Newspaper Page Text
52 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continued.) FI7R>nTrKE. mahogany; i»lat hooks. liiffnt books and sale, IVermont avr.. between :< ami ft p.m J URNITURF—Oak bttffet. brass bed and wirings, lady's desk. Apt 40!2. the ( ';»v#*n digh. after 0 p.m. u* FURNITURE. Jhpieof* oak dining suite. ft breakfast set. console table' and mir ror. Adams 743ftJ. WRNITIRE—Living room suite, consisting of 3 handsome pie<*»*. over*t lined latest style, used few months, bargain; b\ 1 L Ax minster rug. bridge ami floor lamps. mahogany daxenport table. Apt.. 1.1 -%.St» Chapin m. n m \ FURNITURE Household goods, beds, couch, bookcase. «hairs, table; reasonable; leaving city. 20ft 6th l* > URNITURF. contents ol ii rooms . 3327 H4th bt. n.w., 2nd floor, apartment is for rent. . FURNITURE —-Walnut bed. full Ri*e and spring; fine condition. Clifton Terrace. Ant. 403 east FURNITURE—4 on tents of 3 rooms for light housekeeping; reasonable. Flat lor rent. 1107 6th st. n.w. No dealers need call. lo ISAS RANGES—New ana slightly used, all sizes; less than half price. Why pay more: Every range guaranteed. J. W. Williams. 609 oth -t n w Main 298 ft. ttAS RANGE. Oi ols slid na «*ol and kitchen table almost new. 1446 Nst . Apt. 20. t. 4»AS STOVF. :t-burner. •» *6. white enamel lavatory complete. 023 hast t apttoi st GUN nes Parker Bros.; double barreled. Telephone North 7200. I • 1 * HEATERS- -Gas. hot w at* . 10 <-oils beau large bpaee: easy and economical: worth S 210: sell for sl«ic Also t-asli register, showcase. counter. 2 desks, large drawer cabinet, revolving chair, oak bentwood • hairs. .2410 Ga. ave. n.w _* HORSES- Several, for salt cheap l an be seen 413 Eye st. n.w. Apply to Mr. Carper. KITCHEN CO~AL~RANGE] in good cdtiditimT: also latrohc. 1318 Emerson st. n «■ KRAG CARBINE with leather sling, first class condition; 200 rounds ammunition; sls. Call between 5:30 and 7 p.m. Wni >. Crim. 1100 North Capitol st. 15" f IYINO R( K> M SET. 3 ptei e. genuit cover and davenport: two coats, one black seal ami black velour with squirrel collar and cuffs: leaving city, will sell at reason able pri«-e»_ 101 K 14th st. n.w. MIRRORS, two. framed. Bxlo. at Security Stpiage • <>.. l i4O 15th st n.w. 14• OFFK E FI RNTITHK is pewritei *. desks, chairs, sectional bookcases, electric tans. Room 01 ft. Washington Loan ami Trust Bldg. i ;>• OFFK E FURNITURE lot of children s toys, tricycles, kiddy cars, etc.; also lot h«»us»*ho»d furniture: moving away on 22nd next; must sell. Phone Adams 520 k. ORIENTAL RUG. 7x4 H. S3O good Singer machine, round bobbin. Sft; bookcase, $10: chest drawers, glass knobs, antique. "*2.»; tea wagon. $0: candelabra. 3 candle light, brass. $8; brass bed. box springs, hair mat tress. almost new. S3O; mahogany cathedral strike clack. $8; plate-glass mirror. SO. IftOl 19th st OVERCOAT, tai el«o navy blue worsted suits, young man’s size. • heap. :i\•; \ si -e PARLOR SUn E. six-pie e. S3O gas i inge. high oven. sls. 3815 34tli st . Ml. Rainier. lo* PIANO. Knabe upright, left with me to be sold at very low price Pfeiffers. 1210 G st, PIANO, concert grand, in excellent condi- j lion: new action; will sacrifice. Make offer. Arcade Company. I4t:i and Park rd PIANO high gi ule. perfect: bargain SBS ft 19 Mass aye PIANO —Albrecht upright grand beaut walnut ease sweet tone, perfect condition: Only $95. 101st Calvert st <ol Sftftti. j PIANO, apartment size grand; very slightly Used: .i real bargain Pfeiffer’s, 1210 st PLAYER PIANO -W 1 sacrif . new Stroud player-piano, in perfect condi- t t on. with bench, cabinet and 54 roll* • nst S7OO. will sell tor SIOO. F’hone Co!. 0540. j PLAVKR-PIANO mahogany " will sa.nfioe j complete with cabinet and 50 rolls on or before 15th. for S2OO. Inquire at 1325 10th : st mw 14* PLAYER-PIANO entirelj new it a little scratched m shipping. 5355: may t*e bought j si<> ,i month. Pfeiffer’s. 1210 ir PLAYER-PlANtAeolian like hi uid new l*cn<h and rolls $225. Piano. SBS. A. F. Arnold. Auet.. 1323 G st. n.w. POOL TABLES—Two. by 9 feet; steam j table, ft feet long 15 one arm chair*. 3-gal- 1 Inn coffee urn. $125 Remington • ash regis- ! tr: _( .»!! Hyatt- 14* ; RADIATORS— perfect condition; sacrifice. J S**c Mr Perry, 71_4 12th st. n w j REFRIGERATOR, in good condition. n ason- j able. 1328 Levi a at. n.e REFRIGERATORS Second-hand. lor all purposes. McCray Refrigerator Co.. 807 H t»t. n.w. RUG. Wilton. 9x12. fine condition reason- j able _ 134 i ■ - • RUG. ftxft. Axminster. SS; lady’s black « loth ' • oat. 40. $5: ••hild’s roat. 5 years. $2: 8 ] years $3 J [9 K gg- pi n w RUGS Orie ta 9x12 s e sma sizes beautiful colorings; very cheap. S| SAFE, large, fireproof, combination. 825. Edw ifdfl. 2215 9th n.w. It* ; SAXOPHONE (' melody, first * lass condition. I North 2810-W between ft an 1 8 p.m lft* SERVING TABLE—Handsom< mahogany! 1 solid* • cheap. Adams 1192 SEWING MACHINES —Singers. So to 535. , fuarantced Renting, repairing, hemstitch- j ig Central Sewing Machine Shop. 1210 G st. n.w. Main 3364. SEWING MACHINES—Singers; removal sale mm on; big stock, must be sold in 30 days; prices reduced; $5 up. 731 11th. M. 3349. N r Palai s Roya sEwTNG MA< HINE9—I>.h. Situn - $12.50 to $35. others. $7 to sl6: electrics reason able. 43 H st. n.w. Renting, repairing. Franklin 3778. 15* SE WING MAC IU N ES—D h Sin g er. sls New' Home. sls; Standard. sls: New Ideal.' $10; others at $5; all guar. New machines. 53 mo. Renting and repairing. Open evenings. BE. Singer Shop. 31 3 Va. ave «• • Li v <<• 2.5. j SIDEBOARD (Sheraton), antique: good con- I tlifion. Phone Adams ftftOO 14* SOFA, antique; whatnot. chairs, chiffonier, table, iron bed. Col. 5816 14* STORE FIXTURES, showcases, window fix- j til res, u'all brackets. 3652 Georgia ave. n.w. i Open e\eninga. 14* TUXEDO. 36 stylish, excellent condition. I S2O ft' l ! Farragut Ants., after 8 p.m Irt* T¥PEWRITERS You can now r . i a ■ rona Four'* portable, with standard office typewriter features: also on hand several rood opportunities in used Coronas. Corona j Typewriter Company, Inc . 1425 Eye st. n.w. Phone Main 3250 TYPEWRITERS -American Typewriter Co7. 1431 Ea«*t * apitol st. Rent greatly redu*:ed. AH kinds •>» repairing done. Linoiln r l .’ TYPEWRITERS- Rohm Us. all makes. $25 Tip. Shipman Ward. Underwoods and C. Smith factory retujilts. $3 down. $6 pci month. Repair all make**. Universal Tvpc writer Exchange. 813 H st. n w. Main 1973. i 7 * Typewriters New. factory rebuiiu. second-hands. Nothing sold or rente*! that is not Tood. Spe<*ial inducements in portables. Cash or $5 monthly. Washington Typewriter Exchange. 913 N Y. av»*. Franklin 1014 TYPEWRlTEßS—f ; ncicrwoo.|s. $3 down gets it: frotary rebuilt, guaranteed 5 years. Mam 6614. Room 802 710 14tli st i w 1«* TYPEWRITER.’ REMINGT»»N MONAIU I! sls excellent shap* . >tan.bird make «.\er liailled. 1218 >i\th -f n.w TYPEWRITERS -Underwoods S2O to $35 7.. Smith No. 8. $25: Royal No. 10. re built. $35: Remington No. 10. sls: Rem.- Monarch. S2O Woodstock. S2O. ft(»mii:i. with • isc S2O Tocl.l check protector. sls: ivpc ■writers guaranteeil for repairs 1 >eai. Room 802. 710 14th st n.w. I ft* TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. Adams 1891. Underwoods. L ft. smiths Royals 53.25 mo 3 mow in SH.*!6 ft mow sls UNIFORM, cap and belt adet s -1 ;i■ new; $lO Potoma<* 2887 ll* VIOLIN. $8 mamlolm, $7; tenor banjo. $lO. 360 ft Ga. 1 1* WAGONS- Light delivery, several for gale cheap. Apply Mr. Carper. 413 Eye n.w.. or Mr. Schmidtt. 1428 D hL sp. Ift* WARDROBE oak. sls: wardrobe. $lO- 60- Ftee! oil tank. $2. 144 1 Harvard n.w. 14* WILTON RUNNER like new. sls: fox furs] $10; overcoat, man’s suit, size 3ft. $7: line holtvfa tape. Peter Thompson and other dresses. niiß*e!lanpous clothing: bargains. Lincoln 1434 • 17 UNITS "t Warilman I)is«ouiit and Mort gage Co. stock, par value $125 owner wants cash at once: sell for slls unit: golden op portunity to secure Midi desirable stock, pay ing B*s. at a big s i*, ing cost price. Address T 55 V St ir oJH e 3FFIC r. rURNITt Ui. FROM U. S. GOV’T Complete line of desk*, file cabinets, lock ers. office chairs and tables, tremendous sav ings. Everything you need for your office. WASHINGTON SALVAGE CO. Furniture Dept.. 310 Bth St N.W. SHOW CASES AND STORE F1 \fT RES. SAMPLE FLOOR AND foUNTER CASES AT SPECIAL PRICKS. “BUY AT THE FACTORY RUSE A CO.. 808 LOW ST.. JtALTIMORK Ml> RADIO AM) K(H IIVMI AT, AERIALS ERECTED, gets installed and re tiaired by experts; all work guaranteed: eati mates given Kennedy's. Ada ms 295. DOCiS, PETS, ETC. GOLDFISH —Plain, fan tail*, nymphs, tele scopes. shubunkine; just rfs*eived: excellent assortment ; 10c up. Atherton s, 338 lnd. ave. j*OLICE PUPPIES Beautiful specimens, thoroughbred*; reasonable prices Phone Bethesaa 32-M. RABBIT HOUNDS —Two. well broken; rea gonable. L. Gayer. 1114 3rd st. n.e. 14* AIREDALES] Irish setters. f*>\ terrier, collies esquimo. poodles police and other puppies, glso singing canaries, goldfishes, monkeys and other pets. Schmid's Pet Emporium. 712 j*?th st. POULTRY AND EOOB. S»ANISH WHITE LEGHOHNS—iOO for salr' Tilgt *tartinjr to Jay: fa.'h. Myron B. Thompson. Prospect Hill. Va. Post ottO'e, McLean. Va.. Route 1. 10* SiROODBK —1.000-chiek Old Reliable: used «>nly on<e: cost $21.50: sell for $15.00. J»4OQ Conduit rd. if* FOR FARM AND DARDEN. PEONIES. S-nW-sM clumps, will blossom next spring: Edulis Superlia. I>est early pinh, or BestlT* Manma. t>est early white; $1 elumy. Blioue North 400 T-W. * automobiles, etc. UVB STOCK AND CATTLE. PURE-BRED GUERNSEY bull ealves and several servii-eable yountr bulls from some of the t>est blood lines in the eountry and from A. R. sires and dams: pedigree* fur mshed. In order to make room, will sell at ex 'rilinely low nrii'es—from $75 to $l5O eaeli. Rook Spniur Farm. Rwkville, Nor- I berk pike. Tei. Rockville 7l». Or. Wm. A. j imL ‘ .‘*o. l?th st. n.w. I SAI.Fr—AVTOMOBH.KS. I HI U K. 10-5 model, standard six roadster; I pert;. t 'sunlition: baruain. Address Box 41--H. Star offlee. 14* BT'H'K SEDAN. 1P24. Master Six; new tires: appealanee like new; saeriflee. $1,150: trade or terms. Moreau. 10’Jti Conn. ave. nrt< k big six'''ROADiTESrTosSriuiry eiunpped. like new ; run less than 5,000 miles; am forced to sell; wilf take $P'45. Phone Adams 15* 1.l b'K AGENCY, located at 1010 Conn. are. Hunk l otift master 0 coach: Buiek 1025 master 0 un losed tourine: Buiek 1024 mas ter o tourine: Buiek li'2:S 4-eylinder laiaeh; Bonk 1022 7-paseneer touring. Ask for T. s. Gaihtess. 1010 Conti, ave. HI ICK SIX TOURING. 1022: Took* new. runs fine: st-]| for unpaid balance. S2H4.O:i; terms arranged. Morgan. 1020 Conn, ave. Brick TOURING; 1022 flue condition: good rubber; sl»s, Col. 73.12-W. j BUICK AGENCY, located at 1010 Conn. are. | Bunk coach—one Master 0 and one Stand | aril ti: just like new. Buiek 1025 Master 0 i coupe; all net ess ary eimipuient Buiek 1025 Master 0 touring, equipped with Winter in closure and beater Buiek 102.1 four-cylin der sedan. Ask for T. S. Gaddess. 1016 Conn. ave. OADIIXac - T<HIRINGS. 2 loan models, in net re. t condition: also 2 very atthractive Cadillac roadsters, fully equipped and in perft condition. Prices from $075 m>: I terms or trade. 200* lHtli n.w. 14* CADIUJaC 7-PASS. SEDAN. late model: privately used and in perfect condition throughout $1,250 for quick sale: terms I or trade. 2007 lHth n.w. 14* CADILLAC LIMOUSINE, driven only 19.000 | miles rundition ami appearancf* lik* now i fully MiiuipiM *1 ami guaranteed: t*oat $5,900: will sarnfi**D for $950; tornih to hint. 2007 18th n.w 14* J CHEVROLET TOURING 1924; very good j condition; *175 sash, or sftß down and $22 mo. Mr. Brucr. garage in ha*rnient of In- | vestment Bids 15th and K n.m CHEVROLET COUPE. 1924: iusf eonxplete b n\erliauiod and repamt«*tl: hi T»erfect «x»n --n-rma. Columbia 5333 Ift* CHEVROLET TOURING. 1925; balloon tiros. rt«-. $450- will sell for -mall « a-h pay ment and b.ilame monthly. Cleveland 412 ft. CHEVROLKI TO! RING 1923: 1923 Chev rolet eotipe: if sohl today S2OO will buv either tine «»f them several other* around , j tin* same priee ti. <lioose from: easy terms j I if desired. 1535 14th st. n.w. Phone Po- • 1000 CHEVROLET TO! KIN'. 1925 with extra*. ! in nerfe.-t eondition. but ajn forced to s<*lL $430 term- Adarns 3120 16* I CHEVROLET TOURING. 1923 looks and i runs good $l5O eash or sftl down am! sl9 Inio. Mr. Rru*t». garage in basement of In vestment Bldg . ! sth and K -ts. n w. CHEVROLET TOURING, late *23; excellent I eondition fine appearance • reasonable for I « ash Evans. 1300 Rhode Island ave. n.w ; Franklin 7447 * _ ( HEVROLET SEDAN. 192«: good as new; ] u saving of S4OO manv extra*; 12 months ;to na> \ our i iir in trade. See Montgomery. j 1 522 14th -i n w DODGE ROADSTER new tires, runs line: 's»Jl for unpaid note. si4ft3J: term* ar- I run Bed See M . Miutran. 1020 Conn. *ve. Dodge roadster $250 mum be sold at • on. - , ft.fll Mr. Vernon at Potomac 1000 for ■ rtna i f ftefired DODC4E 1922 5-pass t«>unna. $3oo: <-nah y»r ran Sei at lb. \-■ : > 101 ft Conn ave. ESSEX ROADSTER, u- yl good running 1 j d 8169-W, 20* ESSEX COACH 1-eyL. ex<-ellent tire-, and 1 e.juipment a real ear; $525 for Quick sale. M - . 102 ft Conn ave ESSEX COACH ift'.’i looks and runs like ‘ new many e\tra- excellent oversize tires. Owner Lan 5493 ; Kssiox ROADSTER. 1921. 4-cylinder, ini ! itgihl running order Price. S2OO. < ash Or ! j tern:- Rear ft.»!> N st. n.w. H It. Beatty. J _ 11L_ 1 I-ORD ROADSTER 1922: just painted: a J bi -'i i). $150; Ford « ioscd delivery wagon. | 19‘-3. I'.i'gaiti for $150; Ford sedan body. . must —fi. cheap. $25: set of new wheel ! straight sides. 30x3 ft. carry 31x4 tires, j ■ « heap off h Jewett. s**e Lambert Garage, i Fr 93 (Rear 1218 N Cap, st » • FORD COUPE. 1925 balloon tires and other I extra* 1 ink 8144 between 7-9 p.m. • j ; FORD COUPE. 1923. good condition: new i ! t’-res. at $225 or best offer; terms. Line. | 4242 I ! Koß]> « OUPK ex rllent tires and condition: , $250 f.»r • ini<*k sale: easy terms. See M'\ j i Maiiga• i 1 (>2ft Conne«»tieut. ave. FORD COUPE. mil j j hop motor number; dr ven about 4.000 ! 1 nnle> run* and look* like new terras. I ! Handley Motor Co.. 3730 Ga ave. n.w. Col. J j 2323 (men evenings and Sunday*. F*iRD i ni'pK 24; many extras; no reason- I , able off. r refused. F. 4173. • ' KORD FORDOR SEDAN 1924; excellent eon- 1 i liition. for unpaid tiolc. s:i:f7 Iti: terms ar- I j raiijfi-d. Spp Mr. Mangan. 1 t)2tt Connecticut j ! FORI) ROADSTER, with slip-on body-, re | painted: demountable rime: $76 total price. I Handley Motor Co.. :!7.'S() Ga. ave. n.w . Col. I 2'<2:(. Open Sundays and evenings. ' FORD COUPE 1924: appearance and me • b,line,illy excellent: $225: terms. See Mr. j Barnes. I(l2<<-1b22 Coim. ave. Er. 7008. j Open s a.m, to 9 p.m. 1 FORD TGI KING. 22. $125: S6O cash, bal ance SI 5 p,'*r mo.: no finance charge: over hauled and guaranteed. Rob Roy Mackey. 51R lOtli at. .-.c * FORD CAB BODY, extra rides: can dump: S3O 2311 Eyp n.w. • FORD COUPE. 24; condition guaranteed: $75 i ash, balance on a note. North 6244. * HAYNES BROUGHAM. 1923—Wi1l re!] or trade for 1924 Dodge. 004 E - 4- HUDSON COACH. 1924. perfect condition. This <ar ought to move quickly for the price we are arking. 12 months to pay: ! your ear in trade. See Montgomery. 1522 14th rt. n.w. ! HUDSON SEDANS. 7-passenger. I!l2:t | bf- nf,. all in perfect condition, fully equip • lied and guaranteed: prices. SBSO up: terms or trade 20J>7 18th n.w. 14- I Hl'i’MoiHLF TOFRING. 1925 model. This I <ar has Item use<l only a few months and j is equal lo new in every respect except the I slight wear shown on the tires: this car is I specially prised at $785. an actual saving j of ss*fil from the present delivered price. uo recommend this buy as one of the most : attractive ever offered lo the buying nublie ! of Washington. VVardnian-Justiee Motors, i j Inc.. Jill or 171 1 14t.h_st j LINCOLN SEDAN. 7-passenger, run Bi.tIQO j miles: guaranteed first-class shape: will sac | rifioc foi quo k sale. See Mr. Vincent. 1828 1 4- st. n.w, ioLDSMOKILE SPORT TOURING. 4-eylinder model 4:5A mechanical condition excellent: i paint and tire's very good: a most unusual ’ bargain: mice. s4s<i; very reasonable terms if desired. 1835 14th st n.w. Potomac 1 0110. OI.DNMOBiI.F. I)K LUXE SEDAN. 1924. light six completely equipped: disc wheels, bumpers ami other extras: new* two-toned Dueo finish: it’s well worth considering: the price i“ low and the terms easy to meet. Phone Potoniae ltioo for demonstration or can oc seen at 1835 1 4th st. n.w. j < 1.1 IS.MOBIf.K COACH 1925 model that looks am!* runs like the day it was made: a won- I ili-rfnl bargain for some • early bird": will it !be you: Plione Potomac 1000 now for a 1 (demonstration or ean fie seen at 1835 14th i -t n.w . •i 'VW'I L TOURING 1923: excellent con jilifion* $295: ternis. West 2990. 1 Ma' WELL TOURING, late model, perfect | condition: must sell: s'l2s. Address Box 71- I 5 Star office 15- I OAKLAND TOURING. 1923: A-l: must lv> Isold $345j ternis. West 2990. ' PACKARD TOURING. $275: 90 miles an 1 hour* perfect condition guaranteed: 1915 1 model will outlast any car in city. Vermont | Garage, rear of ills Vermont ave. lfl* | PACKARD SINGLE" ti TOURING. 1923: | looks and runs like new: $1.10(4: terms. Bee Mr Barnes. 1020-1022 Conn. ave. Fr. I 7008 Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ' PACKARD Straight 8 Sport Touring, driven i only few thousand miles and fully equipped; I price. $2,350. for quick sale: terms to suit. j 2007 18th n.w. 14* ! PIERCE ARROW TOURING CAR. 7-passen- I ger. in exchange for nearby Va budding lot nr Dodge coupe nr sedan in good condition. ! Rear !"H> N. Canitol at. 10* i STFDEBAKEK SPECIAL 8 SEDAN: has Vm-po used three months: fully equipped: • -nu't t*e told from new: $1,050: terms. See Mr Barnes 1020-1022 Conn. ave. Fr. 7008. Open 8 n.m. to ft p.m. ST' DFBVKI P. SPECIAL TOURING. 1924: ! look- end rims like new . $875 or liest offer. - . I WTUDFBAKER Special Six Touring, late I i o*’;; j,, perfect condition throughout: new lire- b minds disk wheels and other extras. Pine $550 trims to suit. 2007 18th n.w. WTLLYS-KNIGHT TAXICABS. 3. like new. Get 111 touch with 11. c. Nash at Portsmouth. Va. 48* _ WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURING splendid pow er condition and tires. Call Woodside 15-M. BROKEN FORD ENGINE HE ADA exchanged for good ones at $2.50. Cracked cylinder* repaired in ears: all broken metals welded. We Id it_ ( <>.. 510 Ist st. n.w. AUTOMOBILES by auction at Weechler’a, 120 Pa ave. n w.. every Wed. 4 Sat.. 10 am. THE fol Towing ears can la- !(ought at prices ranging from SSO to $125: all in running eondition and will give good service: Ford sedan Maxwell touring. Overland touring, idds 8 touring and several others. Terms if desired. See Mr. Vernon at 1835 14th st. n.w. Potomac 1000. FORDS—FORDS —FORDS. Twentv-five late models, any style de i sired. Pri'-cs front SSO up: trims to suit, j A j _Stabler. 42ft K n.w, lo*_ K KAJ. BARGAINS. : Blin k light 0 touring $475 'Hudson siii)f*r hix tourinp : Dodge roadster 325 All ears in excellent condition and guar i antced: term* or trade. MANHATTAN GARAGE. 170 ii 7th St. N.W. PARTS—PARTS , —for all make? of Cars bought and sold, any condition. ROBERT HERSON 3 AUTO EXCHANGE. Ist and D st*. n.w. Lincoln 9563. ____ JO FORD SEDANB AND COUPfefi. Sonic equal to new. Some low as SIOO. *3 Ford sedan bodies. *2 coupe bodies. Sale or trade. ' A. J. STABLER, 425 K St. N.W. • THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, P. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1925. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES —Pa Was Struck by the Strike. BY POP MOMAND |I sm»£ WOOLS UKE TO HOOK UP WOhI *IH/rrU “TVl* PL*Ct *oftOss\ IT VMAT NO Sift- | hUt rr W,U th' armerr— j SST. "W • Mot > •» «*««*» "SOUND J I n7 , EsriDDtONih/PT«e WNTEtt, uuiy j OR. SANITATION ’■ HOP DOWN Ah© IDOCO- FOli ? S j \V/CnT ON STttUCt rt»N6 A CHIN WITH THE SCOOCTAfty 1 - )/ —; I — 1 sa Ml —. —s Ht J . J FOR SALK—AUTOMOBILES. (Continued.) YOUR CHANCE —to obtain your transportation at a low price and on easy terms. Best \ alues in the City. j Buiek 4-pass., 6-cvl. coupe. | Buiek 5-pass., 6-cvl. tour | i Dodge 1624 touring. Jordan 1921 touring. Ford 1924 touring. Ford 1T23 fordor sedan. Buiek l 5 and 7 ]>ass. tour- i ! ings. Buiek 1921 sedan. Cadillac 1921 coupe. Hupp 1921 touring. Hupp 1923 touring. Buiek 1920 5-pass, touring. Buiek 1922 4-cyl. touring. Buiek 5-pass., 6-cvl. tour i,lg‘ _____ Open Nights. Any Demonstration. EMERSON & ORME, 1620 M St. N.W. 1924 FORD SEDAN. An excellent buy for each. Apply second i floor. 1724 Kalorama rd. STOP!! LOOK!! i ! READ!! ! BEFORE WE MOVE into our NEW BUILDING ! We arc going to sacritice our j j entire stock of good used cars. Evcrv Car I GUARANTEED As Represented. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES AND ' | TERMS in Washington will prevail dur- j ing this unusual price SLASHING SALE. Just a few of our bargains: j FORD TOURING. $24.80 down —$2.73 per week, j FORD SEDAN. $67.20 down —$6.72 per week. CHEVROLET TOURING, j $40.80 down—s 3.96 per week. : CHEVROLET TOURING. | $59.00 down—ss.4B per week, j CHEVROLET COUPE. $67.20 down—s 6.72 per week. | CHANDLER DISPATCH. ! $50.00 cash— per week. ; DODGE TOURING. $50.00 down —$4.50 per week, j OURISM AN-CHEVROLET ! SALES CO.. 625-633 H St. N.E. Line. 10200. < Open 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. J. C. DIVVER, Mgr., UsedCar DepL j BEST BUYS OF THE SEASON. 1924 Nash touring $775! 1923 Nash (3) 650! 1923 Rickenbacker touring. 500 1924 Ford coupe (2) 300! 1924 Ford touring 200 : 1924 Ford roadster 210 1923 Maxwell sport (2) .>? 450 | 1917 Cadillac 250 1923 Buiek coupe 450 1924 Hudson coach 775 1922 Dodge roadster 150 Nash sport touring 200 Ford sedan 125 1922 Nash touring 350 12 Months to Pay. HAWKINS-NASH MOTOR CO., Used Car Dept., THE BEE that makes the most noise doesn't always get the most honey. Our liberal ‘Deposit Plan” cannot be tmat— ’2s Reo Sedan $1,520 ’24 Maxwell sedan 550 ’23 Buiek Coupe “4” 425 ’25 Buiek Touring 890 ’24 Dodge Touring 450 ’22 Dodge Sedan 475 ’25 Flint 55 Touring 9QO ’24 Buiek Touring “4”... 650 ’24 Oakland Sedan 775 '23 Willys-Kijight Sedan. 690 ’24 Oakland, Winter enc.. 650 ’23 Nash Touring 580 ’22 Nash Sedan “7” 350 ’24 Ford Touring 150 ’23 Chevrolet Touring ... 160 '22 Chandler Tr. (Duco). 550 SPECIALS. 3rt Haynes. $160; Lexington Touring. t 376: 34-D Oakland. $250: ’2a Oakland. 375. and many others. “Remember the Address.” WALLACE MOTOR CO., 1709 L St. N.W. Main 7612. FOR SALK—AUTOMOBILES WARD MAX-JUST ICK MOTORS, INC. \\ ill vs- Knight—Overland. Used Car Showrooms, 1111 and 1711 14th St. NAN . FALL CLEARANCE SALE. THE FOLLOW INO 29 CARS ARE SPECIALLY LISTED AT AMAZINGLY ! LOW PRICES AND ARE j EX C E LI. ENT BARG AIN S. ! FIRST COME, FIRST SERV i ED. BETTER HURRY. Stock No. I’rioe. Weekly. i ! 3421—Star touring. . . S7B $3.7a | j —Chevrolet tour. 93 3.75 j 13034—Overland coupe 3.75 ! 3416—Willvs “6" tour. 99 3.75/ !3424—W.-Knight tr.. 99 3.75 I j 3427—l ord coupe ... 128 3.75 J 3022—Overland tour. 147 3.75 1 | 3024—Ford touring.. 149 3.75 j j 215 —Overland sedan 153 3.75 j 12910 —Overland tour. 146 3.75 j i 3425—Chandler tour.. 152 3.75 j 2984—Overland rds. .163 3.75 J ' 784 —Chevrolet tour. 172 3.75 j i 3012—Ford touring.. 172 3.75 : 2930 Ford sedan ... 178 3.75 j i 2903 —Ford sedan.... 193 3.75 ‘ i 115—Chevrolet sedan 190 3.75 j i 224—Dodge touring. 198 3.75 I 3048—Ford coupe... 198 3.75; j 2991 —Ford sedan ... 222 3.75 j | 840—Star sedan.... 249 3.75! j 150—Dort coupe ... 248 3.75 j j 2972—l hevrolet sedan 252 3.75 ; j 2901—Chevrolet sedan 274 3.75 : ! 732 —Dodge sedan.. 293 3.98 ; 3410—Chalmers sport touring 290 4.02 j3o2l—Ford t udor sedan 298 404 ! 3420—W.-Knight rds. 393 5.23 i 3404—Chandler sedan 397 5.28 I ! 1111 and 1711 14th St. X.W., Used C ar Showrooms i Willys-Knight—Overland. j W A RI) MAN-] USTIC E MOTORS* INC. rzzz j STUDEBAKER CONFIDENCE. Wc value the reputation gain-j j ed from many years of honest! j dealings and giving honest used! ; ccr values. Our Used Carj ; Pledge is just a further expres-! i sion of our desire to take the' j “guess” out of used car buying, j Studebaker Sport, 1924. j 5.000 niilr* oversize nickel headlight*. I j side windshields, disc* wheels; ear done In 1 hla« k baked enamel and red and cold strip- ' J inp: bumpers and many other extra*. 57*25. j Chevrolet 1924 Roadster. j Many extras, excellent condition; lock ! ! wheel ami spare. S2OO Dodge 1924 Roadster. i Here i«* an automobile whieh m both < ! ectmomiral and all the api>earano* of a j ; slightly used rar. Come early or it will bo j ! cono at 5175. Gardner Sedan. 1923.' ! An unusually attractive, nicely appointed J l ft-pas*. closed car. with French blue wool J {cloth upholstery: five excellent tire* and disc * • wheels, motometer and bumpers , the Lycom- | J in* motor is a dand.v with ample power and : ! noiseless operation. Come cet a demon -1 Stratton. $650. Your car in trade. j Studebaker 5-Pass. Coupe (Late). i Done in Arabian blue with disteel wheel* iin red and blue: mauve upho!»tery: an at i tractive rinsed car with excellent motor and i (good tires, many e\tral>. SBSO. Ford Sedan. 1922. t l’amled preen and bla-k: good tires and j j motor; *eat covers: a bargain for $126. ‘ • Studebaker Sport Speedster, j 1924. Body special by Landau; 0 new tire* and i ! disc wheels, side windshields, nickel trim 1 : mines, trunk, bumpers. Everything done in j the new. fashionable. Lincoln green with ! jvermilion striping. SI,OOO. 1923 Buick Sport Touring. j This oar is in perfect mechanical condi tion. fully equipped, including 2 spars tlms. motor meter, bumper, etc. A very anappy looking ear, and the price will move It Quick. SOSO. Studebaker Big Six Sport 7-Pass. Sedan, ’24. Undoubtedly the most luxurious car of Its type south of New York. Beautiful French blue finish with striping in crimson; mauve upholstery: disc wheels, with spares mounted on running- board. Come early This car is practically new. $1,176. Studebaker Light Six Sedan, ’22. This car is painted Brewster rrav and I trimmed in deep red. The upholsterv is in keeping with the color scheme, with interior fittings in old colonial silver. An adjustable wheel adds to the attractiveness of the opera tion. Motor and tires are fine. We hare three of these models to choose from at S6OO. Stephens Sedan, ’23 $525 Studebaker Touring, ’24.. S6OO Studebaker Special 6, Coupe, ’22 $675 Chevrolet Coupe, ’23 $265 Ford Sedan $75 Studebaker Special 6 tour. $450 Gardner Touring, ’23 $250 Durant Touring, '23 $250 Overland Touring, ’23 $l5O Ford Coupe, ’24 $350 Ford Tudor Sedan, ’24... $375 Studebaker Spt. Big 6, ’24 $ 1100 STUDEBAKER, The White Front Lot at 1706 14th St., 14th at R. N.W. Phone Potomac 1633. PHELPS AUTO EXCHANGE 1826 14th BT. N.W. 1024 Ford Coupe. 1824 Chevrolet Touring. 1823 Buick 4-cylindsr s*d*a, 1923 Chevrolet Coupe. 1923 Buick Sedan. t *921 Pod*# Sedan. Low Price* BeaaonaMa Tams. FOR SALK—-AL'TOMOBILEB PAIGE 1 JEWETT USED CARS. “PAIGE-|E WETT USED CARS” are giving excellent service to hundreds of motorists in Washington and this list is steadily on the increase. Our pledge that a car will perform exactly as represented is the USED CAR buyer’s protection. It is such service as this that is making “PAIGE - JEW-ETT ! USED CARS” the most popular i in the District. | PAIGE 7-PASSENGER SEDAN. I This car looks and runs like new and la iln wonderful condition throughout llaa nat ural wood wheels, balloon tirea and is fin ished in lieautiful maroon. A raah pay- I ment of $633 and S7B a month for 10 : months includes interest, fire and theft in i suruuce. THIS IS CAR NO 100 | JEWETT BROUGHAM, LATE 1924. Looks and runs like new; car in ex'-so tionally fine condition: has front bumper, reur view mirror, disc wheels and five bal j loon tires: S3OB cash and $59 a month for 10 months includes interest, fire and theft insurance. THIS IS CAR NO. 200 FORD COUPE. j Cannot I** told (nm a new car: tire* in l j excellent eonditi* n stood, clean interior and f a real buy in a coupe ban windshield wiper ;ind foot accelerator; §147 < ash and sl9 a I month for 10 month?, include* interest. lire , and theft insurant;, j THIS IS FAR NO 708. ! = j ] DODGE BUSINESS MAN’S SEDAN. Late nindel 6 new tires <-ar in excellent : running condition and looks like new ; throughout: combination stop and park light and windshield wiper Cash payment of $325 and $4 7 a month for 10 months in cludes !nteie*t. fire and theft insurance. THIS *IS CAR NO. 157. JEWETT STANDARD TOURING. 1924. Car has l>een painted with Duoo finish and motor runs new ; upholstery in fine con dition: if you want a light touring you can not treat it. Cash payment of $243 and S3O for 10 months includes interest, lire and theft insurance. THIS IS CAR NO. 74 ! BUICK 5-PASSENGER TOURING. i Tins car is in exceptionally fine condition I and looks great. Has all good tires and the ] | following equipment Motometer. sun visor, | park light, bumpers front and rear and : I side shields Car is finished in Brewster i green. $167 rash and $23 a month for 10 : months includes Interest, fire and theft in- ’ : surance. THIS IS CAR NO. 193. I j FORD TOURING. PRICED RIGHT, 1924. Ford touring, new top, (food tires: car is I in excellent running condition and is a real j Ford bu.v at SSO cash and sls a month for, j 5 months, which includes interest, fire and • I theft insurance. I THIS IS CAR NO. 181. =z i JEWETT SPECIAL j TOURING. j Jewett special touring. 1023: new Dainf '• : engine runs like it just came from the far. ! ! tory: five new tires: upholslery in fine shape J trunk and trunk rack: combination stop arid 1 tail light, spring bumpers front and rear i ! motometer. cowl lights, automatic windshield - ! wilier, rear-view mirror, sun visor: car fin- I ished in lotus blue. Cash payment of $367 : 1 and $52 for 10 months includes interest, fire 1 and theft insurance. ; THI* IS CAB NO. 142. WASHINGTON VIRGINIA MOTORS, INC, Used Car Dept.. 1818 14th St. N.W. Potomac 773. Open Evenings and Sunday. PEERLESS. ! We have a wide selection oi j i late model cars. I Prices and terms that will; | please. j 1925 Dodge coupe, j 57 Cadillac sedan. | 1923 Cadillac sedan. ! 1925 Paige brougham, j 1925 Ford coupe. I 1924 Peerless, 7-pass, sedan. 1924 Peerless, 5-pass, sedan. 1924 Peerless, 5-pass, touring. 1924 Nash, 7-pass, sedan. 1924 Ford touring. 1923 Peerless, 7-pass, sedan. 1923 Peerless, 7-pass, touring. 1923 Peerless, 5-pass, touring. 1923 Peerless coupe. 1923 Chevrolet sedan. 1923 Buick touring. 1923 Nash touring. 1922 Wills-St. Clare touring. 1922 Maxwell touring. 1922 Buick touring. 1922 Columbia sedan. Packard and Cadillac tour ings. Fifty cars to select from. Your car in trade. PEERLESS MOTOR CO., 14th and P Sts. N.W. Main 9850. Open Evenings. FORDS! FORDS! Touring cars. choice o/ 10 SSO un Runabout !v2 UD Coupes. choice of 3 un Tudor*, choice of 6 Fordors. choice of 3 u O Light deliveries, choice of 6 o'J up Truck*, choice of 8 AX UB Chevrolet touring yJJ Chevrolet runabout Some of the above cars can be bought for $25 cash, balance at $5 a week. Open Sunday, 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. STEUART’S GARAGE, 141 12th St. N.E, Phone L, 6200, FOR BALK—AUTOMOBILES. FALL CLEARANCE SALE OF REPOSSESSED FORD CARS. ED SON & CO. 6—1033 Tourings SSO to $156 5 1953 Sedans S6O to SIOO 6 1936 Tourings $240 to S3OO I—llf’l Coupe SIOO I—l9ol Roadster SOO 1 —1954 Coupe $360 I 3—1933 Tourings S6O l—Underslung Racer $35 And nmny-others. Terms on all cars. Lincoln 8440. 045 Md. Are. N.E. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. JUST THINK! You can buy a Guaranteed Ford Car for SSO CASH. $5 PER WEEK. R. L. TAYLOR MOTOR CO., 1840 14th St. N.W. BEST VALUES IN TOWN. $5 DOWN, BALA N C E MON THEY. have 45 of the bent used * an* in town, such a* Cadillac*. Packards. Hudsons. ‘ Hun ks. Hupmobiles. Kfbex. Dodges. Chev- | lolele Fords. ete. j Lowest pines and the most reasonable! ; terms* to responsible parties. A. I. STABLER. 425 K N.W. i- = EASY TO BUY. I Let us explain our method of j ■ selling used cars on the G. M. j !A. C. time-payment plan. Very j ■ .convenient and easy to handle.] | Manv makes and models. THE WASHINGTON CADILLAC CO., 1138-40 Conn. Ave. i Open Evenings. Franklin 3902. i WARDMAN-JUSTICE. j NINE ] HIGH-GRADE SPECIALS ! SELECTED FROM OUR ILA R G E AX D VARIED ! STOCK, MAKING A DIRECT ! APPEAL TO THE DIS CRIMINATING AND MOST i FASTIDIOUS BUYERS IN I THF. CITY OF WASHING ; TON. Hupmobile Touring, 1925. 1 j This car has been used only a few month* ! ; and i« equal to new- in every respect exeent j | the slight wear shown on the tire*. Thi* • •ar la specially timed at $785. an actual saving of ssilo from the present delivered ; price We recommend this buy as one of I ; the most attractive ever offered to the buy- j : ing public of Washington. 1 Buick Touring, 5-Pass., 1924 j Model. Paint. UN* upholstery and general an- I | pearance - —ntionally good, considerable | i above the . mage; a genuine bargain at j Cadillac Phaeton, 1922. Model 61, 5-Pass. i Newly painted sagebrush green. 5 brand- I new tire** and completely overhauled: not ai • blemish on this car anywhere; compare this I J rjjr with any other new or used «*ar in '• I Washington at the of $1,385 and then i j deride. j j Hudson Coach, Bought in Late 1924. j Very carefully driven, which is evidenced jby Us reniarkahly fine i-ondition and an- I pearance. spe.ial high-grade paint job to /enhance the appearance: a saving of 5450 j on this car. | Ford Coupe, 1925 Model. This oar r ost SBBS with present, eouip- I ment thre** months ago: 5 balloon tires; our j price today is $475: a bavin*: of $7lO. ! Willvs-Knight Brougham. 1925 Model. j Driven only 3.850 miles, fully equipped: • delivered as a new car: a savin* j of S4OO. j Ford Touring. 1925 Model. • In service atmut four months: balloon tin- equipment: this car can be purchased | as low as $4.60 weekly. Ford Tudor Sedan. Driven about 5.000 miles: equipment in cludes every conceivable extra imaginable: this car a year from now should tie worth the price that we are asking today: a real surprise in store for you. Chevrolet Sedan, 1924 —model, serial No. 13-F-17981: this ear priced at $350 should convince the most skeptical of the wonderful values that we nre offering—and just think of it—s3.7s weekly. 1111 and 1711 14th St, Used Car Showrooms. HUDSON—ESSEX ANNOUNCE A USED CAR SALE. Never before have we sold automobiles at such low price*. However, our prices have been generally recognized a* being the most reasonable in Washington. Now is your chance to get a good closed car for little I money. We have 43 closed cars to bo sold in the very near future, also several sport model tourings. The following list will convince you of our low prices: 1924 Hudson coach $750 1924 Essex coach 450 1924 Ford sedan 350 1923 Ford sedan 195 1923 Dodge sedan 475 1922 Hudson coach 425 1922 Hupmobile touring,.. 295 1924 Chevrolet 4-passenger coupe' 325 1922 Buick touring 225 1923 Buick 4-pass, coupe .. 495 1924 Studebaker sedan, bal loon tires 650 1920 Hupmobile touring... 185 Ten other Ford sedans, prices SIOO to $460. Many late model Hudson and Essex coaches, all to be sold at a sacrifice. Each car is exactly as represented by us. Our salesmen will rfadly show and demon strate any of the** cars to you. Open eve nings and Sunday. Bring your deposit. LAMBERT-HUDSON MOTORS CO., 1722 L St., west of Conn. Ave. AUTOMOBILES, ETC. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. 11. B. LEARY, Jr.. & BROS. CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTORS. 1924 Chrysler touring, re painted, 5 good tires SI,OOO 1925 Jewett brougham, practically new, a real bargain 900 1924 Dodge roadster 600 1923 Maxwell sedan 600 1922 Max w e 11, 4-pass. coupe 450 j 1924 Maxwell touring. ... 500 1923 Maxwell touring. .. . 375 1922 Maxwell touring.... 250 1924 Chevrolet touring... 250 1924 Overland touring.... 250 1924 Chevrolet sedan 375 1923 Chevrolet sedan 300 1924 Ford coupe 350 1924 Ford sedan 350 1923 Ford sedan 225 1923 Old sni obile, 4-cly. touring 375 j 1924 Stud ebaker, 6-cyl. touring 500 J 1923 Durant sport tour. .. 375 : F.YERY CAR THOROUGHLY iRECO ND I T IONED. ALL : HAVE FIVE GOOD TIRES, j MANY HAVE BEEN RE ! PAINTED. ALL ARE READY i FOR IMMEDIATE DEMOX | STRATION. LIBERAL TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. ! Open Evenings and Sundays. 1321 14th St. North 4296. BUICK Used Car Department. LARGE, SMALL. OPEN. CLOSED. You’ll find well worth looking over — Hupmobile Coupe S6ooj i Dodge Touring S3OO | Buick Touring slsOl i Buick Touring s2oo' j Buick Touring., s2so' \ Buick Touring $350 j Dodge Sedan S6OO Buick Sport Touring S7OO 'Buick Coupe, 4-pass $1,200 1 Buick Tour. Sedan SBSO Essex Roadster: SSOO l Ford Touring $l5O Flint Touring S7OO Dodge Touring S6OO J Rickenbacker Touring.... $550 Chevrolet Coupe $350 i Ford Coupe S4OO jßuick Touring SBSO j Buick Roadster $250 j Dodge Coupe SBOO i Winton Touring $450 Chevrolet Roadster S3OO Ford Sedan $250 Hupmobile Sedan SBOO Studebaker Lt. 6 Coupe. . SSOO Chevrolet Sedan S4OO Dodge Sedan S6OO COM TNG IN. Chrysler Touring $950 Wiflys-Knight Touring... S7OO Reo Sedan S7OO Ford Coupe S4OO ] Liberal Terms. Open Evenings and Sundays. STANLEY H. HORNER, Inc., 1015 14th St. Main 5296. SOUND VALUES IN USED CARS. PRICES REDUCED. 1923 Dodge Brothers’ Sedan (repainted). .$650 1922 Dodge Brothers’ Sedan (repainted). .$550 1922 Dodge Brothers’ sedan S4OO 1924 Dodge Brothers’ <ouring S6OO 1923 Dodge Brothers’ touring $450 1921 Dodge Brothers’ touring S2OO 1923 Dodge Brothers’ coupe S4OO 1922 Dodge Brothers’ coupe $350 1923 Dodge Brothers’ roidster $375 1921 Dodge Brothers’ roadster S2OO 1924 Ford touring S2OO 1923 Ford sedan $250 1924 Chevrolet touring... .$250 1923 Chevrolet touring... .$175 1922 Maxwell touring $250 1924 Studebaker Light “6”.5500 1924 Chevrolet coupe $225 1923 Essex 4-cvl. c0ach...5450 1924 Essex touring $375 FOR YOUR PROTECTION BUY YOUR CAR FROM A REPUTABLE DEALER. SEMMES MOTOR COMPANY Used Car Department 1707 14th St. 613 G St. Main 6660. FOR S AI. E—A l: TO MO BULKS. PACKARD. See our new showroom —com- pare our prices. No finer cars at the prices asked—no better terms. Packard 8 touring. 7-pass.: new paint, new tiros: a guaranteed job. Packard 8 sedan-limousine: late model, mechanical condition A1 ; new balloon tlrea; finished in standard blue. Packard twin touring:. '22 model; re painted body; top. cushions and tirea rood Packard 0 touring. 1923; new rubber, Good motor. Duco finish in blue: one of the est cars in Washington; $1,200. Dodge '22 roadster. 5175. Durant '24 sedan. S6OO I.iherty '23 touring. S4OO. Oakland '23 touring. $375. Cadillac 50 touring. Duco finish, excellent too and upholstery; motor A-l: good tires. Open Evenings and Sundays. 1707 KALORAMA iu>_ JUST OFF lflth ST FOR SALK—A I,'TO TRUCKS. Packard 4-ton dump truck, fine cnndb tlon: Ford ciunip truck: cheap. 706 6th at. »■« Line, 93 74, ]gy AUTO-CAR. H. stake body. In good condition price reasonable Seo Mr. Mat *“£*[£•_ *ow»-Hu*b«» Co . 1141 Conn, are TRUCK BARGAINS. COMPLETE STOf K OF USED TRUCK S *< TO f - ’ 7w N ANY STYLE BODY 1.18 KRAI. TERM S NO FINANCE CHARGE S OPEN EVENINGS. INTERNATIO NA L MOTOR TRUCK AGENCY, INC., 228-32 Ist ST. N.W PHONE FRANKI.IN 1170. AUTO ACCESSORIES. REPAIRS. FOR SALE —Rex ton in good condition for a Buick. model 21-40. 7-passenger Bargain. R. K. Ferguson. In- ~ rear 2116 N st, n.w. AUTO PARTS Starter*, generator* bat teries. wheels, rims, gears, taps, windshields tops, bodies, cushions, etc. Edgar Baum 81" sth n.w. FOR HIRE—AUTOMOKIEES. AERO TAXI CO.—s atm 7 pa«s. . ars: cheap est rates White chauffeurs or drive it your self Trips special Lincoln 82 WANTED—AUTOMOBILES, BUICK SEVEN-PASS SEDAN, will t.av ,-osh for lf*24 model or later, in good condition, no dealers. Address Box lti-V. Star office BUICK AGENCY, located at 1916 Conn ave . will take your ear and a email amount of cash as first payment on either a new or Used Buick: libera! terms for balance. Asa for T. S Gaddeas. 1016 Conn, ave. ANY late mode! ..v if your’price is reason able, or will take it on consignment, put it in selling condition and finance all term deals at our risk, if not sold there will >«■ no charge. A. J. Stabler, 425 K n.w. 19» WANTED—’Jo buy uaea cars' any make any year. Sec Montgomery. i 522 14tb at. 1 n w CASH for your used car. Don’t fail to nt Mr Barnes I pay more than the average used-car dealer. 1020-22 Comieclb’Ut ave. Franklin 7008. Open 8 a.m. to i> p.m. t SELL AUTOMOBILES by auction every , Saturday and Wednesday. 10 a m A quick I and satisfactory method No sale, no charge I Cars listed in time advertised free. "Weteh | ] “ r " fl -° Pi< ax " n w M 1282 AM. 1)53)1. I.ATE MODEL CARS bought and sold. Peck's Garasc, 2121 14th st, n.w CASH for your car in 10 minutes if the pries is right; late mod'-le preferred. Franklin 10263 Fred 1, Min-r’ 102« t < one ave, FOR RENT—OARAGES. REAR 008 I STREET N W HENRY j SCHAFFERT. 330 John Marshall r>la<-o. 1834 10th ST.—FOR ONE. TWO 0R _ THREE cars; three-car brick garage, running water, elect ricity. REAR 1339 14th ST. N.W.—ACAS BRICK garage and 2nd floor loft. Rent. S4O. L. E. F PRINCE Investment Bldg IN CONGRESS CT. N.W.. 6th AND 7th. L and M eta.—l.argc garage, suitable for ware house: large light space. C. S. SHREVE. 1222 Conn, ao-. n.w _ REAR 1358 OAK ST N.W .—SPACE NEW (double garage; wide alley. 3-foot ap nroach. Rent. $7 pci- month 1759 OREGON AYE N.W. - 11x20. Di rect ly on street, yard, 5 12 per mo. Mam 0808. Clove. 1158-W alter 6 pin IN REAR OF CHATHAM COURTS—BRICK garage, wide alley. Telephone North 520. 811 10th ST N.w. (REAR!—ON WIDE alley; rt-.-ar <„-ip.n H\ . Mr. PERRY. 714 12th st. n.w. SPACE IN HEATED PRIVATE GARAGE for one car: sl2 month 1720 M si * 1128 OLE 5 T NE , CONTAINING ABOUT j 20.700 so. ft floor space: will store 90 in 100 cars: now occupied by Chapin-Saeks. Available November 1. EDWARD P SCHWARTZ. INC . 734 16th St. N.W. 'REAR 14th AND BELMONT STS SIO.OO ' Rear 10th and K sts. n.w 7.50 R ir 18th and Wyoming ave. $lO and 15.00 Rear 4th and R sts n.w 8.00 Rear Woodley rd. bet. 271 h and 28th sts " 12.50 Rear 19th and Biltmore sts 12 00 ALLAN K W ALKER A CO . INC . 813 15th St. N.W. Main 2690 i 3 Mcf JULLOUGH ST $lO Rear 927 R I. ave. n w.—H oars 40 Rear 1627 Mass. ave. n.w.—2-story brick; 2 cars 20 Rear 1540 Marion st. n.w —large garage 50 EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. GA. AVE AND SHEPHERD ST. N.W. — Single brick garage reduced to $5 month. 2204 14th st n.w —Large garage for four cars. Reasonable (Rear 2112 10th st. n.w $8 00 i Rear 66 V st n.w $6.00 Rear 6.35 H st. s.w . $0 00 N. E. RYON CO.. INC■■ 1423 F at. M. 8560 1425 REAR SO SIDE MERIDIAN N.WT $7 00 22nd st. bet. N and O—New garages. 10.00 W J. PILLING. CLFVKLAND PARK. | New rara** in rear 2923 Orduay gt. n.w. Runt. 57 pur month. B. 1-. SAI L CO.. Main 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. 8.000 SQUARE FEET. Third floor of modern fireproof garage at a \cry reasonable • rental. Phone Columbia 7163 SINGLE AND DOUBLE BRICK. 11th St. and Park Rd. N.W C. W. King. jr.. 907 N. Y. Ate. M. 8179. ! BETWEEN - 27th ST. AND t'ONN - iAVE . Garfield st. and Cathedral ave.—Brick ta | rages with light ami water, single. $12.50. double. sls. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO.. 7.3.3 12th st. n.w. or 501 7th st. s.w. Main 352 and .353 LICE NSK DAT' T< INI O 51LE REPAIR SHO P. Rear 3312 Sherman Ave. N.W. C. W. King. jr.. 907 N. V. Ave. M. 8179 j 15« WANTED—GARAGES. GARAGE WANTED. WITH HEAT. ELEC tricity and water; must la- near Sheridan Circle. Address Box 452-H. Star office. 14* (.AliAl.E BUILDERS. METAL. BRICK. CONCRETE BLOCKS—LET .an experienced man build yotlr garage. Cash or terms. K. ('. THOMASSON. 22, 9th st. n r Phone Lincoln 272. 20* METAL GARAGES. SIZE IOxThL $1.30 16x18. $225. in, hiding window s and doors T. D. ALLEN. 1.315 35th st. n.w. Phone West 931. 20* ' LOWEST IN PRICE. BEST OF MATERIAL. Our motto. "SERVICE and SATISFACTION." Why pay rent when we will build you ona lust like rent. $5 cash. $8 per month, formerly with the P. A Roberts Const. Cat H. M. BRUNK, 1423 E st. N E. Phone Lincoln 8681. WIZ AR DGA R A GES. All typus. gill kinds of buildings, remodel ing and repair work. Quick service. Terme. Srott. 132 K 10th *t. n.w North 6728. 10* THE PARAMOUNT GARAGE CO. “Tenns Like Rent.” GABLE ROOF WEATHERBOARD METAL. DOUBLE ENTRANCE DOORS. SLIDING GLAZED WINDOW. YALE LOCKS. SIZE 10x14—54.0(1 DOWN. $7.00 PER MO. I SIZE 10x16—$5 90 DOWN. SB.OO PER MO. i SIZE 10x18—$5.00 DOWN. $8.50 PER MO. No Additional Interest. NIGHT. ADAMS DAY, MAIN 9473. THE “DURABLE” GARAGE. “Built to Endure.” DURABLE GARAGE CO., Adama 5041, 6621 »th St. N.W. OWN YOUR OWN “BEST BILT GARAGE" SIZE. STYLE. TERMS TO SUIT YOU WASHINGTON CONST. CO. LIN. 10 100. RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED. CUMBERLAND. Apt. .36—Bright room. a<f joining bath, -for one or two gents: free phone. , 14* 2415 18th ST. N.W.—Single room, next to bath: elec., liot-water heat, large closet. 2 large windows: bright and attractively fur nished: continuous hot water: block Ml Pleasant. Navy Yard and Potomac Park cars: private family. $lB mo. Hl* 6203 14th ST. N.W. Delightful, sunny room, next bath: instantaneous hot water: one or two who appreciate kindly considera tion and homelike atmosphere: Protestant: pew home and excallcnt location. * • (Cstfiiutd on Next Fane.)