Authorities Question Captain
and Host on Capsizing
That Took 14 Lives.
S*.r th* Tress.
MELBOURNE, Fla.. < ietober IB
Two bodies still were being sought
by fishermen, as authorities today in
vestigated the capsizing of the
launch Clara A. in the Atlantic. IS
miles south of here Sunday after
noon. with a death toll of 14. Capt.
DM Arnold, skipper of the launch;
Locke Davidson, vice president of the
Melbourne Farm Co., host to the
party of realty investors aboard, and
others will he questioned.
Capt. Arnold, who has sailed the
toasts of Florida and Nassau for
years, today had not eaten, slept or
dressed the wounds he suffered In the ;
effort to control the craft when the j
yeas Mfirw’ elmed it just beyond Be- |
bastin' *■ let. lie smiles only at
inentio i of the rescue work of his
sons. Will. 12. and James 13. who |
saved the lives of three woman pas
After being held head downward by I
bis father to retrieve the body of one
woman, only to find her past revtv- J
ing. William jumped from the over
turned launch into the water, and;
with the aid of James, who came
clown the inlet in a skiff, took three !
women to shore.
Os the four couples in the party
only one. Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes
of Philadelphia and Melbourne, sue- ,
vives, one or both members of ■' •>
other three couples being drowned.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Barton lost tot .
lives together, while I>. C. Buckles i
of Wichita may lie joined in death i
by his wife, who is now critically ill j
from pneumonia and exposure. Mrs. j
Ixtcke Davidson, wife of the land j
company official, was likewise a vie- !
tint of the sea.
• 9
Railroads of South Africa are buy- t
ing 15 American locomotive*
5 (Y’ £ * m #;i ' +
: v{/* ~
''V l •• •£ v .
V <7>
Tieres a fuel that looks different
and is different
BESIDES the advantages of easy
I starting, complete freedom from
gas knock, less crank case dilution and
economy, “Standard” Anti-Knock Gas is
easily identified from all other motor
fuels. Its bright red color protects you
from substitution. Besides, it is sold only
from aluminum painted pumps.
The easiest way to satisfy yourself that
“Standard” the Anti-Knock Gas is the best
all 'round gasoline on the market is to try
out five or ten gallons in your own car.
First, note that it costs you less than any
other special fuel. Then take the car out
on the steepest hill you can find and listen
for that gasknock that used to trouble you.
You won’t hear it any more. “Standard”
Anti-Knock absolutely eliminates gas
knock. You will also find that it makes
starting easier, especially on chilly morn
ings, because it is more volatile. And lastly
it cuts down crank case dilution,because it
burns to the last drop even in a cold motor.
That’s what we mean when w r e say that
“Standard” Anti-Knock Gas is the best
all ’round gasoline on the market.
Anti-Knock GAS
Modern Day Dress
In Playing Hamlet
Held as “Misfit”
By the Aesoeiated Fit's*.
LONDON. October 10. —"Plus
fours” and blank verse do not
mingle well. Sir Martin Harvey,
famous as a Shapespearean actor,
had declared in reference to the
production of "Hamlet” by actors
In modern attire at a London the
ater. Sir Martin, addressing mem
bers of the British Shakespeare
Society, had little to say in com
mendation of costuming of pro
ductions of Shakespeare's play in
the dress of the present day. In
regard to the recent production of
"Hamlet” he expressed sympathy
with the ideas of the producer, ad
mitting that some of the classical
dramas become hackneyed, but the
Bard of Avon, he declared, was a
rock against which new ideas
broke. He said “Hamlet" in mod
ern attire could be regarded only
as an interesting, but not artistic,
; Oddie Says They Were Treated
Badly in Land Deal.
RENO. New, October 13 lA I).—Unit
led States Senator Tasker 1,. Oddie
has appealed to President Coolldge for
! executive action in behalf of the
j white settlers on the Pyramid Indian
> reservation near here, who have !>een
j compelled to pay for the lands some
of them have occupied since tire 60s
I at their full value, after the settlers
! had devoted years to their improve
: ment and cultivation. Senator Oddie
asserts that the Interior Department
in making the assessments against
the settlers has been misinformed and
mislead, some settlers having pur
chased the land from the State.
!B ig Sale of Dresses—At Kami’s
Continues Tomorrow With the Same Remarkable Values at —
I £1 <% dfcl 1 nr
‘aordinary Purchase and Sale of \ j j 9
all Cretonnes /ftTO MM
Regular 45c to 9»c Grade. f ° r shopping, for business, for calling lor informal
IHKm/ afternoon affairs, and then there are lovely dresses
qq *\7~ J vrwirSi for evcning wcan
ft tYjf —The materials are wool twills, velvets, striped
m faille crepes, jacquard crepes, satins, velvets, chif
m —Good Washable Cretonnes, made by die fore- w jin /ggPjgyall sons, georgettes, metalic laces and many others.
B Miller, Puritan, Riverdale, Leona Mills, etc., [A ®/L)\ /JgM&lj —The trimmings are nail heads, rhinestone buckles,
tfi and bought at special prices—hence your great LPJ Jk\ metal braiding, metal cloths, etc.
\(A savings in purchasing tomorrow. Verdure, . , ...
fl Chintz and Juvenile patterns, in small and fypT —Almost everything one could wish or imagine in
M large effects, and every imaginable color to \ 1 I J J the color assortment.
l t? ‘ t unity 6 and*be on ° PP ° r ’ \/ // / —Misses’ and women’s sizes; also some extra sizes.
h // // Values $15.00 to $29.75.
ame price—regular 45c and ssc Scrims, Voiles, L-ii Jl /A
basement Cloths, etc. All arranged KaniTs —Second Floor.
l*s. Tomorrow —yard
Kami’s —Third Floor.
Halloween’s Around the Corner!
Early Gioosing of
jl Costumes Is Advised JKfo
1 bjd * —livery year the revelry of Halloween grows to greater V iJs.
\ proportions and the event socially assumes increasing impor- T
tance. Costumes—gav, striking costumes, ranging from the SAtd&sml &
Jtif' I dashingly beautiful to the delightfully grotesque—are the life jij I
and spirit of the occasion. There will be a brisk demand for A\\ .SK' \
tliem from now on. Those who choose at once will not only
1 A ry W f find a larger hut more unusual variety. Kann’s is Halloween /)
Glassware —/± oulei ciud«- rt " ! " The concc,ion of costumcs ’ n ° w »-
Four Special Prices Children's Sizes at $1.95 to $5.75
beauty of this colored glassware is not confined to a ~ . , . __ \ iflMnt
:hes to all parts of the home, from dining room to Afllllt S SIZCS Ot tO $14.95 JIHHI
rc. such as Copenhagen, iridescent topaz, red, canary, ■l|||
lore equally as bright and cheery are here tor your —p or children : Cowboy Suits, Chinamen, Gypsy. Spanish w'’ .S | : |
ry shape into which glassware can be molded and Girl, Dutch Girl, Gypsy Girl, Yama Yama, Old Style Clown, y *&\ \
egular 69c to $2.49 Value.! T^af.^O^p.'poHc^" n' ""” on 'Picrro*. Indian Suits. rig'; \[ !
fit (jIIHLPP fit —^ or a dults: Spotted Yama. Gvpsv Girl, Spanish Girl. IjaSdA ■/\
Ul U Clown, Gypsy Man, Sleeveless Yama Carman, Sheik. Pierrot, | N ft
—. Turkish Girl. Spanish Man. /l\j K
9 98c Kann’s—Fourth Floor. ||
K e Bowl and -4i«-in. Flared Cupped Edgt Bowl
wlndlac -Shallow Cupped Edge Bowl and liCalltlllll liCaCOll BlllllKet V Imported GIaSS 1
land Base. Bowl and Base. Jfe D„ f L _ f Powder Jai>
r Dish. -9-in. Shallow Cupped Edge Bowl Y®? 03111 IVOIK S 3t , n F Ursi I
and Base. ir I
iNr g h“ tick " &% QC SI.OO Ea.
if* mSm —A lovely assortment oi Inipofted
—Colnp-ne Bottles ioßfc W ht' —especially attractive group of tiood. Glass Powder Jars are here for I
—Cologne COtties. Warm Beacon Blanket Bath Robes is offered . select.on. They arc very I
mu aSSKLat this very low price. They arc nicely made,' artistic, with peautitul decorations: I
•isllC'. -*- J have silk cord girdles, are trimmed with cord J f rs . t,iat Y, he suitable on any I
Ht I - or satin borders, and are in plaid, check, floral dressing taoie. I
° r sonf on < VCnfi . ona l d «^ ns ' , ' vhat on< - -Large sizes that will hold a bodv I
• -n C,I,J r>l-,*« #' y/’-ym' wants to get into these cold October morn- n ..fr : n rr ., nr - T , I
-/J/4-in. Round balad Plate'. j s putt, also in lo\cl> colorings and I
-8-in. Octagon Salad Plates ■ " ... „ „ „ sSSI $1 .50
Kami's — Third Floor. :§s£% Others From $0.90
To $11.95
__ # _ 1 ▲ * 1 —hi this assortment are robes of Beacon 1 I
/ Hurn.l A \milltttpr Jl nrl . 1 blankets in the new ombre patterns and Au- I'A AMT. I
l HIHjIMI. VjrA CaIXG /m.A.MM-IJ-I-l.Slsv/1. cmvi | yuMVc 1 tumn colorings of orange, tan, brown and red I
wrr and m ore conventional colors of navy. I
i Wilton Velvet Room Size Rugs J/ j * attractively shaped collars and trimmed with j BnjjJ jjl
r j V fancy silk cords, satin, braid and ribbon, silk HuSt B I
9x12 and B*/ 4 xlo*/ ? ft. Si™ ~ B —K^-S,con d K.ooC I
$19.95 to $67.50 Values I
MK —Remember, there \niir Hpflltll Tomorrow in thn I
«V /ffniH HfC ru S s * n UOlll. Ks J. UUI ▼▼ 1.1.11 Dennison Demonstration I
HHfuStooJwi S&rS Knit Underwear A “Painting” wuh
little cost be here as —Winter’s atmosphere! You can turn it into a • I \V3X I
carl >’ a? possible It .season of joyous warmth and comfort by wear- —Do you know that sealing wax I
1S n.n unusua.lly fine in £. *' n, l underwear. It is a sure protection fj \ \ I dissolved in denatured alcohol I
assortment and rugs against changes of temperature and unpleasant k )\ | makes a wonderful "paint”? It can I
that will wear excel- ready here 1 aTprfcTs elery'one Sn lfTord’ C,f For i be used on velvets, silks, cottons. j
and a splendid range of colorings to J j board and glass. Better than oils I
choose from. — Women’s Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, j . / / I or water colors for many uses. I
, -n-i-j t?i with rayon stripe, made in bodice and ! / t' / —Let us show you. Instructions |
lvann s inird rloor. built-up shoulder styles, in knee length, j ~ f free! |
A good, serviceable gar- d* f / Kann’s—Street Floor.
ment, priced at I • vrvf
. _ . _, _ _ —Women’s Mercerized Cotton J »- nL-u
Stamped Tan v WaTUI CoatS for the .UTS JH /ff ITT A ,„f 7' w
f.inril Scarfts ; sirable plain and two-t on color- //\ft i 11 11 I A. 3*Pc. Jgw'gli*v Set | I
f W• _ "Ml 'll ’ n ®' S ot black, navv, brown and / / '
69c La. Little r oiks sfirssiss«, ftn U i a t si no
—lßxso-inch Tan All- Size. Ito 3 Year, j£L EaCh 3» i .UU J (j VI OA.UU
linen Hemstitched £>. \ i —This attractive set constats of a
Sc'irfc ctamnrrl in t«-n tTli £ P" JBMk —Children’s Cotton Ribbed U necklace and bracelet of mamite
, F mi* Fleeced Underwear, vests in long —Women’s Wool, Cotton tured indestructible pearls, and a
easy and very attrae- V-F# y and elbow sleeve lengths knee or and Rayon Ribbed Union Whiting & Davis silver-plated mesh
five desiens " ankie Irncrth nants Excellent Bult* of a medium weight, purse. Neatly boxed, and something
—Sturdy little coats of navy blue chin- v ’ t ? fI P on ,n the Rood wanted shapes. every little girl will be happy to
r t •! i chilla cloth, made in the double-breasted bfJTo
Lnilciren S stvle, with six brass buttons down the mg to school. weight, these are good and at this price, and you will he wise
0.. lr» front and one on each «leeve Sleeves ' t ( Sizes *2to 10 vears at SOc warm. j jf you get a set now. keep it until
Stamped Kompers Ir j’ ana °. ne ot \ ca . c ” ' lc .j v f' j CC .T e /iV \ * —Regular sizes at $2.95 Christmas, and then give it to some
_ w _ * and collar trimmed with gold braid; flap in ; Sizes 12 to 16 vears at 59c —Extra sizes at *3.50 littl" girl.
/A ■■ pocket on both sides and lined with i jl
■ IMP red flannel. They are nicely tailored and c-J Kann's—Street Floor. I Kann's —Street Floor.
; j us f fj ie coats for the cold days coming.
-Pretty Ready - made ; . . W
Rompers, stamped in Tan and White Eiderdown mi I HI
pretty designs, on ex- 1 ■ U
cellent quality linene. CoatS at m J
Colors are rose, blue, —These Little Coats of tan and white eiderdown, are nicely f m
yellow and white. „ lzes lined, neatly tailored, and trimmed with silk braid. Warm “The Busy MS ■ m Penna. Ave
II 1 to J. and serviceable for the little folks of 1 to 3 years. B , j r»
Kann’s— Fourth Floor. Kann’s —Second Floor. Corner £ oth anil Lt
i wMUtxA