Newspaper Page Text
20 KENT ROOMS—FFR. (Cont’dl. 1 PE 90T0. 1300 MASS AVE.—Large. newly i furnished front room, running water. Ant 1738 F ST. N.W.—Slnirle rooms. *l2: Urge ! room, private kitchenette, sink and range S3O. Franklin 2308. ! THE HADDINGTON. 1840 Biltmore St.. Ani | 23—Attractive room, private apartment. ecu j tlemen preferred. 7* 1324 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large front, two j hie closets: continuous hot water, electric ] lights: for one or two. 0* | 1220 N ST. N.W —l.aree front room. Itsol j housekeeping: modern: one other large room: i telephone. ' * 1 1114 14th N.W. —Well fuitiislico rooms: j every convenience privilefee 1.b.k.: $25. ! Totten. Main 4520. j 1112 ABBEY PI. N K. —Two housekeeping . rooms, ami : lietween 3rd and 4th ami L and M. »> I 19th AND G STS. N.W.. APT. 32. The I Maury—Well furnished bed-sitting room, for j lady. ] 718 KENTUCKY AVE. S.E. —Two nicely; furnished rooms for 1.h.k.: electricity and gras: _h ,-w.h.: S3O, Lincoln 1533-W. lirw BT. N W . Apt. o —Furnished room * in apt. house, gentlemen. Apply lietween 4 and 7. »* 1340 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.. Apt. No 1- Well furnished room; rent reasonable: ladles only, * _ j j S[2s, TO LADY—Four windows, overlooking i 7.00 entrance: convenient to oar and bus I lines: reference. Phone Col. 510. Apt. 11. 0* i 1002 O N.W. —Desirable rooms, furnished or ] unfurnished; close to cars; l.h.k. permitted. ; North SOrt. 8* 505 3rd STT N.W—Two furnished rooms, newly papered and painted, next to bath FranV. 1981-W. *_ 1819 G ST N.W.—Nicely furnished room, next to bath: no other roomers: private phone i Kranklin 3831 i, 9 IaRGE, BRIGHT ROOM for gentleman: private family. Apt. 4. 1757 Col. rd. Call Pot. 779. 9* 1104 9th N.W—Attractive front. $5 week, double with use of kitchen and porch. $8 week. Call after rt p.m. 1204 G ST. N.W.—Top floor apt., room for gentleman or business couple. Call after H. 1749 18th ST. N W.—Bright, cheerful room with private bath, phone, electric light and plenty of hot water: reasonable. 9* 1843 CALVERT ST.—-Desirable rooms and garage; a.m.i. . 1104 9th N.W.—Refined, congenial girl to share apartment. $5 week. Call after 6 p.m. 519 MASS. AVE. N.W. —Front room, twin beds: gentlemen: S3O month. 421 18th S.E. —Room, light and airy^iew comer house: $lB. 2! 1321 13th ST. N.W.—Two large front, at tractive rooms: reasonable, and phone 813 18th ST. N.W. —Downtown section: front room, near hath: telephone. 7 * 720 10th ST. N.W.—Rooms. $5 week: also 1 h k.: clean, quiet, convenient-. 5 1700 RHODE ISLAND AYE N.W. —Rooms I with adjoining bath. Main 7101. | 1923 G ST. N.W.—Transient or permanent j hotel conveniences, Fr. 9070. 0* | 1352 PARK ROAD— Bright* clean, house- j keeping: children no objection; reasonable. 907 M ST. N.W.—Single or light housekeep- j ing rooms: weekly or monthly. 1 2137 G N.W.—Large 2nd-floor front: elec- ! irieity; suitable for two: $25. j 918 M ST. N.W.. APT. 42—Nicely furnished room, with use of kitchen if desired. 7* i 1132 10th N.W —Two rooms, running water, j gas stove, electricity: l.h.k. 8 | 1302 KENYON ST—Nicely furnished sec- | ond-floor front room for couple | 1225 N N.W.—2 housekeeping rooms elec- j tricity. Inquire after ft. DE SOTO. Apt. 51. 1300 Mass. Ave. —For tourists: clean, comfortable. 1408 BELMONT ST. N.W. —One or two at tractive rooms, kitchenette: 1.h.k,: adults. 1024 17th ST.. Maryland Inn —Comfortable rooms: transients accommodated. YOUNG MAN. congenial, wishes roommate; pleasant room, apt.: sls. Phone N. 9451. 1876 CALVERT ST—Entire floor, 3 rooms ! and bath, furnished. 413 4th ST. N.W. —1 large room and 1 room and kitchenette; convenient to bath. 7* 1122 13th ST. N.W.—Large froit room near bath: a.m.i. 7* 1113 3 Ith ST. N.W. —Clean, cheerful rooms: electricity: 1.h.k.: Summer rates. 10* 2419 18th N.W —2 rooms. 2nd-floor front, completely furnished for housekeeping. S4O §l3 Bth S.W.—Nicely furnished second-floor room for gentleman: telephone privilege. * 1728 EYE ST. N.W.—Single and double moms; phone- elec, lights: reasonable • THOMAS CIRCLE—Nice room for gentle man: private family. Cumberland. Apt. 3rt. • 14*19 R ST. N.W.. APT. 32—Rooms, single or double. * 4715 4th ST. N.W.—One or two large rooms, porch, hath, garage space. Col. 5988. 9* 1873 M N.W.—Small room, sl2 mo.: other rfesi rable rooms. 8 • 871 19th N.W. —Transients accommodated; other rooms: l.h.k. 7* DUPONT CIRCLE. IHOI 19th st.—Kitchen and bedroom 111 basement: also single room. DOWNTOWN—Transients or permanent: electricity: reasonable. 1372 L st, n.w. 519 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Small room, gentle man: sl2 per month. j “ 1512 R ST. N.W. Elegant rooms for gentlemen; weekly. Sponthl v 10* MONMOUTH HOTEL. 1819 G St. • 450 room®; transients: single rooms. $2: # double rooms. $3: running water, telephone I - onrai Why nav more 9 { RENT ROOMS— UNFURNISHED, j DUPONT CIRCLE. 1400 ‘2oth Southern; family 2 se«-om!-floor connecting adjoining: ! hath. $25; with housekeeping. S3O Frank- j - hn 8729. j J 758 OREGON A VE. N.W.—Colored 3 rms. j r»n 2nd floor ami 2 on .3rd floor, for l.h.k. Pot. 1150-!. 7* 94 * 14th ST. S.E.—Three rooms and hath | for light housekeeping:: gas and electricity: j 610 MI). AVE. S.W—2nd floor. 2 large rooms and kitrhenette; water in kitchen: j gas and heat: reasonable. 0* LARGE. southern exposure, n.w. district, j Auer. 15: lady alone: rent reasonable. Ad- ! dress Box 10-J. Star office. * 302 C ST N.E.—3 unfurnished rooms. 2 on j third floor. I on second floor, heat, gas, j par r - 8* 1108 N. CAPITOL ST.—5 rooms, bath. gas - j vacant rent reasonable: no objection to » children. 022 LONGFELLOW N.W’—3 large rooms, i kitchen, private bath, a.m.i. j 14 7th ST. S.E.—2 or 4 rooms; h.-w.h . gas furnished, 51 ADAMS ST. N.W.—3 larg-e l.h.k. rooms. porch, elec.. $42 month. 8* 615 C ST. S.W.—3 bright l.h.k. rooms, un -1122 COLUMBIA Rl).—Two large rooms, j kitchen and hath: electricity. 9* 723 6th S.E. —3 connecting- rooms. 1 bed- ] room, nicely furnished. $lB per month. 9* i 117 7th ST. N.E.—Two rooms. light house- j Keeping; reasonable: gas. 8* j 1714 E ST. S.E. —2 large unfurnished rooms ! and kitchen: sink and range: l.h.k. 200 INDIANA AVE. N.W’.—*> nice rooms. 2nd floor. S3O per mo. Phone Fr. 10384. 9* 402 16th ST. S.E.—Two unfurnished rooms and hath for l.h.k. 8* 726 9th N.E.—3 rooms and poren: garage: fi -wh elec. 9* RENT ROOMS—FIR. & I NFER. 3719 9th ST. —Large front room, furnished or unfurnished: very reasonable: also ga rage. SB. 7* WASHINGTON CIRCLE. 2300 Pa. Ave. N.W. - ms: gentlemen; reasonable. ■ 916 D ST. S.W’.—l room, next to bath; •reasonable, 12* WANTED—ROOMS. FURNISHED. 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath; bath not entered through one room. Give full description, floor exposure, elevator, price, etc. Room 401. 1200 15th st. n.w. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN desires clean, quiet room m private home or apartment, with some privileges, vicinity Dupont Circle. Ad dress Box 199-J. Star office. * WANTED—By gentleman, room near bath, white neighborhood, close to departments, about S2O. by Aug. 16 or Sept. 1. Writ** details. Address Box 206-J. Star office. * GENTLEMAN wishes furnished room. elec., private family, not over sls Address Box 146-J._Star office. • BY middle aged man; homelike room with telephone in home; near Center Market. Ad = Box 91 J Star office. 7* 1 ROOM. KITCHENETTE at on.e: walking distance 17th and L: not over $5 week. North 3402 bet. 6 and 7 p.m. WANTED—ROOMS AND HOARD. YOUNG LADY desires large, sunny room, with board: private bath preferred: in re fined home: references exchanged. Address Box 13.3-. T, friar office. 9• GENTLEMAN desires room with board: Mt. Pleasant, or Chevy Chase: Permanent must be reasonable. Address Box 154-J. Star office. 8* YOUNG lady employed, will share apt., or would like room and board: references fur nished. Address Box 118-J. Star office. 7* YOUNG MAN wants room and board in n.w. section: state location and price. Address Bojc 13.V.1 Star office. 7* COUNTRY BOARD. MOST < HARMING country place in Vir ginia: immense lawns, giant shade trees, tennis, croquet, large porches, electric lights, hot and cold water, porcelain bath tubs and every convenience; wonderful place for chil dren; splendid board: reasonable: 55 minute* from Washington; take electric <ar at 12th and Pa. av* (Fairfax line' and get off a; Woodford or write Mr. Hampton W'ilhama. Vienna. Va DO YOU WANT A PLACE TO *PF.SD THE week or vpek ends? Come to Ron** Hill Farm. Landover. Md.. 10 minute? walk from Beaver Dam Country Club: fine meals. Phone Hyattsville 802-F-21 _ 9* CHILDREN BOARDED at Elmwood FTrin indefinitely if desired: standard school near. Mrs. C. Gartrell. B r ookeiille. Md. Phone 20-F-4 Sandv Spring. 8• RENT ROOMS—SUBURBAN. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ami.: sink and gas range in kitchen: fine location, strictly white section: 5 minutes from Key Bridge. block from electric line and bus line. $35 per month includes light and h*»at 38 North Oak st.. Claren don. Va. Phone Clar. 748. 8* BOOMS, ETC. HIGH LIGHTS OF HISTORY Results of the Louisiana Purchase. BY J. CARROLL MANSFIELD Rfviilffed U. S, Patent Office. Qf3ESID>£NI PURCHASE op Eh Gave "uncle. Bt OPENEO a MIGHTY TERRITORY op DhERE tfJERfi some vjho OBJECT-Ggj Louisiana from prance in'goi HAt» par- Sam' complete rich parking lands amc> great natural Purchase.' on The REACHING RESULTS amis Clb much for. the /7/\ CC>M ' TRLO, ' OP ’ TWE RESOURCES TO SETTLERS * GROUNDS THAT IT MAW& THE- ij UNHE-C STATES AMbPAMEb THE WAY for. -< ? jfW'i {jT ®V SsZ ELSLR TO OUT H.STORV HAS PROVEN THE VALUE C* !! IT TO BECOME A GREAT CONTINENTAL MATiON- Cr L M MAKE NEW‘notlES ,M THE PURCHASE "ANb TWE ACQUISITION OP - V V** 7 jl/d NEW HOMES IM THE LOUISIANA WILE ALWAYS STAHC> OUT AS S'** S' WBST * # JEFFERSON S GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT —* ©,<Ml 8v '«< MvAf.wn Sv»-|>ICA-<7. 'fS: 7 o>-K>ROO'n~ BX.Pj-£>r*lkjG l-OOfS/AUA. . I I .... - ■ ■ ■ ■■ ... ■■ - . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ROOMS AND BOARD. OPPOSITE FARRAGUT SQUARE. 810 17th ?t. n.w.—Comfortable room for two gentle men. with two meals daily. S3O month e»<h. Third-floor ant 22* _ MT. PLEASANT. 1811 KENYON—Two !>eaiitifully furnished double south front rooms; best mjals refined home. Col 9900-.1, 8* DUP* »NT CIRCLE—Three, large. 3rd floor ; bath. elec., furnished. $55: unfurnished. $45. large single, l.h.k . $10; basement looms. $25. THE RHODE ISLAND. 1437 R I. Ave. N.W. —Large, dean single and double rooms: con venient location: excellent board: individual service. 1033 HOBART ST N.W.—-Bright, attractive, south front room: re tinea private home: ex f-ellent meals. 9* _ 1852 BILTMOUE ST N.W—Double room, twin l>eds: suitable for two persons: home «_ookin?: hot \vate»-. Col. 1030 Q. 2310 20th ST. N.W —Beautiful front room, twin beds; also single: board if desired - nri -1 vate family 7* j 1948 CALVERT ST. N.W.—lTivate home: 1 pleasantly cool, large second-floor * front room: twin l>c<ls: carefully prepared meals •ONE double and two single rooms, nicely ! furnished: convenient to bath - ready for immediate occupancy. Adams 2999 8* U7OO LAMONT ST. N.W.—Comfortably fur j nished single and double front rooms, a.m.i.: ; heat home-cooked food: reasonable rate*. I 2523 13th N.W. (detaohedi—Single and double rooms: home-cooked food: rea.-Kmable: 1 j transients accommodated. 1 125 Bth N.W.—Three rooms, third-floor ! front: two rooms, second-floor front: reason 1 1944 CALVERT ST.—l. 2 or 3 rooms, fur j nished or unfurnished: reasonable. Adams 1 6464. 9* 1327 16th ST (Scott Circle)—Girls' Club: l*».iutiful home; all conveniences; walking distance Frank 6972 11* 918 17th N.VV—New apartment: o minutes from Treasury: overlooking park: gentle- t men - 5-7 n m.. 3rd floor. * _ 1 2300 19th ST. N.W. — Va< ancies. girls’ club, j home privilege*. 1 LARGE unfurnished front room: )>est of j board - $73 for two: a.m.i. Adams 6383 7* j 1335 15th N.W*.—Beautiful large and small rooms: _e xcellent table. 1314 KENYON ST.—Pleasant furnished rooms: excellent hoard. 1919 CALVERT ST.—Double front room delicious meals. Phone Columbia 3371. 814 EYE ST. N.W.—Table board, excellent meals. $7 week. 13 * _ Kith ST.—Refined home with board: sue cial. $35, North 680, 9• « LOVELY ROOMS, delicious meals laundry; rest bed girls. Phone Fran khn 6710. MASSACHUSETTS AVE. IXX. 1406 $1 ASS. AVE S.W. Large, airy rooms running water, ahun dance of baths: attractive transient ann permanent rates THE COLONIAL HOTEL. loth and M Sts. N W. AMERICAN PLAN Modern in every respect cool clean, com I sortable and homelike, all rooms have hot and cold running water: shower and tub j baths. Wholesome food properly served Transient rates. $3.00 per day Unusually attractive monthly rates. an2o* APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. j 2110 F ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS. B ATH. KITCH j en sink, refriKf rator. cabinet, oak floors, electricity, h.-w.h. _ 200 _ EAST CAPITOL LARGE CORNER room, kitchenette and bath. elec., gas. $42.511, Line. 2f137. 1449 N ST. 2 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE I bath. SSO; 1 room davenport bed. large i kitchen, bath. $45. Franklin 5523. 9* j 1357 ECCLID ST. N.W.—TWO ROOMS. ; kitchen, bath: hot-water heat, continuous j hot water, electricity, gas and nhonp. 13* I 1448 GIRARD ST. N.W.—l ROOM. DINING i alcove kitchen and bath nicely furnished: j ««0 ner mn GEO W IJNKINS. 1719 Kst ' 1106 E. CAPITOL ST.. OVERLOOKING ' Lincoln Park—Three rooms, private IVlth I housekeeping: adults. 7* I FIRST FLOOR—LARGE LIVING ROOM. : lame kitchen, hath, glassed-in sleeping porch. | 4024 111, ave. n.w. Col. 3392, 8- j 1211 12th N.W.—ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR. 2 large rooms: elec, and h.-w.h. 8* | 225 E CAPITOL ST—ONE LARGE BOOM j with gas range, adjoining bath. 2nd floor: j home conveniences. Must inspect to appre | ejate; heat and light furnished: S4O. | ON ENLARGE** ROOM AND KITCHENETTE! I second-floor front: newly decorated: com- I plet*»ly furnished. 1234 10th st. n.w Frk. t 1795. I 1104 L N.W. — NICELY FURNISHED, i large room, kitchenette, bath: faring park: j convenient cars and bus; adults: SSO. 7*_ I THE CALVERTON. 1673 COLUMBIA RD ! 1 room, kitchen and bath: very attractive. See Mrs. DOUGLASS. Columbia 8806, K ST.—BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ONE room, kitchenette and bath modern apart ment to purchaser of furniture. Cal! Main 9086. Branch 207. 7* ' BEDROOM. DINING ROOM. KITCHEN. I Bath. 1410 Euclid st. Columbia 1774-W. 1 TAKOMA —COMFORTABLE. AIRY 3-ROOM 1 and bath h.k. apartment: every modern eon i venience: high, delightful location: beautiful j trees and song birds: adults. Adams 599. [ 646 MD AVE. N.E. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. ! sleeping porch: excellent condition; $75 per month. JOS. A. HERBERT & S6NS. 010 E. Capitol si. or 1013 15th st. n.w, 4 ROOMS AND BATH. LIGHT AND HEAT furnished: rent. SSO Apply after 4 p.m. 217 F st. n.e.. first floor. 8* TWO OR THREE ROOM FURNISHED APT. until Nov. 1: near 14th st.: $65 or less. Address Box 148-. T. Star office. * CATHEDRAL MANSIONS. SOUTH— TWO rooms, kitchenette and bath apartment, com pletely furnished: rent reasonable. Phone / Col 2038 Apt. 236. 618 EYE ST. N.W. CENTRALLY Lo cated. 2 large, beautiful, clean housekeeping rooms closets, electricity, gas: adults only. 9* YOUNG MAN WILL SHARE 1-ROOM AND bath apartment. Apply after 6 p.m. Apt IIP. Rutland Courts, 1725 17th st. n.w. • 5 ROOMS AND BATH. OUTSIDE ROOMS downtown section' SBS monthly by lease or special Summer rate. See janitor. The Coy wood. or nhone Main 1220 during day. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ONE-ROOM and bath apartment to party buying furni ture: rent. $27.50. Call at 1438 Meridian pi. n.w.. Apt. 32. Saturday after 2 p.m. or Sunday after 11 a.m. • 127 MARYLAND AVE N.E.—VERY DE sirable: second floor: 2 large rooms, private bath: all motlern improvements. COPLEY COURTS 1 R.M . KITCHENETTE and bath. $65. Phone Main 4500 or Frank lin 2706. ______ 1749“ CHURCH ST. —:; ROOMS. 2nd FLOOR. $55. inel. gas and electricity: delightfully cool for Summer, Ninth 6:195. 12 * 2 R.. K. A BATH. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE: rent reasonable. Call North 1346-J after 4, or Adams 6457 after 5, 9• 2207 CHAMPLAIN ST. N.W.—KaLORAMA j Terrace. Apt. 6: 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: telephone: vacant: SSO. Call after 5 p.m. i Adams 6906-W. 11* ' BUNGALOW COOL. COMFORTABLE: 4 | rooms and bath: a.m.i.: furnished: fireplace: ! two screened norches. St. Janies. Glen E<-ho, I Mil Phone Rcthesda 205-F-4. 11* ALSTON APARTMENTS. 1721 21st ST. : n.w.. around the corner from Connecticut I ave. cars—Delightfully arranged, attractively I furnished, very comfoi table, modern eonven ! icni'es. choice location. Single room, dressing alcove, bath $45 3 rooms, hail. bath, housekeening 75 4 rooms, hall. bath, housekeening 110 Apply on premises. MADDUX MARSHALL MOSS A MALLORY INC.. 1108 16th St. N.W. Main 8970. visitors to urn . Get hotel accommodations at less than ! half price in some of the finest apt. bldgs.: : elevator, switchboard: housekeeping- apts ; i completely furnished. Clifton Terrace. 14th and Clifton -ts.. 2 rooms and bath. $57.50: j 4 rooms and bath. SIOO. Phone Col. 7744. ! Argvle—Finpst i-orner bldg.. Mt. Pleasant: j 4 rooms SBS. Phone Adams 7589-J. 2138 California st.—Exclusive, fashionable loea- I tinn 1 rm . hath S4O: 3 rms.. $65: 4 ran., : s7s' Plaza. 22nd st. and Pennsylvania ave.. i overlooking park. 3 rooms. $57.50. Will I nav you to se" these before renting an.v- I where For further details phone Main . j 54 37. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Detached 16th st. home, unobstructed view of park: convenient to bus and car line: 2 extra large rooms, weotion hall and bath: i furnished, including heat, light and garage $75 per month: without farage. SOS. Only i people of refinement considered. f'HA$ D. SAGER. 924 14th St. N.W. Mam 36. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1925, APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. 1 i ( onlinned.l COMPLETE A NTT ATTR ACTIVE FURNISH mgs for aot of 3 rooms, reception hall and bath; will transfer lease of corner apt. if desired: may is* o< cuoied Aug. 15: rent, naid up to Sept I Aoplv North Cathedral Mansions. No. 325. or call Columbia 214.>. Branch 325. _ Q« BEN EDICK. For Bachelors. 1808 Eve Street 2 ROOMS AND 13ATII SINGLE ROOMS VALET SERVICE. SWIMMING POOL. MEAL SERVICE TO ROOMS CUTH SERVICE. PAY APARTMENT RATES AND ENJOY HOTEL UOMFORTS ANI) ADVANTAGES AT THE HOTEL MARTINIQUE. Sixteenth St. at M—Main 6424. Convenient location: fireproof: new and modern: charming environment; delightful cate table d'hote sc vice LOW MONTHLY BATES (OR])(jVA. 20th & FLA. AVE. Five rooms, rec. hall & h.. 595.00 COY WOOD. 1225 L ST. Two rooms and bath.... $52.50 1- W, GROOM ES. 1416 F ST ~ 2006 N ‘TIVNAV! 4 r. & b.. larpe reception hall. Reason i able rent. i j N E KVON ro INC 1 .. H‘!3 VSt M 8360. | APARTMENTS—FUR. A UNFUR. 16!!0 .R ST. N.W.—FRONT. 1-ROOM. FOY- Kitchen, hath apartment. $33; another. $47.50 to purchaser of furniture. $175 each. See regitient manager. 9* Mth AND GIRARD N.W'.—THE SAVOY— Four rooms, kitchen and hath, in excellent 7* j VRO X T AND OUTSIDE APTS. RE MODULE D like new; 3 and I rooms, larpe kitchen, pn- » I vate hath, laundry, po ches. yard, continuous 1 | hot water janitor: MS to $55. Inquire 1 u*’- - * Georgia ave. n\> | \PARTM KS 7 ON SECON D FLOOK~ FUR nished: xag. electric lights: heat: hot and •old wafer on tv.u car near Columbia r oad 2409 18th at n.w.. 3 roams Imi hath 1620 R ST. N.W. APARTMENT HOUSE '24-Hour Service. \ feu desirable housekeeping and non bou-rkpfDinK apai tment*. finniahed or un furmehed. Now making reservations for Fall leases. Special rates on subrentals until Oct. ]. See Resident Manager or phone Pott.pi. 1 900. 9* THE C< )NARD. 13th AND EYE STS N.W THE SOUTHERN. 1507 M ST. N.W. See ug for 1 and ‘2 room apartment* downtown, furnished or unfurnished. $37.60 to $63 per month. Apply office. lt:*24 Eye j «t. n. w i APARTMENTS—I'NFI'RXISHED. i JUST OFF 16th ST.—THE CARIO. 1475 : 1 Sprinc pi. n.w.—3 attractive rooms hath. lanre closets. $65. Under lease. 12* 201 2 R ST. N.W.— 2 BEAUTIFUL APTS.. 2 rooms, bath and kitchen. Exclusive neirh- J horhopd. near Conn, ave ca- line Rent. *59 Tin Mr. Mi lor. Main 802. 1 460 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—THREE i j rooms, private bath, for housekeeping: - all ; modem impro vemr-nt; rent reasonable. v * THE LEAMINGTON—FIVE ROOMS. BATH ' *nd porch; SBO. Phone Columbia COLORED—FIVE ROOMS. KITCHEN AND hath: lurht: 7th ami Fla ave.; rent $35. C. S. SHREVE. 1222 Conn. ave. n.w. 3-ROOM APT. BATH AND LARGE BACK porch; reasonable. 4721 Bth st. n.w. 7• 1810 INGLESIDE TERRACE i ROOMS. bath. SSO: 3rd floor: facintr Rock Cre**k Park: newly decorated, modern. Adams : 2 1 96 FINE OUTLOOK. COR. HOUSE. 3rd FLOOR j 3 r . h.. kitchenette, larre porch: t.m.i.: re- j modeled: rent redu<*ed Phone Col. 678. Ga -are extra H>* __ FOUR ROOMS TILED BATH. PORCH. GA rave: h.-w.h.. ele<‘t : detached home: Saul s \dd;tion. Rent, $66, 1205 Emerson «t n.u FOUR AND FIVE ROOMS. BATH. ALL ! modem improvements: steam heat: rent re dnce.j. Incuire 739 7th st, n.w. THE HENRIETTA. 033 N N.W.—5 AND 6 j rooms, reception hall. bath, elevator The Hermitage. 111? Vermont ave.—One) ami two rooms, kitchenette and bath. TOTTEN. MAIN 4520. TWO ROOMS. BATH AND KITCHEN. CLOS et. in small modern apartment near Dupont j Circle. Rent. $52.50. CHAS. S. MUIR & CO.. 1403 New York Ave. Main 4935 TO COLORED—IOSB POTOMAC ST. 1 room flat. S2O. ALLAN E. WALKER & CO. INC . 813 16th st. n.w. 1800 VERNON ST. N.W,—SECOND FLOOR ‘ unfurnished apt., private bath: south porch: 1 electricity, gas, heat: adults. • 6 CLEAN. BRIGHT ROOMS. A.M.I. LARGE screened porch: excellent condition; verj* reasonable. 510 2nd st. s.e. 9* _ 737 PRINCETON PL. N.W.—TWO LARGE rooms, kitchen and bath: and electricity included: $45. Columbia 1585-J. 3 LARGE ROOMS. KITCHEN AND BATH all modern improvements: new house: 2 blocks from street car. 4822 Bth st. n.w. Adams 3188-W, BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY—2 RMS., combination breakfast rm. and kitchenette: tile bath newly papered: brieht ami airy: S6O mo. Inquire Apt. 2. 1371 Irving st. n w 2310 CONN. AVE NW . ST. ALBAN S—l r.. k.. bath, balcony: overlooking - Rock < ree Valiev: rent reasonable. 1008“ 14th ST. N.W.—3 LARGE ROOMS, kitrhenette and bath: ?as. electricity, steam heat. SSO ner month. Colored. THREE ROOMS ANI) BATH WITH PRI-j vate family: reasonable rent. 2818 Geoiffia' ave. n.w. TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN. BATH AND SUN parlor, SOS. New apartment house. 1740 T st. n.w. S4O—N.W. SECTION 2 ROOMS. KITCH en and bath. elec., pas ranee, sink, hot water heat, unlim. phone: 14th st. car: pri vate Rrarape optional: employed couple pre fejrred: reduced rent Adams 3090. 8* 1212 KENYON—2 LARGE ROOMS. KITCH eii. private bath. (fas. electricity; private home: convenient to cars and bus. 1808 NEWTON ST. N.W.—SECOND FLOOR 3 bright outside rooms and bath elec., jras and telephone: rent reduced. _* _ 2733 WOODLEY PL. N.W. 3 ROOMS, hath, private apartment. 2nd floor; new pas range, sink: new house: srarage optional. 9• 2001 16th ST. N.W'.—VERY ATTRACTIVE apt., (‘onsistin? of living room. 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, reception hall and bath; all outside rooms facinsr on street C\_A. SNOW CO.. TIP Bth st. n.w. THE MONTANA, 1720 >1 ST. N.W.—THREE rooms, kitchen, pantry, reception hall anil bath, all outside rooms. Price. $75. C. A SNOW CO 710 Bfh* st. n.w, 412 11th N.E.—FOUR ROOMS. KITCHEN hath and oorch: heat ami janitor service: any necessary repairs will be made. Rent reasonable. C. A SNOW' CO.. 710 Bth st. 1 n.w. Main 7562. I 422 15th ST. N.E.—3 LARGE ROOMS, j sleeping - porch, bath, elec., sras. hot-water ! heat, elec, furnished. S4O a month. 9*_ 1 COLORED—THREE LARGE ROOMS BATH larsre inclosed sleeping - porch: use of cellar: I stationary tubs: large yard: beat, gas and I electricity furnished: S6O a mo. 2470 On* tar-io rd. Main 218. 9* j NEAR 18th. COLUMBIA RD. AND PARK. in anartnient building: apt. 2 rooms, kiteh- I en. bath, porch: newly papered: 2nd floor: , rood service: SSO. Adams 7033. * ! COZY ONE-ROOM. KITCHENETTE. BATH 1 apt., near downtown section: a.m.i. Rent. ! $35.60. Mr. MILOR Investment Building. I Main 802. I 201 R ST. N.W.—2 BEAUTIFUL APTS.. 2 | rooms, hath anrt kitrhrn: pxolusive neigh- Iberhood. nra*' Conn, ave car line. Rent reasonable. Mr. MILOB. Main 802. j 1006 QUEBEC PL. N.W. (lath & SPRING j rti.l—2 or 3 roonfs. glassjil porch: new j house: gas. elec., hot-water heat: sink: adults: reasonable. Col. 2478-W. *_ 65 K ST. N.E.—VERY DESIRABLE: 3 large rooms, l.h.k. flat. For particulars nhone Franklin 6143. 13* 4 ROOMS AND BATH. HOUSEKEEPING, near 14 th and Park rd. Call Columbia 361-W. 9* I KEDRICK. 18th AND K OUTSIDE. 11 windows: 3 large front rooms, reception hall, kitchen ami hath. 3 extra large closets: im ! mediate possession. M. 8336, Br. 202. 9* 1830 CALIFORNIA ST.—APARTMENT. 3 rooms, hath, all improvements; rent. SSO. ; Call North 9447, »•_ APT.- .: ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. PRl rate bath, sink and gas range; newly deco rated. 56 Channing n.w. 13* I*2l 16th ST. N.W.—l ROOM. KTTWEN ette. hath: front corner: open fir-oie-e southwest exposure: garage. N. 8931. 7* I XPAKTMKNTS— I XFI RNISHED. ' < n.•G.mi'mL ) I l«8 G KARD I N W !HE PER KINS—3 '•mu. and hath modern Are proof bltte WM. P ,\'( »r \;r n i ! ■ 810 F it. n.n 1832 BTLTMORE ST N.W.- -THE HALT! morer" M and 4 room apartments for rent. Apply i mito THE CLAVERL.EE. 04« IRVING ST. N.W —Ne-vx. 3 looms, t atil. if.-eotion hall, pore . le. Irving rt n.w. 9* 121 LtSth ST S.l i ROOMS \M> BAIH i sleeping po vh. good condition $37.5u 148 A st. ne—!) rooms ami hath ele«., hot-ai • he;- 1 ; s.'jo n ,., month. JOS. A iiepb*:rt & w ONs. 1I 5 E Capitol -1 or !OJ3 1 sth St N W 1018 EYE FT S.E.—3 ROOMS BATH GAS and elertrh it : -trietly white nruhhorhood; S3O. (V.vvkh Room 311. 710 14th st n.w Main 787 7 o u ait - 094 R 81 1 10th ST N.W ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM ant! hath vei-v large outside rooms: SSO pei month. Cal! Main 7320. 714 1 2tli M. n.w. APT.. 2 ROOMS AND BATH. HOT-WATER heat furnished* 2ntl floor; near 10th and K st*. n.w.; s3s.f>o. W R MARSHAL! 929 N V Ave. N W THREE ROOMS KITCHEN. BATH AND hall, h.-wh.. elec, lights: reasonable no | children. Cleve. 1089-W. 12* J SIX-ROOM APARTMENT. THIRD FLOOR 1333 Park rd n.w. rent moderate. Apply 1511 Oak at. n.w, 8•_ NO. 128-C. STANTON APT. 6 AND 0 rooms anti porch. S6O and $65; elevator and janitor. 12* FIVE-ROOM APUtYMKVT. FIRST FLOOR. 1502 Meridian st. n.w . rent leusonable Ap ply 1511 Oak st n w B^_ ONE LARGE ROOM KITCHENETTE AND hath: lamtor wrxhe. HIRMHURST. 1220 12th it n; 8* CHEVY CHASE—NEW. SECOND FLOOR 3 large rooms, tile hath, por^-h; instantan**- r>li« hot wafr. 5527 39tb. Main 6007 7• 405 R I.AY i: S E —KOI R R<)OMS AND hath. $45.00 UNIVERSAL REAL ESTATE CORP . *329 N St N.W Fr. 9010-11. BETTER SECTION OF GEORGETOWN Desirable 5 room apt. $37 50 per month. EUGENE H TAGGART. INC. 1024 Ver mont ave. Main 5500. 2339 18th—HOUSEKEEPING APTS. OVER Ktores; 4 rooms. SSO; 3 rooms. $4 5. Call evenings. 7-9. 7* _ 5 ROOMS \NI) RATH. HOT-WATER HEAT elet-trie lights. 1735 Willard at n.w. Apply ranitor. LAN VALE. 1922 N ST. N.W—APART nients of one room and hath, two room*, kitchen and hath, in modern apartment house; reduced rents C. S SHREVE. 1222 Conn, ave. DOWNTOWN APT., ft ROOMS. BATH GAS. electricity; rent. $68.60 month. 1419 N ST. N.W. Good apts.. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath gas. electricity, steam heat. Rent. $55 to $65 month THE WINDSOR. 1425 T ST N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and hath a very nicely arranged apt Rent. SSO month. THE RIVIERA 2310 ASHMEAD PL. NW Excellent ants 2 rooms kitchen and bath. Rent. $52.60 to S6O month. Excellent apts. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. Rent. $76 and SBO month. THE MAYCROFT. 1474 COL. RD Splendid apts 2 large rooms, kitchen i and bath Rent. $76 to $77.60 month. THE TIFFANY 1926 16th ST Excellent ant* t rooms, breakfast porch; 2 4-tlour elevator serve e. R nt. SBS month. THE WOODROW 1836 PHELPS PL N.W. Good apt* 4 and 6 rooms and bath ele- I valor service, etc. Rent. SIOO and sllO j month. Good apts. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Rent. S7O and SBO month. ! THE DRURY. 3121 MT PLEASANT ST. 1 room and bath; electric grill. Rent, j j $37.50 month. j 2 rooms and bath electric grill. Rent. SSO month | THE GREENBRIER. 1107 16th ST. N.W A very desirable apt . convenient to all | downtown activities; 5 minutes walk to j Whit** House. 3 large room*, kitchen and I bath 24-hour e|p\ator service. Rent. SIOO ! and $125 month THE ROCKSBORO 1717 R ST. N.W. Newly decorated apt* : 1 room kitchen ! and hath. Rent. S4O to SSO month. I Newly decorated apt*. 2 rooms kitchen and bath. Rent reasonable 1305 POTOMAC ST N W 4 large rooms, bath, z as. electricity. very good condition. Rent. $52.60 and $65 mo. 1422 MASS AVE. N.W. Very exclusive apt. very well adapted for a physician, artist, studio, etc. Rent rea sonable. See McKEFVER A GOSS. 3430 CONN. AVE A very rood apt : 3 rooms, bath. Rent, j S6O month. 1480 GIRARD ST N W Good apt. 6 rooms, bath A1 condition. I ? Rent. SBO month. 3222 WISCONSIN AVE j Splendid apartments: 2 rooms, kitchen 1 and bath. Rent. $47.50 to $55 month. M.-K FEVER A- GOSV 2100 MASS AYE 5 rooms and bath. i 2 rooms, breakfast room, kitchen and bath. 1 room, breakfast room, kitchen and bath 1 room and bath. I THE JEFFERSON 1200 16th ST N.W. I 2 rooms ami hath. 13 rooms and bath. POTOMAC PARK. 21st AND C STS. N.W i 1 room and hath j 2 rooms, bath and dining alcove. 3 rooms and bath. 1301 MASS. AVE. 2 rooms, bath and t»orch. 3 rooms, bath and norch. 6 rooms, bath, porch and rec. hall. THE CONGRESSIONAL. 100 East Capitol St. 2 rooms and bath, non-housekeeping. j THE COLUMBIA. 14th AND GIRARD STS N.W. 6 rooms an<l hath. THE LEONMAR. 2100 N ST N.W. 3 rooms and hath i THE MONTI CELLO. 3151 MT PLEASANT ST. 5 rooms and hath. THE ANALOSTAX. 1718 CORCORAN ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. THE LAY INI A. 618 F ST. N.E. 5 rooms and bath. 1430 C HAPIN ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. 4 rooms and bath. 1628 K ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath. 1151 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. 1169 2j"*t" ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. 1 408 EYE ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath. W. H~WEST CO.. _916 15th St. Main 9900. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT. Four rooms hihl bath. Park rd.. near 14th si. ears. Bargain. $62. 1 Maddux, marshall, moss & mallory. INC.. 1108 16th St. Main 8970. REDUCED RENT. NEW APT. HOUSE. Janitor service: 3 rooms and bath, $45. Apply janitor. 1718 Ist n.w. | 6'9>i PARK RD.—5 LARGE RMS.. BATH I elec., h.-w.h.: tine condition: SSO mo. to I de.irable tenant. 650-650 Vi Newton 01. n.w.—s rms.. bath, elec.: eood shape: $40.50 mo. GEORGE URCIOLO. 3106 Ga. Ave. * KINGSBORO APT.. 2724 14th ST. N.W.—3 rms. & hath. SSO: 2 rms. & bath. S4O Livingston Apt.. 1741 T st. n.w.—6 rms. & bath. S6O: 2 rms. & bath. S3O. * Miami Apt.. 1026 New Hampshire ave.— 3 rms. A hath. SSO. Fairmont Apt.. 318 New York ave.—s rms A bath. $56. 300 Eve st. n.w.—4 rms. A bath. $45. 1830 California st.—3 rms. A hath. SSO. 1217 N st. n.w.—3 rms. A bath. $47.50. 310 7th st. s.w.—s rms. A bath. $36 1118 25th st. n.w.—6 rms. A bath. $65 M. ,T. RAINE. i _ 328 Investment Bldg. Main 1437. FOR COLORED—322O 11th ST. N.W. 4 rms. A bath. $45. 3029 M st. n.w.—s rms. A bath. $45: 4 rms. A bath. $36. M. J. RAINE. 328 Investment Bid*. Main 1437. 1930 K ST. N.W. JUST COMPLETED —1 ROOM. KITCHEN ETTE AND BATH: $37.50-SSO. Agent. 1745 K st. n.w, MODERN BUILDING. 17th AND EAST CAP- Ito) sts —3 rooms, dining alcove and bath: rent. $42.50 to $45.00 per month: janitor service. Open for inspection H \RRY A. KITE. TNC.. Main 4846. 1514 K St. N.W. \nHTMKNTS-l NH K\lSMi;i). | PRESTON. I ;T3 P ST. N.W —APART- I ments of three rooms, kitchen and bath $65. C S SHREVE. 1222 Conn, ave. DOWN'D) W N APARTMENTS. HOTEL ANNAPOLIS. Fronting on H. 11th and 12th Sts. N.W. Delightful unfurnished apartment* r>\ one and two room*, kDehen and bath are now renting in thi* mam motn new 11-atopy building for from s l 7 50 to $75 a month Wonder fully located, within one square of the in shopping and business* di*- Convenient tc car* and buw*e* All outride rooms Ex ce l lent serv ice and many modern convenience*. INSPECTION" INVITED. Main'922o. Under Wardman Management, ' CRESTON APARTMENT, - ; 1475 COL RD N.W. For the first time in net oral year* on#* of these lovely, outside. 6 large rooms and i bath and reception hall apts. in this per fe« tlv kept building i» now available for rent; $75 per month Very lew apts in this citv compare with .r DAVIS & STEELE, 1420 N. V AVE MAIN 2887-8 THREE ROOMS AND BATH IN FIRST-I class n.w. apt. house. S6O. Call owner. Co- j tunibia 192 or sec ALLAN E. WALKER ACO INC.. i 813 15th St. N.W Main 2690 THE BUCHANAN APTS. Cor. 13th and Buchanan sts.—2 rooms. | outaide porch, kitchen and bath: vacant- Apt. «. $52.50; Apt. 203. $55 Apt 201. ! S6O W. CARL WYATT. Adams 1801 _ | 8020 DENT PLACE N.W Four large rooms, kitchen, reception hall ! ami bath: heat and janitor service: very l desirable apartment on high elevation. P-r* r SSO per month. Tel. M 7662. C A. SNOW CO. TIP Bth St. N.W SPECIAL OFFER. Unexpectedly available in fashionable, ex ' JUsive. modern apt. bldg., finest equipment. J parquet floors tile bath* extra large. 4 rooms: S7O: .1 rms. $6*2.50: 1 rm bath. S3O. See janitor. 21*18 California *t.. ju*t off Conn, ave Also downtown near Govt, dept*, m 7-story, fireproof bldg-. 24-hour ele’. ator service 3 rms and bath, h k $57.60 See janitor, the Plaza. Pa ave at m or nlione Mam 6497. = 2ZI ATTRACTIVE FRONT apartment ••onsisting of 5 large outside r«>om*. l*ath and outside porch Elberon Apartments. 1110 Columbia nJ. n.w --$65 See janitor or call for appoint ment KAY -SCHNIDER KA Y fO INC. 21 2 Investment Bldg.. FRANKLIN 513 NEW. MO I) ER N BUILDINGS. 1445 N St. NAY.. IS IH Riggs St. N.W. and 225 Mass. Ave. N.E. Two rooms, dining alcove and ; bath; ready for occupancy; j rents, $47.50 to $55 per month, i Open for inspection. HARRY A. KITH. INC.. ] Main 4846. 1514 KSt N.W NEW MODERN. FIREPROOF BUILDING— | 3 and 4 lantc. airy and sunny rooms, i porches: 24-hour elevator service: rents res- Isonable Inspection invited. 1724 17th; st n.w HARRY A KITE. INC. Main 4646 1514 K St N W I THE INGLESIDE. 1651 Lamont St. ‘ 3 rooms and bath $55 j 4 rooms and bath 65 HARTFORD COURTS. 1484 Harvard SI. t rooms and hath » . $65 WILLSONIA 1830 K St. N.W 2 rooms and bath sts i looms and bath 75 VERNON. 1 774 You St N.W. 5 rooms and bath $65 6 rooms and hath 70 1862 ONTARIO PLACE N.W 3 rooms and hath SSO 1808 VERNON ST 3 rooms and hath SSO DAKOTA. 1410 Girard St 6 rooms and hath, porch $75 BERKSHIRE. 1412 Chapin St 5 rooms and bath $75 t 2 rooms and hath 40 I 1329 BELMONT ST 2 rooms and bath $45 j THE CHAPIN. 1474 Chapin St t rooms and bath $67.50 | 3 rooms and bath 55.00 j THE BELMONT. 1831 Belmont Rd 6 rooms and hath, norch sllO 54 M ST N.W. 3 rooms hath and dinine alcove . $57.50 | 3 rooms, bath and dininr alcove. . . 47.50 : 1618 S ST. N.W. 3 rooms and hath SSO 2716 WISCONSIN AVE 4 rooms and bath $67.50 HEDGES A- MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. 1412 Eve St. N.W Franklin 9503 "The argonnf.. 1629 Columbia Rd. Very desirable apartment. Two large, bright rooms, over looking Rock Creek Park ; bath with built-in fixtures; reception hall, kitchen and balcony; 24- hour service. Resident manager on premises. 2434 PA. AVE. N.W. APT. NO. desirable ant., oontaininr 3 larce rooms, rec. hall, bath and alassed-in porch: $59.50. 1723 Eve st n.w.—Ant. or 3 rooms and bath. a.mi aas and elect., elevator and ianitor wiA'iop. WILLIAM S. PHILLIPS. Main 4600 1432 K St N 'V 907 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. 3 rooms and bath; flue condition c. W, KING. JR- 967 N. Y. Ave. N.W. ?» 1435 Pth ST. N.W.. 3 RMS.. R . SSO. EDWARD P SCHWARTZ. INC.. 734 loth St. N.W. TUDOR HALL. 10th AND MASS. AVE. N.W 1 room, dres.simr closet and bath $40.n0 5 rooms and bath S/.00 THE SAGAMORE. 1824 S ST. N.W 5 rooms and bath t porch l $«5.00 2009 BELMONT RD 4 rooms and bath (2 bedrooms t . . . .SBO.OO NORTHUMBERLAND. 16th AND V STS. N.W. Apt. 210 —4 rooms and bath $90.00 W. J. PILLING. 806 10th ST. Three rooms, bath. $45 and $55: beauti fully furnished. sls additional: extra largre. sunny rooms. MONMOUTH HOTEL. 1819 G ST. Throe rooms and bath. Price. S6O: fur nished. S9O. We have fine furniture which you can select. All-niirht telephone and elevator service. Hirh-class tenants only. 908 20th ST. Three rooms, bath, porch. Price. S4O: if furnished. $55. Freshly decorated: desirable tenants only. FIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY. 1884 COLUMBIA RD. Four rooms reception hall and bath: first floor; immediate possession. Rent. SBO. Second floor, front: 5 rooms reception hall and bath Rent. SIOO. A. McNF.IL & CO.. INC.. Insurance Bid*. Main 5644. APAKTMKNTS—UWFPBNIBHKP. UNUSUALLY LOW RENTS. 'THE MONROE. 3541 11th ST. 2 t*autiful. largp room* and hath. $42.60 j 3 Unutiful. largp room* and hath. . 49.00 j THE NEW EMERSON. 930 EM ERSON-ST. 3 large room* and hath $49.50 Excellent Janitor Servire THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO CO.. 919 15th st Franklin 1140. EXCELLENT L< >CATI< >N. 2831 28th ST. 3 beautiful, largf* rooms and hath . $56.00 \ beautiful, laige room* and hath. 75.00 THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO C< >.. 919 15th St FraPklin 1140 1807 H ST. N.W. DESIRABLE APARTMENT Tv <> morn*, kd■ - : it h. THE COLORADO. 14th & Longfellow Sts. N.W. I Ant. .307—2 rooms, kitchen, reception hall and hath. S6O 1 Apt. 206—3 rooms, kitchen and hath. sid Corner ant front, fresh air: modern. I, K BRECNINGER & SONS. Main 6140 706 Colorado Bldr. ’ REN T THEM NOW. Only 3 unf. apt* in city * largest and finest group, fireproof elev. hldg. walking di*tan»e downtown opp. Centra! High I School fashionable location n.w . overlook ting entire «it> : nearly 5 aeros of l»eautifnl ! lawns and shrubbery: extra large rooms, hardwood floors, tile hath*. « o*i.-rete porches I 24-hr. elev. and swit»*hhoard serviee. most effi« lent in city. Families with children of HLGH SCHOOL AGE —make reservation immediately, as later in j i season wo »an never supply the demand j Extra low rent t rms.. 2 ree. halls. «*on j j i-rete porch and bath, a* low as SBS worth ; i $156; 3 rm*.. porch $65: 2 rooms, rec hall i 1 and bath $52.5i). Renovated like new ! See Mrs BRODT center hldg Clifton i Terra«*e 14th and Clifton sts. n.u phone ! Columbia 7744. ► FINEST IN MT. PLEASANT. Fireproof comer hldg.. completely detached 5 minutes’ walk t<> Ro• k Creek Park over looking Government reservations: magmti j j «ent apt of 5 rooms, tile hath, pantry, pol* : Ished hardwood floor, own fireplace, glassed and screened sleeping porch, everything up to date in tip-top condition; only $87.oO: 4 rooms, hath, pantry, open fireplace, extra large glassed and screened porch. $72.50 3! rooms $52.50. Act quickly. Phone Adams | 7689-. T. THE ARGON.NE. 16th and Columbia Rd. All-year location in the re>i dential hub of northwest; on j high elevation, overlooking the j entire city and R<ick Creek Park, j Apartments with large outside j rooms, spacious closets, built-in j bath fixtures, reception halls and {balconies; latest improvements; | 24-hour service. Moderate rent ! als. Business manager on prem : i<es. jSI X ROOMS AND BATH; ! large rooms, comfortable and , well ventilated. Applv BER • BERJCHS SHOE STORE, j 1118 7th st. LE~MA R Q UIS7 Near Conn. Ave. Briflge. 2 to 5 rooms, kit . bath, outside: reason- I abis, Potomac 270. 7* ! ' twelve of thes'e 'atartm>:xt< 1 RENTED IN ONE WEEK IS THE BEST EVIDENCE OF EXCEPTIONALLY LOW RENTALS. If interested in getting a new apartment • at a moderate rent, in a delightful neighbor hood. inspect our new apartment just eoni ! pleted at 2920 Ontario rd.. overlooking Rock Park, just west of the fashionable Ontario Apartment. Two blocks north of Columbia rd. and Ontario rd. Open for in spection until 9:30 nm Lowest rent in the ! it.v. Inspect tirfefre too late t»> get one. (’HAY P SAG ER. 924 14th st. N W M a i ALABAMA. 1015 N ST. N.W i No. 507—7 rooms and hath .SIOO.OO No. 307—7 rooms and bath 90.00 SOBRENT«> 223:; Dth ST. N.W No 22—5 rooms ami hath $65.00 1207 PARK RD N.W No 102 1 rooms and bath $65.00 WOODWORTH. 1206 10th ST. N.W. No. 308—3 rooms and hath. . . .$52.50 RAMONA 676 4th ST. N.E No. 402—5 rooms ami hath $50.00 SALUDA. 1101 EUCLID ST. N.W. 3 rooms and hath $55.00 IDALIA. 512 2nd ST. N.W. No. 31—3 rooms and hath $40.00 NAVARRE. 217 K ST. N.W. i 5 rooms and hath $40.00 |THE WASHINGTON LOAN Sc TRUST CO.. ! Real Estate Dept. | FRESH AIR—NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK, i Connecticut ave. ami Tilden st.—Most desir- J able housekeeping apartments, with all mod- J ern fonvenietires: 2 rooms and bath $55 3 rooms and hath $75 ! 4 rooms and hath SIOO A few vacancies now. Call before they are taken. Apply on premises. 3945 Con- MAODUX.'MARSHALL. MOSS & MALLORY Ine. 1108 16ih Si. Main 8970. 2 ROOMS AND BATH. $37.50. HAVSLER & COMPANY. 720 17th St. N.W. 7* PENTILLY, 1812 k N.W. Apts., rent reasonable: continuous switch board and elevator serv.; resident manager. THE CLIFFBOgRNIS *1864 CaLVERT 3T.» (Fireprool. elevator, switchboard.) No. 3—5 rooms and bath $62.50 No. 31—6 rooms anu bath $75.00 THE TULANE (2109 18th St N.W.) No. 31 —5 rooms and bath $65.00 THE ST. PAUL (1822 15th St.) No. 12—3 rooms and bath $4u.75 THE LEUMASS (1201 0 St. N.W.) No 305—5 rooms and bath $60.00 THE DE SOTO ( 1300 Mass. Ave. N.W.) No 3—3 rooms and Oath ...$45.75 CHAS. E. TRIBBY. ilB Diet. Nat. Bk. Bldr. Day Ph. M. 4 778. N'.rht Pn. Fol. 6670. 1745 K St. NAV. 1 room, kitchenette and bath. MADISON. 1739 EI'ESTV ~ ONE ROOM AND BATH $40.50-$43.00 TWO ROOMS AND BATH $57.50-$59.50 CARVEL HALL. 1915 K ST ! ONE RM.. KIT. & BATH $46.50 $57.50 COY-WOOD. 1225 L ST. f TWO ROOMS AND BATH $40.00 CARLTON TERRACE. 2373 CHAMPLAIN ST. , THREE ROOMS AND BATH $45.50 CORDOVA. 20th AND FLA AVE FIVE ROOMS AND BATH $87.00 i SIX ROOMS AND BATH. DUPLEX. .$132.00 916 NEW YORK AVE. I TWO ROOMS. KIT. AND BATH $42.60 L. W. GROOMES. 1416 F ST. I THE EARL, 115 E ST. S.E. Apartments of three and four rooms and I bath: building- now beinr entirely renovated: eaoh auartment newly painted and deco ! rated: new electrical fixtures: low rentals. THE LEHIGH. 2605 Adams Mill Rd. ' Apartment of five rooms and hath: ail I outside rooms: newly decorated. Rent. SBO. BROOK LAND. Delightful suburban apartments in brand new. strictly modern building: hardwood floors and buiit-in plumbing-: each apart ment has inclosed dininr porch: four and five rooms and bath. Inspection invited. Reservations now being- made. Moderate rentals. SULLIVAN BROTHERS. 819 15th St. Main 7821. " FOR COLORED. NEW BUILDING. 654 MORTON ST. N.W. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, JANITOR SERVICE. Apply H. R. Smith & Son. 408 Jenifer Bldg. Main 6729 OCTAVIA. 1669 COL. RD. N.W 3 rms.. kitchen, b.. recep. hall, pantry. .160 7 rms.. kitchen, b.. recep, bail, pantry. .HO 1 Apply to operator. Col. 516. APARTMENTS, ETC. APARTMENTS— I NFURNISHEP. ' HAMPTON COURTS, 2013 New llampsliire Avc. N.W Npw. eight-story. tireproof building now nearing completion: elevator switchboard ; and resident manager One room, reception l hall and hath **42.50 and J4-V One room I kitchen, reception hall and hath. $52.5<> to 557.50. Two rooms, kihhen. reception hall and hath. 575 to .585. Three rooms, kitchen.*} reception nail and bath $35 and Sid Second floor now completed. lighted and open for inspection until 6 p.m B. F. SAUL CO., Main 2100. 1 1 . • |stl St ‘ A 12215 13th N W FIVE ROOMS AND HATH ' . Ksfi MONTH — * , XKW A PAR I'M ENTS, 194'J 4th ST. NO*:. 'I liree Rooms and Bath, >47.50 to $57.50. Excellent Location. Convenient Transportati' >n. j Applv Janitor on Premises or STORY & CO.. XI3 17th St. Frank. 4100. WANTED—APARTMENTS. •i OR .1 RMS.. KIT.. BATH. PORIH. I N furn.. preferably Mt. Pleasant section or • Petworth: first or 2nd floor. < all Uleve. ; 2934-J WANTED—FURNISHED 5 OR 6 ROOM I apartment from Sept. 15. Address Box 1 J . Star FURNISHED. 1 OR 2 ROOMS KITCHEN- Cttc. with a.m.i.. vicinity N Pap. -t. above ( R st for couple with one child, porch de* j * ;BY MOTHER ' AND D HIGH H B VBO September 1. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms and i hath, private home. Georgetown references. • t Pi- FURNISHED—BY REFINED YOUSG MAR- ■ tied couple, two or three rooms bath. kit< h- i enette. in nw. section. To I* l occupied about September 1. Prefer novate home, i and must I»e nicely furnished. State n i c. Address Box 16-J. star office. 7* KENT HOUSE*—ftHMSHRI). 2841* 27th ST. N.E.. WOOD RIDGE—S R bungalow, noelv furnished hardwood fi»w>r breakfast alcove; large lot ga:»-' > 13* 7 ROOMS. FURNISHED: NICE RESIDEN : tial section. opp. nark available now; ref- | erences. Address Bov 157 J. Star office. s* , FURNISHED—ISIS 17th ST. N.W.—SEVEN | room's, a m i.: would like to have onp room i h.-w.h FRANK E. HOPKINS. 1343 H st. 1 n.w. ! 1331 COLUMBIA RD.— I*t & 2nd FLOOR- | j of residence, including attractive re'-eptmn i floor, kitchen. porch. 3 large, bright bed- • ! rooms, hath. Col. 2830-J. after 5. j = -= I KENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. 4207 ILL. AVE N.W—SIX ROOSfS AND bath. gas. electricity h.-w.h srara-o: near schools. etc.: rent. SBS. C. S. SHREVE. , 1222 Conn. ave. SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN WOODRIDGE^PR \r tically new; hardwood floor*, open fireplace: $65 ts*r month. Also beautiful seven-room j house; reasonable rent. M O BULL. 2200, Rhode Island av ft . nr. North 601 i J COLORED—*.IIS FLAGLER Pl..—»’> k<7. >M - bath: modem: electricity all 1 i -r rooms: $72,5b; key next d »o? Main 7 HJ LU 18 R ST. N.W.—B ROOMS. GARAGE. ELF.C tricity. double back porch. SBO month Phone Col. 5015. 7* 306 E ST. N.W —it ROOMS- AND BAT ID brick house. Apply to OWNER. 1 401 Ken nedy st. n.w. Col. 3055 7• j 776 6th ST S.E—6-ROOM HRF’k: GOOD j neighborhood. Rent. >25. FRANK E. HOP- ; KTVB 1343 H si. n.w. 7 • | 15 CENTRAL AVE.. COTTAGE CITY MIL— i j Attractive bungalow. 5 rooms, bath: all j i modern improvement-; large lot garagi SSO. j 7-ROOM HOUSE 2032 PIERCE MILL RD All <*onveniences: garage in basement. Idea 1 ; location, facing Rock Creek Park. Posses sion September 1. Owner. Lincoln 6240. sTsil MARYLAND AVK NfT ROOMS and bath. SSO a month. X I ?ANSBVRV . CO.. INC.. 141* Evp ft. Phono Main . 5503-4-5. 1 OCI 1 nth N E.—n Roi'M- ANI> BATH rier. litrhttf. furnace hc-at. $55. HALT A GRAY. 1204 H si, n.e. Lin- . 1501 SIX ROOMS AND BATH. BRICK. 11 13 S| 1 n.w.—To white: S4O per month. Apply 1111 S at. Phone North 1508-J !i* SIX ROOMS CORNER HOT—E. SHS PER month. Call Lincoln t5726-J or 1 ijOn H st. g.e. .1718 Kith ST'—GRCVKR IM.VK «! R'HUH bath, sleeping norch and garage; a.m.i. Call Adams 3711 after H p.m. I 432 M ONROE ST.—NEWTI Rl VE R H < >M E 6 rooms. 2 baths, sleeping norch. built-in caragp. Call Adams 3711 after 6 ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES in West Chevy Chase —4226 Fessenden st i n.w.. just off Wisconsin avc,. seven rooms and large reception hall: divided sleeping norch. all glassed in: a.m.i.: fully detached large lot to side and rear alley RRODT REALTY COMPANY INC.. 1203 Eye st n.w. 80 M N.W.—s7s BEMI-DETACHE’dY"CON tains 2 apartments 4 r.. k. and b. each: ex cellent condition: sublease apt. Clexp. 518 232 13th ST. S.W.—NEAR BUREAU EN craving: $65: 8 rooms. 2 hatha, hot-water ' heat; suitable 3 families. Clove. 54S_ \ 1300 14in ST. N.W.—lO ROOMS. BATH? , electricity, hot-air heat: 3 rooms top fiooi , arranged for light housekeeping: comhina tion business and dwelling: private entrance to dwelling part of house. R. HARRISON JOHNSON. INC.. 306 7th st. s.w. Mam l 2385. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME ON KALORAMA 1 rd. between Mt. Pleasant ami 18th si car . lines: 0 rooms, reception hall. 2 baths: mod " "■nr brn U l•; • 1 . > 231 2nd ST. S.E.—lO ROOMS: H.-W.H eleetrieity: first-<*lass condition: convenient to Capitol buildings: SBS j**r month Ap ply 223 2nd s.p. Pimm Lin 600-W 8* MODERN HOUSE NEAR EASTERN HIGH School. 6 rms.. bath, garage, gas. ele< ' h.-w.h.: A-l condition Rent. $65 nm New house. 6 rms.. bath. gas. dec. h. w.h 1 I Rent. $75 mo. Good large house in Washington Height* ’ suitable for rooming or boarding house. 13 rooms. 3 baths, steam heat. gas. let , SEE McKEEVER & GOSS Good house for colored. 7 rooms, bath si. porch, garage, large rear yard: in good condition. Rent. $75 nm. ' Good house in Mt. Pleasant, iust off 16th . st. bus line. 8 rms.. 2 h.. front norch. 2 ' rear porches, garage, cas. elec. Rent sllO mo. An excellent house in Chevy Chase, very nicely located. 8 rms . 2 baths gas elec 1 h.-w.h.. porches: newly decorated. Rent. $lO5 mo. An excellent home in Bloomingdale. 0 i rooms, bath. gas. dec., fur. ht m good cop ! dition: garage. Rent. sllO nm A very good house in Mt. Pleasant, on • Park road, near car line. 0 rooms 2 baths. I | gas. elec. Nokol burner. Rent $125 mo, . i A splendid house in Mt. Pleasant one block off car line. 7 rms.. bath garage, gas ! elec., h.-w.h.. front and 2 rear porches Rent ! SIOO mo. 1 Good house, near 18th and Col rd 11 - rms.. bath. gas. elec., h.-w.h.. 2-car gar., i good location for beauty parlor, millinery etn. Rent. $125 mo. ? Downtown proposition. 7 large rooms over a business: newly decorated, gas. elec.: good location. Rent. $75 mo. Nearly new house. Col. Hgilts.. 6 rms . bath, gas elec., h.-w.h. b. i. gar fine *on dition. Rent. $67.50 mo. A partly furnished house on Wilson bhd Clarendon. Va . 5 rooms, bath g«i«. dec. h.-w.h.. gar . large lot Rent SSO mo. MeKEF.VER A GOSS. Realtors. j 1415 R St. Main 4752. 34 T ST. N.W.—567.50. 1200 SHEPHERD ST. N.W 565.00. 1010 35th ST. N.W. —$50.00. , ROBERT LEE O'BRIEN, ) Franlilin 5385 1710 Eye St. N.W. KENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED < ■ SIX BOOMS. BRICK: NO RATI! Vs ATER IN kitchen: gun light on .‘{4th st. n.w.: for -ale, not for runt, but no cash payment. • u aired: $4 7.50 per month rovers all interest .ml priin ipal payments. JOHN H. WRIGHT, I 1 Ui Vermont Ave. N.W. Mam 9407. FOR COLORED. Q ix rooms. brick: no bath: water in kit* hen in rood rendition: on H »t. pear in m.u- . for sale, not for rent, hut no ' ash payment required: $ .'hi i>or month covers ali interest and principal payments. JOHN H. WRIGHT, II Id Vermont Ave. N.W. Main 9407. 2214 CATHEDRAL AVENUE. Tdeal home, facing park. All modern im provement*. Large two-car garage Six rooms, two tiled baths, porches. Ruud wat'. heater, hot water heat, fireplaces, etc. Re- t only $125 if rented l»efore August 1. 1920 Open See it today. WILLIAM K HARTUNG A CO 1108 1 6th St NW Mam 8277 NEAR 10th AND EYE STS N.W.—B RMS and bath: suitable for dwelling and busine.-- Rent. $75 mo. H2O Gresham pi n w.—Prslrsblf n-ronrn and bath brick front and back porchc- Rent. $62.50. fV R MARTHA T.L. 020 N V. Ave N.W CONNECTICUT AVE. NEAR WARDM A N Park Hotel —8 room*. 3 baths. BORDEN A NEWBOLD Franklin 0242 .‘lO5 Investment BM~ TWO DESIRABLE HOFSES IN NORTHWEST SUBURB. 8 rooms, bath, laundry tubs, garage ,50°.00 8 rooms. 2 baths, toilet in basement. laundry tube, garage 12500 These detached houses, with hardwood floors, arc new and modern in every respe< i anil are real bargains MADDUX MARSHALL MOSS A MALLORY INC . 1108 pith St. N.W. Main 8070 SIOO —1405 NEWTON ST. N.W —-10 R ; b.. furnace heat. elec. $85 —4002 Kansas ave. n w.—B r. A b h w h . elec . garage. $05—.400 «* st n.e.—K r A b. COLORED $50 —TOO T ®t s.e.—-8 r.. like new*. BIU 1 Oth st n.w. Ant« 'T'HOS. D WALSH. _ Main 7558 HI 5 11th St N.W. 12• 4420 1 Oth ST NW—O R B. AMI porches: iu*t redecorated: SBS 1412 Quin *v st. ii.w.—Senu-det 0 r b a.m.i.. built-in garage SBS 421 Varnmn «t. n.w.—U r b am i . porches s'-reens: SBS. sis Ouintanapl. n.w—Detached, cor. - r. b.. a.m.i $75. 24 T'»dd nl p c.—2nd ft Rat. 6 r . b poi'-h $4 2.50 1027 Kenyon st. n.w*.. overlooking R'>' Cre«k Park—7 r . v * am i 4 porche®. 1 tith St Height Detached home. 9 room and two tile bathe, a m.t.. large porches faun and fih rubbery garage. 222 14 b. pi n e.—»; room l - and bath, lust papered mirch y red SSO. 1044 Argonne pi. n.w.—7 room* bath, a m.i built-in garage 952 Longfellow st n.w. —6 rooms and tile bath a.m.i. por«he*: S7O. 1011 Otis fit n.w—o room# and bath a m i.: suitable for 4 apt® $75 708 N fit n.w —8 rooms and bath <' tir*» house to >*• parvered pamted and new plumbing installed $48.58. WILLIAM $ PHILLIP*. Main 4800 14 42 K <t v * V. 146 A ST N E -10 ROOMS \ND BAT! good condition. elec , hot-air heat vacant S7O r>cr me 14s East Camtol fit—o rooms and bathp; suitable for apartments double ga rage SOO. 151 j C st. ee —8 room® and bath doub garage splendid condH on ■*‘4 7.50 JOS. A HERBERT A SON* _ E Cap St or 1014 15th St N w so r (;o r,or i■: d—sso. 1842 M fit.—Nine large rooms and hath I to l*e redec orated THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO COMPANY $t Fra FOR COLORKI). Eight room®, brick, no bath, w a ter »n i houee. gas light on 4'»th st. n.w. for «a!e , not for rent, but no '-ash payment requi-eu $4 7.48 per month covers all interest and • principal Daymen® JOHN' 11. WRIGHT. 233 D( 'I JGLAS ST. N.K.. $f : New* home. s>x large room* and bath built-in garage. THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO oOMPANT. • |r. ’> ’iim.-icf* heat. SBS. Ist N W NEAR RESERVOlß—Attractive 4 story brick, containing 9 re- -cotton ha j b.. electricity, garage: 2nd and 3rd floor* now rented for $79 Will rent entire house : for only S4B 5521 18th ST. N.W. —New never occu ’pied 9 r. 2 b.. h.-w.h. elec., double ga ’)age- screen® and awning®. NEAR NEW EASTERN HIGH <CHOOL- Newly decorated: 0 i . b.. h.-w.h electricity i Only $55. i GARDINER A DENT fXU Main 4884. 14 0.0 L St. N W. 5417 14th ST N.W. 1 Colonial home of nine mom® and two j baths: na-quet floors, hot-water heat, electric j hght® garage; pear Tivoli Theater and up town shopping district. $125 00. 5505 14th ST. NW ; Attractive three-story hou®e of nine room* ‘bath on second end third floors: especially la* lap ted for rooming or large family hot •water hear and electric light*: perfect cendi* | tion. $1 1 8.88. CAFRITZ COMPANY. I 4th AND K M AIN 9080 t rpunv v srpvirr rvT'i, p r v \\ \NTKI> TO RENT—HOUSES. • KOI R OR FIVE ROOM HOUSE OR FLAT •by (M i. in white neighborhood adults • low rental. Address Box I**-J. Star office ’ 9* OFFICES AND studios. K"R RENT—ENTIRE FIFTH FLOOR two second-floor front office room? in THF j BFIRRY A V P WHITMBRF BUU.PfNG : 18tTi ST. OFFICE ROOMS. ELEVATOR ; servi'-c; single or cn suite. Best location !in town. Very low rental®. WM K ; HART 1 *_NO A CO.. 1188 18th -t.. Main 8277 jBl 5-M 7 819 11th ST. N.W—2nd FLOOR ' all outside rooms, fine, or two or five com i municatm.g. THOS I* WALSH. 815 11th st N W —Small office now available, also desirable ®llite. R f *^«tmnb!e. 1412 EYE ST l Large room, second floor heat, light and ; janitor ser\i.e; very reasonable rent HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC . Realtors. 11 12 Eye St. NW Franklin 9505 1915 CALVERT ST Very desirable office for physician: ex *ei .lent location: reasonable tent. HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. J ~WHITFORD BUILDING. 424 sth St. N.W Entire building or separate floors. AN ii l 1 redecorate to suit. HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC.. Realtors. j 1412 Evr St. N.W. Franklin 95<VL 2nd FLOOR U ST. POST OFFICE —FINE office ouarters and convenient location for -■o’ notation association or mail-order busi ness. For inspection see A. B WILLIS W:nfer Bid* M.-tB !• n.w North 8545 I DENT BUILDING. 1409 L ST N.W. j Desirable. 2nd door front. south win ! dows: run nine water: reasonable. Also one i room on third floor Only §2O. GARDINER & DENT. INC.. Evening Star Buiidm^. An except;onally fine suite of three office* located cm Bth floor of Star Building. On** comer office, one facing Avenue, one facing 11th st. All outside exposures. Fine loca tion for parades. Approximately 800 sq ft Rent. sloo month Apply 610 Star Build ing. Phone Main 5000. Branch 3. 1807 II ST. N.W. (Facing Penn. Ave.* 2 nice rooms, large windows SSB. op 2 extra large room® 55 Q' l FOR K ENT — SI OR ES. STORE ROOM GAS. ELECTRICITY: LARGE floor space 158 H n.w .: rent. S4B. OH v -5 SHREVE 1222 Conn av< n.w Lll4 14th 9T Large showroom with basement TOTTEN. Main 1520. STORE 2418 17th STf NW . IN »H. ! large Marietta etc., apartment building- O'l’upied bv 88 familie®. Rent. S2B. I ’ J quire janitor. Phone Col. 1616. 9“ j 811 1 nth ST.—ATTRACTIVE. LIGHT MB' istore: excellent bu®i»e*s neighborhood ve. ! low rent. Call Main 7320. STORE 19x32. iND FIVE-ROOM \i‘ T ! modern: good location. Snyder's Gara_*' . R • 1 -t«»n. V?« Ph«»ne 7 * ! 1705 DE SALES ST. N.W. u>PP< ><!'!> t Mayflower Hotel*—New and attractive: rey ! sonable rent. 604 Union Trust Building j Main 2127. se 1 * NEW STORE. FACING CAPITAL TRAC j tii>n pla/a at Rosslyn. south end Key Bridge j also 6-room and *»ath apartment, same lo* • | tion. S4B Call Uit.i/.ens Lunch. Rosslyn. Va , THREE NEW STORES. JUST COMPLETED J on Rhode Island ave. n.e.. in fast-growin* i Wfiodritlge; suitable for any business. M O I BULL. Owner. 2208 R. I. ave. n.e. A SPLENDID STORE WITH APARTMENI atwive. containing four rooms and bath anc ! sleeping porch: brick garage on wide allev 1 T.ais buihiing is nearly new and is locator* ‘ in one of the best n.w. business section ' Suitable for any business. We will inakt long lease at a very reasonable rental. LANHAM & HILL. „ 1400 H St. N W 306 $40 —3406 GEORGIA tVE.. STORE ASI 5 rooms. $98—913 E st. n.w $55—805 7th *t. s.w . store ami 2 room®. THOS n. WALSH. Main 7558. 815 11th St. N.WV FOR SALE—STORES, i 921 18th ST. N W,— SM ALI. BRICK STORE j just completely remodeled: hue for any small j busines-. Pri«e. $5,000. with only $589 i-ash. H A SIMON, owner. Phone Frank FOR SALK—APARTMENTS, 1705 I. \Ni ER PL.—CO-OPERATIVE NEW building. 3 room* kitchenette, dining alcove, reception hall. bath, sleeping porch: won* I derful home: easy term# Call after fl p.m