Newspaper Page Text
54 APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. ] (Continued.) j THE COOI.IDGE. :UOO WISCONSIN AVE. | New apt*, completed October 1 : modern , in every detail, from I to It rooms. Hit. I end bath: nrioe. from $45 to S“5 mo. THE CAMBRIDGE. 921 19th ST. N.W I cry convenient buiidmc. downtown sec tion. 24-hr. elevator service. , , . 1 vm.. hath. kit. and Murphy bed: rent. S3a to $67.50 mo. rms . kit., hath: rent. SiJ mo. THE DRI'RY. Ml Cl MT. PHEASANT SI. 2 mis., tiath. kit and Murphy lied. •: rms.. elee.. trill and tiath: rent. SSO mo. THE WINDSOR. 14So T ST. NA' M nils and tiath: rent. $56 to S7o mo. THE DENVER 1410 CHAPIN ST. N'\ inis.. kit. and hath: rent. Soo and SBO mo. 5 rms.. kit. and hath: rent. S.O mo. 1 4SO GIRARD ST. N.W 4 rms. kit and bath: rent. SKO mo. M2-.**: WISCONSIN AVE. 1 rm. and hath: rent. $37.50 mo. 2 mis., kit., ree. hall and hath: rent $47.50 and 555 mo. 1422 MASS. AVE. N.W. Downtown apts. near Thomas Circle —4 rms.. Uit. and tiath: rent very reasonable. 151 M MERIDIAN ST. N.W. 2 rms. and hath: rent. S4n mo. 4 rms.. kit. ami oath rent. S*»o mu. 17ill s ST. N.W. 2 rms.. kit. anti liatn: rent. Soo nio. 1! rms.. kit. and hath: rent. sß.> mo. 5 ims., kit. and 2 baths lent. Slid mo. MoKEEVER AND GOSS. Realtors _ ; iis K si. n.w. . . Main 1 <52. f 363 CONN. AVE. N.W. —VERY ATTRAC fiir- it i erv large room*, tiled hath, elec frieity. porch : extra storage rooms furnished: t-ood condition' will lease to desirable tenant at a reasonable rent GARDINER & DENT. INC. 14 09 T. N W Mam 4J584. XI W FIREPROOF Ill'll. DINT.. 1007 K St. NAY. f rms anil bath _• • • ■ • • Apply 'lj K St. riir. glaridge. U)O4 y St. nay. Attractive apartments in this j new fireproof apartment house j just being opened. One room, kitchen and bath, j Two rooms, kitchen and bath, j Large rooms and closets. j Open for inspection. For rates and reservations «ce j Swartzell, Rheeni & I lensey Co., i 717 15th St. NAY. Phone Main 378. •! ' the "West view*. 2123 I've St. X.W. NEW* BUILDING. ELEVATOR PHONE SERVICE. iRM HR. AT,.. KIT. 3c B $47.50 RM , MR. \E . KIT A I) 67.50 j RESIDENT MANAGER. 2009 beemTTnt RD. X.W. j Reduced Rentals. Jt! 2 It. KIT \ND M W! 1 ROOMS AND BATH. $55 TO S7O. tudorTiaee. 10th AND MASS. AVE N.W. i I RMS.. KECEP. HM.T. \ND MATH. $85.00*1 fi RMS. AND BATH 87.50 I ELEVATOR- PHONES. SAGAMOR I-. - j 1 $24 s sT. N.W 6 R.'is BATH AND PORCH $72.50 j w. [. pilling. 1416 F St. X.W. Massachusetts Ave. Heights. ' National UathcdraJ—(l large rooms it d inel >scd (deeping p*jr**h. ! r>'>.--sr«sion Adult?. OWNER. ( Irvcland 134. 1 0* j REASONABLE RENT. 3115 MT. PLEASANT. One room kitchen. rr crDtion * ball ami I Hath: excellent condition Phone Lincoln 2400 nr *o*' janitor on prcmiise*. I 2012 R ST. N.W ATTRACTIVE HOUSE 1X i REFINED RESIDENTIAL SECTION, —having seven large rooms and hath, electricity ami hot-water heat. j Suitable for doctor or dentist's office and home. < onvcnicntly laid out for sub- j letting apartments. Rent. 5135. K. F. SAI L CO.. •>25 15th St. N.W . Main 2100. REDUCED TO SSO MONTHLY. ' Three rooms and hath: bright. cheerful • apartments 1862 Ontario pi. n.w.. north i of Columbia rd and east of 18th st. Build- Hiz and apts. in exeellent condition. A. C. IDT GHTON & CO.. REALTORS. 1516 H St. N.W. Phones Main 7536-7537. Deal With l*»—Results Since 1806. 108 C ST. NAY. ! Two upper floors, good repair, elee. light. | biz reduction io rental for desirable tenant i Inepei't and submit vnur oiler. X. IC. RYOX CO.. INC.. Main 4597. I 423 F St. BRAUtTfUI7 ED IC\\Ti7lv 251L’ Quo st. n.w (just the pla.-o to locate Tour Hicrh-rlasa apt?.. 2 to 3 .rooms, bath and Porches _ LUXURH )US NEW" SIXTEENTH ST. A PARTM ICNT. 1616 16th ST. On fashionable 16th st. at tin* ~~ j of Corcoran st.. just above •eerption hall, living room, dining » room, two liedroomi. two baths | •shower in one i. dining alcove ami kit* hen Law closet-, electric re- ! fn deration. automatic veutilation. j oniform oil heating system, modern cisrht-story fireproof buildintr with most, m«*dcni •nmcniPiKTs and rc- TiMPtnPMiv H Ida! only >l5O. Phone North 1600. Resident .Manager on Premises. j E. S. ERI STOIC. Rental Agent. COU )R 1C 11—555 MON T TH~ ELWOOD. APT. I. 1038 LAMONT ST. 4 large rooms. bath. li.-w.h.. elec. THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO CO., 919 15th St Franklin 1140. N< )RTH BR()()K COURTS. I room, kitchen, reception hall and hath. Col. 7231. 3800 14th Si. \ few desirable apartments in high-grade j building, of three rooms, kitchen, hath and j Inclosed porch, to live rooms, kitchen, two - and inclosed porch. Resident Manager <m premises. li. L. RUST COMPANY, i 912 15th St. NAY. Main 6888. “marlboroug! 1 APARTMENTS. 917 18th ST. N.W. -t Apartments of six rooms and bath and thraa rooms and hath: model ate rentals: onan for inspection: switchboard, ail-nisht —rviea. LE MARQUIS. At Conn. Ave. Bridge. S rooms, kitchen and hath to 4 rms., kit.. ! r*c. hall and hath; elevator and switchboard; »»rv reasonable. Manager on premises. Pot. J7O 16* 2 CORNER APARTMENTS. THE COLORADO APTS., 1352 St. N.W. tn beautiful location near Rock Creek PaA. Contain 3 spacious outside front room*, reception hall, kitchen, bath and large storage closet*. Convenient to street cars, stores, etc. Rental 595 and S7O. L. E. BREUNINGER & SONS, fOS Colorado SWg. Main 6140. APARTMENTS, f ETC.* j APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. I 4r. & b.: large reception ball: a.m.i.. rea i sonable. 1459 N ST. N.W. 4 r. & b.: porch: S6O mo. 1933 18th ST. N.W. 4 r., kitchen A bath: S6O mo. 533 21st ST. N.W. 2 r.. kitchen & bath: $45 mo. 108 C ST. N.W. 7 r. & b.: arranged on two floors: elec.; heal furnished: new floors, just papered and painted; low rent. X. E. RYOX CO.. INC, TWO BRAND-NEW 3614 AND 3616 CONN. AVE. N.W. - Modern, fireproof, four-story apartment building in bc.;l resi dential section of Washington. 1 room, kitchen and bath, $45.00 to $47.50 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, $60.00 3614—Ready for occupancy. 361t>—Ready Oct. 15. Ice- Boxes in All Apartments. Inspect Now. B. F. SAUL CO.. Main 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. THE SHELBURNE, i Cor. 17th and S Sts. X.W. Overlooking Park and , X. IT. Ave. Elevator Service. Building Being Thoroughly Renovated. Apartments available from 1 j room and bath to 4 rooms and | bath. Rentals reduced; $35 to ! S9O. 1 WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. Inc.. ’ Realtors—Established 1887. 1433 K St. N.W. Main 1016-7. 15119 10th ST. Available now. a magnificent apartment 1 i occupying an entire floor—loyer. loxio: [•hawing room. IHx24: dining room. 14\16; library. J4.\14. kitchen. Joxl4; two pantries. 1 four master bedrooms and two baths, three ! servants' rooms and bath. Per month, 3330. W. H. WEST COMPANY. 916 13th St. X.W. Main 9900. THE CHAPIN 1474 Chapin St. N.W . Very Ho«?e to Meridian Park: 2 bright I rooms and kitelirn. in first-class condition: very moderately priced. 11 ED(, ES & .\IIDDLETON. Inc. Realtors, 1412 Eye St. NAY. Franklin 9503. 2750 14th ST.. COR. GIRARD ST.—AT tra"tive housfkcoping aviartinent of 4 rooms and bath: nowly papennl and nainted throughout: $65. W. H. WEST CO.. 016 15th St; Main_linort. JUST VYH.\T YOU WANI \ Fashionable location Mt. Pleasant near 10t!i 9-t. and Park rd.. convenient t«* stores, schools and churches: 5 minutes’ walk to Rn«*U f reek Park: *2 Ivautlful completely detached bldgs., n.w. and s.w. corners of Mt Pleasant t?t. and Park rd. n.w.: nnusualh lon rents Mt Pleasant car terminal; can always get joiner downtown. THE ARGYLL. Fireproof throughout: nil outside rms.; hardwood floors, open fircpla«*ej»: many un usual features: elec, lights in all closet*- comer apt., front. 4 rms.. rc\ hall, pantry, open fireplace. ?H0: .'1 rms., re«\ li . pantry, front. SOS and $52.50. - THE WELLINGTON. K.vtra larre. outsid* - rms.. tilr bnlh?. par quet floor* throughout: one .-onirr. 4 rms., ipo. h.. S7O: 3 rms. and b, very large. quickly. See janitors on premises or phone Main 5437 3220 WISCONSIN AVE.—VKRV REASOX aI>Ie rent: two rooms, kitchen and bath, re ception ball. SSO month: one room, kitchen and bath. $35 month. Four rooms and hath. $55 month. 1101 D ST. X.K.—Corner apt.: five rooms and bath: furnace heat, electricity: $45 j month. 221(4 AXD 2223 33th PL. X.lV.—Apts. i of three room* and bath, sleeping porches. 1 hot-water heat, electricity; $37.50 month. THE SMITH FIELD. 1115 9th ST. N.W.— Four rooms, porch and bath; 55n month. SJ6 K ST. N.W.—Four rooms and bath, janitor service, electricity: $59 month. 615 AM) 617 K ST. N.W. —Apts of four rooniH and bath: hot-water heat: janitor service: S4O and $45 month. 945 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. —Ant. of two rooms, kitchen and bath. 555 month. i»ri\ ate brick garage $7 extra, if desired. 7th and YARNUM STS. N.W.—Apt. of two rooms, kitchen and bath. S6O month; extra larne rooms, shower in each apt. 1M46 MONROE ST. N.W. —Nine rooms ami two baths, porch: hot-water heat, elec tricity: i* arranged as 2 ants, of six and three rooms each: $75 a month for both. 2807 14 th ST. N.W.—Two rooms and bath, eecond floor; hot-water heat, electric ity. heat furnished, janitor service; $52.50. 732 PARK RD. N.W.— New building. Apartments of one room, kitchen, dinimr alcove, dressing - room with Murphy bed and bath: $45 month. Two rooms, kitchen, dining alcove and bath. $55 month. X. L. SANS BURY CO., INC.. 1418 Eye St. NAY. Phones Main 5903-4-5. Realtors. RENTS REDUCED. 1808 CONN. AYE. N.W. Several apartments in a practically new elevator building, in the best residential sec tion in Washington; all apartments in per fect condition: 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $66 to S7O; resident manager on promisee after 3 p.m. B. F. SALT. CO.. Main 2160. 925 15th St. X.W. 2008 SIXTEENTH ST. Modrrn and attractive liuuwkeepintr apart ments in this well located building. 4 room* and bath $72.00 2 rooms and bath ... .$45.00-547.50 W. H. WEST COMPANY. 916 15th St, . Main 9900. 2100 Massachusetts Ave. NEW 8-STORY FIREPROOF BUILDING. All outside rooms; 3 fast elevators: pan eled walls; fine baths with showers: break fast rooms, built-in fixtures: built-in l*eds in smaller suites. EASY ACCESS FROM EVERYWHERE. J SQUARE TO CARS—BUSSES PASS ODOR 4 rms.. hrkft. rm.. kit., bath . .$165 to $175 :i rms.. brUft. rm.. kit., tiath ..$1 50 to $l6O 2 rms.. brkft. rm., kit., bath. . si*otosloo 1 nn.. brkft. rm.. kit., bath. .$57.50 to $75 1 room and bath 555 Resident manager on premises. Inspect day or evening. \Y. 11. WEST COMPANY, 916 15th St. N.W. Main 0000. PENT ILLY. 1812 K NAV. Apt*., rent reasonable: continuous switch board and elevator serv.: resident manager. THE LEUMASS <l2Ol Q St. N.W.I __ No. 302—4 rooms and bath $55.15 THE ST. PAUL <1822 loth St.i Vo 12—3 rooms and bath $40.0 THE PARKER. 3300 16th St. X.W. No. 304—2 rms and bath $50.00 THE CLIFFBOURNE. 1855 Calvert St X.W. No. 3—5 rms. and bath $02.0il CHAS E TRIBBY. s!!' Dist. Nat Bit. Bldg. Day Ph. M. 4778. Night Ph. Col. 0670. FASHIONABLE LOCATE >X. West of Conn. ave.. just north of Dupont Circle. 2138 California st. n.w.-—Beautiful bldg., completely detached; extra large, bright rms.; tile bath: parquet floors: every thing up to date: special 5 rms. with extra large rec. hall, corner aid.: all southern ex posure.; S9O: 2 r.. corner, extra bright. SSO: 3 rms., rec. li.. very large. $57.60 and $62.50. Similar apts. in the same locality rent at least 60 'i higher. _ See janitor on premise* or phone Main 5437. EXTRA LOW RENTS. Clifton Terraee. largest and linest group of modern fireproof apts. south of New York: entire block. 14th and Clifton sts.. in fash iouable n.w. location: easy walking distance downtown; near public and high schools, stores and churches: nearly 5 acres of flow er gardens, playgrounds, trees and shrub bery: 24-hr. elev. and switchboard service: magnificent lobbies. , , \ few unf. apts. just lieconie available, redecorated, like new; extra large: all out side mis • hardwood floors; tile baths: all closets have elec, lights: manv other unusual features: 4 rni6.. rec. hall. 2 concrete porches. $87.50: one corner apt., southern exposure, overlooking entire city. SBS: 2 rms.. rec. h. and norcli. $65: 2 rms.. ree. h.. $55: one rm.. S4O. only one. similar apts. elsewhere will cost ;>0 r r more. Act quickly. Call Mrs. Brodt. office • enter bldg., or phone Columbia 7744. _ ” NEW TIVOLI. One room, bath and kitchenette. Murphy ln-a-dor bed. New building, clean and com fortable. Elevator service. Most convenient neighborhood in the city. REASONABLE. Comer Park. Rd. and Htatt PI. NW. Between 11th and. 16th St*. 18* THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. D. C„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1925. | APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. i 1200 IRVING ST. N.W. 1471 IRVING ST. N.W. New building. Apartment of four rooms Apartment of one room, kitchen and bath: and bath with eliower. 360 month. Only giaued-fn porch. 345 month, one left. Garage. $7.50 extra month. If de ,ireU . 3624 CONNECTICUT AVE. 3618 CONNECTICU T AVI*:. Apartment* of two rooms, kitchen and bath: 350 and $55 month: two rooms. Apartments of two room*, kitchen and kitchen, bath, double porch. S6O and 365 bath; SSO month: three rooms and bath. 555 month. Will be newly decorated, month, and four rooms and bath. 377.60 raonth THE ROCKLEDGE. THE SORRENTO. ' -456 20th St. N.W. ’233 18tll St. X.W. Apartment of one room, reception hall, j —> . .. kitchen and bath, S6O month. Also one Apartment of five rooms and batli. newly room and bath: non-housekeeping. $38.50 decorated. $65 mouth. month. X. L. SANSBURY CO., INC., 1418 Eye St. N.W. Phones Main 5903-4-5. » ' REALTORS. i 1826 VERNON STREET. A choice of apartments worth renting in new, well seasoned building. Large rooms, painted by sanitary standards; real kitchens. Full value given for rentals that range from $52.50 to $67.50. # Inspect also these up-to-date opportunities: 1818 VERNON STREET. i 1827 FLORIDA AVENUE. 1736 EIGHTEENTH STREET. All in same convenient neighborhood; near schools, movies and car lines. MR. BETHEA, NORTH 423. GET OUR APARTMENT FOR RENT LIST. HAMPTON COURTS. 2013 X. H AVE. N.W 1222 CONN. AVE. N.W. .‘I rooms', kit . hall ami bath. . .$85.09 4 room*, kitchen and bath $75.00 *! rooms, kit.. ro*up. hall and bath... 00.00 :* rooms, kitchen and bath 65.00 1 room. kit., recep. hall and bath. .. . o'j.oO 1 room, kitchen and bath 60.06 1 room, recep. hall and bath.. 45.00 H 659 x. H AYE NW « UMHFRLAND I.’J.Y! MASS. AVE. ** room*, kitchen and bath $65.00 4 rooms, kitchen* aiid bath $90.00 739 NEWTON PL. N.W. 'Z rooms, kitchen and bath . 30.00 r.. comb. d. r.. kit. and bath. ... $57.50 2 rooms and bath • • • 40.00 3527 (’ENTER ST. N.W LANIFR. PL \ W rooms, d. a., kit. and bath $62.50 3 rooms, kitchen" ams bath T. .V. .$70.00 MARNE. J3th AND BELMONT STS. 2 room*, kitchen and bath 62.50 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $68.00 3022 PORTER ST. N.W . APT. 304, 6 jgVo"''? ERV W ' °° .. rooms, kit. mid batb s.o. 3 room , kitchen and bat1i......... $57.50 3024 PORTER ST. X.W.. APT. 3«3. 1447 OAK ST. N.W 3 rooms, kitchen and bath suo.ou .5 rooms, kitchen and bath $62.50 3022 PORTER ST. N.W _ SEATON. 150 R. I. AYE. N.W. 3 room?, kitchen and bath $65.00 •> rooms and bath $62.50 -,.* * 1( . rrivv AVF x w T.AT AYKTTK. 1607 7th ST. N.W. f i N E * > cAAnn ** roon,p - kitchen and bath $ll.OO 2 rooms, kit* hen and bath “60-99 L , rvT ,, , . „ niv . 1 room, kitchen and bath 4 5.00 . rorir k*‘*jJ}ALL. 1436 >1 RINo PI— -1 room, kitchen and bath 1725 LAMER PL. N.W. _ Z rooms, kitchen and bath 54.50 4 room?, kitchen ami bath... $75.00 1315 BELMONT-ST. NW (TIAT.FONTK. 2116 P ST. N.W, * room, kit* iu*n and bath S4O 00 3 room?, kitchen and bath SOO.OO 1652 PARK Rl>. N.W. - rooms, kitchen ami bath $55.09 2 rooms. Uib-hcn and bath.Y. .’. . $56.50 room ,.' SW™ * T ? , 0 00 1808 CONN. AVE. N.W. | 2 rooms, kitchen and batli sGo.o<> L llluatcd Flats. I r„. , „ I t -1.,, - 13th and Randolph sts. n.r —2nd 1 Ic.ltou l lilts. floor. »i r. A !•.. a.m.i., gar >115.0il | I , , , . , . , . i,.- 2560 14th rt II.V —0 r A(• 56 nil [ } T- 1 : n . ■* •• u I*ll Euclid st.—s : ti I*. .1 111 : 45 611 1121 1 . til >t. nW. —3rd fhxir, ■_ , •’■>.6o 1 T*’S vt r. •• « c u . •. i, . ... . | 31*26 12th gt ii.c.— Ir. and !>.. a.m.i. 38,06 ~ • _ . , , •'* |j. ... I 1516 1’ st. n.w.— 1 r.. k. & li.. cite. 431.% Rncr rd n 5 r A !... i.'ni.'i'. 38.56 | and gas furnished ...>.OO , |.... Kli , k , « r _ j, Ai, . :•;, } I 1002 7th -t. n.w —2nd fl .3r. &h. 25.66 j RENTS REDITED. " 0l "" r * u ;oo ° 1808 CONN. A\ I- N.W. 1 715 I.AMKR PE. N.W . several anHrtnrnt? m a practically new y *» n \° a U ar tnient. jn-t j elevator buildimr in the i»est residential >ec- II L,! '!',, „ f , n *- ~! w . . Apart | tion in Washington: all apartments in - . n ,J? four roomlut.-heri ami } feet condition: *- numis, kitchen and bath. .. *i 1 orne with Mu»*ph> bed?’ $«.» to SB9. j S6O to S7O. Resident manager on prrnii?*e.i m> ruu,ns * ami path, S6O. KKNTB kl l.t .1.6 Till-: . 1.115 m i.Mnx i st. x.u . Downtown apartmrnt. Thomas Tirol.* and One square from 14th st car hue pr-ir 11th r( 11.-W.: right story t.inlding with dr. Central Uigli >.-h**nl (Jm* ’ mum luV iuu , vatnr servu-r; large rooms and all apartments Pullman diner'and I nth. >46 t>. «5o ’ I in good eondition. Piillman diner equipped with* table and: 2 rooms and bath >.!.> and >46 ben* ht s. 2 rooms, kit. hen and hath 56 Ml apartments are I-mh-t redeeoratrd ! 4 rooms, kitchen and bath 90 throughout. , B. E. SAUL GO., 935 15th St. N.W. Main 3100. I REDUCED RENTS. I 3620 CONN. AVE. i . ! j I hree rooms, reception hall, ; | kitchen and bath, S7O. Two rooms, reception hall, j kitchen and bath, $52.50. GEO. W. UNKINS. 1733 De Sales St. (Opposite Mayflower Hotel.) j NEW APARTMENT I READY EOR OCCUPANCY. HAMPTON COURTS. : 2013 New Hampshire Arc. N.W. | New eight-story fireproof building, just off 16th st„ hav- 1 i ing elevator and switchboard service, oil-burning heating plant. Convenient to 16th st. i bus and You st. car line. 1 r.. rep. hall A bath $45.00 ! 1 r.. kit., ree. hall A bath. .$53,511 to $55.00 2 r.. kit.. re<-. ball A bath. .$65.00 to SBO.OO 3 r.. kit., reo. hall A bath $85.00 Resident Manager on premises. B. F. SAUL CO.. 925 15th St. N.W. Main 2100. i LINCOI.N ROAD AND 3 SX.St.3W. New Building. 12 rooms kitchen and bath..:* SOO.OO . l 1011 R SI. New Building. 5 rooms and bath .$125.00 211*1 KALORAMA RD. N.W. I n rooms and 2 baths $140.00 5 rooms and bath 110.00 i 2030 ADAMS MII.L RD. New Building. i 3 room. , liitehcn and bath $05.00 3020 OONN. AVE. N.W. 2 roi mr. nib-heir and bath $52.60 3 -oon.h. reception hall, kitchen hah ird hath .... 70.00 1733 COI.UMBIA RD. N.W. 3 rooms, reception hall, kitchen and hath $75.00 THE EVERETT. 2127 P 3T. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and hath $70.00 1 2 rooms, kitchen and hath 57.50 I 1 room, kitchen and bath 47.60 I 1448 GIRARD ST. N.W. j j 5 rooms and bath SBO.OO i 1 room, dining roam, kitchen and bath 45.00 | THE FOGhER. 411 2nd ST. S.E. d rooms and bath. SBO.OO I 1 TUF ARDMORE 015 20th ST. N.W. j ; 4 rooms, kitchen and bath $05.00 i 3 room* and bath 50.00 i 1820 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 555.00 THE GRANT. 320 B ST. N.E. I 6 room* and bath $75.00 ; 1722 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. 2 room*, kitchen and bath, gas In cluded $42.50 j 1712 F ST. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and hath $05.00 1745 KALORAMA BD. N.W. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $50.00 1715 P ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath $58.50 1 loom, kitchen and bath 45.00 1107 11th ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath $47.50 1 room and bath with Muimhy bed... 35.00 3704 MACOMB ST. 3 rooms, kitchen and bath $50.00 740 ftth ST. N.W. | 3 rooms, kitchenette anu bath $56.00 | 1 room, kitchenette and bath $30.0U , | 3113 GEORGIA AVE. N.W. J 3 rooms and bath 530.50 1 Geo. W. Linkins. 1733 De Sales St. * Opposite Mayflower Hotel * j ! WISTERIA MANSION. 11th and Massachusetts Ave. ! N.W. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING. Elevator and switchboard service. One and two rooms with kitchen and bath. Representative on Premises. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., INC., 738 15th St. Main 6530. TTII-: MAYFAIR. 2115 U St. NAY. Modern Fireproof Apartment ; House Open for Inspection. Ready for immediate occupancy, j 2 rooms & hath. .$35.00 to $45.00 3 rooms & hath. .SOO.OO to $75.00 Resident Manager. i Swartzell. Rheem & Hensey Co., 727 15th St. NAV. ! _ OCT AVI A, 1669 COL. RI). 3 rm*„ kit., b.. recent, hall, pantry. o mi?., hit.. !>.. re.-ept. hall, pantry, SO6. j Apply to operator. < <»L SIO. j RFDUCED RENTALS. Ideal Colonial Apartments, | THE SUN BURY, 1212 M ST. NAV. | One of the prettiest downtown apartment buildings, containing j 1 and 2 .Zooms, kitchenette and bath apartments, with built-in bed. Reasonable rents. All out side rooms. BOSS & PHELPS, | 1417 K St. NAV. Main 9300. ~CITYAS~BEST VALLIC TIIF. PLAZA. Pa. avp. and :S 4 2n«l et.. overlooking - Wash. circle. Downtown. Iteautiful 7-story fire- I proof bldg., "4-hr. e ev. serv.; extra large Inns., tile bathe: 2 rn.s., §6O; only one of each. These apis, rent fast. Act quickly. See janitor on premises or phone Main 6437. i Also 5-rm. h., bath and screened porch, over looking Pot. River; only §9O. Also 5 rm. | all front. §BO. ! THE GLADSTONE, „ 1423 R 9T. N.W. Downtown location. detached buildings, five large all outside rooms, bath, porch. elevator: newly decorated. 17* WANTED—APARTMENTS. WANTED. BY NOV. I—SMALL. NICELY I' furnished apartment, by couple without children: references exchanged. Address Box G4-V. Star office. • ] RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WISHES CNF. apt., n.w.. 7 to 9 rooms, suitable lor renting. I Address Box 57-V. Star office. • t'NFT'RNISHED APT.—FOR TWO ADULTS I private bath: preferably with Catholic fam- I lly. Address Diis TV. Star office. 16- OFFICER AND WIFE WOULD LIKE TO I rent furnished house or housekeeping apart- I inent. tieginning Noveiplx-r 1. for about six j weeks. Telephone North 1394. 14 • RENT HOUSES—FIRNISHEI). j 713 Ist ST. N.W.—NINE ROOMS AND | bath, electricity, hot-water heat: partly fur ! niahed; reasonable. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED BUNGALOW at Hyattsville Hills, Md. Ali conveniences. Garage nearby. Suitahie for newlvweds. Rent,_Ss6 l Phone M. 3310. 'lB - SEASON OR YEAR Six xms.. tiled b.. glass-inclosed porch, maid’s room: nwd. floors, elec., gas. h.-w.h.: piano, sliver, linen; near school, car and bus. 2m ] mediate poss. 1877 Monroe st. n.w. 14- I LARGE 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. 30 MIN -1 utes to Treasury, near cars and bus: one suburban car'fan*: 1 aero: garage: »au. elec ; trieity, electric pump, piano, new furnace. ; porches, bath: SCO mo. Cl Melwood ave.. i Chcrrydale. la. HENRY D. LEWIS. 911 I East Capitol at. Call after o p.m. or Sun i is •_ ! 283*1 28th ST. N.W.—B RMS.. BATH AND I i garage, si 76. ALLAN E. WALKER & CO . INC.. I . B J 3 16th St. N.W. Main •1090, I ■ 1930 . BILTMORK ST.—•• BATHS. -10 I I rooms. garage. 3 ofien fireplaces: handsomely I I furnished: all modern convenien.'cs. Tel. Adams 100. • MT. PLEASANT—IO ROOMS - WELL FUR nished and complete: piano: Pittsburg in stantaneous heater: electric lights: a desir able home. Phone Col. 732-W. 17* 0-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGET a..m.i.: $75 a month from Nov. to April; beautifully furnished: 1 block north of 10th and Rhode Island are. 1010 Douglas st. ne. 15- BENT HOUSES—FURNISHED. ( Continued.) 1513'OAK BT. N.W.—O ROOMS. - SATII9: h.-w.h.. a.m.1.; garage. Call Col. 8776. ONE BLOC K OF CHEVV CHASE CLUB ON BRADLEY LANE. One attractive cottage. nice grounds. pri vate driveway. 2-cur garage; first floor has 7 rooms including 2 servant room* with bath ana toilet: 2nd floor, o liediuoms, - bathe, trunk room: Nov. 1 to June 1. $175 month. IN THE CITY NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. Two houses of 0 rooms 3 baths each, handsomely furnished in mahogany: $157.50 and $l5O each. Owners going abroad one year. F. C. LA SALLE BRYANT. 808 17th. Main 2829. _ BARGAIN FOR SHORT TERM. IN SOMERSET. MD. I WEST OF CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. Beautiful suburban home. 10 rooms and bath: steam heat, electric lights: spacious grounds, garage, abundance of shade: com pletely furnished; offered at a very low rental until June, 1920. A. C. HOUGHTON A CO.. REALTORS. 1510 H St. N.W. Phones Main 7630-7537. N ST. NEAR CONN. AVE—9 ROOMS. 2 baths, h.-w.h.: garage for two cars, garden: \ery attractive home in best residential sec tion; $260. Woodridge. D. C. Pig rooms, seml-de tached: perfect condition: 15 minutes by auto from Treasury: completely furnished. Including piano, victrola. washing machine; $77.50. Open for inspection today. HERMAN E. GASCH. Main 3150. 1.126 New York Ave GEORGETOWN. DETACHED f'ORNEB HOUSE, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 1U rooms and 3 bath**. » B.v M*awm or j*>ar. TYI.ER A RUTHERFORD. INC p Main 476. 1<)1 8 Vermont Ave. N.W. IAN EXCELLENT HOUSE IN WASHINGTON l lights—Consists of 10 rms.. 2 baths, open ! fireplaces, gas. dec., brick gar . h.-w.h. | Kent. $260 mo. | Good house. Col. lights.—lo rms„ 2 baths, garage, gas, dec., h.-w.h. Rent i S2OO mo. I Beautiful home. 16lh St. lights—l 3 l J rooms. 3 bathe, porches, garage; \erv hand somely furnished: Oriental rugs, vjjlour and I | wlk draperies: many attractive features i | Rent. SI,OOO per mo. I Good home. Mass. Ave. lights.—R mis., bath. gas. elec., h.-w.h. Rent. $175 mo. Very good home. Mt. Pleasant—7 rms.. bath. gas. elec., garage: linens and silver included. Rent 5150 mo 1 An elegant home. 16th st.—lo rms., 2 baths, gas. elec., fur. lit . Oriental rug* many attractive features. Rent, $260 mo. McKEEVER A GOSS, Realtors, 1415 K St. Main 4732. 2042 MACOMB ST. N.W. 11 R A » m.i $300.00 i>4.l. Conn. ave. n.w.—l2 r. A 2 b.. am.i 250.00 1010 loth st. n.w.—lo r. A 2 b.. ..ami 250.00 1 .30 P st. n.w.—lo r. & 2 b.. a.m.l. 200.00 1800 Kilbourne pi. n.w.—B r. & b.. ami 150.00 4505 Walsh st.. C. C„ Md.—s r. A b.. a.m.1.. gar 123.00 1300 13th st. n.w.—B r. & b.. h.-w.h. 100.00 B. ]-'. SAUL CO.. Main 2100. 825 16th St. N.W. RENT HOUSES -UNFURNISHED. 6- HOUSE AND BATH. 3017 GEOR gia ave. n.w.. SOS all modern improvements Apply 2833 11th tl.w. Col. 114 17* NEW HOUSE. BRICK. 4116 KL.LICUTT ST. n.w.—6 rooms, nle bath, hardwood trim, elect : h.-w.h. liveable basement; garage. Phone owner by 8 a.m. or after 5 pm. Lincoln 1287. 16» j BRICK. CORNER HOUSE. 6 R. AND 57. : furnace heat: center entrance: facing park; nicely arratiged for renting rooms; to col ored. Main 1181. 515 M N.W.—'HOUSE ARRANGED AS 3 apt-, of 2 rms.. k. & b,. one on each of three floors: gas. elec., furnace heat. Rent, SIOU. i C. S. SITREVK. 1222 Conn. a\e. n.w. 412 COLUMBIA RD. HOUSE, j h.-w.h.. gas. elec . pear Govt. park, schools. 1 cars. et . C. S. SIIRKVE. 1222 Conn, i lßtb AND P STS. N.W.—/TWO COMM UNI- i eating o single 12-room modern houses, j h.-w.h 5 baths. 4 kitchenette.-, garage, large ; yaid S2BO Franklin 4128 * VA< ANT—HOUSE. 6 ROOMS AND BATH gas light, nicely papered good • ■omimon. . I garagfe. 128 Hates st n.w. Adams 1.3 3020 WARDER ST. N.W. •• ROOMS.! AMI reasonable rent. Key at 500 Irung ! *t. n.w. , NOMINAL HUNT Foil LARGE. MODERN* I home with r\ery eonvenien.-e: near Maryland ! | I nivcrsitv tins winter; responsible famib. , Aildrc-s lV>x_92 II Star office 1 v K. NEAR < APITOL—< K. !> . EXTRA I I toilet a.m i double garage; vacant. Call: | 627 Mass am nan | 054 f N.E —7 R . 8.. GOOD COND SI ff I tide for 2 apts.. vacant Call 027 Mass. | . a- • 1: C I -AILS ADDITION ATTRACTIVE 0 km. I house. e\i client .omimon; restricted neigh ! borhtod shade fruit trees; convenient to i I schools. See this unusual oifeung. sll,ll. j 1214 I.allatin s t n.w. I BROOK 1..A ND. 2705 12th ST DUPLEX : I house ant 4 rooms, hath, front and rear , ! porches; furnished: SSO mo. I. \ ! THACKER. Real Estate. lAcookland Pot , -•-’l9 _ . Ji? I 2531 3rd ST. N.E, NEAR »til AND K I. I ave—Nearly new 5 - room brick, a.mi.. fliU |mo I. V TH.M HER. Rea! Estate, 103. j E'art- st . Brutikland. _PoE 2219. _l .* CORNER HOUSE7FLAGLER AND A -T-. | n.w . $75. Phone North 285. • 1251 1) ST N.E 0 ROOMS. RATH DAS; ■ j latrotw heat perfect condition. OWNER. ; Lincoln niim 1312 North Carolina aw n.e. : 1 HaRMINp GEORGETOWN' HOME: NINE | rooms. 3 hatli>. garage, yard: absolutely . modern; perfect condition: m hest residen tial section $175 tier month. 1. It. CAJIP- : BELL. Main 2155. 638 R ST—VACANT. BEAUTIFUL HOME. j f.-o-ing park: 12 rooms. 2 bath-: 30 foot ; front: 8 large I*-,Dooms all newly paper.-!. D. K. GILBREATH A SON. 1233 New York ! 1 at r. j 1020 PA AVE: S.E. - NINE LARGE ROOM**; ! I :: siones: h.-w.h . electricity: S6O. |TO COLORED LARGE GRAY BRICK! * house of 10 room- amt bath, at 1115 New . ■ Hampshire ave . that has Just teen put in ■ tine condit on throughout: fine home for eol- ; I ore,] doctor or lawy.-i*. ( HAS s MUIR & ! CO.. 1403 New York ave. Main 4935. > 6-ROOM COLONIAL BRICK. A.M.L. LAUN I drv. yards exclusively white; Parkview, near j ! Soldiers' Home; $62.5<t. Dr. KNOTT. Room i 606. 1028 Vt. av. • 7- HOUSE IN WOODRIDGE. NkUveY j «Wnrat**<l Hii'i in oon*i«litton. North <572* f«»r appointment. _ BY OWNER. 3915 NORTHAMPTON ST.— ! 1«> room?. jk r ara«f*. Cleveland 354 HJ IJ>* i nice “large 7-room house. “SatiC I am i.: lar*o yard, lots of fruit an*l { Hhruio on n**w concrete. road; nearby: $45 i por*month. Hyattsville 627. • 648 LAMONT •; NIC E ROOMS. NEWLY • doforab'd: modern: *rranp’*’*l f«»r two fami -1ip?: $65 mo. Mr. HAINES. Main 776<>. 15* | 3718 13th ST. N.W.—6 ROOMS. NEWLY j I papered ami painted: glassed sleeping porch: J garage. Adams 5711. * 329 E ST. N.E.—6 LARGE ROOMS. BATH, , cellar: electricity: good neighborhood; $55. SARGENT & SONS. 322 E n.e. Lincoln 8578. 16 •_ 2012 R ST. N.W.—EXCLUSIVE WHITE stone front house. 9 rooms. 2 baths: built in garage. Rent reasonable to responsible party. Mr. Milor. Investment Bldg. Main 3d R. I. AVE. N.W.—7-ROOM HOUSE'. ! Rent. SOO. 15* j COLORED—2-FAMILY FLAT. BRICK, 5 j rooms and bnth each: newly papered and painted: good, southeast section; $45 per j nio.: vacant. - J, C. BROWN. Frank. 95,7. j 4412 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W.—6-ROOM AND j bath detached house, open fireplace; newly i papered; am.i.: h.-w.h., garage; vacant: snn mo. Col. 9676-W. 19* 9 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. BEST LOCALITY: possession Nov. 1. Inquire 1724 Kilbourne pi. n.w. 15* FOR RENT TO COLORED. 420 11th ST. s.w.—A six-room brick liousn with gas light. 1 long back yard and metal garage; 527.5 U per month. FRANCIS A. CRAWFORD. 404 Continejita 1 _Trust Bldg. Mafia 2 <3O. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND BATH. CONVEN ient to both car llneß. Apply No. 7 Maple st.. Takonia Park. T>. C. 35* j WONDERFUL SMALL HOUSE NEAR CAPl tol: 0 rooms, 2 baths, electricity, h.-w.h., garage; front and back yards. West 924. 3017 WARDER ST. N.W—6 ROOMS AND bath, double garage. Rent. $65. On 11th st.. 3200 block—7 rooms and bath, h.-w.h.. elec. Rent, $75. d. blum ic Sons 920 N. Y. Ave. Mam 3031. 146 NORTH CAROUINA AVE. S.E—O rooms, cellar, bath, garage: h.w.h.. electric ity: rent. $75. , . . 1206 O st. n w—ll rooms and bath; h.-w.h.; rent. $75. „ WM. P. NORMOYLE. 810 F ST. N.W. 1000 COLUMBIA ROAD (Colored I Six rooms and bath, furnace heat anti electricity; newly painted and papered: 575. CAFRITZ COMPANY. . _ 14th and K. Main 9080. A GOOD COLORED TENANT CAN RENT 1235 9th st. n.w. at SBO per month: 8 run., b.. elec., good heating plant: see it today. WILLIAM K. lIARTUSG & CO.. EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD. 1741 IRVING ST. N.W. Attractive 2-stoiw brick house. 2o feet wide, containing 8 rooms and 2 baths; screened sleeping: porches: built-m (raraye; house in excellent condition. Reduced rentals. A. C. HOUGHTON CO.. REALTORS. 1516 H St. N.W. Phones Main 7536-,037. NR. NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. AND QUE ST.‘ 1730 CORCORAN ST. N.W . Brick residenco. 7 rooms, bnth, elec, lights, garage. Rental. SBS monthly. _____ A. C. HOUGHTON CO.. REALTORS, 1516 II St. N.W. Phones Main 7536-7537. NEAR 18th AND R STS. N.W. Excellent residence. 11 rooms. 2 natlis, h.-w.h.. elec, lights: rental reduced. A real bargain. In fine condition. A. C. HOUGHTON CO.. REALTOR> 1516 H St. N.W, Phones Main <536-<s3<. I 2011" COLUMBIA RD N.W. —13 RMS. AND 2 baths- hot-water heat, electro’ light: $l5O. 5704 Georgia ave. n.w. —7 rooms and (filth furnace heat, electric lights. $60.50. 2000 F st. n.w.—lo rooms and bath, 710 22nd st. n.w.—o rooms and bath. * 5 .109 , ’l4st. s.e.—6 rooms and hath. SSO. 207 F st. n.w. —6 rooms and bath, $3,.60. THE WASHINGTON IX)AN & TRUST CO.. REAL ESTATE DEPT. 169 TODD PL. N.E.—NEW HOUSE. NEVER occupied. 6 rooms and bath, h.-w.h.. elec double porches: garage: screened and weath er-stripped: $75. __ N. 1,. SANSBUBY CO -1418 Eye St. Main 6904. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. (Continued.) 1860 ONTARIO PL. N.W, —VERY DESIR able 0-room and bath brick home: a.m.L, h.-w.h.; double brick garage. Rental, SIOO. UNION REALTY CORPN.. 410-411 Evans Bldg, Main 8416. 933 9th BT. N.E. —5 R. * B. . .7.. .$46.60 824 Ist st. n.w.—9 r. 4 b ,5.00 1027 Mass. ave. n.w.—ll run., l 2 b.; newly papered. 813 10th st. n.w,—l2 rms.: elec. ... 110.00 1858 Ingleslde terrace n.w.—lo rms.: elec 85 00 1234 Bth st. n.w. —il rms- b 72.60 2916 Ga. ave. n.w.—6 r.. h 45.00 EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC 522 BUCHANAN ST. I A brand-new V>lx-room house with tiled bath and built-in shower: very attractn-e sleeping and breakfast porehes. long yard, hot-yyater heat, electric lights. Instantaneous water heater: $75 per month. dAFRITZ COMPANY. 14th AND If. MAIN 0080- _ GEORGETOWN—O B. AND BATH. H.-W.H elee.; rent, S6O. BAUMAN & HEINZMAN. 1504 H St. N.W. Main 3000. COLORED—I 6! 1 QUE ST. N.W—B R- fi 5-car garage: SIOO. 3302 19th si n.w. —0 rooms, tile bath, a.m i.. 3 porches, entire house painted and papered; SBO. 1644 Argonne pi. n.yv.—7 rooms, tile hath, a m.i., porches, built-in garage; newly decorated. 1442 Oak st. n.w.—6 rooms, bath, a.m.t porches. $75. . . 1256 Bth st. n.w.—9 rooms and bath: excellent repair: S6O. 932 Longfellow st. n.w.—6 rooms, tile bath, a.m.l . porehes. SOS. 4503 Arkansas ave. n.w.—Corner. 7 r.. b- a.m i . porches, garage. 818 yuintana pi. n.w. —Dct.*cor.. 7 r.. b.. $75. Colored tenant. 1767 Willard st. n.w.—3 rooms and bath, $66. WILLIAM S. PHILLIP®. 1432 K St. N.W. Mam 4000. BROOK!.AND. 1350 KEARNEY ST. N.E. —H l r. and h . semi-iiela.-lieij ;*furuace heat, elec- I trn- light: $65.50 per month. 1730 21st st. n.w. —9 r. and b.. h.-w.h --j eicefrie light: will put in good repair: sllO month. 1.F.0 F. JUDGE. 635 F Si. N.W. Main 6136. _ COLORED—I9O6 9th ST. N.W—B RMS.. ti.; $75. EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. 3313 17th S I . X.W. and thre#s*bath a.m.i : all larvo rounis; will five Irafce to good tenant. rplumbia * 4506 14th ST. X.W. Modern homo of 8 room? anti hath: ea rajff*: condition; immediate uos sc??ion: ROBKRT LEE O’BRIEN. 1710 Eye St. X.W. Franklin 5385. 1'445 G IRARD ST. N.W.—ELEVEN ROOMS and two baths; furnace heat; electricity: SIOO month ‘JO Quinoy pi. n.w.—Seven rooms and hath • electricity will be installed: SOS month. 310 A st. n.e. —Nine rooms ami two baths; Lot-water heat; electricity: SBO , month. , i Old Indiana ave. n.w. —Downtown: four-I tPf»n rooms and two baths: month, in- \ elmlimr {rara«e. X. L. SAXSBURV CO.. TNC., 1418 Eye St. X.W . Phones Slain 5903-4-5. SIX-ROOM AND BATH SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE Near 4th and R. I. Ave. X.E. Prii'-twalb new: of thr most modern »on ! *-I rijt*tion and vitii hot wat°r heat, j firu- rlectri** fixture— and many other dr-ir- j able' uonveniHicfN. Hunt for *OO a month. • ; WACCAMAX cA lIRAWXER. j I ISC..- i 732 17th SJ N.w. Franklin 7 485. j 169 T<"ld 1 Mace X.E ! BRAND-NEW HOME. NEVER OCCUPIED.! ■ six larc* room- ami bath, front and • • double rear pondif **. hot-vater h**at. electric i light**. K’ar.tjr'*. October ].*>. X. !.. SAXSRURY ( XJ , IN( ~! ]f 1S I ST. NW I'HONF.S MAIN 5903-4-5.1 R K A 1.1 i )KS ; 522 Bl CHAN AN -1 . PeauDf'il n*»A honv of «» rooms and i > tih l baft* .Mth builtm fixture? and f&hower: i , l«ng ja»d with «*e«iat : inotantaneou* water I heater. ' largr breakfast and sleeping ; norehen I ib-hen rumppod in the most mod- •' i ern stylo; t brand me i.ifnt/ I.ifetime 1 » home fur n»nt at ST A per month. 1020 K AN> AVE , ! 1 New eohimai hou*r «.f rooms and I i.ath with double h-araife \ erv aftrartne| j iiiuriie*. th* iarsrest circie in j t!ie *vt: ss;, per month 72 NEW YORK AV*:. N.E. <ix rn<»ni* and bath, with large eellar: j i furnace hear. •■!«**tri** light*; ?:»o per month, i 007 KEEFER PI. N.W. Semi-detaehed. ?ix-roo:n and bath home, newly pa tv red and in excellent «*ondition: ' furna**e heat. ele.*tr»c lights. t»ariiuet floors, j f*«Teens and awninjrs: SO9. 1140 r*th ST. N.K. Six rooms and bath, in goo«i conditio* . latmU* heat and gn- light: Soo. 27 SEATON PE. N 1 Sr m»-det;tehed corner re«ddem-o containirg ! ?iv rooms and two baths and additional • i shower: Jar..* front yard with attractive } ?h»ublMT.v: liiui!»c in excellent condition. ; : 41 BRYANT ST N.W 3 story, bay w ihlow re«idriuv of nine i room? and ba*h: hot-water licit and electric ! ! light**; nr garage and large yard; ■ i Sion. | 822 DECATPR <T ! Semi-rjeta*-he*l ?ix room and bath house, I i with Plcepimr and breakfast porches hot ! | water heat and electric light? arranged so ; ■ it e»»uld be used for two families; or ]ca?r : ■ for uno year at Sbn per month. ! 716 F ARR A GUT ST. Brand-new six-room and bath hous* 1 in j ; Pftyvorth. This houso lias pevsr lissn oo- i oupied. hot-water heat. ele> .. 3 porr-hes: I 1210 6th ST. S.W. j Large horns of tuna room* and hath: j . owner will make r.eeegsary repairs: at S6O ! month. I 1925 KEARNEY ST. N.E. (R ROOK LAND’ i j Beautiful detached home of eight rooms i i and two baths: hot-water heat, electric ! lights: 5125 ! .CLARENDON. VA ; Large corner house, porch on two sides: | ' eight rooms and bath: hot-'vater heat, elec tric lights and eas; large cellar This house i faces on the boulevard: S7U. 131 F ST. N.W. i Nine rooms and bath. In good condition: . ! electric lights: near Union Station: SOS. I A FRITZ COMPANY. ! I 14th and K. Maui 9080. ; ! 131ft' HARVARD ST. N;W.—» rooms7 2 ; baths. li.-w.H.. elec.. slls. 2212 F st. n.w.—7 rooms and bath, fur- : ; cact- heat. S6O. i 1809 G st. n.w.—B rooms. 3 baths. ; h. y» .h , elec 1803 G st. n.w.-—8 r. and bath., li.-w.h.. elr-e.. SBS. 814 North Carolina ave. s.e.—B rooms and bath. S6O. 813 21st st. n.w.—lo r. and bath, h.-w.h., elc-.. sum. 40,1 G st. n.e—-7 rooms and bath. S6O. i 022 21st st. n.w.—7 rms. A bath. $4 5 50. 408 12th st s.e.—6 rooms ami bath. SSO. GEO. W. LINKINS. | 1733 De Sale* St. j (Opposite Mayflower Hotel.) 4830 Bth ST. N.W. BEAUTIFUL NEW I i home, never occupied: 6 room**, h.-w.h.. in- j ! etantancous hot water: double floor plur**; I i colonial front porch, double back porehes: , $8. r >. Open for inspection afternoon?. Woodridge. D. f.—♦» rooms, semi-detached. : in perfect condition: a.m.1.: garage: $65. ! Very cheap, as owner wishes to leave for l j FJonda. Open for inspection today. 1775 Lamer pi.—12 rooms. 2 baths: ex- j cellent condition; h.-w.h.: $l4O. 1510 20th st.—9 rooms. 2 baths: excel- ! lent neighborhood: sllO. 17 West Irving st.. Chevy Chase. Md.—7 | rooms, bath: large lawn with trees and shrubbery : parage: ?l 15. i HERMAN E. GASCH. M.ii't .1150, 1.T70 New York Ave. | 1403 MERIDIAN PL.—6'rms.7 bath: ! S- pnrch and garage 'slos 3214 38th st. —16 rms. ami 3 baths garage 2251 1460 Belmont st.—9 rm». and 2 baths. 125 i | I <25 Riggs pi.—10 mis. ami hath.... too, •115.1 19th st.—o rms and bath 90 14u4 Irving st. n.w.—9 rms. and bath 100 ! ALLAN E. WALKER & CO . INC.. 813 15th St. N.W. Main 2690. „ SEE THESE TODAY. 2116 O st. n.w. Modern home of 9 rooms and bath: large yard: very desirable for either residence or rooming house: SIOO. Chevy Chase, near 30th and Rittenhouse sts. n.w.—Modem detached home of 8 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors, yard: $l5O. Near 19th and Ingleslde Terrace n.w.— Convenient to cars and busses: 10 rooms I and bath, inclosed sleeping porch: semi detached: newly decorated; $75. Near 12th and Florida ave. n.e.—Modem new homes of ti rooms, tile hath. sleeD ing porch, built-iu refrigerator, hardwood floors, large yard: SOO-$62.50. Near Ist and Webster sts. n.w.. near Soldiers’ Home—o rooms and bath, sleeping porch, front and rear porches, 2-car garage: semi-detached: SBS. Near Buchanan st. and Kansas ave Modern semi-detached home of 7 rooms and bath, sleeping lmroh. built-in garage: $lO6. Woodridge—Modern semi-detached home I of 6 rooms, bath, front and rear porches hardwood floors, garage: newly decorated: $65. Near 1 Bth and P sts. n.w.—Modem home of 12 rooms. 3 baths.. 2-car garage: $250. Near 13th and Quincy sts. n.w.—Modern home of 6 rooms and bath: garage: newly decorated: $95.50. WALTER A. BROWN. 1400 H ST. NW „ 2329 FIRST ST. N.W. 9 large r. & b.. elec., furnace heaf ra rage: good condition. 228 17th ST. S.E. . 4 r. Sc b„ elec., h.-w.h.: S4O mo 650 NEWTON ST. N.W. 5-r. & b. flat, elec.: low rent. 659 15th ST. S.E. 4-r. & b. flat: reduced rent. 32nd & R STS. N.W. New. Or.* b.. elec., h.-w.h.: hardwood floors, cellar: large yard: sleeping porch reasonable. 11l 4th ST. N.E. 7 r. * b.. elec., furnace heat: low rent 59 K STREET N.E. 3 r. A b.. elec.: reduced to S3O month 108 C STREET N.W. 7 r. A b.. arranged on two floors: elec., heat furnished: excellent- condition: low rent. N. E. RYON CO.. INC.. 1423 F St. Main 8560. LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. NEAR GEORGIA ave.—6 rooms. 1 bath, a.m.1.: only $65 per mo. 2316 R at. s.e.—Beautiful bungalow. 6 r. and bath, ajn.l.. poise talon Not. 16: only SSO per month. G. ft LIKENS 1519 M St. N.W. Main 5057. REAL ESTATE. RENT HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. LIST YOUR VACANT HOUSE OK APART ment with us. We bare a competent and ex perienced rental department. We remit on the day rent la collected. GOLDSMITH & CO., GOLDSMITH BLDG. MAIN 9670. 1405 EYE ST. N.W. 703 ALABAMA AVE. 8.E.. CONG. HEIGHTS', cloae to cars. bus. atorea: new; fi rooms, bath; hot-water heat, electricity: detached: beautiful home. Rent to responsible tenant. *66.50. P. J. WALSHE. INC.. VERY DESIRABLE SIX-ROOM AND BATH house, front porch and rear yard: hot-water heat and electricity: on Ontario place n.w.. convenient to schools. churches and the beautiful Zoological Park. Rent reaaonable. Immediate possession. PERCY H. RUSSELL COMPANY. 926 15th Street N.W. EXCELLENT HOUSE IN TAKOMA PARK— -0 rms. and bath glass-inclosed P"r r " : "" dltlonal rm. in cellar and one In attic; elec., gas. fur. ht. Rent, $75. _ ... Good Col. Hghts. house —0 rms. bath, gas. h.-w.h., front and 2 rear porches; near Central High School. Rent. S9O mo. ! Very good house n.e.. convenient to car : lines—o rms.. hath, gae. elec h. w.h., front porch, si. ph.. breakfast ph., built-in . garage Rent. s77> mo. I Good house In Co). Hghts.—o rms.. bath fas. dec., h.-w.h.. built-in garage. Rent. 100 mo. ... . , _ i Good house, nr. Eastern High School-—0 rms . bath. gas. elec., gar. Rent. $H..5n Good home in Takoma Park. D. < near Walter Rccd Hospital—s rms.. bath, h.-w.h.. gar , elec.: AJ condition. Rent. SBO mo House in No. Col. Hghts.—o rms.. bain, gas. elec., h.-w.h.. garage, front and 2 rear porches. Rent. $75. Good house, Morton pi. n.e.—o rms hath, gas. elec, front and 2 rear porches, garage, n.-w.h. Rent. $63 mo. Dandy house. Cleveland Park—. rms.. bath. si. ph.. front pit., open fireplace, built-in gar., hwd fig.: A-l condition. Rent, j 5125 mo. House, nr Library and Capitol—lo rms.. . 1 hath gas. elec., fur. lit.. 2 garages. Rent. S9O mo. Good house in Petworth—7 rms.. 2 hatha, si. Ph.. hwd. fls.. gas. elec. Rent. $95 mo. McKIvEVER & GOSS. Realtors. 1415 K St. Main 4762. HOUSES. 1030 Blh St. N.W. ! 7 rooms, bath, furnace $65.50 5946 Georgia Are. N.W. 7 rooms, bath, li.-w.h 60.00 1400 A st. S.E. 8 rooms, bath. furnace 50.50 1424 F St. N.E 0 rooms, bath, steam heat 50.50 1023 3rd St. N.E. 0 rooms, bath 50.50 704 I St. S.E. 0 rooms, bath 35.60 650 20th St. N.E. 4 rooms, water 22.50 FLATS'. 2510 17th St. N.W. (2nd floor). 6 rooms, bath, furnace 52.50 1100 18th St. N.W. 3 rooms, bath, heat furnished 40.60 200 G St. N.E. 5 rooms, hath. 40.00 1642 '•» New Jersey Are. N.W. 5 rooms, hath 35.50 132 U St. N.W. (2nd floon. 5 rooms Lath, latrohe 35.00 1 STORES. 1402 North Oapt. st 00.00 15*t G st. ».o 00.00 1343 4 1* *»t. n.xr 17.50 TAMES F. SHEA. 643 Ln. Are. N.W. 1110 4th ST. N.E.—lO R. & B: H.-W.H.: j electricity and garage. 617 < St. N.E.—7 r. Ab.; h.-w.h. and | electricity. JOS. A. HERBERT A SONS. : 515 E. Cap. St. and l(i|3 lath St. N W CONNECTICUT AVE. Best residence section. House newly decorated. 10 rooms and 2 baths $125 month. TYLER A RUTHERFORD. INC I Main 475. 1018 Vermont Ave. N w. j NORTHEAST BARGAIX. $65. ! NEW HOME—NEVER OCCUPIED. 210 CROMWELL TERRACE, j 3 blocks North K I. ao>. j Six spacious rooms, tiled hath, h.-w.h . , eh?'-.. 3 porches built-in garage I THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO f'O., I _ Sir* 15th St. Franklin 1140. _ 224 2nd S'i'. N.E.. SBS. | Consisting of li rooms bath, h.-w.h. i elec., newly decorated throughout 2-oar. 2- . story brick garage Cm is- arranged into 3 j apartments 1 I'HE |( )SEPH SHAPIRO CO.. j 919 15th vt. _ _ Franklin 1 ljf ! _ OFFICES AND STUDIOS. j DENTAL SUITE IN PHILLIPS BLDG. ■ Phono Main 9548. 16* i STUDIO WANTED—PIANO STUDENT WILL | pay $lO a month for tts‘< of studio with i piano from 5 lo 7 p.m. daily. Address Box ! .2 V. '-tar office. J FOR RENT—ENTIRE FIFTH FLOOR AND j two second-floor front office moms in Berry j A Whitmore Building. 11 1 it and F sis, n.w. i DOCTOR'S OFFICE. 14th and DECATUR ! sts n.w-.—2 rooms Opportunity for right j man: reasonable rent. Phone Col. 10248. ! 400 EAST CAPITOL ST—S~RMSg~ELEcT: •suitable for doctor or dentist. EDWARD I*. SCHWARTZ. INC.. ; 734 1 sth St. N.W. | TWO ROOMS. RECEPTION HALT. AND ; bath, suitable for physician's office: $75 i per month Burlington Hntpl. THE PARKWOOTI. 1746 K ST. N.W—OF . lice suitable for physicians of required stand* ) ‘ ~ ALL AN E. WALKER A CO . INC.. • 813 15th St. N W. Main 2690. i PHILLIPS BUILDING 927 15th ST.'N.W ! Desirable space in this modem building, i single or en suite S2O 00 and up. WILLIAM 8. PHILLIPS. 1224 CONN. AVE N.W.. 2nd FL. sl.',iJ. 707 12th ST. N W.. 2nd FL.. SIOO. i 324 Indiana ave.—3 rms.. 3rd floor. $25. B. F. SAUL CO.. Main 2100. 925 15th St. N.W. 923 15th ST—ON WASHINGTON S WALT. J street ”: light: facing park: floor or half ! floor or less: elevator service; reasonable I rent. Second floor at 1108 10th st. n.w.—Da liir.-ihtc ena-e ! MADDUX. MARSHALL MOSS A MALLORY. INC.. ! 923 15th St Main 10134. " DENT BUILDING, j 1400 T. St. N.W. TV«irable room oas»tern pxponur*. 2 larg« windows. SI.V Front room, .3 south win dows. sitp 22x1*1. 5^30: with communicating I room. S.VV i GARDINER & DENT. INC. ! Main 4SH4 FOR RENT—STORES, : STORE'. 920 21st ST. N W.. CORNER "let and K. *45 p?r month. • STORE. 409 H ST. N.E.—LARGE STORE. i well lighted, with apt, above. I STORE. 710 2nd ST. N.W.. $25 PER j ntniith. ! HALF STORE UN""k""ST. : SHOES OR~ANY’ : other suitable ladies” wear. Address Box i 46-V. Star office. • ; HOUSE - WITH STORE. VERY REASON” I able. Information, 318 sth n.e. 15* _ REDUCED RENT—I7OS DESALES ST. N.W (Opposite Mayflower Hotel'. New and at tractive store. Main 2127 or Pot. 2347. mil U * I 2423 14th ST.—ISXSO .'..Sloe : 5032 Ca. ave.—2ox4s 30 ALLAN K. WALKER A C<>. IM. 813 16th St. N.w. _ Main 2«WO._ ATTRACTIVE NEW STORE | —heing erected at 1023 18th st. n.w . a i coming business location. Apply for par ' tmulars. } MOORE A HILL (INC.). 730 17th ST. 2204 14th BT. N.W Attractive store suitable for any line of 1 business: also large garage in rear for four ■ oars. 211 Ind. Ave. N.W. I Two small stores suitable lor carpenter. ) locksmith, tailor, etc. Rent. $30.00 for both. N. E. RYON CO.. INC., 1423 F St. M. 8500. | 812 P ST. N.W $45 2816 14th st.—store and basement. 1105 H st. n.e.—store, 18x00; vacant. lflli'A 9th et. n.w 35 1244 9th st. n.w.—new store 60 1561 9th st.—large store 50 800-2-4 10th et. n.w 50 3900 14th st. n.w 60 1403 T et. n.w 30 1267 9th et. n.'w.—store A 2nd A 3rd floors 150 EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. I 734 15th St. N.W. 5511 14th ST. N.W.—EXCELLENT LOCA tion for harlier shop, notions, hardware; in an apartment house; heat furnished. L. E BREUNINGER A SONS. 1 00 Colorado Bldg. Main 6140. PLENTY OF RESIDENTS IN NEIGHBOR' hood to patronise store at 3908 14th Bt. n.w. very moderate rental. MADDUX. MARSHALL. MOSS A MALLORY. INC.. 923 15th St. Main 10134. _ 1114 9th ST. N.W.—ENT. BLDG. .$300.0(1' 1602 7th st. n.w.—Store A apt. . . . 175.00 2600 14th st. n.w.—Store and 0-r. and b. apt 160.00 923 12th st. n.w.—2nd A 3rd fls. . 133.00 1121 17th st. n.w 125.00 820 Upshur et. n.w.—Store and 6- rm. apt. and 3-car garage 130.00 1309 14th et. n.w 100.00 2809 M st. n.w.—Store and 4-r. apt. 75.00 1718 F st. n.w 66.00 808 Bladensburg rd. n.e 60.00 1309 N. Capitol st 35.00 043 O st. n.w 40.00 B. F. SAUL CO.. ' Main 2100, 923 15th St. N.W. FINE STORE, 20x65, AT 3612 14th ST. N.W. POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1. CHAS. W. MORRIS & SOX. EVANS. BLDG. M. 5328-9. FOR KENT—DESK SPACE. DESK ROOM. 428 WOODWARD BLDG. Ap ply from 10 to 12 a.m. Rerelenees required. 16* WAREHOUSES. WAREHOUSE. BRICK. FOR SALE off rent: 34,600 ft. floor space: elec, elevator; 1616 Eekington pi. ns., opposite B. A O. freight yard: bldg, will be subdivided under lease. Apply Rm. 424 Kellogg WANTED—DESK SPACE. WANTED—USE OF OFFICE AND PffON'V central location: must lie very reasonable 11. C. Feldstone. 1218 6th n.w. Franklin 1237. _ FOR RENT—SHOPS. LICENSED AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SIIOP „ ... JR?» r 3312 Sherman ave. n.w _ _ C. W. KING. Jr.. 907 N. Y. ave. M. 8^179 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. NEAR 14th AND PARK RD. N.W.—EX cel lent business property ; large store with full basement below and 6-room and JR* _“hove: a.m.i.: alley ln rear. Price $29,500: wiill trade for residence, building lots or real estate notes. O. B. LIKENS _ 5057, Evening*. Cleveland 2294. FOR EXCHANGE. WILL TRADE EQUITY $360 BEAUTrftT mi- < lievy Chase, first payment automobile AtWrpßs Box 73-V. Star orflcf. * APARTMENT HOUSE ON EAST CAPITOL EV„',!! ar , Library: 9 garages: yearly rent $6,400: traded for farm or business prop * r 'F; See Mr. Brown, with G. R. GII. j BB.UAJIi A sl l N. w 1233 New York ave. | _ SALE—BUSINESS PROPERTY. I RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E.—STORE • ft vacanl dent Ist offices and ap* I *??,-' -* f, ar built m garage; a.m.i.: income month without store*. Spl«ndid loca i tion for .» and 10c store, meat market. dr.v goods, electrician*?, poolroom or any other business, fan purchased at an attracts "fT:, Call RHODES 4 STEARNS. 110" Eye st. n.w. M 1363. 15* SPECULATORS!! A delicatessen, lunchroom proprietor o** K,nMint toro tl t’Y lor thl* building Betv r*en interior Department ano j 518^500^ avv Building. Bargain at 9th ST.—DOWNTOWN. A three-sforv fl.s.ft. front store with S rooms and hath above. Suitable for eithe” retail or wholesale business of most an* nature. When you st e this you will btiv li. Price. $27 500. PRATHER & ROBINSON, 514 15-10 Bond Bldg.. 114th and N. Y. Ave. Main 442. $8,500. Ist COMMERCIAL, j NEAR GOVT. BLDGS. Two-story brick building j just a few doors from se\ j eral main Government office j buildings. Can be easily re ■ modeled for delicatessen or j other local shop. Roomy j apartments upstairs. Bank and other substantial busi ness buildings immediatelv adjacent. Good speculative I or investment value. On 1 reasonable term sl ! Call Main 9300. Business Properties 1 lepi.. BOSS & PHELPS, 1417 K St. i I . ( : REMODEL THIS CORNER. Three-story brick build .) ing situated on splendid business corner, with car j stop immediately in front. • j Large corner store, several ’I line apartments and roonis brick commercial garage. I Present rental in excess of | $250 monthly. Less than j $2.”'.000 will buy this exccp ;! tion a I property, on excellent ! terms! 11 Call Main 9300. j Business Properties Dept., BOSS & PHELPS. 1417 K St. .! LOTS, i _ Ist Commercial. ; , havo just listed a fpw lots zoned f** | o’s, s ‘"f sß t-' n ..’ he commercial area of <*t ■ o,\ e Lattery Park. These lots are priced at 9" cents per square foot. Thev are ecr>- ! liOr 1 '' 3 "1 61 Z“ and should make'an egee’ I lent investment and speculation V] irr ! Ba,t «--v Park and Edcemoo, I n *”j \ er - v ,_ ramdlv and stores a-e ” ! rJffiH L T ?d '7 i i J wo chain stores have al *u ■ ncli! : d , 11 6uild in this square. I B -Stvrt- ,otß rPn:a! n unsold. PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT. HEDGES MIDDLETON. Inc., ft REALTORS. ■ ; QU-i-P-y* et. n W. Franklin 9503. I REXT—BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR LEASE. LARGE STORE WITH SHOP tn rear at 2022 14th st. n.w. Ideal for automobile or tire business. New and up • to date - large alley* m rear I _ JESSE L hEISKELL. 1 LLd Eve st NW. Main 668 ! i 4t !‘ e AND G!r *ARD STS. N.W —ENTIRE j first floor, consisting of large storeroom and a .V r : n • h ill. kit. and bath apartment story fireproof building, suitable for bat i tpr> an«J scrvk*c statjon. near corner 17th ami J* n.w., to for of rra j ALLAN E. WALKER & CO. INC .! _ -L-LSth. W Main 2000 SAI E—IWESTMKXT TROPTY. j FOR SAf.E—CONVERTED CORNER HOUSE three apartment*, in a good northwest iw* r Itmn: property priced to permit Durehagsr to profit by a probable first commercial zoo ing law. Address Box 456-H. Star office JB* 15% net: Owner, in need of oasli. -will a 4-storv apartment house in busy Columbia Heights . section at a figure which will show a 16*-. retuni on the investment: propertv in fine • onditjon and all apartments rented- S»2U|.iQU. Adam s_4 o^*2. 12% NET. " Me have for sale an apartment houte lo rated near George Washington University and Interior Department that nets IC«$ o tt money invested. Prii-e. $19,000 Tropertv m this section rents well and has cgcelleiil j future. I PRATHER & ROBINSON, 514-15-10 Bond Bldr.. 14th and N. Y. Ave. Main 442. , - Excellent Investment. Leased to Chain Store. A one-story store property fronting on two prominent streets with en- . trances on each street. Now on a five-year lease to A. A P. Grocery Co at S9OO per annum. Price. $8 350' Party must have large cash payment 1 A speculation as well as a sound In vestment. 1 BUSINESS PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT. HEDGES&MIDDLETON,Inc. Realtors. 1412 Eye Street N.W. Franklin 9503. Long-Term Investment. An unusual opportunity for a con servative investor. Store leased to I Sanitary Grocery Co. for 10 years at $975 per year, with privilege of five 1 i additional years at SI,OBO per annum. i orated on main artery in the District, luilding 24 leet wide, with concrete 1 cellar. Price. $9,760. We do not get 1 many like this in the course of a year and would suggest your immediate ac i tion. i v i BUSINESS PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT. i ! HEDGES&MIDDLETON,Inc. Realtors. 1412 Eye Street N.W. Franklin 9503. WANTED—APT. HOUSKS. APARTMENT HOUSE. FROM $60,000 TO $200,000. direct from owner: must show good income: $20,000 cash. Apply immedi ately if you offer money s uorth. Give full particulars with statement. H. S. GROGAN. Fast Fa tl« rim fell. Va. R KNT—FARMS. FOR SALE OR RENT—SMALL ACREAGE npar school: ideal store location: good roads Address Box 97-1). Star office. 14* IN NEARBY MD.—TRUCK AND POULTKt ■ farm, dwelling, other buildings: near school: good roads. Address Box 87-D. Star office. - | I”** WANTED—FAP.MS.' SMall acreage oft frARV. S-WAIIT suburb, that can be bought, reasonable on terms, a darns Bo* IJ-V, Star - m — «