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56 REGULAR FELLERS—He Tried to Cross the Street. JTSB BY GENE BYRNES. . ( ciisr I , ■Jr\ / DO VOO > | V «V*W* J ro/ / UlftOMdi \ ( UJfcKirtA Sf-E J [ \ > . vvV . XJZ 4 ( .VewoOLDSAY \ / THE WAY IT IS! A „ UHEte-WT \LJ /\ IfcSil ) W>' [ VOOSCEHS N* p. \ is BOR\et>> ) 82 VrETTV ••X ./:/ I ujas ho\t ikj A j )h£ w FOR SALE—HOUSES. FOR SALE—HOUSES. 1 (Continued.) <Continued.) . i And Your Ten-Thousandth Impression Is More Delightful | Than Your First at CHEVY CHASE. D. C. ~, ,us T o CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE, where amid tlie cool foliage this .-online ! if home building will be found two sample houses now ready for inspection. | tsjaht more under eonstruetion. contauung six. seven and eight rooms mid two baths . .•ilorfouv tiled hot-water beat, open lirenlaces. hardwood floors throughout, break List j a?eoves'one piece sinks, built-in refrigerators, fully enameled white gas range, kitchen eal nets slropmg porches. completely screened. garages, servant's toilet attic hot-wateri storage system. Prices and terms that will please. Open for inspection from 1 p.m. | 1 ’ 'Vtn-V tn reach propertv Connecticut ave to Chevy Chase Circle, east on Western ] are . and follow signs to sample house; or call Main 3285 for auto. ROCK CREEK CHURCH Rl>. TAKOMA PARK Nine-room detached brick, arranged for BUNGALOW —$/ ,9.10. ™ Convenient This lot is 30x1.10 tee,, with trees and j Nation That Vs growing in value, close to shrubbery. The house has six rooms, bath.. enmmerci-il zone that is an excellent electricity, gas. large front porch, and is smM«r Pn« SMW Terms can be motlem in every wav. Owner, leaving city, •irranseil' will accept $750 cash and convenient terms. | TIIE MAGIC TOUCH OF INDIVIDUALITY WILL BE FOUND IN THIS siv room and two-bath colonial detached home. One bedroom and bath on first floor. ! vSoms and bath on second floor. Ho,-water heat, open fireplace. hardwood floors, throughout* Corner lot on two wide avenues. Two blocks to 14th st. car line extended. 811.500 —$1.500 —SBS monthly. MANOR PARK. D. C„ BUNGALOWS. OVER 50 BUILT AND SOLD. 15 NEWLY DESIGNED BUNGALOWS. O\LK ou m-iui « LWAY „ UNDEB CONSTRUCTION. Tl ,„ hare five six and seven rooms, one and two baths. Some have sleeping ! norehes Built-in Pembroke tubs, hardwood floors, open fireplace one-piece sink wtth Siam built-in refrigerator, outside ioer. Uib-hen cabinet, built-in bookcases steel medicine cabinet- floored attic; cellar under entire house: wash trays. Lawn sodded, landscaped. Art-ic electric fixtures: attractive wallpaper. Fresh air. sunshine trees. Schools. . ehiVrches two chain stores, five acres of Government park. 14th st car line (extended I. 6 I’rkrs- $7 45(1 $8 350. $8,500. SB,OOO. $8,050. $10,500. $11,500. Cash payments: J mm «710 «i 000 $1 500 Monthly payments; $65. $75. SBO and sBo. ’ How to reach properv: Take 14th st. ear line marked "Takoma," get off at 3rd and Quaekenbos or drive out Georgia ave. to Rittenhouse st. and east to 3rd. then south to ' Quaekenbos! Open and lighted daily until !• p.m. TERRELL & LITTLE, INC., 1206 1 Stli ST. N.W. MAIN 3285 j Evenings Phone Adam* 3215-W or Col 6832*J. i SHANNON & LUCHS, Inc., OFFER SAUL'S ADDITION— SI 5.000. An attractively situated home rontaining seven delightful rooms and bath. Com- < fprtabie living rooni. very pleasant dining room and well equipped kitchen: four large bedrooms and bath on second floor: largo front and rear porches, sleeping porch: hard i wood floors throughout: electricity, gas. hot-water heat- attic: garage. Excellent con- : dition. CHEVY CHASE SI 7.500. Completely detached, comfortably arranged seven-room and two-bath home situated , •n a beautifullv improved lot in a truly charming section of Chevy Chase. Five spacious rooms and bath on first floor: two additional bedrooms and bath on the second floor: cement front porch: large garage; every possible modern convenience. Reasonable terms. For further information call us. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS— Near 14th St.—sl3,ooo. An eight-room and bath home brick construction, located in the very convenient -•eetion of Columbia Heights, close to 14th st. First-class schools in the immediate neighborhood. Convenient to the popular uptown shopping district. Electricity and gas. - Teens, hot-water heat, fireplaces; all mod rn conveniences. Garage. Terms. Call Main 2345. CLEVELAND PARK— SI2,SOO. A well constructed, well appointed brick home located on a most attractive street ;n Cleveland Park, adjacent to and west of Connecticut ave. Large sleeping and breakfast porches First floor rooms are well arranged. Second-floor bedrooms are spacious and comfortable. Reasonable terms. We will gladly furnish additional information. i HEYY CHASE— SI2,OOO. Six spacious rooms and bath: delightful front porch. A charmingly situated. 1 attractive bungalow, located on a most Iveautiful street in Chevy Chase This home is furnished with all the most modern appointments: hardwood floors and trim throughout: electricity and gas, screens, hot-water heat. Garage. Terms. We urge your consid- ) eration. • To Inspect, Call i SHANNON & LUCHS, Inc., 713 14th St. N.W. Main 2345. These properties are well worth your consideration from : the standpoint of investment as well as Home comfort. A Center Hall Home with Two-Car Garage. This invitinff Homo is looaUd on .30th Place, within a few steps of Mass. Ave.. anti commands a view of the Potomac River. Virginia Ilills and the entire city of Washington. Southern exposure. It's a Center Hall type, combining utility and Hominess to n degree The exterior pehhle-dnsh and the roof of tile—the traraice is consistently designed. The interior is unusually well finished —walls are tinted in warm colors and the finishing: and fittings tasteful. The equipment in the bath and kitelien is just as * np'plete as can be. Ther'* are screens for all doors and windows— house is metal • "father stripped throughout. The heatin? plant consists of a specially desurnetl furnace? v hitdi burns screeninirs—the fuel bill is v cry low. In the lijfht. airy basement i« a completely equipped maids’ room and bath Amomr the features of this Home are the special fixtures of silver, the Cedar closets for the protection of clothing 1 . Near the Cathedral School, the Wis. Ave. car line and the bus line, This Home is being ofTrrei] through our office at a very attractive figure—and most convenient terms may be arranged. Cleveland Park Offers This One. This Home is almost new—it is of stucco finish and is completely detached. On the fust floor is the large living room with a dandy open fireplace, the spacious dining room, the kitchen and pantry with built-in closet and ice box and the wire-inclosed kitchen noreh. Upstairs are three practically arranged bedrooms, a modern tiled batb with built-in tub and a fine sleeping porch. The lot is amply large and contains several \ ery tine trees. The garage is convenient and roomy. Desiring to sell quickly, the owner is risking a very low price—and the terms are remarkably low. A Northeast Bargain. Tt isn’t often that you are offered such a splendid Heme as this one. It’s a dandy detaehed frame bungalow with five practically planned rooms and up-to-date bath and kitchen. The sleeping porch is both glassed and screened—suitable foi use in any and all weather. There are s reens for all windows and doors throughout the house. It’s on nice, deep lot. with shruhliery in and growing. Big one-car garage. Price. $7.650 —$1,000 cash and easy terms. will be triad to arrange for you to inspect "these properties at > your convenience—just call our office on the phone up to 9 p.m. McKEEVER & GOSS. Realtors. ! 1415 K Street. Phone Main 4752. i ! N. L. SANSBURY CO., INC., 1418 Eye St. NAY. Phones Main 5903-4-5. j i PRICE. $13,500. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS-—The best value at the price obtainable in tins section. The loca- * turn is, being of 14th st.. convenient to lHth st. and Columbia road. The house has eleven rooms, two Laths, hardwood floors, electric lights, modern heating | plant: lot is 150 feet deep to a paved alley. Easy terms. PRICE. $12,000. TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT—Situated close to 18th st. and Columbia rd.. convenient to 1 two car lines. This property is an excellent value. The first-floor apartment has I five rooms and both: second six rooms and bath. The building has all modern im- J provements and each apartment has its own heating: plant. May be bought on I moderate cash payment and easy monthly terms. j PRICE. $19,500. WOODLEY PARK—An ideal home in an ideal location is here offered at a price which is surprisingly low. It is jus! a little west of Conn. avo.. on one of the best residen- ’ tial streets in this potnilar section. The house, which is fully 25 feet wide, was ; built by one of Washington s liest known builders and contains eleven spacious t rooms: three baths: hot-water heat: electric bahts. Brick parage for two cars, j Immediate possession may be had. Inspection by appointment. PRICE. $7,950. NORTH PETWORTH—\ dandy modern hrick home less than two years old. You cannot ! tel more lor your money m Washington. There are six well planned rooms, tileil ! batli. liot-water heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, metal weather stripped ami • screened. Colonial front porch. The large lot affords ample garage space. PRICE. $13,500. I-- I V HKH HOME IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS—Very - large lot. ideal location, close to car i ami tni* lines There are “ight rooms, two baths, liot-water heat, electric lights, i hard- imml floors and a garage. To inspect call this office. PRICE. $9,400. ' j 1 iiiK.ii’V AND This home is an excellent value, and should sell readily a, the price asked. ‘it is a full 20-font box house on a lot 150 fee, deep to an alley. There are six large rooms, full tiled hath, hot-natcr heat, electric lights, hardwood floors: ample garden and garage space. X. L. SANSBURY CO., INC, "Everything in Real Estate,” 1418 Eve M N.W . Phones Main 5903-4-5. j REALTORS. REAL ESTATE. THE EVEXTXC, STAR. WASHINGTON, D. U., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1925. | FOR SALE—HOUSES. FOR SALE—HOUSES. j BARTLETT-PRATT REALTY COMPANY. | 1002 K St. NAY. Phones: Main 1132. Main 882. j PRICE, $6,950. j . NORTHEAST—Modern bridle borne of six room* and tiled b*th: hot water heat, elec- * j tricity, colonial front porch, built-in rarage. Paved alley. PRICE. $11,750. MT. PLEASANT—Near Mt. Pleaaant tst. and Park rd. semi-detached: §ix large room* ! i and till'd b»»»i; house three rooms deep: glass-inclosed sleeping porch: hardwood floors : i ai, d trim: at hint's room iu basement: hot-water heat, electricity. PRICE. $15,000. i CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Detached' semi-bungalow of eight large rooms and two! tiled baths: corner property, iiith lot 68 loet front; hot-water beat, electricity, built in ; ; garage: beautiful sbrubberj. ; PRICE. SIO,OOO. BI.AIR ADDITION—I’Iose to District line: semi-bungalow of six large rooms and til**d bath: all modem improvements; two-car garage: beautiful lot. PRICE, $11,500. CHEVY CHASE. MD—Close to Columbia Country Club one and one half squares j ffoni Connecticut ave. semi-bungalow of seven rooms and tiled bath with built-m tub: ; ; hot-water heat, electricity, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, pantry, built-in g-arage, ! ! built-in ice box. PRICE. §23.500. NORTHWEST—Near fith and New York ave.. 14 large rooms and five tiled baths i j all modern improvements: ideal for rooming or apartments. Property clear. Will make ; terms to suit purchaser. Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. ; | 1002 K St. N.W. Phones: Main 1132, Main 882. I i— —: MODERN 6-ROOM HOMES, 2729 TO 2757 4th ST. N.E. ! First Floor- Beautiful, bright living room opening into a j large dining room; kitchen with best grade fixtures, ; including built-in ice box: large front porch entire width of house; breakfast porch, 10 feet wide, opening into ! dining room with French doors. Hardwood floors of best grade; handsome electric fixtures; mirrored coat j closet. Second Floor: Three bright outside bedrooms, 10-ioot-wide sleeping porch and large tiled bath. ! Basement: Light, well ventilated basement under entire house; laundry tubs, coal bin, hot-water heating plant. | Large back yard to paved alley. PRICE. $7,500. $750 Cash. $62.50 Monthly Payments. ■ i WAGGAMAX & BRAWXER, INC., 732 17th St. NAY. Franklin 7485. : ' SPECIAL CUSHION FLOORS , — in the kitchens of thev dzlijrhtful new dwelling* are but one of the maiiv dietino, featurra you will find in the Village. Many eratifyinr comments have been ! made on these and the double white oak floors in all I other rooms, upstairs and down. FOXHALL VILLAGE. America's Finest Community of Group Homes. i Drive to Western High Si-liool 135th and Reservoir rd >. then drive west on Reservoir rd. straight past the detour surn at 37tli st. till you come to 44th st. Turn left on cinder road to EXHIBIT HOME. 44 72 Reservoir rd . completely furnished by W. & J. SLOANE. BOSS & PHELPS. OWNERS 1417 K Street Main 9300 PHONE AND WE WILL TAKE YOU TO THE VILLAGE. SOME SPECIAL OFFERINGS. HIGH VIEW SECTION. 1 i $7,750. i This six-room home, about a vear old. is conveniently located in a newly developed j section, convenient to ears. etc. House ami porches have been screened and street is I being paved now. This can be bought on tecjis that will surprise you. CLEVELAND PARK. $21.000. This beautiful detached home of nine rooms and two baths is located on a lot 85x100 on one of the oldest and best kn-.wn streets in this exclusive section. It has been newly decorated and is in fine condition. Satisfactory terms can be arranged. A CORNER IN WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. This exceedingly attractive home in the desirable section west of Connecticut ave. j contains nine rooms ami two baths on three floors. It is of light tapestry brick and iaoes southwest. It is in fine condition and immediate possession can be given. A maid's ■ room and complete bath are in the cellar. Suitable terms can be arranged at the very , ; reasonable price of $25,000. CHEVY CHASE CLUB SECTION. Here is a splendid stone house erected two years ago by the owner, who is anxious I to go abroad and desires to sell. The tot is 120 ft. front bv 120 ft. deep and more . i depth can be secured. The house contains a splendid living room, library, dining room. ! j five bedrooms and two baths. There is also a two-car built-in parage. t Deal With a Realtor. W. C. & A. N. MILLER. 1119 17th St. N.W. Main 1790. i i - WM. H. SAUNDERS CO., INC. DESIRABLE CHEVY CHASE HOMES. ’ < $17,000. i Well located in the District of Columbia, convenient to bus line on lot over 200 feet ! ! in width —nearly h, acre—modem detached dwelling with 8 large rooms and tiled bath: ! hot-water heat, electricity and other features of an up-to-date residence. Good double , property has large shade trees, shrubbery and flowers and adjoins one of the ‘ most beautiful and extensive estates in the District. A rare opportunity to acquire a real i suburban home with spacious groounds and all city improvoements. Shown by special appointment only. i $12,750. t Detached Dutch colonial-type dwelling with 7 rooms 14 bedrooms' and tiled bath' I hot-water heat, electricity, oak floors. Pittsburg instantaneous heater, garage, etc ' priced i I very low. " ; $12,500. 107 East Shepherd St. Just east of Conn. ave. on generous lot with southern exposure, attractive detached ■ • house with 8 rooms and 2 baths and 2 kitchens, this place being especially adapted for two 1 families: hot-water heat, electricity and a now garage. Owner has cut price to above ! 1 figure as an immediate sale is imperative. i I SIB,OOO. j Just west of Conn. ave. between the Chevy Chase and the Columbia Country Clubs a i I wonderful brick bungalow-type home with 8 rooms and 2 baths with all modern imnrove- I ments. including oil burner: garage to match house and on lot about 75 by 126 This dwelling was constructed by one of our best builders for his own home Is so occupied, and is unusually well built and finished. It is being offered for sale solely be cause of the need of a larger house. J Shown by special appointment only. We have other choice Chevy Chaos holdings both in the District of Columbia and 1b the more attractive sections of Maryland. See us if in need of a Chevy Chase resideaw. \VM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC.. | 1433 K St. N.W. Main 1016-7. * REALTORS —ESTABLISHED ISB7, | FOR SALE-HOUSES. FOR SALE—HOUSES. NEW NORTHWEST HOMES AT LOW PRICES. PETWORTH. WOODLEY PARK. $8,950. $15,750. I Six lamp ioom« onioniai . fh ® finest home value in thie outstanding ! »'v£JHHS" Ekvr css;..? gat ' rir 111!? hoi b , ~ ° ,ry with built-in refrigerator. numerous spa i that " ill' suit*you "* “ values turns emus closets. cedar closet, attic lor storage , 3 1 ' bullt-tn garage. instantaneous hot-water heater, laundry trays, etc. Spacious back C] 4 yard with shade trees, paved street and irn | proved alley. Just ti square off Conn. ave. Fcoiim,,.! . lie,r w »rdman Park Hotel, and the Calvert i Saur.' corner home overlooking and Million-Doilar Bridges. Convenient to ; i'arie 1 ,!ntßr 'ball Plan with eight schools, stores, churches, etc. You should l Jfnfp t r »P n,S- ev : rJ modem oonven- inspect these homes today. You will be i 1 »*«'^i»« 1 .ln ln . lr ? ra **' As owners, and build- agreeably aurpnsed. The term# are an at e.s we will arrange very convenient terms, tractive feature. lo inspect any of our new liomes call Franklin 1140. THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO COMPANY. I 919 15th St. X.W . Franklin 1140. j MODERN 6-ROOM HOMES, EXCLUSIVE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS N.W. j . Tirst Floor-Beautiful bright living room opening into a large : dining room, with oak floors, hardwood trim; attractive electric fixtures; kitchen with one-piece porcelain sink; built-in ice chest; ■large tront porch entire width of house; breakfast porch opening ■: into dining room and kitchen. : Second Floor Three bright outside bedchambers, sleeping porch and large tile bathroom with built-in tub and shower; j roomy closets. j ( ellar —Light, well \entilatcd. under entire house; laundrv j equipment, coal bin, hot-water heating plant, ga> heater. Built-in fireproof garage, heated and lighted. PRICK. $8,650. 8750 Cash! $75 Monthly Payments. Phone Until 9 P.M. WM. S. PHILLIPS, 1 —j 1432 K St - Realtor. Main 4600. j QUALITY HOMES AT LOW PRICES. CHEVY CHASE—»ar Circle. I FSa twav cb aaa d., i. Beautiful <ietach*<l reunions : U »t ; ea«t of Chew t hane Circle- °OS feet i j" taprßtrj-brick home, just com- 1 frontage. ground# contain hupe oaks. lanrTcitr cnnVln? n # e ? r very • } shrubbery and fruit tree*. entire Hal schooli 1 * ft ore/ lte° n nf Cn v i l ° ° ar,? ' anee of aquare is one larre entate * * toreß - Double rear The house lias seven delightful rooms! large rooms- 9 L X i wids front porch, double inclosed out huntrs through- j 1 sleeping poreh. inclosed sun porch, „nk and drain I handsome fixtures, hardwood trim. en oahinetln l d kiteh etc.: new two car garage. Owners featu-.s Jiii’.! . modpl '' l i will make convenient termn* ‘ Concrete allex pites con* I vm maKc convenient terms yement access to the fireproof built- NEW CHEVY CHASE HOME. ment*™”' ' Ca>J termS ° f pav ‘ 5R.075. A delightful location, convenient to SfiJjOO—XF.W BUNGALOW HOME 1 j cars and main road# into city; desir Detached, newly completed modern able residential restrietions. Home bungalow style home with five cheerv is fully detached, with generous rooms, large basement gas electricity- 1 1 grounds on all sides. Five large and every modern comfort.' Excellent 1 rooms, open fireplace, tiled bath, all location, within easy reach of car city conveniences, including gas. elec- stores, etc. The grounds include large tricity, water and sewerage; streets oak shade trees. This is a real find | and walks concrete, neighborhood the home and its location assuring a ! stores, schools, etc., close by. Y'ou sound investment as well as a deiight will look long before you equal this ful residence. Terms only *55 a i i home value! month, and small first payment' [ j To Inspect Any of These Homes. Call Main !*7TO. I Evening Phone Service Till fl P.M • ! ; M. * R R. WARREN, j 8"5 15th St. ■ i ■ i j NEW HOMES on CHEVY CHASE PARKWAY | Four Oharmmz home*. tts ; \ fruntiusr on a park at A \ the intrrMrM*ti«>n of Oliver hi e anil Cliny Harkv. ay. on* *iu®rr from th* circle. At- S Sfe. tractive colonial ami Kn*h*h «l*Biirn«. • Each homo han 10 larrr room*.. -1 tiled bath* a x. •* v lavatory, open and i*» Hoee.i i*on*h»*«. fireplace, two* f car built-in trarac*. harduootl floor*. exquisite pid*-v»11 eleo ft I tr, ‘‘ fiMures Fine matrrialH I InlH «*’.d *\orktnatiahip throughout modkratkly priced on lir-rrMVV . CiOOD TERMS! Phone to i | $9,500 AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN —Detached Home. Owner leaving the city, is eellmg this property below cost and Bnyone se#k ing the utmost in value will profit well if they take advantage of this offering without delar This home is delightfully situated in the immediate north . west section‘in a community of new and up-to-date homes. This is a full two-story attic house, having six splendid rooms, modem bath, large attic finished with beaver Iniard. living room with fireplace, porches, newly papered, screened and weather-stripped throughout: electric lights, etc.: two-car garage: extra lot 45x145. Owner will sell completely furnished for SI.OOO additional. Terms can be arranged. :SIO.SOO —CHEVY CHASE—Detached. Undoubtedly the lowest priced new detached home ih Chevy Clias?. D. C. It ' is well constructed and modem in every detail. There are six large bright i rooms til" bath with built-in tub and fixtures: attractive fireplace in living i room 'porch across the entire ir.uit: hardwood floors throughout: hot-water lie-ii •' electric lights. This home will merit your inspection and it can be pur chased on a very small cash payment and easy monthly terms. ; $14,500 —CLEVELAND PARK—Brick Bungalow. An individually built home property that is most appealing in appearance as 1 1 • well as the plan. The location is ideal and it is within easy walking distance of the Cleveland Park Public School as well as the Cathedral. There are six bright and well proportioned rooms, two tile baths, maid’s room, front porch, large living room with fireplace: oak floors, hot-water heat, electric lights. Built-in garage. Lot is 50x1:15 and a number of oak trees. Possession and easy terms. $14,750—16th ST. PARK. A new aeml-detached tapestry brick dwelling, a little west of IBth st. and South of the Reservoir, a section of new and modem homes. There is a Targe colonial front porch with cement flooring, splendid living room with fire iilaoe. beamed ceiling in dining room and French doors to breakfast room: a very complete and up-to-date kitchen. The second floor has four bedrooms ; tile bath, built-in tub. overhead shower, extra lavatory, inclosed sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout, numerous built-in features: choice electrical fix tures and the entire house is tastefully decorated. Exceptionally deep lot. Oarage. |SIS.BS0 —CHEVY CHASE. A beautiful detached home property, situated in one of the most delightful squares of Chevy Chase. D. <!.. mst west of Connecticut ave. At the price asked it will warrant your prompt inspection. There is a large porch across the entire front: enormous living room with an old colonial stone fireplace: bright dining room, inclosed breakfast room or sun psrlor; a roomy kitchen and first-floor tile lavatory'-. Second floor has three splendid tied rooms, large tile bath. Tbi* house is individual in plan and practical in arrangement. Features inchw.. oak floors throughout: choice electrical fixtures: screens: hot water heating plant and a built-in fireproof garage. Extra large lot. well im proved with shrubbery and floowers. vacant. Terms arranged. Phone Until 9 P.M. BOSS & PHELPS, The Home of Homes, 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. . . 1 REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-HOUSES. FOR SALE—HOUSES. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, INC, 1412 Eye St. N.W. Realtors. Franklin 9503. MT. PLEASANT —Bargain—slo2so. An exceptionally (rood value la offered lu this attractive appearing two story light press-brick residence, located in a quiet, refined residential square and but one short block from the public school. It is not the box type, but three rooms deep, affording rooms of generous size. There is a large reception hall, full tile bath, hot-wafer heat. elec, lights, oak. floors, and a very good size rear yard. >\e can arrange very easy terms. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS —Modern—Built-in Garage. $8,550. Situated oil a r<ave<l street one block from 14th st. and near the new public school, this thoroughly modem brick home offers many advantages The house IB constructed of light tapestry brick, is lest thsn three years old and hae been Kept in good condition. Six well arranged rooms, tile bath, two large rear porches, h.-w.h.. elec, lights, hardwood trim, screens, awnings and other extras duplicate &*%!?« YuU "" 1 lo ° k a lon ‘ time ‘° CLEVELAND PARK —Dutch Colonial—sl4 750. One of the lowest-priced four-bedroom detached homes to be found In Cleveland Park today. It is situated on a high elevation, built by prominent builder and is in excellent condition. The first-floor plan is very practical and * rran *ement. There la a stone open fireplace In living room, four well complete tile bath with built-in tub and latest fixtures, hard JSXStH I? bolh ? nd ®« COI ld flour, and other features. Oarage. $75 p*r month will carry this attractive home after a first down payment is made. NEAR 14th AND RANDOLPH STS.—SI3,SOO. ! „ n *5 Y"„ u *, u 3 lly W .Y?S and r ? omy two-story and attic brick home with southern l .. .? this popular and convenient section and less than a square atflc'contai roo P w - V'ThV and sleeping ‘ °por!'he# “ and°The STtsWe?" earaße ad<l materia,ly CHEVY CHASE—New Semi-Bungalow—sll,soo. It ii seldom that we have the pleasure to offer a new modern i lo i Dl i e * *!i an * block off Connecticut are. in Chevy Chase D. C at such a ridicu- u U est h o r f e t u 18 ,ocal ®V »? * good%esidehUal "square "south extra Connecticut ave. It has six livable rooms, tile bath. L *V very convenience for home comfort. This property u(l sell immediately and we urge your prompt Inspection. Easy terms of sale. INGRAHAM ST.—Semi-Detached Brick—s9,4oo. Wide paved r3 str«d D fdose a ?<?; n " , ’ eril colonial brick home located on this Georgia iave car‘lir el ‘ rwi! •chool and accessible to both the 14th st. and v;*>*& h.\ »Tg to .-n^;iis^ y Tf I i. fl s n iWsi^ hout a,iU co “ pi^iy -“-•»»<-* Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. HEDGES & MIDDLETON. INC MEMBERS OK THE WASHINGTON REAI. ESTATE E0 4RI. 1412 Eye St. N.W. F ra 'nklin 950.1. Splendid Northwest Location. H Rooms and Bath Built-in Garage foment Front Porch Outside Shutters Kastern Ex unsure "O-foot front Good denth to alley Largo Master Bedroom Modern in every ret»ue< t Including Breakfast Room Prme only $10,500 Inspect 4604 6th at. n w. WM. IT. SAUNDERS CO.. Inc.. Realtors, 1433 K St. N.W. XOTICE, HOME SEEKERS~!! Cheap buy for a quick sale. Winter supply of coal goes with house. 1303 Buchanan St. N.W. Price. SI 1.750. Six large rooms; two glassed !in porches; hardwood floors j throughout; h.-w.h. and elec ; Two-car garage to a large alley, i For inspection call Col. 9503. ' Mr. Charles Plunkert. with | PAULINE WALTERS. 3323 14th St. X„W. | ,2318 CALIFORNIA STREET. AN idc Detached House. Stone & Tapestry Brick Front. BUILT FOR'OWNER’S HOME. ] Extraordinarily Large Rooms. Large Two-car Garage. : W. H. WALKER, 729 15th ST. j j LO\V~COST—XEW HOUSES NORTHEAST, j 639 GIRARD ST. N.E. Biautilu! d-room homo of tapestry J»rn*k. Hurh section, refined nei*jh- Iwrnood. near school, line car nerv- J«e, Hardwood floors, hot-water lance. convenient kitchen with built-in features, big lot. ran he bought for $7,850. on monthlv pay ments less than you ordinarily pay for rent. Take Brookland car to 7th and Monroe n.e. Open for inspection today and tomorrow. j 619 FRANKLIN ST. N.E. *» rooms, modern in every respect. (Mose to crhool and car. S'ear beau tiful university mounds. An unusu ally attractive hone* for person with moderate income who wishes to pay for home with rent money. Largo lot. hardwood floors, artistic light mg fixtures, many built-in conven ienees. Price only 57.U50. which is several hundred dollar*’ less than you would expect to pay for this type of home. tan be seen any after noon or evening. ; 1276 (>ATES S I’. N.E. Brand-new brick home. G room®, eo jonial front porch, full tiled bath, hardwood floors end trim, screened j dining and sleeping porches, one niece sink, built-in garage. The built-in features and ample closet room in this house will appeal strongly to women who appreciate the modem •*onveiiicii« < es. House can be bought for $7.1J50. with small ' a.-h payment and easy monthly pay ments. Now open for inspection. CD As. 1). SAGER. i 924 14th *t. n.w ; Mam ;u\. ; owner I -—"ill sacrifice nice <-urncr brink home near iPa avp. ami Bth st. e.c.. rt nr rooms liol j water lmat and electricity. 2 fireplaces. I smooth pavpd streets. ninp i-orner vard Onlv M 5.600: first trust only $25 ppr month tn : eluding principal and tntprpst. Two rooms I bringing MR SOMMERVILLE. 1416 K ST N.W MAIN Bill. EVENINGS NORTH f*6o. Two Very Unusual Detached Brick Houses IN CHEVY CHASE. D. C. See Them Today. 3909 AND 3911 JOCELYN ST., I Fwo and one-half blocks west of Conn. Ave. I Thpsp arp splendidly built and designed colonial i-entpr-hall houses, having t> rooms and .3 hatha and evnr.v fine modern appoint ment. They are located iu the most desir able section of Chev.v Chase. D. C.. on lots 70x206 feet each, with wonderful landscap ing possibilities. Each has built-in garage. Open and lighted until 9 p.m. Allan E. Walker & Co.. Inc., 813 16th St. N.W. Main 2690. OPEN FOR INSPECTION. 5801-3-7-11 Chevy Chase Pky., | Chevy Chase, D. C. 10 rooms. 4 tiled baths. 2-car built-in J garage, finished attic, hardwood floors, ce- I raent porches, open fireplace, thoroughly j modern: built of best materials and fine workmanship: one block east of Chovy , Lnase Circle and one block from cars, s’ores. ; schools and churches: exceptional buy: . *^ a son able terms. Priced 52.000 under market. For sale by ANY BROKER or Bpbert E. Kline. Owner. Ph. Cl. 2053 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 1243-46 OATES N.E. „ . ,-1328 LEVIS N.E. a S°2° A?, 1 j "’A F1 . a * ve - north to Oates. 0 room*, tiled bath, hardwood trim through- T floor »v, •oreened porchea. long lota, garage. Low price, easy terms. ANY BROKER or COOLEY BROS.. Owners and Builders. Main 2670. North 7318. * MASS. AVE. MANSION. 1 Near Dupont Ctrcle. ' ery Place for roomers or for doctor's home or office. Tiled-floor office, waiting room and hath in basement. 17 rooms and 4 baths. Beautiful salon, parlor, hot water sacrifice price: easy terms. , MR- SOMMERVILLE. 1416 K ST. N.W. MAIN 9111. EVENINGS NORTH 960. Petworth—sß,9so. Terms. j Buy direct from owner and builder, a i colonial tapestry brick home containing six ! rooms and tile hath with built-in fixtures and shower, front and double hack Dirches. ; hot-water heat, electric lights, hardwood | floors, kitchen equipped with Detroit Jewel * aa range and large -one-piece porcelain sink and drain board: outside pantry, Pittsburg instantaneous hot-water heater with storage system, lot over 140 feet deep to new alley with room for garage. (High elevation). Address Box 172-H Star office. $10,950. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. 6467 Nevada ave. n.w.. only two eqaares east of Conn. ave. This (s a practically new detached home containing six well planned rooms and bath, hot-water heat and elec, lights: open fireplacp. etc. Inspect this bar gain at once. G. B. LIKENS. 1B1!I M st. *.w. Main &92ri. Evenings Cleve. 2294. j DOUGLASS & PHILLIPS. Im . j MT. PLEASANT. This is a truly delightful hone .. brick in one of Washington s prettiest ! residential sections. There are , rooms and three complete tiled bath -1 lanjre front porch and double rear por.-hf*- include a screened porvo inis houfee is finished in hardwood floo-« ana trim and is screened throughout. At tractive open fireplace in the living room downstairs voat closet: Saintas wall cov eriiuf is used on the kitchen and Gath room walls. Special Jithtin* fixtures a used to advantage. The ooncrettr cdla well equipped with laundry travs and * El?*"!* f°i and an instantaneou hot-wat°r heater. A 2-story. 2-«ar tr. 4 1 affords an adds«j <*omemence. o\ surprised to learn tb** pricp r only $1 0.000 and the terms are rno-t x-v /s® 11 for an appointment. A OR 1 ll\\ EST. 2 ou bellpv ' > that such an r I, U • b " n,p could be purchase.! 2J2) * modP/ate price in this splendid section and facing a wonderful Goven merit park.' The house, built of bri ho?v. ain * B i x * hie rooms and a tiled ba ?!V a ,ro ",' , and double rea “'eluding a sleeping por. a 0.01, “y «00l wooded breezes. s"-vant toilet and stationary laundry trsvs in the .concrete cellar. A 2-car garage >. ijeature - vou should not overlook. Hoi i „J*i er ."eat and electricity. Your wile and children will find that many hours noJl appln * s? " 111 '>e found in the wooded nwlci and tririkling brooks that abound s i'layground so close by. You inspect this home to realise 1 may K a?range<l CePt " Jna “ y ea - u ' n “ | CHEVY CHASE. D. ( . HfiMv vj, 8 ,ii. a »hrand-new DETAPHETi built of hollow tile and stuecn t liedrooms on the iron.l BOO! and _ fine tiled baths. The fir-t ikl G' onla,ns ., a fPlendidly arranged In "ell-adapted for entertaining. a bright sunshine-fllied fijmng room A an ia r TU? n<l 3 thoroughly modern kitchen A •Wi.wnw extends across the from 2L*{|e house, and there are double re- I Harilwnn '/’' a fine sleeping por. n ! ,A .. 2”* fibors and trim are used j throughout. Servant's toilet and 'aunc electrieTtv /'eHar. Hot-watrg- heat an ! eieclnoily. of course. A tilo e-oof adtiw ?srm? 0t "j" i" 2i he airea d,v attractive e x tenor. A double Harare is an sure t hal considerably enhances th#* value n.*o a , „ P 2° sl> T r iL v e purehaser you mus’ Drone-tv"w-iil l 2 hat an hispection of this prope. t.v Will prore worthy of your time rn cnHAn we ‘ hinh - i* very "reasonable ?ane.‘i An tnspection may be ar iangt.l at jour eonvenience. Phone Until 9PM DOUGLASS & PHILLIPS Inc | - Fr » nk lin 5078. 1516 K St. N.W. 4-BEDROOM HOME Ott North Uapitol St $9,500. This attractive appearinc n -6to»-T brick resident, of pri-iar con’«tm7 cx!'2'ptTonanv Ua iaL d '' f ‘ p an<l has o,2h ' floors! 01 It ja perfect ß , P'" .hrongbou, equipped w ith' eicetne • ights. excellent heating plant and hree real ore-n UreplatY*. It mirh lif fimcn «l>peal to an employe of J. Printing Office nr G't.v Post Office. There is nlentv room for garage to 20-foot paved I fought A nn ?.2°° d ,hat 0311 h« | cash "' * Sas low as fcLoOo livening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. 1 HEDGES & MIDDLETON. Inc. I ?ljj—Eye St. RCaltor^E ra „k l .n oaoo CORNER BRIUK HOMK Near the Monastcrv. 89.500. i Urtk S ,io ? al, i„.,f n : i ~ew eomsr heart of nro..kln l i«i''V,«aV‘'i‘iie Monu«. ter.v. dose f., t(,c .- ar Ijr- "„,i s’.. 1 * verl,U riistai r.” I'om tlm c.niiolie Unl i uh 1 vmsSinV's: both , streets. There are six un usually bright rooms, reception ha“ J! 1 !* large screened sicepmp porch and u lower rear porch, h-n-k fire ElfV.P 1 ,n , ! vin(r room, tile batli mL l i^„ hU, i t Y 11 n l b an<l fixtures, no U Yr^’- tr r floor connections ami I ott ]f r features found onlv in j m . u,h higher in price. Urnis llrcproof aa rage. Very good Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc. I H **t. R ° altorij Eranklin 9303 REAL HOME VALVE*: _ or ,JyST OEE 14th ST. I to P mwV ? P; 600: trrn ’ ti Lot 60 ft. front | h,if si ; t al s y: a TP |cnd 'dly built center « a, ‘ v rj . bom<» oft» rooms, tile bath 1 ff o “ rc<l att'c and large, dry cellar. A glass | inclosed sleeping porch. This property is ;i? excellent condition. H.-W.h., elec gas j Front and back porches. * * Lees than $10.0()0; very attractive term* • Tm' 1 r, nU . BU , a bur - A rooms and bath brtok’ iin first-class condition; splendid cellar ! brGihUil.a th oonv en>ences: 3 spsclouT and . brigrht bedrooms. TTiis property is within f “ nunutes rule of downtown business cen .{f l " U 8 a r ,n * and we will prove to sou they re worth an inspection. 04- kU, Z AN” r ZIN'GER. REALTOR. | ... 940 R St. NAt, Main 6:^71 INSPECT TODAY i 612 DELAFIELD ST. N \Y I j • 6 ROOMS. SEMI-DETACHED. SI,OOO CASH. DOUGLASS & PHILLIPS REALTORS. 1516 K ST. N.W Fr. 5678. / Deal With Us—Quick Results. Saul’s Addition—Prominent corner west r 14th at.; larre. beautiful grounds: attractive, colonial, mod err. house: possession: price reduced J very easy terms. i ~N h a a i Gth an , <l Decatur—Sent.-dr tached 8-.-. and 2-b. brick, on 2 floors: porches: brick garage posses sion: owner going to Pacific Coast has instructed us to get best offer Fair cash payment, balance 6 per cent interest. Modern homes In all seeUons of the city and nearby suburb?: 2-Suffiy brick flats: business: colored InVesi ment property; below reproduction cost on terms. See our large/select exclusive list. Several can bT ex changed. N. E. RYON CO., INC. Main 4597. „ 1423 jr g’| (Continued uu Neat Pt*t.] ~