Tokio Press Condemns Pro
posed Union of U. S.'-Jap
- anese Rinhts in China.
X-' Ihe Associated P css
TOKIO. September 4.—The Japanese
nMrspapers condemn the reported pro
posal from China for an amalgamation
of the Japanese and American wireless
interests in China. The Nichi Ntchl,
in* an editorial under the scaption.
America’s Devilish Hand Threatens !
to Undermine Japan’s T.legitimately ,
Aijpuired Radio Rights.” declares <
china’s proposal was instigated by ;
AiVierica. end “practically menaces I
Japanese rights aeqi}ired in the past." I
The Jiji Shimpo thinks the attitude |
of«Anierloa and Chin t has produced a i
vep’ unfavorable impression among |
the Japanese people, .and says Japan |
caji never again consent to another
proposal by v.jiich Japanese interests ;
ar* slighted.
Japan has long contested the right !
of_the Chinese government to grant a
concession for wireless stations in
China to the Federal Telegraph Co. of j
America, claiming that the Mitsui in- j
refests of Japan were granted a prior !
monopoly from a previous Chinese |
goVernment. Some years ago Japa- j
ucse spokesmen suggested an amalga
mation of Japanese and American in- i
i crests.
’ (Continued from Firs! Paged j
r . . j
Inclined to do it before laying this j
neV surface.
With regard to Connecticut ave
nue, it had been suggested several
months ago that a new plan of widen- j
mg might be tried in view of the ex- j
optionally wide sidewalk. This pro |
nopal was that the trees be left where
they are and two new 20-foot road- |
wivs opened between the trees and :
tl\£ building lines.
. Trees Likely to Go.
4t appeared practically certain to-,
day, however, that the city officials i
would recommend a straight widening
job by setting the curbs back, leav- ;
iriV two spacious roadways tor traf- ;
fi« on either side of the car tracks.
Most of the sentiment at the hearing
yesterday regular method
of widening in preference to the pro
pc&ed plan of having two northbound
ami two southbound roadways sepa- ;
rated by narrow strips of parking.
•The Commissioners’ estimates tor
the next fiscal year will be transmitted
to-the Budget Bureau early next week, ■
sq. that definite plans for the two |
street wldenings will be perfected '
within a few days.
Connecticut avenue in the vicinity j
«PK street is 50 feet wide and Elev i
enth street in the downtown section is j
5a feet from curb to curb. In both J
rates the Engineer Department con-j
templates a width of 70 feet. ,
Twelve streets, all in the downtown ,
section, were listed for discussion at ]
yesterday’B hearing, and the sentiment .
® By the Sea #|
I Fortunes |
1 Overnight |
k A broad statement but (jw
4ft also a fact. They arc the
folks who have beep alert S?
*j3f and who have seized oppor- VE|
*8? tunity when it presented it- $0
self. And there is still
more to be made in
fAnd Particularly j
Hollywood By The Sea J|lj
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return by rail. w
8-Day Train and C*T{\
Bus Tour VI M S
Sept. 15th Y
Hy rail to Jacksonville and the
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£g These special price 'L>
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dation of those persons '•
who are interested in £*):
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e*\ timilars about the HOLI.Y -
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Hollywood Magazine on I
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Open Every Evening Until ®
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'Homeseebers’ Realty Company X
i Agents for the
Bollywood. Fla. J. TV. Yount. Pre*.
hvman n. Levy
XDlstilc* Mgr., Washington, D.
.of nearly all who attended was in
favor of wider thoroughfares in the
congested area.
Engineer Commissioner Bell explain
ed at the hearing, however, that be
cause of the aniotnn of money that
would l>e involved in the widening of a
dozen roadways the Commissioners
would not be able to recommend more
( than two projects in the estimates for
next year.
i The Commissioners already have an
j appropriation from Congress of $95,000
j lor the widening and repaying during
I this fiscal year of K street from Fifth
I to Thirteenth street, and it was point
i l 'd out today that the proposed widen
! ing of Eleventh street as well would
i lit in harmoniously with the E street
j improvement. >
| PARIS. September l (j^ 3 ).—Rcfuta
! lion of the report that Suedia, Syria,
i had boon captured by the Druse
j tribesmen, is seen by The war depart
i ment in a telegram from the French
! high commissioner. Gen. Sarrail. re
l porting firing in the .Suedia region
j “without causing modification of the
j situation.”
A Havas dispatch from Beirut to
day says: A
"Yesterday there was calm every
j where except for firing at Suedia,
i which lasted until midnight. Gen.
I Saric.il has gone to Damascus.”
1 m
8 Jr**
Are you
many *ma)l
home owner* who
mutt bum tvo and
even three fires to keep
A your room* “*pottily” warm in cold weather? The heat of
ARCOLA’S single fire is carried uniformly over the house
— into end through every room; no cold spots anywhere.
Compare its cost ior fuel. Then decide tp stop the oid-time
bother and fuel extravagance!
Learn wbyARCOLA hot water radiator beat eaeaia. Year daaler ad ha
pleated to espiain. Or write to HI for the ARCOLA hochlat. ARCOLA A
"aw low once and I<T month*-10-pay plan stake it aaay ier yan h *n
Hi* fsarmnteed. haait*-(<urdiw( haatint.
Awzwcawßadiator fowrurr
| TJn+vrn4ov Heat
■ L. S. Plaut & Go. 17 w-k . _ The Fair ■
Newark Kresge Department Stores Chicago g
. Quality Merchandise Courteous Service .
. 1 ■
: 200 Men’s j
New Fall Suits I
j. .
j. • v • .
j- Will Be Placed on Sale Tomorrow I
I" ■
i a •
I* at The Palais Royal, Specially Priced at ■
i *3475 I
;■ Only 200 —It’s a small group —but large in value. The regular selling price would be $40.00 *
and $45.00. . ■
■ . All Are in the Season's Smartest Patterns and Colors ■
. ■
■ All have two pairs of/trousers —some with one pair long trousers and one pair sport knickers. ■
i; Single and Double Breasted Models :
It’s a splendid opportunity to get an early Fall suit at a substantial saving. m
i. » | ■
■ New Fall Topcoats j
. .
m — arc a l S o here in all the new shades. Prices are — .'
i $25.00, *27.50 and *35.00 i
Cravenette Processed m
m Palais Royal—Main Floor .
* Sale of $15.00, SIB.OO and $20.00 1
: Boys’ All-Wool Two-Pants ' : •
suits #12.95 mm
* . The Lot Consists of 88 Suits \
150 Suits, Regularly SIB.OO 28 Suits, Regularly $15.00 ts lp||lll l
,J 10 Suits, Regularly $20.00 . j I
■ An exceptional offer of Boys’High-grade Two-pants All-wool Suits. *
* All of the finest quality materials, including Imported Scotch Tweeds,’ W V '.
■ Cassimeres and Worsteds. Well tailored, four patch pockets, Norfolk W .
. style. Sizes 9to 20 years. & ■
_ Palais Royal—-. Main Floor .
!.■■■■. ....... ■ ■■»%■■■■ ■ ■
Past Commander of President’s
1 Own Garrison. A. and N. Union,
Succumbs to Long Illness.
Arthur J. Hogan, 4S years old. past
opmmander of th** President’s Own
I Garrison, Army and Navy Union, died
at his residence. 4200 First street
southeast, yesterday after a lingering
illness. Mr. llogan was chief elec
* trieal and stcain engineer at Ht.
Elizabeth's Hospital, and formerly
: held a similar position at Freedmen’s
; Hospital.
Mr. Hogan was a veteran of the
Regular Array, and had served several
i years in Cuba. He had lived in 'Wash
ington for the last 17 years, and was a
'< member of the National Associaion of
| engineers.
He is survived by his widow. Mrs.
I Elizabeth Cavanaugh Hogan; live sons,
j Arthur. Francis. Raymond, Bernard
and Walter Hogan, and six daughters,
| Miss Ethel Hogan. Miss Alice Hogan,
! Miss Helen Hogan. Miss Rose Hogan,
* Miss Elizabeth Hogan, and an infant
daughter five days old who has not
been named, all of Washington. Three i
sisters and four brothers of Wis- |
consin also survive.
Funeral services will be conducted
h*i the residence tomorrow morning at
&:30 o'clock, and at Congress Heights
Catholic Church at 9 o'clock. Inter
ment. with military honors, will be in
Arlington National Cemetery.
Lightning- Hits Explosive Sorter.
BOSTON, September 4 04*).—John
W. Swan of Malden was sitting in
front of the stove in his kitchen to
day sorting dynamite caps when
lightning struck the house and
shattered ’ the stove. Swan was
knocked from his chair and the caps
were scattered about the floor, but
failed to explode.
A finger ring set with a compass is
a late invention.
C—r- I’l | " I :
The Washington-Atlantic City
Motor Coach Service
A De Luxe Travel Service Between the Nation’s Capital
and America's Greatest Sea-Coast Resort.
Beginning Saturday, September 5
Fageol “Safety CoacAs,” Double-deck Parlor Coaches,
will leave the May flow A Hotel, Washington, for Atlantic
City w ■'
Saturdays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
At 8:30 A. M.
Fageol “Safety Coaches to Washington from Atlantic
City will leave the
Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic City
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
At 10:30 A. M. (Daylight Saving Time)
Fires: One Way, Upp*r Deck, $8; Lower Deck, $7
For reservations call the Mayflower, the Ambassador or
Columbia 4026.
Washington Motor Coach Company, Inc.
l=== =========; -ri-r-J
D. C. Man Is Named Administrator,
With Baltimorean as Aide.
Appointment of Benjamin T. Sim
mons of Washington as prohibition
administrator for Florida was an
nounced by Assistant Secretary An
drews of the Treasury, yesterday. Mr.
I Simmons Is a retired Army colonel and
lives here His assistant, Mr. Hambsch,
Is a retired naval lieutenant, com
mander vvljose home Is In Baltimore.
Mr. Breuer. named for the St. Louis
district, is the general counsel for the
Public Service CohimisHion of the
State of Missouri, and succeeds W. D.
Moss, the acting administrator there.
Every Woman Knows
that only slow baking will produce crisp, golden
brown beans with all their flavor and nourish
ment retained. Yet some women forget to look
for those words “oven-baked ” on the label of the
beans they buy. Heinz Beans are oven-baked and
the label plainly says so. ,
Look for "oven-baked” on the label
Hew wliii imHihMtiptbook jpjv H J H*it* Com pit*
*«*t for four cent* is stamp* Pittsburgh, P*.
■ ■
• The Fair L. S. Plaut & Co. *
g Chicago Newark B
m Kresge Department Stores m
\ Royal ;
a Quality Merchandise Courteous Service
Here are only a few of hundreds of items •
■ included in our Annual September Sale of ■
• Housewares. Substantial savings on ever y one! ■
" 32=Piece | 42-Piece 100-Piece ’ \ "
J - Regularly $4.00 Regularly $9.00 j Regularly ■
: zS*. $2.75 $5.95 *•« ™. L . m , :
$10.95 Vase Table Lamp Madallion de- r„id Bright polychrome „
■ Mounted on metal . -'laaamon dc ‘ Gold stamped finieh in „ he , in I
B base, choice of canary s, g n ot many design, with con- Dainty floral . . ’ . ,
■ Se 0 \n P d ink black. Ch wit d h *° I ''° r J"*™- " tcted * old liair ' design, with gold- TTcVraTed
\m harmonizing shades, tions in floral es- lme, gold -1 in e line edges and parchment paper shades
i neatly trimmed with sects. blueline edges and traced traced handles on i n a varietv of d-sisms *
■ tr ‘£ V*-Trnn* *”<> *r>c««l handle,; fancy fancy shaped ! .
j■ Special, $8.95 handles. shaped dishes. dishes. Special. $2.45 m
• Aluminum Kitchen Utensils -
j ■■■_ ■
■ S 1.25, $1.39 and 51.69 Values *
j . Your Choice .Mj ' \
: f§|f 79c jflp i
■ All ttie most wanted pieces , bright , fj§y 9
B . 1 ' clean finish, a quality you can de • ■
■ Blb.ov.j_Jp pend upon for service. I
m | | A "
• —*- Self - irrigating, made of (| ' *
® sl.lO Dozen metal with green baked-on V*l larpet •
■ SfTTTT.n Hose M »”“■ 9* Simple, Self- *
■ o a P " $3.69 tl ., ... . . . Wringing Mop of stitehinr. with B
Per dozen — 25-foot length cou- s!•** —~4-inch size, $J *5 Keeps the hands neat white enameled
B „_ a and clean. handle— ■
H 95C f u uy guaranteed. $1.98—30-Incli size, $1.55 79c 85c m
■ ■ a 35c ' 2 ■" r l?".!’'”'* *
\ m I'Ll “ll * 2 - 93 Galygnired Stee| Steak KnKeg 45c Metal Waste Electric Table Siovc.
Stepiadders , er White celluloid han- Paper Basket Will toast, boll, fry
1 * Fully Rodde’d and dust ' dies, steel tempered Seven assorted ! and poach— ■
, _ . kind blades. colors.
«.«'* $259 6 Knives, $3.95 35c | $9.95 * ’
1 " Palais Royal—First Flow
I ■ ■
- ■■ y . , ■
j Spicial Dispatch to The Sta-.
j FREDERICK. Md.. September 4.
i The Washington lxidge of Elks at
' tending the Maryland convention
i here tvon the silver loving rup for
i having the most attractive float in_
j the parade yesterday.
Hagerstown laidge won tiie lovimr
cup for the most attractive appear -
ance. The best band prize went to .
Towion, Md. A housewarming was
held last night at the new home