Newspaper Page Text
SALE—FARMS. 1 A aXt. COMPRISING 371 ACRES OF vnu*h .'>•.s ar»* olonr. balance timt»cr. loyally l i»'*ated near Congressional Country Club. Soil very fertile, with running water through every Arid. Now rented on share*, with an approximate S? non cross yearly iiirome. Priced low at 5».X0.000 for quick sale. AUSTIN M. COOPER. Exclusive Atent. Main 1332. 870 1 ltli St. NAT. _ © ACRES OF LAND. ALL CLEARED. ON county road about \ mile from macadam rial 0*1;ton. Va. Six-room house, old. hut abitable; barn and sheds: beautiful shade tree*; some fru.t. Price. Sl.flOO; terms ar raored. PRATHER & ROBINSON, 514-15-16 Bond Bide . 14th tnd N. T. Ave. Mam 44". _ BALK—APARTMENT HOUBEB. ~ APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE. X.ESS THAN SEVEN TIMES INCOME. CHEAPEST RATES IN TOWN NEAR 14th ST. AND PARK RD. NEW BRICK BUILDING. Tor sale by owner and builder. 100-EOOT frontage. THIRTY BRIGHT APARTMENTS. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THIS. r , ADDRESS BOX 484-H. STAR OFFICE. i Small Apartment Building For Colored. Shows Excellent Return. A Very \YHI Constructed Fireproof Building. Located !n rood downtown section. off 14th street. Bulldiur contain* l * apar*ni*nt* of 3 rooms and bath and there Is a 12-car jr*ira«e on the rear of the lot. Property rented at $6,390 per year. Expenses very low. Can be bous-ht at very attrac tive flfure by party with some cash. For this ana other *ood investment opportunities consult our BUSINESS PROPERTIES DEPARTMENT. H EDGES & MIDDLETOWI nc. Realtors. 1412 Eye Street N.W. FrankliD 9503. FOR SALE—LOTS. BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOTS; SSO UP: size 25x100* terms. $3 down. S 2 month. GEO. E. JOHNSON. 008 10th n e. HAVING MOVED IX) CALIFORNIA. HAVE a*reral Cilery Chase lots I desire to sell. Box 103. Bcv.riy Hills. Cal f BEAUTIFUL WOODED BUILDING SITE Just '.rest of 1 tHh st . overlooking Rock Creek Bark, OWNER. Lincoln 8849 or Main 5974 VINE BUILDING SITE FOR HOME. FAC~ ing south just off of 10th st. Communi « ate with owner. 5529 13th st. n.w. 14* ONLY S2O MONTHLY WILL BUY TWO acres fine cleared land. Kensington. Md.: elec adjoining: only 82.000. Kensington 74 W. IB* GOOD BUILDING LOTS IN CIIEVY CHASE. T>. C.. arc almost, prohibitive in nrioe. How ever we have several well situated near Conn, ave that are priced right for build ing. They are the cheapest lots anywhere j near this desirable section. Quick action is | necessary to secure them. f HAS S. MUIR A CO 1403 New York Ave. Main 4935. BEAUTIFULTLOT IN SOMERSET - 75x140 ft.: all improvements: many shad* trees: I a -cry desirable bungalow site. PRATHER & ROBINSON, 51415 I<s Bond Bldg. BEAT. WITH US—RESULTS SINCE 1898 ! Two lots. Kennedy st.. east of Blair rd.. j high elevation. 81,850 for both cheap on! your terms or trade for income property. I Six lots on Hutchins pL. just west of dis tributing re«ervolr. 25x185 ft. each, non resident owner wants an offer of $750 each. I 8260 cash each, balance to suit or will take small investment property in part payment. Twenty lots near Eastern Star Home. iu«t east of X. K. ave.. when extended. Quick sale take 5050 each on your terms or will trade lor improved property and add some cash. X. E. RYOX CO.. IXC.. 1423 F St. N.W. Main 4597. Buv YOUR LOT Now. ' BUILD WHEN READY. WEST CHEVY CHASE HEIGHTS. A Restricted Subdivision. ONLY 15 LEFT On Highland Ave.. To Be Bought At Present Low Prices. Water. Sewer. Gas. Electricity, Sidewalks and Good Street*. i Prices Advance January Ist. THOMAS E. HAMPTON. _ Tel. Betheada 244. _ BEAUTIFUL LOT.~ 16th Street Heights—7oxl4o containing all Improvements and many beautiful trees. Price, tjoc foot. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 1407 N. Y. Ave. Mam 1166. THOS. D. WALSH fls 11th St. N.W. Main 7358-7559. V ery desirable lots— Between Fessenden st. and River road, near Wisconsin ave.. 20 very nice lots with a frontage of 40 to 55 feet and a depth of 325 to 140 feet. Ont-of-town owner has listed 18 lot* near New Hampshire ave. and North Capitol st.: £repriced reasonable lor a quick eale. Just 7 miles from D. C.. a 39-acre farm j at Redds Comer. 6-room house, several out- | Buildings, nice orchard. 54.500. (trust j 51.5001 will sell on easy terms or trade for’ ■ ity property. At Cedarvitlc. -15 miles from D. C.. a i HOO-acre farm with an abundance of pulp i wood, adjoining railroad, owner gone to i Florida: will sacrifice for cash. THOS. D. WALSH 813 71th St, N.W. Ma n 1358-7559. 17* i AGAIN— We advise the purchase of ground for in- I ' estment near Naval Hospital and New Me- ! norial Bridge. Have one lot at 60e and « os at 76c sq. ft. to offer this week only. PRATHER & ROBINSON, 514-15-16 Bond Bldg.. 14th and N. V. Ave. Main 442. REAL ESTATE LOANS. QUICK LOANS. D. C. M.D. AND VA " Second trust notes purchased: collateral loans made on real estate notes: short tima building loans, w. w. McCLAINE. Main 5281. Continental Trust Building. 14th and H «t«. n.w PRIVATE PARTY DESIRES TO PURCHASE several rood second trusts at reasonable dis . ount. Phone Adams 748. • MONEY TO LOAN ON If. C. REAL ESTATj m any amount at prevail'd* Interest. JES9B | 1,. HfcTSKELL. 1115 Eye at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANT /.MOUNT ON j first and second mortgages. Lowest Interest i :*•*». Quick action. CAFRIT7, CO.. INC. | 1400 K st. Main 9030. Telephone earring I eveninga until 9 p.m. MOULD LIKE TO BORROW $4,50(1. first mortgage on a 6-room modern home in northwest, with a garage: no brokers. Ad o ■•«* Box 480 11. Star office MONEY TO LOAN ATs>,*> ON IMPROVED ■iroperty tn the District of Columbia. Chevy i base andTakoma Park, Maryland. Residence loans up to SI 5.000.00 specially desired. Unusually attractive terms on large amounts. H. L. RUST COMPANY, 012 15th Stre.t N.W. Main 0888. Loan Correspondent The Prudential Insur snee Company of America. INVESTING IN OUR PARTICULAR BUSINESS. WHETHER THE SUM BE $lO OR 810.000. 0% TO H'r AND MORE. WITH SAFETY EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY. UNION TRUST BLDG. M6n£y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE AT 5 y 3 % AND 6% INTEREST LOW COMMISSION. Tyler & Rutherford, Inc., 1018 VERMONT AVE. N.W. NO WAITING". Ist. 2nd AND 3rd TRUST LOANS. 11. I. COLEMAN. 1410 G ST N.W RSI 111 IR. 8338. 19* ; MONEY AT fl PER CENT AVAILABLE r'Olt loans on improved city property, anv amount Applications answered immediately. WARDMAN. 1430 K St Main 3830. MONEY TO LOAN ON I). C REAL ESTATE. Let Us have your application EDWARD P. SCHWARTZ. INC.. 734 15th n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT FOR 3 or 5 years to be eecured upon first mortgages in the District of Columbia. Installment loan# made tn Washington end nearby in Maryland and Virginia on the 10-year monthly install ment plan, providing for cancellation of the mortgage in ca»» of the death of the borrower. E.QUINCY SMITH, In-.. 002 15th. QUICK SERVICE—SECOND TRUST NOTES bought cm D. C. and nearby .’a and Md. im proved real estate. Also first-trust notes fought on acreage, buildtnr lots and farma Also builders and subdivision operators financed. Cash enables you to make addi tional profits It will nay vou to talk your financial problems over with FULTON R. GORDON. Continental Trust Bldg.. 14th £ H sta. Main 5231 | MONEY TO LOAN uN D C. REAL ESTATB at 614. 6 and OH per cent interest, accord ing to class of security and amount. Con struction loans madia also, strucu MOORE * HILL. INC.. 730 17th St. aN'CMJSUAL OFFER FOR LOT OWNERS, Vs Md D. U. 2nd mortgage construction loans to run three years, brokerage 2Cc. Lot must be clear and plans approved by lender. Can also place first mortgage. Lowest rate. Address Box 11-V, Star office. • vg~ ARE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR the Metropolitan loans iii nearby Virginia "üburbs, which has on unlimited amount of money to loan at 0 r - for periods rangiug from 3 to 15 years. GRAHAM A OGDEN. Realtors, wAw YVuuuaanl lliua. -K<un ouaii. J REAL ESTATE. HIGH LIGHTS OF HISTORY The Election of Monroe. BY J. CARROLL MANSFIELD Rfigtwd U. S, Patent Office. □HE Pfaj-SiDEWTIAI. ELECTION OF \% l b (SO OMROE BRCA*S THE Ol“ *TH£ LIME WE CmBBoJ EIeWMA MAM WELL PITTED *TO j RESULTBt> IMA SwEEPimQ VICTORY FOR. THe OF VIRGINIA REPOO).ICAN PRESI&BNTS, Wfflk \ W|| DIRECT THE COUMTRV INI "TUB T|M6 VHS eebeRSLISVS VCRV ANb CH iHt f2*u~AU^ Tuem CAWnibAVS.RueuS KIMSr.MAS SgAVSH y iSoRIHd VMS WAI2 oe IglU HE HAb CoWCV or MAVISMAI.I2ATioU.eRoVeCTIOM SVAN Ri-SCToSAi. VOTE OS ISS To 34. • U|E MAb Spent MUCH-TIMS ABROAb OH bISPSAVEb HARKEb AOIXIVV AS SECRSTAAV Ajgfc, IWfTEftWAI. IMPROVEHRMTS. ,g>./eir «v .a receea. ,weces. bIPAOMAVIC MISSIONS. or STATE uHt>6* PRESIbCMT MAEISOM . RKAL ESTATE IIIANS, ; (Continued.) | MONEY ALWAYS IN HAND FOB LIBERAL ) loans on D C. real estate; prevailing intereel . and commission rates. _ STONE A FAIRFAX. 1312 N. Y. Ave. REAL ESTATE LOANS—FIRST AND SEC ond trusta: refinancing: construction loans; obj. 0 and 6fa per cent Interest. Quick action. N. L. SANS BURY CO.. INC.. 1418 Eye St. N.W Main 5904. QUICK "MONEY TO LEND: 2nd AND 3rd TRUSTS. *2OO TO 54,000 ON MARYLAND AND D. C HOMES THREE DAYS TO COMPLETE TRANSACT TION9. COURTEOUS SERVICE. C. F. WARING. 1419 F ST. N.W MAIN 9172 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED I). C PROPERTY. RESIDENTIAL and business. PREVAILING INTEREST RATES. Wm. 11. Saunders Co., Inc., „ REALTORS. _ 1433 K St. N.W. Main 1910. 1917. MONEY TO LOAN. 3. 5 and 10 years, secured by Erst trust un improved District and nearby Maryland properly. Randall H. Hagner & Co., Main 9700. 1.321 Conn. Ave. M.W. ~ .MO\K\ lO I.OAV MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS AND TRUCKS. >ou keep the car; no delay: confidential. I Mr. Monk. 477 Missouri ave n.w. 19• LOANS OE SSO TO SIOO CAN BE SECURED I on furniture and personal property. CHAT- I j TEL TITLE CO- INC.. 805 sth «t. n.w. t I SALE—St Bl KB \N FROPEKTY. j i 1 ACRE GROUND:’ EIGHT ROOM AND j bath hous<*: hot-water heat: electric light*: : I cellar: garage: chicken house; beautiful 1 shade and fruit frees: 200 yards from Co !( lumbia pike. Va.: pri.*e and terms low for ! qumk -.ale: a real bargain. GF.O L. JOHN- ! SOX. 908 1 Otll n ,e. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOVV. - LAUGL _ LdT: j »ever, water and electricity: 10 minutes' ride I j from city, in nearby Maryland: small cash i payment and $45 month, including all inter- j est._ Address Box 50-11, stai office. 15* BEAUTIFUL TAKOM A PARK—ATTRAC- i live new home of seien rooms and bath, i with very special features, located at 121 j Flower a\e.: SIO,OOO value for $8,950. F. I I SMITH, owner and builder. Adams 4312-J. 19• j KENSINGTON—BUNGALOW, NEW MOD eru. large lot. garage: $0,300: only s3oo] cash. S6O mouth, including interest. Owner. , Kensington 129-J. • J FOR A QUICK SALE. AT A SACRIPCE. by the owner; a seven-room house in Wood ridge. newly decorated: reasonable t»rnn; can be inspected by appointment. (all North 9728. Ki^_ HOME SITES FOR HOMEFEEKERS. Desirable and beautiful building lots: fine elevation: choice wootied se-tion: price rea sonable: terms to suit purchaser. Address Box 200-H. Star office 14* NEW STUCCO FIVE - ROOM BUNGALOW! J a.m.i.. \ acre. $5,300; 0 rooms, 1 acre. ! same price: Arlington. Va. Phone Mr. ALLEN. Main 92. 16* | TWO ACRES. 4 R. AND B. BUNGALOW a.m.i.. pas. Chevrolet auto: $o.f»00: reason- ; i able terms. Mam 15fM. 1 .'H>3 H t»t. n,u. • , i \ ACRE. SILVER SPRING. MD. 3-R. bungalow, 40 fruit trues: 4ash. SS*J.SU a, month. I.’iO.’i H n.w. Mam 1503. * 1.05 ACRES. 725 FT. ON BALTIMORE pike: Dutch colonial. 5 r. and b.. a.m.i.: mutable for tea house. Main 1593. 1303 H st. n.w. * j $0,009: S6OO CASH. SOO MO.—GENUINE bargain, new seml-hungalov : 7 r. Ab.: 4 bedrooms, oak floors, attractively papered: I large cellar: laundry trays. 6832 Sherrier pi.. Potomac Hts.. D C. Frank. 4110. 16* COMPARISON WILL DETERMINE YOUR decision to purchase this beautiful 5-room bungalow with tile-floored bath, hot-water heat, large attic, concrete cellar and sleeping porch: located on large lot in the exclusive suburb of North Woodside. Md. Price. $7,500: $760 cash and SOO monthly. WOOD FIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. Phone Wood j side 109 ; TAKOMA PARK BEAUTIFUL DUTCH ! colonial house. 0 large rooms, sleeping | 1 porch, side porch, pantry, garage, fins fire- | | place and built-in bookcase*: street paved: i . lot 60x130: plenty of shrubbery and trees: ! ] 3 blocks to car and stores. 1 block to j , school- positively the best buy in tbe city I ; at $8,300: 81.000 cash, balance convenient. I ! MORTGAGE finance COUPS’.. 355 Cedar Ft.. Takoma Pari:. Col. 881. j NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW IN NEARBY 1 Md.: els,-.. pineWs furnace: good neighbor- j hood: price. $2,250; SSOO down and $75 per i month. The J. W. HOLLOWAY CO.. 1110 I st. n.w, Franklin 898, LEAVING FOR FLORIDA—WILL 8A( Ri fle* beautiful little bungalow: four rooms, hath. French doors and windows, porches, electricity, garage, comer lot 60x210. close 1 tn churches, school, stores, street ears: bus ! ? asses door: $3,750 or will rent completely urnished to responsible party. Address Box 63, Va. 15* WHITE OR COLORED. For sale—Eleven beautiful, real snappy bungalows in exclusive Hillbrook. on 44th. Hayes and Galt sts. n.e.. half block from Dean ave. car line, now under construction. Five rooms and bath, hardwood floors, cel lar. furnace heat, electric lights, sun porches and French doors. Price. $5,830 to $0,600: S6OO to SOOO cash, balance S6O to $56 per month. Apply rjuioK before all are sold. MRS L. fe. LOWE. 1851 3rd St. N.W. I Phone X. 0308-W after 4:30 p.m. • ATTENTION! 5 and 6 room houses, all conveniences. Well built and good looking. $7,500 and up. Easy terms. THOMAS K. HAMPTON. Bethesda. M<l THOSn .“HENDRICKS <“<!>.. 11 lv>e Highway. Cherrydale. Va. p or s; a ip—Small Payments. Easy Terms. ST 000—-7 rooms, large lot. a.m.i.. garage. $5 960—6 rooms, a.m.i.. shade, garage. $9.000 —it rooms, exceptional valu-. garage. *5 000—5 rooms, attic, a.m.i.. large lot. FOR RENT. tBO —4 rooms, breakfast alcove, a.m.i. 66—7 rooms, newly decorated, a.m.i. $30 —4 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. electricity. THOS. C. HENDRICKS CO. Clarendon 247-W-2. • HYATTSVILLE HILLS. Across the street from High School. Beautiful Home Sites. Water—Sewer—Electricity. $5 Down—s 3 Month. Price S3OO and Up. O. B. ZANTZIXGER, Phone Hyatts. 72. Hyattsvllle. Md. Hvattsville and Vicinity. 4 r. A hath bungalow: elec. lights, etc.: 54.500: S2OO unsh. S4O month. 6-r. A hath bungalow; a.ui.i.: p. furnace; price. $5,250: $250 caeh. $45 month. sr. A bath hunxelow: a.m.i.; IVt blocks from Balto. pike: price «5.i)00. ! New 5-r. & hath bungalow with sleeping i porch: 300 feet from bus line and Balto. pike- price *6.000: terms. 5-r. & bath bungalow: floored attic: a.m.i.: | fireplace: h.-w-.h.: price $6,750; terms. : 6-r. & bath bung., ’a block from bus line. In D. C. one car fare: price. $0,500; SSOO t cash. S3O month. S-r. A bath house, a.m.i.. on paved street, best section Hyattsville: price. $8,500: terms. 8-r. A 2-bath house. 2 acres, on concrete roail: fruit: garage: price. $12,000- terms. 9-r A bath housß. 4-r. tenant house. 70 acres; close to Balto. pike; price. $15,000: terms. 14-r. A hath house, about 1 acre; a.m.i.: H block car line and Balto. pike: price. $ I’.OHO for quick sale. Pee our list of homes, farm*, lots and business sites before buying elsewhere. O. B. ZANTZIXGER, Realtor. , . ... Phone Hyattsville 72. Hyattsville. Md. ONLY $7,500. for this splendid new- house. Five rooms and tiled bath on first floor, two rooms on second floor Best frame construction, sub floors sub-siding, hot-wafer heat, hardwood floors'- light, dry concrete basement. 28 by ! ;{p All modern conveniences, excellent neighborhood. schools. stores. churches, j •ransportatlon facilities. In D C.. 3 miles from the Capitol. ALGER A CO.. I<3~ Eye 'nearby VIRGINIA. •’5 minutes to city. Auto, bus or electric. An opportunity—owner going south and will sell house, furnished or unfurnished. The house is colonial type. 9 rooms and bath, spwer. water and gas. laundry trays h.-w heat hardwood floor*, open fireplace Fivnch doors, large porches, etc.: lot .6x140; hedge and shrubbery: fine neighborhood: excellent location; *-» block to cars and bus line; dose to schools, stores, etc. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 NEW TGBK AVE. MAIN I 1 *i(>. . see JIB. CABVBR. THE EVENING BTAR. WASHINGTON. D. C„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1925. j SAl.t—hi m i. :i i.Ol tlii Y. t I NOW IS~THE TIME WHEN WE ALL aP : preciate a nh-e. comfortable home. See our Three Cozy Bungalows. .3100 Block Channing St. N.E. Five rooms and hath, hardwood floors throughout, floored attic, elec, and furnace heat. Cellar with laundry trays Lot 50x 158. $0,760 to $64(50: $350 cash, $55 mo. GARMfeN BROS., 2423 Bladensburg Rd. Lincoln 9400. HYATTSVILLE, MD. New 6-room and hath houae; oak floors, open fireplace, sleeping porch, li.-w.h.: cor ner lot with oak grove: on terms better than 1 rent, from owner. WM. A. IAGER, Owner. | Phone Hyatts. 910 or 189-R. 10* _ j TWO BIGGEST BARGAINS. By owner. Lyon Tark. Va.. on Oak and Kern cts.—Ju«t completed, beautiful 6-r. and ( tile-bath bungalow; built-in tub. oak floors, h.-w.h.. elec, and gas: cellar under entire house: laundry trays: nice, shady lot: garage to match house. Only $7,160. Beautiful stucco bungalow. 6 r. and tile bath: built-in tub: h.-w.h.. gas. elec.; large attic, apace for 3 rooms, beautilul corner, shady lot. 00x150: garage to match house: large cellar: laundry trays: oak floors: open 1 fireplace: open stairs. And only $8,250. Term* arranged. L. V. ROBERTSON. UR. 4110. EVENINGS. | 15* COTTAGE CITY. ! New lour anti five room bungalows with | every convenience: beit location: near to ' care, storea ami school; Immediate poases sion. Pri«*e. $3,550 to s7.ftoo. Cash re : quired. $250 to SSOO. Monthly payments, * which include all interest. $40.50 to $65. ! To inspect T»ropertiee take G nt* can* and i set off at ee-'ond atop beyond >ft. Rainier. Any one will dire* t you to our office. Or ; drive out the Baltimore boulevard to Cottage j 'UIIAS. M. LIGHTBOWN, Owner and Builder. No. 4 Decatur St . Uuttsge City. Phone Hyattsville 964-W. 15* I ’ ~ CLARENDON. Near Clarendon school, lot 50x112. I modern 5-r. and b. bungalow, h.-w.h . 1 etc Only $0,700. 81.000 caah. bal i ain-c easy. LYON \ ILL AGE. Larae lot desirably located, im proved by modern 5-r. and b. bunra low. hud. floors, raraire. etc.: idesl bocie at £“.750. $750 cash, balau.e to auit. DEL RAY. Close to Alexandria bus and car line, new- modern 5-r. and b. bunga- I low; large lot: worth about SI.OOO more than asking price on cash pav ; rnent. 8250. balance 845 mo. BEFORE BUYING —Suburban home*, lots, farms or acreage tracts on or near Wilson blvd.. Lee highway, in Arlington ami Fairfax Uountle*. consult our sub- I urban and farm d*pt. in Clarendon ! office, open evenings. X. E. RYOX CO.. INC, 1004 Wilson Blvd, Clarendon 282-J-2. SILVER SPRING. HOUSES. LOTS. ACREAGE. FRANK L. HEWITT. SILVER SPRING, MD. WOODSIDE 137. A BEAUTIFUL HOME *—located on an attractive gradual sloping ter race with 150 feet of front parking. This property undoubtedly has a great future and should prove to be a most satisfactory : nom». splendidly constructed and attractive ly arranged. 2 stories and cellar. 0 rooms. 1 'e’etition hall and Inclosed sleeptng porch. ! hot-wat-r h»at. electric light, oak floor*, i oueii fireplace, front and rear porch, alto 'l»ck front porch; 1-acre lot: 2-car garage ; w Ith cement runway: private driveway in from nt house, lot fronts on paved State boulevard: bus stop in front of premia**: ’ i near high and graded school, churches. : stores bank, etc. All sold but one. FTice, $12,750. Terms. GARDINER & DENT. INC., Main 4884. 1409 L St. N.W. BROOKLAXD, 1305 Oti§ Street N.E. Two-apartment, detached home, fix and tire room*, modem Improvement* ; $8,750. Owner. • TF YOU WANT REAL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY INSPECT THIS WELL BUILT, NEW SIX-ROOM HOME. ALL ROOMS LARGE. OVER 54-ACRE LOT. S2OO CASH. $45 MONTH. ONLY $4,975. House 30x20. contains 6 large room*, arge pantry, electricity, concrete cellar, pine less furnace: room for bath without fixtu-es •i large bedroom* (one on let floori. large cloeet*. shade* throughout, front porch 8x30: air** email back porch, concrete block foun dation: lot contains 24.710 sq. ft. (well over > acre i. 211 feet front: ha* many shade tree*, outside sanitary toilet: electric motor .or pumping water: porcelain sink and 30- gallon hot-water boiler attached to pipele** furna'-e; house double-elded, building paper between: waterproof wax paper used under all roofing shingle*; best paint used outride: varnish on inside woodwork and floors (3 coats); house well built and well plastered. We invite Inspection by builder or carpenter: construction the very best; union day labor. Property Seated at Barcroft. Va.. 0 mile* to White House. Title perfect. Twenty-six houses sold in 20 months. Two blocks to new $30,000 school recently completed. To Inspect take Columbia pike bus (34 trip* each way per day) at 13th and Pa. ave. n.w. or call office and we will take you In auto. WALTER O’HARA, . „ . . OWNER. I Specialize in Nearby Virginia. Main 2450. 1309 H St. N.W. ONLY $4,200. ~ A cozy home. 5 room* *nd tun parlor stucco xaragre. chicken house, etc., on about U acre ground, beautiful tree*, flower* . and lawn: houte clear and can sell on term* to reliable purchaser or allow substantial | discount for cash; bus stop at comer; nearby | Virginia: must sell before* Nov. l. Clar. 645-W-2. WOODRIDGE, D. C. New 6-room Dutch colonial house. 1 square JR. I. ave.: lot 60x160: hardwood floors, fireplace, h.-w.h.; must be seen to be I appreciated; price less than $10,000: easy terms. New 6-room semi-bungalow 44 square R I. ave.; fine location: paved streets, deep lot; lovely home; price. $10,160: suitable terms. Nearly new 5-room bungalow at District line. 2 squares from car line: built-in ga rage; etrlctly modern; price, $0.750: $650 cash: S4O per month. Six-room house for rent. LINLEY H. NIX. 2106 R. I. Ave. N.E. Phone North 7203. Reridenc* North 615. RENT—SUBURBAN PROPERTY. CHEVY CHABE. MD—SEVEN ROOMS, hath, porch**: eingln garage: beautiful sur rounding*: a.m.i.; reduced to $76 mo. Phone Adams 0782. 15* 2 SPLENDID HOMES. ONE FARE: ELEfri tricity, ptpeless furnace: one with big wood*, stream and orchard. S3O: high loca tion. rich land: high and common schools. Mr. PERKIN 9. Central ave.. opp. Md/ Park. C ABIN JOHN PARK. MD.. FIRST $T.— 4-room bungalow, fur. or unfur.; large sleep ing poroh. elec., water in house, garage; short walk to car line. S3O. Phone Col. 5806-J. 6-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRICITY. WATEfc at door; immediate possession; *26. L. H. JUDD. cor. Chestnut et. and Hodge lane Takoma Park. Md. !♦« ’ FOR RENT—MODERN HOUSE. BUNGA low and atoms in Hystteville: well located' reasonable rent. DAVID VEXEZKY. Phone touueuUuo. UyktW'iilie, Md. 15 • ; UU.VI—SU iti ~•> A . A ■ Ifimr-wl 1 I C-ROOM HOUSE. H.-A.H . i.i.anw . I light*. S4O per month. Phone North 615.1. j TAKOMA PARK. HOUSES FOB RENT — I Tiimishea and unfurnished, S6O per month ' up. 5 room* furnished. ?<ls, H room* fur- I nikhed. $100: 7 room* modem, h.-w. beet. I etc., garage. SBO. LIILIE * HENDRICK. ! corner Laurel and Carroll. Takoma Para. I Col. bS2fl ! LEE HEIGHTS, VA. 5 room*, unfurnished SSO mo. 7 rooms, partly furnished 100 mo. , 7 rooms, furnished 100 mo. i To inspect, inquire at Lee Heights on I*e highway, 25% miles beyond T Cey ! bridge. RUBY LEE MIXAR, IXC. 1 Owner and Developer of Lee Heirht* on the | Lee highway. v..rl; gy. Main 1144 14* ; SALE OR RENT—SUB. PROP’TY. | NEW 6*R. i h BUNGALOW. BAY WIN-' dow. porches. built-in garage: will rent: | hall, a.m.t.: near liitli rt ext. Price low al i $5.1*00: *2OO cash. S6O mo M LOWE. ! owner. Grk'-c Church rn.. Woodside. M i 30* j DEAL WITH US—RESULTS SINCE 1K96. Clifford st. near Montrose. Del Hay. Va.. 2 new 5 r. hungalow*. big lots, j only S4O month each. Tuxedo. Md.. this side of Chererly Gardens, about a nnle north of ter minal of Kenilworth electric cars. I first stop on Pa. R R. from Union 1 Station. acre lot. 4 r. house, no modem improvements. A bargain. $1,760, easy terms, or rent sls mo j X. E. RYOX CO.. IXC.. | 1473 F St. N.w. 1004 Wilson Rlvd. ) FOB SALE—HOUSES. OWNER MUST DISPOSE OF NEARLY new ten-room house, with four baths and :«o-car built-in garage: near Chevy Chase Cirele. P. C : one block from cars (tore*. | school and churches: exceptional buy: reu- I sonable terms might consider renting. AJ- I dress Box 4PH-A. Star office, 'ONE OF BEST N.W SECTIONS —20-FT 1 Gruvir-bullt home of 6 rooms bath. large | porches and garage: very low price and rja- I sonable terms. Phone Adam* 1383. 19* WILI. SELL BEI.OW ACTUAL CO«T BUN eaiow on River rd.. D. C. line: all improve ment*. Apply 1308 Kenyon st. n.w. •"* SACRIFICE MY BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW of 3 rooms, tiled bath, h.-w.h.. e!e>.. oak floor*, fireplace, full cellar. roomy atic. large porch: n.w. section: l»re» lot. Apply 020 Southern Bldg Main 6287. SOMERSET. MI) . ONE-HALF MILE WEST Chevy Chase Circle—Beautiful bungalow 40x40; 0 large rooms sleeping porch - baths. 7-car garage, a m i.: lot SOxl.o: mg bargain. Will rent till May 1920. Cleve. 1490. NORTH CLEVELAND PARK. 3905 WlN doni pi.—Semi-detached briclt. 6 rooms and bath: ami.: 2-car garage: very cheap: easy term*. Cleveland 1490. 1860 ONTARIO PL N.W—VERY DE9lß ahie 0-room and bath brick home: am i . I h.-w.h.. double brick garage. ENION ! REALTY CORPN.. 410-411 Evan* Bldg. Main $415. _ IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOME AND DO not have the first payment, we will help you. Addre** Box 222-ls. Star office. 1 * CHEVY CHASE. D. C— BEAUTIFUL HOME of 11 room*. 3 bath* and shower*: exqut altely arranged and finished: beautiful rround*. built-in garage. conservatory: re fined neighborhood. Apply 0"-0 Southern Bldg. SEND FOR PHOTO—ATTRACTIVE OR attic, fireplace. slate roof- 2-car gar., shade, fruit, tree*, grape arbor: 80 *ll9 : near bus. n.w. Di*t. LEE ROS 3. 807 H *t. n.w M. 8030. ii NORTH CLEVELAND PARK: PRETTY DE tached home: 8 bright room*, bath: large porch**: oalt fioor*; h.-w.h. ;*late roof: lot 30x100. Price only $10,960: attractive term*; only borne in thi* vicinity »t such a low ncure and i§ one of tne be<t. Clev. 1400 SEMI-BUNGALOW. VACANT. LARGp. C <5Sb ner lot. reetnotefl uhite location. Randle Hifhlandi: bu« «tou at door; 5 larje rooms.! tiled bath. Classed sleeping T*orch. built-in f csrajre. hardwood floors, etc. Si*.3oo; SI,OOO cash. Address Box 430-H. Star offW. EXCELLENT DETACHED HOME. I ’ with house contains 10 room** and ! j bsth; situated on lot 05x110, in a delight | ful neirhborhood riffht in the city. . gome south, and the prio#* is low. Puone • Adams 8371. BROWNER —BARGAIN —2-STORY. 6 R 4c hatn. bay window, brick, with aarace; north east. Only $5,930. unencumbered. Prioe cut for all cash. Address Box -29*11, Star office. J Make Offer —Anxious to Sell. 1427 Morse st. n.e.—Gruver home. 2 years old, a.m.t., excellent condition: 3 Urge porcheg: beautiful lot. 130 ft. deep: hard wood floor* »nd trim. ONLY $360 CASH—ON MD. AVE. N.E. —7 room*. bath. h.-w.h.. elec.: room for garage- In rood condition. Term* can be arranged like rent. RHODE9 A STEARNS. _ 1100 Eye 9t, N.W. Main 1383. lo* NEAR UNION STATION—FOR COLORED— -8 room*, bath: a good brick house; con veniently located ana can be bought on very easy term*. RHODES t STEARNS. . . 1100 Eye 9t. N.W. Main 1303. T3* GOING TO FLORIDA AFTER PUTtCHAS tng new n.w. bungalow. I will resell It at SIOO ca*h and $75 per month for a quick sale: les* than purchase price. Address Box 80 V. Star office, 15* COLORED —2 - STORY. 8 • Rosm house near 11th and Harvard *t*.: 4 bed- I rooms on second floor: hot-water heat. elec. This ie a very desirable house and in excel lent condition. Price reasonable .easy terms. DONNELLY A PLANT. INC.. n.w. Columbia 838. Phone service to 0 p.m. $8.050—5300 CASH. 1981 4th ST. N.E. Brick home. 7 rooms and hath: furnace, electricity, two porch**: room for garage; excellent condition: SB2 per month covert, everything. PHILIP GREENWELL. Bethes da .->5 or Main 4072. WE HAVE AN INTERESTING LIST OF reasonably priced n.w. and n.e. property. If you want to buy or sell, call Cleveland 1208. 15* 15th AND PA. AVE. S.E. SB.SOO—A home you will be delighted to own: 2-story hrtck of 6 rooms, hath, co lonial front and rear porches; electric lights: lot 126 feet deep, planted with roses, grape arbor and other beautiful flowers: fireproof cement garage. Easy terms. Main 753. CORNER HOME FACING ON A WIDE AVE nue close to Lincoln Park: a very attractive 2-»tory brick of six (6 l large rooms and bath. There are no trusts on the property. Will sell on very convenient terms. Main 753. Agent* please do not cal). 0 ROOMS—COLORED —NEAR CATMfbL: hath. gas. latrobe: paved “through” street, alley; bargain: small cash payment. Mr. NYCE. Lincoln 10042 • 7 Rooms! 4 bedrooms; pktwoßVh: bargain: h.-w.h.. cement porches front and rear: gas and elec.: servant's toilet: paved street: garage. If you want 3-room-deep type home, see this. Terms. Mr. N.vce. L. 10042. * 19th BT.. MT. PLEASANT—HOUSE. 9 ft. 2 b.. a.m.1.: excellent home: colonial style: asking 918.600. MACEOCAGAIN & PARKS. ) 1024 Vermont are, n.w. Main 5507. Six rooms and £ath. i4th st. higiT lanas: near two car lines and schools: direct from owner: will sacrifice at $0,600. No agents need reply. Address Box 87-V. Star office. 16* NOTICE. COLORED—-kiAR Ist' AND QL V E n.w.: 9 nice rooms. h.-w.h.. elactriclty: two- easy terms. Mr. HAINEs.^Mam LARGE 9-ROOM H6mE IN COLUMBTS Heights, near Tivoli Theater and Park rd.: a.ra.i.: porchea: eloo.: excellent room-renting section: very satisfactory terms. Call Mr. NYCE, Lincoln 10042, to Inspect » 0 ROOMS. BATH. BRICK; 820 M B.E. Colored—Small cash payment, balance like rent: a bargain by owner. Apply 201 15th n .e. Lincoln 2819. 16* CORNER. 8-RM. AND BATH BRICK HOME, facing oark: parquet floors like new; glassed-in sleeping porch, built-in garage; no nicer home in Georgetown; shown by ap pointment. OWNER GOING T 6 FLORIbA. SELLING' beautiful home. 20 ft. wide: white parquet floor, two gas logs, porches, screens, awn ings: room for garage: lust off of 14th and Perry pi. Call Main 1191 for inspection. FOR COLORED. DOWNTOWN —8 ft. AND B. ■ brick houae with large chicken yards: garage on wide alley: SSOO cash and easy monthly payments. Owner must sell quickly. Call Main 1191 for a bargain. *HOOJI itOME ON N. OAROLINA AVt.. A blocks from the Capitol: fine condition; i widow lady forced to sell: $7,950: want offer; terms. Mam <B3l. I>. ! !' FOR COLORED—CORNER BRICK. CENTER i .entrance, ti r. and b.. furnace heai: rooms I huge and light; nicely arranged for renting: 1 nice 3 ard fa'ing park: S6OO cash and easy payment*. Call Main 1101. 0 RMS.. BATH. 3 PORCHES. It] deco lot. immediate possession. 2410 3rd st. n.e. Iff* | CATHEDRAL AVE.. FACING PARK. , Beautiful location. H room*, tile bath, tile ; lavatory, sleeping porch. breakfa»t POfch, h.-w.h.. am i excellent condition: I Phone Col. 8855-W, 18* SI2.9SO—EASY TERMS. SAI L S ADDITION. Think of buying a beautiful 7-rooni house I in Saul * Addition for the price asked for ! this one: modern in every respect: garage to i vole, paved alley; in ideal location near two ; i-ar lines, schools: only 1 1 J blocks off 14th si. Call Col. 6315. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. | A REAL BUY. 7-room tapestry hrp-«c in ideal location, on j wide, paved street, near two car lines: large trout porch, sleeping porch, brick garage to wide paved allev. instantaneous heater 5 tons ot coal: will sell with house. Price i* I right and easy terms Col. 6616. „ 710 EYE ST. N.E. MAIN 0908. | One of the ip« homes that can be bought in thin section: contains 7 rooms ami hath: hot-water heat, electricity; two t'-ar porches: can be bought on easy terms: nine ton* of coal with house. $8,250. $6,800. B st. se. near fith—7-room brick house, m excellent condition: all conveniences: near two car lines: close lo the Llorary of Con j erc-» and the l apitol. A bargain on rea I sonable tern.*. Call GLADMAN. Lincoln 348. 30t! Pa ave s.e. ! „ CHEVY CHASE, D. C. AND MD? —Semi detached. 0 rooms, sleeping porch. ! ga:ag» $11,600. 1 I—Detached brick-stucco, just finished: i excellent house; corner Conn. ave. in Mary- I land; S7O.Mm. I I —Sam* kind. Just off Conn. ave.. $18,300. | I—Particularly handsome house 12 rooms. 3 baths, garage: $27,500. Owner wants to sell. I—B rooms, separate garage: all cypre** shingle,; specially designed; pre-war built: excellent condition. , I—s-room. bath. inclo*ed-porch bunga low in Bethel*. $3,000 WASHINGTON DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. I—Handsome residence, palati*! rooms, lye *t. between 18th and 10th; $40,000: would cost $70,000. I—9 rooms, bath, on Eye about 5 block* west of White House: $0 000 ... F C. LA SALLE BRYANT. 808 l,th. Mam 2829. AN UNUSUAL VALUE IN THIS TfCMf. There are ~ix well planned room*, the house being larger than the u,ual home being 06 It in depth on a lot of about 140 ft. deen. with a Urge oak tree in the rear yard: house is heated by hot water, has electric lirht*. oak trimmed throughout, and can be bought on payment* of st}o per month. Including all interest. Don't overlook thi* bargain. Will con*ider trading a desirable lot lor equity COURT AMI BUCHANAN MAIN 444. NEW BRICK HOME. FOUR ROOMS AND bath: electric lirhts and hot-water heat; hal'd wood, floor*; convenient location '•mall oa,h payment and monthly terms only PHELPS 149 THIRD ST NE Bo9s 4 I FOR SALE IBY OWNER” Large five-room and bath. new. mod ern bungalow-, ij block from Mas*, ave. n.w. extended; large lot to alley: $7,300 and easy term*. Will consider offer. Addres* Bex >lB-V. Star office. FINE N.E. LOCATION BRAND-NEW nonie of n r. Hnd n.. modem in ©very trar ts'ro!! 1 very easy terms: less thin SB.OOO m price. Call Ciev. 4iiiio. 16* SIII.6OO—ATTRACTIVE fl-RM.. BATH h.-w.h.. place for garage: thi* hou»e 1* iri wonderful condition and 1* a h«rgaln for ? 1-50 b cash, balance nicely finamed. Call Mr. Robey. Hid 14th «t. Main 6075 NEW HOUSE. N.E.. NEAR 16th AND G_fl rooms, tile bath. 3 porche*: atric-tly modern' SSOO cash. $55 mo. HALL k GRAY. 1204 H st. n.e. NEAR Kith AND MARYLAND AYE. N.E.. corner—B rooms, center nail: fine condition: modem. 99,500. Term*. Main 7831, _ 140 QUINCY PLACE N.E—BIX ROOMS. * bath, full cellar, modern; soace 2 cars: fine ! home: large front porch: $6,075: this is an ; excellent buy. Main 7831, j 34th ST. N.W.: NEAR R—B ROOMS. 3 I rooms deep, large lront porch, h.-w.h. ele*.: i *pa<* two cars $7,600: worth $9,000: 1 $1,500 caih: cal! u* immediately on th!». Mam 7831. CORNER NEWTON NEAR 14th N.W.—SIX rooms, tile bath, hot-water heat, electnc lights, porches. ga-*«e: $250 caah: agTae ahle terms: pos*e**ion with deposit. 809 F »t n w IS* Ist ST. N.W. Near reservoir: 10 room* and bafb: priced right: very reasonable terms. THOS. E. JARRELL. 3 BLOCKS FROM LINCOLN PARK. PRE war construction: 6-room brick housa and bath: modem: large front and rear porches: large lawn: 2-car brick garage. A home you appreciate the minute you sea it. First time offered for tale. $0,500. GROGAN REALTY CO., 201 McGill Bidg. Main 7881. NEAR STANTON PARK ON 4th ST. N.E.— 6-room and bath brick house, excellent con dition: can be bought for $6,260; easy terms. THOS K. JARRELL. 721 10th St. N.W. Main 768- INSPECT AT ONCE. House 30 ft. wide. 7 room* and bath: breakfast and sleeping porches and two open porches Garage. Every convenience. Con struction guaranteed ana the price and terms will surprise you. JOS. A. HERBERT A SONS. 1013 15th St. N.W. and 516 East Capitol St. TAKOMA rATuT 218 Park Ave. Reasonably priced home. 6 room# and bath, a.m.t.: near rhurrhea. store* and car line. THOS. E. JARRELL. $ if,750. Mt. Pleasant. Owner has just reduced the price of this colonial type dwelling, situated west of 10th st. ana Just north of Park rd. It is located in one of the best squares tn Mt. Pleasant and only two blocks from a new public school. It might also appeal to any one desiring to be tn easy walking distance of Sacred Heart Church. Six large rooms, tile hath, hardwood floors and trim, sleeping porch, maid's room and conveniences: extra storeroom: bright cement i-ellar: hot water heat and electrle lights: immedi ate possession and reasonable terms. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. SEE THEM TODAY. Beautiful New Semi-Detached Brick Houses in CHEVY CHASE, D. C. $9,350^9,500. Terms as Low as $750 Cash. The Location—42nd and Jenifer Sts., Chevy Chase, D. C. Six room* and bath f 3 bedrooms) houses, splendidly equipped and appointed and meet ing every requirement of the discriminat ing family. Open and lighted until 9 p.m. Drive out or take Connecticut Avenue cars to Jenifer Street, thence west to 42nd street. Allan E. Walker & Co., Inc., Builders and Owners, 813 15th St. N.W. Main 2690. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Near 39th St. and Military Rd. Beautiful 0-room and bath home, hot water heat and electric lights, hardwood floor*, large attle, side ana rear porches, first-class garage. 7 targe oak traes: lot 46x145: must be sold, owner leaving city. Price. $18,500: easy term*. WAGGAMAN & BRAWNER, INC., 7»a 17th gt. N.W. Franklin 7485. A BARGAIN—ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW with 0 large rms.. tile bath with bnllt-in tub. a.m.t.. large porch, garage, on lot 78 n. width: In beautiful condition: located in one Os the most desirable sections of the city; one block from car*. Only SB,OOO, on aagr terms —for quick sale. G. H LALEOEB. 1.410 U al. Ham <OIO. t »L «s LlylitU H>.S, j j “WOODRIDGE. For Quick t*alc at a l»y owner: •even-room house, newly decorated. Ka-y term*. Tan be Inspected by appointment North 6728. - CHEVY CHASE. A beautiful new brick home situated in the nicest part of Chevy Cha*e, south of the circle and Just west of Conn. ave. It ha* 8 lovely room* and 2 baths. Urge attic, hardwood floors throughout, every modern improvement and a well built ga rage. There is also a very large lot to an alley. This home is offered at a bargain price for a quick sale. Immediate possession and reasonable terms. R. OWEN EDMOXSTOX. jr„ _ 1108 Vermont Ave. Phone Mam 0148. IT'S THE PRETTIEST j SMALL HOME. Spanish architecture, with particular st- I tention to »nisll detail*. Some ot its many | unusual ieaturea are; A real Italian marble j portico, walls finished in polychrome plaster, i 3 cedar doset* lighting fixtures of unusual charm, a garage communicating with the re,»-ption hall and hardwood floors through out. There are 7 large rooms, reception hall and 2 complete baths. The price and terms a:e most reasonable. CHEVY CHASE. AT ONLY $10,500. It * unusual to find a modem home any where west of 16th at so low a price, but here t* one in the heart of Chety Chase; tl largo rooms, open fireplace. 3 porches, hard wood floors .and a built-in garage. The terms will auit your purse. WALTER A. BROWN. 1400 II St. N.W. Main 1653. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. $75,000. In one of the most exclusive street* of thi* highly desirable section we have a home for tale that i* on a par with the be*t of those now occu- I pied by many of the socially promi nent people who have built their own homes there. It ia an English base | meat home, ideally suited for enter taining on a large scale. It is a home that will please the most exacting There are six master l>edroom*. baths, servants' rooms, garage, eb Additional information may be ob tained bv calling Mr. Browning at Main 1790. W. C. & A. X. MILLER. 1119 17th St. N.W. Main 1790. ~ $1 r.2si>~sl."uxj'CASH. CHEVY .CHASE BARGAIN.! For quick sale owner will sell new 6-room , house in ideal residential section. Iblocks east of Conn, ave., containing every modern improvement, on large lot. oOxloO- plenty of beautiful shrubbery. Call Col. 5615. ON 14th ST. N.W: Price, $13.500 —Ist Commercial. Never before hae such a bargain been offered north of Park rd. A semi-detached : home of 8 rooms, hath, a.m.1.; lot 20x116; garage. A real investment on reasonable ' terms. Call Mr. Long. Col. 6470. 15* 1 CORNER BRICK—ONLY 512.860. Northwest. Overlooking beautiful circle. On pretty avenue. Smooth paved. Nie shade. 6 room* and attic. Built-in garage concrete front porch, back porch, ileepir.g porch. Hardwood floor*. Front, side and back yard. Muit be seen to be appreciated, a* to location, nrioe. MR. SOMMERVILLE. 1410 K ST. N.W. MAIN 9111. NORTH 000. NEW NORTH COLUMBIA PARK! HOMES. $750 Cash and Attractive Terms. Tapestry brick home of 6 rooms, hot water hsat. electricity, oak floors and hard wood trim first floor, sleeping and breakfast f'Orch. attractive front porert. built-in fea urea. shower bath, ice cheat, garage, large rear yard to alley. Phone Service Until 9 p.m. WM. S. PHILLIPS. 1432 K St. Main 4600. $11,250. New Detached Home. Chevy Chase. We consider this offering one of the best values in a new detached home in Chevr Chase. The house ia Individual in plan, contains six unueually livable room*, tile bath, wonderful living room with fireplace: huge side porch, oak floors throughout: extra lavatory, laun dry tube, hot-water heal, electric lights: beautiful lot. 60x150. This house is less than three square* from the Chevy Chase Country Club. Connecticut ate., and wltntn easy walking distance of th> Chevy Chase. D. C., public schools. Terms, only $1,600 cash and SBS per month. Ready for occupancy. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS. The Home of Homes, 1417 K Bt. N.W. Main 9300, 13th NEAR KENYON. Wonderfully well built house, occupied by owner *lnce construction, and In perfect con dition at present time: 10 room* and 2 baths: a.m.1.: 2 separate garages: may easily be converted into 3-family flat. A good in vastment at $17,600. CHAS. S. MUIR & CO., 1403 New York Ave. Main 4935. BIG BARGAIN * FROM OWNER AND BUILDER. NEW NORTHEAST HOME?. ONLY $250 CASH, BALANCE LE9» THAN KENT. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME CONTAINING BUILT-IN GARAGE. tile L bath R<^Mi hE AT. i?S N tlll% c D TIOK ARRANGEMENT OF ROOMS. UNQUESTIONABLY THE UN EQUALED NEW HOME OFFERING ON THE MARKET. ONLY 4 HOUSES—ACT QUICKLY. ADDRESS BOX 483-H, 9TAB OFFICE. NEW HOMES. Open Tonight. 1420 NEAL ST. N.E. Tapestry brick home. «ix attractive room*, hot-watgr beat, electricity, oak floor* and hardwood trim throughout: built-in bath and shower, built-in ice box: large sleeping and breakfast porchea: front porch full width of house: deep yard to alley: 88.600: $760 cash. bal. easy term*. Phone Service Until 9 P.M. WM. S. PHILLIPS, 1432 K St. Main 4600. 1 REAL ESTATE. ; TOR SALE—HOI SES. 104 EYE N.W. A SEMI-DETACHED MOUSE AT A BARGAIN. .jmmt On lot 37 feel frontage tenter-hall l - Tr ' r 1" large I'u'miß. high ceil. ***: mtv hot-water Wr ■* F- mm heat. gun. ele-’tn--. ; *'■ ► ity. instantaneous i I § > H heater two . k;t.-h --5< V 11(fc rooms. In first Ilf ■ ' ar. I I I . ■ ■■ 1 jyß w M|B Ktt.-a-'tf.e nrl.-e A ■ ■ BB M JitJ (, .: • (_><-,-upied by owner. . •.: ’ " -T9SSS Open for inspection • "-. ' -cl at any time. MOCRE & MILL. Inc.. Realtors. I 730 1/th N.W. Main 1174. COLORED. 5100.00 cash and $35.00 monthly will buy a good flve-room frame at 6th and Rhode Island ave n.w. OWNER. Address Boy 77-D. Star office. 5* _ JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS. 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. PRICETS7.SOO. Comer 13th and Potomac are. #.e. a j modern colonial brick house, containing si* rooms and tile bath: hot-water heat, ele'- I trie lights, front and rear porches: for ga-age. This property is new and one of the best buy* in this section. uV you are thinking of buying a home in this | neighborhood, look at this one before you decide. Can be inspected at any time, in- i eluding evenings, when »t is illuminated. 1 Reasonable terms. Open evenings until 8 JOHN E. DONOHOE & SONS, j 314 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. “Deal With a Realtor." j ATTRACTIVE NEW HOMES lust Completed—2 Sold, j * 2904 18th St. N.W. j BETWEEN ONTARIO RD. AND HAR I VARD ST. OPEN AND LIGHTED UNTIL a pm. I Four bedrooms, built-in garage. large at | tic; best construction: homes to be proud of. 2 Handsome Corners Included. Location the b»st. adjoining Rock Creek Park close by 18th and Col. rd. CARL H. SMITH. Disurance Bldg.. 13th and Rye Sts N.W. Main 1046—0 r see your Broker. Open for Inspection. Chew Chase. D. C. 5323 41st St. N.W. ; Detached brick, slate roof: 4 bedroom. J ■ 0 baths: garage. S. Corner 41st and Legation. Spanish type-—something: different: can be bought on sl.llOO cash. Balance monthly. Cleveland Park. Only SI I,9oo—Think of it—6 rooms. P.rick: built-in garage. Wake up. people. Here is a teal buy. ALEX. M. BOYD. Riggs Bank Bidg.. 14th and Park Rd. N.W. Adams 866. Cleveland 1485. j 16* 2026 Pierce Mill Road. Near 19th and Park road: seven rooms vith four bedrooms: one lar** bedroom across front of hou*#*: r&raff built in; t*ro open porches; hardwood trim: screened; con venient to new Bancroft Public School an« J . al6o to the bus line- t,vp terms may be arranged; worth an im mediate inspection. A'our Own Broker. or j Middaugh & Shannon. Inc.. j DUPONT CIRCLE. POTOMAC 3:100. unusually attractive and splen d:dly built home, desirably located in Pet worth. There is a reception hall, with nics In lnc: room haring: open fireplace; djnin* room, breaafast poroh and kitchen on first floor. with four bedrooms on second floor: atu«-. The house has all modern improve* ments- hardwood floors: extra laratorv on iU^-2 oor - * oo <i lot with Harare. Price. SO.SoO; reasonable terms and prompt pos **PRATHER & ROBINSON. 514-516-516 Bond Bldg. 14th gnd N. Y. Ave. Main 442. $7,450. SSOO CASH. NORTHWEST—6 r. and bath h-w h t onlv ! hrM ' Tears old. This la “ ;: e “Af r »» ln » l this nnV Room for ga move rfrht fn* ''° U 115 today - Vao *“‘- BAUMAN & HEIXZMAN. SI 0.500. ! Near Dupont Circle. ... . YOUR OPPORTUNITY. nrartils ro-onmcnii sour inspe-tion of this six-room house, which has ie>-entD ,!,rouk ' houi - T. E. SCHNEIDER, Jr.. & CO. Main 9688, G 729 l St ’ $5.250 — Southeast. ,n A . \ e ,sL.^ odf l',. iM ' d -omclete home in % strictly white »ectlon. It ig a lit le south of Pennsylvania ave and within easy walking distance D ( .a navy yard. Colonial front porch five large bright rooms, two bedroom, complete bath, hardwood floors itt liv ing and dining rooms, electric light, and economical heating plant. The lot is ].*m> with large woodshed in the rear. Terms only 5750 cash and ssu per month. $6,3:>0 —Northeast. An absolute bargain in a two..tow brick dwelling in a 'ge tion of new and up-to-date home. This house IS ,0 feet wide, has six .piendid rooms, tile bath, three bedrooms, par citiet floors daylight cement cellar. plant' 0 iw.'Pi f lld excellent heating plant. Deep lot and garage ‘imall r * f ‘ r mon thly terms. rVa. value' 0 ’ 1 " ant ,0 * Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS. The Home of Homes, —ii- 1 2—F-JjC . N.W. Main 9300 A REAL HOME. Convenient to ( apltol. Colonial typo. porches. Six commodious rooms. Hardwood floor** ® ni *hcd attic. h*at. Ruud r£V w *i* r Ample spa*"* for iraraae. For sale b.v owner. 628 Lexington pi. n.e.* fOLpfBIAWTEIG HT S TWOO-^TTOT>r M th v, at ' ; V( i rr de.irahle 6-room modern brick home: h.-w.h.. elec.- rlase- L'l2S ,ed A , r , t n ' r po r <ll: r '“ ar yard to paved DONNELLY & PLANT. INC 3123 14 Phone Service ,n WW* 8^ MT. PLEASANT I Thi» beautiful eight-room house f. .it uated near Ro. k Creek Park with the bn. passing a very short half square away Th! | riouae has all modern improvements' thor oughly screened and weather-.tnPDed and i •?. ln neighborhood. 4hero are ex, r* L 4reP P«rehe» ami a large y ? r S | filled with shrubbery. The owner has Just reduced the price $1,500 for Quick .all and j * ls i*. Immediate po«ses*it»n. Edward Strohecker, Inc.. 3 A«s lfl,h ' <!t - N W Main 33 *i 356. I _ Omoe open evening, until 9 o clor-k I A REAL INVESTMENT. I . Two six-room brick houses with two-car bnck rarage. Rented for $56 per month. * which «-an b# incrca-*cd. Priced for UDine • Iciic -ale. $5,500. Addrcjs Dux 160-H. Star ofiicc. ! FOR HALE—HOI SKS. I „. ' “ Colored ' , Mx-room. bath, modern, heat ele«*tri<it> c-oloniol hri'k houst*. f!«i wid 0 pei f i condition: best section Bl»*onjiiurd-<lf: pro# S7,i#fiQ: cash. 81 .oi Mi <aU A< la ro s *’.*U T. bargains 6-Room and Bath Hume 1 -, j Northeast and Southeast, j Row Brick Houses in Town, j Detached Homes in Suburbs. Prices Very Low. Built, Owned and For Sale by HARRY A. KITE. INC, 1514 K St. N.W. Lowest Terms If Bought Through This Office. Phone Main 4846. $14,750. 16th St. Heights. Owner, leaving: the city, ha* iu«t plaee-1 thi* eharmin*. attractive # oIoiuh! hntr.** on the market and it* \*iy #• * •iui*k rale. Jt might paiticulariy an peal tr» an Army #*fTirer station*# 4 , W«Jter Reed Hospital. Ther#* is a larg^ • •uvered poreh acnißp the entire fro :t wjth f-olonial pillars: ‘-enter-hall en trance an attractive h\inc room with “>de all fixture#* and larg’*' open fi-e pla‘-e; bright dining room, kitchen «n»! pa’itrj*. Seeovid flo#»r ha* three ! e»j room*, one of the hedroorn#* with p ri - ate bath and the ftecnnd bath off the liallway There are oak floor*. veather Mtupinnr a\»ninc#> and a num of added attraction*. All mode:, improvement* Beautifully improve.! lot with 50-foot frontage. Offers nor hi tiered. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS &- PHELPS. I lie Home of llome>. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Beautiful «emi detached home in»” with eieht extra large roomn and cir*fet« at'd two baths. Mald‘§ room in atti«* and built ti » ,n l»anement. Thi* home eonttir * **• latent improvement#*. Hardwood floor*, throughout and muet be to be appreciated. Nothing near the price ,-an • ompare with it and it fan be bought o ■ very easy terms. Edward Strohecker. Inc.. 1033 loth St. N.W. Main 354. 855 time, open until 9 NATURE COULD NOT —provide a more lovciier epot than thi, 6 acres of fore»t and tumbling stream within a do/cn miles of the heart of the . ity Picture the nes* or hunr&lou . u ith livu.t roont 30x34—a 12-ft. ceiling, massite on. 1 fireplace and numerous book ascs. a dinin. room. kit.-hen. 3 bedrooms, hath acd porches. hos-« ater heat, n- for lighting »•' cooking A separate one-room, stone builo inr malting an ideal study, studio or ott.-- other outbuilding. The chan.-e of a lifetime for she natU” lover, writer or artist. Price $17,500 LOLLS P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 N. Y. Ave N.W. Main lie.; REAL HOME'. 3802 AND 3804 FULTON ST. N W Near the Cathedral. _ ( ONSTRUCTION GUARANTEED i lapestry brick, eight rooms, sleepu,- porch, breakfast room, two fu'.lv eauippeo j baths and ahower. Oak floors conp» J acreened and v-eather-atrtpped: large ceda- Llined clothe# closet#: built-in fireproof Bgarage Numerous add*d attractions an.: j innovations. Attractive price and tevm = j Your immediate inspection is cordially i: ] vited Open gfternoone and evenings A .HERBERT A -ON-, j *Ol3>i St. X W and 513 Fa»l .'ap:to’ i deal WITH U e —QUICK RESULTS ; EXCEPTIONAL TERMS. >SOO cash, balance aimui 81m. monthly tor 10 r. Ab„ t.a.'-window pressed brick house, elec, lights ga rage aua. e. oil the north side oi Ken yon. east of 13th; possession p-i . only $12,500. 5500 cash, balance 5100 month for 10 r. modern brick on the port:, side of Euclid et.. near Columbia rd vacant, non-resident owner reduced price to 512.500. 51.500 cash, balance 5100 month for beautiful modem detached resi dence corner lot 100 ft. front west side of 14th #t„ .Saul's Addition ideal location for doctor, dentist etc..- only 516.000. Concession in asking price. $-15,500 for large cash payment m modern semi-detached colonial brick. 8 r„ 2 b. on 2 floors, large linck garage 15th gt. near Decatur: owner going West, hence Quick sale desired and a saving to a buyer who realizes value v hen he sees it. Kenyon et. west of Mt. Pleasant r. A K. nearly new modern brick , house, inclosed breakfast room, built j in garage: less than 513.000 on in t viting terms. Possession. Exceptionally well built modern residence with many recent improve ments. double brick garage posse-, sion: price. 512 500: coal and fur niture for sale if desired. 6750 cash payment each for 4 2- family brick flats pay in about 15 r net on amount invested. 3 located near Parkview Mkt. and 2 near Wis consin ave. and O *t : present ren* als will about take care of montbh payments desired. X. E. RYON CO.. INC . Mam 4597. 1423 F 8t NEW HOMES. Priced Under 57.000. 612-624 Evarts St. N.E. Six large rooms, bath, lvw.h.. electric lights. Built-in ice box. one-piecc sink: double rear porches, wide front porch. Lots 140 feet deep to 20-foot alley. Ea«v terms. THOMAS A. JAMESON CO.. 906 New York Ave. NAY. Main 5526. PFTWORTH. ON WIDE AVENUE. 7 ROOM and bath, glasa-inclosed breakfast porch cement colonial front porch: lovely yard both front and back: 1-car garage: owner very anxious to sell: will consider any fa:- offer: make an appointment with us to in spect this home at once. SHAPIRO-KATZ COMPANY. REALTORS—BUILDERS. 1418 K ST, N.W. MAIN 9111 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1156 and 1158 Morse *t. n <■. —6 rooms, tiled bath, hardwood trim, screened pon-h** deep lots to 20-ft. raved alley: easy tern # i Any broker or SV. G. IRWIN, owner amt I builder Phone Cleveland 1531 19 * ! ’ BARGAINS PETWORTII i FROM OWNER AND BUILDER. SSOO CASH. 576 MONTHLY. MOST COMPLETE NEW HOMES IN PETWORTII. 6 LARGE DAYLIGHT ROOMS. ROOMY WARDDROBE CLOSET. COLONIAL FRONT PORCH. TILE BATH WITH BUILT-IN TUB AND SHOWER. OUTSIDE PANTRY. BUILT-IN REFRIGERATOR. SERVICE PORCH. SPLENDID BREAKFAST POF.CH, FRENCH DOOR? HARDWOOD FLOORS. HOT-WATER HEAT ELECTRICITY. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATER LARGE SLEEPING PORCH. DEEP SODDED LOTS. EXCELLENT QUALITY CONSTRUCTION. NUMEROUS OTHER FEATURES THIS IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. ACT QUICKLY. ADDRESS BOX 482-H. STAR OFFICE. $7,100. Five-room and bath bungalow, excellent Woodridge neighborhood: just ofr car line. Hae hot-water heat, electric light*, open fire place. Good eize lot. room for garage Term* to suit. _ _ PRATHER & ROBINSON. 614-515-516 Bond Bldr.. 14th and N. Y. Ave. Main 443. COLORED. " PROPERTY ADAPTED FOR PROFESSIONAL m PURPOSES FOR SALE VICINITY OF 18th AND U STS. ' . •; SUITABLE FOR DENTISTS’ AND PHYSICIANS’ OFFICES. THREE-STORY BUILDING. MOORE & HILL. INC., , REALTORS, 730 17th ST. MATN M 74. i\Vj tinutxl uu Ntxi i'axe.i 55