. 14 106 105% 106
Willya-Ov 6%5'33. 20 102 101% 102
Wilson ACo Ist €s. 7 98% 98% 98%
Winchester A 7%5. 9 102 101% 102
Youngstn SAT Ss. 28 99% 99% 99%
Ann Arbor 4s 5 74% 74% 74%
Atchison gen 4s. . . 24 88% 88% 88%
BA p Gold 4s 45 87% 87% 87%
BAOcv4V»* 12 92 91% 91%
BA O ref 5h 10 90 89% 89%
B AO Ist ssct 41 100% 100% 100%
BAO 6s 29 103% 102% 103
BAOrfimo«s 13 101% 101% 101%
BtOPLKWVIi., 3 84% 84% 84%
BAO Sw Dtv 5a cfs. 30 06% 96 96%
BA O Toledo 4». ... 1 71% 71% 71%
Bklyn Manhat 65.. 22 90V« 99 90
Canad North 6%5.. 5 117% 117% 117%
Canad Pac deb 4s. . 8 80 79% 79%
Car Clinch AO 5s . 2 101 101 101
Car Clinch A O 65.. 3 107% 107% 107%
Cent of Qa 5%s 3 101% 101% 101%
Cent of Ga 6s 7 104 103 104
Central Pacific 4s. . 4 87% 87% 87%
Ches AOcv4% s. . . 5 97% 97% 97%
Ches AO gn 4%5. . 2 90% 90% 90%
ChesAOcvJs 1030111 107% 111
Chi BAQ gn 4s’Bß. 4 90% 90% 90%
Chi B A Q Ist rs ss. 10 101% 101% 101%
Chi A Alton 3%s . . 32 49% 49 49%
Chi AElan 6s 14 73% 73 78%
Chi Great West 4s. 3 62% 62% 62%
CMASt P4s '26. .. 36 47% 47% 47%
CMASt Pdb 4s. . . 10 47% 47% 47%
CM A 3»P gn 4a ’*9 -.1 78% 78% 78%
CM A StP cv 4%5. . 8 47% 47% 47%
CMAStPgn 4% s . 2 88% 87% 87%
CMASt Prs 4%5. 13 48 48 48
CMASt Pcv ss. . . 6 47% 47% 47%
Chi St P MAO cn 6s 1 103% 103% 103%
ChtßysSs 4 75% 76% 76%
Chi RI A Prf 4s. .. 90 85% 85% 85%
Chi Un Sta 6%s 1 117% 117% 117%
Chi A W Ind cn 45.. 8 79 78% 78
CA W I 5%5’«2. . . 14 97% 97 97
CCCAStLSs 9 97% 96% 97%
Cleve Term 5s 8 100% 100 100%
Cleve Term 6%s . . 2 106 106 106
Cuba RR 5s 1 87 87 87
Del AHd Ist rs 4s. 25 89% 89 89
Del Hud cv Ss’3s. . 5 106' 105 106
D A Rio G Wat ss. . 15 60% 60% 60%
Det United 4%s K 89% 88% 89%
Erie Ist cons 4s 19 70% 69% 70%
Erie gen 4s 40 62% 62 62%
Erie conv 4& B 60 63% 62% 63%
Erie conv 4s D 87 72% 71% 72
Erie conv ext 7e.. . 1 108 108 108
Erie Genessee R6s 3 103% 103 103%
Fla EC 55’74 .43 94% 94 94%
Fla WAN7s’43... 64 140 138 140
Gr Trunk sf db 6s. . 1 106% 105% 106%
Grand Trunk 7s 5 114% 114% 114%
Great North 5s 21 94% 93% 9?%
Great North 5%5. . • 2 100% 100 100
Gr North gen 7». :. 13 110 109% 109%
Green BAWdb B. 11 15 15 . 15
Hud A Man ref 6s. . 2 90% 90 90%
Hud A Man aj 65... 44 7C14 76 75%
111 Central 6 Vi* 7 102% 102% 102%
111 C-C St LAND 6S. 5 89% 99% 99%
Int Rap Tran ss. .. 11 67% 67% 67%
Int Rap Tr 5s stpd. 3 67% 67% 67%
Int Rap Tran «s. . . 4 70% 70% 70%
Int Rap Tran 7s. . . 5 90 89% 90
Int A G Nor aj 6s. . 171 74% 74 74%
lowa Cent rs 4s 4 18% 19% 19%
lowa Cent Ist Ss . . 6 58% 67% 67%
Kan City Ft S 45.. . 10 84% 84% 84%
Kansas City S Bs. .. 3 T1 71 71
Kansas City 8 ss. . . 2 88% 88% 88%
Kan Citv Term 4s. . 2 86 84% 84%
Lake Shore 4s '2*. . 10 98% 98% 98%
Lehigh Val cn 4a... 3 81 81 81
Lehigh Val 6s 2003 2 100 100 100
Louis A N uni 4s. .. 1 93% 93% 93%
Louis AN 5s B 3 101% 101% 101%
Man Ry 2d 4s 2013. 4 53% 53% 53%
Market St Ry 75... 11 99% 98% 99
MKAT4SB 10 78 78 78
MK A T adj 6s 219 90% 89% 90%
MKATprIn 5s A. 4 92% 92% 92%
MKAT6SC 5 103% 108% 103%
Mo Pacific gen 4s. . IS 64% 64 64%
Mo Pac 6s 1965 5 86% 86% 86%
Mo Pacific 6s 18 100% 100 100
Mo Pacific 6s cfs. .102 100 9914 99%
Montrl Tm Ist 55.. 26 96% 96 96
New Or Term 4 5... 5 $2 8-2 82
NOTAM 5Vi s n.. 2 99% 99% 99%
N Y Cent deh 4s. ... ' 5 93% 93% 93%
N Y Cent r 1 ss. . . 19 100% 100% 100%
N Y Cent deb 6s 1 109 109 109
N YCent LScl 3Vi* 17 76% 76% 76%
NY Chi ASt L 5V4s 17 96% 96 96
NYCAStL 6s A. . 3 103 102% 108
New Hav d4s ’57.. 2 57% 67% 67%
New Haven c d 6s. . 13 90% 90 90%
N Y Ont W Ist 45.. 17 68% 67% 68%
N Y Rys fs ’65 40 28% 27% 27%
N Y State Ry 4%5. 2 61 61 61
NY W A Bos 4V45.. 8 67% 67% 67%
Norfolk AW cv Bs. 7 133 132% 132%
Northern Pac 35... 1 69% 69% 69%
Northern Pac 4s. .. 10 83% 83% 83%
Northern Pac 5s D. 6 94% 94% 94%
Northern Pae ri 6s 102 105% 105 105
Ore A Calif Ist 65.. 4 100% 100% 100%
Ora Short L ref 4s. 3 97% 96% 96%
Ore-Wash Ist rs 4s 32 81% 81% 81%
Pennsy! gen 65.... 2 100 100 .100
Pennsyl 6s ’64. .. ~ 30 97% 97% 97%
Pennsy 1 6%s 10 110% 110% 110%
Pennsyl gold 7s. .. 2 108% 108% 108%
Peoria fcElne 4a.. 69 35% 38% 84%
Pere MrQ Ist 4s’sl. 6 80% 80% 80%
Pere Marq Ist 6«... 18 97% 97% 97%
PorRL A P is’47. 7 99 99 99
Reading gen 45.... 2 95 95. 95
Rio GW Ist 4r 1 83% 83% 83%
Rio G West cl 4a... 2 73% 73 73%
R. I Ark AL4Vi ■•• -7 86% 86% 86%
St L IMAS 4s *29. . . 16 94H 94% 94%
St LIMAS RAG 4s. 4 86% 86% 86%
St LASFpi4s A. .13 76% 76% 75%
St LASF pr in ss. 3 89% 69% 89%
StLASF 6%5D.. 3 98% 98% 98%
StL ASFadj 65.. 61 92% 92 92%
StLASF Inc 65...109 94% 93% 94
St L A S F pi 6s C. . 67 102% 102% 102%
St P A KCShL 4%S 11 84 84' 84
St PUn Dep 6s 6 101 101 101
San AAAm P 4s*. 6 83% 83% ,83%
Seabd AL 4s I 78 .78 78
Seabd ALref 4s. .. 7 7t 70% 71
Seabd A L adj Ss. . .103 81% 80% 81%
Seabd A Leon 65.;. 10 94 94 94
Sou Pacific 45’29.. 17 97 97 97
Sou Pacific clt 45... 4 84% 84% 84%
Sou Pacific ref 45.. 19 88% 87% 88%
Southern Ry gen 4a 27 79 78% 79
Southern Ry Ist 6a. 4
Southern Ry 6s et.. S 106% 106% 106%
Southern Ry 6Vis.. 1 110 108% 109%
Texas A Pacific Ist 2 100% 100% 100%
Third Ave ref 45.. . 5 56% 56% 65%
Third Ave adj 55... 8 40% 40% 40%
Union Pac Ist 45.,, 17 91% 81% 91%
Union Pac 4s ’27... 21 99 9|% 98%
Union Pac cv 65... 6 103% 103% 103%
Virginia Ry Ist ss. 22 98% 97% 98%
Va Ry A P Ist 55... 12 97 96% 97
W'abash Ist 5s 17 101% 101% 101%
Wabash 2d 5s 5 95% 95% 95%
Wabash sVis’7s. .. 83 96% 96 96%
Western Md 45.... 5 6SJJ 65% 66%
Western Pacific 6s. S 93’* 93 93
West Shore Ist 4s. . 26 83% -83% 83%
WheelALEcn 48 3 77% 77% 77%
Whel A LJlrf 4%5. 2 77% 77% 77%
Wilkes-BAE Ist ss. 1 63% 63% 63%
Wisconsin Cent 4s. 6 77% 77% 77%
(Quotations -furnished by Redmond A Co.)
. -Noon. ,
Bid. • Oder.
4%s March 15.1926... 100 9-l« a 100 11-lfl
3s June 16. 1920.... 90 11-16- 00 13-16
4% s Sept. 15, 102<l. . 100% 100%
4%s March lfc, 192*.. 101 % 101#
4%s 16. i 027... 101% 101%
BOSTON, August 7 (Special).—The
tone of the wool market was easier
again today, but with only a small
amount moving. Indicatidns. Jfote- Im
provement in demand for worsteds'ls
regarded as a favorable sign and mill
operations seem to have speeded up
to some extent. Texas .wools are
scarce here and practically no choice
Texas 12-month clips can be bought
less than $1.30 clean. frelaiiuM at **
cents greasy, are regarded- as some
what high. Medium fleeces are not
so much in demand.
Eighteen Countpes, Representing
Two-Thirds of World Crop, Pro- '
dnces 2,147,000,000 Bushels. !
Wheat production in 18 countries In 1
the Northern Hemisphere, represent
ing two-tleirdß of the world crop, ex-j
elusive of Russia and China, is esti- ■
mated at 2,147,000,000 bushels, com
pared with 2,098.000,000 bushels last ■
year, the Department of Agriculture ■
was advised today by the International -
Institute of Agriculture in Rome.
The department was informed today |
that the Egyptian wheat crop is esti- t
mated at 36,633,000 bushels
pared with 34,186,000 bushels last year. J
This report completes the total esti- '
mates for the North African countries, |
which in the aggregate is estimated at i
105.000,000 bushels, against 80,000.000 j
bushels last year, an increase of 25,-i
Booms in Various Sections
Are Attracting the Modern
Fortune Seeker.
BY ». C. ROYL4E.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
NKW YORK, August 7. instead of
seizing the old stampeding pack and
plunging into the frozen North, dr,
saddling the burro and seeking the j
desert sands, the modern seeker after
sudden fortune is cranking up tlie |
trusty flivver and running to the near- |
est real estate boom.
He does not have to go far. for j
booms are reverberating in scores of j
localities in the Nation. The method I
of approacli may be different, but once j
on the scene the tension and '
ure at the real estate booms is ex- j
actlv the same as have obtained at ,
every big mining and oil excitement j
in the last 75 years.
The booms of largest preparations
on at present are probably those in ;
Florida and along the Gulf coast of
Mississippi and Louisianan. South
bound trains, on which traffic is or
dinarily light in the Summer time, now
are carrying swarms of people. For
the first time in history Florida hotels
are swamped with guests in Summer.
Automobiles are congesting every
southern highway, filled with land
seekers and land sellers.
Effects ISeen In (’Hies.
Many would-be investors held off
last Winter in Florida in the hope
that they could buy more advantage
ously in the hot weather. Populations
of cities which ardinarily drop heav
ily after February have increased
this year. Hundreds of thousands of
workmen, farmers and mechanics
have moved from other States since
June to work in Florida. Mississippi
and Louisiana. Stf-eets. hotels, boot
black stands and park benches are
cluttered with men and women sell
ing and buying lots —fast.
Owners of Mississippi coast realty
are many millions richer than they
were six months ago. Between Bay
St. Louis and Ocean {Springs and
around Lake Pontchartrain values
have jumped amazingly, and property
to the west has had equal advances.
The booms still’continue on the Pa
cific coast, although the newness of
the Los Angeles exoitement appears
to have worn off. Los Angeles showed
Florida the way in high-pressure
salesmanship, and the realtors in* the
Southeast proved apt. enough pupils
to outshine their instructors in some
instances. An extent of the operations
in Miami for example may he seen
from the fact that July bank clear
ings totaled 3100.060,291, as compared
with $13,306.7*9 in 1924. Other Florida
and Mississippi towns have recorded
similar advances.
The move toward the opening
spaces of beach or upland is not con
fined to the South. The latest boom
Is bass-drumming in the Rockawav
section of Long Island, where special
police w-ere necessary to keep buyers
and sellers from blocking traffic. For
a time property changed hands so
fast sharpers were able to give a had
check for a property, sell it at a
profit, and escape before the bad
check came back.
Other points of Long Island. New
Jersey and Westchester County are
staging booms of their own, all being
handled along the Florida system. The
writer sew a property owner of Long
stand on the boardwalk one
day this week and dispose of over
$300,000 worth of his own lots within
an hour.
- -Activities In Chicago Area.
In the neighborhood of Chicago
similar activities are apparent under
prospects that commutation service
and automobile traffic will -enable
many now living in the city to move
to suburban localities.
Since the development at the town
of Shaker Heights, near Cleveland,
started, 2.850 acres consisting of 7.000
lots have been sold for approximately
$25,000,000. It is estimated the pro
moters, the municipality and other
property owners have spent $40,000,-
000 on improvements.
Generally speaking, the real estate
activity is due to two or three fac
tors. One- is the desire of modern
Americans to get out of doors. They
are seeking homes near beaches and
golf links. Another factor is the im
provement in transportation by bus,
train, trolley and auto-. A third is
the congestion, not of cities as a
. whole, but of those -districts in which
moderately prosperous families desire
to dwell.
CHICAGO, August 7 (A s ).—Owing
largely to Strength shown by August
and September deliveries of wheat
here, the wheat market went decid
edly higher today during the early
dealings, active buying said to be for
Eastern account, was in evidence. Re
ports of rain in Canada had a bearish
Influence at times, but were more or
less counterbalanced by firmness of
■quotations at Liverpool due some
what to Indications of a falling off in
world shipments. Chicago opening
prices to 1% higher. September
1.60% to 1.61 and December 1.60%
to 1.66%, were followed by moderate
declines, but then by upturns to 1.63%
for September and 1.62% for Decem
Favorable weather for corn tended
to ease down the corn market and
oats as well. After opening at % to
% off, September 1.Q4%, corn contin
ued to range below yesterday’s finish.
Oats started unchanged to % lower,
September 42% to 42% and later de
clined a little all around.
In line with hog values, the provi
sion market was easy.,
wBEAT— Open. Hiah. Low Clone.
September .. 1.60% 1.06% 1.50% 1.65 b,
December ... 1.60% 1.64% 1.-59% 1.64',
September" . , 1.04% 1.05 10.3% 104%
. December .. . .66% .87% .86 .87%
May 80% .80 .88% .80%
September .. .42% .42%, .42% .42%
December .. . .46 .46% .44% .45%
Maj ... 46 .46% .47% .48 %
September ... 1.04 107 1.05% 106%
Dec-mbet 1.06% 1.10% 1.06% 1.10
May 1.11% 1.16 1.11 % 1.15
F I K T A N C l A L \
RISE IN W. R. & E.
! Common Stock Jumps 12 1-2
I Points on Local Exchange. 1
Other Market Features.
i A phenomenal rise of 1-'*: P'*mts
i t.o 150 or» sales of but six 10-share
| lots of Washington Railway and
; Klee trio common stock took place on
I the local stock exchange this rrtorn
| lng. The advance culminates a wee..
| of huge daily rises totaling a five-da '
I advance of 2!t points.
The rise would not be mystifying
I ls a single factor within the realm of
‘conception could be discovered to
t warrant an increase. Officials of the
company cannot, or will not,' shed
j any light upon the matter, professing
i absolute ignorance of the psychic
! force which is driving quotations on
! ward and upward. The buying, ac
cording to best information available,
| is from out of town’, with the North
j American *’o.. which already owns
j 75 per cent of the common issue, ex -
| cepted.
! E. T.. Dame, president of the North
| American Co., in an interview handed
lout yesterday, declared his company
,is in no way responsible for the
I furore which has been created in the
I stock. "The North American Co. has
| for some time owned 75 per cent of
! the common stock of the Washington
Railway and Klectric C 0..” he said
j "We have made no purchases s’
j these prices and are not further ir
jereasing our holdings.
I The issue closed at 150 "bid," with
j no offers.
The "bug" with which common has
! apparently been inoculated has. thu
far. failed to disturb the equilibrium
of Railway preferred. This issue was
active today to the extent of 50 sha
at 85. Capital Traction, in which the
North American CO. is also interested,
sold at par and a half.
Riggs National Gains.
Riggs National Bank stock gains*!
fractionally to 558 on the initial sale,
but later eased off to 357 on sale.* > r
40 shares. Me.rgenthaler Limit" pe
brought 104, and Commercial National
Bank was firm at 1924*. Kleven shares
of American Security and Trust
brought 345.
Money rates ate slowly hardening, f
Moody’s service finds in its weeklv r<-
view of business. There is no dearth
of loanable funds and no probability of
an\% but one may reasonably e.yn*o r
that "call money should be definite!
firmer the last week of the pres* i t
month, and that time money should
show a slow but persistent upwa;d
movement into October anyway."
“Relating the money market to rite
stock market, one must observe that
August is typically the last month of
distinctly easy money. If preset ■
monetary trends continue. bOrrowet -
on collateral may find tt month or two
from now that the interest rate pins
the stock broker’s interest profit, will
bring their interest payments up to t
relatively high figure.
(Miter Reasons for Optimism.
"The • remaining reasons for opti
mlsm concentrate themselves upon
this present month. Especially is the
true of railway stocks: for the August
and September net earnings should
make an exceptionally good showing 1
which ougltf to be reflected to sorts
[extent in the share quotations.
“Credits have expanded enough so
that idle capital can presumably find,
employment without necessarily going
into the bond market. Hence it i
likely that for some time the latter
should show stability' rather than eith
er weakness or strength.’’
London's Ixtwer Interest Topic.
Lowering of the-Bank of England
discount rate to 41. per cent is inter
preted by leading American banker
its indicating confidence on the patt
of British financiers in the stability
I of the n*;w_ gold-standard program, a
| digest of the morning’s financial news
| shows. f
| Dire consequences predicted in
['many' quarters following the return '■>
! a gold standard a few months ag"
| have not materialized-—conversely. the
English situation has improved mu
terially and the entire banking sirtu
ture greatly strengthened.
In some quarters the lowering of
the rate is seen as a concession to
those elements in Great Britain, in
eluding industrialists and laltor. which
feared the new standard would '■*•
detrimental to business. Those 1»<-
.lieved that burdensome money rates
would be necessary.’while in other
[quarters the prospect of attracting
[ gold from abroad was criticised a
| tending to bring about inflation.
(Quoted tn dollars per million marks 1
Bid. Asked.
GsrGt is ltd 5s IP! 1-18 450.00 ;«s.iin
Hamburg 4’j» JftlO...- too.oo 105 oil
Ger Gt 4-5e tforced loan I T.OO 10.00
Ger Gt 8-15e ‘2O Ism pt 20.00 45.00
i Quoted in dollars per thousand marks
Ger Gen Elect 4H'i pre-w 15.00 IP o,
Ger Gen Elec 4>,s 1010. 1.75 2 50
Berlin 4s pre-war ; . 0.00 11 on
Ham 3s. 3tjs 4- ts pre-w 1.75 2
Hamburg- Amer Line 4’js 15.00 Conn
North German Lloyd 4H" 18. no 27." it
North German I.lovd . 5.00 7.00
Prussian Consols .">?* . so on
Krunp os 1021. 2.00 t oo
Dusseldorf 4s pre-war. . P.Oo J7 oo
Frankfort a-M 4s ore-war 8 .On lt.no
Munich 4s pre-war. .... 10.00 11.00
Radierhe Anilin 55.00 fis.no
AEG (Ger Ge Elect 21.50 2-7 "it
Commerz and Privat Bk. I k on 14 mi
Piscomo Gellschaft ."S on to on
Presdner Bank IS.OO 20.00
Deutsche Bank 2fi.no 28.00
Parmstaedter Bank 25.00 28 no
Mercur Bank Vienna. . 1.40 J fiO
Stock Os
Corn. Period. Rat*. PayaH*. recort .
Am. Locomotive Q $2,00 Sept .*lO S*pt 14
Do. pf Q 1.75 Sept 30 Sept It
As. G. & E. $6
ser pf Q* 1.50 Sept 1 Aug lo
Brill. J. G Q 135 Sept. 1 Attg 24
California Pete Q .50 Sept 1 Aug 20
Goodyear T. & R.
nr. pf Q 2 Oct 1 Sept 15 ,
Do. pr Q If* 2# Oct 1 Sept 15
Imperial Oil I*d. Q .25 Sept 1 Aug 15
Phoenix Hosiery
Ist pf Q t\ % Sept l Aug 17
Do. Ist pf... Q Ifir Sept 1 Aug 17
•With option of renewing in lieu of a
cash dividend 4’s-lOOths of a share of class
A stock.
BALTIMORE. Md.. August 7 (Spe
cial). —Live poultry—Spring chickens.,
pound, 25a33; Leghorns. 2f>a27; old
hens. 20a27; Leghorns. 20a21: roosters.
15a16; ducks, 14a20: young ducks. l* n .t
26: pigeons, pair. 25a30.
Eggs—Receipts, 336 cases, nearby
firsts, dozpn, offered at 32a33.
Butter—Good to fancy creamery,
pound, 40a45V2: prints. 4*a4B: ladles.
34a35; store packed. llaSI 1 ]; dairy
prints, 32a34; rolls, process butter,
U. S. Federal Reserve Report.
NEW YORK, August 7 (*>).— The
statement of the condition of the Fed
eral Reserve Bank of New York at the
close of business August 5 shows:
Total gold reserves. $325,359,000.
Total reserves. $962,225,000.
Bills discounted secured by Govern
ment war obligations, $149,893,000.
All others. $30,777,000.
Bills bought In open mapket, $31,-
Total earning assets, $276,643,d0n.
Uncollected items, $139,454,000.
Due to members, reserve account,
Total deposits. $872,6.40,000.
Federal Reserve notes in act uni
circulation. $337,752,000. /
Ratio of total reserves to deposit
and Federal Reserve note llnh*Htl»s
combined. 79.5 per cent.