Newspaper Page Text
HELP AND SITUATIONS. HELP—MALE. AI TO MECHANIC to take charge of private i ira«s. must l>o able to overhaul any make I rnj; Address Hex 10-V. Star office. BARBER. colored, first-class: must be able to Manage shop. Call at White Law Barber Shoy. 13th end T sts. Ask for Mr. bar. 14- HOT—-Opportunity for bright Iwy with biey cie, to do messenger work for advertising a|mi : y. Apply Ji:ih Munsey Bldg. HOTS —Start - a business of your own and earn money in spare time. Stanley Vet n.oro. ITUS Eye st. n.w. l» BUILDER - desires htvuvb ot a real estate salesman: we have just eumpleted six houses and have seventy under construction: leads and fullest co-operation of office given. Hall. Vates & McGinniss Construction Co. Inveat lilent Bldg. CARPENTER—AppIy 1017 otli st. n.w. after 6. or 36 R st. n.w. CHAUFFEUR —A competent young. single, white chauffeur. Address stating experi once. what cars familiar with, salary, cte. Address Box 811-H. Star office. CHAUFFEURS, white, with own cars: Ford sedans. Bodges or Hupmobiles. Sedan Taxi Service. 1426 bib st. n.w. N. -1)0. 16 * CHAUFFEURS to drive private taxis. Apply Sainui I Altman. Metropolitan Club. 13* i OI.LECTION AND CREDIT MANAGER for leading credit store, take full charge of col- W’tora and nabsinjr on credits: oxt*«nUional , opportunity for riuht man; pood nnlary: ex- 1 mod t*nly need apply. Address box 93- II Star office. t OLLECTOR for chain btores organization, pood opportunity for live wire. Mus?t have fir. 434 7th *t. n.w. _ COLORED MAN to drive Ford dirt trimk. Apply Wed, rear 630 K »t. n.w. • __ < OLORED MAN. younp. for work m apart ment houi»e. one who can operate elevator and switch board. 13*30 R fct. n.w.. ask for Mipenntend*nd. 15 • ENGINEER, licensed. night duty. 13 hours: hish-pressure heating plant: $75 per month, board, room and laundry. Address Box 05-V. Star office. i EXTRACTOR MAN. experience*!. Apply Washington Laundry. 27th and K FLOOR MANAGERS—A Washington depart ment ploro requires the services of a few efficient, neat young men to a**t as floor man agers: those with experience preferred. Ap ply by letter, stating a*e. experience and sai a i\v_ de s i hml, Ac Id re ge Hot 81-V. Star ofl i ce. GROCERY CLERK, must l*o first class. Eckington Market. 3304 4th st. n.e. 1.» HELPER ON TRUCK, strong and willing colored man. must also drive truck: heavy work, unloading ami hauling paper. **t«*.: Si 8 per wi'i-k. See Mr. Crymcs. National C apital Press. 1313 T) *f- n.w INVESTIGATOR arid specialty salesman with ear. should make $135 week. -°4 Woodward Bldg. - - - JANITOR for office building. l?ee Mr. Lind ley. 1410 1 oth st. n.w. LABORERS. 10. 5.T30. 8-hr. day. Falls church, one mile from ear line on Great Full, *t. Geo. M. Walker. Is__ MAN wanted m soli"it candy trade. Apply SS sth at- ti e. Phone Lincoln 985. 14* MAN OR BOY. handy, for gasoline station. 3300 T*a. a vc. s.o. MVN all around, in grocery store: must’ how to cut meat: with reference. Home Meat Market. 107 Upshur st. Must drive Ford truck. man colored direct from Virginia, about ?;n steady, unmarried, to drive urivate auto mobile- country. Salary room and board. Address D. H.. Room 309. Senate Office Jildg. - M AN—To sell ” Wear-Ever" aluminum cook in'. utensils- salary and commission: must have car: position permanent: married_m_an preferred. For appointment call Main MAN to tend furnace, references: vicinity * :lrd and Mass. ave. n.w. Phone North 13u. lo- MAN. exo.. for farm work, single, white. Tel. Clarendon 800-F-3. 15* MEAT CUTTER and clerk: reference. Co rn mbia_B49 J _ MECHANIC to install and repair gasoline pumps, by large manufacturer: permanent position: good salary. State experience anti references. Address Box 13-V. Star office. MEN? 2. can earn S3O per week to train with sales manager; don’t need experience: must be neai: our regular men earn 530 per week. Sec me at 901 Federal American Bank Bldg. . MEN AND WOMEN—If you feel capable of earning 5100 weekly wiling real estate, call and see us. Free office space and telephone. Our salesmen average over 53.000 a year. Meed not interfere with present employment to start. Free classes every Thursday at 5 I p.m. A. M. Sheppard. 010 Bond Bldg. MEN. experienced as retail store managers, for position as salesman, salary and commis sion. Apply Thursday evening. S p.m.. 202 4 Com. Nat. Bank Bldg.. 14th and G n.w MEN—One of the largest life insurance com- ; bailies wishes 10 men. 23 to 45. to take | f-ee course in life insurance salesmanship, j two uights weekly: opportunity to make I larze returns while learning: full or part time contracts given those who duality iff desired Address Box 181-D. Star offfi-c. j J’APERHANGERS. ten. ready to work: good I pay. Metropolitan Decorating Co.. .'lO9 G | st, n.w, • PATENT OFFICE DRAFTSMAN, piece-work basis with privilege of outside work: must T*c experienced. Private room. Plenty work on hand. Address Box 42-V. Star office. PLUMBER. Phone Col. 43357 • I’LUMBER in lobbing shop: good all around man: steady work year around for a good sober man; 51<l a day: must know how to drive Ford car. Address Box 80-V. Star office. _* PORTER—Young mail, colored, in drug stoop- drive Chevrolet: advancement: refer ences. Conn, ave. and Porter st. PRESSER on Hoffman mahine. 1402 s‘ark rd. L® * SALESMAN —The largest truck representa t e south of New York offers an opportu nity to a man of high caliber, whose fain jnsr anrl ability qualify him for a high grade proposition: in renl.v state age. ex perience references, etc. Only m-m of abilitv peed apply. Address Box 489-11. Star office S ALESMAN wanted b.v large insurance office, experience not essential. Will be given in struction and assistance. Only o'ean-eut men of good character considered. Liberal com mission contract with opportunity for big earnings from start. See Mr. Wright before 10 a.m.. 700 Bond Bldg. SALESMEN for outside work Excellent opportunity with rapid advancement for men who can qualify. Room 900. 1616 Eye st. 14* SALESMEN—We pay 558 per week to men on five-order average daily. American Mag azine. Room 900, 1.317 F st. SALESMEN, two. experienced in mens clothing, for Saturdays only. Apply 703 7th n.w. SALESMEN—Two who will really call on prospects given them and explain terms on which they can buy. That's all you have to rio to sell Chevroiets. Mr. Bowles. 3301 R. T ave. n.e. SHIPPING C LERK, young man. experienced wholesale and retail business: referem-es. ii,'|ti Pa. ave. n,w. * TAILOR for alterations. Call .it 007 H at. !».*. Lino. 6274. TAILOR experienced, wanted at once, on! ladles or men s w ork. Wyoming Tailor, 2127 16th st. ; TINNERS HELPERS, experienced. Apply f>62K Georgia ave, TINNER-—First-class jobber and all around stove hand. P. J. Niland & Son. 012 22nd s'.jbw 14* UPHOLSTERER, one accustomed to high .•lass Turkish tufted work. Apply 2015 S st. n.w. 19* WANTED—-Young man. 16 to 19 years, for | light clerical work in hotel: hour 4 to 12 j ».m. Address Box 54-V. Star office. j W ANTED—Outside radio salesman: good commission. Address Box 4:tß-H. Star office. J WANTED—A first-class pastry cook, only ! one with experience need apply. Brighton Hotel. 2123 California st. n.w. YOUNG MAN to give estimates on furniture j moving, experience not necessary. Sec Mr. | Gaszmer. Smith Transfer A Storage C’o.. j 1313 U st. n.w. YOUNG MAN active, for office and yard! work long hours: moderate salary: good op portunitv to learn the oil business: must have A-l rcf-rcnccs. The. Texas Co., M. 3158. Mr. Collier. * YOUNG MAN to work in multigraph denart elerieal work in lumtier yard: 515 tier week to start. Addijpsg Be> x 53-V. Star_office. 16 * YOUNG MAN Avan ted for delicatessen, expe rience not necessary. Apply 521 9th t YOUNG MAN to work in multigrap depart ment of large organization: state age. educa tion and experience: salary. S6O per mouth to start. Address Box 70-V. Star office. • YOUNG MAN in grocery store, some rx perience. 600 E st. n.e. 13 YOUNG MAN as bookkeeper and typist: good opportunity: reply in own handwriting, stating salary expected and experience. Ad dress Box 443-H. Star office. 14* j YOUNG MEN (81. of neat appearance, to | sell goods on train. Cash security and blue suit required: experience not necessary. | Long runs and steady employment to right i parties. Apply at once to l nioti News < o Office No. it. Union Station. F.n-t Basement. VOUNG MEN. 2. • an earn 522 per week to j start and learn selling: good chance to ad \ an ce to S4O. pales mann-g'Dr. Room 800. 1317 F st. men—A LARGE LOCAL COMPANY. EN GAGED IN THE ELECTRIC FIELD. WANTS FIVE MEN FOR SALES WORK. THIS IS NOT AN APPLIANCE PROPOSITION. THEREFORE WE HAVE NO SAMPLES AND NO DEMONSTRATIONS TO MAKE. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. SOMETHING NEW OUR MEN ARE MAKING BETTER THAN 575.00 A WEEK. THIS 13 ONE OF THE FINEST PROPOSITIONS. FROM ANY ANGLE. IN THE CITY. INVESTI GATE CALL AT ROOM 457 MUNSEY BUILDING, 10 O’CLOCK TO 4. * WE BUY YOU A NEW FORD CAR AND SET YOU UP IN BUSINESS. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. Here’s your big ehanee to iiecome your own hoes, and earn from 570 to 5100 a week- if von are looking for a real oppor- i iunity investigate this proposition: do uot va!»tf our time unless you Ivivo root! ref- . • #*rcn«*r*9 nut] «*an two t«> ifuarantiV' you to \lB. Call 3*30 Star Rlug:.. | 3 0 a.m. to 5 t».m. j TWO .commercial truck sales-! men for one of the lastest sell- j ing trucks on the market today. Substantial commission paid. Apply 9:00 a.m. to Mr. Dris coll, 1218 Conn. Ave., BARRY rATE MOTOR CO., INC. MUTT AND JEFF —The Little Fellow Passes Up Royalty for Beauty. Tr ““ BY BUD FISHER Mr V lx' ! M t 2?Lt-u?“ c,T /wezo THE CAR® _ /~x HAve Peer me A /"be* comfort ttA PARDOM TMe V ~“ \ A SewTLC- f WANT OP A KINDPeD IW* ,m |*y LATCIR. 1 f> ' / T et - c W>TH VilT , intrusion BARoncsT) cteJ^. s 7®iJ*‘ N I SOUL, .owe WHO WOOL* C* / VCARS, MANAGe /CZCCMD'SLOV^KIA! }i{ijj|j!ii .987 .i. ... .. .. - ■ ' ‘‘ Y mt »r f c riga,-. i„4. m,,-. Hi, i) » r,-,« im,» ■i 1 ,.i-irw- -i I * | | IIKI.P—MAI.E (rontinued). l SALES MANAGER. 1 T have a very attractive proposition to i offer a capable man who can qualify as I sales manager with a fast grow ing- local cor- j poration. Mr H. A. Coelirane. Room 210. Annapolis Hotel. l*etw*‘en 6 anti 8 p.m. * j HEAD WAITER. WHITE, j Must I** thoroughly exprripnc**il for hicrh- j trive anv and employment last three years: pood opportunity; salary to be£in. $l5O per mo.; enuTinrement approximately Oct. 25. Address Box 61-V. Star offl.-e.. 15* _ REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. Two experienced, with automobiles, to sell moderate priced new homes: «i real op- j portunity for koo*l salesmen. Apply in per son to j. k. Kelly, sales manager. THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO CO., 919 15th ST. N.W. American Automobile Association. Extensive development in our emergency I road service and numerous other departments calls for additional i>ersonncl in the mem bership sales division. Applicants apply at National A. A. A. headquarters. Mills Build mg. 17th and Pennsylvania ave. LINEN SALESMAN. Must have had considerable ex-! pcrience in a linen department. Apply employment office, Bth floor. G st. side, after 10 o’clock. WOODWARD & LOT DROP. RECEIYIN< r CLERK—Man with experience in women’s spe jcialty store. Apply M. Philips born, CiOS 11th st. “TAILOR ANI) PRESSER ! .. (White). i Fcroianent position if satisfactory. Only I apply are thoroughly experienced need j 527 13th ST. X.M r . .Tuliut Gartinckcl & Co. WHITE BOYS j About 18 rear* old for GENERAL USEFUL.NESS j -—around store: boys of good character and Ho7 S 4: 6 V U° SO allf ' a<l ’ j COLORED MAN j j —light complected, between 25 ! and 50 years old, to make Him- j [self generally useful about the j j house: one to stay about fourj J nights a week. Mii'-t he neat j and polite. Steady employment, i Apply, giving references and j stating full particulars. Ad-! dress Box 474-11, Star office. j PRESSER on Hoffman ma- j chine; steady job with good wages for reliable man; must be good. Address Box 5-Y, Star office. HELP-MALE AND FEMAI.E. rqii' C, B Y°-' I , AN cxpcrir-nci-d" teacher “of I GrejTK shorthand J eveninirs a week. addlv ' by letter to Strayer CVdleye. 731 13th .-t ’ MA N AND \\ il’E. General houw-vto-'t -c \ ™ u l l h ® v © s°od euok: stay nichts. Refer- ) Pn • * all Col, 65. 14* I ][j AR ?KRS AND ASSORTERS? Apuiy Tob nan Laundry. 6th at < n.w. j antV L ?00ft r <; t pt >f n b ° Bpmen f ruom " Krv- WAN'T ED—SALESMEN rJ- r 'FG MK - N ' lf .-»'*<! address, to sell rc-roof- « ing Jobs ,eads furnished: competent coacfi • literal drawing account; unlimited oppor-’ tumt.v for advancement: a real connection 1 lor ame man with a live oon<*ern j’or in- i address Box 76-V Star office. jg* j SALESMEN—I make 525 to SSO a day i selling a necessity to stores: to a few S pe- ! cialty men. willing to travel. I will show i outside in few hours how to earn above 1 amount. Phone for appointment after f, i o clock. H. H. Morris. Main 3810. Raleigh i Motel. 15* 1 SALESMAN, experienced man: "must know i ■ grocery tra-lc. Address Box 432-H. ! Star ofliep. 14* 1 INSTJUTTION fOI RSES. | iR. DEANE SHI RE. AMERICAN COM- I | poser, announces a class in harmony; meet •mg each Monday evening at s :io rail • Main 1422. _ ; HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS. COACHING for ! Naval and Military Academics, college cn- ' Jram-e. E. L. Moseley. 1315 15th st. Fr. j AUTO - DRIVING LESSONS BY OLfirEXPK-’ j rlenced Instructors: satisfaction insured. ' Call Lincoln 82. ; ! BEAUTY CULTURE—COME AND SEE OUR ! | students at work before you finally decide ■ We give practical experience at Mabelle Hon our’s School. Washington's only EXCLUSIVE I | school of lieauty culture. Day and evening i I classes. 310-311 Burchell Bldg.. 81“ 14th j st. n.w. Fr. 5131. 17* i BEAUTY CULTURE—INDIVIDUAL I.ES- ; ; sons in all branches: marcel viaving. Mr i Coulon. MARGARET E. SCFIKET7.E. skill : jam! scalp specialist. Established 1903. 1145 I Conn. ave. j BOYD SHORTHAND IS THE SIMPLEST i I system in commercial Use: easily read. fast, i , best, touch typing, spelling. Eng . inis, letter . writing: grad, in demand, nos. guar. Kst 5 yrs. Boyd School. 1338 G st. n.w. Main 2876. noil* THOSE WITH UNDEVELOPED* TALENT FOR DRAWING —Large studio offers un usual opportunity for practical training eve nings: will Interview only those desirous of i 1 making Commercial Art _a profession. Ad- : dress Box 121-A. Star office. RADIO OPERATING AND i The best vocation a young man can enter. ' Our course will prepare you. Moderate tuition ! charge, easy weekly payments. Get particu- I larn. LOOMIS RADiO COLLEGK. 405 >4th. 17* ! PIPE ORGAN LESSONS FOR MOVING picture work. Call R. MACHAT. Adams ‘ 6255. 9-11 am. or Columbia 5519. 6-7 p.m. FRENCH. SPANISH. ITALIAN, ENGLISH j ] individual instruction. Studio: League of , American Pen Women. 1709 H. Fr. SOOI.I |At f<) DRIVING LESSONS—Ask for niy i 'operator’s permit or no pay" plan. Call Foster. Franklin 8 <B7. auto-driving 'instruction ‘ ! BY EXPERT. $1 ta-r hour, your car: $2 our . ar. Adams ! 2550-J after 4:30 p.m. 18* j MARCEL WAVING. All branches of beauty culture. Subjects t furnished. Diplomas given to all graduates, j Dorothy Coffey School j of Beauty Culture, Frank. 10141. 1123 14th St. N.W. ! NOW is a good time to begin a course that will fit you for life's duties. You will never regret a course In our school. Thousands say it placed them on the road to success. Call, write or telephone. It is better to call WOOD'S SCHOOL. Established 1886. Become an Expert DRAFTSMAN —in your spare time, night or day. under our individual instruction plan. Complete course. 3 to 9 months. Get catalog. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF DRAFTING ! | 14th A- TSt * Phone North 272. j BI SIXKSB INSTRUCTION. [ Civil Service Examinations. ; Special intensive '-ours** at greatly reduced | 1 rates fur Oct. and Nov. exams. Dictation 5 j days and 5 nights each week, for those enter ing this week. Special for Patent Office exam.: salary. 51.860. Tuition 55 for rten. and typ’g. THE CIVIL SERVICE PRE PARATORY SCHOOL, s.e. cor. I2th and F. Ph. Fr. 2080. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. COLORED HELP FREE. North 3608. Wom an cooks. 565: waitresses. 560: kitchen men. janitors. SBO. Whits Cross. 1029 V n.w. 14* THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C„ WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1925. I KMPI.OV.MUNT AdKNCIKS. j (Continued.) j NURSES, maids, laundress*-**, cooks, wait i resse*. butlers, day part-time workers, rJeva | tor operators and janitors furnished. l*oto j mao 1043 • j COOK, first <das*. w.mts place: also waitress- J ‘*liambarmaid: stay nights. North 1)011. _ i RECOMMENDED HELP all kinds. 2004 9th ! st. n.w. North 10051. Home Employ. ! CALI, West 2089 for oounles. chanit*ermatds. helpers, nurses, laundresses, janitors, chuuf- I frurs. dishwashers. Fuller's Exchange. OfUee I 1221 25th st. 15* I CALL MAIN 2876. BR. 6] City Employment | Service, for stenog.. typist, bookkeeper, cleri ( cal help; free registration. 1338 G st. n.w. j noO* I Strayer Emplovnient Service. I Operated by Strayer College for Us student* and Graduates. Good business position pro cured for all that are Qualified. NO FEES. 731 Thirteenth St Main 3430. HELP—FEMALE. i ALTERATION HAND, experienced on i dresses. Apply 1328 G gt. n.w. j CASHIER and bookkeeper. bri*rbt g’lrl. Federal Clothing Store. 631 7tlv. CASHIER. l>etween 18 and 35. to work tn teahouse, suburb of city; S2O per week and board: nisht and day: pleasing personality preferred. Address 6ox 130-H. Star ofiiee. I on men’s coats wanted. Room « 18. 817 G st. n.w. 15* FLAT WORK MARKERS. experienced. » ashington Laundry. 27th and K. GIRL for real e>tatc offiet*. typing and book keeping; exjierienee preferre«l: state experi ence and salary expected. Address Box 494- H. Staroflico. GIRLS, eolored. to work on electric sewinff ina-hines; nU*ady work: s'nod pay after learning. Apply rear 516 Bth s.e. GIRL wanted for work, sewing men’s trous ers power machines: paid while learning; only those who know how to sew on a machine need apply. Max Hoffman. Brent wood. M<i. i r* * | g GIRLS. 3. white. lor addressing and insert- ' ing: 18 years of age: must write a good hand; salary. §l2 per week. 4th floor. 9UO E st. n.w. • j j HELPER on coats: experienced 1342 N. ! JY. ave. j LADY between 20 and 40 for permanent po- j ; sition of responsibility where she will be < j trained lor duties: Ih.ivus tn aildition to 6uar i anteed salary. Address Box 327-C. Star ! I office, j I.UNCH COUNTER GIRL, experienced. Post I I OftW Cafr. 13th and Pa. ave. n w. 14• j j MARCEL W.VYER. thoroughly rxperi^nood: i must l*o hair cuttrr; al«o girl to shampoo ! j ami manicure. Pearle ( uttuig. Mayflower 1 i llotrl. j NCRsE. cxi>enen<-#*d. whit**, will •'arc for J j «#no ohild: **ity rofrron«**»; 1 dress Box P-V. Star offirr. _ • ! SAI/ESLADIES. thorouarhly experienced in j ! '*o/ilh and tlrrssos. Apply Joseph W. I,evcr ton. 1305 (* st. \ SALESLADY for Satuniay.- only; cxnorienoed j }in dry foods store; good salary. 3138 Fa. } I ava » w liL* _ i 1 SEAMSTRESS, lir-t -lass, m good si.op. Ap- I j ply A. Johnson 3203 Ml. Pleasant i STENOGRAPHER and office clerk : state age. j i experience and salary desired: answer in own ] handwriting. Address Box 411-H. Star office, i j STENOGRAPHER may earn tuition m eve- I J ning classes by day or night help at Research j I University. 1607 Eye st. 17- j I STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper: good chance j for advancement: give experein e, reference, ago. religion and salary expected. Address j Box 492 H. Star office ._ STENOGRAPHER and general office 'work. > Apply 311 7th st. n.w. j STENOGRAPHER, i-ompetent. experienced, i in law ofli.-e work: state qualifications, age , ; and if now employed. Address Box IT-V. I j Star office. j j STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST: must Ye- good. : , to work at odd hours in the daytime in ex l change for one of our courses. Livingstone ■ Academy. Industrial Arts and Sciences. 1517 ] Rhode Island ave. Frank 7475. | WAITRESS, exiicrieneed. for boarding I house: also general housexvorker. 507 Se-j ! ward Square s.e. * j WOMAN, respectable, experienced, white, to | wait upon an elderly person: must know | how to pack and travel, be honest, truthful , and good memory: city references required: none other need apply. Room 201. Highland ; Ant Conn, ave. 15- 1 I WOMAN to sell novelty: outside work: can; ‘ make $5 day. Address Box 76-H. Star o.ffi'X’ j 1 WOMAN of refinement, pleasing appearafiee, j l 28 to 45 years of age: preference given to ; ! otic who through misfortune or financial re -1 vcrs"S finds it necessary to enter the business ■ world: the position does not require previous ! business experience, nor the investment of ■ any money: a splendid opening for qualified i applicant right away. N. S. Harris. 702 I Real Estate Truat Bldg.. Philadelphia, Pa, j YOUNG LADY for workroom, one who im • derstatids sewing and is willing to work. An- I ply at once. New England Furriers. 618 • i 12th st. * j YOUNG LADY assistant in dental office. Ad- J dress Box 75-V. .Star office. 16* YOUNG WOMAN, well bred and educated. : for general office work: must lw able to I manage detailed and exacting routine; office i experience and capacity for hard work csscn- j . tial. Apply only between 5 and 7on Friday. • : 1713 H st. 16- i ! YOUNG WOMEN, between 20 and 25 years i ! of age. good education, proficiency in spell- ] i ing and a knowledge of touch typewriting, to . t record and deliver telegrams by telephone: j , interesting work, congenial surroundings: 1 ■ par while learning: opportunities for ad- j vaiicemcnt. Western Union Telegraph Co., j : Bth floor. Commercial National Bank Bldg.. ! • 14th and G sts, n.w. I : waitresses several, experienced. I WHITE APPLY AT ONCE. HEAD WAIT-! : rfss CONGRESS HALL HOTEL. ; CAN EARN $2 AX HOUR ! i —selling Xmas cards, spare or full time, day : ior evening. No experience necessary. PROCESS ENGRAVING CO.. i ; Room liUO 927 15th St. “ YOUNG WOMEN FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING GOOD SALARY* DURING SHORT TRAINING PERIOD. REGULAR AND ! FREQUENT INCREASES ! THEREAFTER. PERMANENT POSITIONS. PLEASANT WORK. ; AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR YOUNG WOMEN. APPLY' ROOM 1. 722 12th ST. N.W THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC. TELEPHONE COMPANY. . FUR WORKER thoroughly oxnorionopd in hisrh-olass work. ! ! Addrops Bo* 477-H. Star ofli«*e. j jSAL ES E A DIES —Mu st lie j ‘ thoroughly experienced dresses, i ; coats, furs; permanent positions. I | Call 917'F st. n.w. j j FINISHERS 911 furs; must i have experience. Bertram Cohn Co., 1235 G st. n.w. SALESLADY experienced on dresses; only those with city ex perience need apply. S2l 14th n.w. HELPER on tine furs. Only ! those having had experience on | best class of ladies’ fur gar- j | ments need apply to Mr. Slier- j jman, M. Philipsborn, 60S 11th st. ! HELP—DOMESTIC. COOK and a genera) houseyorker. 1627 Kennedy pi. n.w.: take 16th st. bus or ].4th st. car. I_s* COOK and general houseworker: three in family: must be competent: references. 2330 Mass, ave. n.w. 15- COOK; white, to go to Fort Humphreys, Va.: work with German nurse; must have references. Address Box 52-V. Star office. to- HELP—IK»IESTIC (Cont’d). | ('OOK and senrral liouneworker. 015 Yar nnm et. rpi 67r>. _____ GENERAL HOUSE WORKER, competent, re I liable; stay night*. 3513 Rodman t*t. Vjp- ! fore 11 a.m.. or nhonr Clcvelnrul 4038. 1*» j GENERAL HOUSEWORK—Young woman: no laundry; comfortable room: good watrs: <*ity reference required. 5105 Cathedral — GENERAL IIOUSEWORKER. colored: «ay nights; references. 5505 Lowell st. n.w. • % i©• „ GIRT> wanted for general houwwork; muPt l»e good cook; no Sunday work Apply mornings. Mrs. <\ L. Scott. I!500 Connec ticut ave.. Apt. 255. Col. UPS 5. *_ _ GIRL, experienced. for general housework, with reference!. 1505 varnum st. n.w. MOTHER’S HE 1 J>ER—Part"time work ; "ref erenees. «J 94 5_ Ti hlen wt. GIRL for general housework; sta> nights; no laundry work: must have references. •lv4S Rjttenhouge st n.w. Cleve 1185 GIRL, colored, for general housework; no washing. 1505 Varnum n.w. <*lßi,. colored. for general housework: must cook, stay nights: reference. 4511 2nd »t. n.w, Adams 7900. _____ _ MAID. neat, for <ookmg ami general house work. Phone Cleveland 436~ or call at 551 1 Idaho ave.. Cleveland Park. MAID to care for children two nights per week. Call No. 2 Que *t. n>*. MOTHER’S HELPER; stay nights. 0700 4th st. n.w. TaUoma ear. • WAITRESS, colored. rxperieip-ed: private home: slay nights: referem-es required. 2339 S *t._ North 9245. WOMAN, white, for general housework: must Iw good cook and not ohjeet to ohil dren: SSO tier month. Plume HVii 2(*52. * j WOMAN, settled, lor s'eneral housework; ] from <*ountry preferred: sleep on premises. < To apply, take Georgia ave. ear to District I line, transfer tp bits to comer of Georgia ! ave. extended and C at.. Wood side. Mrs. Cha*. W Hopkins. Phone Woodside SC. 1 HOMAN, white, settled, in family of two [ j adults: no laundry; good home and small 1 j compensation to exchange for housekeeping i ! rp forences. Address Box 8-V. Star j j AVO MAN, white, (rood seamstress, for plain ! ! sew ms and mending. Apply to housekeeper, j linen room, Cairo Hotel. • i WOMAN, white: good eouk: stay nights. 630 Bth st. s.w. • WOMAN to cook and do gem raf house'- work: references required. 4 AVrst Kirk jSt chevy Chav. Md. t ier. ICH j SITUATIONS—MAI.K, |AC r OENTAN'T. 11 voars' rxD*'rien«'P. desires J «mall Nets «f books t«» lirop m bparc time. • Address Hox 63-V. Star ofli-y. 10* ] I BOY desire* to learn electrical trad*-; good t ; n ferenoe. Fr. 0060 W. • j • BUTLER, rxi**rion*•*»«! reform-** *. Address ! i Box 455-H. offloe or Franklin 828» !*• , < ARPENTER WORK of all kind. ‘ il] « I rank bn 55? T . • ! i CARPENTER - Ail around, desires position*. 1 I F. E Middleton. 2262 High sf m; j CHAUFFEUR, colored, for private famiH ! : reliable. « all between 5-7 pm. North i | 8876-J. j I CHAUFFEUR, private, janitor, butler or j • truck driver. osponm»»o<l. 2516 II nlw. 16• •CHAUFFEUR and houseman. colored. settled, j experienced: e.vrlleut referencer*. Pot. 1484-W. • ! • CHAUFFEUR, by neat colored man: be?t I I reference. Col. 82.5.1, j CHAUFFEUR. light • •olored. neat. jrood~rel~ 1 ! erenees.*s position. North 057. 14* j {COLORED MAN. neat, vvith 'small family! i would Ii plai'e as janitor with good liv- , • oic quarter*. Phone after 4 50. 1 COLORED MAN. porter, dishwasher. house J* N aner. North 5608. 1317 Uorcoran n.w. COLORED MAN. reliable. young, mechanic ■nr chauffeur. North 4704. 15* COLORED MAN. neat, with small family, would like as janitor with good liv ing quarters; re fr reaves. Phone after 4:30. | North 1180-W. (COOK valet. butler. Filipino, wants a i in a private family; reference**. Ad j drcss Box 4OQ-H. j C OOKS (2». Japanese. wish uobition. case •or lunchroom. long exp. Address Box G2-V. : Star j EVENING WORK, young college graduate, j Government mathematician. her. edito i rial ability, penman: best references. Mr. I Reed. Marmhesjcr Apts.. Main 311 H. 15* i FARMER. expcnein*ed. wishes position as I all-around man on farm. Address Box j 431-11. Star office. 14* ; JANITOR, first * lass. with ouarters for small • family. 754 Morton st. n.w\ 14* JANITOR, white. fir*t rla-s: all repairs and • nainfing in«*hided. Address Box 259-H. Star office. 14 • : LA S.aLi/E STUDENT, half completed course i m business admimstrxuion. Aildress B*».v j 60-V. Star office. 15* MAX (20). young, white, single, po ■ -ition chatiff >ur or driv* - *!* for private party : ••an furnish the best of ref. Phone North 3 954. • MAN. experienced, wants position in country -toi’e. tilling *tn. or wholesale produ**e. Ad dress Box 10U-H. "tHi on:-* 15* j PHARMACIST, registered, wishes relief work j evenings. Saturday and Sunday. Address • Wm. M-kiuire. Howard University. j POSITION on grain and stock farm or dairy . by e\i>eriei]»-ed working manager: married: : good reference. Address Box 01 -11. Star j nffl.-r, • : RETIRKD NAVAL MAN wishes position as i military instructor, traveling comoanton. | hotel work, or any rooil position: open to I any offers. .VMress Hox 43t1-H. Star office. { WHITE COOK in a private family, middle i **re<l mail. Aiitiress Hox Star ofllee. Ill* i YOUNG MAN. “5 years of aire. law crail nate. 10 years’ stemnrraphic. seeretarial. ; commercial and leiral experience, desires re sponsible position with future. Address Hox ( 43-V. Star office, _ In* YOUNG MAN. liisrii school graduate, atsiut : to xraduate from Straycr f’olleee course, tie • sires stenotrranhie or secretarial position. Rhone Main 3430. _ ’■ YOUNG MAN wishes work In pvenintes ! around easuhne station or iraraar. from 0:30 I to 12 a.m. Address Hox 403-H. Star office. ! L s *_ 1 | POSITION WANTED. ‘ | Superintendent of builrllriK' or instituiton ! ; preferred, by man having 20 years’ super- ] 1 vtsory eleetrii’ial, mechanical, steam-enai j neerinp anti buildins: experience on construe- | tion, maintenance and repair work for promi- j ; nent establishments. Phone Lincoln .181-J. ! Atltlress Box 442-H Star office. 15* j SITCATIONS—MALE. FKMALE ! ; UOLOREII STUDENTS, girl fuid boy. after ' | school. North 3608. 1317 Corcoran n.w. * | j MARRIED COUPLE wish Dlaees with small ' ; family, with quarters: g<*od plain cook and houseman; ref. Address Box 173. Rock-, >l Md. 16* J I SITU ATI ONS—FEMALE. i HANK, office, sttire or an.v worthwhile place. | younv woman. 34: knowledge and t-xt>erience ! in bookkeepimr anti addinsr machines, state j inents. provinx and savings departments, tyn : inir. lilintr. cashier work, some sellimr ex- I penence: usetl to meetine the public: would accept anythuur not stenographic. Address Box 461-H. Star office, 15* __ j CLERICAL WORK WANTED by educated yuunc woman, teaching experience, capable. Address Box 446-H. Star office. 14* CURTAINS STRETCHED. 40c pair: satisfac tion ttuaranteed. See janitor. 1310 Mass. ave. n.w. 14* DINNER. STREET GOWNS and old dresses made like new; best releretiee. 1459 N n.w.. Apt. 1. . 14* DRESSMAKER, white, wishes work by day or permanently: excellent seamstress. Ad dress Box 84-V. Star office. FRENCH LADY. slixhVly passed middle axe. wishes situation in family to teach youmr children having nurse, or as companion or . tutor to invalid child. Address Mme. • harpehtier. 2T09 West North ave.. Haiti- i ! more Md. 10* | GIRL, colored, wants part-time position. ! i waiting, in mornings. Call Adams 7360-W. i I.ACE - CURTAINS neatly done. 50c per pair. 1 Main 5240. 735 Del, ave. s.w. 10* j ' LADY, colored, as maid and assist in sewing. i Write M. 8.. 704 East • anitol. ; LADY, young, with legal training, desires position Involving legal research: has fair knowledge of stenography. Address Box 347- H- Star office, 14* MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR, lady, young, de sires position: six years’ experience: best reference. Adddress Box 447-H. Star office. NURSE, graduate, desires position in doc tor’s office, whole or part time. Address Box 40-V. Star office. 16* J SITUATIONS—FEMAI.K (Cont’d). ) MANAGEMENT first-class apartment house: j I experienced, courteous, capable of scouring | | tenants, leasing, collection of rents, furnish i me. supervising repairs, managing dining | !' room. Salary, small commission. Address j Box 58-V. Star office. * NURSE, practical, with several years’ bos- i pital experiem-e. wants position: city refer- I ences. Cali Franklin 3070. 15* OFFICE WORK or P. H. X.. 2 years’ exneri- I ence; permanent position desired. Col. 2145. Hr. 117. * I PRACTICAL NURSE wishes an engagement. l>est_re Terences. North 5325. SEAMSTRESS wishes work, home or out. 024 M s.e._ SECRETARIAL and to assist with editorial, publicity or advertising work. Expert stenographer: college graduate: six years’ business experience. Address Box 41-V. Star office. • SEWING by the day or week. Col. .1177-W. STENOGRAPHIC or secretarial position de sired by young lady, high school graduate and graduate of straycr College. Phone Main 3430. Ask for Miss smith. STENOGRAPHER, capable and accurate, ex perienced. desires position with opportunity lor advancement, understands filing. Au dress Box 85-V. Star office. STENOGRAPHER, university student desifes position If a.m.-4:30: two years' experience. Adams H273-W. 15* STENOGRAPHER-TYPIST desire* temporary or permanent position: three years' experi ence, Address Box 74-V. Star office. *_ STENOGRAPHER TYPIST - wishes position. gradu;ite J Phone West 87f». 14* YOUNG WOMAN, with car. desires position, outside work, for department stores, or other business corporations. Address Box 47W-W Star office 14* I SITUATIONS—DOMESTIC. j AFTERNOON WORK, by experienced girl, with references: no Sunday work. Address 1 Box 45Q-H, Star office. 14* | j H4/EXPERIEM ED COfiK: Apply at 3824 j ] nl.. D. r. [ j C HAUFFEUR. colored, yvars' j j prv’p. r»OMtK»n with private family; |* Hn furm»h ref* rcnovj. (.all alter 5 r> ni. North 4817. 14 • ] i HAMHIIRMAID or Kcnrral houiework. eir 1 } wiblirs vork in private family. Address i I f 4 \ w st. n.w. CHAMBERMAII». reliable. Ctrl: stay j nitrht s. 1622 Fla, ave. Nortb 5289 J • J ‘ HAMBER WOEiK and plain sewing, i-ojorcd J woman. 1831 Oregon ave. ha\. North 5822*1. I 6« ! ( LEANING OFFICE or day s work. Hot. j 668 call Wednesday. • • j UOLOKED IVUMAN. day or pari | Uorcoran North 3668. 15* ; { UOLOHED GIRL denres T>arl tunc or day s I j work: refrren*s. A*l<lrc«-i Box. *SO-V. * | Star offi«-c. • f < OLOKED wants half day s workT! i mornings; have crood ref* r* n-Tb. Frankbn 1 t 5760 J. J j COLORED intelligent, wishes position j j nuiep. lisrht housework. 756 Lamont j j COOK, ail day or part time. 1019 M st. J J n.w.. Apt. 1 Reference. «* J COOK entail family, by settled colored vnm- j J an. rtay in city. 1753 Oreson ave. j TOOK DINNERS, hv prat rirl: referents: j nn Sunday work. North 8861-J. ] COOK, laundress, day worker, housrworkrr. I * j*U_ West 2624. _ | COOK or • harnbermaid or maid in store, re ] liable colored woman wishes place. 910 I* ' I •*t. n. w . top nor. j | ‘ OOK. exuerienretl. neat elrl wishes iilat'e j in small family: go home niirhtr. 2022 12th j S <"OOK. first claps, 2t>4B L j j ‘ OOK. srenaral. by young- white woman, has i ; excellent references: kind and willmsr work- 1 ■ er: wher#» r <an have mv iittle kill with me j 1 near school preferred: can «;tay or iro home ! :at iiiahjt Address Box 47-V. star office. • i 1 COOKS, general houseworkers with irood j : references colored. 446 Eye st. n.w • . COOK, crood: no laundry: stay nights. 936 i j P st. n.w. i t’URTAINS STRETCHED, washinir and iron- J ing: called for, Franklin 748. 15* . DAY'S WORK or part-time place wanted. j 1901 7th st. n.w.. Ant. 4QB. • j DAY'S WORK by colored girl: cleaning in ! Private family or apartment: dependable, j 1516 sth n.w. j PAY'S OR PART-TIME WORK by neat col i ored woman: references. 2018 Bth st. n.w-. ! DAY'S WORK, by colored woman. 516 2nd Ist. s.w. 1 GENERAL HOUSEWORK or day’s work by i neat colored woman. Ssh sf. n w ! GENERAL HOUSEWORK in smaTFfanTiW 'or part-time work. 1341 27th et. n.w. 14• j GENERAL IIOUSEWORKER. colored girl I wants pl3--e in small family, good reference. : j 1007 T at. n.w. • : GENERAL HOI'sEWORKER or part time. I ; CaJJ 14uP Columbia -t. n.w. • i j GENERAI. HOUSEWORK and plain cooking ' I wanted. fnll j 1 dr, ]Dth st. n.'v. | : GENERAI, HOUSEWORK, colored girl wauls ! | place, will stay nights. 1 715 14til st. n.w. i .GENERAL HOUSEWORK or nurse, girl ; wants place, 1208 dlli st. n.w. i [GENERAL HOUSEWORK by refined colored f I girl. Write Helen Wright, 1408 T st. n.w. j GENERAL HOUSEWORK by rolored - girL : Annly 1213 lllli st. n.w. GIRL wishes night or day work or anv kind. Call Lineoln 2215 or write 113 M st. s.e. V • GIRL, light eomnlexioned. as maid, wants part-time work in apt. 1338 V st. n.w. Phone North 1 OfHl. • GIRL, intelligent colored, desires part-time work mornings. 1420 sth st. or phone j Potomac 52. • j j GIRI.S. colored, wish part-time work. - mono j ' ing or evening, or waiting. Call 1035 10th j st. nw. 14*_ | i GIRL, colored, wants place house girl or : ; nurse. Ref. 2443 P st. Pot. 425 T-W. 14* j | HOUSEKEEPER, elderly woman, competent ' I for couple employed. Address Box 09-V. ■ j Star office. • I : HOUSEWORK hv colored girl, no washing. 1 ! home nights. 1815 S st. n.w. ; HOUSEWORK or day work, colored. 1772 I j Willard st. n.w.. Ant. 1, j JOB in cafeteria as waitress or pantry girl. jby neat colored girl. 1517 Kingman pi. i LAUNDRESS wishes work to take home. j 2317 H st. n.w. ! LAUNDRESS, good, day work or work at j home. 2307 Champlain st. n.w. ! LAUNDRESS, washing to do at home. 1929 : Temperance alley n.w. ' | LAUNDRESS, first class, wishes washing to ! take home: can give reference. Call Col. i 5135. 14* , [ LAUNDRY, take home: ref. Phone Frank. I tif»4 fi-J. 15* 1 LAUNDRY or cleaning work wanted. Call j North 10255. j LAUNDRY by day or week. 1020 sth st • n.w. i LIGHT HOUSEWORK by neat colored worn- j I an. 2124 10th st. n.w. j 1 LIGHT HOUSEWORK or chambermaid. 1831 i i Oregon ave. n.w. North 5822-J. 15* | i LIGHT GENERAL HOUSEWORK by neat, i ieliable woman: reference*. 301712 Sher i man ave. n.w. MAID, reliable colored girl wishes position, small family, bachelor apartment, doctor’s •office: half time, all day. North 0272. PART-TIME WORK. girl. Call Potomac 1317. 14* PART-TIME WORK by colored woman. Will cook dinner for adults: no laundry: refer ences. North <1054, 1931 9th st. n.w. PART-TIME POSITION by colored girl. North 7087, PART-TIME WORK by light colored worn an. North 10489. SEAMSTRESS and make herself useful, good home preferable to high wage*: reliable woman. 1428 N st. n.w. • j SMALL WASHES WANTED. 1319 Hth IT n.w. i WASHING AND IRONING, strictly open-air [ drying: called for. Curtain* stretched. I * F-anklin 9531. 15• ! WOMAN, reliable colored, wishes place a* ! laundress or get dinners evenings. North 4441-W. • WOMAN, colored, wants day’s work or gen- ) eral housework, part time, morning?. 709 r Kenvon st. n.w. • WOMAN, refined widow wants housekeeping position: fond of children. Address Box 12-V. Star office. » WOMAN, colored, eookinr. downstairs work. home nights. 2411 Eye st, n.w. * WORK, half day. neat colored girl. 940 L st. n.w. WORK after school, by colored rirl. Call Potomac 449. I PKKSOXAU. ! |r CAN MAKE YOU STRONG AND j healthy; hijrh bloo«l pressure, rheumatism, flat feet, eonstlpation. treated by my drus- I liens method. DAVIDS PHYSICAL UT’L-j I TURE STUDIO. Emile Building, 122 L Conn.} ! ave. Main 116 b. } | SANITARIUM FOR MENTAL AND NERV- j ous diseases, opening Nov. 1. will make i | reservations: near eity and under medi* al j ! supervision: special rates until April 1. Ad- j dress Box 318-H. star office. _ 18* _ [ ELECTRICAL TREATMENT DRUGLESS j methods: 12 to 8 p.m . 318 Kresgo Bidur . j Frank. 3747-J. GRACE NASH. Ph C. 17• , NESTLE LANOIL PERMANENT WAVE—; All work done by expert operators. Cairo i Hotel Beauty Shop. 1615 Q 6t. North 2106. Open until U p.m. J WANTED AUTO TRANSPORTATION I downtown daily by two from 20th and Park ! road. Col. 4763-J. ■ 14* DRIVING TO IOWA VIA CHICAGO ABOUT j October 17 want two young men to ac conipany. Call Main 2004. _ 14* EN ROUTE TO FLORIDA. ACCOMMODATE I one p;i*6enger. first-class rar; leaving about ! ; October 18: rate roaeonaide; reference* ex- { changed. Address Apt. 208. 2901 Connec- I tlcut ave. 15* j MARCEL WAVE AND SHAMPOO (BOB).! 81.25. La Fayette Hotel Beauty Parlors, j 10th and I gt *. nw. 1 0 • j ELECTRIC MASSAGE. VIOLET RAY.THER moIite treatment for neuritis. lumbago, rheu matism. aching, swollen joints, nervousness. \ Hours. 0-0: treatment. $L Fr. 6713. I_s* | WOULD LIKE TO BUY TICKET TO LOS Angele*. Address Box 78 V, Star office. 15* j SWEDISH MASSAGE Colored operator; rheumatism. White clients. Lincoln 5485. i U>* I GRAY HAIR—A SPECIALIST IN TINTING | hair to natural colors with pure vegetable j iiouid: scalp treatment: appointments made | 8 a.m . 5 to 8 p.m. Phone Lincoln 3840-J. i Mr- . MILLER. i WISH TO COMMUNICATE WITH PARTIES i I leaving city for Winter: rent free for care j lof home; reference. Address Box 445-11. iStar [BACKWARD CHILDREN TUTORED AT j student s home if <ie-irod: experienced D. C. : teacher: grades 18. Address Box 413-11, j j Star office 15* j ! FACT \I,"H Alß' 1 ] ,81 a treatment • satisfaction guarantee,*. MARIE STEVENS, elec, needle expt . 20 I year- e>p. 30ft Kresge B'dg„ J1 Hi and G Id* ; I \ GRADUATE IN ELECT C Y WILL GIVE j jou scientific treatment: excessive weight re- , ducert by new method*. Phone Pot. 1447. GRAD. NURSE GIVES SCIENTIFIC BODY ; rr and rlrt« tio-thprum utie treatment, j ' J” e-. w ~„ 8725. WANTED—MISCEU.ANEOFM. ! ! ANYTHIN!; ami everything bought I'lroi:! I po.-tal v<; will call. Leavitt. 813 4'- * I St. *w. _ls* I ! APPAREL (men’s, women’s and children ,* | ' ;ie,.,Je,] for rtinnnagc sale, also mi*--, house- i I hold articles, odds and ends, cto will pay i I • ash.. Phone Mr. Winger. Fr. 0410 J. 15* : i * K MERAS, tools of every kind, field classes. ; I shotguns; anything you have to sell. Groce’s. ; I 11th and E n.w. Ph, Frank. 833 or postal. | I * A REENTRY—Store fronts a specialty. Re- j ! pairs of ail kind*. W W. Blankenship A I B-o . 420 li st. n.w. Frank. 3217. 17* CLOTHES—WiII pay highest price* tor ladies' j and men’s worn clothe*. Write or phone 1 ]> Stein, 1308 7th gt. n.w. Ph, N. 499. j CLOTHING (men’s cast-offi. We pay top ] price for everything a man wears, hats. J shoes, etc. Send for us at once. Auto calls, j Mam 4145. Justh's Old'Stand. (119 D ! DIAMONDS, jewelry and old gold, for cash: i Ino delay*. Alvin Hoffa. diamond broker. ! 91 H E st. n.w,. Room* 17 and 18. M. 8458. i DIRECTORY. Washington city . 1925: must : jbo in good condition. H M,-Convey, printer, j |63J» EsL n_yy. Frank. 5920-J. 17* I : ELECTRIC WIRING, with 20 months to : j pay choice of bo«t fixtures: become one i !of our satisfied customers. Write, phone ! or call ami get our estimate. Penn Elec- ' ; trio Co.. 911 9th st. n.w. Mam 512 or | Main 1855. If* i FEATHER BEDS and furniture: highest ; i price* paid. Give us a call. Eagle Furni- S I ture Co.. 1305 7th st. n.w. Pot. 1657,' 14* f FEATHER BEDS and furniture: best priee* | ! raid. Square Deal Furniture Co.. 501 Eye i st. *‘.w Plior- Main sH3rt. j FURNITURE—Want to buy some furniture | at once: can pay cash. Phone Franklin i 5394. lo • J FURNITURE—If you have any rumiture or I other goocu; to sell, and you want to obtain ! best result", send for Louis Note*. 421 10th t. n.w. Phone Fr»r.khn 2015. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, etc. Phong j M. 1282 for wagon or have me call "Wegchler," P2O Pa. ave. n.w. FURNITURE and household goods of all j kinds: will call any time. L. S. Weingartcn. i 418 loth nw. Phone Main 9275, ‘j4* J FURNITURE and household goods of all j kind for highest cash uri-es. Call J. E. , ; Herrell. 434 10th st. n.w Main_7loo. 1 *»• ' ; FURNITURE—-Pianos, store ana equip ment. Let us e a ll and tive an estimate. ! . Shannon, t'aldwelj k Co.. Inc.. Auctioneer* [ 304 10th st n.w. M. 9272 ) I FURNITURE of all kinds wanted: best price* i paid. Capital Furniture Co.. 490 La. ave. ! j n w,, or phone Franklin 10207. : FURNITURE—It you want to oFtaln he*t j results fur .vour furniture and other mis- .- i eellaneong call Mr. Shapiro. 000 Louisiana I i ave. nw, Franklin 3785. • GOLD, silver, watches, diamonds and td3 | : jewelry nc-ded In our mruiufacturing dept. 1 Full cash value paid. Selinecr’e. SIM F sL ’ HIGHEST PRICES PAID for men’s and i ladies’ worn clothing. Potomac 2340. J. B'rnrte-n, MIRROR—oId gilt mantel mirror, sxo feet. 1707 N st. n.w. 10* OFFICE EQUIPMENT, complete, suitable ! for real estate: also small safe. Address j Box _69-V._Star office. • : OLD GOLD—Bring in your old gotu, sliver, i I platinum, diamonds: also discarded jewelrv. I | need them in our manufacturing dept. I A ill pay highest prices. A Kahn. Inc.. 935 1 ; j OLD GOLD, sliver, diamonds, jewelry ane. i ; beautiful pieces -"pecially. A. F. Arnold. ' I 1323 G st. n.w. Main 81/3, ! ’ OLD SOLID SILVER tea service and any i ! old pieces of furniture possessing dignity j i reganllees of condition. Gentleman furnish- ; • Ing country house, would like to buy. Ad- ' i dress Box •Q-C-. Star officr. . PIANO—WiII take your piano or player”re- | gardless of dolidition in exchange on new furniture. Sanderson-Schaefcr Co.. 044 H st n .e. Lincoln 1057. SILVER AND GOLD, old: w*e will pay full value for broken lots, and top prices for pieces having a re-sale value. The Shef field Plating Company. 1225 Conn. are. STENOGRAPHER’S DESK and 3 pivot chairs, mahogany finish, Maln 5482. USED FURNITURE for 8 rooms: complete suites and odd pieces. Ad. 600. WANTED Second-hand Ford '2l or '22 coupe body. Armentrout's. 1710 14th st. n.w. Phone_ North 3889. WANTED—Enouch furniture for an 8-room house immediately: will buy as a whole or odd nieces. Kindly call Adams 1052. WARDROBE TRUNK. Telephone North | FURNITURE RUGS. HOUSE HOL D \ | EFFECTS BOUGHT AT GOOD CASH PRICES. ENTIRE OR PART CONTENTS: PROMPT ATTENTION. 027 F ST. N.W. MAIN 81.09. | * | 19 RECOMMENDED SHU VICK, The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star readers. Any complaint found nec essary tp he made to The Star will receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Serv ice Column call Main 6000. Branch 116 AUTO PAINTING—CaII Franklin 4507 and get a price on a revarni6h. recolor and re finish or a complete paint Job: our prices and work will please you. Blanton’s Paint Shop. Rear 1210 North* Canitoi. • BEDDING Box springs repaired: mattresses renovated. $3. Work guaranteed. Columbia i Betiding Co.. 010 K st. n.w. Main 5528. 20* | BEDDING, MATTRESSES, box springs and : ! pi 1 low * reno.: best prices and prompt, del. I Wash. Mattress Co.. HI 7 F st, n.w. M. 9(179. ' [BOX SPRINGS. MATTRESSES a:'d nil lows— I I get ready sot w inter. Ig-t u* renovate yours. | Right prii-e“ and prompt service assured. EAGLE BEDDING CO.. 1123 7th et. n.w. Phone M. 1992. BOX SPRINGS, matt., pillows, down com forts. feather matt., renovated and re-covered. Ideal Bedding Co.. 1524 7th. North 10146. BRASS BEDS RELACQUERED and repaired: auto reflector* rcplated, silver plating, re pairing; prompt service. M. 9607. Acme Plat ing Co.. 1227 D st. n.w. After 5 Line. 2948.. BRICKLAYING, plastering, carpentering and cement work, Clinton Ward. 2813 Quarry rd. Col. 7197-J. 18* MISCELLANEOUS. | RECOMMENUKU SERVICE. I ' (Continued.) [ BRICKWORK, all kinde; repairs, large or [i-mall job: estimates free. Boland. 511 : follow st. n.w. Adama 6003-J. 18* I CARBON BURNING 30e PER CYLINDER i Owner to remove plus’s and wires M. M. j <X)LEMAN T . ‘in 7 12 th hl.jkw._M. 4598. CARPENTER— REPAIRS TO PROPERTY i *nd all kinds of fixturo work. J. Howell, j 12U F n.w, Fr. 1342-W. i CARPENTRY—Store fronts a specialty. Re pairs of all kinds. W. W. lilankeuship & ! Bro.. 426 H st. n.w. Frank. .1217. If** j ■ chair caning. upholstering, re- j t pairing: A I work; lowest prices Liin- 41185. i ; Lin*'. 8080. L. L. Bailer. 211 P». »ve. ■ .e. : CHAIRS CANED. upholHiered, porch rockers . , splinted. CLAY ARMSTRONG. 1233 10th ! ! st. n.w. Franklin 7483. Nus-Ced. i ELECTRIC WORK—Save one third. ?or ae- ! i tails, call Lincoln 03011 • j 1 ELECTRIC WIRING, w-ith 20 months to l 1 Pay: choice of t-est fixtures: Iteeome one of j ! our satisfied customers. Write, phone or ! j '■oil and trot our estimate. Penn Electric : ,- 0.. »U 9th st. n.w. Main 312 or Main I I No.>. 18* _ • EXPERT FLOOR FINISHING. HOUSE ! { painting: skilled mechanics: reduced prices. 1 PALL SERENE. 37 T st. n.w. Tel. Pot. 231. ! 2: p*- I FLOORS—ELECTRIC MACHINE and hand i nnifehinpr• cffleient: reasonable: reliable «erv- I A - R E. NASH. 23? 1 nth st. Col. 42>31. ] FLOORS. OLD. FLOORS RENOVATED, NEW j floors. Layinsr. H< rapintr and finishing-. • Prompt service. .T c. Price. 1120 sth at. n.w. Franklin 6524 days: 2027 evenings. ! Ff/RNITURE REPAIRED, upholstered: oabi- S net work. Let us est. Ph. Main 8757. G**f»bell 6 Upholstery & Cabinet Shop. 240 Ist tt «.w. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, repd; altp eovers made. Est. cheerfully given. Returned f rc.e TITTENSOR. 1424 Bth Bt. n.w. N. 7702. GENERAAUTO REPAlßS—**l>u«*o ’ paint ' mg and lettering: sedan door repairing. Cen i tial Auto Works 149-51 I st n.w. Fr. 0805. j heating, plumbing, oil burning ap \ paratUH. Established 1897. J. R. Guenn. • 412 E Cap st Lincoln 3417 J HoUsE ( LEANING. PAINTING. WJNDOW wa-hingr. wall washing and floor work. Leon , I.indjey. 11th st. n.w. N. 005.3. 10* JOB plantering and cement work of all kinds. ! j experienced man: reasonable pricea* no iob i too far; also aervi«’e. Franklin 9822. 15* KE Y S—DU PLir ATE KEY S . 2 5 ( E NTsT while you wait Turner A- (dark. j J -dd N 3. ave. n.w. Basement. Fr. ,3005. i J AWN MOWER REPAIRING: PARTS FUR ‘ limbed. Power and hand movers for sale. Tel Kr 7707 C F ARMIGER. .30.3 16th nw. ; PAINT YOUR ROOF NOW Protect it ! : against, Winter elements. White Houbo Re- I pan ' , 2004 X n u Frank 200H H* i PAINTING of frame houses and bungalows; l I'Ung.aU.-v*. from *540 and Up. first class ma- V rial, work guaranteed. Hyattsville 827-W. • j ! PAINTING House painting, floor finishing: ! ■ -killed me'-haniep; redm.-ed i»ri*e>- PAT I. 1 SERENE. 87 T st n.w. Tel Pot. 251. _l4* j PAINTING High-grade house painting; best ! roateriaj« used: **ost reasonable; rfs. R. ! Moran. 2IG John Marshall pla-.e. Main 17.31. 1 !< * j PAPERING. PAINTING—S 6 upr~*bost of j ir.efhanics and materials used. We van ar- j I rangre ternm from .3 to 24 months to pay ; without interest. Phone Ad 04.32 for estimate. | Peerless I>eeorating Co. IP* ; PAPERHANGINt». rooms. ST.SO up: interior and exterior painting at lowest prices. Metro politan Dec. Co.. 427 G n.w. Ph. Fr. 800. I PAPERHANGING —— First-class work done ■ very reasonably and promptly. Call Pot. } 4549-J lor estimate. J 7.30 14th n.w. Gus*in. i ; PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING. GET 1 our estimate first anil save money. R J. j LEWIS. Frank. 5747. 1022 Ist st n.w. • PAPERHANGING. 5 rooms. 2-story, hall, S*)p: guaranteed work. Adams 2320. | PAPEBHANGING—Room*. $7 and ud: no ! delay: first - lass work. Joe Egdal 33 Fla ; ave. n.w. North 1551. 15- ! PAPERHANGfNG. PLASTERING. PAINT ; inr satisfactory work guaranteed. Wm A. Little.. 818 oth st. n.w Phone Frank. 0754. paperhanging—rooms papered " «o I an.l tun A. T. GEORGE. 2534 Illh st. i Mw - rhone Adams oOS?. • PIANO TUNING, repairing, regulating: rea . sonahle charges; all work promptly attended I to. J. Iscnaan. P. O. Box 3043. Wash. D C j 1»» ! PIANO TUNING. s2—We epeeiahze on gen- J eral piano repairs and rebuilding. Get our estimate. Prices reasonable. Skilled mt- J chanics. Work guaranteed. Sanderson- Schaeffer Co , 844 H st. n.e. Line. 1061. i PRINTING 500 business cards — billheads: ;' a ‘ e 2? entfi - 1.000. 53. P r. Printers. | 830 F st. n.w.. Room 8. Fr. 5820-J 15* I UPHOLSTERING, repairing: new furniture ! made to your special order: A-3 work. Spe ’ C'jil Prices on reupholslering. Mam 232 or j 341fU J. Holober Co . 022 E st. n.w. ! T PHOLSTERING and furniture repairing. ! special prices this month Col. 4038 Stand j nrd T pliolsterimr Co.. 2810 14th st. n.w. 14- WELTo'-fi—LASTING. STEEL AND ALUML - nuni W“ldea properly: work guaranteed. M. ,M, ' oleman. 207 12th st. n.w. M. 4598. 1 WINDOW SHADES AND SCBEEN9—FREE ) estimates. J. M BUTLER & SON. 203) i Nichols ave. se. Lincoln 10123, ! WINDOW AND DOOR SHADES—GOOD ; cuallty opaque shades fitted to your win* . doxvs. B;>c the best quality of opaque phader i w<! ciil w| lh saruplos. j ELjEF-BLATT. 11th and H sts n e Unc 870 i business opportlnities. j M ELL ESTABLISHED useil ,-ar business in | h w. section. located on busy thoroughfare. which is runnimr on profitable basis: attrac l tlye building with large, bright showroom I suitable for large cars: two entrances, j large doors, wide alley, wash stand, heating Plant, large closets, lockers, offion and offi.-e fixtures: very desirable location for used I car business, new ear agenev or rent-a-car j and-drive-it-yottrself: long lease and very low- rent, considering the building, location and opportunity there is to make money will sell all or any part of business: terms ean he arranged with responsible party. | Address Box 488-D. star office 14- , GROCERY. MEAT MARKET for sale: good location J 100 P st. n.w. j ! BEAUTY- PARLOR EQUIPMENT lor sale. i :>l4 13th st. s.o. ir,« . PARTNERSHIP in established garage and j speeialized automobile repair business: the J best located in the city: gross sales were | doubled last year. A wonderful opportu ! nity for a good li\o wire. Address Box 4-V l Star office. T • NTTSUAL OPPORTUNITY to eecurtTa paF ing business in new subdivision. Price. SBo6- rent, S3O. Address owner. Box 408-it Star office. 14 s CONFECTIONERY. LIGHT LtlNCHTommsFli 3 schools: no comi»etition. 325 7th st ne. ELE\ EX-ROOM HOUSE, excellently fur nished: cood buy. Information. 1010 Mass, ave. n.w. j 5• DINING ROOM, located in lartrc n.w. apt.- hptel. fully equipped: tfood business: splen did Place for lady: bcgt-class patrons. Price SI.OOO. Address Box 107-V. Star office. • GASOLINE ACCESSORIES, in Mt. Pleasant lonir lease: best-class trade: illness forepa sacrificp. Price. $8,000: terms. Address Box 83A . Star office. • CONFECTIONERY, cigars, located at .3725 Georgia ave. n.w. rent S4O (month: worth at Irast S 1.5(H): Drice.’s7so on terms, if sold immediately. • ROOM TNG HOUSE owner leaving" city: mod oru: all filled. Address Box 70-V.’ Star oflicc. I^* GROCERY AND PROVlSlONS—Established 25 years: cheap rent: stock, fixtures and lease. A low price if sold this week. 237 t til B.W. • MEAT AND GROCERY—OnIy meat market in fast growing section: Jeaxing on account nL 0t w er cmV h i n^ S - WIU 86,1 ehea »- Faß* unuren, • FOR SALE—An attractive, well equipped store m a fast growing section of the city owner anxious to leave Washington. For full particulars, call at 1022 Snr. rd, n,w. A MAN TO IN\ EST SIO.OOO iu a sound manufacturing business: a patented article- T. ally , and large profits. Address Box 488-H. Star offitv*. • TAILOR STORE and apartment for sale or for rent. 2548 Wisconsin ave, n.w. is* > FOR SALE—Rooming house Vis 16 rooms all furnished, suitable for boarding ren ; trally located: also 13 rooms and restaurant | Address Box 51-V, Star office, j,%. j fOR 5\T,E—An attractive, well eqoipiie-l I meat, market, including fruit, vegetables and | groceries located iu a fast growing section |of the city. Owner anxious to leave Wash ington. For full particulars inquire at 1 n-’2 Soring rd. n.w. ESTABLISHED butter, egg and poultrv route. 5,50: part cash: paying $75 per week. Phone Adams 38 71 -J. 15* ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY. 13 room's ga rages: completely furnished as four apart ments: three rented. $3,000 cash, balance like rent. Inquire Owner. 1629 R st. n.w. - GROOERY STORE, good business. Owner leaving town: will sacrifice. 10& East Papl tol -»t. 16* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. !' f Continued. I . st SHOE REPAIR SHOP at Arlington. Va : BA* chines, good business, cheap rent. Irlrte. 51.250: cash. SBOO. balance monthly. R T._ Orrieon. office. Columbia Station. Ai lihgton. Va. *, HARDWARE—SeIIing hardware, paint ayi-l house furnishings: opportunity for sont# ooc with small capital looking for a oajipg business. Wonderful location lietweeil," -•bain stores. Cheap rent. Bargain for aulek sale. Leaving for Fla. Address Box 13 Y Star office, 15* BAKERY' EQUIPMENT. Including gas oven proof lev. tenet), etc. Will sacrifice- Jo qui'-lt sale. Address Box 18-V. Star office FOR SALE——Lunchroom, fully equipped an.l established. POO D n.w. 52.000. terms. It B. Behrend. attorney for owner. 1317 F n.w 1 fl* A FULLY EQUIPPED dressmaking estabiisl - inent with liemstltcbing nia-’hine. It is also a wonderful stand for ready-to-wear clothes hats aiul lingerie. Will sell to a responsible person with activity at a reasonable price Plenty good work iu the northwest section Pall Adams 1880. , J BAKERY'—Wholesale and retail: clearing between $125 and *l5O weekly. Addre». Box 225-H, Star offii-e. 15-v BUFFET LUNCHROOM, fully equipped business section: steadv transient trad* chance for experieneed live wire. Address Box 475-11. Star office. _ , CONFECTIONERY STORE, doing MO" weekly: large storeroom and 3 rooms on fli-s --floor, two 0-roum apartments above, larg" porches Price. SIB,OOO. iu'-ludiilg business and buildiuc. 714 11th st. s.e. 18* BEAUTY $ HOPPE—dst floor location: full equipped, including small nestle permanen' ••aving ma-bine. Sacrifice for quick sal* ! 'all Franklin 3842. apt. 505. belora 10 and after 7 17- . f'RY' GOODS, art and notion store: hue.- street: good stock: living rooms. Call Lin coin 8582-J 10 • DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A ■ BUSINESS OR BUSINESS PROPERTY'- BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE BUREAU Main. 230 358 M utisey Bldg 16 * RESTAURANT fop salt, cheap: doing good business: leaving town. Address Box 68 H Star office. 14* LUNCHROOM. $2,000 monthly business Price. $5,000. _Garage and wrriee station. 53.500 oas! s.i 000 monthly business. BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE BUREAU. | Phone Main 238. 358 Munsey Bhlg. 15* , . FOR SALE. ! la-room eommereial hotel, well adaptad as tourist inn: fcpatiious and bright dining -room, seats 50 people: attractive lobby modem eoYtvenicnees: excellent condition lAt station in center of Herndon. Ya. Onl.-. ■ i hotel tie*tween Washington and i New pike all the way to Washington. Or | Wasbingtou & Old Dominion Railway. acre lot. Money-making proposition so ! any one who understands hotel business 1 Price, $18,000; $1,500 cash, balance an i ranged. Apply to Buell Farm Ageimy. Here don. Va.. or O. B. ZANTZINGER. 045 .K ! st. n.".. Main 5371. ; 8400— Rooming house. 10 rms.: rent.Fso. ssoo—Rooming house. 10 rms rent. Sol sßno—Rooming house. 14 rms.: rent. $25 soon—Rooming house. O rms., modern. sl.oso—Rooming house. 15 rooms central 51.3 50—Rooming house. 12 rms.. 2 bath*. sl.2so—Rooming house. 3 1 rooms, centra loea.: $350 cash and SSO month!-. . H. M. CURTIS. MAIN 8843 Marshall Business Brokers. Ladies’ wearing apparel—living rooms price reasonable. Confectionery, delicatessen and cigar*- large receipts: rent. $55: price. $4,000. ' Delicatessen and cigars—good location rent. S3O: price. $2,500. Confectionery, ice cream, candles—on G st.: price. $450. Rooming house. 15 rooms. 2 baths: price $2,000. _ Rooming and boarding house—downtown 15 rooms; 2 baths: price. $1,250. Rooming hou-e—near loth and E sts rent, low ; price. $450. Grocery and meats —well located: living rooms: price Jou. Grocery and meats—corner store: weeklv receipts. $350. Lunchroom—downtown; rent. $80: price right. } Uafeteria-—near 17th and H ste.: oppor tunity for lady. Lunchroom—uptown; rent. $00: price. $1 "Oil Hardware store—in n.w.; rent. $00: rea sonable price. Tailor shop, cleaning and repairing: on Ga. avp.: price. SBOO. Tailor shop—-on N. Y'. ave.; rent. $22 pri'-e. SSOO. Marshall Business Brokers. 020 N. Y. Ave. N.W. : FOR SAUK—MISCELLANEOUS. ! ADDING MACHINE. Burroughs. latest , model, with stand: like new: cheap. Lrm ; 0374 14- I ANTIQUE, mahogany che*t. of drawers and i drr<c«T. Oriental rugs. Call before noon. 2700 Connecticut. Apt. 201. Columbia 8100 BATHROOM OUTFITS—AH new and cuara te»d. $55 up: kitchen sinks of all kinds. $7. uru new drain board# at $4 up. new double section laundry trays, new white vitreous todet articles at $18.50 up: black and r*l vanized i"#»r arid water pipe, both new and ua»d; new hot air furnace, purchased from Government, at SSO. BRlCKS—Wrecking two city blocks: 3 0 million clean hard brick. All sizes nf lumber. Apply on job. Ist and D sts. DOORS AND SASH—Both salvaged and new : new doors, stock sizes. S 3 and up; pash. new. six lights. 85c each: screens. 40e each. WINDOW SETS—Complete frames, trim, sash and hardware. $4.60 up. LUMBER—Salvaged from our many wreck ing jobs around Washington—together with ■ an immense shipment of Army camp lumber from our Camp Holabird wrecking operation. Also new lumber at lowest prices—2x2. 2x3. 2x4. 2xß. 2xR: sheathing, flooring, sidmc and ceding; both new and used lath. Ws ean save you money. ROOFlNG—Capitol roofing, manufactured by Certain-teed Co.. 1-ply. $1.35: 2-ply, 91.75: 3-Ply. $2.10; mill-end roofing. 1-ply. 95c: 2-ply. $1.25: 3-p!y. $1.50. Also red anj gr»en slate surface roofing. < HINGLES—Certain-teed four-in-one strip shingles. *4.75 per square: cut-out strip shingles. $5.50 per square: also the new va riegated and color-blend octagonal-shape strip shingles, the v-iy latest development in shingle manufacture bv Certain-teed Co.. 95 per square. All shingles guaranteed ten years. wall BOARD—Brand-new fiber board. 3c per sq. ft.: uew fireproof plaster W3ll board. 3a, c per sq ft. FOUNDATION TO ROOF—We sell at rock bottom prices all the materials necessary lor a complete house at both our yards. Beams, brick, corrugated iron and complete garage material: electric fixtures and Certam-teed I Uo. Weatherrhield paint, j THE HEUHINGER HOUSE WRECKING CO . ! Camp Meigs. sth and Fla. ave. northeast. slain office. Bth and C sts. southwest. In , speetion invited until 5:30 pm. 14 Y'EAR'- j SAVING YOU MONEY' ON BUILDING MA i TF.RIAL HAS ESTABLISHED THE GOOD | WIDE QF THE HECHtXGER COMPANY. j BEDS. two. bureau, wazdt stand, hall rack, j hall table. 1240 Morse st. n.e. 15* BED. walnut, good condition. sl2 including Si in lie and mattress. 1023 Hamli n st. Tie. • BED. B pring and mattress. Simmons single white enamel, used only two months. sls. 825 Allison st. n.w. Adams 8888. * BED-DAVENPORTS, specially priced: jac quard. velour, at $110; newest pattern* guaranteed construction; new cargo ship ment is at 4<JT- discount. The Home Beau tiful. Inc., 1834 Conn, ave. _ BEDROOM SUITE, three pieces, and tahto. cheap. 32 18th st. s.e. 15* BEDROOM SUITE, mahogany: good condi tion: $55. 1300 Vermont ave. Franklin 8394. 18* BICYCLE. Ranger, used ono month. Call 488 E st. F.w., after H. 16* BOOKS—High school tiooks. new and used: bought and sold. Pearlman'a. 933 O st. Franklin 5418. BOX COUCH, good springe and packing space; handsome oak sideboard, distinctive traded glass doors: bargain quick sale. 1850 Euclid st.. Apt. 23. 14* BUFFET, reasonable. 201A Bates st. n.w. BUILDING MATERIALS—Lumber, door*, sash, wallboard. Centain-teed roofing. Du- Pont paints. Lowest prices lc Washington. WASHINGTON LUMBER AND SUPPLY CO.. Inc.. 7th and K sts. s.w. Main 1389. CADET SUIT, size 14 years: good as new. Col. 8808-W. lfl* CASH REGISTER, almost new: Natl.: elec tric; mahogany finish; 8-clerk: cost $400: will sell for $250. See owner. W. A. Finch. 2414-18 18th st. n.w. 14* CHINA CLOSET, walnut. Queen Anne design : ice box. small. J. Klssler. 5)30 Longfellow at. n.w. Adams 3590-J. * CLOTHING—6OB overcoat* (slightly uaed'. $5 to sls. Big values. Now Is the time to get best selection. Deposit will pecure your coat. One price. Justh's Old Stand, 619 D CLOTHING—Y'oung man's overcoat, sack suit. Tuxedo suit: size 35 or 36; fine condi tion. Apt. 402. the Cavendish, alter COAL STOVE, laundry, used ono month cheap. 1518 31st st. *_ i OAL R.vS'GE—New Baltimore: fine condi tion: cheap. 832 sth n.e _ * COAT—Beautiful new Bolivia; size 81- North 422. COAT. cape. suit, dresses, furs: sizes 36 and 38. Columbia 6638. COAT, lady's size 38: worn 4 times. SlO. 2907 Georgia ave, n.w. * ' CONTENTS in 5-room apartment. No. 2. 1228 B st. s.w.: must be sold; no dealer*. CORNER CUPBOARD, email, antique. 5141- hogany. West 2322. CRIB, kiddie koop and twin stroller. North 422. DINING ROOM SUITE 10 Dleees. cally new; walnut: $76. Mr. Shaller. w. Clifton terraee. DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut. 10-pieee. $105: living room suite*. $196 up: ladder back chairs. $17.50: Chinese rugs. tan and blue and mulberry and blue. Sl,o to $360: Windsor chairs, $6.50 up: minor. Special 1 October prices. Home Beautiful, 1634 Conn, ave. J DOUBLE DAY' BED. bureau, email gas range. Other articles. 1210 Kenyon st. n.w. 14* FIXTURE. 15 feet long.'" mahogany, tart' glass: reasonable. 904 Pa. ave. ii.’v, In , FUR. "lilaek. cheap: plate, led comfort 430 H p.w. * , FUR 1 OAT. marmot. $45. 2726 Connecticut ave.. Apt. 603. _ Adams 6445-W. _ FUR COAT, nandsome brown muskrat; goiid condition: reasonable. 1820 Eye st. ”-^,-7 FURNITURE of all kinds: cheap 150<I Caroline bt. n.w., between 16tU and J6th. T and U. * FURNITURE for sale. 11 rooms including I tedding and dishea; no dealer*. 208 Ist at. a.e. t>* (Continued on Next Fait.l 51