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i RENT ROOMS—FTRMSHED. (Continued.) 1426 N ST. N.W.—Handsomely furnished, large "nd-ftoor room, with or without twin heds: hot-water heat, electricity, phone: an other room, hot and cold water in room. Owner Garage. _ 1821 JEFFERSON PEACE .Downtown: larre front room, four window*, southern exposure: twin beds: near batli: a.m.t.: pri vate home. WANTED—-Congenial girl to share attrac tively furnished one room. Kitchen and bath apartment; exclusive location. Col. 8106, Apt. 411. >♦* THE ASHLEY. APT" 63—Moat beautiful front room, southern exposure; .‘J larire win- Uows; ajt conveniences; next to bath. Po tomac i!904. 223 H ST. N.W.—t.ARQfc ROOS MOD- i ern improvenienta: home privilege; auitabla for two: sls per month. Apt. 4. eecona floor. • 2019 PORTNER PL. N.W.— Very larre. nieely furnished room near bath: suitable for married couple or two gentlemen: table board if desired. 15* PORTLAND HOTEL—Large room in private apt . attractively furnished: plenty of heat; unuaual arrangement: hotel service. Main 8878. Myer. 18* 1016 QUEBEC PL. N.W.—Largefront room', a m.i.. next to bathroom: private family: close to 14th and Spring rd. Bent reason able Adams 7414, • 1607 EYE ST.—ldeal downtown location, larre double (S4O) and single 1*25) room#, well heated: shower bath: maid service: beautiful view. Main 540. 14• ROOM for 1 or 2 gentlemen: w ell heate37 outside, clean, in apt.: walking distance of downtown department stores. Main 6188. 1810 BELMONT ST. N.W —Front room. 6 windows, southern exposure, private home: ami.: between two car lines. Call Col. 900. - 16* VICINITY 18th AND COLUMBIA RD.—Two beautiful rooms, singly or en suite: private home: bath; continuous hot water, unlimited phone, Adams 2547. 3533 16th ST. N.W.—Second-floor front room with private bath: also room with •leaping porch: beautifully furnished, twin beds, a.m.i.: garage. Adams 1437. 16* 2nd AND RHODE ISLAND AVE N W.— i.arge. heated room, npxt bath: large closets: suitable for 2. Private family. North 3441. 1626 17th—Quiet, artistic house: unusual charm for business women: exceptionally large, redecorated front rooms: fireplace: service. le* 43 M ST. N.W.—Large, second-floor front room and kitchen, semi-private bath, all white neighborhood: desirable: steam heat. gas, electricity furnished: S3O. •_ 3827 KANSAS AVE N.W.-—Room and in closed sleeping porch, furnished as bed-sit ting room: S2O for 1; S3O for 2. Col. 9305. 18* THE MONTGOMERY. Apt. 37. North Cap itol and M sts. —Nieely furnished room, ad joining bath: electricity, continuous hot water Franklin 8035-J • 1702 KILBOURNE PL. N.W.—Three attrac tive rooms with private bath, continuous hot water: ample closet, drawer space; phone extension: a.m.t. Adams 071. 14* TWO GIRLS (colored) wish roomnißte, large front room. For information call North 7611-J after 4:30. Ask for Miss Reavis or Bullock. 1- CONNECTICUT - AVE.~N.C— Second floor room for two. $35 month' bath and lavatory adjoining: home conveniences: warm house. Single room. S2O month. 1800 LAMONT ST. N.W .—Large, bright", second-floor room: southern exposure: next to hath: twin beds: with board: private fam ily. Adams 3750. 10* _ BRIGHT, clean: single, double: adults only, references exchanged: available Oct. 1. Ad dress Box 330-X. Star office. 29* 1357 EUCLID ST. N.W.—On 2nd floor, next to bath: li.-w.h.. continuous hot water, elec tricity. phone: gentleman only. 10* 1313 RHODE ISLAND “N.W.—Large front room, twin beds: electricity, continuous hot .watery _ _ 1453 CHAPIN ST N.W.—Large front and small rooms, second floor. Adams 70(18. 1743 CONNECTICUT AVE.—Attractive, com fortable room, larre closet, semi-private hath: gentleman only. 1211 B ST. s.E—Three nieely furnished '•h.k. looms: modern improvements: S4O. 1817 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Nieely fur rished single room: all conveniences: board If de»ired. ___ 14» 1243 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. (near Du pont Circle)—Beautifully furnished, next bath ; also hall room : private. 18• 1300 VERMONT Ave. N.W.—Large, second floor front, with or without kitchenette: suitable for two or three adults: am i. 15* 1350 PERRY PL. N.W.—Nicely furnished, single, second floor, front room: suitable for young man Phone Adams 8177-J. 15* 1113 11th ST N.W.—Nice, clean, cheerful rooms; e:ec , steam heat, 1.h.k.; central loca tion. 1489 NEWTON ST. N.W.. Apt. s—Attrac tive front room. a.m.i.. private family: gen Genian; S2O month. Col. 586-J. 1101 ABBEY PL. N.E.—3 rooms, furnished 1.h.k.; all modern improvements: new house. 1020 C ST. N.E.—-Light housekeeping: large front room, neatly furnished: electricity, h.-w.h.: reasonable. 16* 1119 L ST N.W.—Two large rooms ancf kitchen, with modern conveniences. Frank lin 6»4, i6* 215 SEATON PL. N.E.—Large front room. 2nd floor; 2 men: separate beds: reason able: also single room. I(s* 625 MASS. AVE. N.W. Housekeeping rooms. $7 per week: elec, light, steam heat; no objection "to children. lrt* 1836 16th ST. N.W.—Room in private home for two girls: nicely furnished and next to bath. 15* c 232 6th ST. S.E.—Cheerful front room, ami.. $lB. electricity: gentleman. Lincoln 1434. • ATTRACTIVE ROOM in best residential seV tion. with every convenience for gentleman. $lB per month. Col. 8147. • 2564 UNIVERSITY PL., vicinity 14th and Clifton—Attractive front room. a.m.i.: rea sonable. Columbia 7958. • 1826 17tn N.W.—Pleasant front room* elec tricity. li.-w.h.: private family: terms. S2O: gentlemen: references. • 1114 MONROE ST. N.W. Second TToor. hack room, with inclosed porch, next to bath. 16* NICELY furnished room, a.m .i.. suitah 1 n ior ?,• sofT„r5 of T„r location: S2O. or 2 rooms for 1.h.k.. S2B. Garage for rent. Lincoln 9729. 1362 KENYON ST.—Nicely furnished ser ond-floor room, for couple. Also single vnom. 1 fiC.j MONROE N.W.—Gr*ntlf*nif»n or f'ounl**' larjre smith; hot water, electricity tele phone: break fast. 14* 1816 KALORAMA RoaDT Apt 32—One two or three rooms, together or single nri vatc bath, free nhone. Col. 5816. j 4 • 3114 CONNECTICUT AVE—Room and bath: private family: gentleman. Potomac 1 SB6 18* 1850 RTLTMORE ST.—Artistic room in beautiful private home: all conveniences 1418 BELMONT ST. (near 14th“sT — TTrei Desirable large front room on second floor 832 sth N.E—Furnished single and double rooms, hot-water heat, eleetricitv: reasonable 2- BASEMENT, cheerful and warm; will rent or exchange for duties. Address Box 470-H. Star office. 14* 1533 PA. AVE. S.E.—-Two front rooms, sink, range, elec., $35: also, two next bath, 1 h.k.. $25. 18* 2146 N ST. N.W.; APT. 24 Furnished front mom. near Govt, depts.; gentleman: reasonable West 373-J. 14« 2060 16 th; BALFOUR APT. 43—1.,5ee soiith bed-living room, next bath $35 and *<2: _ . 14* 1317 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—Newjv" deco rated basement: dry: very reasonable- fur nished or unfurnished. 15* 1004 OTIS PL. N.W,—An attractive room for one or two persons, with excellent board. Phone Col. 8577. 14* 1820 EYE ST. N.W—Downtown, attractive single rooms: running water; steam elec tricity. 17* 1420 BELMONT—One or two rooms nicely furnished: non-housekeeping; private bath private family. 14* 1317 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—Beautiful front room, southern exposure; furnished or un furnished. 1342 VERMONT AVE.—Modem downtown room for two. facing park; close to schools and frats. 19* 1738 F N W -—Single front rooms, h.-w.h., large closets. sl6: large double front rooms twin beds, a m.i.. $25. Frank. 2308. 1509 VERMONT AVE. N.W.—2 furnished rms . 2nd floor, next to bath: l.h.k. if de sired, or 2 gentlemen 1214 MASS AVE.—Single front room", downtown: electricity, steam heat gentle man. 2917 13th ST. N.W.—Two bright basement I rooms and bath. very reasonable to couple 1 taking care of _fi 1 rna eg _ 14* 635 K ST. N.E—One furnished room and kitchen: second floor: electricity, sink $35 Lincoln 7564. 2140 PA AVE.—Bpaiitiful - front rooms, complete for 1.h.k.; $36 and $42 if perma nent. 3 6» 728 21 st ST N.W.—Front room, single. $18: double room, S3O; semi-private bath; a.m.i. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 21st front rooms for housekeeping: gas and sink: pantry. North 2822. 1166 NEAL ST. N.E.—Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping: closed-in porch 14 • 1002 EAST CAPITOL—2 2nd-floor rooms, furnished. 1.1i.k.. li.-w.h.. electric lights. phone: $30.P0. TWO GENTLEMEN of refinement, room and breakfast in strictly private home. Adams 2579. 1328 LEVIS ST. N.E.. above Florida ave 3 rooms, heat, gas and light: new house: furnished. Reasonable. 138 KENTUCKY AVE. S.E.—Warm room, second floor, next bath: hot-water heat. electricity: S2O, Lincoln 6346-J, DOWNTOWN—One large, light front room, kitchen and semi-bath. Apt. 31. 706 11th st. n.w. 15* 309 C N.W. —-Comfortable single front room, running water, electricity, bath convenient: $3 00. *__ 2A'.2 N. CAPITOL ST.—Large and small nF.mi in private family, nicely furnished. _ __ 16« 1167 I3th ST. —Single, double front rooms, electricity steam heat, plenty hot water: no obiytlon to children. Hi* BEST N.W.—2 or 3 nice rooms, block to ■ ars: very reasonable. Employed ladies only. Col. G 77 J altar 6.30. ROOMS, ETC. ONCE UPON A TIME Snow-White and Rose-Red. VII BY W. J. ENRIGHT I QhE CHILDREN WERE BY THIS TIME USED TO QkITWEI*. VNA.V HOME THEY CAME AROUND A I KShen HE SAW THE CHILDREN HIS FACE GREW ll™ THE Lrm_E DWA7LF'S INSCATITUDE SOTVtEV GREAT ROCK AkJD THEY THE DWARF AGAIN,HE CRIMSON WITH RAGE AND ME OCREAMEd/'whY DO On TERROR THE DWARF SPRANG TOWARD HIS CAVE WEUT ONTO TOWN AND DIDTHEtE. MARKETING HAD EMPTIED THE GEMS ON AFLAT ROCK AND >tO STAND STARING THERE ?WvOAS ABOUT TO BUT A GREAT BEAR HAD SHAMBLED AROUND THE ROCK WAS GLOATING OVER THEIR tAZ-ZUNCr BEAUTY. CONTINUE HIS SCOLDING WHEN A L CM GROWL WAS AND BLOCKED THE WAY. ® McGure Newspaper Syndicate HEARD. _ RENT ROOMS—FI KNISHKD 1306 PARK RD.—Double 2nd-stor.v. next bath, l.h.w. automatic heater: a.m.i.: rea sonahle. 1105 KENYON ST—Two nicely furnished rooms, icasonable: a.m.i. Inuuire at 3232 Uth n.w. Phone Fob tl.'tlK). 3153 MT PLEASANT. Apt. 2—First-floor room in apt. overlooking Mt. Pleasant Li brary: ■‘ontinuons hot water, telephone. 1200 13tli ST N.W.—Large front living bedroom, handsomely furnished: h.-w.h.: downtown. 13 It P ST. N.W.—Baek basement room, running water, light housekeeping: electrie it.v: sl9. NEW BF.RNE. 12th and Mass. ave. n.w.— Beautiful, hnglit room overlooking park, southern exposure 1833 ONTARIO PL. N.W’. near 18th and rd. —Warm, uuict room. Adams 1 832 BILTMORE. Ant. 3—-'WeTTTu r n ished room, adjacent hath Reasonable. fob 3854. 306 C N.E. —One large front room. 3rd floor: tieautiful for couple: 1.h.k.: water on floor. 1225 FAIRMONT st. Comfortable, well furnished rooms; reasonable: cars. • 1201 COLUMBIA RD. —Large. desirable room, ndjornmg bath. S2O 18* 632 E ST. S.W..—two furnished rooms for 1.h.k.: no children. Cull after 5:30 p.m. 14 • 2807 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—2 communicat ing rooms, pop'h, 2nd floor. 17* 1708 QUE ST. N.w.—2 large, sunny rooms. newly furnished and decorated. LB* 519 MASS AVE. N\W.—Front room: twin beds, h.-w.h : plec. 1308 R I AVE. N.W.—Nieely furnished, elean. bright sunny room. 15* 130 i: CAPITOL ST., apt. 2—Nicely fur* nished room: gentleman. 111.”. ELEVENTH N.W.—Basement rooms free to party who can attend furnace. 1332 15th ST. N.W.. Apt. 21 —Two fur msheri front rooms; 14* NEWBERNE. Apt. 7*.. Mass. ave and 12th —Pleasant room; gentleman: ref«*ren«e*i. MT. PLEASANT. 17:19 Irvinr—Single and double rooms. Adams 4616-W. 15* _ 2020 I.sth ST. N.W—Altrmttve room, ad- i Joinm«r_bath tentleman. North 0007. 1233 IRViNG Tf~N.w —fwtTroomsV 1.h.1t.. a.m.t. Col 6467-W. 1434 Harvard st. n w.. Apt. 32—Neat- furnjehecF_next_to bath 1775 MASS. AVE. S'.W.—Double ami single. Franklin 9700, 14 • WESTCHESTER. 1332 15th. Apt. 32—Front room, adjoining bath gentleman. _ 2308 20th ST.-—Attractive rooms. S2O and $25 monthly: one. $lO week: Potomac 2826. 14X8 M ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished front room for one gentleman. * 1317 IRVING ST:—Double room, single room: second floor: gentlemen. * 2031 FLAGLER PL. N.W.—Three rooms'. Sew them after 6 p.m. 15* 11*217 ItiI.TMORE ST.—Single room, second floor: reasonable. Col. 1338-W. 15* 108 C S.E.—Near Capitol: two complete housekeeping rooms: a.m.i. * 125 E N.W.—One room, kitchenette and ! porch; gas range, sink: first tbu»\ 20* £823 M N.W. —Large double room, also j room with kitchen. 15• _ 451 IRVING ST. N.W—Single room, pri- | vatc home. sl2. Col 2Q92-J 15* 039 M N.W.—Nice. large room for young lady. sll. _* 704 A S.E.—South front, fine home: one or two. 18_* 700 oth ST. S E.—2 furnished rooms for : 1.h.k.: near hath: a.m.i. * _ 319 sth ST. N.E.—2 rooms. 1 h.k.; adults; I h.-w.h., elec, lights Line. 244 15*_ 1836 10th ST. N.W.-—Comfortable room for ! two students, next to bath; reasonable. 15* j 801 A ST S.E—Nicely furnisbPd rooms, with or without l.h.k. 16* 1510 COLUMBIA RD—Warm south room, all conveniences. private home. 27* 707 22nd ST. N.W.. Apt. 6^—Comfortable bedroom: S2O month. • 510 MAINE AVE. S.W.—2 front rooms for j light housekeeping, with heat. 15* 1003 K ST. N.W,—Furnished room. liS k.l ; 54 week. ’ 128 C ST. NE . APT. 7—2 nice rooms, re a- ! son able gentlemen. 16* 3012 Uth ST N.W.—Nice room. 2nd floor, h.-w.h.: lady or gentleman: sll. 411 4th N.W.—Lovely front room overlook ing park: downtown. • 1503 VERMONT AVE on 2nd floor, near bath: a.m.i. 1221 OTIS PL. N.W.—Single, southern ex- rea*onab[ej_Jady preferred. 15* NEWRV. Apt. 10. 1117 Bth st. n.w.— ! Single room, first floor front: after 6. 15* 653 EAST CAPITOL ST.. Ant. 301—Com fortahle room next to hath, gentleman. NICELY furnished rooms: large and small; sls up: gentlemen only. Col. 2400-W. 18* 1424 TA YLOR ST. N.W.—Large"front room, second floor- references. Col. 8300. • 612 C ST. N.E, —2 housekeeping rooms, next to hath, newly papered, painted 1310 Uth ST. N.W.—2 large front rooms. 1.h.k.: reasonable. 335 Bth ST N.E.—2 rooms, second floor: couple. Lincoln 8694-W. 1728 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Double and~sTngleT meals if _ 1209 COLUMBIA RD. N.W. —Yiesirable rooms adioiring bath; all conveniences. 1826 CALVERT ST., near IBtb and Col. rd. —Weil furnished rooms, 1107 D ST S.E—2 neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, no children. Rea son 803 EYE ST. N.E. —Cozy furnished room. S 3 50 per week. 1101 K N.W.— Single room, electricity, use kiti'henparlor' sl6 month. 16* 1322 L ST. N.W.. downtown —Transients or permanent: electricity: reasonable. 1331 IRVING ST N.w. —Comfortable room: gentlemen. Coi. 9066. 1434 N ST. —Two rooms, sink, range; am i/ Ihird floi>r: $lO week. 14* j THOMAS CIRCLE. 1124 Vermont ave.— Housekeeping and sleeping, $35 monthly. 1715 QUE ST. N.W.—Large front room, twin beds: nrivals lmms. _ 1404 M N.W. i Thomas Circle i—Large, clean front, warm room: electricity. 16* I*3o' EYE ST. N.W,—HousekeeniiiL- rooms. suitable for 2 or 4 adults. 16* 1002 MD. AVE. N.E.—Large front room: n e w Iy_ papered. 14* COLONIAL large room with steam heat, gas light: $lB 50 nio. West 578-W. 14* 1024 17th 8T —Conifortabie rooms, elec tricity : near public bldgs, and ear lines. 15* 147)5 NEW'TON—Desirable: sleeping: elec tricity : bath: modern: $5 and $6 week. 1 1527 RHODE ISLAND AVE —Warm, sunny second-story front, adjoining bath. 15* _ j 2 oth ST. N.E.—3 furnished rooms, li.-w.h., side porch: l.h.k. 1731 CHURCH ST. N.W.— 1 room, electric lights: steam heat. 14* 1444 HARVARD Nieely furnished rooms; electricity: near three ears lines. 14* PLEASANT ROOM adjoining bath; cleetric | ity: gentlemen. Col. 4490. 14* _ I 1210 KENYON ST N.W.—Desirable, bright rooms, reasonable: 2nd floor. 16* I 352. r 16th ST. N.W.—Large and airy, siiit nblf/ for two gentlemen. 14* 1312 12th ST N.W. —Single and double rooms, electricity: downtown. * _ 1107 17t? N.W. —7.'lcan, one or two. Fail 'alter 6. . 1627 WEBSTER—Large front room, private bath, suitable for two, Adams 30(C . 1305 R. T. AVE. N.W,—l large room to rent. RENT ROOMS—FUR. & ITNFUR. COLORED— Large middle room, near two ear lines: I’ontlnuous hot water, home Privi leges and phone service free. Phone North 7133 after (i CHEVY CHASE— I.arge. front room, five windows, bath: private family. Cleve. 909 j7th STj—Large room with private l.atb ' 1 lyk.: eniinle • S3O month. 14* _ RENT KOOMS—UNFURNISHED. 15"4 9th ST. N.W.—Two rooms ami kitch enette large closets: entire third floor: out side rooms: private: heat, gas and batli furnished: owner’s home. Adults onlv. Rent. S3JL * 78~QUE ST. N.W.—Two large rooms for 1 h k : newly papered and painted: near five ear linea: heat and light famished; privi leges' S3O month. I ?*_ NEXR CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY—I 6 3rd st ne —JThree large rooms and kitchen: coal and gas furnished: latrobes: $0 weekly. References. 20* . 1341 CLIFTON —2 lovely, extra large com municating rooms. 2nd fl. Jront: 1.h.k.: electricity, continuous hot water: beautiful location. Adam* 2875. PETWORTH—2 front rooms suitable for Lh.k.: reasonable. Adsms 8781. V THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, P. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1925. - A RENT ROOMS—UNFURNISHED. < Continued.) INIB ltlth ST. N.W.—Two rooms. 2nd floor, newly papered, housekeeping, gas. electricity, hot-water heat furnished; $35 month. North 6424; COLUMBIA ROALD— Front room and porch, newly papered, cooking and laundry privi leges. heal and electric lights, use of phone; $17.50. Adams 2497. * 1527 MASS. AVE. S.E.—2 rooms, sleeping porch, 1.h.k.; new house: furnished if de sired. After 6:30. 16* _ 611 THIRD N.W.—Three connecting, bath: screened porch: clean, desirable. Tomorrow morning. 11:30 to 11:30. 14* 21 T C ST. N.W.—Three bright, warm rooms, bath, heat, light: convenient to both ear lints: reasonable. 15* 448 IRVING N.W.—Two rooms, kitchenette, bath: heat. gas. electricity: entire second floor. _____________ * 1017 N. CAPITOL ST.—3 or 4 rooms for rent: heat and electric light: good condition. ia» 1017 N CAPI’TOL or 4 rooms for rent: heat and electric light: good condition. 424 (' 6T N.E.—Two unfurnished rooms, lh.k. range: private bath: electric lights. h.w.h.: reasonable: adults preferred. 14* 531 IRVING ST. N.W.—Entire second floor. 4 large rooms and screened porch: a.m.i.; $55. 1856 INGLESIDE TERACE (at 19th' and Newton, near bus line)—Two large h.k.. pri vate 223 H ST. N.W.. Apt. 4. 2nd floor—2 rooms, housrkcf ping or furnished, modern improve ments pri rate family. •_ _ 1624 3rd ST. N.W. (colored)—Two unfur nished rooms, use of kitchen: h.-wh.: $27.50. • 629 MARYLAND AYE. N.E.—3 large rooms', alcove: second floor: range, sink. etc. Adults. References. Lincoln 4280. . 26 RANDOLPH PL. N.W.—'Two rooms, kitchen and bath: elec . li.-w.h. Reasonable. 606 k N.E.—Three rooms, bath, electricity, gas, heat: centrally located: $35: two rooms. s2s_ 14*. 815 NORTH CAPITOL—4 rooms, kitchen ette and bath with back porch: heat fur j nnhfil: rent. $45 Key. 831 North Capitol. 1361 MONROE N.W.—Two large rooms, pri vate bath 1 h.k.. am i. Adams 6425. 1431 G ST. N.E.—2 rooms and bath. $25. 421 2nd ST. N.W—Two or three 2nd-floor looms, 1.h.k.: reasonable. Call after 4. 15* 2423 N. CAPITOL ST.—Two clean front ! l.h.k. rooms, reasonable. 1722 NEWTON ST. N.W.— I Third floor, pri vate bath; Lh.k 1405 ORREN ST. N.E.— I Two rooms for housekeeping. a.m.i.: reasonable. .327 14th N.E.—2 or 3 rooms, 1.h.k.; elec.: 816 B ST. S.W.—Three rooms bath, picas- | ant location. 14* 1 1030 D N.E.—2 rooms and kitchenette: heat | and gas furnished ' 110 CARROLL ST S.F.. —1 or 2 room* with kitchenette and gaa heat furnished ' 1004 E ST. S.W.—Two rooms, latrobe. good j heat. 14* I i ON STAPLE ST. N.E.—5 rooms and bath. I a m.i; Lincoln 1151. 8-12 o'clock am. ! 1115 17th N W—” rooms, h.-w.h.. garage J if wanted: rent reasonable. 1013 MARYLAND AVE N.E.—Three rooms. I porch, 1.h.k., gas, elec , h.w.h. Adults. __ ' 723 G ST. N.E —3 rooms for rent, unfur mshed: h.-w.h., gas electricity. 1138 3rd ST. N.W.—Two back rooms. $lO | 1 each; one front. I 316 SEATON - PLACE N.E.—Three rooms. , I private hath, kitchen, screened porch. Js* ! I iefS A Sf; N.E—Three"rooms, bath, l.h.k' ! ; gas, elee.. h.w .h,, $35. Adults. ! ! 2304 PA AVE.—2 rooms 2nd floor, mod-I edn improvements, reasonable rent 1 915 K ST. N.E —2 rooms, kitchenette, elec tric lights and heat. Call after 6:30 p.m. 323 I, ST. N.E.—2 rooms, large glass-tn- : ; closed porch: new home. 16* : Dill M ST. N.W.—One room, third floor I back: l.h.k, permitted. 14* WANTED—ROOMS. ! GENTLEMAN, refined, would like to share ; or ront a room in an apt. either in Pleasant or Chevy Chase. D. C. Address Box 14-V. Star oftiee. 10* LIVING ROOMS, bedroom, in n.w. eeetion ol city in vicinity of Dupont Circle preferred. Address Box 77- V. Star office. • 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, h.-w.h.. elec.', i downtown, not ever $35: permanent. Ad dress Box 44-V. _Star .office * ROOMS AND BOARD. ( 1406 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large, comfort i aide, well furnished, well kept rooms, with I excellent board, in pleasant, convenient neighborhood, at attractive rates: one single, one double available: also apartment with private bath for four gentlemen. NICELY FUInTsHED ROOM with private bath, h.-w.h . elee. light.: hot water at all times for bath; lest home-cooked meals: in a private, family; for 2: reasonable. Col. 10166, 1817 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Large front room, southern expoaure. suitable two per sona: hot-water heat, fresh food, well cooked, good servme. Also roommate for !■“lined voung lady. Reasonable. 15* HOME ACCOMMODATION, lovely comfort able rooms, wholesome meals served abun dantly: home atmosphere, not a boarding place, exceptional opportunity for 2 or 3 gentlemen. North 2653. * MT. PLEASANT. 1811 Kenyon st. —Three outside rimrni: southern exposure: single or en suite one with running hot and cold water: suitable for 4 or 6 people: liest meals. Col. 9POO-J. 14 * | 17U 'EYE ST. N.W.—Large room , southern ; l exposure: suitable for three: a.m.i.: home | privileges: excellent home table. Franklin i 3526. 14* _ 1 1121 COL. RD.—Lovely double front room, i southern exposure, also single room, a.m.i. No objection to children: best food: home ! Privilerea. 1835 Ist ST. N.W,—Large front room. , nicely furnished: suitable for two gentle -1 men or couple; private family; good home ' cooking. N. 1617-.1. » I NEAR 14th AND PARK RD—Mother and son will share their house with two eon genial ivonle. Large bright room, excellent meals: S4O. Col. 4221. *_ HrLLCREST 2800 13th N.W.—ldea! home I for those away from comforts of their own; i rooms with or without hath. 1048 CA'LVERT ST. N.W.—Large second floor front, one smaller room: twin beds: modem home: carefully prepared meals. 2617 13th—Large front room, also tingle: garage: a.m.i.: private home: delicious meals: convenient location. Col. 5829. 1852 BILTMORE ST.—Double room, for two persons; twin beds; hot ami cold water in room: home rooking. Col. 10300. 1516 COLUMBIA RD.—-Large second-story front room; one or two gentlemen. Col. 5401 b 1622 P N.SV.— Large, double room for cou ple or two ladies, next to bath: continuous hot water: all home conveniences. • 1832 ltlth ST. N.W.—Large front room, suitable for 2 or 3: home cooking: in dlvidual service. Reasonable. 3443 Uth —Two nice front rooms, all con , vcnienern: plenty hot water: home cooking. 1 I Adams 2093. _ 1 1018 EYE ST. N.W.—Single, double roomsT | hot and cold running water: large, bright. ' airy and warm. L§* 1326 COLUMBIA RD. —Large, attractive I second story front, a.m.i.. twin beds: excel | jent meals. 1060 BILTMORE BT. N.W.—Large front I room also one smaller room, congenial sur roundings. a.m.i. Columbia 3629. : 1419 COLUMBIA RD.. Apt. 25—Double room, private family, home privileges: rea sonable; Xs* SOUTHERN CLUB. 1701 Mass. ave.—Don ble room for two young ladies: all club i privileges; walking distance. 1027 G ST. N.fc.—koom for gentleman- s7i . per week; breakfast if desired. Lincoln SO6O-W. 14* _ 18 4th ST. S.E.—A-No. 1 room and board. i 3 blocks from Capitol and Library: a.m.i. Call 12 noon. 1123 13th ST. N.W.—Two double rooms: ; one on second and one on third floor; ran- I ning water in 3rd-noor room. 15* : i DUPONT CIRCLE. 1410 21st at. n.w.— I Attractive room, twin beds, also single room. : modern conveniences, home cooking, 16* CLARENDON. VA.. 1513 Alex. ave.. Fort Myer Heights: 2 rooms and board. 14* I 1370 KENYON ST. N.W.—Room and board. ' i«l__ 1225 O N.W.—Front room. bath, shower; l excellent table. References. 1031 PARK RD.—Beautiful room for 2. S4O a month each. Adams 2613. 1000 C ‘ ST; N.E. —Room and board. $8: ! ouiet. modem home. i MT. PLEASANT, beat eection—Room for . Protestant gentiem»n J _A<l»me £4OB, r 3210 13th ST. N.W. —Front room: twin beds: bath on same floor: home cooking. 17* ROOMS AND BOARD. 1010 15th N.W. (colored I—2 rooms: board withoyt rouniH. $5. 15* 1127' NEW JERSEY AVE. S.E.—Room and hoard, reasonable. 15* _ 103 B ST. N.E.—Single front room near Cap itol and Library. 15* _ DOWNTOWN—SingIe front room. $3 week; nm-nte family Board. Fr. 1 856 _• WANTED—ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR a middle aged lady who Is all alone, wanted to lie taken an one of the family: liest of reference. Address Box 48-V Star afU'.Y. U»* APARTMENTS—FrRMSHED. U4B GIRARD ST. X.W.—f ROOM DINING I slcore. kit. hen and hath: nn-ely furnlahed: S6O per mo. GEO. ’.V. UNKINS. 1733 De ! Sales at. (opposite Mayflower Hotel I. | PRANKI.IN 1705 ONE LARGE FRONT; room and kitchenette, newly decorated, com pletely furnißhed. Reasonable. 1334 10th ' n.w. _ i NEAR DUPONT 01Rf'LE—HANtiSOTdFEY | furnished apartment of live large outside t room*, full-sized kitchen: *uitahle for fam ily of four or five person* Meal* at hotel if desired Apply at 1027 19th st n.w. North 830. 14* 4024 ILL" AVE. N.W. —SECOND FLOOR, completely furnlahed. 3 room* .2 baths, kitchen and porch. Col. 3392. Nr. 2 bosses. Toil' CALVERT ST. N.W.—COMPLETELY furnuhed apt . 3 rooms and bath Adam* 772f1.__ __ _ 15* LE'MAftQUIS—ATTRACTIVELY FURNISH •d. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. SIOO. with all-meht service T’nfur if desired. Pot. 270 1 14* | 1333 MONROE ST. N.W.—TWO ROOMS. | kitchenette, bath, porch southern exposure: adult*. Transients accommodated • 1733 ST. pf.— L 2 aND o ' RM. •ultes: non-housekeeping: heat, hot water, electricity: beautifully furnished. scrupulous cleanliness: ma>o 3n>l \ alet service; refined surrounding* gentlemen preferred: refer- 1 enoes_ required 1620 R ST. N.W.. APT. 421—ONE ROOM, kitchenette and bath, front, completely fur- ; nl»hed: excellent location. references. Pot. : 1060. I 2807 ONTARIO RD. N.W. 2 ROOMS*, kitchen, bath, porch. 4 , losets. gas. elec- ! trtefty: near 2 ear line*: reasonable. 17* 1009 NORTH CAPITOL. ON OAK LINE, 5 I cheerful rooms and hath, entire second floor. ■ heated; private entrance: Just papered uaint ■ *d: 5 large elo«et»: porch. North 4191 ■ W 112 b 9th ST. N.W.—2 BEDROOMS. DlN ing room, kitchenette, hall room and private bath: furnished for housekeeping: will ac commodate four. 1266 COL. RD —SECOND FLOOR: 2 ROOMS It bath, third floor. 2 rooms, kitchenette & private bath: heat, elec & gas Col. 3996. . 11724 20th ST. N.W. i BETWEEN R AND - I Sl—Bedroom, living room, kit henette and I ibath: $45._ 15* | 1224 16th—2 BE A UTIFCI.LY FURNISHED rooms, private bath: 550. garage space avail able. Adams 237 j 1608 17th ST~ N W LIVING ROOM, ! dressing room. bath, kitchen: new and mod ern Apt. 1 Before opm 15* I 1364 COL RD.—2 NICELY FI R ROOMS , kltf'nenette; compiPte, S3O; parade available. 14* 107 4nd NW —2 ROOMS ~AND “PRIVATE I hath: combination kitchen-dining running ! not water: hot water heat, electricity. 1 Franklin 80! 1 -J ms | MI). AVE. N.E—ATTRACTIVE APT.. 2 i rooms, kitchenette and )>atli. 2nd floor north j a,1, l south exposure. Phone Clere 3337 , THE TORONTO DUPONT CIRCLE—DESIR atde home of 6 rooms and 2 hAths to rent , furnished for the season to adults: case. Apply Apt. 31. • | THE" VaS ANTWERP. (101 20tTTsT”N.W i fl ueliahtful room*. bath. i*on\pmpnt ; to_ali departments: a.m.i. North A192-W ' 520 2nd ST. S.E.. NEAR ('APIToTTaND | Library—Front. outsnle thre<* rooms and bath; southern exposure: a.m.i. !.*>• ! «<>2Tt EYE ST. N.W —THREE OUTSIDE ! rooma and bath: southern exposure. 15* , 3547 11th ST. ~N W—3 OR'4 — FURNISH Eli | housekeeping rooms: rent 545 and sdo per i month, resperttvelv. Adams 2087 • j OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK—TWS I adioining rooms. housekeeping pantrv. j porch, semi-private t>ath: bus at door; s4o. I 1837 Newton st. n.w • j 3160 18th 3T~ NW.—TWO ROOMS, i kitclienptte. bath, every convenience ■ very pretty: for employed couple; 540. Columbia TW O CO NNECTING ROOMS] SEC ON D floor, with sink, semi-private bath: south ern exposure: adults: reasonable. 1125 Fairmont st. 15* FOR RENT—FURNISHED APT. FOR housekeeping: private house: large front room, second floor, and smaller room next bath: exceptional opportunity for m nlo.ved couple: $37.50 per month. Address Box 56-V, Star office • : FRONT ROOM. BEDROOM. DINING ROOM I and kitchenette, 1027 Oth st n.w. 15* i PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITH KITCHEN 1 and private bath: ue* of parlor, with piano and radio: private home in attractive lo cation. between car lines, on bus line. A damn 60 22 3rd ST. N E —TWO FLATS. Ist AND 2nd floors, to adult couples. Government workers: middle-aged preferred. j fl• 1224 CONNECTICUT AVE. No. 41—THREE large, beautifully furnished rooms and kitchen to share with lady In office or stu drnt. Fr. 1729. • *35 ONE LARGE BEDROOM. KITCHEN. sink, gas range, sleeping porch, in new home. Call Lincoln 7037-W. after 5'30 n m. 15* 2 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND BATH. AT i traetively furnished: reasonable. Call Col. 1 4630. Apt. 410. after 6 p.m. • TWO ROOMS IN HIGH-CLASS APXT; kitchenette: private entrance; nrar May flnwer Hotel. Fr, 1 729, « BACHELOR APT ON 16th ST.. NEAR THE reservoir two rooms, bath; well furnished. Col. 10231 16« THE WYOMING—TO SUBLET FOR THREE months or possibly longer, seven-room apart ment. three bedrooms and two baths com pletely furnished: finest outlook in city: references required. Apply Apartment 705, | T L’ f ‘ Wyoming. 18* I OPPORTUNITY—CLEAN. AIRY. ATTRAC | live 5-r.. b. apt.: bungalow arrangement; I a.m i.: complete: adults: exceptional. 1812 t G. Ant. 31. isl» _ EXCELLENT LOCATION. CHARMING 2 R.. k.. b. apt.: sleeping porch; garage: clean, artistically fur., homelike: a.m.1.: refined at mosphere: ideal for business women or eou ple, 1633 Que. 16* OPP. MAYFLOWER. HIGH CLASS. 1 OR B r., k. b. apt., exceptional house: clean, pleas ant. spacious, homelike: a.m.i.: adult*. 1717 De Sale*. 16* APARTMENT 4 ROOMS. BATH. WELL furnished, semi-detached, modern house: 2 porches: splendid location, near Capitol. 326 A st, s.e. TILDEN HALL. 3045 CONN. AVE.—COM pletely furnished 1-room, kitchen and bath apt. Apply manager. Phone Cleve. 2547. • 1707 CORCORAN ST. N.W.—2 ROOM?, kitchen, bath: gas. electrlctty and unlimited telephone: *75. North 7138. 16* TWO FRONT ROOMS. 3rd FLOOR: L.H K.: electricity gas. tel., h.-w.h. Cor. 19th and K st. n.w.. 1834 K st. 16* 2217 Ist. st. n.w.—2 large rooms, private residence: am.i. Reasonable. North 8508. THREE ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. FUR nished: sink, gas range, electricity; near Printing Office. Union Station: $38.50. Phone North 285. THE SANTA ROSA. 1712 17th BT. N.W.— Nicely furnished housekeeping apartment. 4 rooms and bath (2 bedroom*): also bach elor apartment. 1 room and bath. Both vacant: clean: eveiy modem convenience. PEtWORTH—3 ttftOMS. BATH; ELEC.. ea»: 1.h.k.: good location; near car and bus: reasonable: after 4:30. 208 Upshur n.w. 16* HOUSEKEEPING—2 ROOMS it PORCH: gas range: elect.: $37.60. Adams 8379-J. 1214 Jefferson «t. n.w. 14* DSWNTSWN 2 NICELY FURNISHED, h.k. rooms: second floor front; gas, elect.: $35 month. 1009 12th n.w. 15* 5 ROOMS. BATH COMPLETELY FL'R nished: a.m.i.: gas. beat, continuous hot water, garage: clean and comfortable: imme diate possession: *BB. Lincoln 4223. 1639 W s.o. 1449 TTsT.. DOWNTOWN—WELL HEATED apartment, sitting-bedroom, large kitchen. private bath. a.niJ., S4O. Franklin 6623. THE MANHATTAN. 1720 M ST. N.W.— Walking distance of downtown: nicely fur nished: 1 room, reception hall and bath apartment: maid service: linen, 4012 13th ST. N.W—VERY DESIRABLE two rooma and kitchen, adjoining bath heat, gas. elec, and telephone: laundry privileges: no objection to child: reasonable. Owner. 1?19 HARVARD ST. N.W.—TWO ROOMS, kitchenette, hath, h.-w.h.. unlimited phone. bath. elern *and* ga# house. $150; a.mi. . APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. I (Continued.) _ CHARMINGLY FURNISHED. SUNNY APT . , six room*, kitchen and bath, near Farraeut : square: S2OO. Fiankliu 400. 16* 2318 18th ST. N.W.—TWO 2nd-STORY front rooms, furnished for l.h.k : heat, light and gas included. S4O. Phone Adams 0768. THE ANTWERP. 901 20th ST. N.W.—3 delightful rooms, kitchen, hath, convenient to all departments: North 3192-W. COUPLE OR 2 LADIES TO SHARE NICE !y furnished house in Mi. Pleasant, with lady whose husband ie In Florida: garage. Adams 7120 after 6. 3430 Brown nw. 14* THREE ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH CON tinuous hot water; a.m.1.: housekeeping op tional. Adams 671. 17 02 Kilhoume pi. n.w. 3453 14th ST.—VERT ATTRACTIVE 1 apartment. *5 rooms, sleeping por»h and pri- I rate bath; convenient to and but. __ ; C R.. K. Ml B. v FURNISHED (OMPLETELV; reasonable. h. H. JOHNSON CO.. 941 N. i Y. avr. nw. 15* RIGGS. 1409“16lh S'Tw. | 2 rooms, kitchen, hath and porch. I First-class downtown fireproof apt F. W. GRAHAM A CO. OR JANITOR ! APT. 28. THE AVONDALE. 1734 P ST.] n.w.—-5 rooms and huth. well arranged and excellently furnished price, s2<l(i per month ALLAN E WALKER It CO . INC . 813 If til St. NW. Main 2690 i427* CHAPIN ST. "N W. 5 rooms and hath.. $75 THU AVONDALE. 1734 P Bt. N.W. 5 rooms and hath S2OO THE NETHERLANDS. 1860 Col. Rd. N.W 102—4 rms. and bath, newly decorated : throughout 100 ! 605—5 rrr.e and bath $lB6 THE PARKWfV.D 1746 K St. N.W. 7 rms ami bath excellently furnished 5225 ! RUTLAND® t HURTS. 1725 17th St. N.W. 115—2 inis., kit. ami hath S7O 205—2 rms and bath sfr, 201—1 rm . kit. and hath *6O 317—1 room ami l-ntti *lO ALLAN K WALKER A CO INC I 819 loth Wt XW. M*l" Jf'iOO _ I 1534 PARK RD—LARGE FIRST-FLOOR I apartment completely furnished: six rooms. ! hath, reception hall and pantry. Splendid location. JESSE L HEISKELL, ! 1115 Eye St. N.W. Main 668 _ ] SPECIAL OFFERING. i Os excellently furnished apt*, in city's finest i apt. group, overlooking city, best location. 1 24 hr elev.. switchboard service: large rms and tile baths 2-6 rm*.. S6O to *llO See Mr*. Brodt. So. Cltflon Terra s. !4th and Clifton sts or phone Col. 7744 VISITORS TO CITY. Finest nlflf*e to live in: the only modern fireproof hotel in ttu* exclusive, fashionable residential center jupt north of Dupont <Trcle. : HOTEL BRIGH TON. ‘jrJ.T California st. n.w 10 min. to Fnion 1 Station: completely detached bldr all out j wide rm*.. extra Inrare. with tile bathe 1 parauet floors throurhout Get hisrhest rrade accommodations and eerviee at a <opt of i 50 r r lees than similar a* '’ommodations else where Magnificent case. Phone North NEW TIVOLI. Cor Park, rd and Hiatt pi. Bet 14th and ltith Sts One room. bath, kitchenette. Murphy in-a dor bed. Attractively furnished; new build ing. Clean excellent service Elevator. Most convenient neighborhood in the city. REASONABLE. IS* THE ALSTON, 1721 21st ST. N.W Just around the corner from Conn. ave. at S. Beautifully fur apt*., maid service, clnb room: heat, adult*. 3 room*, reception hall, bath *75 00 I bachelor apartment 50.00 4 rooms, re'-eption hall, bath 110.00 Amt It Resilient Manager. APARTMENTS- FUR. & UNFUR. I 2 ROOMS. KITCHENETTE AND BATH— ; 1123 14th *t. n.w. Apply Wardman. 1430 i K st. n.w. 15* i 936 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W.—2 ROOMS. kitchen, bath glassed and screened porch: i 547 50. Adam* 3590-J after 4 n m 1620 R ST. N.W. A few very d'firable apartment* of one land two rooms, kitchen and bath; furnished ; and unfurnished: excellent service new building. walking dutanee: reasonable Phone Potomac 1900 or see res mgr. ItU 1450 N ST. N.W. 4 r Ab.: porch: ami.: *6O unfurnished or 576 furnished. 2006 N ST. N.W. Apt. 42—Four large rooms and bath: re ception hall: *65 unfurnished or 575 fur nished. N. E RYON CO.. Inc.. 1423 F st. M 8560 HOTEL SERVICE. I Convenient downtown location. One. two or three room apartments, furnished or un furnished: maul and linen service optional j rates reasonable. Also one or two 7-rooni , apartments available. ! PORTLAND HOTEL. Main 8676. 14th and Thomas Circle. STONELEIGH COURT, CONN. AVE & L ST Washingtons most exclusive apartments; housekeeping and non-housekeeping: fur nished or unfurnished: for ront by the year or lor shorter periods. Complete hotel service if desired Restaurant with a la carte or table d‘ bote. 1917 EYE BT. N.W. Attractive non-housekeeping apartments of two rooms and bath: completely fur nished. including linen and maid service; SOO-S7O. W. H. WEST CO.. 916 16th St. Main 9900. 1638 R St. 0 room*, bath and porch: $135. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc. 1412 Eye St. N.W. Franklin 9503. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. 14th NEAR P—7-ROOM AND BATH APT.: Sis ana electricity: rent very reaeonable. pply 1313 Conn. ave. 14* THE HAWTHORNE. 1527 EYE ST .“if 4 rooms and bath, newly papered and paint ed. *6O per mo., incl Janitor service. Main 723. NICHOLS6n t CO.. 1517 H st. n w ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT. 5 ROGSS. alcove, bath. 2644 14th st. n.w. Rent re duced. $70.60. P. J. WALSHE. INC.. 1107 Eye st. n.w, 17UTT" STV N.W.—3 ROGIMS. KIttHEN and bath. GEO. W. LINKINS. 1733 De Sales st. n.w.. opposite Mayflower Hotel. LANVALE. loi2 N NY- —APT OF 1 RM. and bath: also ants, of 2 rm*., k. A b.. recep. hall. C. 8. BHREVE. 1222 Gonn. ave. n.w. THE" BHAWMUT—22O9 19th BT.—COZY front apartment of two rooms, good recep tion hall, real kitchen and bath: $76: new and attractive: but one available. THE INZER, 1730 18th ST.—A 3UNNTi southern apartment of one room, real kitch en and bath: $45: new and in perfect con dition :_J>opular location. PETWORTH-—LARg£" BED-LIVING ROOM, kitchen, bath, porch, elec., phone- all home privtlsges; adults: S3O. 4313 3rd n ,w L THREfe LARGE ROOMS Ahr fa BATH. BEAU tiful location: reasonable. 1973 Blltmore it. n.w, 17* UNIVERSITY PLACE—ENTIRE THfRD floor: 2 rooms, kitchen, private bath and porch: gas. electricity: continuous hot wa ter: h.-w, heat. Col 2040-J. 15* 2339 18th—TWO APARTMENTS. HOUSE - keeping, for businesa women: three rooms. S6O 00: four rooms. $00: over business. ■ NOLANbO," 1413 T N.W.—6 Rs.. BATH. "Riggs." 1409 16th n.w.—2 and 3 room* and bath, F V/. GRAHAM A CO.. Or Janitor. 2524 17th st.—4 ROOMS. reception hall, inclosed sleeping porch; new ly decorated: $65.00. Adults. Cos 6371, 14 * , 3100 13th BT. N.E.—COZY APARTMENT in Brookland. D. C„ near tw-o carlines: 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, alcove, sleeping porch; > a.m.1.: rent. *38.60, MR. MILOR. Invest • ment Bldg Main 802. DOWNTOWN. OPPOSITE MAYFLOWER - Hotel—2 r.. kitchennette and bath; redecor ' ated. Main 2127, or Potomac 2347, 18* ‘ WALKING DISTANCE DEPTS. FIVE , rooms and bath: 2nd fl. front: aou. exposure; . steam heat: no children; $75. 1111 M n^w. : fWarßceSTand KIWhEKEME aW.: ALL • modern lmpjovementa: gaa. beat, electricity. - telephone. 252 Princeton pi. n.w. 14* • DB"FT4tE“ : apartment, brirht front rooma, h.-w.b.. gaa t and alee.: overlooking Franklin park: res r solvable: open for inspactlon. Phone Main I APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. _ (Continued.) | S6O.OO—CHEAP. CLEAN; 1331 Bth So\ i 6 room*, kitchenette, porch, electric lights. h.-w.h.: white, adults. _l4^_ WHYLAND. "1724 17th ST. N W.—TWO. Viree uml four room apis Phone North 549 FOUR ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. s6u including electricity and gas 1820 Ingleside Terrace n.w. Adams 0410 after 6 p.m. 14* ONE ROOM AND KITCHENETTE. $25. IN cludlng electricity and gas. 1820 Ingleside n.w. Atlanta 6410 after 6 p.m. 14* two" rooms, kitchen " and bath. newly decorated: heat, gas and electric fur nished $45 409 Oth st s w _ 14* ! 1000 QUE ST. N.W—2 ROOMS. KITCHEN, hall hath, porch: all outside rooms Apply 1809 Que st.. Apt. 4. _ 16* | REDUCED RENT 1869 MINTWOOD PL", j I cor. 19th n.w.—An exclualva ant house: 8 I ! room* 2 haths. sleeping porch: elevator. J _ 19* i 1003 KEARNEY N E—APT. THREE RMS : ; kitchen, hath am! two Inclosed sleeping | I porches; well heated and modern, 15* • BEST LOCATION N.E. HIGH VIEW—3O2 V: | ; H r.. fl $52 00 Apply 4-6. _ • 935 NEW YORK AVE —THREE ROOMS ! , and hath, heal and light. *47.50. Apply to ! HEDGES It MIDDLETON. • ; 2 ROOMS] KITCHEN" it BATH '& BACK j porch: gas. elect. A heat. $35. private home. 6519 7th st. n.w Adams 55(10 • A CHEERFUL 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN: j screened sleeping porch gas range and . pore eiani sink. heat. gas. elec., phone: new I home two in family all included in rent: very reasonable. 4705 Wlh n.w 15* ] i 705 LANIER PL. N.W—3 ROOMS, breakfast room, kitchen and porch: 2 rooms, breakfast room and Kitchen. 213 E ST. N.W—l BLOCK FROM PEN •Ion .Judiciary Souarc ana fhonpnur district .'1 rooms and bath. complete instantaneous hot water heater: newly papered and painted laundry; yards: i | children taken. Adams #724 16* j 1 ;V()2 L ST. N.w. Three rooms. U . I*.. modern: downtown; $55 Fr 4547 • :iA 27 1 Ftt h ~N.W.7~BET. PARK A M?SNROE Desirable ts-room apt., poreh. newly re decorated adults only: detaehed ant. house :i 5 • 2120 (j ST N.W. APT 102—PLEASANT ; room, first floor apartment: rteam heat ! hot-water: reason Able. I2:?0* DELAKIELD FL. N W SAULS AD- I i d.tion —2 roonie and incloeeti heated elecpme norch. with sink an«l ramre; in de tached bungalow • 542.50; al»o garage 1 ,*>• TWO-ROOM AND KITCHENETTE APT * | ail modern imorovemente: ca». heat ele**trir- ; I t s ’• enhon». 752 Princeton pi n.w lb* 1 14th AND PARK RD. N.W—THREE RM 5 j kit'-hen. bath. por< h Rent. $45.00. f'all Col. 6470. 15* uoLoiIED—THREE LARGE RuV»MS AND i kitchen; heat and light furnished. 9' 12 S it. n.w. • 2412 PA AVE N W APT NO 4—FOUR | larc«» ro<;nj«» and bath, well lighted an«l vert- I | tilated: $57.50 17*‘i7 P wt. n w.— New building, ante, of I 4 rooms, reception hall, bath and eleeDinsr Doreh open f(<r inapeetton. 9820 Macomb «;t. n.w—Brand new build ing. will be ready for occupancy November 1. ants, to contain 2 rooms, bath and re ception hall and '» rooms, reception hall and bath: all outside room 9: rentals rea eonable. WILLIAM S PHILLIPS. VP -TO-DATE 3 pR 4 ROOMS. A M 1.. large kitchen Teasonable 6.32 Webater st. li.u . near Grant Circle convenient to hue and care. Columbia 38.33-J. •_ 210 EAST CAPITOL ST. Tup (2 i first-floor rooms, gas stove, sink, i heat ami gas furnished: large front yard: | $25 1 n« NO. 2. 610 F ST. N.W.—3 R AND 8~. : i a.m.i.. $45 00. 1513 11 st u p.—3 r Sc b.. a.mi. *45.00. FLAT 7J ti dlb st. n.r.-—3 r and 1» gas S4O 00 HOWENSTEIN BROS. 7th AND H STS. N.E. ONE OR TWO ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING: j twin beds. heat. gas. electricity, hot water. | j unlimited phone, elevator: case in building. | Call after (». Savoy. Apt. 44. 2804 14th # st. ! *:.iLs(il T TH CAPITOL—ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR. I 4 room?, bath, back porch: h.-w.h.. elec.. ; ga»; block south of Capitol. 16* 1 1348 KENYON ST.—THREE LARGE, bright rooms, private bath, a.m.i.: reason- I j able. Col. 5156-W. 20 * j 1 024 HST N.E —SEf ONI) FLOOR HAS 3 \ rooms, bath t*le»'ping porch: gas ami elec trinity. Rent. S3O. 16» THREE ROOMS ANI> BATH ALL CON ■ veniencen. janitor service, all newly papered I and painted $45 month 4M14 Georgia j avf*. n.w\ Call Lincoln 4926 for agent. 15 * , THREE LARGE ROOMS AND HATH IN (new ht me. Room* with 11 window#, aouth- ! ■ ern and western exposure. Bus at Dupont 1 . Circle connect* with «ar linen. No children. , Can seen any time till rented: $6.5 per i { month. $8 extra for garage space. 2764 • , 54 th place n w. I ft* ( LOSE TO WASHINGTON CIRCLE. Three Rooms and Bath. S4O. TYLER Sc RUTHERFORD. INC.. Main 476. 1018 Vermont Av>. N.W. THE BALTIMORE. 1832 BILTMORE ST I n.w.. H block from 18th and Columbia rd. ’—s largo rooms and hath newly dpooratod throughout • $75, Apply janitor. 2 RMS A BACK PORCH: NEAR LIBRARY ‘ A Capitol: h.-w.h., <d<*r. light. 105 6th st. ! s.r. Srf janitor. 15* 5 ROOMS ABACK PORCH: 3 ROOMS A bark porch: running hot water, electric light. _ 1337 11th st. 15* 502 E ST. N.E.—5 ROOMS & BATH: ELEC. & gai-: separate entrance St furnace. Lin- QOln 6981-W, 15* KEDRICK. 18th It If—CORNER. HOUSE keeping apt., 12 outside windows: 4 very i large rooms; extra large closets. Apple Apt. 202. 16* COLORED—27IS 1 ltii ST. N.W.—FlßST floor ai>artment: two rooms, heat and light: $30 a 14* DOWNTOWN. CONVENIENT TO DEPART-" ments: two-room and one room apartments; good neighborhood. Primes*. 1915 Eve st. ' n.w. 15* j 939 MASS. AVE. N.W.—FIVE" ROOMS AND i hath, on second floor: open. Apple S W. I COCKRELL. 1002 M st.jn.w. | THE CLAVERLEE. 646 IRVING ST. N.W.— ; New. two rooms, kitchen, bath. hall, porch: | redlieed. Keys. (i 62 Irving st. 17* 1618 17th ST. N.W.—FIVE OUTSIDE rooms and bath, poreh. large closets: mod ern equipment. 15* ONE BRIGHT LARGE ROOM KITCHEN sink, range, closed porch, private bath, phone. Between 16th, Mt. Pleasant. 1605 Irving. COZY APT: NEW; 3 ROOMS: BATH, sleeping porch. large kitchen, electricity: SSO. 1227 Trinidad wee, ne. 2023 4th N.E.—SUNNY MODERN APTS.. - 3 rooms and 2 rooms, kit., b.: convenient location. Apply janitor or Mrs. ROBISON. Fr. 3224. 16* MADISON, 1739 EYE ST ONE ROOM AND BATH $42 50-543.50 CARVEL HALL. 1915 K ST. r ONE RM., Krr * BATH. COYWOOD. 1225 L BT. • TWO ROOSfS AND BATH. . . ,$44.50-547.50 ' CORDOVA. 20th AND FLa. AVE. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH $87.00 NEW CORDOVA. 1809 20th ST. N.W. : ONE ROOM AND BATH ~.536.50 DECATUR. 2131 FLA. AVfc. FIVE ROOMS AND BATH $82.60 VIRGINIA. 2120 G ST. ■ FOUR ROOMS AND BATH SSO-$52.60 • ! L W. QROOMKS 1416 F 3T. JHE GREATEST VALUE IN THE CITY for—Large living room, spacious re < ception hall dining alcove and very pretty kitchen with built-in features, large bed ) room and tiled bath AND ADDITIONAL I DRESSING ROOM WITH DOUBLE MUR • PHY BED. Apply 104. 1433 Spring rd. or „„ w . CAFRITZ COMPANY. . 14th Sc K. Main 9080. FIVE LARGE AND BRIGHT ROOMS. PER fect condition: rent reasonable. See No. j 3124 14th st. n.w. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON CO.. • SMALL APTS. AT REDUCED RENTALS. ; 1636 KENYON ST. N.W. Modern fireproof building, located in good reridential section Mt. Pleasant; one room. ! kitchen large dressing closet, dining alcove : and bath, as low as S4O. J. C. WEEDON COMPANY, 111 B ST. S.E. t LINC. 43, I WE HAVE A FEW VERY DESIR able apartments of one room, kitchen ette and bath and two rooms, kitchen ette and bath in a new apartment in the best northwest section. Just off J 16th st. Most reasonable rents. For • further Information telephone: i PERCY H. RUSSELL COMPANY, i 026 15th Street N.W. Franklin 6732. APARTMENT?, ETC. APARTMENTS—I XFI'KXISHED. ' NEAR OI'PONT <'IR( I.K. OVER <TORE — 4 r . h. a.m.i., $46: 5 r . b.. am i . $55. L. RAEBAdI. M 671*4. 2215 14th ST. N.W. The Princeton—Kive rooms, bath, large porch: newly decorated: SOS. See janitor 14* tiil avonTdale.Tts* P ST. N.W. 4 rms., Kit. ant! bath, SBO and sllO. 3 rmi . hit and bath. SB6 and S9O. 2 rmn.. hit. and bath, excellent condition, S7O THE BLAIR. 1321 M St N.W. , 2 rms.. kit. and hr. rm and bath. 5A7.50. ; THE BILTMORE. 1040 Biltmore. St N.W. 3 rms.. hit. bath and porch. SBO CAVANAUGH COURTS. JS2A 17th St. N.W 1 rm. and hath. $37 50. 1 rm.. l it. and hath. $45 and SSO. DUMBARTON COURTS 1057 31*t St N.W 1 room. kit. and bath. $35 and S4O. THE MONTCLAIR. 1331 Belmont St. N’W 4 rms . ree, hall, bath and porch. SOS and $75. 1826 M St. N.W. I 5 room* and hath. $65 THE NETHERLANDS. 1800 Col Rd. NW. 4 large rm* . kit . bath and tec. hall. slls 048 Newton Place N.W. 5 rm*.. bath and porch. S 4«. THE PARKWOOD. 1740 K St. N.W. 7 rm*. and bath. $l6O to $175. PETWORTH GARDENS. 124 to 131 Webster St. N.W. 4 rms. and hath. $.57.50 and SB3 50. 6 rms and bath. SOB 50. 2531 Q St N.W. 2 rm*.. din. alcove and hath. Murphy bed. 1 $47.60 and $65 3 rms . din. alcove and bath. Murphy bed. SO7 60 4 rms din. alcove and hath. SBO ; REXTON. 2714 Quarry Road N.W 1 rm.. lilt and bath Murphy bed. $47.50. I 3 rms . Kit. and bath. $75. 207 R St. N.W. i 3 rm* and bath. $27.60 RUTLAND COURTS. 1726 17th St. N.W. 1 large room, kitchen and hath. $42.50 ' to S6O 2 large room*, kip-hen and bath. SBS to S7O. 1511 22nd St N.W. 2 room*, kitchen and hath. $52.50. 4 rooms, kitchen and hath. SBS and $75. 1811 Vernon St S’W. 1 rm.. kit . re", hall and bath. $45. | 2 rm*.. kit., ree. hall and hath, SOS. ALLAN E. WALKER & CO. INC.. 1 THE BLAIR. 1321 M ST. N.W.. JUST OFF Thomas Circle—Attractive 2-rnnm. kitchen. : breakfast room, bath apartment, in : iem downtown locality, at very reasonable flrure. Apply Resident Manager. Apartment | 107. or ALLEN K. WALKER A CO.. INC.. Agent*. I 813 15th St NW. Mam 2800. _ THE BENTON. 3811 BENTON ST N.W. New building. high location: Wis. ave | cars or Burleith bus. or drive out 37th ft ) from S. Every modern convenience, oil heat- I I Intr fvstem. 6 rm*. bath, inclosed porch $75. Fail particulars at ant. 6 or WALTER CASE. Owner and Builder. Investment Building Franklin 0242. 10* | TILDEN HALL 3045 CONNECTICUT AVE | —Large lawns: housekeeping apartments j | having one, two or three rooms and kitchen, with reception hall and bath: $55 to sl(>U. Desirable year round. * elevator service and I switchboard. Resident manage". 1835 PHELPS PL WOODROW APTS— ■ On Connecticut ave. hill. Housekeeping 3. I 4 and 5 rooms with bath and largr reception I hall SBO to sllO. Nearlv new-. Elevator i service. Inquire on premises. 1717 R ST SiT THE ROCKSBORO— Several aoartments with two exposures: housekeeping: one and two rooms with kitchen bath and reception hall: also single ro-.m and bath RENTS HAVE BEEN RE DUCED $37.50 TO SOS. Continuous eleva tor service. Representative on premises. 1302 PARK RD.—Most desirable 4-room housekeeping apartment. 2nd floor $55: heat and light furnished Large rooms. THE GORGAS GA AVE AND ASPEN ST. —Modern, new 4-room housekeeping aoart ments. with reception hall and bath: 567.50 jto $75. Inquire on premises. MADDUX. MARSHALL. MOSS A MALLORY tlncorporated) 023 15th St. Main 10134. SEVILLE. 2129 18th STT N.W. I Six rooms and hath $75 00 i Five rooms ami bath 70 00 CLAIBORNE. 51R H ST. NW | No. 51—5 room* and hath SOO 00 SALUDA. 1101 EUCLID ST N.W I Four rooms and bath so° 50 Three rooms and bath ' 55 00 1 IDALIA. 512 2nd ST. N W | No 31—3 moms and hath *4O 00 THE WASHINGTON LOAN 4 TRUST CO. j Real Estate Dept. I THE BUCHAN AX APTS. 4520 13th st.. cor. Buchanan st.. only 3 i 1 left - rms .k. and b.. oi*en porch t fine for i the haby 1 : recently throughout. ■ Apt. 5 and 200. $52.50 ca Apt - ’02—$55 : Large yard, entirely detached bldg., on 2'bus . lin“s. near both car lines. Also Apt 0. 4520 Ga ave.—Large living rm. 2 hedroomsh. k £ din. above. $87.50. W. CARL W 5 Owner. Adam* jWQI. RENT REDUCED. 14K> trirard st. n.w.—3 room* and bath, ant i, janitor: rent, SOO. 1830 California st. n.w.—Three rooms and hath: janitor: ami : $52.50 D. BLUM & SONS. ! Main 3031. ONE AND TWO ROOM AND KITCHEN apt*.; 2nd floor: gas A heat included. PREMIER. 718 18th ST. N.W. 1 r. A h.. large closet *4O RO( KINGHA.M. 1317 R. I. Ave. 1 4 rm* Ah *7O MELROSE. 1343 Clifton St. N.W.' ' 1 6 rms.. b S7O 1 6 rms.. b 75 BRUNSWICK. 1332 I St. N.W ' 1 0 rms. A b SIOO 1 4 rms. A- b 70 431 10th st. n.w.—B rms., h *OS 1731 20th st. n.w.—o rms A b 75 EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. 033 N. Y. AVE. N.W.— 3 RMS.. KIT. I b.: modern .S6O 1 i 400 East Capitol st. —5 rm*.. l> ■ elec ' I 1 h.-w.h 55 ; | 3336 M st. n.w—-5 rms., V> 35 I 103 H st. n.w. —7 rms , b.; 2nd A ! j 3rd fls 50 I 1100 H st. n.e.—4 r.. b.; heat, elec 55 I 120 G st. n.w —4 r. A b. ... 35 I EDWARD P. SCHWaUTZ. INC . ' I __ 734 15th St. N.W. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. IN MODERN FlßE nroof apartment at 1332 21st st.: plenty of ' light and air: walking distance of Govern ment buildings; rent, $76. „ CHAS. 3. SfCIR A CO.. 1403 New York Are. Main 4035. 4020 14th ST. N.W. Five, outside rooms, two porches and garage; SOjL 15* APARTMENTS OF THREE ROOMS AND hath, in practically new building: very good northwest location: exceptionally low rents CHAS. D. SAGER. _MaJn3G. 024 14th St. NW, I 3022 WISCONSIN AVE.. No. 26—THREE rooms and hath: overlooking Cathedral grounds; splendidly arranged: rent $4 750 CHAS. D. SAGER. Main 30. 024 14th St. N.W. DOWNTOWN —and unusually low rents are only two rea sons why you should inspect our new apart ment — THE ELWOOD, • 1421 12th St. N.W. Aside from these we have an exceptionally well lighted building, nieelr decorated. Con \ veniently planned, completely equipped and 1 attractively decorated, with cleanly kept hall ways. Over two-thirds of the 3rt apt*, rented in ten days. Open and lighted daily until 9:30. See janitor on premises. CHAS. D. SAGER. 024 14th N.W. Main 36 Realtor and Builder. FOR REASONABLE RENTS IN A REFINED high-class neighborhood, inspect 2020 On tario rd. Only a few- left. These ant*, are unusually well lighted and ventilated nicely planned and the hulldinr kept spotlessly clean. A wonderful opportunity for newly weds to get desirably located quarters at reaeonab e rent*. Apply on premises. Open and lighted until 0-30. CHAS. D. SAGER. Realtor and Builder. 084 14th N.W. Mam 30 “SPECIAL NOTICE." We have several very- choice apartments In a most desirable neighborhood on which If rented before Oct. 15. we can allow on# month's free rent. This, considering the apartments are already most reasonably priced, offers an unusual opportunity to save on your rent the coming year. This offer applies good only until Oct. 15. CHAS. D. SAGER. 924 14th N.W “• Main 30. Realtor and Builder. ■ 4007 WISCONSIN AVE. ,1 Second-floor flat of 5 large rooms and tile bath: back porch and large cellar: liot water heating plant; electric lights; tenant furnishes own neat: SSO. . CAFRITZ COMPANY, * K. Main 0080. \ APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED, “ FLATS. “ '6OB G is.—3 r. A b. elec $27.50 1318 I) sc.—3 r A b 30.00 014 Elliott—3 r. Ah.: dec 34.50 2013 4th n.e.—4 r. A i>.: elec 37.50 521 1 tit It s.e. —s r. Ab.: elec 50.0il 337 17th s.e.—3 r. A b : elec 37.50 J. V. WEEDON A CO.. Lincoln 48. 111 B St. SE _ NEW BUILDING? NEW BUILDING THE KENNEDY. 5501 Illinois Ave (Corner Illinois Ave. A Kennedy St > Large living room tudroom. reception hall, dining alcove, kitchen and bath: $02.50. CAFRITZ COMPANY. Kth A K Main 9080. “THE ABERDEEN. 1433 Spring Rd N W Very attractive apartment with reception hall. 6x10: livnur room. bedroom. 1*1x15: dmiiur alcove*. Itxßi'i. kitchen, tiled bath and dresemx room, all unusually law: has built-in U<l additional three closet*; playground in the rear for children. See resilient manager <»r UAKRJTZ COMPANY. - K Main 0080 . IJOI FAIRMONT - ? Very attractive apartment, containing Ip- In? room, kitchen. 2 bedroom* and bath; $67.50. 9.T6 MADISON ST. Corner apartment with lairt- living room. 2 t>edrooms. kitchen ami bath; $57.50. 14.T.T SPRING RD. Reception ball, larse living room. l*ed room. bath, attractive dm in- al-ove and kitchen with additional built-in bed aid dressing room; very prettily fmmhi’d s♦>!#. s<>. THE KENNEDY, osul Illinois Ave. Brand new apartments*, containing living room. ItetJroom. dinin? above, kitchen and bath. $02.50 CAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th & K Main 0080 THE BARCLAY, Corner 21st and I Sts. X.W. Just Completed ami Ready for Immediate Occupancy. Attractive Apartments of 1 Room, Kitchen and Bath. 2 Rooms, Kitchen and Bath. All Outside Rooms. For Inspection and Reservation See Manager on Premises. Swartzell, Rheem & Hensey Co., Agents. 727 15th St. X.W. copley 7;oT; r ts. COM PL FT I*: COMFORT. 1514 17th ST. X.W. SECURE OXF. OF THE FEW REMATXIXC, OXE AXI) TWO ROOM. RECEPTIOX HALL, FULL KITCHEN* AND BATII APARTMENTS IX THIS DELIGHTFUL BUILDING. APPLY RES ID EX T MAX A G ER. MAI X 4500. THE INGLESIDE, 1651 Lament St. 4 rooms and hath $05.00 i 3034 RODMAN STREET. i 3 rooms and hath. . .555.00 THE WILLSON IA, 1830 K St. i 1 room, kitchenette, bath ami porch. .SBO.OO 1 room, kitchenette and bath $45.00 1802 VERNON ST. 4 rooms and hath SSO 00 THE DAKOTA, 1410 Girard St. | 0 room*, bath and porch $75.00 515 11th ST. !4 rooms and bath $45.00 THE CHAPIN. 1474 Chapin St. 3 rooms and hath $55.00 1223 15th ST. 2 rooms and hath $55.00 1412 15th ST. 6 rooms and hath SOS 00 THE BERKSHIRE, 1412 Chapin St. 5 rooms and bath S7O 00 933 X ST. 6 rooms and hath $75.00 916 9th ST. 5 rooms and bath SSO 00 935 NEW YORK AYE. 3 rooms and bath 552.50 1362 IRVING ST. 5 rooms and bath S7O 00 HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc. Realtors. 1412 Eye St. X.W. Franklin 9503. 1713 EUCLID ST. X.W. Desirable two-family apartment l*t floor. 5 rooms and hath. $45 00: 2nd floor. 6 'rooms and bath. $55.00. Hot-water heat and ! electric larht i furnished by tenant). Conven ient to Columbia road ear line and 16th f-t. bus. B. E. SAUL CO.. Main 2100. 925 15th Sr. N W. NEW APARTMENT, " 739 Newton St. X.W. Modern apartment, convenient to two car lines and two bus lines; desirable front apart ment of two rooms, combination dininqr room ar.d kitchen, and bath. $57.50 to s6u. larire closets anti all outside rooms. B. F. SAC I. CO., Mnln 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. 1728"*MASS. AVE. S.E.—2nd FLOOR. $45. Brand-new apartment*. Forty-four built only one left. Three rooms, kitchen and hath. Areola hot-uater heat, electricity and large porch. Garage in rear available. £7.00 month. B. E. SAUL CO.. Main 2100. _92sJsth St. N.W 2234 Q ST. N.W,—H R. * 3 8.. a m l $275.00 5437 Conn. ave. n.w.—l2 r. & 2 !>.. ami 250.00 1825 G st. n.w.—l2 r A 2 b.. a.m.i 225.00 3121 Newark *t. n.w.—ll r. A 4 h.. a.mi 225.00 l 1400 K *t. n w.—l 3r. A- b.. a.m.i.. . 176.00 I 2012 R st. n.w.—7 r. & b.. a.m.i. . . .135.00 185) Calif, st —lO r. A 2 !>.. ani l. . 125.00 2515 Cliffbmirnp til.—lo r.. b., am i 125.00 1210 Lantont et, n.w. —10 r. & b. | ami 125 00 1803 Newton n.w.—!• r. & It., a.m.i.. I garage 110 oo 11111 P st. n.w. —10 r. &2b . a m.i. 115 00 3503 14th st. n.w-—9 r. & 2 b. a.m.i. 110.00 4110 12th st. n.e.—B r. & b.. a.m.i. 100.00 801 L st. n.w.—9 r. & b.. a.m.i. . . . 100.00 1 1313 Quincy st. n.e.—B r & b.. n.m.i. 100.00 41 Brvant st. n.w.- —9 r. & it., a.m.i . 100.00 801 L st. n.w—B r. & h.. elec.... 100.00 732 Rittenhouse st. n.w.—o r. & b.. ami 90.00 131 R. I. ave. n.w.—o r. & h., h.-w.h. 85.00 1000 10th at. n.w. —9 r. & It., a.m.i 85.00 4022 Oth st. n.w.—6 r & h„ a.m.i. 77.50 1100 Bth st. n.w.—B r. A- b.. elec. . 75.00 3105 12th st. n.e —0 r. & b.. a.m.i.. 75.00 1431 W. Va ave. n.e.—-0 r. A- it., a.m.i. 05.0(1 1801 35th st. n.w.—6 r. A- b . am (. 75.n0 1105 oth at. n.w. —9 r. A; b . h.-a.h. 70 00 5323 111. ave n.w.—o r. A b.. a.m.i. 05.50 1222 Morso st. n e—lt r. A h.. a.m.i. 05.00 1003 S st. n.w.—B r. & b 05.00 017 Morton st. n.w.—o r. A h.. a.m.i. 03.00 319 S st. n e—lo r. A b.. a.m.i.. . 00.00 124 isth st. * e.—s r. A b.. a.m.i.. 55.00 38 Rnndolph st. n.w.’ —G r. A b.. h.- w.h 55.00 1135 Genoa st. n.e—o r. A b 50.00 123 10th st. s.e.—o r. A b.. a.m.i. . 50.00 620 Keefer pi. n.w.—o r. A b. a.m.i. 50 50 247 17th *t. s.e.—4 r. A b.. ant i.. . 37.0(1 B. F. SAIT* CO.. Main 2100. MS 15th St. N.W. 1100 and 1102 Bth St. N.W. These desirable houses, consisting of sight rooms and bath each, latrolie heat and ale"- tric light: good downtown location for rooming house. Being put in first-class con dition. Ready for occupancy about Oct. 10, 1926. Rent. $75.00 month each. B. F. SAUL CO., Main 2100. 926 15th St. N.W 2017 S St. Seven room*, three baths. 1632 S St. Five room*, hath anti porch. S9O. 1316 New Hampshire Ave. Four rooms, bath. Five rooms, bath. Elevator and telephone service: S9O to $112.60. _ „ . - 163 j Connecticut Ave. Five room* and bath. $90.00. 1304-6-10 18th St. Studio ant*. Two room*, hath and klt-U-, en. *IOO. *llO, $125. 1820 Massachusetts Ave. Front apartment**. 2 rooms, dining alcove, kitchen and bath. $77.50: rpar apartments. '! room**, dinina- alcove, kitchen, bath and porch SBO.OO. Randall 11. Manner & Co., Real Estate. No 1321 Connecticut Are. H.W._ (Continued on Nnt Fifl.) 53