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FOIt S'LE—HOVSES. (Continued.) __ * GRT'VIB \KGAIN. West of 16th st.. north of Columbia rd.. overlooking Hook Crook Park. 1653 HOBAKT S I'. X \V. Containing 7 room** and reception hall (4 bedroom*). a.rn.i.: hardwood floor* thrmirli oui: elrenin? porch: newly papered. paint ed. floors scraped and re finished throughout. PR 1C I*'- ONLY SI 5.000. D H. ROLAND DRURY Phone Main 113. 1410 11 Bt. N.W. ONLY $8,150. POSITIVE BARGAIN. 1410 Trinidad Ave. N.E. (Go to 16th and Fla. Are.. then north. 1 Your best interests demand that you in spect this new dwelling Every possible convenience. EASY TERMS. ANY BROKER or THRIFT BUILDING CO. Union Trust Bldg. Main 788. AMAZING BARGAIN. Five rm. and hath. am i., h.-w.h.. 2-Ptory brick house, front ooroh : in fashionable n.w. section, can l>e bought for ie«s than $5,000. with small cash payment and convenient monthly terms. Will also consider exchange for well located bldg. lots. Address Box 472-H. Star office CHEVY CHASE. Naval Officer Must Sell. $14,500. Naval nlßi'er. ordered to sea duty fnust make au Immediate disposal of Jnis charming- residence situated on a highly developed corner lot approxi mately 60x120. It is constnicted of hollow tile with sand cement finish and presents a most pleasing ap pearance. There Is a real wood burning open fireplace in the living room which extends the full width of the house, light dining room, kitchen, bedroom, tile bath and in closed sleeping porch on the first floor. There are also two additional well proportioned bedrooms and a bath. The house is equipped with hot-water heat, elec lights and every modern feature including a built-in fireproof garage. The wide lawns are inclosed with a hedge and there are a variety of shrubs and flowers. Au outstanding value in one of the finest sections of Chevy Chase._ Evening Phone Service Until 9 P.M. HEDGES & MIDDLETON, Inc. Realtor?*. 1412 Eye St. Franklin 0503. 807 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. This beautiful home must he sold at once. Contains six large rooms and tile hath: doub'e inclosed and heated porches. Every modern convenience and many special fea tures including a two-car brick garage on concrete alley. Price. 510.250. EASY TERMS. G B LIKENS. Main 5057. Eve nlngs Cleve. 507. DOWNTOWN. VACANT. S7 850 VERY EASY TERMS. A very attractive brick home con taining eight large rooms and hath: electricity and attractive fixtures; has been newly panered and painted and put in perfect shape throughout. This is an ideal piece of property for a rooming or boarding house. J. DALLAS GRADY, 904 14th St. N.W. Main 6181. SOUTHEAST HOMES. VACANT. PRICE, $4,000. Very Easy Terms. Six Sold—Four Left. A good-looking brick home, excel lently located within one block of N'avy Yard. Th»y contain six rooms and bath. Newly papered and nainted and In excellent condition throughout. J. DALLAS GRADY, 901 14th St. N.W. Main 6181. A REAL BARGAIN. NORTH EAST. VACANT. PRICE, $4,950. VERY EASY TERMS. A good looking brick home with six large rooms and bath, colonial front porch and double back porches. Newly papered and patnted and in first-class condition throughout. X-ong j back yard to alley. Room for garage. J. DALLAS GRADY, 904 14th St. N.W. Main 6181. f1L506~~ Opposite Govt. Park, l our Bedrooms. This hou*rt must be poM at once. , Owner has roliii-**.] price an«l w anxious t i«i the • *if> r*r» or before * J. Thf 1«.M a nrtiOii w ideal, and wo know ‘ thr hoijtir- will appeal to any out* reeking' j a two-story. four-bedroom dwelling. 5 There ayo seven room* in all. tii«* bath, j two wine roar porch**, attic, hardwood inm- perfeo! -onduion. hot-wat*-r heat. . electri-* lirhfs: beautiful lot. 160 1 ft. deep, with r.*»rnc*» and spa«-e for five j others. The owner ieavins: Wasbitiir* i ton and r**ns» “r reasonable offers. I I’hone Until 9 P. M. BOSS & I’ll ELI’S. The Home of Homes, 1417 K St. N.W. Main 9300. ) NEW HOUSES, $6,950.00. SSOO Cash ; $57.50 Monthly. 1724 to 1738 33rd St. N W. 6 rooms and bath. dec. lights, hot water })***• front anl iear porches. Open and lighted until 8 p.m D. H. ROLAND DRURY, j . EXCLUSIVE AGENT. Phone M. 23 1410 H m n.w 4700 9th ST N W An attractive corner bouse .outaining 8 | rooms and bath, a m i mi rieeping 1 porch; priced for quick | f . TFIOS E. JARRELL. .21 10th St. N.IV Mam 766. for colored. Ideally located west of letii. south of I >ou st.: 3-storv modern l.ri< I: u'-liing ( ,f it! rooms and bath: to elose estate will sacri- ! flee for $8,090: easy terms. See. Mi Ot terne&a. with LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 1407 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Mam 1166. GEORGETOWN. § rooms and hath, old colonial, $4 750 6 rooms ami bath, detached. $4 750 6 rooms and bath, semi-detached 55 750 6 rooms and hath, sofni-detached. $7.51)0' 6 rooms and hath, modern. $6 750 ‘ rooms and hath. semi-detached. $9,500. 7 rooms and hath, excellent $lO 500. 14 rooms and bath, good buv sl6 500 11 rooms and 3 baths, excellent. $55,000 AND MANY OTHERS. C. P. BARR F I T, |a 1502 KSt NAV, _ Main 9016. FLORIDA REAL ESTATE. FLORIDA— NASHUA PUTNAM CO. State road: 6-room frame hou.«e food ham. chicken houses, four hundred fruit trees, two rood wells; implements, o to. ; all fenced. Price. S.‘LSOO. Will exchange for nearby Washington property. Phone Adam* flo9o. IB* CAN DELIVER FIVE ACRES WITHIN THE city limits of Boco Ratune F'a at , $1,250 PER AC RE. " wiling far from $5,000 to *IO.OOO e«i h. This is one of the few re maining opportunities to purchase acreage In Boco Rutone at pre-development prices and should make a very profitable, aup-k --•ellinf investment; net quick, as this prop *r]y will not be available long at this price. Addre— Box 402-H. Star offbje. 1£• A CLIENT OF OURS HAS OFFERED FOR ***** * 40-acre tract that they have owned Tor 10 years and never tie fore offered. It is entirely fenced, partly cleared and ripe *P r development, especially a eubdivision. Its location cannot be. excelled. It fronts on a wide, surfaced, main road between two beautiful lakes and near the rapidly building cities of Ocala and Leesburg. We are in structed to offer this tract at S2OO an acre, and its most critical investigation is urged. R HODES & ST EAR NS. 1100 Eye Bt. N.W. Main 1363. Florida Property Wanted. Acreage lots. etc., direct from owner: give lo cation. legal deeeription, at right price and field *'M ais* * ale ' P ° Box 354 ‘ 8 ?S« nt ' ' FLORIDA! We have been escorting parties to Florida, where excellent opportunities for home sites or profitable investments are to he had. Special rate of forty-nine dollars ($49) in cludes round-trip ticket and Pullman, meals on diner, first-class hotel accommodations and aide trips to important towns. Next trip October 20. Communicate promptly if you wish reservations Address Haven Villa Corn. 218-220 Investment Bldg. Telephone Main 9(143. AUCTIONS. WANTKD TO BLA—fIOI SFS. _ « «!L DIRECT FROM OWNER. $4,500 TO 3««.lMit>—Good north or southeast section: consider other sections. Write full parlicu- J .® r ' : street mini tier. Address Bex 103-H. Mar office HOME WITH AT LEAST 4 BEDROOMS, within several blocks of 14th and E. Tap.; not particular about heat or light. Address Box 87-V. star office. «i.x TO TEN ROOM HOUSE. 01TI OR UTB: suburbs or near Chevy Chase Club: mu«t he fairly priced Phone Main 373. 6 TO 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE lIIREC'f troni owner: consider any good location: can make good cash payment. Give details. Address, Box 65 H. Star offiee, FIVE SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. SI or se.. from owner: cash or terms. Prefer 'i!d_house. .Lincoln_l2o9. 16* FIVE TO EIGHT ROOM HOUSE. WILL CON eider any section: would like possession within 60 days. E. A GARVEY. Room 307. 027 15th Bt. N.W. Main 9186 DIRECT FROM OWNER. Young railroad employe will make a sub stantial cash payment on a 6 or 8 room brick house in any rood section. Call Main 7552 or address 13*3 H st. n.w.. Room 406 t j AUCTION SALES. » I _ THIS AFTERNOON. c THOS J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Modem Five-story and Bate- j ment Brick and Concrete Apartment, Containing 34 Apartments, Known as the “Randall Mansions,” Situated 1900 Lamont Street N.W. Bv virtue of a certain deed in trust dated July 31 1926. being instrument No. 43. recorded August 31. ’925. among the land records of the District of Columbia, an- 1 at the request of the party secured tlie.vby. the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on THURS DAY. THE EIGHTH D\Y OF OCTOBER. AT) 1026. AT FOUR-THIRTY, the follow mg-ooscribed land and premises, situate In i the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 77, 78 and 70 I except the Parts thereof condemned and taken tor the extension of Lamont street bv proof 'dings In Distriet Court, case No. 1040 n the Bupreme Court of the District of Colu ibia). in block 21 in Elizabeth Walbridg and others re-subdivision of certain blocks in the \t alhridee of land now known h* "Ingleside," as per plat recorded iTi liber count). 16, folio isl of the records of the office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia. The above-described land is now know for purposes of taxation and as sessment as lots 808. 810 and 811 in square -«04, Subject to certain restriction) and privileges of record. Terms: Sold subject to a first eed of trust for $125,000. further partiot .are of which will announce,) at time of sale also a second deed of trust for $44 000' payable SSOO per month and Interest at . the purchase price above said trusts to be paid in cash. A deposit of $3,000 re quired Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at purchaser's cost. Terms to lie complied with within thirty clays, otherwise denoslt forfeited and the property may l* advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser. Taxes, rents. Interest Insurance etc., to be adjusted as of the date of sale. JULIUS I. PEYSER. GEORGE C. SHINN. Wilkins Bui'dtng. Trustee* *eC6-d*ds.exSuAhol xrustee*. „ WTHE ABOVE SALE' HAS BEEN POST PONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, THE FOUR TEENTH DAY OF OCTOBErt. AD. 1926, SAME TIME AND PLACE. BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEE 9. ADAM A. WESCHLEB A SON. AUCTS. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable De tached Pebble-dash Dwelling, 11 Rooms, 2 Baths, Built-in and Large Side Yard, No. 3935 Morrison St. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded among the land records of tho District of C umbia on August 18. 1925, and at the ieuuest of the party secured, the undersigned trustees will oiler for •ale by public auction, in front of t lie premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE SEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. AI) 1925. AT FOUR 0'( LOCK P.M . the following-described jjp,j and premises, situate in the District of I Columbia, to wit: Lots 14. 15. 16. and the least Id f"“t front on Morrison street, by | th» full depth thereof of lot 17. .n the subdivision of ‘ Connecticut Avenue Ter race " as per plat, of sa>d stibdivjsion re corded in county book 21 at page 33 in tha Surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, subject to certain covenants running witii the land, improved as above. Terms of sale: The above property will be sold subject to a prior deed of truet of $15,000 at 6'V : of the balance. $5,000. pay able in installment* of $2,500 each in one and two veare. with interest at 7 5 per snnuni. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold: the remaining balance all cash. A deposit of SI,OOO required of purcliaser at tim<- of sale. All conveyancing, recording rex-enue stamps and notarial fee* at cost of purchaser. icrnis of sale to be complied with '‘ Ulan thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost bf the defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published .n the City of Washing ton D. C THOMAS D. ROBERTSON. CUVIER A. METZLER, Trustees. 1100 Vermont Ave. t v THE ABOVE SALE Is POSTPONED UNTIL WEDNESDAY OCTOBER FOUR TEENTH. 1925. AT THE SAME HOUR AND pr . cr ! _ Dy order of the trustees. 0eg.10.13 j ADAM A WESCHLUR A SON. Auctioneers. I Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Busi ness Property at the North ! east Corner of Fourteenth and W Streets N.W. j By virtue of the authority vested in us by ! a certain deed of trust dated February 14. I 1924, and recorded February 20. 1924. In | Liber 5100. folio 385. ft seq.. of the land | records of the District of Columbia (default i having arisen in the payment of interest on the debt secured thereby, and nt the request I of the holder of one of the note*!, we will sell at public auction, in front of the prern ! iscs. on WEDNESDAY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1926. AT FOUR 1 THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M . lot 18 in earring ; ton and Hughes' suiidivirion of square 2.34. in the city of Washington. District aforesaid, as per plat recorded in the surveyor s office ! of said District in Liber W F . folio 169, being premises 2291 Fourteenth street north ■ west. i Terms of sale $1.900 00 cash deposit at i time of sale. $12,000 00 of the purchase 1 money payable in two equal annual instaii i ments at. one and two years, represented by 1 the notes of the purchaser, bearing interest at 0 t>er centum per annum, payable nuarteriy. to be secured by first de»d cf trust on said property ba'aioe of purchase money In excess of $12,000 oo to be paid in cash. Purchaser has optiim to pay all cash. The cost "f examination of title, conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps to lie p S jd by purchaser Sale to lie consummated within eixtv days after the day of tho aue- I -ion sale, otherwise the property will be re i ro d after five days' readvertisetnent in The Uvenin; 7b*r. at the defaulting purchasers cp.t and ri«k. SAMUEL SCRIVENER. Truatee. McGill Building. 914 G St. N.W. GEORGE C GFRTMAN, Trustee. Washington Loan A Trust Bldg.. Pun F St N.W 1 0e.7-dAds.oxSn j •FhoIT Dowling a co . auctioneers. I ADMINISTRATOR S SALE OF I)EA'n»tll,r TWO-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. NO 2292 CHAMPLAIN STREET N.W.. NEAR 18th STREET AND KALORAMA ROAD. By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a Probate Court, entered in matter of estate of Richard W. While, deceased. No. 3061.3. administration, the undersigned administrator will sen t.v public auction, tn front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE FOUR TEE NTH o.A Y OF OCTOBER. 1926. AT FOUR THIRTY O'CLOCK P M . the follow ing real estate, situate in the District of Columbia, namely: Lot 44 In Smith and Pardon's sntslivision of lot 11 in block 13. "Meridian Hill.” as per plat recorded in the 1 office of the surveyor for said District. In Liber Countv 14. folio 36, said property be ing describe ! on the tax records as lot 44 in square 2660. together with the improve ments as above Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money in cash and the balance In two equal installments, in one and two years from day of sale, with interest at 0% per annum, pay able semi-annually, to be secured by first deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. De posit of S2OO required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at cost of purchaser Terms to be complied with within forty davs from date of sale or deposit may be forfeited. CHARLES W. WHITE. Administrator. Address: 1616 V §t. N.W. GEO. FRANCIS WILLIAMS. THOMAS WALKER. Attorneys. se26-oc3 5.6 789 10 12,13.14 TOMORROW. I ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneer*. Valuable Three Story and Base ment Brick Dwelling, No. 610 H Street N.W., in Busi ness Zone. By virtue of authority vested In the undersigned, we will offer for sale by public auction, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1925. AT FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the folio wing-desorlbed land and premises, situate tn the District of Columbia, to wit: Part of lot 19 now known for purposes of assessment and taxa tion as lot 827 in square 454. improved by 10-room and hath brick dwelling. In first commercial tone. Terms of sale' Subject to first trust. $6,600. at 7*7r due Aug . 1928. balance one-half cash, the remainder S6O per month, including interest at O'/,, secured by a second deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash over trust, at option of pur chaser. A deposit of SSOO required at sale All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps and notarial fees at co6t of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the right is reserved to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such re sale in some newspaper published in Wash ington. D. C. ADAM A. WESCHLER * SON. ocß-d*Ua.«x3u Audit t THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, P. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1925. AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. extra large sale of desirable furniture hardware, etc., on THURSDAY. OCTOBER FIFTEENTH. BEGINNING AT TEN AM. Player-Piano, nearly new Dining Room Suite In French Walnut: Four-Poster Red. Complete Bedroom Suites. Overstuffed Living Room Suites. Davenport. Odd Dressers In Walnut and Mahogany. Floor Ruga and Carpets, Chairs and Rockers. Beds and Bed ding. Large Bookcase. Hall Rack. Lot China and Glassware. Pictures. Mirrors and a lot of other miscellaneous, all by public auc tion, . Also at TWELVE O’CLOCK, a stock of Hardware. Stoves. Screens and Screen Doors. China. Glassware and Crockery, etc. House keepers' attention Invited: a chance to save on your purchases. Terms: Cash. D. NOTES Auctioneer OCIB-14 633 Louisiana Ave. N.W. THOMAS J. OWEN k SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF ALL THE CHAT TELS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CONTAINED IN THE HOLLYWOOD LUNCHROOM. LOCATED AT 400 nth STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of two certain chattel deeds of trust. No. 11 and 78. recorded April 18 and 27 1925. respectively, among the land rec ords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the un dersigned will sell at public auction within the above premises, on THURSDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1925. AT TEN O’CLOCK AM . all the chattels and personal property named in said trusts, part j I.V consisting of 2 gas ranges. 16-flxture gas I oven. 1 Pittsburg water heater. No. 50: 1 I steam table. I iron safe. 1 National cash register. 1 Underwood typewriter, etc. Also lease and good will. Terms of sale: All cash. To be sold as an entirety. J EDWARD LEWIS. GERSON NORDLINOER. ocll-dAdbs Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER k SON. AUCTS REMOVAL SALE THIRTY AUTOMOBILES By Public Auction At No. 621 H St. N.E. (on lot) Thursday, October 15th Commencing 10 A.M. Ford Chevrolet Tourings, Sedans, Roadsters, Coupes Terms Over SIOO ADAM A. WESCHLER k SON. AUCTS. 00.12M3.14; . THOS. J OWEN k SON. AUCTIONEERS. Valuable Apartment or Busi ness Site, in the First Com mercial Zone, on the Main Thoroughfare Leading From Dupont Circle to the New Arlington Memorial Bridge, Fronting 60 Feet on the East Side of New Hamp shire Avenue, Between L and M Streets Northwest. By vtrtue of authority vested In u*. we will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE FirTH DAY OF OCTOBER. AD 1925. AT FOUR fHIRTY P M.. lot 6 in square 72 contain ing about 8.240 square feet of ground. Term of sale One-third of ttie purchase money to he paid in cash, balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at ti per centum per an num. payable semi annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or ail rash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00 will l>e required at time of sale. All conveyanc ing. recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the property will !*• resold at the risk and cost of defaulting purehaser. after five days advertisement of such resale in eone newspaper published in Washington. D. U THOS J. OWEN A SON Auctioneers. JW THE ABOVE -ALe”HAS BEEN POST poped until THURSDAY, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER A P 1925. same time and place 006 d&ds.eiSu THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Brick Residence, Being Known as Premises No. - 1708 Kilbourne Place N.W. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust dated January 26. 1925 being instrument No. 221, recorded January 26. 1926. anione the iand re- orris of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby. ! the undersigned trustees will sell hr pubhe air tion in front of 'he premises on THURSDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DA t OK OCTOBER. A.D. 1925. AT FIVE P.M . the following descri eri land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia, and d»«ii{ pated as and being lot 83 in T r»n E. Bru ninger’s subdivision of lot* in block la, Inrleslde. ’ as ner plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia In Liber :>9, at folio 115. subject to the covenants of record' said block 15 being now known for pumosea of assessment and taxation as square 2690. Terms Sold subject to a prior deed of I trust for $6,500.00. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: I the purchase price above said trust to be 1 paid In cash. A deposit of S2OO 00 re | quirefl. Conveyancing, recording and rev- | enue stamps at purchaser s cost Terms to j be complied with within .30 days otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustee*. JUI.IUB 1 PEYSER. FRED M KKK. < Investment Bide) OCo-d&ds.exSu _ Trustees. FlTntt PATS. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. AUCTIONEER*. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK DWELLING NO 622 M ST. B.W. By virtue ol a certain deed of trust, be ing instrument No 141. recorded April 22, 1925 among th- land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, tho undersigned trustees will sell at puniie auction, in front, of the promise*, on TUESDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER A.D. 1925. AT FOUR I’.M.. the following described land and prem ises. situate in the Distriet of Columbia ami designated as and being lot 63 In John Miller subdivision in square 473. as per nlat recorded In Book 30 at page 8 in the surveyor • office of the District of Columbia, Terms Sold subject to a prior deed of trust fiv $2,659. further partiepiars of Which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to Iss paid in cash. A deposit of S3OO required. Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at purchaser’s cost. Terms to lie complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit for-/ feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the pustees. JAMEB W. B. FETTEY. JOHN A. BUSCHER. ocP-dids.exSu Tiustees. ADAM A WE9CHLER * SON. Auctioneer*. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS PARCELS 12/26 AND 6/16 CONTAINING APPROXI MATELY TWENTY ACRES AND SIT DATED ON CONDUIT ROAD. AT DANA PLACE. By virtue of a decree ill Equitv Cause 44515, we will sell at public auction, tn the auction rooms of Adam A. Weschler & Son. 920 Pennsylvania ave. n.w.. on MONDAY. OCTOBER NINETEENTH. 1925. AT THREE O’CLOCK P.M . the following described land and premises situate in the rnuntv of Wash ington. District of Columbia, and distin guished as part of a tract of land called "St. Philip and Jacob.” beginning at a stone planted tn the most southerly corner of the land conveyed to Daniel Casey by deed re corded in Liber N. C. T. 59 at folio 339 of the land records of the District of Colum bia. and running thence north 441; degree* east 10.76 chain* to a stone: thence north 54*4 degrees west 13.05 chains: thence south 29 *,ji degrees west 4.09 chains thence south 68$, degrees west 2.50 chains thence south 47'-, degrees west 1.90 chains thence south 08 degrees west 7.50 chains tn a stone in the middle of a poplar- thence south 35*4 degrees east 16 94 chains to the beginning: according to plat attached to above mentioned deed, excepting therefrom that portion conveyed to Michael Shugrue bv deed recorded in Lther 7.32 at folio 469 of the said land records: also oil that part of lot numbered one (1) In the division of the estate of Walter B. Smallwood, as per plat filed in Partition No. ,61 in the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, as lies between the first parcel above described and thp eastern line of the land taken bv the United States for the Washington Aqueduct which said tract of land contains approxi mately twenty acres and Is approximately described by metes and bounds as follows- Beginning at a point on the north line of Conduit road formed by the intersection of said north line with the easterly line ex tended of the land conveyed to Michael <hugrue shown on said plat, by deed dated August 28. 1873. and recorded February 16. 1874. among the land records of such District in Liber 732. folio 450. and run ning thence along the said easterly line north 63*9 degrees east 1.088.49 feet more or less: thence south 64 ty degrees east 668.35 feet more or less to a stone: thence south 44 degrees west 1.319.32 feet more or less to the north line of the Conduit road: and thence west along the said north line of the said Conduit road to the place of beginning, the same being known for the purposes of taxation and assesment as par cels 12/26 and 5/15. Terms of sale: SI,OOO caah deposit re quired at time of sale. One-third of the purchase money to be paid in caah and the balance to be represented by the note* of the purchaser, payable In two equal In stallments at one and two years, bearing interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable quarterly, and secured by first deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash at pur chaser's option. The cost of examination of title, conveyancing, revenue stamps, and recording to be paid hr purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within thirty days from the date of the auction sale or trustees reserve the right to resell the prop erty at the defaulting purchaser’s cost and risk after fire days’ re-advertleement In The EV * n IIAPHAEL S. HARRINGTON. GEORGE C. OERTMAN.h* Bld * - Washington laisii k Trust Bldg 007-UMt.exSu Trustee*. AUCTION SALES. , FIXTURE DAT. : THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. ; TRUSTEES' SALE OK V ALUABLE CORNER BRICK DWELLING. NO. 4329 2nd STREET NORTHWEST, CONTAININO I <5 ROOMS AND BUILT-IN OARAGE, i By virtue of u certain deed of trust dated I July 13. 1925. I*oll* instrument No. 123. ■ recorded July 14. 1325. tmonc the land i record* of the District of Colunibia, and at l the request of the party secured thereby. ■ the undersigned trustees will sell at public Auction, in front of the premises, on FBI- I DAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAV OF OC . TOBER. AD. 1325. AT FIVE PM., the iollowinfr described land and premi*es. eitu s ate In the District of Columbia and desig nated as and hems lot 28 In Allan E. Walker's subdivision of square 3321. as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 64 at * o1 A? subject to the covenants of record. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of tnjat for $5,250. further particulars of which will »e announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of S2OO required. I on vpy anoint*. recording ami revenue stamps at purchasei'a coirt. Terms to Ik? complied # » within 30 days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may Is* advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. OSCAR P. COURT. ELDRED H. BUCHANAN. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE STUCCO DWELLING BEING PREMISES NO. „ 6112 GALENA PLACE NORTHWEST. ' By virtue of a certain deoil of trust, dated March 0. 1324. being instrument No. 187. recorded March In. 1324. iniuiK the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auetion in front of the premises, on THURS DAY THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF OC TOBER AD 1325. AT FOUR PM. the following deserihed land and premises, sit uate in the Distriet of Columbia and desig nated qs and being lot 03 and the north 15 feet front by full depth of lot 70 in square 1443 in Potomac Height* Land Company's subdivision of land now known as "Potnmae Heights." as per plat recorded in Liber County No. 24. folio 50 of the record* of the oniee of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Subject to building restriction line shown on said plat and covenant* of record Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $4,000. further particulars of which will tie announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to he paid In cash A deposit of $230 00 reouired. Con veyancing recording and revenue stamo* at purchaser's cost. Terms to ho complied with within thirty days otherwise deposit for feited and the property may lie advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. ROBERT F. P. KREITER. R THOMAS ROBINSON oclo-dAds e*«u Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN A SOJI. AUCTIONEERS? TRUSTEES RALE OF LOT 30. SQUARE 5! 32, CORNER 47th PLACE AND FOOTE STREET N F. By virtue of a power of sale contained In | a deed of trust from Robert S. Brown, sur viving loint tenant of Rotiert S and Annie W Brown, dated M«.v 14. 1324. recorded May 15. 1324. in one of the land rc'-nrds of the Distriet of Columbia, default having l>«en made In the payment of the debt se cured hy said deed of trust, and at the request of the holder of the trust note, the undersigned trustee In said deed of trust will sell at nubile suction to the highest bidder. on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER TWENTY-FIRST. 1325. AT 5 P.M.. on the premises lot numbered 33 square num- Iwred 5132. In a subdivision called Oakland, lying and iieing in the District of Columbia, according to a plat thereof recorded in Plat Bool; numbered 43 at folio 8. one of the land record* In the surveyor's office of said District. The property Is improved hy a comfortable two-story dwelling of 0 -oonn. Terms of sale- Cash nt the time of sale or within 15 days thereafter: *-200 deposit reouired at the time of sale Conveyancing, stamps, title and recording at the cost of the purchaser Taves to be adjusted to the date of sale. T HOWARD DUCKETT Trustee. Evans Bldg . 1420. N V. Ave. N.W. ocD-dtds.exSu Washington. D c. ADAM A. WESCHLFH A SON. Aur-tionee-s. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable ; Unimproved Real Estate at Intersection of Adams Mill Road, Summit Avenue and Clydesdale Place, Running Back to Ontario Road,' Containing 17,541 Square Feet, More or Less. By virtue of a certain dec,! of trust duly! recorded in I.iticr No 4311 at folio 413. et , sen . n! the land records for the District of Columbia and pursuant, also to a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Co- I lumhia. passed in Equity Cans* No 4 13*3 the undersigned substituted trustees uili offer for sa'-e on the premises, on MONDAY OCTOBER NINETEENTH 1325. AT FOUR O'CLOCK PM., the following described land situate in the District of Columbia, to wit Lot 470 in square 2680. Teems of sa ; e■ Cash. A deposit of SSOO required of purchaser at time of sale. ' An conveyancing, re.ordmg revenue damns and I notarial fee* at -nsf of purchase- Terms j of sale to ).o complied with within thirtv : days from dav of sale otherwise Cin <.|js tees reserve the right to resell ihr oroperiy I a* the risk and erst of the defaulting mtr- ' I < baser, after five days' advertisement of' Sin h resale in some newspaper published in' the City of AAast inrton D C WILLIAM .1 DOW C. lorado Bldg J. BURTON WALSH Snuthori' B'dr ocTd&ds.exSu Substituted Trustee*. , THUS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS j TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE TWO i STORY DWELLING BEING PREM- i ISES NO. 115 18th STREET SOUTH EAST. ; i B.v virtue of a certain de"d of trust, dated I ] December 3. 1324. being instrument No i j 183. recorded De emiie: 23. 1324 among i I the land re -o-ds of 'he Du-tri’t of Columbia .and at the request o* tne pa ty secure-1 J I thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell j at public auction, in front of the premises. J on FRIDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY I OF OCTOBER. 1325. AT THREE THIRTY PM., fbc following dcrC-d land and premises, situate tp the Distri.t of ( ... I Pim'ia and designated as and 1 *in- lot lift ! in J Roland Johnson and ethers' suhdi- i vision of lots in square 1037. as per plat I re. Poled in Liber :.» at folio 24 in the sur vrvqr s office of the District of Cohimtua. , f i'• n -“ I 'o a Prior deed of frus’ j for Sn.>oo. flirt In pait ulars of which vli 1 i !*• announced at time r.f sale: the purchase , price above said tru-t to )** ~*■,) A ! nepoMt of S2OO rf’ijiHrH. f eortling and revenue stamps a! 'purchaser's J*™* complied wth ' within th:rt> nays, otherwise deposit f»» ui i propel ty may I*** ndverf laed rjmi at the discretion of the trukt*?.* HARRY K. til ADMAN* „ ARTHUR J. BRIDGETT I _ Tru*!f*ea "ADAM"A WESCSI LE& A SON. Aih.t'E “ Attorneys’ Sale of Valuable! Brick Dwelling With Double 1 Brick Garage, No. 812 Bthl St. N E. J’Vtue of authority ve,t*rl in (he under- ■ signed we will offer for sale by puhhe auction in front of the p-emmes ~,, ' FRIDAY SIXTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER i i 13'Jo. AT FIVE O'CLOCK PM lot 31 m I square 883. improved hy 2-*forr brick dwell” ! ing. 8 rooms and lusth. h-w h ele< ll*ht« i -utomatic heater and double brick garage in ¥\ r , ma: f a«h. First trust of 85.000 HI f) *4 per cent for 3 years can be arranged balance $75 per month at fit* per rent in eJuding interest, or all cash at ontinn of purchaser. S3OO deposit at time of sale Alt conveyancing at cost of purchaser. Terms to be comnlied with within 30 davs. other wise property will l.e resold at risk anti .ost of defaulting purchaser after 5 davs' adver tisement of sU'-h resale in so me hewsniner published in Washington. DC newspaper TOOMEY A TOOMFY Attorneys. ADAM A. WESCHLER V SON. AUCTsT~ Attorneys’ Sale to Close an Estate of Valuable Three- Story Brick and Frame Dwelling, No. 919 20th St. N.W. signed » auction in front of the premise* on FRIDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY - of OCTOBER. 1-925. AT FOUR O'CLOCK D.M lot 812 in square 80. improved by 3-stnrv brick and frame dwelling, lj rooms and bath elec, lights, h.-w.h. automatic heater and 2 metal garages in rear. Terms: $3,000 cash. First trust of $7 500 at OH per cent for 3 years can tie arranged' balance. SBS per month including interest on second trust at o>4 per cent, or all cash at option of purchaser. S3OO deposit at time of sale. All conveyancing, etc. at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise property will he resold at risk ami cost of defaulting pur chaser after 6 days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. I). C. TOOMEY A TOOMEY. Attorneys 0012. 338 Indiana Ave. N.W. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. TRUSTEES' SALE OF THREE - STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 402 M STREET NORTHWEST. WITH TWO- STORY' RRHK STABLE IN REAR. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 5051. folio 376. et sen., of the land record* of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the umiersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction, in front of Ihe premises, on FRIDAY'. THE SIX TEENTH DAY OF OCTORF.R. 1925. AT THREE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P M., the follow ing described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot let tered I (Eye* in square numbered fire hun dred and fourteen (614) and improved by premises No. 402 M street northwest. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, the balance in two equal installments, represented hy the prom issory note* of the purchaser, payable in one and two years, with Interest at 6 per cent per annum from day of sale, payable semi annually. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of S3OO required lof purchaser at time of sale. All convey ancing. recording, revenue stamps and nota rial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the city of Washington. D. C. E. C. BRANDENBURG. T. PERCY MYERS. Trustees. AUCTION HALES. FUTURE DATS ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. Administrator’s Sale of Four-Story and Base ment Brick and Stone Front Residence, No. 1722 Massachusetts Ave nue N.W., in Excellent Condition, Containing 19 Rooms, 3 Baths and Cel lar, With Brick Garage and Chauffeur’s Quar ters. By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a Prohair Court in re estate (if Florence G. Harriot, deceased. Administration No. 31747. the undersigned administrator will offer for sale at public auction in front of the prem -1 ise*. on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY-SEV ENTH DAY' OF OCTOBER. 1325. AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK AM., part of lot 3. known for purposes of assessment and taxa tion us lot 823 in square 158. District of Columbia, improved as above. Terms: Subject to a first deed of trust for $20,000.00 at On due on or before April 0. 1328: balance cash A deposit of $500.00 required at sale. All conveyancing, recording, notarial fee* and revenue stamps at <ost of purchaser. Terms to lie complied with within thirty days, from day of sale, otherwise the administrator reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of su.-h resale in some news paper published ill Washington. D. C. Inspection daily tietween II am. and 12 30 by appointment with the under signed. BLAINE MALLAN. Administrator. Transportation Building. pel 4-eodAdh*.e»9u. Franklin 342. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE TWO* STORY BRICK DWELLING. BEING PREMISES NO. 307 M STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated April 4. 1325. being instrument No. 120, record'd April 0. 1025, among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party aeeured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at Public auction, in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. +IIE TWENTY THIRD DAY OF OC TOBER. AI). 1B”5. AT FOUR P.M., the following deii*cril>ed land and premises, situ ate in the District of Columbia and desig nated as and being lot 65 in Robert L Me* Keever and Earl E. Goss’ subdivision of part of square 773. as per plat recorded In Liber 00. folio lHi*, of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia Subject to certain covenants of record running with the land. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of truxt for SO,OOO. further particulars of which' will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of S6OO required. Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at purchasers co-t. Terms to l>e complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the pro!*»rty may i>e adver tised and resold at the discretion of tha trustees. DAVID A. BAER. ROBERT 0. 6UHOLZ. ocl3 d A ds.exSu Trustees. THOS J OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TR^TEF-s' SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK DWELLING. BEING PREMISES NO. ‘MI 6th *T N.E. By virtue of a '**rtain d*/*d of trust dated July 1 -1. being Instrument No. 125, recorded July It. lf»*!s. among the land record** of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigne-l tru«tee.« will s»*il at put he auction, in front of p-emir#*.-*. on FRI DAY'. TTIE SIXTEENTH DAY OF tV'TOBF.R. AD 1926 AT FOLK THIRTY' PM. tb- I following (ie-iTilf'l land an<] pr-enii*',. sttu j ate in the Distri' t «>f Columbia and d'sig naied as and iieing lot 39 in S. H Walker ! and others' subdivision of lot* in square 838. ' as per Plat leeorded in the oftlee of the sur j veyor for the Distriet of Columbia in Liber | 12 at folio 109. Terms Sold suhjn t to a budding assoola tli>ii loan for $3,000. further particulars of I which will be announced at lime of sale, j ii>e purchase price al>"’. e said trust to he paid in cash. A deposit of $20(1 required Conveyancing, re. ordmg anq revenue stamp* ! tat purchaser's cost. Terms to he complied I with within thirty days, otherwise <icp o *it : forfeited and the property may is* advertised i an 1 resold at the discretion "f the trustees. I C. F. WARING. WILLIAM K HILL. oofl-d&ds evßtj Trustees. THOB. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE*’ SALE OK VALUABLE BHI' P RESIDENCE AND GARAGE KNOWS AS PREMISES 823 D STREET SOUTH WEST. By virtue of a cr'-t-ifn deed of trust, date* July 31. 1925. I'int instrument No. 120 j recorded July 31. 1925. among the lane I i records o' the District of Columbia, and at I I the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustee* will *r!l at nuidie I auction, i i t-nnt of the premises. ;in ' lU'KU.'V THE TWFXTY-SEUA'U DAY ;op ornOBER AD. 1325. AT FIVE P M I the following described land and premiar*. situate in the Irstrief of Columbia, aiei 1 ] designated as < atul being lot numbered 2S in the subdivision of square numbered 4! h ; made ■ Charles ft ' Imri'h 3s O'r i»!at re j corded in the nlfifs. of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber K L. H.. at , folio 308 I Terms Sold subject to s prior deed of | trurt for 53.ti30.0U also a strand t 'lst for ; a'siut $1.500 00. further particulars of which will b- annottnred at lime of saia. the I purchase price atnve said trust h> h#• bald jin cash. A deposit of $200,00 reattiyed. Conveyancing recording arui revenue ,tarr"S lat purchaser's cost. Term* to 0e complied ! j with within thirty day*, otherwise deposit i | forfeited and the p-op' ily may he to!V*" ! :-'d j i and rest Id at the tbseretiou of the trustees. I C. K. WaRTNG. M. J WRIGHT oclO-d*d«.exsu Trustee*, j THOS. J. OWEN A HON. AUCTIONEERS i TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE TWO j STORY AND ATTIC BRICK RESI DENCE KNOWN AS I'REMISES 3710 JENIFER bTRIET NORTHWEST. ! t HEVY CHASE D C. ) By virtue ct a certain heed of trust being instrument No 250. recorded August 7th. i 1924. among the land records of the District of Columbia, ami a' the request of the party secure! thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at put'll'* ruction, in fron’ of the prem ises. on MONDAY, THE TWENTY* SIXTH DAY OF OCTOBER A.D. 1925 AT FOUR P M., the following described land and prem ises. situate in the District of Columbia and designated as and lent lot 25 in Thomas ' M Neale's sub'll vision of lots in square j 1074. n« rer plot recorded in the offiee of ! the surveyor for the District of Columbia in j Liber 75 at folio 95 Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $8.500.00. further particulars of 1 which will he announced at time of sale ! the purchase price above said trust to tv* paid in cash. A deposit of SSOO 00 required. Conveyancing, rc'-ording and revenue stamp* lat purchaser * cost. Terms to be complied I with within thirty days, otherwise deposit ; forfeited and the property may lx? adver- I tiso) sod resold at the discretion of the ! trustees. NORM AN T,. ?ANSFTTtY". H G SMITHY. Trustees. I oel4-d*dg.exSu Tiustees’ Sale of AH Goods and Chattels Contained in the Dining Room and Kitchen of the Case Formerly Conducted In the P&rkside Hotel, No. 1336 Eye Street Northwest. By virtue of a certain chattel deed of trust. Qated February 28. 1025. tieing instru ment No. 103. recorded March 2. 1925. among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned will sell at public auction, within the above premise*, on TUESDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER AD. 1925, AT TEN A M., the roods and chattels named In said trust, part ly consisting of 12 oblong and 11 round Tables. 70 Chairs. 2 Serving Tables. 4 Hat Racks 5 Flower Stands. 1 De*k. Curtains and Draperies. '2 Coffee Urns. 1 Steam Table. 8 Kitchen Tables. 2 Gas Stoves. Large lee Box and all the Fixtures. Furniture. Equip ment. Glassware. Chinaware. Silverware and Kitchen Utensils used in and about said business. Terms* All cash. To be sold as an en- GEORGE P. PLUMMER. J. RUPERT WOHLER. Jr.. oel4-d*dhs exSn Trustees. THOS. J. OWES A SON. AUCTIONEERS. Trustees’ Sale of Valuable Two- Story and Basement Brick and Concrete Fireproof Building, Occupied as Garage in Basement, With Bowling Alleys on First and Second Floors, Being Premises No. 3710 to 3714 Georgia Avenue Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 4098. folio 432 et 6cq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises. on FRIDAY. the TWENTYD THIRD DAY' OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1025. AT FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow ing descritied land and premises, situate in the County of Washington. District of Co lumbia, and designated as and being lots 36. 37 and 38 in square 2900 in Catharina Loeffler'g subdivision of part of the tract of land known as “Padsworth," as per plat recorded in Liber No. 63. folio 5, of the reeords of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be psld In cash. Balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of salp. secured hy deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $2,500 will be required at time of salp. All conveyancing, recordlnr. revenue atamps. etc., at cost of purchaser. Terma of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, other wise the trustee* reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of default ing purchaeer after five days' advertisement of such resato in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. HARRY L. RUST. GEO. CALY'ERT BOWIE. eelS-UAds.exku Xiusisea. ( AUCTION RALES. FUTURE PAYS, THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. Trustees* Sale of Valuable Four- Story and Basement Brick Apartment House Known as the Newport, Being Premises No. 2164 Florida Avenue Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, being instrument No. 236. recorded April 2S. 1924: among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE NINETEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. AD. 1025. AT FIVE DM., the following described land and premise*, situate in tne District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 70 In John H. Nolan’s subdivision of lots In square 66. a* per plat recorded In Liber 35. folio 2. in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia. Terms- 8o!d subject to a prior deed of trust for $30,000. with interest at 0 per cent, due April 11. 1927. further particular* of which will be announced at time of aale: the purchase price above said trust to be Baid8 aid In caeta. A deposit of S6OO required. onveyancing. recording and revenue stamp* at purchaser's cost. Terms to be compiled with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be adver tised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. CHARLES E. MARSH. T. D. ROBERTBON. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. Modern Auto Shop Equipment, Cash Register, Accessories, Etc, By Public Auction, At Weschler’s, 920 Pa. Ave. N.W., Tuesday, October 20,1925, Commencing 10 A.M. United State* Air Compressor. “B. A D.” Drill and Stand, f'halo Hoists. Ambulance. Vises. Motor Stand. Forge and Anvil. Oil Tanka. Tutie Plate. ''Chevrolet" Electric Sign. Grinder, etc. Accessories. . ALSO Mahogany Hlx-Clerk National Cash Regis ter and Credit System. Type Desk. Type writer. Fire Extinguisher, etc. Terms: Cash. ADAM A WESCHLER A SON. Aucts. 0c14.15.16.17,10 ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers. Furniture, Upright Pianos, Vic trola, China, Glass, Orna ments, Pictures, Carpets, Rugs, EtcL, Contained In No. 2616 University Place, Be tween 14th and 15th, Euclid and Fairmont N.W. By Public Auction, Monday, October 19,1925, Commencing 10.30 A.M. Mahogany Upright Pianos, Mahogany Cabinet \i' trola. Bureaus. Chiffoniers. Beds Mattresses. Living Room and Dininr Room Furniture. Bookcase. Secretary. Library Tat'le Dresden Clock. Ornaments. China. Cut Glass. Painting* Ph tures. Book*. Old Barrel Chair. Carnete Rugs. etc. Terms Cash ADAM A. WESCHLER A S*ON. Aucts. _OC 14J 5.16.17 , TITOS. J. OWEN A KIN. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE FRAME DWELLING NO. 1809 KEARNEY BT. NORTHEAST. , , , By virtue of a certain deed of trust d'.l.y recorded in Llt**r No. 4821. folio 69 et seq . of the land re.'ords of the Di-triet of Co lumbia. snd at the request of the partv *e.u.-e>l thereby the undersirnr-d trustees will sell at public auction, tn front of the premises, on FRIDAY. TilE SIXTEENTH DAY OF <8 TOBER AD 1925. AT FIVE O CLOCK DM the following deserihed land and premises, situate in the County of YVanh ington. District of Columbia, aud d'signat'd 1 as and being lot 30 in square 4206 in Arthur J. Krauses subdivision of lots iti Fort Sara totr* Ari'litinn t< Brook land ami other aj» rv- r**t in Id her *55 at folio o. f ijf» of th- of th*» purveyor s off!'** of th» of Columbia, together *lth the imhrnvem^nU. of sale One-third of the purchase money to >»e paid In oath, balance in t«"0 equal installmeotp. payable in one and two ye ire. *vlth interest at *even per «-entum per annum, payable eemi-annoally from day of gale. ss#«*urrd hy deed of trust upon the property Rold. ur all ‘ ash, at the option of thu purrhaeer. A depoeit of will be re.pjl.-ed at time of eale. All conreyanoinf. recording* revenue stamps, ete., at coet of purchaK-r. of bale to be roniplie-l 1 with within 30 from day of sale, other ' wise the tni*9te*« the r-.«ht to resell tlie property at the riek and coat of default ing purchaser after five dark advertisement j •<f R’.p-h ''•sale in Rome newspaper published In Washington. !>.. C. ROBFKT B wtirfEHrRST. KR\ NK M. STEPHEN. Kendall Bid* . Wash.. D. C. __ _ Trustees. THOS J OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLF UNIM PROVED LOTS ON 14 S hTREET. BETWEEN C AND D STREETS NORTH- j FAST Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly I -ecorded in Liter No. 3676. folio 453. et I s-'i.. of the land recurd* of the Disln.-t of Columl>l». snd St tb« request of the vmrij scured IJerehy. the undersigned trustee ; «'.ll sell at nublie auction, in the office of I The. J. Owen A Son. 1331 G *t. n w., on MONDAY. THE NINETEENTH DAY OF I OCTOBER A.D 1925. AT TWO O'CLOCK I’M., the so! I '.«ing-describe»l land and urem i-*'« situate In Ih* District of Cnium' is. and | d'sigiiateii as and t*«ltig luts 239 to 244. in c)usi\e. r.f Jamci P. B urn’* subdivision of i lot* in equate 1054. as per mat in ti.e I surveyor’s otfi -c of the District of Columbia J in bonk 51 imee 52. Ter ns: AH cash. A deoosit of S2OO 00 required. Convey at.ring, recording anil reve nue stamps at purchaesr s . ost. Terms to h“ compiled with within thirty days, other wise deposit forfeited and the property may • h" advertised and resold at the discretion of the trust''. JESSE W. RAYYLINGS. coß*.e*Sii _ Trt'.*U»e. THOMAs'DOWLISG A CO.. Auctioneer*— TRUSTEES' SALE OF THREE-STORY. 9 ROOM BRICK DWELLING. NO. 2829 11th ST. N.W. B.v Mrttfe of a certain deed of trust dated I October 14. 1024. and recorded o<‘tol>er 30, ! 1924. as instrument N" 242 ft the land record* of the District of Columbia, and at ' thn requrst of the parties secured thereby «e will sell at public suction, in front of th" premise*, on MONDAY, the NINF.- TKENTH JIAY OF OtTOBER. 1926. AT FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P M., 1"t No 61. sqtiare No 2857. more fully described in said deed of trust, together with improve merits therqon. Terms of sale- Sold aubiect tn an exist ing first deed of t-ust of st>.2so snd a sec ond deed of tnist of $4,293.06: bslante over trust*, cash. Further particulars st , sale. A deposit of S2OO will he required at the time of sale. All conveyancing, record ing and revenue stamp* at cost of pur chaser. Terms of sale to !•* complied with within 30 days from the date of sal* Or th* deptis:t i laj be forfeited and the property resold at the discretion of the trustees. MARTIN J QUIGLEY*. HARRY 9. WELCH. Jr.. THOS. J OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS’. TRUSTEE S SALE OF VALUABLE UNIM ' DROVED IX)T ON UNDERWOOD STREET NEAR 16th STREET NORTH WEST: ALSO NEW SIX ROOM AND BATH FRAME COTTAGE. NO. 5605 33rd STREET NORTHWEST. By virtu* of two certnin deed* of trust, being instruments Nos. 173. recorded Novem. her 28. 1924. and 244. recorded July 21. 1984. among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction, in front of the respective premises, on yvEDNESDAT. THE TWENTY'-FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER. AIT 1985. COMMENCING AT 3:30 P.M.. the following described land and premise*, situ ated in the District of Columbia and desig nated a* and being all of lot 40 and the east one-half by the full depth of lot 41 in square 2744 in Fulton R. Gordon's sub division of 10th Street Hills, as per plat re corded In Book 61. page 85. In the office of the surveyor for the District of Colum bia; also. AT FOUR P.M., lot 38 in aquare 2084 in Chevy Chase Grove, as per plat recorded in the offhe of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Booh 48, page 21: io be sold subject to a first deed of trust or $5,000 and a second deed of trust for $2,000. Terms of sale: All ca*h above said trust!. A deposit of S2OO will be required at time of sale on each parcel. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamp*, etc., at cost of purchaeer. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty daya from day of sale, otherwise the property will be advertised and resold at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser. J. H. GORDON. Trustee. 0cP. rc TIO?J EBS TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE BRICK DWELLING NO. 1803 NEWTON STREET N.W.. CONTAININO 10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. HOT-WATER HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated March 29. 1324. being instrument No. 240. recorded April 1. 1024. among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party Secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at publio auction. In front of the premises, on TUES DAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF OCTO BER. A D. 1925. AT FIVE P.M.. the fol lowing described land and premises, situ ate in the District of Columbia and desig nated as and being lot numbered ninety-one (91) in Joseph J. Moeb's subdivision of lot# in block numbered three (3) of Chapin Brown’s subdivision of "Inglealde." as jet plat of first-mentioned subdivision recorded in the offlee of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 23 at folio $9 (subject to the restriction locating the build ing fine 15 feet from the line of Newton street, a* shown on said plat, and suhjeot to the condition that no building erected on said plat shall cost lest than $3,000. except stables or outbuildings). Terms: Sold subject to a prior (Med of trust for $6,000. further particulars of which will be announced at time of aale: the purchase price above aald trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of SSOO required. Conveyandnr. recording and revenue stamps at purchaser s coat. Terma tn be complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit for feited and th* property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. JEREMIAH JAME 9 MULLINS. ee9-«>*ds.exßu Trustees. STEAMSHIPS. AUCTION SALES. tXTOHB PATH THOS. J. OWK.I A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' HALE OF VALUABLE BEAT ESTATE BEWG A HOUSE AND toT IlaCE E 2247 CLEVELAND v i/* u ®. °i i certain deed of tract re folll 1 on o^ 0 J 823 ln Libor SOSO »t o» l«nd record* of tha Diatrict R* Co i2“«4- •»><» « tha request of the par- f I ‘^utSSiV I ,‘P* numbered one hundred and fifty-one numbered two hundred and J^ T i rnl* 01 !?™ .v • “described In said deed 'l?*', unon the folio wins terms . TS r Property ie subject to 5.f. of e/2f tru s‘ *r ? . urlnlr »n indebted 2Jff i”,,.* 1 .- 6 ? 0 - and eaid property will 1.-e •old subject to said deed of trust indebted ?*.*}• . Cj ‘he purchase price over and above Said deed of trust one-third is to be paid ln balance in two equal instai- A. ln °. n# and two yeara. with '"‘ff** 1 »‘ the rate of alx and one-half <BH) per centum per annum, payable aerai annually. secured by second deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of *2OO will be required at the time of tale All conveyancing-, recording, revenue stamps Stc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty <3o> iW AW. °* •» l* otherwise deposit w '!i 1)0 forfeited and the property resold at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after Bve days previous advertisement of such /••»!« In some newspaper published at Washington. D, C. 8 FRANCIS SAUL. _ 826 15th St. N.W. WILLIAM P. BENSON. 025 15th Bt. N.W. oc7-dAdt.ezSu Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN h SON. AUCTIONEERS' TBCPISItS' SALE OF FOUR VALUABLE UNIMPROVED LOTS. TWO SITUATED NORTH SIDE OF VAN BUREN STREET BETWEEN 6th AND flth STREETS. AND TWO ON WEST SIDE OF sth STREET BETWEEN UNDERWOOD AND VAN BUREN STREETS NORTHWEST. By virtue of two certain deeds of trust duly recorded in Liber Nos. 4414. 4457. folios 253. 112. et seu . of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the re quest of the party secured thereby, the un dersigned trustees will sell at public auction, ln front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER A D 1026. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P M., the follow ing-descrlbed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being lots 1 and 2 in square 3104 In the subdivision now known as "Fair lawn Manor." as per plat recorded in Liber 67. folio 40, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia subject to building restriction line as shown on said plat of the subdivision: and lots 60 and 60 ln square 3106 ln the subdivision now known as "Falrlawn Manor." as per Dlat recorded In Liber 57. folio 32. of the records of the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance In two eaual installments, payable ln one and two years, with interest at 6 per centum per apnum. payable semi-annually from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the oronerty sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of 5200.00 on each group will be required at time of sale. All eonveyancinr. recording, revenue stamps etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day es sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the nrooerty at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaaer. after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published ln Washington. THEODORE MICHAEL WILLIAM TODD. oeß-dAds.eiSu Trustee*. BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. iN The SUPREME COURT OF THE Dis trict of Columbia. Holding a Bankruptcv Court—ln the matter of Ja<-ob Cohen. Bank rupt—ln Bankrupt'?. No. 1603—Notice Is hereby given that the above named bankrupt has filed h*s petition p-aylng for a disrharre from ail his debts in bankruptcy. aj.d that his eredito-s and other persons in interest are required to enter their appearance in opposition, if anr so desire, in the clerk's office of said court, on or before the 12th dav of November. 1825. RALPH D. OUIN TER. Referee in Bankruptcy. ___ PROPOSALS. COMMISSIONERS. D. C.—W AbIfINGTON. Oct. 14. lD'i.V—Sealed p-oposals will (vs re ceived at Room 50p. District Building, until 2 o'clock p m„ Nov. 16. 1925. for luniish- Ing end ueliverlnr groceries, lumber and mUlwork, meats, fish and poultry, autonio mll*- tires, fer a period of six months. t>e rinning Janua-y 1. 1926. and ending June ;iO. 1926 Information at Room 320. Dis- J/.ct Building, STEAMSHIPS. MIAMI 3 Days by Sea j Round Trip from Baltimore, SB3-57 ; Round Trip from Philadelphia, $86.31 I A delightlul. bracing vvyos l - <>u modem express steamers with Lloyd s mgtiesi rating. All outside stateroom* Running hot and Cold water Private bath and shower extra Excellent meals and service Autos carried. NEXT BAILINGS From Baltimore knnn Philadelphia Pier 3. Prat; SI 30 So. Wharvea Oct. 15. 26 Oct. 19. 29 Writ* for Folder j Baltimore & Carolina S.S. Co. ! 1808 15th St. N.W. Franklin 1 39 FALL TRIPS J TO THE SEASHORE A DELIGHT FIT. SEASON TO VISIT TIDEWATER VIRGINIA SPECIAL WEEK END TOURS TO VIRGINIA BEACH Including Stateroom and Hotel Accommodations j FRIDAY to MONDAY , 0 J SATURDAY to TUESDAY| i DAILY RAILINGS to NORFOLK anil OLD POINT COMFORT. 6:36 P.M. NEW YORK-BOSTON BY SEA City Ticket Odee, Woodward Bldg.. 731 15th St. Norfolk & Washington STEAMBOAT CO. i Ih—- ■ ", si 10.01 't ' n Kraft*t»c«Wao J i^rvMKr / w /r,wYMk Fn>m via the Ocean Trail II Albuquerque $88.66 A fascinating ocean a/id gulf U Austin ... • 64.55 jfx cruise on dp luxe oil-burning H Beaumont • 65.77 steamers, seventeen' never-to-be fl £*“ M • • • 65.16 forgotten days at sea with all expenses 1 XI Paso . . 79.55 aboard included. Highest standards of 1 Pert Worth . 68.16 service and accommo- I Qalveston 63.00 dationa throughout. /« Houston . . 63.77> (^■n A Los Angeles . 107.27 - \ Oklahoma City 73.79 S \ ZS£'j£&*£ - \ SanAnt**i° • «.43 Three to four deft \ Ban Diego . 107.37 mmtyor* m t Celvea \ SaaPrandsco 108.90 ton, tamo os Texas jjcr ' Tucson . . 90.66 Semahoreßeaort, tbs Sbovs ons-wsv Xir mRHHu fares frsnMsw York tfireown OI V W3m UtMMtatweM exponas, yV/aHI DIRECT MIL CONNECTIONS At Galveston to all points in Texas, Oklahoma. Arisons, |L\ 91 New Mexico and Pacific Coast. lip H through Freight and Package Car Service to all If ■ Southwestern Points. MALLORY LINE Apply at I.*nl Tlekst Arenry, sr Writs ts A. W. PYE, Passsagsr Traffic Mgr., Pier 36, North River, New T«% * * TRAINED FINGERS RIVAL THE X-RAY IN DIAGNOSIS Physician Prove* That Delicate Touch Can Reveal Hidden Causes of Disease. By the Associated Press. ST. PAUL. Minn., October 14.—A “Jimmy Valentine” sense of touch instead of a Jack Dempsey punch is needed by physicians ln diagnosing stomach ailments, the Interstate Post Graduate Assembly of Physicians was told here yesterday. Dr. John B. Deaver of Philadelphia, emeritus professor of surgery at. the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, demonstrated that a deli cate sense of touch can rival the X-ray in disclosing stomach disorders. A thousand professional spectators cheered him loudly as his skilled hands, gently passing over the ab dominal region, disclosed causes of trouble in clinic patients that were later confirmed by X-ray examina tion. Carl D. Camp, professor of nuerol ogy at the University of Michigan, told the convention that fright may develop stomach trouble and exces sive pangs of jealousy may lead to heart disease —actual, not merely sentimental. Everything Running 0. K. From the Los Angeles Times. One of the funniest things that ever came up in Judge Summerfield s court was a suit for the annulment of a marriage, instituted by an irate father. It seems that the young people, though their intentions had been sus pected and they had been closely watched, had managed to elude the vigilance of their elders ln a manner worthy of record. “Ten, sir,” cried the father, ln giv ing his testimony. "The young scala wag bored a hole in the water pipe, and while I was holdin’ my finger over it an’ waitin’ for the plumber, darned if he didn't grab my gal and light out for the preacher.” Sunshine and Thunder. From the Cape Town Caper. This was after the lovers' quarrel. "I can never forgive you," he cried. "Last night you said I was a lobster.” "But, my dear." she replied, coyly, “you must remember how crazy I am alx>ut lobster.” With a glad cry he took her in his arms. Alpine Sports, Ltd., Hotel* British Clientele. R*st Sporting Facilities. MCRREN Palace Hotel Dei Alpes. Eiger. Regina, and three other*. MALOJA Maioja Paia-e. - PONTRESINA Srhioss Parr. MOROINS . ... Grand Hotel. I WF.NGEN Belvedere. | BEROCN ... Kurhaus PLANS FROM SECRETARY j 5. ENDSLEIGII GARDENS, LONDON. N.W. 1. ~ STF.AMSHIPB. || CRUISES I to the Mediterranean White Star I iner Adriatic Jan. 7; Feb. 25 Red Star Liner Lapland Jan. 16; Mar. 6 I Itinerarr: Madeira, Gibraltar, Al giers, Monaco, Naples, Athens, DsTdanelles,Constantinople,Haifa, Alexandria, Syracuse, Naples, Monaco, Gibraltar. U> .ration 46 davs. Stop-overs permitted. Op tional return via North European port*. $690 (up) all expenses included R. M. H’rks. 1506 F Street N.W.. Washing. I t .i :'i7 t ton. D. C.. or any an lh or I zed atenm.hip agent. WHITS STAR LIME Rso star Lins i HAWAII tan Jrcm LOS ANGELES SHRI Via tht Southern Route IHB Alt IXPINIB TOURS ffl S V7»S= ff/\ 9m * Wssks Maa4 Trip y Write *m Tom Booklet end jdcLjWZ ”Legend! of H*wed“ WL LOS ANOKLKS ißa L.teo*** - ** B ** Co. (■a 2RO BROADWAY Not York City 57