Humiliating Discovery. I'rem the Bneton Trenscrlpt. ‘‘lt's bo discouraging lo talk to a deaf person.” "Yea, one discovers how few of | one's remarks are worth repealing.” Sure Relief From Constipation es 'X Dr. Boir.e’s b 1 Prescription Tablets Jl Take one tonlcht and fJr Sate the magic effect of \ a W • | goad appetite and good dl- V -^/k. eeatlon. They rleanae and InTlitorale. For nale reopleK or other good J»U ’ •tore*. 2.V. jj A “world beater”—this j 1 Hart Schaffner & Marx 1 | suit value at 1 | *33- 50 | H (Extra Trousers, $6) |§ S TT’S one of the most outstanding achieve* =5 A ments Raleigh Haberdasher has ever ac- S = complished. Here are stylish, well tai- 25 =5 lored suits of all-wool fabrics, fine woolens 55 55 and worsteds at $33.50. Way under the prices 55 55 you usually pay for such quality. Hart 55 55 Schaffner & Marx big resources, volume and 55 25 concentration helped us do it. =5 55 Topcoats of Imported Fabrics » —*Wonderful Values at $29,50 S If you haven't a charge account here—why not apply for oner Credit Manager. 3rd Floor *—■■ S Raleigh Haberdasher 1 5E Thirteen-Ten F Street ' 3 ffl J Thursday, October Fifteenth B! JBps| The Popular Afternoon (dlffi TEA DANCES . JMI JjllQj fVill Be Resumed in mjjEjp®' ® the garden - , rff Sfe jfi From 4:30 to 6:15 I v Jj Madame Mishtowt, Hostess ffl ih ffl Dinner, with dancing Supper Dances B M 6:30 to 9 o’clock 10 until closing H M A la carte service throughout the evening I Rj Music by Mayflower Orchestra Q u IV. Spencer Tupman, Director D MAJ. HENRY R. LEMLY DIES AT HOTEL HERE Served in Spanish and Indian Wars and Was Writer of Sev- ' eral Books. Maj. llenry Rowan Lemly, IT. S. A., retired, 74 years old, veteran of the Spanish-American War. numer ous Indian campaigns and author, died of heart disease at his apart THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON - . D. C„ TUESDAY,. OCTOBER 13, 1923. ment In the Mayflower Hotel last night. Maj. Lemly was vetired in 1899, at his own request, after more than 30 years' service, but was recalled to active duty in the Office of the Quar termaster General son after the out break of the World War and remain ed on duty until again retired. March 11.1920. He had been a resident of Washington since about the time of his first retirement, formerly residing at 2112 Leßoy place. Born in Bethania. N. January 12. 1851, Maj. Lemly was the son of the late Henry Augustus and Mrs. Amanda Sophia lietnly. He was grud noted from the United States Military Academy in the class of 1872 and ap pointed a second lieutenant in the 3d Cavalry, in which he served until 1878, when he was transferred to the 3d Artillery. He served in the latter outfit and the 7tli Artillery, respec tively, until 1899. He commanded the last-named regiment during the Spanlsh-Amerlcan War. Maj. Lemly took i>art In Indian campaigns on Tongue River, at Rosebud, Slim Buttes and Belle Fourche. For many years Maj. I.einly di rected the National Military School at Bogota, Colombia, with a local [ rank there of colonel. He also served as commanding general for Colombia at the World’s Colombian Exposition. , lie wuh a mejnber of the Army and I Navy Club of Washington and. the University Club of New York. Maj. Lemly was author of “Who Was El Dorado':," “Among the Arap ahoes,” “A West Point Romance,'' other novels and numerous maga zine articles. He also translated Up ton's Infantry Regulations into'Span islt and prepared an English trans 7 ry First Mortgage Bonds 0/ Call or term for Booklet AT » / The F.H. Smith Co. ; so Smith Building m Fifteenth Street NO TO ANY tWCSTOR IN' ' 1 """I Upholstering REUPHOLSTERING PARLOR SUITES AND ODD CHAIRS A SPECIALTY CHAIR CANEING PORCH ROCKERS, SPLINTED “Nus-Ced!” The Beat Piece end Lowest Prices After All my 20.000 customers. I give the service you have the \ right to expect. $9 SILK TAPESTRY CUT TO $2.98 PER YARD Clay A. Armstrong Drop Postal to , 1233 10th St. N.W. ’ Or Phone Franklin 748.1 Men Will Bring Semples The Best Protection For Your Roof Keeping roofs weather-tight by painting used to be an uncertain but that was before the day of “YALDURA" ASPHALT . PAINT. Yaldura forms a rubber-like film that expands and contracts with the rooting'— does not run under the heat or crack in the ' cold—waterproofs with lOCK'v- effectiveness. Made of pure Gilsonitc Asphalt—free from tar. Hlaek — Yaldura ££■“ g 2 Red, Brown and Green Valdura a little more ' House Paints, Pipe Enamels,-'Floor Finishes D. C. DISTRIBUTORS OF SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, MURPHY VARNISH COMPANY AND OTHER WIDELY KNOWN PAINT PRODUCTS. DYER BROTHERS INCORPORATED Paints for Every Purpose 734 Thirteenth St. Phone Frank. 8325 Green Meadow Butter —is the purest Butter you can buy—and the cheapest. i t There is no loss by deterioration in Green Meadow Butter. It has been churned in air made ABSOLUTELY 4 PURE by the Heath scientific process. Every germ—the trouble maker—has been eliminated by Heathization. You buy every pound of Green Mea dow Butter with a Written Guarantee “Good Until Used" ! . . . I) Made of fresh, rich whipping cream—from healthy and happy cows—and sold by all the best grocers and delicatessens throughout the city. If your dealer cannot supply you phone us. i H. L. Black & Son, Inc. Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Heathized Butter ' 1620 First Street North 1670 I i latlon of a French manual of strategy. He Is survived by a son, Maj. Rowan P. Ijemly of the General Staff Corps, U. S. A.; a brother, W. A. Lemly of Winston-Salem, N. C., and a grandson, Richard C. Parker of Los Gatos. Calif. Although funeral arrangements have not been completed, it Is an nounced that services will be con ducted in Arlington Cemetery Thurs day morning at 11 o’clock. Inter ment will be In Arlington. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 5, Knights of Pythias, will receive the grand oiti •■ers on an official visitation tomorrow night at Pythian Temple and conclude wit*• ft Pythian entertainment. The Brotherhood of Amerlean Yeo men will entertain members and their friends at a dance at Masonic Temple. Eighth and- F streets northeast, to morrow. 8:30 p.m. The I>. C. officers of the Woman’s i Benefit Association will have a card | partv tomorrow. 8:15 p.m., at Odd Fcl ; lows' Hall. ! The Maryland Stale Society will | meet Thursday, 8 p.m., at Thomson ! School, Twelfth and L streets. Mary 1 landers residing in the District are . invited to attend and become members I of 'he society. Phil Sheridan Post, (i! A. It., will meet Friday, 2 p.m.. at Grand Army Hall. Burnside Corps, No. 4, \V. R. will meet tomorrow, 8 p.m., at G. A. j R. Hall. Prof. X. S. Fagin will lecture on the I -.jyel "Babbitt” before his class in ! modern literature. Thursday. 7 p.m., j at the National University. City Club: The tirst of the season's ! "Stag nights” will be held October 28 in the ballroom of the club. Boxing ex hibition and supper. Capitol Hill. W. C. T. I'., will meet tomorrow, 2 p.m., at Waugh M. E. Church. Aracia Chapter, No. 28, O. E. S., will have a bazaar and _ dinner at Pythian Temple tomorrow and Thurs day. front 4:45 to 7 p.nt. A business meeting of the Needle work Guild of America, Inc., will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the Foundry Methodist Epis . copal Church, Sixteenth and P streets. Bright wood Citizens’ Association will hold its ajjnual meeting and eie< ' tion of officers Friday. 8 p.m., at Holy 1 Comforter Parish Hall. The Center for Psychic Develop ment will meet tomorrow, 8 p.m.. at the Playhouse. Dr. Jane B. Coates I will speak on “Unto Your Neighbor.” — -.- j English women electors would far I outnumber the men if they could vote I when they became 21 years of age. ESTATE OF G. W. BARNES IS VALUED AT $33,000 Decedent’s Will Filed for Probate. Note in Syrian Language Sub mitted as Last Testament. George W. Barnes left an estate valued at f 33,000, according to the pe tition of H. Edgar Barnes, named as executor. The estate comprises realty assessed at 130,234 and personal prop erty valued at $3,000. Barnes leaves a widow and three children. Mrs. Agnes Karaian asked yesterday for letters of administration on the estate of her husband, Nhlran Kar aian, a subject of Turkey. The wife says her husband left a note in the Syrian* language giving her all his property, but it was not in legal form. She is represented by Attorney Alfred D. Smith. James A. Mulquin, who died Au gust 20, had an estate estimated at £-8.400, according to the petition of bis widow. Mrs. Matilda C. Mulquin for the probate of his will, lie owned rial estate valued at $7,000 and had persona] property of *l.lOO. Attorney Leo A. Walshe appears for the widow.. 1 " THE WEATHER District of Columbia and Maryland— cloudy tonight and tomorrow, prob ably showers; not much change in temperature; moderate northeast and east winds. Virginia—Showers tonight and to morrow; not much change in temper ature; moderate to fresh northeast and east winds. West Virginia—Cloudy, probably showers tonight and tomorrow; not much change in temperature. Kecords for Twenty-one Hours. Thermometer-—4 p.m., 58; 8 p.rn.. .">(>; 12 midnight, 54; 4 a.m., 52; 8 u.rn., 52; noon, 58. Barometer—4 p.m., 30.04; 8 p.m., 30.09; 12 midnight. 3".08; 4 a.m., 30.08; 8 a.m., 30.13: noon, 30.13. Highest temperature, 59, occurred at 2 p.m. Lowest temperature, 52, oc curred at 8 a.m. Temperature same date last year— Highest, 65;-lowest, 42. Condition of the Water. Temperature and condition of the water at Great Kalis today at 8 a.m.: | Temperature, 65; condition, clear. Weather in Various Cities. S Temperature. ** r F 5. o 23 Jfr 1 S 3 e ? ? i Station*. 5 £% =5 c“Weallitr. -1 £-2? 2* GD :• 5 z p j JJJ Abilene. Tex. 29.94 82 «2 .... Cloudy ! Albany 30.12 AO 40 Clear 1 Atlanta .. . 30.08 Is 04 oys cloudy I Atlantic City 30.12 oo 50 l*t.cloudy Baltimore .. 30.14 00 62 0.08 Cloudy ! Birmingham 30.n0 s - .’ 08 .... Cloudy ! Bismarck ...30.04 52 38 0.02 Ham Boston 30.00 58 42 .. . Clear Buffalo .... 30.20 52 38 .. . Pi.rloudy Charleston . 30.12 8" 70 . . Ctoudy I Chicago ...30.12 50 52 .... Cloudy Cincinnati .3u 14 s*l 4* 0.50 Cloudy 'Cleveland .. 30 18 50 42 .... (dear Denver . .29.90 50 38 .... Cloudy Detroit ... 30 18 • 54 40 . Clear El Paso. ..20.88 7(! 50 0.0*5 Cloudy Galveston . 30.00 78 78 3.34 Cloudy Helena 30.18 40 28 ... . Cloudy Huron. S I). 30.10 4*l 42 cloudy Indianapolis 30.12 52 4*5 0.18 Cloudy Jacksonville 30.14 82 *SB ft .cloudy Kansas City 3o 10 *',2 52 0.14 Foggy bos Angeles. 20.1*2 *l2 52 0.22 Clear J-ouisvillc .. 30.10 58 52 o.sii < loudy Miann. Fla. 30.10 84 80 . . < louo* N. Orleans. 30.04 Mi 74 0.18 Pi.eloudy New, York . 30.12 50 4 0 ... clear Okla City.. 30.0*! 78 52 .... Cloudy Omaha 30.10 5(5 42 ... Cloudy Philadelphia 30 1 4 »!o 48 .... Clear Plioemx .. 29 Hi! 78 54 . Clear Pittsburgh.. 30.18 48 4*i 0.08 Cloudy Portland. Me. 30.04 s*l 4" .... Clear Portland. Ore 30.1 o .;o 44 .... clear ! fuieirh.x.r. 30.0*4 78 02 .... Rain •8 bake City 29.94 *SO 4 0 0.2*! Ram San Antonio 29.90 84 74 0.01 Ham 'an Diego.. 29.92 *lB s*i 0.01 Pt cloudy s. Francisco 21*.94 154 54 .... Clear St Louis. ..30 00 58 54 0.24 Cloudy St. Paul.. . 30.08 52 44 .... Cloudy -seaitle ...30.12 60 42 .... Clear Spokane .. . 30.1*5 60 30 .. . . Clear WASII..D.C . 30.12 59 52 0.11 Cloudy FOREIGN. <8 a.m.. Greenwich time, today.) Stations Temperature. Weather. bondon. Rutland 50 Rain Pans. France 48 Part cloudy Vienna. Austria 4*l Ram Berlin. Germany 36 Cloudy Copenhagen. Denmark... 38 clear Stockholm. Sweden 30 Clear Horta iFayalt. Azores . 70 Part cloudy Hamilton. Bermuda 74 Part cloudy San .Tuan, Porto Ri 0. . 82 Part cloudy Havana. Cuba . B*l c lear Colon. Canal Zone 84 Part cloudy Two human skeletons of the "Neanderthal type, believed to be at least 50,000 years old. were discovered recently in a cave near Bimferpol, in the Crimea. LOST. beagle HOfNl)—White and tan. strayed from 922 ,7th st. R.-tli-n ,md receive reward BRACELET Flexible, platinum. 2 dia monds. 3 sapphires. Generous reward. Call Main SQCSQ. Branch 203. Miss Butner. • BREASTPIN—An old lacnily breastpin: large single topaz stone surrounded h.v gold hand of small leaves. Reward. Call Cleve land 933. • BULLDOG, little, brown: 810 reward. Re turn 1006 Ist «t. n.w. 15* COLLIE DcJG. sable white apron, ev* s -ed in corners: Teiidy. Notify c larein-e. Olvmpia apartments. 14» DIAMOND BRACELET Friday evening. Oct. 9. approximately 4 0 round diamonds in sauare settmir. SSO reward Phone the manager. L»e House. Main 2782. DOG—White setter, near Bradley lane and Wisconsin avp. Reward. Mr. Brooks. North 5050. _ EAR PHONE (Little Gem), in brown velvet bag: near or in Continental Hall. 1324 Mass, ave. Frank. 3424. EARRING, seed pearl, Saturday: return to Mrs. Edward sadler Wardman Park Hotel and receive jy-ward. EYEGLASSES, heavy hone rim. made bv Berlin: between New Jersey ave. e.e. and A st._a.m Call Line, 0775-J. 17• EUR—Double marten, on 14th st. between R. I. ave. and Thomas Apts. Reward if re turned __to_l 31 C_ ave. n.w GLASSES—dihell run. one hook broken at tip end. Reward. Franklin 6297. • GLASSES—Horn rimmed. In Coiumtua~Optl cal Company case. 121 Adams st. n.w. North 4410-J, 14* HANDBAG, hlaek. leather, on Baltimore road between Washington and I.aureLSundav a m. reward. Ganrert. 2551 17th st. n.w.. Adam* 4229. __ 13* HANDBAG, blue beaded: base ball park Sat” urday: reward. 3728 Harrison st. Cleve 727, JEWELRY —On Baltimore plkm Oct. 11. small leather box containing diamond bar pin. diamond circle, three pearl necklaces, small trinkets, baby's picture. Adequate reward on return to Mai. Brewster, Quantico. Va.. or P. H. Marshall. Investment Bldg.. Washington. MONEY—Either in front of New Willard Hotel or at ball park: $l5O in cash. 1 check for SSO and 1 check for $5. Liberal re ward If returned to owner. 706 H st. n.e. • PAIR GLASSES—Medium dark rim: Satur day evening between 17th and Pa. ave. n w. and Washington Hotel. Reward. Call Er 5630. Apt. 307. • • PURSE, small, brown leather: monev keF car tokens: Palais Royal Monday aftem'ohrt' Phone or call 3465 Macomb st. Cleve 655 Reward. ' PURSE—Msn's bill folder containing $t7(T and name, address as 604 Cameron »t. Alex andria. Va.; lost Oct. 11. Liberal reward if returned to owner. John C. Burch 502 K st. sec • RlNG^—Gold. Massachusetts State eeaF initials C. A. inside. Call North 0200-J at 6 p.m. Reward. _ 15• RING, a ruby and diamond, in ladies' puTT llc station. 7th and Pa. ave.: reward If re turned to Miss Louise Rhoads. 1433 Ames pi. _ 13* SATCHEL, containing fishing* tickle 1 - ' jogt out of automobile: reward for its return 6009 Phone Adams 447*.- 14* SET OF FALSE TEETH with gold base': $lO reward: no auestlons asked. Return to Na tion SETTER. Llewellyn, large black and white with brown ticks: very long ears: untrained: named “Tim": liberal reward. Alex H. Clark. 29 Westmoreland ave.. Takoma Park Md.. Col. 8751-W. Main 9227. 18*_ SHIELD—On Mt. Pleasant car' blue "and white metal souvenir shield with coat of arms and Latin motto. H. Bross. 718 19th st. n.w. Reward. __l4* SUIT CASE—Black, containing shoes, bine? case, shaving articles. Return to 1252 H st. n.e._ Lincoln J o'clock, at the New National Museum, l’rol'. K. K. Richardson will speak of "The Two Skies of Evolution.” The University of Michigan Alum nae will hold a business meeting, 4:30 o'clock, at the American Association of University Women, 1034 1 street. Col. James S. Pettit Camp, No. 3, United Spanish War Veterans, will meet, 8 o'clock, at 921 avenue southeast. U. S. Grant Circle, Ignites of the (i. A. 11., will meet in G. A. R. Hall. Eiuer’uiumi-ni and refreshments. Gther circles invited. The League for Industrial De mocracy will meet, 6 o'clock, at 1731 1 street. Discussion of "The Youth Movement," Lho subject of the weekly tree public forum meetings, will be led bv Dudley MacKenzie. Music anti lancing will follow the discussion. Marriage Licenses. Marridjre h.ivc* fwn lFeup'i to the following Oor*ru W. Hoyes *.f Fall * church. Va.. an»vid Flo.vd of St. Ausrilstiii*. Fla., and Mary John-on of this <*itv. Hoy K. Fatt'Hon and Mary E. Anderson , both of Ri< hmond. Va. Pierre L Rues. .2701 Conn. ave. i Eva I Clank. 2S. Providence H^pital. Harry C. Clark. 55. Gallimrer Hospital. I Lijcv A TozzoJo. 57. Garfield Hospital. 1 Charles F. Dalton. US. Cnited Stat-s Naval Hospital. - rharles W. Slides. *l4. Colonial Hotel, loth and M -t*. i Rhea Witherow. 4!». Providence Hospital. ; Albert W. Junes. 4. 701 B st. n.e i Jeron*e B. H 7. 750 Newton plae*. | Kl.zafieth White. 05. Emergency Hospital. William W Da\is. TO. 817 G st. s.w. Su.-an r Newsom. 70. 1110 H si. n.e Beuia Peyton. K7. Horn* for Incurable. I Lippman Baum. 70. 18HO California st. John W. Peake. HO. 1824 S «*T Evelyn M. Smithvu<*k. 14. 51 H st. August Riley. ,*|2. Walter Reed Hospital, i William A. i Hospital. William 11. Harris. i{o. Walter Reed Hos pital. Frank If. Dixon. 35. 450] Clay st. n e. I Catherine Parker. 11 month 1 -. 45 Myrtle | st. n.c. • Births Reported. Tne following births have l*»en rep >rt c «i to the Health I* partment in the last 24 hour- : Carl F. and Margaret E. Riddell, pirl and boy twins. William and Eiva Graves, girl. H*rt**rt W. and Lonise etrl. | Dwight MeN. mu! Marion Bla«’k welder, boy. i Henry W. and Mary K Austin, girl. • < arlton E and Margaret A Moran, girl. ]>»roy T and A/inio White, hoy. Harry A. and Sayde Bra mow. hoy. Frank R and Mary Keller, girl. Norman W. and E!izai>eih 11. Hammett, boy. rlourney C. and Elsie E. Roberts. boy. Alnhotisus and Josephine I. Benson, boy. Isadore F. ami Minnie Freudberx. girl. Letha E.*and Clara B. Tavlor. bov. Georcr H. and Marie E. Mihm. boy. Max J. and E\ a 1) Marinelli.-N>y. William D. and Harriet Appel, boy. Charles S. and Frances A. Key. girl. Cornelius and Maud Gordon, girl. John R and Nellie M. Butler, boy. ! The largest body of water in Thi world having no outlet in the ocean jis th< Caspian Sea.. It being 180,000 j souaro miles in extent. | Cards of Cljanfes. JORDAN. I wish to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and I relatives tor their kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes at the death of 1 my husband. ALPHONUS JORDAN. JlfS WIFE. • i THOM \S. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our friends, the pastor, members and choir of Second baptist t’hurch. S.W.; i the i>astor anil members of Zion Baptist : Church for their sympathy, service and j beautiful tioral tributes in the bereavement I of our Moved mother. CECILIA THOMAS, i. Hi isa ROBINSON. ADA TAYLOR. JEN . NIK TIH>MAS. MARA- TCKNEK. COR | XELICS CAMPBELL AND FAMILY. * Deatfjs. BARBER. On Monday. O. tober 10. 1P25. | at her residence. I*4l Cain 11 ave.. Tako ma Pa-k, Md.. CATHERINE, beloved wife of Arthur J. Barlx-r. Funeral from the ; a!>ove residence Wednesday. October 14. | at 8:30 a.m.. thence to the Church of the Nativity, where mass will tie said at !• a.m Relatives and friends invited. In term nt Mount Olivet Cemetery. BEACH. Tuesday. October 13. 1925. at 1458 Clifton st. n.w.. MARY A CAMP BELL BEACH, widow of Capt. Georce K. Beach. Remains resting at the S. 11. Hines funeral home. 2POI 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BENNETT. Tuesday, October 13. 1025. at 4 a.m.. at the residence of her brother. R F. Fox. 37 S st. n.w.. BETTIE FOX BENNETT Her remains are resting at V. L. Speare A Co.’s. 1000 11 st. n.w. Fu neral from the residence of her brother, VY. H. Fox. Vaie, Va., on Thursday. Octo ber 15. at 1 p.m. Interment in family burial plot. 14 BOYD. Sunday. October 11. 1025. at 8:20 a.m.. FLORENCE PAYNE, beloved wife of the late George R. Boyd and mother of Gurata Boyd, daughter of the late Stafford and Lucinda Payne, loving sister of Mandina Durden. Isabelle Roy. Willie, and Ernest Payne. Funeral from Ply mouth Congregational Church. 17th and P sts.. Wednesday. October 14. at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Casket will not be opened in church. • BOYD. The I,3die«' Crispus Attucks Relief Association announces the death of Mrs. FLORENCE PAYNE BOYD and requests your presence at the funeral Wednesday. October 14. li'2s. 2 p.m.. at the Plymouth Congregational Church. 17th and P sis. 11 JULIA WEST HAMILTON. President. JENNIE E. BARNES. Rec. Sec y. BOYD. Sunday. October 11. 1925, at 8:20 a.m.. FLORENCE PAYNE, tieloved wife of the late Georce R. and mother of Gursta Boyd: daughter of the late Staf ford ard Lucinda Payne and loving sister of Mat-dina Durden, Isabel Roy. Willie • and Ernest Payne. Notice of funeral hereafter. 14* CLAY. Departed this life Sunday. October 11. 1925, at 8:30 p.m.. at her residence. 14fcf S st. n.w.. Mrs. CARRIE VIRGINIA CLAY, wife of Janies Henry Clay. She leaves to mourn their loss a loving hus band. one daughter, two sisters, one brother, relatives and a host of friends. Funeral services at Mount Nebo Baptist Church Wednesday, October 14. at 2 p.m.* COLEMAN. Suddenly. Sunday. October 11. 1(125. at Plainfield. N. J.. JAMES F.. be loved son of Ann V. and the late Jamea Coleman of 323 Pa. ave. s.e. Funeral from the above residence Wednesday. Oc tober 14. at 9:30 a.m.. thence to St. Pe ter's Church, where mass will be sung at lO am. Interment at Mount Olivet Ceme tery. CULLEY. Suddenly. Sunday. October 11. 1925. at 11 a.m.. at Garfield Hospital. WILLIAM A. CCLLEY of Bladensbur*. Md. He leaves to mourn their loss an ared father. Burdette Culley; three sisters. Mrs. Bertha M. Jefferson. Mrs. Mabel I. Mason and Mrs. Romola C. Conway: two brothers. Robert S. and Charles C. Culley. Remains resting at the residence of his sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason. Funeral services will he held at Dent's Chapel A. M. E Church. Bladenshurr. Md.. Wednesday. October 14 at 1 p.m . Rev. E. P. Thomas officiating. DI'CKKTT. Monday. October 12. 1925. at Gallinger Hospital. CHARLES F. DECK ETT. beloved son of Isiuiee Duckett and brother of Mrs. Mary Buskin. Elizabeth Williams. Frances. Emma. Beniamin. Er nest and Noble Duckett. Remains resting at W. Ernest. Jarvis' funeral parlors. No tin*' of funeral hereafter. I HENRY. Entered into rest October 11, 1925. at Providence Hospital. BERTHA HENRY’, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henry and niece of Mrs. Ida Daniels. Notice of funeral from Frazier's chapel later. ft Heaths KING. Monday. October 12. H»25. a* the Tul»rf*tiloffi<*, SAMTKL KING. gloved Min of Ni.ev Kin* <»f Washington. N. (7. Keruaixif) rent in at the W. Krne*t Jarvis funeral uarlorn. Notice of f unci a! hereafter. Kf.FII. October 13. 1825. at hi* residence. Mount Rainier. Md THOMAS D . the be loved hu*i>ai)ii of Margaret Kleh. need B 3 years. Funeral from W. W Deal's fu neral hf*me. Mid H st. n.e.. Wednesday morning at 10 o’cloe*. lntcrnjent at Mount Olivet Cemetery. LKK. At New York Pitv. on Monday. o<- toiter 12. 1825. HELEN LEE. in the 83.1 year of her age. uifn sis the late rh^>« ( arn>ll and daughter of the late J*aa<- and Sarah Red*A*ool n 'j; l«»e,l ones Mot mr. MARY E. • BRAXTON. w!io die.l 0< to‘>er 12. 1894 l father ROBERT A BRAXTON. September •jyH'lf, snd daimhtcr. DOROTHY' DICK SON. September 2t5, 1913. Never knew a mother's love. Did my best by father. Ood took home my first little bud Fo transplant in His xarden. . IHLIR DAT'GHTER AND MOTHER, MARY' THERESA DICKSON. • ii t OI.ABI (Tl. Sacred to the memory of our da-ixiiter and sister. JEANNETTE j \JIA OlLthn l'l Who o. rented tln« life ] e*-ven years a-o today. Oetober 13. 1918. "hat would we srire to elasp your hand. 1 Y our dear face just, to we: Your lovinx «mi!e. jour welcome voice Whioh meant so tnu- li t-i us J T)ie flowers we place upon tout srrave May wither and decay. i| But_lovf- for thee, who lies I^-nr-ath. YVill never fade away. • HER DEVOTED FAMILY' • COOLEY". In loving remembrance of Corp!. VINCENT «. COOLEY, killed in World War, Fleville France. Oetober 13 1918. HIS WIFE • CI NNINGHAM. In aad but lovine remem branfe of m.v dear dauchter and our »i«- ter CATHERINE H CENNINGHAM fn-e I Nalley i. who departed this life seven yeara j ago today. Oetote.r 13 1918. There is a fat. N AN, i Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH I 3aU M ST. XAV- Gawler Service Funeral Directors Since 1850 i Main 5512 Timothy Hanlon 1 641 II ST N.E. Phone L. 5543. ’ “ funeral designs^ Geo.C Shaffer 1,00 • CHOICE FI.ORAL EMBLEMS. Main 3416 • at MODERATE PBICEi Prompt Deliver? i Prompt Auto Delivery Service ; | Artialn —expressive—inexiiensi\r Gudc Bros. Co., 1212 F St. BLACKISTONE'S > Floral "Blanket Sprays'* ! And Other Beautiful Floral Design* at 1 Moderate Prices. 14th *H. TsL It. B?aiy 7