■ - —r
Citizens Feel They Cannot
Compete Against Money of
American Collectors.
By th. Associated Press.
LONDON, September 23.—Surprise,
regret and resignation marked the
comments yesterday on the deal dis
posing of the art treasures of the late
Lord Leverhulme—surprise at the un- I
expected boldness of the coup engi
neered by Mitchell Kennerley of New
York, regret at seeing London's
supremacy as an art center passing
to America, and resignation at the
realization of the hopelessness of
competing with the United States In
such matters.
“It is a sign of the times," say the
dealers here. "America has the
money, and there is no more to be
The Ptar, in an editorial, makes the
bitter reflection that "America, through
luck in entering the war late enough
to avoid the impoverishment which
fell upon her allies, should thereby
be enabled to denude her principally
ally of treasures she had hoped to
Price Kept Secret.
The amount of money involved In
the deal carried out by Mr. Kennerley,
who is president of the Anderson
Galleries, is kept a close secret, but
estimates here of the contents of Lord
Leverhulme's residence place the
amount that might be realized at any
thing between £200.000 and £300,000.
The deal Is considered the more re
markable as many of the pictures are
by modern artists and a heavy duty
for entry into the United States will
have to be paid.
Mr. Kennerley carried the deal
through hot foot. Ho only arrived in
London last Friday and will return to
New York forthwith, having arranged
for the shipment of all the treasures
as speedily as possible.
Big Profit Seen.
Comparisons were made by the pa
pers yesterday between the frigid sur
roundings of London auction sales
held in the afternoons and attended
mainly by dealers, and the luxurious
conditions prevailing at American art
sales, which encourage rivalry among
millionaire collectors, and It Is freely
admitted that the Leverhulme collec
tion Is likely to realize many thou
sands of pounds more in America
than here.
It is though that there are several
pictures in the collection which it
might be desirable for the nation to
retain under a reserve clause In the
agreement with Mr. Kennerley, but
thus far nothing has been heard of
any direct move by the British
authorities to avail themselves of that
clause. It is stated that one of the
reasons for the sale was to provide
for the heavy death duties on Lord
Leverhulme’s estate.
Man in Arrest in Connection With
the Abduction of 3-Year-
Old Girl.
By the Associated Press.
MARION, Ark., September 23.
Martha Horton. 3 years old. "sold" by
alleged wldnaper to a resident of
Xeuhardt, Ark., was returned under
an order Issued In county court yes
terday to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Mills Is under arrest at Jas
per, Ala., in connection with taking
the child from her home.
The Xeuhardt resident, from whom
probation officers secured the child,
said she was turned over to them by
an automobile tourist for $1.50, an
Inner tube for an automobile tire and
5 gallons of gasoline.
Merrick Quits Vice Provostship at
By the A**ociated Press.
PHILADELPHIA, September 23.
The resignation of J. Hartley Merrick
as vice provost of the University of
Pennsylvania was presented to the
board of trustees yesterday and ac
cepted "with great regret.” Mr. Mer
rick said he wished to devote his time
to the further development of the
work of rtte university council on
welfare, of which he Is chairman.
Italian Flyer Reaches Korea.
TOKIO. September 23 (JP).—Dis
patches from Mokpo, Korea, say that
Comdr. Francesco do Pinedo. Italian
aviator, arrived there at 4 o’clock to
day from Shanghai.
Household Parties
Receptions Drives
Conventions Office
B.flOO Folding Chairs
Always In Stock
464 Pa. Ave. N.W.
Main 9136
Pays 6 Per Cent J
on shares maturing in 45 g
car 83 months. It I
Pays 4 Per Cent
on shares withdrawn be
fore maturing.
Assets Over
Surplus $950,000 |
I Corner 11th and E Sts. N.W. 1
JOSHUA W. CARR. .Secretary I
11 11 ■ ■■ I ■ ■■ I ■ I —■■■■■■ ■■ - ... - -
LANSBURGH & BED. * Fa T u £or the
7th to Bth to E—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1860—Franklin 7400 I 'jCk W £1 T|
a ~M • XT’ 1 m —Have Many Artful Touches That
something You Ought m
to Know! $ 25.00and539.75 J~k
. . It is simple enough to design smart V'flm
j A Fascinating and Lxciting lale frocks for the average figure—but MMX
real artistry is required to adapt the I
same modes to the lines of the larger '
II * figure and maintain the same chic! J\§?* w
By l/jUajol These models show the flares, the J
\ / * godets— all the unusual features of the ■§|gM!§|P I'■ 1 I
\J x mode—so cleverly used that they give an 1
effect of lightness and slenderness. With tSjt'Sapii |l J* I 1 }
BHE was a harassed looking soul! You know —’ % ~"Vr , trimming of beads and brilliant touches of I; J
the kind—nervous, bored and discontented / embroidery. Sizes 40 to 54J4. I
looking. And the most pathetic little note in / faßt Sketched — Two smart models in black crepe- j ; 1 M. I
I call you Jane or Miss Stuart?” she B|| 7jT 1
. . a \ \ 839 The other uses the reverse side most effectively Ku -
Oh, I m just plain Jane to everybody, I said, ana h \ in ong bands from shoulder to hem, and in J I W kJL I
the twinkle she registered at my feeble attempt at humor IJ T \, Panels which are bound with satin. Tassels and fir cßf?|§|
was my first inkling that she was going to be endurable 18l \wch of color? cuff * u * gnc a
at all* —trri l SECOWD FLOOR. T.AVSBI’KGH * BRO.
*Tm just down in the mouth and worn out, Jane/' ESSX, A'jßS -■ - - -
(As If I didn't know it l) am so tired of looking at the
same old house with the same worn edges on the uphol- l
stered furniture, and the little spidery cracks in the )I- H Ti Vj
shades and the sagging curtain poles, that I feel like a ULd/ <IL JILJy JkL
padded cell would be 'the home harmonious' compared >
M with my own* I haven't to spend, but is there j s teeming with bargains both dainty and useful for
anything you can suggest? that important member of the household—the baby.
Well, I just laughed! The poor soul, with a problem
as simple as that, and she looked like she had the Ger- Rpopnri Klonb-pfo
man debt to pay, I told her a bit about the Home Fur- LICaCUII UiaillVC L 3
nishings floor, with its new buyer who was producing Os Excellent Quality . Jt "
greater wonders every day—like a magician in the <1? >
Arabian Nights—and she began to perk up. U C X/ jk
And then we went upstairs. She hadn't got off the J)
elevator at the Fifth Floor for ages, the place was a Soft, cozy little blankets that will keep him snug
revelation to her ♦ She fairly hugged a luscious bit OI / vyarm on the coolest of nights. In pink or blue jfO-Yj Wq,
gold-colored ' rayon material, because, as she said, it with adorable nursery or floral patterns. Size 30x40 *
seemed to have been ✓made to curtain the dark little inches. Specially priced for Babyday.
alcove in her living room, and when she discovered that T _
the price was only s>*6z a yard, she beamed like a child SACQUE»S, a brand-new lot, both long and short With *‘ ze 27x27 inches; slightly im
at the circus. Bishop or J** a „ d nn
v> . , . , ... < , ~ - —.- or blue ties of rib- |AA Pf«tt> trimmings o: cially priced
Prim little net curtains with overdrapes 01 soft rose | 1 1 1 bon or wool 1 .vfvl | embroidery or stitch- . j
color for the windows of her breakfast room made that , —"~"~Tr / crocheted booties, in? - Each detachableiSmi
woman look no less than tep years younger, and the up- ===4 j,/J w«Wr n infants’sets con- $8.95
holstery mam made the conquest of his Kfe when he told „ ■ Y rn “k wicker ward
her how modest the cost of re-covering her favorite fire- T\ 25c and WC Pitching and tm - robes, with four roomy com
side chair would be. Me Er« 50
My voile curUhns with voile overdrapes for the ’ Mm “11.65 vanta hose. -Baby "kn™ sets, con
guest room, imported lace panels and curtains for the Q 11///////1 yW ”; “I 11 "," c Bess” style of cotton and sisting of cap. sweater and
lfvino' room* held her «i«ellbotind with delie'ht and her n MM 1 lll'l llllml PLAIN CRIB, ivory fin- wool, with pure silk heel. leggings, the cap cunningly
living ruom, ncio ncr spcuouuno wun ocugni, dno ner l ish ivith drop-side and na- and top with pinning trimmed with angora. In buff.
enthusiasm over that marvelously brilliant collection of , U O -? 31 . s P rin «4;i7 50 k ab - Sizes 4to s: * 50r white and pink. d>r Q 5
cretonnes would have thrilled that new buyer to the MflffcgalSaß F „„ Te floor. l.n».cror * .ro
cockles of his heart. (What ever they may be!)
She declared the choosing of a dining room rug the OHB
was inclined to agree with her for they showed K d Z Have You Learned the /tt the J shlZ- Misses ’
many rugs that had just the right colors in them—and Qimnlp ■\lTq V 4- n
the most wonderful patterns and weaves! tJimpiC y “j New Cloth
/jM took us about ten minutes to settle the shade ques- ShftpdillCSS? Frocks
/ (§B£k I tion and you should have seen her relief when she learned , >,,.,*<m _ _
'WgtißtimM ! that we'd send a man out to measure her windows, and pt That W.II Be Unusually
! either make the shades to order or sell her the ready- out Exercise, *,**?<! Smart for School!
, JUgSP-M; 1 made shades from stock—and then send another man to Drugs , Diet or J
put them up. She'd dreaded for years the terrifying task Rubber Garments ;■[ CT
of balancing atop a rickety stepladder, while she pounded Will Be the Sub •
Sher thumbs trying to put up fixtures. ("And at that, I tec l of a Lecture v;^
never got them straight in my life!" she said.) Gwen y 4< smart oun
And what a time we had with the new linoleum for the MiSS fc/'X 4 thing” goes back to
kitchen! Even I had no idea how gay linoleum had come to be. Eamestilie school —a cloth frock
Beside the lovely tile effects there were dozens of other new de- T . . * - be one of the most
signs—and the pattern we chose was an adorable flowered one, L/lttlCJOiin V' ' important items in her
gay as an English chintz. (Recognized wardrobe. The Junior
The last droop disappeared from the comers of her mouth Authority on ' ***■ sse . s ’ s showing
i . when she discovered a frivolous bit of cretonne and I helped her Reducing) stunning new models in
plan the transformation of her own room. * w^ d ' bl ] e T ser^ s and
With new draperies, dresser scarf and . Twice Daily, XO A.M. and 3 P.M. in the twills, with Tomboy col
raWsS the same cheerful , MMVm L&B Corset Shop, This Week lars and turn-back cuffs,
pattern she declared she’d sleep in peace —these lectures will be for women only-— not because All the new colors, tai
for the first time in Years* fll ifnl t there is anything about them that would not be perfectly lored ribbon bows for
.. n ,1 I H H proper for a mixed audience, but because they are of in- trimming. Sizes 13, 15
I Os course, we only hit the high spots EMMMa If—jF fl ® MK' 4 terest only to women. and 17
! —it would take weeks to exhaust the pos- mmnrmmmOT] Oi , ? bey T^ lU , P^ ce yo “ L unde r ”° ob ! lg A tlon ,? r e^P ense ’
sihllities of that wonderful shoo-within- n l=====s3 and Miss Littlejohn will be only too glad to talk with you Girls’White Middles, with
SlDillties OI Uiai wonueriui snop wiuun I W7-* 41 privately after the lecture. If you cannot attend the lec- t i iree rows 0 f on rn i_ .
a-shop, but that S another story, and the 1 J ili !EHfl tures write to Miss Littlejohn, enclosing a self-addressed lars anr i rtl fFc f, tn 70
moral of my tale is that beauty specialists yji* ! W ‘ stamped envelope, and she will answer any questions by SI.OO.
may know a lot, but I'll wager I could pfp§Pfj|iiSL _jL return mail. ‘ «... ,
• .t,—,, rarrle and and then wrin Bl L Don't Miss These Talks, fur Even il Middy Skirts to match,
give them cards and spades and then Win MviSiSm You Arc Slender, the Preface on “Modem Pleated; on a bodice. Sizes
at the game of restoring the bloom of »-» 111 U U . Ideals of Beauty Will Prove Interesting. 6to 14 ’ s, ‘ so and * l - 98 -
The EVENiyo stab, wasiiingtox. t>. Wednesday, seffember 23, m 3.