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46 $-51 PROBE MOVED TO U. S. NAVAL BASE Submarine Officers Quizzed. City of Rome’s Captain Criticized for Course. By the Associated Press. NEW LONDON. Conn., October 14. • —lnvestigation into the sinking of the submarine S-51, Which has lieeti in progress ih Boston, was transferred here yesterday, when members of the i'nited States steamboat inspector's office questioned a number of wit nesses. The S-51 sank off Block Island on the night of September 25 after a collision with the steamer City of Rome of the Savannah Line. The inquiry yesterday was conduct ed by Herman L. Parker, inspector of hulls, and John Stewart, inspector of boilers, both of Boston. Llaut. Co adr. J. A. Brownell of the eubmnrine division of which the S-51 was o;i.. aed said there was no ques tion that the submarine was being operated from the bridge and not from the conning tower, it being necessary only to navigate the vessel from the conning tower in very rough weather. Raps City of Rome. Lieut. P. L. Mather, duty commu nication officer at the submarine base here on the night of the disaster, testified that he was unable to estab lish communication with the City of Rome and that much valuable time was lost in the attempt. In his opin ion the City of Rome should have remained at the scene of the accident until daylight. Dewey G. Kile, one of the three men picked up by the City of Rome lifeboat after the collision, again told the story of his experience after thf two boats collided. He was awak ened, he said, when a piece of cork struck him in the face. The water, he said, quickly rose in the compart ment to his knees. It was coming in from the floor, showing that the sub marine had been damaged below the water line, he said. The hatch in the conning tower was the only one open and reached the deck through this. Within 10 seconds he was hurl ed into the sea. In Water 45 Minutes. The only person he saw in the | water, he testified, was a torpedo | mail. Frank C. Wiseman of South ! Boston. Kile was in the water 45 minutes before he was picked up by the City of Rome lifeboat. The members of the inquiry board after the hearing visited the subma rine S-49 to question the electrician regarding the method of lighting the craft. The inquiry here yesterday com pleted the steamboat inspector's of fice Investigation of the disaster. Its report will be forwarded to Washing ton. legend of a Brazen Head. From the Detroit yews. Roger Bacon spent seven years con structing a brazen head which he fancied would tell him how to sur round the Island of Great Britain with a wall of brass, according to a legend prevalent in the Middle Ages. This head was to speak within a month after its completion, hut no special hour was set for its so doing. Bacon, accordingly, set his servant to watch especially enjoining him to notify his master in case the head should speak. At the end of the first half hour ' the servant heard the head exclaim: j "Time is”; at the end of the second half hour. ‘‘Time was,” and at the end i of the third half hour, "Time's past”:; whereupon it fell with a loud crash and was shattered to pieces. The servant neglected to call Bacon, think- | ing he would not care to be disturbed for such a trifle, and thus the knowl- ! edge necessary to build the brazen : wall was never acquired. Only Places Left. From the New Orleans States. There seems to he no doubt that the ’ day is approaching when, as their name Implies, the parks will he used for parking. r Genuine "'W Willard s 13-Plate Rubber Case Batteries 16- for Ford, Chevrolet, Overland* Maxwell, Star, and other light cars. Standard Willard quality throughout. 1 Also in 11-Plate, Wood Case, for Less Authorized Willard Battery Dealers in This Vicinity Washington, D. C. Washington Battery Co., 1621-23 L St. N.W. East Capitol Service Station, 17 Fifteenth St. N.E. K. .1. Pennine. 2505 Champlain St. N.W. Ksscno Auto Supply Co., 801 H St. N.W. Georgia Ave. Batt. A Klee. Shop, 4306 Georgia Ave. James W. Muse, 1740 14th St. N.W. Hundley’s Auto Supply, 3436 14th St. N.W. Modern Auto Supply Co.. 917 H St. N.E. Owens Motor Co., 3700 Georgia Ave. Stanton Battery & Klee. Serv., 403 C St. N.E. I). T. Spencer, 2419 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Brooke C. Furr, 706 G St. S.W. Bradbum Batt. & Eiee. Co., 616 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. Wisconsin Ave. Serv. Sta., 4326 Wisconsin Ave. Alexandria, Va. Central Automobile Co., Inc., 113 N. Washington St. King St. Garage, 1400 King St. Other Nearby Places Gaithersburg, Md., C. C. Waters A Son Ijeesburg, Va., Frye Motor Co. > Rockville, Md., Reed Brothers A Land m At all Willard S Service Stations SCHOOL QUALIFICATIONS. Boys Must Be 14 to Enter Classes at Abbot. Only boys 14 years old or above and who have finished seventh grade work In the elementary schools will be admitted to the new Abbot Vo cational School at Sixth street and New York avenue, it was announced yesterday by Supt. of Schools Frank W. Ballou. The school will offer a two-year preparatory course in painting und decorating, plumbing, printing and sheet metal work. The courses In clude drawing, blue print reading, English, industrial history, geography, trade science and mathematics. Em ployers and trade unions have pledged | their co-operation with school officials j in the work so that boys who satis factorily complete the course are vir tually assured of employment as ad vanced apprentices. Giving Him a Battle. From the Louisville Courier-Jouru>l. “Yep. I got a woman candidate out agin me.” "How is she on campaigning?" "Purty good. While I help the men with the hay she helps the women with the dishes." When the bride asks hubby for one of his razors to cut iter corns the j honeymoon can be declared officially j | over, says the Office Boy. ( How to Keep it Thick 5 The constant curling and waving ; demanded by modern style in hair j dress, slowly burns the color, luster j and very life from the hair, leaving ; it dry. faded, brittle, streaked with j gray; then the hair roots shrink and the hair falls out fast. A .15 cent bottle of refreshing, j fragrant ‘Danderine” will do won lers for any gairl's hair. This vital izing beauty-tonic acts on the hair j ke fresh showers of rain and sun nine act oil vegetation. It goes j ght to the roots, invigorates, I | nourishes and strengthens them. I j helping the hair to grow thick, j healthy and luxuriant. | Try this for one week! While j combing and dressing your hair, 'moisten your hairbrush with a li'tle j ‘ Danderine" and brush it through i | your hair—-he effect .s s'artJiftgij ' Your ban innm d*itcly takes on new j i life and that healthy, youthful luster, j j becomes incomparably soft, wavy ! and appears twice as thick and j abundant. fDANPERiNEp THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON, P. C„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1925. Store Hours CWw Established 1909 1319-1221 JJtyORZYNS '-r Fine quality and remark- ggswa - Gome and celebrate with us able prices are combined in i our 16th Anniversary, which the many sale items which are Jm _ Til |jff| ois the first we have observed in listed below. Do not miss this I | t I II I m our new store, where more Anniversary Sale Event, B a j I t y ™ elaborate departments have where you will be able to buy ** ** m 1/ • m been made possible. Steady articles you have been looking a 1 I \m I growth and a desire to serve for at lower prices than you | I I I |/ H I you have made these money have even hoped for. I I I I | \, \ M I saving bargains possible. HOSIERY T II OUILj SLICKERS ThreadSdk Hosiery Most Interesting Reductions Prevail on ' f at our Anniversary mllßw Captivating Sport, Street and Afternoon sortmenf* in- < /?r'\ 95c 1 FROCKS i JM ft Jjf itabkto’purcilase many I M —of the finest materials. Designed to delight As pictured jj y v pairs of hosiery at this ( JIM the most discriminating of fair buyers. Priced j Sive khaki. 2 / // / / money - saving price. »■ for our Anniversary Sale at — Also the Rub- /j // l[ / We are offering all of Jiff ~ berized Sport // // I\ » the new Fall colors, in- [§■ /aTN x/ Slicker, in red, // // // V eluding black, white (SL A I / % M L / \ and guri/iiietah in sizes I £—( in all sire, l You will be able to find Materials include lus- Main Floor just what you’ve been ter satins, canton crepes, r ashionable rB looking for in our large crepe de chine and sash- A Q '1 C wfi assortment of lovely ere- ionable combinations of -4*- o|jCCl3.l v>/llCring Ol FOOTWEAR 3a£fin&&* Smart Millinery \'< ® Anniversary Sale specials. Distinctive dresses in sizes m J CA from 4 2'A to S2'/ 2 arc being featured. Hat " of velve j s » satins and felts, in Chi- U||jJ % J ySL, ne9e blue, wood, sand, purple and ltlack. Second Floor Specially priced for our Anniversary Sale JSV,h£ ?,tia, Xn o „«r'se,cct One of the Big Features of Our $3.95 what von need front an assortment of Ap p i\'Pt*cnf*\ T Co|p —-t, m ■ Thompson oxfords or attractive patent. nminciaai) OdlC rj JT7 1 1 black satin, black velvet, tan calf, gun rlanCl-llmbrOlUereCl Fur-Trimmed Linens | j ■ Pure Linen Hand-embrnidarpfl Tnw*u«. some \ with colored borders and all entirely handmade. IAI V 3 1 IV /1 i r w* \i, ■ II /““% ■ Pure Linen 5-Piece Bridge Sets, in green, "TnM\\ YAWp i m / I i rose, blue, tangerine and lavender; - . J J A- m. I W W attractively hemstitched. Anni- (hi JO co s Here are a lew ol the many items versary sale roce that }OU can DU\ at money sa\ ing /Tfc _-■ __ mw ored borders and hemstitched, in the following I values during our Anniversary bale. U m m s,zeß 7; « * • Th| J ■ ■ / lSx.Tt—Anniversary Fair 1 ricr, $1.19 Sewing SUk —100-yard spools ot' good qual- M 18x23—Anniversary Sale Price, 75c ily thread in black only. Anni- lO p ; i versary Sale Price........ ji j Handkerchief Squares of Pure Linen, in a Kotex-Regular size; 1 dozen to a box at the 11 j large assortment of colors, which regularly Special Anniversary Sale Prica F)r>7Ptl mM I B ®H t° r 12Hc each—at our ir\ <hi r\A (only one dozen to a customer) * J/ • LVU 11 . 111) *\ J . .... *, Anniversary Bale * lOr vpl.UvJ Portia Hair Nets— in aii shades in either \ \ / ■ This surprising Anniversary Sale price on fine coats - - - pl-?ce° r frlnße st>le ‘ SpecUl Anniverßary Sale / ■ w ill make it possible for thrifty women to save money on r> r* a o Single mesh, 29c dozen aB / I Fall and Winter coats without sacrificing style and qual- D EA D j Double mesh, 49c dozen it J? nv / H i^y # including crystal, Jet, gold, bronze. Taffeta Beani Binding—ln all shades, also ' f, , , _ blue, Irla and a large assortment of colors for black and white, 5v 4 ligne. seven-yard Beautiful Fur-trimmed Coats in all of the wanted , 10 piece' at our Special Anniversary Sale 1Q n HefT . , , , . , , , . . - . * bunch—priced for the Anni- hlinrh p rl( , e Fzc i shades and models are included in these offerings. versary Bale uuncn Good Quality Elastic, black and white, sizes \ _ , . , , Star Cut St*cl in sizes are V* and V* inch wide. Regularly priced 1 Materials! Flir TrimminCfS ! number 7,8, 9 and 10. Anni- |O _ 4-, nnr l-, at 6c, 7c and 12c a yard. Annlver- Z r V o rr l A c„ j De & veraary Sale Price uuuv ' u sary Sale Price “ - VclIU A MieOeS p arart ll Rlnrlr T vnv Solid Steel Hheafa, 6 and 7 inch sizes, with Bolivia Knitting Yams of many brands of wool, ln black Jap handles and fully c p alr H Camiilia Sable Fitch OpOSSUni eluding Beauty. Luster and Magic Floss. nickeled. Anniversary Sale Price i V_.di nmui 1 some of which were formerly priced at Solid Steel Scissors, 4, 4(4 and 5 inches In Pinpoint KaCCOOII Wolf 41 cetlts. Anniversary Sale ia,, L o lt size, at our Anniversary Sale n oj r x At Prtc* A ' J< “ Uclll Price oyc P air Misses sizes 16 to 20, women s sizes 36 to 46. Main Floor <s► Steorsyn’s—Second Floor V Main Floor ANNIVERSARY SALE OF YARD GOODS Silks, Woolens and Cotton Goods at Special Anniversary Reductions 54-in. Bordered Crepe Roydette, one of 40-itlch Heavy Satin Crepe, of unusual rich sfttin surface 36-in. Colored Sateen—one of the bet the new rayon finished, heavy crepes with SQ niuc j 1 j n demand. You may choose from the wanted colors II ' M ter grades, which is fast color. You may rf'the°ne r w nn and also black at the special Anniversary Sale price of Jh ■ / AnnbeTao' 9Q^ at the Special Anniversary 1 »"Q 40-inch Colored Flat Crepe, an extra quality of all-silk ™ price, yard Sale price, yard..... ... X.— —- o- ra( j e j n all colors, also black and white. Specially priced for „ . 54-in. All-Wool Flannel, very soft and A ’ of | 36-in. Colored Nainsook, of very soft. standard quality of twill finish wool flan- the Anniversary bale at sheer quality, made especially for lingerie nel. Select from 10 of the 40-inch Pure Silk Crepe de Chine, fine pure dye quality, in JL* purposes in all the wanted $ a ft^?line of all the Winter lingerie and dress co.ors, including price ** black. Special Anniversary Sale price price, yard 36-in. Crystal Canton Crepe, the new ■ 1 - ■ rayon finished crepe with the luster and ... . . 10-yard Bolts of English Longcloth, weight of the best grades of pure silk g* • j |) 11' IT' FrCC and fitting of t h e velvet finish and verv canton and equally as dura- Special H K £j£j Utterifl g any material purchased here firm, even weave, 36 inches J-| 7C ble. Comes in 10 colors during the Anniversary Sale. wide. Special Anniversary I.* and black at the Special OUR DRESSMAKING SCHOOL, under efficient and direct supervision, Sale price, each Anniversary price, yard... w x makes it possible for you to save by making your own garments. Six dj A 31-in. Colored Soisette—“the genuine lessons 36-in. Cretonne. Select from several soisette. the best of fast, colors,” in the JOIN NOW hundred yards of both large and small I light, delicate shades, also _ J „ . „ „ floral designs, all good . _ dark shades, black and yord Good * Scctto^rWn * Floor • patterns and colorings. A Q white. Aoniversary Sale a ■ '■ -■ Special Anniversary Sale f price, yard Pictorial Review Tf > \‘ SIVOT2iYTI?B Fll*St Elite Styles price, yard Third Floor Patterns J * Patterns Third Floor