OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 04, 1925, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1925-09-04/ed-1/seq-18/

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Income Tax Returns Paid
From District and Vicinity
from Sixteenth Pace.* |
iLynn W. Frank lint State Depart
ment, $30.94.
''Henry \V. Febrev. 441 k'nnsHti ave
nfie. *44.72.
Frank S. Fouler, 1718 Kllbourne
ptore. *51.72.
IMlss Mary C. Keelev, 1736 Columbia
r<tod. *21.45.
Jlenny J. Fraklin, War Department.
SThe Fort Dressmaking Co., 1143
Connecticut avenue. *40.80.
vVrthur S. Field, 3607 Lowell street.
••Idwin N. Fox and wife. 643 Lexing
ton place northeast, *11.14.
•Franklin InvestmertVCo. of Wash- I
ington. 925 Fifteenth strwt, *65.06*.05. !
Howard P. Folev, 893 v Livingston '
stjeet, *94.17.
Joseph F. Farley, 3622 Ordwav
stieet. *42.25.
21aIph R. Fleharty, 5406 Forty-first
srfreet. *42.95.
■Maurice Fitxgersld. 1311 O street,
- $.*n.79.
JXtnoM V. Freudberg, 302 Wood
rd Building. *32.19.
•lames R. Ksir. 822 Alhee Building.
flames Ford, 1635 Pennsvlvsnla ave
nti*. $200.9*.
i'harles R. Ferris, 94* New York
avenue, *61.75.
Kate Foote. 2115 P street,
flaience K. Frev, 5222 Belt road.
* 4|.lL
4’. S. Frank. 2551 Seventeenth street.
Mary I/Oulae Frampton, 210 A street
siiitheast. *13.17.
Ida C. Frederick. 719 Fourth street
northeast. *4.63. •
Lillian E. Friedman, 2649 Eleventh
street, *5.80.
O’auline E. Fader. 1434 Perry place.
rßrenton K. Fisk. 3019 Dumbarton
avenue, 539.99.
;l. H. Flshback. 3432 Ashlev terrace, j
Rose E. Frenzel. 1475 Columbia :
rrfcd. *14.98.
Jlov V. Ferner. Investment Ruilding. I
{Tillius L. Field, 1737 K street,!
Fitzgerald. 212 Eighth
stf-eOt. *27.82.
J4am Fine. 2711 Rladensburg road.
Charles A. Flske, 825 Vermont ave
ntje. *41.77.
,-David -O. Fairchild. American Se
curity and Trust Co.. *2*.6*.
E. 1». Fttlke, 1811 Adams
Mjll road. *7.32.
-Alfred C. Flather, the Dresden.
Jra F. Frsvel. 4104 Harrison street.
3<>er Wall Paper Co,. *261.99.
cFisrhels, 728 Seventh street, *L*
JC\ E. Finch A CO.. *134.85.
Service Finance Onrp.,
JTiertrude Fowler, 1466 Monroe
street, *8.25.
Mortimer M. Harris and wife. 613 F
street, *219.75.
M. Freeny. 6 Inland street,
Chevy Chase. Md., 151.31.
Funkhouser, 5400 Illinois
avenue. *480.94.
Franklin J. Frea. 4702 Georgia ave
nge. f 50.97.
J,ieut. Comdr. John H. Flsge. United !
States Navv Department. *16.30.
'Sarah M. Ford. 1512 X street. *56.61. I
jjohert .1. Fisher, 1915 Kalorama !
ropd. *534.61.
Alfred C. Fisher, 3025 O street I
northwest, *85.64.
James S. Fraser, Takoma Park. Md..
Fusscli. Young Ice Cream Co.. *3,- I
iFanny May Candy Co.. *329.50.
John A. Fbss. 1500 Thirteenth street, j
J. J. Fetterhoff, 1128 Columhia road.;
Charles Henrv Farrell, 502 Evans I
Building, *25.82.
S. M. Fillings. 3000 Tuchols sve
mie. *2.06.
Laura Force. 1010 Dnujjlas street
ndrtheast, *15.60.
3a units M. Fish. Grace Dodge Ho
tel, *53.95.
sFred L. Flshback, Union Trust
Building, *250.13.
■Herbert Friedenwald, 1808 I street.
%lohn L. Fletcher. 600 F street,
jl. Dann Faber. 508 Takoma street.
Takoma Park. Md.. *17.19.
tJohn W. Fraser and wife, 3520 Con
necticut avenue. *39.07.
Notional Rank. *3,525.26.
Jerome Fanoikitie, 2729 Connecticut j
auntie. *130.98.
Federal American National Bank,;
18J5 F street, *17.262.68.
William R. Greggs. 2627 -Sherman
avv*ntte. *4.83.
hlrs. Annie C. Glover. 1703 K street.
I '
iTF motors could
• A. talk, they’d ask
for Pennzoil.
IVmhlntton Office.
1016 16th Street.
Telephone ~North ItT _
'Know the Health
that comes from
llnternal Bathing
Internal Bathing is the great
; est health habit man nr woman
; can adopt. Adds years to your
; life —spaekie to your eyes—ban- j
ishes the woes of illness.
No drugs—no nostrums —Just
j nature's water and the marvel.
|ous J. B. L. Cascade. The surest
{ and simplest means of correct -
< ing constipation and intestinal
5 disorders.
You never had a finer chanc®
• of getting the full and autheu
£ tic story of Internal Bathing
• than now. We are entered in a
j national window display contest i
j; sponsored by the Tyrroll Hv- 1
i gienlc Institute, makers of the
j J. B. I„. Cascade, and are giving
I the story of Internal Bathing In
j f picture and literature. Come
'and see our window display. (
f Get that marvelous book. “Why
7 We Should Bathe Internally.”
I Know all there is to he known
• about one of the finest health
j practices in the world.
The Gibson Go.
Washington, D. C.
1 H. C. Maddox. 11 OR Sixteenth street,
J. J. Gross. 117 McGill Building.
Edw'ard E. Gann, 3508 Macomb
Street. *166.51.
W. J. Glasgow, office chief of Cav
alry. *78.60.
Josephine M. Glasgow. 821 Sixteenth
street, *39.54.
Fruit Growers' Express Company
Pension Fund. R. R. Cooke, trustee,
Munsev Building. *31.72.
Morris Gauss. 716 Heventh street,
*l6B. ,
Galliher-Walker Investment Corp.,
General Auto Truck Co.. 1*57 45.
, Aihin L. Gemeny, .Newhern Apart
-1 ments, $4.75.
Essie C. Oandell, by National Sav
ings and Trust Co., agents, *424.36.
Mlcha Gutersnn, East Clifton ter
race, *18.87.
Ernest Oirhner, 1107 E street.
Fred S. Gltchner, 1214 D street,
Stella Gore. 1621 T street. 19.15.
Alice M. Gilbert, Wardman Park An
nex, *10.59.
David 55'. Gaheleln, Brunswick
apartment*. *16.90,
Vie Wllmot Gillette. 1901 Kenynn
street. 17.27.
Elisabeth Gillman. 9?9 Twentieth
street. *8.90.
Michael Gorman. 2bo Nineteenth
street southeast. *7.73.
Mrs. Sara E. Guest, 1717 Twentieth
street, *6.95.
Martin Oardner, 100 Ninth street,
Adam Gard, *25 Vermont avenue,
H. W. Oermann. interstate Com
merce Commission, *4.50.
L. H. Goddard. 4823 New Hamp
shire avenue. *40.76.
Carroll S. Graves, 3515 Idaho ave
nue, $48.34.
Rose Lee Guard. 721 East Oapltdl
! street. $53.15.
j Leroy Oravette. 302 Rittenhouse
! Street. *32.14.
Claire M. P. Gullclc. 1825 Jefferson
: place. *826.80.
Kathryn s'. Griffin. 704 A street
southeast. $7.85.
Albert S. Galley, 814 Rittenhouse
street. *45.47.
Fruit Growers' Express Co.. *119,-
Herman M. Goldberg. 641 D street,
Walter A. Gawler, 1730 Penney!-
vania avenue. *223.66.
Estate of I. Grosner. 1.t26 F street.
James R. Gadhurv, 1712 Sixteenth
street. *17.7*.
William J. Gallery. 718 Eleventh
Street, *45.10.
Peyton Gordon, Wardman Park
Hotel. *142,69.
Mrs. Frances C. Gordon Cunyning.
2032 O street, *177.44.
Margaret M. Grlmew, care National
.Havings and Trust Co.. *265.71.
Harold N. Graves, 6926 Ninth street,
Leonard W. Oroomes, 1721 K street,
Samuel M. Greer. 1726 Massachw
setta avenue. *1.555.26.
Jacob S. Gruver. 5460 Thlrty-nlntli
street. *6.402.33.
W. Gwvnn Gardiner, Woodward
Building, $1,168.27.
Victor J. Gatti, 1317 Allison street.
I *58,21.
But the Youngster Don t
Mind So Much if They
Have New Shoes to Go in
here the day 1
school begins. \ Nffii-vL
It’s time to get the n "IfpM
children ready, with
new. sturdy shoes that i/J/|
will look as well as their IZfy I C>3
playmates’. •*«. N\£
They’ve got to keep on looking well.
too-Leven after plenty of strenuous games in the school
vard. So huv shoes at the store where you can count
bn quality, tit and the hdst of materials—“ The Family!”
Boys' Ififk Shoes
f'X 't J' u • i CL This style and another tn a
Lhtld 5 rilgh ohOCS blucher of extra good grade of
Nut brown Russia Calf— »■*« leather. Welt-sewed soles,
nature shape spring heel. especially treated for hard
welt sewed soles. Some in pat- wear.
ent leather and black gun 10 to 13’/.... $3 >SO
mft " ' Ato n Wide Ito 6 14.00
6 to 8 ,$3.00
o(/ it 13 SO Other styles in Oxford and
?K to 1 * tZ'Ao High *hoes. * 4 <* *» W.M.
to 7. ......... SS.OO
S 9*l?!™- Boys' Fall Oxfords
rubber heels and soles, vt elt golM construction*-
sewed. mannish styles, full and roomy
0t . Vi ” •« r/i for growing boys, ato t> wide.
wy 2 to 2 $4.00 s to 13 H $4 to $5
2V 2 to 7 $5.00 Ito 6 $4 to $6
Quid's Blucker
Made of soft, plisble brown Ht I
I elk leather. Durable and very // %
comfortable. Soft box toes. \
spring heel, flexible outer sole \
—welt-sewed. A to D wide. \
6 to 8. $3.50
fi'/ 2 toll $4.00 t • ~filf^gr*r
\\y a to 2.x . $4.50
310 312 .Seventh St. N.W.
Over 50 Yooro* Sotiffoetory Service
John A. Galvin, 1901 D street, *54
C. E. Galliher, Twentieth and X
streets. *2*7.62.
George L. Goodacre, 921 Ninth
street. *474.60.
Zadle E. Gaft. Natiorisl Savings and
Trust Co.. *3.842.02. -
Nathan Goodman. I*2* Spring road.
'4'. Guy. 315 Ninth street,
*7 09*.Hi.
W. T. Galliher, 1315 F street.
*’ Louise B. Owynn. 1314 Thirtieth
street, *85.65. _ ~
Florence N. Gillmore, 2500 Connecti
cut avenue, *69.90.
W. E. Gillmore, 2900 Connecticut
avenue, $79.48.
Henry H- Ola sale, Chevy Chase.
Galleher, 1608 Hobart street,
|7 .iohn E. Gaskins. 1722 Sixth street,
Julia A. Granger. S4lo Eighth street,
Samuel K Grinder. 401 Cpahur
jirgat IT 1
Frank E Ghiaellt. 3512 porter street.
W. Gilder sieve. 1 428 Brew
' May*H. Greer. 409 Carroll avenue.
Takoma Park. Md.. *2.62.
Katherine T>. Gilliam. 54 M street,
*'\lrV E. V. Grimes, 1915 Fourteenth
’ John *Leonard Gundllng. 2H* , *" w
rence atreet northeast. *14.99
•Martin G#ib. 225 Ascot place north-
Grimes. 122 PlSasant street
southeast, $6. „
Eva N. GUbert. *Ol4 P l
Martha M. Garner. 214 Eleventh
street southwest, *10.84.
John R. Grace. 1144 Newton street.
** waiter S. Gilchrist, 25* Tennessee
avenue northeast. $21.6*.
Florence E. Oallowav. 108 Four
teenth street southeast. *V*4.
Agnes M. Green. *823 Kansas ave
nue, 68 cents. e
.lease M. Gordon. 429 Ridge etreet.
Lewis C. Geislnger, 401 Fotirth
strict. $1 *2.60.
I sahei C. Oultck. 1621 Nineteenth
Katie Gibson. 2131 Florida avenue.
Charles W. Gwynne. 23* Tenth
street northeast. *7.46.
Alcinda Gudffin. 1731 Eighth street.
*3 23. ...
Christin Gladding. 1327 Monroe
street northeast. 19.33.
E. Gilbert. Laurel. Md.. *i.*3.
Phoebe M. George. 20 Rhode Island
avenue northeast. *8.77.
Andrew M. Glynn. *0 Todd place
northeast. *6.30. „ , ,
EUle Gantshorn. 635 East Capitol
street. *15.87.
rapt. M. A. Glllla. War Department.
Harrv Gsrls. York Apartments
Ford C. Glenemore. Navy Depart
ment. *M.*7.
Giro Galloui. *4 M street. *9 94.
John E. Graham. 619 Tenth street.
Marv j. Gillespie. Chevv chase. Md..
$7.40. '
Thomas Green. 1627 K street.
Bernice E. Grilfith. 1104 M Rtreet.
$6.46. '
Genevieve K. Gibhons. iooß K
street, $6.3*.
Alfred O. Gelst, 132 Bates street.
Emma Glascock, 220 Twelfth street
southweat. $4.94.
Lawrence M. Greene, 3000 Park
place. $18.30.
Frances E. Goodwin. 1026 Fifteenth
Street. $9.03.
Anna Graham. Government Motel*.
Margaret Gilt man. 620 Ninth street.
Gertrude E. Olaaate. 228 Bradley
lane. Chevy chase. Md.. *14.20.
liida Q. Godfrey, 321 tTpshtu--street.
Ada V. Gochenour, e705 Varnum
1 1 street. *6.30. *
E. H. Gilcrest. 3239 Klingie road,
Bertha R. Gresselt. 623 L street
southeast, $8.61.
Gnome Oil Co. *lnc.. 1M82.48.
Gtbaon Bros.. $265.59.
Herb J. Graasle, Navy Department,
k. Gott, ?Bio Ashmead place,
Dougins S. Gibson, the Shelhourne,
Clarence I. Gessfoitl, 4000 Four
teenth Street. *144.94.
Charles J. Gibson. 5721 Fourteenth
street. *67.31.
J. H. E. Garver, 381 Fifth strew
southeast. *64.63.
Prince Georges Bank. Hvsttsvllle.
Md.. *2,182.68.
G. and H. Heating Co.. $1,920.65.
John Oliver La Gorre. Chevy Chase.
Md.. $4,515.32.
Harriet L. Germer, 1669 Columbia
road. $11.26.
Angeilis Golden. 1024 wisconHln ave
nue. $5.09. ,
Helen GOrber. 1669 Columhia road.
Walter Schuyler Grant, Armv War
College. *23.30.
A W. Greg*. Treasurv Department.
I Flora M. Gill. 442 M street. *104.78.
Lurtln R. Ginn. 1507 M street.
1 *33.82.
George H. Groves, 1744 M street,
Joseph N. Gary. 2io piecond street,
William E. Graven, 116 Eleventh
street northeast. *7.91.
John A. Grimes. 3800 Fourteenth
street. *25.05.
j William Holt Gale, Metropolitan
j Club, $82.49.
Simon Goldherg. 627 O street north
west. $16.37.
Henry Glbhins, Washington Bar
i racks. *33.51.
! Albert B. Graesle, *l6 Fourieenth
j street. *95.92.
j Nelson Gapen, 4415 Seventeenth
street. $31.91.
I SolUe Goldstein. Care TiSnsbtirgh A
I.vnn O'hvgr. 1424 K street. $130.25.
George Goldenherg. 807 Market
place. $48.74.
F. J. Gendron. 2*oo Connectjcut
avenue. *74.7*.
G. B. Gill. 1624 I street. $251.06.
&&&&&&&& &&&&&
■ ■ _ |j
Honlhly School .Report
Name c l7laU/ C fTlodjß Grade & ~(73
Deporln?*>nt .facet...: .
i [- Ariibrneiic _ „ ■_ ..........
School Attire —Excellent!
t«y* One rating that Hne« not appear on the monthly report, hut ha* a great Heal to Ho cr>
with the voungster’* standing; at school! And the grade will always he "excellent if /y^Vj
his school outfit is bought in the L&B Young Folks’ Shops. "
For the Girl For the Boy
A Balbriggan or Long Trouser Suits
Flannel Frock, $lO $12.75, $15.00 and $18.75
A Is an all-important part of the ward- . .The same smart English lines for the V;SI
l J \ robe. simply tailored, always smart, and V, f]
\ ( / \ practical. One and two piece models with school or the hifch school lad. Vest with Y -->/ f / v \
\ 1 JsC ; the Chanel Or the new turtle neckline. rounded corners English sick coat, long I i i
111 I )\<-Y The model sketched is of pencil bine trouVrs and golf knickers. \/f W
) ( ’ flannel with collar, cuffs and ties of crepe In all the new Fall mixtures and plain A \ I \
\ \ de chine, it has two kick pleats in the - sb ad es—all exceptionally f well t adored. t\ MjJ
\ I / skirt and a tailored pocket. Sizes 13, 15 Stzes 4to 10l sizes 12 to 18, $15.00; jj 1 \ \j Jid
VI/ and 17. sizes 32 to 38, $1875. /\i \'/I
Attractive Boys’ 4-Pc. Fall Suits
I fill/ / ' Dresses, $1.95 $10.95, $12.7n and $16.50 j\
\ \ \m Wf W-tJ cut to its best advantage-all the new i W H \\k A\ \
I'll W* ; ■ fejajU -v* ' F*U weaves, with coat. vest, regular and n /, d li \
I Tl IMilf ®\ round or pointed collars smocked yokes , { knickers. In three price groups, A\ UpltlC r i A
\jr' \S I hy i gßh,\ and contrasting trimmings. Plaid and 5,., e,» ,g |\ ILTr \\ . IV/ \
1 I>,a ' n C ° ,or r, * h * ms ‘ es 6td 1 j
I yf iW m Juniors’and Girls’ Accessories for KRjfl
hMI \\ Coats, $19.95 and S2S the Schoolboy LLf^T
nl\ B \ I Shirts $1.35 to $2.45 kMvrfj/ /l/fl
\j \ I l\) 1 i In jaunty tailored styles, plain colors Blouses TPe to HAS JF7/ A
/ l 1 \ «, and smart mixtures with notch collar, or Golf Caps sßc to sl.#s I \ t \
G L J/ / \ \ fttr collar and slash pockets. The coat Leather and Sport Belts.. 4Pc to Wc j'V Yi
W sketched. * double breasted model with Wash Suits —U.6g to 52.P5 A
1 notched collar and belted hack. Sixes 7 Bathrobes .$1.45 and $4.9* l Jk yfjtffj
I \ to 17. Raincoats $3.25 and SS.W WY4nri
j non ...... uxmoh » "... ...... usnoo. . .... A 3
Chic New Felt Hats Sturdy School Shoes
For Hr IMtlr Girl I. Wru- /. r n\\//Y{ li X\ TW “ n '” p S, ° r ' s"* *» '*»
D sl9s Ball \m\r\ s3 ‘°® o^4 - 75
Cunning Panty Dresses “5! Mjt)\
~*<Sr Jbs&B< youthful and smart. Fnr tkr Kindergarten A et! splendidly made that
®SSBW * iSffizS With trimming of felt ror rne A,n«erg«rren * *r. they w , (l st j nd%har H WPTSrJP]
ffISsSM or tailored ribbon oma- dh t til* C% CT we * r ftn P'wground I I
mems—a score or more TO ? n 1 st fVi t ‘ Gf>od I
\ / HK&ga becoming styles} IV looking, too! » -*
. > . li, i. Ooxens of really charming little models have Just come In— Children’s, misses* end hoys’ sizes in elk leather
In navy. rose. tan. tangerine black and copen. quaint prints, plain chambrays and check and plaid ginghams wlth moccasin toe or tip and all leather welt soles.
Roll hrims. straight hack and ciocne st>ies suit with touches of hand embroidery, smocking and hands of con- Sizes 4 to
tble for the girl of 0 to 14. traeting materia) for trimming. Rises 2 to ft. and jji- to 2,54.7 R. Widths Ft. C and t).
ror*TH rtoog. i>AJdM»t>*<m * i*«. rorgm gt,ooß, i.ansbi'roh a oro. k*roM> ru*og. t-Axaßt itoM * nito.
Lansburgh & Brd.
7th t. Sth to 6—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE ISSO Fr.nklin 7400
Walter ft. Guv, Woodward Building,
T. Greenhaum. 161* Park road.
Henry A. Gardner, 2201 New York
avenue. $825.72.
Louis R. Greene. 1710 Rhode Tslano
avenue. $1.029.53.
Albert Gates, 560* Connecticut ave
nue, $54.32.
A. E. Gottshall, Chevy Chase Apart
ments. $83.18
Fred D. Giesler. 3540 Thirteenth I
street. $52.83.
John H. Gunnell, Navv Department.
Agnes R. Gever, 1928 F street,
sß7* .9*.
Myrtle Martin Garrison, 3883 Mili
tary road. $26.88.
William Henry Garrison, 3833 Mili
tary road. $5.88.
M. R. Goldnamer, 1*42 G street.
Joseph A. Grau, 3020 R street, !
Ren Emerson • Glessner, 116 Sixth 1
street northeast. $42.85.
Pelham D. Glassford. No. 4 Wash
ington ftsrracks. slfi.s4.
Mrs. tV. 3. Humphreys, 1026 Thir- i
teanth street. $30.24.
waldbnrg Hewitt, 2909 P street, j
Nellie L. Hindman, 1487 Rhode
Island avenue. s2.oi.
fterthi Hartsall. 1810 Emerson street
northeast. 12 cents. *
Ann Hickey. 27« i Connecticut ave- !
nue. $14.96.
Sarah Hickey. 2701 Connecticut ave-!
i nue. $12.41.
Posey Hail. 45?8 Ninth street.
51 cents.
GuaMe Head, 3031 Cambridge place.
! $4.89.
i Marry c. Howell. 8701 Sixteenth !
! street. SB.OB.
tda ft. Harris, 535 U street. 81 cents. |
Eva T. Holtenhhrg. 535 FYorlda ave- !
nue northeast, $3.64.
(Continued on Page JjeWyT |
is a pr» sct iption for
Caldg, Grippe, Flue, Dengue,
EiHoos Fever and Malaria.
it KMl* the Goran.
Simple Frock Shop i
Cr u«r»tK.w / " '
New Silk and Cloth Dresses 1
Vmln Everything about these stunning IMi
frocks is new! New! NEW!
wHk ' ? s&*** * 2) 'i rato
jBjHII Flares that stream from the waistline
s fi’at starts at the hemline with a short flare jjBB J
! | a/nA iraM New jabots, new touches of braid, new _
g pleats and tucks, new pockets of grlazed W *j'
\ l|r[ braid, new panels that flare from waist to / 1
*\ New Colors! «HR / j j
P \ Black—Pencil Blue—Cuckno
| I F.pinard Green —Pansy ■IBHI
j /) , I to Dtnvnxtairs at
ar 3 a=J

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