OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 13, 1925, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1925-10-13/ed-1/seq-13/

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P Fnur V/jrtr FrfrnnrJinnr\r Vnluoo II Thc Finest Thing You Can Imagine in If 1
/ Oil IU I) Lxtiaoiainaiy Values You Can't Beat This Value Anywhere— T_T J C L «J JT » ' I, ■ i
in the Linen Section Any Time! Sale or Otherwise! llcinCl LlllCn Ij '«*'']l * I |
j s ls Rayon Bed Sets -l*f\ Towels B|||if|| j
Anniversary SAA /l Q Cq *’V-li'Ji 4 ,YEjj- t'* Regularly $1.95 I
Sale \ \ .OO •* Anniversary Sale OOC I |1 «
.ilk:k"M^isi, U ‘T!!lor. M k,K,'i , ,im" MO. lavender—neat h- Wc are emhusiastiejover them and you will be, too, V£ tj
| )(lXcd 1 for it is a wonderful offering of Towels of real quality pW.".|
1,000 Yds* White Daisy Flannel *' Wl ' l •*"Of pure linen, oyster white, embroidered by hand I jl:|
| ft aif lari y *>9c \ A l . * } ~„*!%;• v.' in washproof colored thread. In many handsome de- jakfefi
Anniversary Sale—Yard Z$C Nr **' signs.- Full guest towel size. L—-,-J |
I This quality of merchandise cannot be questioned for quality, * O Ttnlsct l* ? C Cut Vnlnur I $3.95 Stamped Bedspreads I Stamped Pillowcases ! ;
and the softness and wearing quality is known to every mother J- l£-Lsl JJLl'flL I O w
29c Check Pajama * 20 Pieces $2.25 I! Living Room ouite Double-Bed Size Os a dependable quality tubiim ~t nnped li
H Qoth All-Linen Damask O Made of unblettched muslin, combined . several pattern-. ..f l.cm
i with lace, having- larire filet pattern motif ‘ n . , , , , , r|
i.-lnnil , ersary JO Anniversary Ct Cg . .... <£ 4 A center and Stamped with floral spray, al- st.tched hems, hemstnehed lor cn.oluw |
Sale Sale 4 Regularly $190.00 I /m ■ 1 ready joined and edged with lace " I edges or stamped for ?call- •]>-. nl
. 00 inches wide John S. J *T I /I ° Palais Kojal— Main Floor
\ll-w,ime. extra go.»d qua it\ |; ru wn's famous linen damask 4 V Sfllt» 1 ™™T" f , “ _ _ ~7~<
<*f pajama check .>o inches j, v yard snow white JL O* f I3t_ j. _ A T__X t 1 *«. WT ♦* &
wide. The be>t value we have bleach, \lways better after J 1* ■J [ IcLt CCI 110 11 O AY dT C M
ottered this reason washing. . . . 0 , _ _ i]
'this lovely suite is upholstered iu Baker's high-grade cut velour in Anniversary Sale QQ |
three color combinations. 'Flic suite consists of a full size 84-inch-settee. Jn ] >r igi u ~r butter finish, plain or hammered. Xevcr before have
| l • a fireside chair and a club chair —all fitted with reversible loose spring we otTcrcd such values at this price, there are: s |
| i uUiidOOCU Uilttlo i ....... v , , Well-and-tree Meat Platters with feet. «
S * , , ? cushions. All springs the lamous .\achman make. ' . „ , v-ise> Meat Platter-, S
I i < )11 sale at great reductions throughout the week. ? 1 & hrun Bowls Cake Dishe-f Bread Trays
1 File prices are below all previous sales —they wear | The grilled frame cullies in antique finish, with Oueen Ann legs. |, h^ e fp^”^' crac cr ' pa-kets with handles Bon-bon Basket-
- T - l'aiais Uo>ai —Fourth Floor t'andlesticks (per pair) Serving Travs
v; l Ho.val Secoud Floor ? ‘ Palais Koval—Main Moor EJ
\ • * - ■ i» ■■ - ■*■ y——. - ... M
' ' ____________M
ml ' | _0- _ . it -nff .• ■ $1.69 Wrought-Iron |
' 1 Make a list and buy the things you < ? i dm f''K ’ Bird Cage Swnd P
«M(( f need at these remarkably reduced m Sa!r |ij| Ij
OV mgm, prices in housewares | ,3550** I ~s 4* ?B ~ j |
u£*Jt to **£?“ s=s=si=sr! iROTfi »u» I
$ * ,,3dcs J R . J : 93c Simplex Self-, 1--or Office and Home 49c Glass Anniversary Sale fWalnut \ pMßf “ tat,on |l ! |
I ZTn BndgC Wringing Mop Adversary Sale Space SaVCfS E /lIjVVQ 8 ~~ |
$ Lamp i© . . c/ r ■■ ■ a '1 a $/ 48 $3.50 and $3.75 Wash inK , «; |
1 a 7 rWy
t 1 lin * ; 7 O r ( Kx^Pfon...;■ wrtl 000. 38c r j $0 4:>U Junior: Graceful shape Woe jA j*t U Anniversary Sale, Choice j height an.i |
E )< sje i M] f Three conum.n,) T Lamp, in blue, black and H , | l $2.98 "tippled |
,/u- «oi *«Mt O, p.S!S: M :Vc£;. <on,Plete I j Lam P I gold, complete v.uth shades _____ ,, teet. I |
J So?Zr?S te i“ ,ta - —; ! as illustrated in harmonizing color.-. j fl) I
| 1 1 ***! ■ fe~niintiTffl ? Anniversary Sale ! $7.00 Reznor Gas Heater -fig j U
- |
I ggs Range <C> .. $C 4 Q $2. 5 Vase Lamp j Anniversary Sale Nesco
' fV^ 1 ' " •' Anniversary Sale bjAfi (t’-\ 1 98 HF iff ; ; *Jj
T Anniversary Sale —771 4 '}%"* \ ] *?'*}• H FeriCCt V S n
| 1 J , I “ A »ptendi<l v.i«! «1A Q O tWfmm ■HI Oil Heater |
1 I $f A dR. Stainless Steel S bSnid i S > lU.7O - L__ *W _ . W j|
| , -?i 0.40 ; Kitchen Cutlery j £5.h‘ ivs or’ , *4, IT || |
il Ij Cf ZO A.k T'an 1 round parchmentized Splei.dc. .ur da\cnport, K*' 91 T. .*.q /A tSsS) >. fs
. " , , lla - s 5 1;u - e d..,w, t re Asn paper shade which can console or table use. m:r- A fe T, ? 5 l
drilled Star Burn- Z , y ZQ- , . „ . c , !>c had in a variety of ror black standard mount- IHr , J7vJL f** '.j ivnwtwiovi *r>
| W T 4 whil. ctur ©OC -<«.««-» •«<• | 1 ft.ri.fand bird design,. cd o„ rmr.c.ive bronzo W ,
c llt m \ l c noice, w metal base, complete with |V">• , JBJ hi f !'T QOC T . f
\ r a y : ‘ nd Tempered .steel, abso- SJ.3B glace linen shade in a va- Consists nf fyttr -an' i trimmed? Vid j/ K
s II II door front, good lately stainless. Kitchen rietv of prettv painted fZ- atf-ys Consists _ot tour camste*e. I fct «-i fount. [S »n j,:
5 H \\ ,-ized oven: fullv Knives. Plicers. Snatu- Gal.sniaod. _ eorm- i mdecorations. ’ i i&C -.\3 K’ s-S. oecoratcd ill go.d or Dutch de-1 tally .u.rau ]/ t. ;
fs \3 gal'*a style, i mcP'. I C/
UJi.ranteed. lad and Meat Forks. capacity. I [ [ L
P ■ - ,'::=r::':,= ' ' ' " |
| Anniversary Sale of Beautiful Curtains, Drapery Materials and Floor Coverings j
1,500 Pairs of Irish Points 5,000 Panel Finer Grade Wilton Rugs [
— and Swiss Applique Curtains at —— Style Curtains I
ni-ay'. SjjC- j , Quake)- Craft and 'IP* |
1 m«l rdwlow hang- the desirable shades, I'Worsted Wilton Wool Wilton ' S Worsted Wilton I
$ in"< in stripes and jacquards. A V ‘ , i?i.?e^Teg-9^r ; :n * K
I toutiiul color assortment. plain or hgured centers. , j... **, 9x12-it. and S>4xlo/--ft. RUGS axU-ft. and 8«xl0j;-it. RUGs 9x12-ft. and
| „ ~ <t t 9 » V/4 A great lot <h f OC 17- M -fj* *
I Special SI.OO 10. featured at CA* «-**;«' SJSJ . - |
I ~ = $105.48 $75.48 $125.48
$ Superior Quality ~ j a«j jg vim <m * i.
I Velour Portieres .High-Grade Smaller Size Rugs Moderately Priced |
| In every wanted dec- | VeloUT Window il r—juMilll MWfti - ■ ■■■ |
" ’! ,c ‘■' re,,ch ' >,c fefi HU rapenes J 40 Superb Chinese Rugs I Seamless Axminster Rugs 1
i Lot No. i llli 1 -*'•* Lo ’ N “-‘ mum ram, mjSSEZS,**. WAR !
$15.48 pr. MM i i> ! 98c ea * $3.48 ca. Anniversary Sale 1 O0»40 9x12-ft. Room Size
£l|U[ jri ‘" een - Lot No, 2 Lot No. 5 Average room size, Bxlo to 9x12 feet. BettCf Grade Inkid Linoleums
| * 4 ” t °' rstr ’ S >“ M $1.48 ea. $5.48 ea. Heavily embossed in typical Chinese designs Anniversary Sale. Square Yard |
50-inch-ivide Velour by F $4.68 and I and native color tones. All guaranteed washed I . In a large variety of new patterns. C OO N
| :'IL;? r ,o J:,:!"’™'’ $3.68 Set LotNo.3 Lot No. 6 goods, clean-ahd peiTect: ready for use. Dtfchtil*. pa«p«try, wood, tile and nov- J ' |
| $1.98 Yd. BwJ $2.48 1 *di* I $6.48 Cd. j Palais Royal—Second F oor |
$ ———. A
The evening star, Washington, d. Tuesday. October ih, 1923:

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