' League to Name Committee
to Study Opium Farm
ing in Persia.
By the Associated Pres*.
GENEVA, September 23. —The hu
manitarian committee of the League
of Nations assembly today adopted a
proposal which the American delega
tion submitted to the opium confer
ence here last Winter, providing for
tho dispatch of a committee of inquiry
to Persia to ascertain If the poppy
• growing area could not be planted to
other crops in order to curb illicit
traffic in the drug.
The committee of inquiry would
consist of three members, one an ex
pert on opium, one a financier and
i one an agriculturalist. The Persians
desire that the chairman be an
* Ireland raised a stir in the juridical
committee today when Kevin O'Hig
gins said the Free State’s views on
compulsory arbitration were not yet
formulated, and that Sir Cecil Hurst’s
opposition thereto represented Great
Britain’s view alone.
Mr, O’Higgins said the Irish Free
State was sympathetic toward the
idea of arbitration, but that in view
of her "special circumstances" she
wished to give the matter deeper
Confirming the plans of the leaders,
tha assembly in plenary sessions of
the commissions yesterday laid the
foundations of future international
disarmament and economic confer
The disarmament commission adopt
ed u resolution whereby the league
council will make a preparatory study
for a conference for the reduction
and limitation of armaments, so that
as soon as general security has been
achieved a conference will be con
voked in order that "a general reduc
tion and limitation of armaments may
be realized.”
Young Vermont Couple Made Man
and Wife by the President's
By the Associated Press. 1
PLYMOUTH, Vt., September 23.
Col. John C. Coolidge, father of the
President, who administered the oath
of office to his son In the sitting room
,of his farmhouse home here two years
ago, yesterday exercised his #ipaclty
of justice of the peace at a different
ceremony. In the same room and al
most on the spot where the historic
ecene of August 3, 1923, was enacted.
Col. Coolidge presided at the marriage
of a young Vermont couple.
With the bride's parents, her brother
and a girl friend as witnesses. Miss
Doris Keith of Ludlow was married
to Hollis Holt of Bellows Falls. A
friendly group of Plymouth folk
gathered outside the Coolidge home
to shower the young couple with rice
and wish them happiness as they
drove off after the ceremony,
Statue of Composer of ‘‘Madame
Butterfly” Placed in Theater.
MILAN, Italy, September 23 (A 3 ).
life-size statue of Giacomo Puccini,
Composer of “Madame Butterfly” and
"La Boheme,” carved in Carrara
marble by the Russian sculptor Tro
betzkoy, has been finished and placed
in the foyer of the Scala Theater
here. It represents the composer as
he appeared in 1895, in the period of
"Manon Lescaut” and “La Boheme."
He is shown wearing a knee-length
overcoat with the collar turned up
and a fedora hat.
Puccini died at Brussels November
29, 1924.
, —— •
Opera Directors Returning.
GENOA, Italy, September 23 UP). —-
Signor Gatti-Casazza, managing di
rector of the Metropolitan Opera of
New York, and Signor Polacco, con-
Suctor of the Chicago Opera, sailed
aboard the Conte Verde for New York
TIfFD ginger
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75c«ii .50 a Drug Store} II j
3 or di r&2 on receipt of Price
Tha Mother*!!! Remedy Co- New York
Cuticara Soap
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Warm baths with Cuticura Soap,
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Cuticura Ointment they do much to
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ness of the face and hands and
. keep the skin soft and clear under
all conditions of exposure.
■er 50c to $1 Necklaces * **** PAYS TO *> Children’s 5c Kerchiefs $2.50 Brief Cases
25c >3| fSSf $1.59
irge Bead Necklaces and Long Chains, II I|LII Mlltlll HI tHSy Children’s School Handkerchiefs, Brief Cases, heavy imitation
nted importer's Bamples and odd lots; MfiF pretty embroidered corner and leather in tan, cordovan, brown and 5
puff. many new and charming styles. r •
Goldenhers'o—Flrat Fleer. Goldenberg'a—-First Floor. Leather Good* Dept.—Firat Floor.
s Are Mere—Tie Store Is Full of Unusual Money Savings j
nless U 5 a, sls and $16.50 Fall Silk Dresses! j
beets |TV , „ , , c „ , ~ j
l A. Purchase and bale hjxtraordmary \ |
made of heavy, V (IblJm// \ Rpßlltlflll NpW Jlflfl \
* firmly woven sheeting cotton that assures Y Wt i WJ/ / V s \ l 1 B \
8 excellent service. 81x90 size for double / y I yfev ¥ 1 o*ll Tl 1 • d $
I ’I H W W Loye ty buk Fabrics ||W M| j
2 50c Pillowcases, 33c ifliUn \jH; .vs the first time tomorrow. More than 500 of them! jflfcll fl 2
$ fr ee X from l Tressing PlllC,WcaSeS ° f piUowcase cotton ’ 'SHH N\ [ j ,-h jrf Strikingly new Autumn fashions and colors, at a II
g e sTpillowcases, 25c Wlßl VBH ] \ 1 1 •• 3 price that ™ iU t . empt yOU t 0 seleCt yollr new Fall I fll fl $ \
£ 45x36 Bleached Pillowcases, large size and per- |WHfl| 889 \ \ frock here in this Sale tomorrow. JII *
S2.SO Bedspreads, $1.98 \T / / vlv ' i tfiv, These dresses are almost exact reproductions § \
Crochet Bedspreads, double-bed Blze; in heavy V.IJ j of models that will Sell for much higher ] ri ' S
111 \f - 'land trimming note as the most distinctive .frocks i \
36.50 and 37.50 Part-Wool h\ \\ \%> G f the new season. l \
Comforts and Blankets J " r y~\ \f / XT c ~ x , | \
r 1 // I rHHfc ]/ iNew Dresses of batm-Face Canton—l New Dresses of *
S4n. i : (f\ M LlißßiMu \ I Jk Brocade Silk Crepe—New Dresses of Flat Crepe—
v/i/ AJCiVII- The six dresses L—LL-feflßHß. 1 V fW I\l rT e n . .rr *n ‘ i
1 66x80 and 70x80 Part-woof Blanks,s, | U. V New Dresses of Poiret Twtll | !
A heavy weight, pretty plaids of blue, pink, $ . manv \\ *l/ \\ * I" / r , , , riAf ji-i
r- tun and trrav AH finished with wide sateen ldea of the many \\ I \ / / Dresses for sports and street wear and afternoon frocks. Many smart two-piece models in the assortment. $ }
i hound match colorings in blanket § Btyles you mu ? 4 \\ // \ / // Hound necks, some finished with turn-over collars. Long and short sleeves. Straightline and circular skirts. $ 1
8 Comforts, size 72x8Q inchesfordoublebedsi see themto apprec,- \ \ | J Many trimmed in gold and silk embroidery designs. Many with new high collars. Some with lace yokes, | i
5 i£n J £ ‘ krt.v! $ a *e their smartness. j \\\ U jabots and collars. ' i i
I with plain color sateen bor- ! ' )jL Aftl , The new colors are all represented-Pencil blue, cuckoo, pansy, rust, Bokhara, navy and black. !
j! ( j erg * • $ g) * Complete range of sizes from 16 to 44 for misses and women. \
A Goldenberx'*—Foorth Floor. $ . C.oldrobrr. . Floor. $ ‘
I Sjxiart Felt Hats !' atin Charmeuse Misses’ and Women’s Sweaters !
|| Specially Priced for Thursday TOIfIOITOW Special y|
( /% The beautiful and rich silk that fashion stresses for Values at .v W«M
? ftl r V f 1 Fall’s smartest street, afternoon and dress costumes. The L-/ \ \
| rV ! chofceof
V and brown. , knitted wool coat sweaters, with new collar, belt and ' fjjf J\ j]
\ r Sports Hats Large Hats ono . 'tO pockets, in brown and navy blue, also brushed wool / /
Tailored Hats Small Hats $1.»9 Russian <J*epe, sweaters, soft and fine weave, in stylish coat models, with I F * I j
* n 12 Colors All head sizes 39-inch Colored Russian Crepe, hiph lustrous, deep crepc-finish contrasting border on sleeves, collar and bottom. Colors of j I
grade, in all new Fall shades, alsQ white and black. buff, cocoa and powder blue. All sizes. I j
Styles for the Miss and Matron '
SI.OO Silk Pongee, 65c $7 Sweater Sets, $5.98
\ Smartly blocked of fine, soft felts, in Imoorted Silk Pongee all pure silk quality, heavy 12- Children’s Sweater Sets, of heavy-weight wool, shaker knit, as- - Jl * ' \
\ n#»w -fnr toilnr#»rl nnrl cnnrts wear jj-mcn impo \ trakhan border trimming. Coat style sweaters, in red, buff, blue, and 4 ,
\ l S ,^y le , S f° r yauorea ana sports wear. momie weight, in natural tan color. henna th cap to match Sizes o 4 to 28 . >
\ them "Smart ,,a the New York lonian $1.25 Silk Radium, 98c Girls’ Sweaters, $4.95 $3.75 Tots’ Sweaters, $2.98 ‘
\. PfL- inem. OllldrL UIC ivcw wuilidli ... . High-grade AVool Sweaters, in sizes 6to Little Tot’s Sweaters, soft-finish wool. 1
■ \J fir finds them. They are exactly right for 36-inch Colored Silk Radium, all-silk, rich lustrous quality, in 14 years, in red, copen, tan and brown; but- slip-on models, in copen, red, tan and brown; *
Fall, with street frocks and tailored wanted street and even' g , J, gtyjgg. | Children’* Sweater Oft \
suits. New shapes—many show the $1.50 Sport Satin, $1.29 Girls’ Sweaters, $3.98 Litlle children s wool sweated, coat \
binding and touches of the new gold kid 40-inch Colored Sport Satin, extra heavy, high lustrous quality, sleeps
a VCry important note. in all wanted sport colors. trimmed; smart new models; sizes Bto 14 3to 5 years. i
K years. i <-oldrnbrrr’R—Third Floor. j
5 Goldrnbrni’s—Second Floor. Goldonbert'"-— (
IRnmiloi* (Lanikfie . ; _ Fall Dress Ging- Regular $3 Lace Curtains 48c Cretonnes
Regular Seamless IMIk hams,i6cYd. & o- 24c Yard
Axminster rings )“ Amm a—a
■■LI osneSallv for in a beautiful assortment of heavily worked desigrts. copies of the lengths, plenty alike for
C-X chUdre’n’B school frocks. expensive real laces. White, ivory and ecru shades. Full width and draperies and coverings of all
Every One HC ?* 12 - F ‘- ■— Onjhd-d or SL^e-tTHSg;
Perfect AM J Ldrge Room 27-inch OuUng Flannel, heavy Other Curtains at Savings designs.
\l7Jm /•m KJ C !m MPWOftKgjgglg reversible quality. In checks Regular $1.25 Grades at 79c I Regular $5 Grades at $2.85 F^h FI ?ToV Bar ' ain Table “ d
Quality ZSI2& plaids and Stripes; light and Re|ul ar $ 2 Grades at $1.27 I Regular $6 Grades at $3.85 Fourth Floor
Seamless Axminster Rugs of deep pile and firm, dark * ————■^aagai^—.iaiai—»aa—
heavy weight that will give long service on your floors. [g|!Bjg££gHgp 32 . !l S c P rin a ted ra shirting Ma- A Special Sale of 100
All are 9xl2 T ft. size for large rooms and every rug is dras, light grounds with printed _ _ m
perfect. Choice of eight handsome patterns, in oriental, niures. Btrlpes ’ dota an nea p j\/T f I Q ¥l f Q
medallion and floral designs and colorings to harmon- 29 c Shaker Flannel, 19c O AYr CAiiLO k-/U.AI/0
ize with any room decoration. 27-inch Bleached shajeer Fian- i ■mtf
Other 9x12-Ft. Rugs Greatly Underpriced $29.50
9x12-ft. Seamless Brussels Rugs, Smith’s make, $25.00 grade .$14.85 rv p l fa
9x12-ft. Smith’s Seamless Brussels Rugs, $30.00 grade ...$21.75 faßt colors. Ullll'
9x12-ft. Smith’s Seamless* 1 Wilton Velvet Rugs, $45.00 grade —.—•'••.532.75 35c Dress Ginghams, 25c i ft/IO STA f-„J ac
9x12-ft. Smith’s Seamless Axminster Rugs, $55.00 grade.. 539.75 32-inch Dress Ginghams, in fL VFlctllCs
9xl2.ft. Real WUton Rug., fringed end., $90.00 grade. $69.50 new n , BLIn preparing for this sale of men’s Fall clothing we
9x12-ft. Seamless Velvet Rugs, 535.00 grade... •••••••••...» • colors; fine domestic quality. .>A obtained price concessions from one of our best makers
9x1 2-ft- Seal Congoleum Rugs, SIB.OO grade * U *9s • ooidenbeur—n«t n 0.,. Mlkm which result in money savings sure to be appreciated .
_ taai&i&l by men wh o want correct style, superior quality and fine
* I, # * lliliPl tailoring in their clothes for the new season. There’s a
Save on These Needed Housewares New Novelty j; ttcognind as headquarters for two-jtants suits—a rea
— Suitings for Fall \ here tomorrow. &1—
__ • -g . A A ICS Btyles as weU as conservative models, 0 tailored
f SpCClm Bl V I rr^ed c rj mere s . Unfinished and Hard-surfaced Worsteds.
HpHMfljHljttH These Novelty are among the fl h S,^ ea s f 4 to d 46 re e u^ ars . from the latter
I en’s Fall frocks, as well as^ children’s school from < Sevcnth rr «reel lOthine Store f ° r Men — l Flrst Floor: Direct Entrance
$1.98 Heavy Iron Atl«« F,Z Seal lYuit * llO Corrugated rietv of checks, plaids and stripes in the ....
Retinned Food Chop- , r . Galvanized Iron Gar- wanted dark colors. 36 inches wide.
,our —. A ,u (lj w , .r^vS!? lum socshanumg, 39c .^fiMse sth Flocf- 1 owefDrtceMerfhMvdise
$1.49 85c 79c -
- - 1 —-i 49c 1| wanted colors. 19c Curtain Marquisette 39c Stamped Goods 25c Baby Pants
1 _ , 139 c Plain VoUes, 29c BV 9 C 25c 15c
* jf A [ 1 ' 1 !§v t* Yard Wide, Sheer Quality, Stamped Scarfs and Buffet All Rubber Baby Pants, in
P g O’ s^hades^^also'^wffite ’ White Cimtain^Marqulsette; 2 Seis, stamped on even thread assorted styles and sizes.
/ ■mtti —J* 36-inch wash Satin, high-grade, yarn-mer- 69c Grass Rugs 12 , /2C Huck Towels 14c
< ■■■■■IOBDQI ■■■ ~„ Tin cerized quality, in black, white and lingerie OQ * 1
g L S2.W Heavy Tin Bha des. 0”C lUC An Assortment of Fancy
S €i a5 Fitra Quality $2.98 Ironing Copper-bottom Wash and Dotted Veilings, in octa
-5 mtiro -.. nt n . ~. _ Boards, with pad and Boilers, with cold rn_ c:ll, a 9Q„ , 27x54 -inch Heavy Double . Hemmed Huck Towels, fast- gon and hairline effects. Plain
2 K 8 C | C h Stepladders, co ve r, on folding wood handles; No. 8 50c Pongee SliK.B, OVC Warp Japanese Grass Rugs, color red borders; soft ab- and combination colors. Full
S Brushes, 12-in -n size, three steps, each s tand— size— 35-inch Pongee Silks, a rich silk-and-cotton In beautiful stenciled designs. sorbent weave. one yard length.
B long handles Step roddedr— _ quality, in wanted colors. “Surprise Fifth Floor.” “Surprise Fifth Floor.” "Surprise Fifth Floor.”
j 98c $1«00 $2.39 wl»7>r {l*l4*e,hnTW , m First FUSS. *^== a ''' '» ■ 1 ■ ==a=^p=c *-