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BBpBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBBBBBBBB<BBBBBBBawaaaaa*aBBBBBBB*B^BBBfIBBa*aaaBiiBBBpBBBBfIBfIBBBBfIBBBBBBBBBBfIBi-i • Beguiling Modes for the College Miss and Schoolgirl Moderately Priced ■ I • t • At The PALAIS ROYAL f B-r-' • • l P ■a —a ■ Advance Sale of | ❖ F\ i J C i. ■ : Fur-Trimmed Coats Dress-Travel and Sports Coats ; !i * “Keeping Up Wah ' For Schoolgirls , f or the Colle £ e G,rl 0k 'fa ■ » : I ! the Joneses” I $e A -jr- _ fiL *rt*,f*« JL > s , ? ; ! . **z i £t£gai m \ ; 10.75 ft, Wk- flvPx sßk if A. * : : * |ft zo.uu m\mfk WtXv : ■ But keeping the younger set in the latest p Lovely Winter Coats for VJ | FOR DRESS— Coats of high luster bolivUs /Ai A* I fjVs^|' mWF \ " ■ and smartest frocks, coats, hats and acces. | r -> ier v ais ,or ine *. j j ifhMCD .1 * .*11171,1 „,i / / 'O' C‘ ( W) 'Amt*'. '*■ / ■ B series without breaking the bank is a proh- \ yoi.nfr girl - excellently tailored i> ' in the Season S newest models. Hared and // ' //g ■ ■ lem facing many mothers just at this time of \ and nicely trimmed with buttons,; L*j \ It StraiglltHne models, With trimming's of but- L 1 | ' J \ >VI f/1 < B . ■ ' year * j rows <>f stitching and collars - $•. vP m /{s?*’ «Vu dl f/'AmmA VfcA * ■ J From long years of experience mothers j handings of fur. U UIH dved mandcl.’ * • MML i * l\\ /iw Nj/mMI /yy \ “ a 1 are past masters in juggling the budgets, and 1 Silk lined and interlined. \ I * /1/ ifiw \\ \J II t ■ ■ ; usually manage to send Betty and Jane off I 4 FOR TRAVEL Fui -tH1111116(1 models of . H ft’V fJw WiYi U I • ■ j occasions. v , p ,. fc I | /jT soft bolivia rfr smartly tailored coafs of novelty \ \v7 1 Uj/ " a 3 c *!\ > ou Jl I Melton Bolivia Ilf h mixtures, X- \\ \ ■ m 1 .V? nating, more jaunty, l ’ \ elvobloom m W * FOR SPORTS Uie mannish topcoat \ \ \ V ■ ■ ! Betty awSS3 acrol" 1 ci- * f ' * ‘with velvet Or'self collars. Handsomely tai- \ . k L j/ \\ ,* ! !E.'„ c I ! T.n Green s„ieu. Coney lored in the season’s latest designs. ft y \ ' • ! i d^Ly°^e? ,ni.e .be ! Him Moufflo!, All coats silk lined throughout. 7 U ' . At " ■ newest thing out for | . Copen > Racoon . r u i in « i rn V. the college girl and l>al«U Rujll—third Floor - V OIZfS 14 tO Jl), 36 tO 44. ' ' . * ’ *' } \ 'A « ,'\ the flapper—bless her T , t.i ■ ■ jljj—n—waw. ■ - . i.,i „ J ■ ] \ '' —for no one but her ‘ " — 1 ... ■ . ■■■■ —■ - ■ ■■■ ■ »■ . " - " T ■ 1 ■■■ • I *** Elr*lt« !!;■■• 1,3 Tim0 H n f^rJ QUr Fa “ * CVkiC ; m; j: 1 _ f ” u tt umc ivuuinery ivxooes Porthe WeekE „d : m d the> nd are' dC decidediy I,j RtlDy Rlflg Silk lIOSC / \ Houbigant's Perfume, SI,OO ■ \ ' —r— —-—r 'intn'huv- ' Ihese excellent Service Stock- ■< QCV 1 (it /V w J.\ fa I / _N, ) Ideal and Ouejques Fleurs, lust the right ■ ; ing ofe WaTm in’themlelVes. they are lined with ings yre sold exclusively hy the $ K9O * So+ \J\J size for a week end trip. a i brightly colored cotton flannel, with two large r I aims K<>y ? | pt Washington. 12- \4 /. fiLV n , " patch pockets. And the price, owty 512.95. i hat. strand pure thread silk, with fine mercerized ' FanCV Feathers a L.nCf4lTiy Lov-Lor Fa CC rOWOCf, /5C dOX B ■i * I * ur • suntri*®- - ‘ j , garter tops. The Ruby Ring prevents garter /j~“ '-J Felt Pins f ’ In a lovely chased aluminum box. ■ ) Frocks and hats—what a thrill one gets in i runs, j jfl /A y p |,,. t Krr»U»-r»irl»**«*»« h B • ft selecting them! And this season they seem to be k > /I. . -/ \ ' el\et HfTtOrOlCieriefl /A j \ H 3 I just a bit more debonair than usual.with adash ( L While, rose, taupe, black, sonibero, ( \ / V Velvet and Sillv RjbhonS '[\ j Helena Rubinstein's $1,50 FiCC PcywdfT ■ ■ < ' wi "‘ *" « hc “ **'■• SSb'Jri'i lSi!£ BU *”* " e,h ’ Frw,c, ‘ \ V t K Combinations Flowers -<A' /V Powder Vanity. AU for $1.50 * S Take the one sketched at the right—a Jumper nyqe, t»U ana silver. I \ / 1 ■ - Frock, with its short box upper of a rich brown \ Smart Hats for the school and college With each box of Rubinsteins Powder we ■ velveteen, trimmed with gold kjd applique, w'th - '_l c ac tb« matron in this snlen- will give one Vanitv Free. high collar and long sleeves also featuring this 11 T T T ST II as well as IHe matron, in tniS spien /.tltHfH * B unique trimming. The Skirt, with bodice top, is * IN C W lIOSC did collection. m u . .to B B of a golden brawn -] " I + /ff 1 |iKl/ ? Woodbur/s F»Cial Soap, J7c ■ ; * , SSte ta 2 “hirmlEj *ft) i'• For W, r „ an* M,, r . WIL The Cloche, Oft-the-Fsoe Models, MR' Mavis T.lcum, 17c \ ■ ' and youthful as can 'A ; RefluUrly 51.00 and $1.25 Small Brims and Many ** m ‘lf , a * be imagined. There is A ( .. . • . 1 .«IV' i i n ; n „ a ci,„ n(l . LI l Angelas Lemon Cleansing Cream, Me ■ a i another similar rrock JKA&k purchase pt best Quality 'r- r"Q UlliqUp MlflpeS \ //J % | B of black velveteen and * % AwAJk length Sport Most, and striped. D/C ... , . , , . fAv.’ 7 7 \ Palais Royal—Main Floor r ■ A 4 c^i p t e h Silver 1 kw. V ®\ ! Stdf colors and f a <y 'Jf 1 nncs and tints that strongly appeal, ' U v , a j The price, $29.50. Cvlnrs: Beige, tan, fray, c*mel and sand. if See Olir window display—it will give <i ,\ % f/’ |■ J ’ 1 """"" 1 m Another adorable AR* l ! Size vßto U. vou an idf> f»f these unusual values. H* k / I Smart Novelties in ■ " J little frock is earned ' - A. X //‘•'O*- 0 > | auiaii ixuvcmw m * ■ out in a combination j ij ' Palab Royal Sfiond Floor • 1 « t » r « V ■ * vlteei d u P "pi h iJVi- Jf % ! sack* «nd storking for school INew INeckwear *; ■ J .' \;\j J ’ u ’ Requisites for the School or College Wardrobe SI.OO to $5.00 f ■ r , j- New Sport Hose Class Frocks—Holiday Frocks—Dance Frocks i ■ : * t ~,,, » All . overstri p. s , n4Uvp ., m , dn ,i X . s<rnn HD STQ rn „cV <ui«t y v.i ,«i wa ia«». ecu ,h*s». A ; TK,r« i. -a,.r .»«, of *rav »nd cm,l. Attractive /5C * \ Q.UU ZO,UU Z7.DU P.l.t. R..v,l >l,in Flm>r J ■ 1 even in hats, although one wonders how there fancy tops. , V " fl ! could possibly be another unusual shape. The ' Sizes 7to 10A _ . liras. i hat on the figure is the new combination of cut- > , CIaSS Or Holiday FrOCKS Ot SllK Or Jljf&\ # ■ I out fur felt and velvet, with two stiff little fancies j . .. , n i , ~ , . , , , /&.A gJt? \ ar*.ir»r irt i *■ . directly in front. The other is a new Beaver , clofli in all the new shades and styles tor /Jf/y \ A Sfiect<al ruvchase ana Sale * _ Velour, with the Dutch Doll in front. The first I BoyS and GirlS ‘/g-Length All Mu/AW \ B ■ ; one is sio; the veiour, sis. ; fOcT Autumn and W inter wear. All the \ ■ ! Hose and shoes play J T-4rkv/> newest flares and'frills. . Cleverly tai* iMm \ \ ■ i r; , ssssys* : sport nobe V A&. iore.i mo.ieis with crisp collars and e U ff 6 IW \\ INovelty Jewelry J ■ f; 1 \\ portant part. j apple stitched. Fancy tops, in plaids, QUC organdie o linen leather belts and / B /; j \\ \ sa» U th«e j checks, stripes, ejc.v trimmings of buttons or embroidery.. OOC *> ■ * \ \ newest of hose, with Tl , , . . ,r / C\// Ml f\\ A B , M . \ ' embroidered rosebuds Rlack. brown, gr*v, camel, tan and calf. t-. < . . . . , // / If , ■ , U ! on the pointed heels. ' ■ Sizes 6to io. ' ' ■■tßa Dance Frocks nf exquisitely tinted II rplional values in this sale nf jewelry. •*' ■ 1 ■ They may be had in \ Palais Main FW neorjrette Crepe. Rouffatlt Styles /] \/\ VM ( The season e clean-up nf one of the largest menu _ the two newest shades mr |Q!| . • r i T > I'M \ H fact.irers «t novelty jewelry. -- ", / / -Aluminum, a prettv ! > HI with trimmings of silver lace, em- LA / l/.l \\ , XT . ! 1/ L -7- “iSf rs--“^ c ii a Important Accessory BB broideries of tinsel thread and hand- I "L,.7i,?,L * • , U; the ».11 ; c painted designs. Other pretty mod- ftWnilli ndm m'o»di,«i or shtiqu, ; stone or Ori.m.i ,oi- I ' *CA an°ovtr chiffon - 01113.1*1 VjIOVCS els of real filet lace, combined with meul ored sionM, also Pearr & ! sheer and’dainty. with I rC\ * embroidered net. , , A,so S,lell Cases, j Sets. fe the slipper heel. Priced ‘rDtOkJ P3lt* fitted with powde/: Ik i at $3.50. jj Afternoon Dresses of crepe de chine \T j lth or u ,thout Earrings. U There is such a host of new styles in shoes that ■ Correct for sports and outing are these Wgshable l 1 yy * - , \ I / chain or tassel. i encils. B ' ■ it is simply a matter of individual taste. One of Skin. Doeskin and Suede Gloves. Slip-on Biarritz in tWO-pieCe ITlOdelS. UrCSSeS Ol DrOChC \| / R p - u . T i l _ ! the most attractive for, the young girl is the ; styles, in natural chamois, white, gray and beige. ,„1,.0+ Qn d crAnrfrfttr* rnmKitiArl +*«»- ' \ / Bar rins, rtai i.tngerie lasps. - m. m i black satin step-in pump sketched above. And \ el\Ct SllCl COOTDJIICfI IOC ftftcr* j! ( nanients, Brooches in Metal Chain •• : ; xsrs \ $j!oo, f skso, g s°Tls Wm noon or informal eveninff * vear ' v - F„„„ m b, ; : M Z. , _kh«. I d,ii. .*1 «.pp.r. *«.•. A. ; M.d. „| p „. ,L,y dMttV ch,™ dupl „ W~ Come in and see these lovely frocks. Many of the r,: Fiexibi. lAT' ■* ■ 1 ot p ' bl ’''' ch *” oi '' wW,e> ia famous Winfield models included, b® m i!L. narrow and “" h o J « B I completely made sateen bodies. Or, if ene prefers, < wide. Oriental effects, Aifd. Pearl Leads. ■ Sheba 1 wi!h C |ong Cn hiir C , r “I ! I*»I»U Ragal-Malp Floor - Sizes 16 to 36. closely stone set. in Tinted Chokers. *< . . ala ’ Merode. who !■ ’ - r «'» ,s R«>»l-Third Floor all colors. Great va- Rarrctte , flt. needs biH a stone-set riety in pearls, woven ■ hair band with a cen- --A *7C- T i-, D- - y , r> , . ' style. Bandeaux. B r ,b S r pk3 P oriTnta' for* , '.f [ /DC iwtncn Jr > Lovely Styles in »; ■ There are dozens of , S ■ W th‘ t° f - "ha” 1 "L t, f un nTT 1 ; This lovely liiwn paper w* s manufactured by one .AT k 1 ftb H f b Daintily De Signed * ■ Ith?1 th ? for those \ /. Clk of sh« best kp.bwn paper makers-in white "only. > hall fTakHions have been earned even into the designs of new underthings. . A ■ I who wUh instructions l Thh exceptionally low. price is for Saturday only. Maity styles in these damty and practical chetruse. . vpl (T BlCfl JoUCr H* &W. AHO a there are classes daily F, °® r ; Two-toncd Combinations and lace-trimmed models—some short waisted I jg ■ , in doll dressing in our j —, L ■.. . Eprtpirf StVl?. . 1 * CVlßXgrfl BanflftttCS B Art Needlework De. : . ► c Cl J t U l'J rr ’Tcbiriy, peach; orchid, maize, white and flesh, ' • B partment. ! SUH SllOdeS fOV H OllHay Use L - Palais Royal-Main Floor t r==t] _ fl- The prices vary— '/NSt 1 ~ r > , '• . /A r\ - : - L OM : ‘ f m]Z* 50c to % hT S it B hmv friends ~~ J H > L. S. PJaut & Co. The Fair / again via the column; I I R SI.OO, SM9, $1.35, $2.00 t| Newark Kresge Department Stores Chicago /As / $4 00 ■ for w-hat with rush of ... . , ~ y, . , . , “ * _ \\ *\ T l*w V/ ■ other work and vacations, it’s been'kadly neglected i Stylish shapes and handles. Bright colorings in -' A . kC durine the Summer. t both shellac and parchment. . , ]■- m «9gw. T33S. v S \ B dortng tne summer. | _________ v 1 A 17 A ' TIT 4581 I W/3X5&1 KT A MV 1 The mission of the 4 . The new modes for Autumn are truly lovely— ... //fife. ■ Jll 111 Ilf I 9)//rAm // M 111 ILI 1 \ Btndette 18 to uplift*' fl . ::t lissisayzxr* * rriv *'* I Attraetfve Cretonne Sun Shades JPM& fUPjm. VU p> I W 1 fGTuwL* * « ■ » ■ $1.95, $2.50, $3.50 111 a^J * u^ mnr*muxa * V '' the clever shaping of " ! 16-rib stubby style*, in crctonnt nf attractive ■ „ i j- „ it» dainty materigls to accomplish its purpose. ucolors and patterns. • Merchandise Courteous Service Lace and pastel shades. a 1 • Falai* Royal—Main Floor, .. V Fa la I* Royal—Third Floor *6 B B a B B B B B" B' B"B "B Bflllßßßßßflßßfllllll I I ■ I I I I I I I I | | | B | I I I | I V I I I ■ > ■ > ■■ ■ I > ■ ■ ■ Bill I I I H I B I I fl | B I I B M > ■ ■ > ■ > I I I B B I B B | | fe | THE ErEXINft STAR. W ASHINGTOK. D. tt. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1925. 15