Newspaper Page Text
58 U. S. CASK TO BUILD HOSPITALS IN TOKIO $3,500,CC0 Surplus Red Cross Quake Fund to Be ; for Fraternal Memorial. ! Correspondence of the Associated Press. TOKIO. September -0. Construc tion of the two largo memorial hos pitals in Toyio nml Yokohama with j tho remainder of the proceeds of the , fund raised in the United States by the American Red Cross for earth- ; quake relief following the catastro- I phe of 19-3 will be commenced early j next Sprinp. The amount to he ex- i pended on the hospitals is approxi- , inately 8.500.000 yen. For the Toklo Fraternity Memorial . Hospital a site valued at 625.000 yen ! has been purchased in Honjo and the I Fraternal .Memorial Hospital Kounda-; tion has begun the work of training ; 100 nurses who will be used in thei new building. Endowment Provided. The hospital building and its equip- j mem will cost about 2.375.000 yen and the Foundation has set aside 4,000.- 000 yen as an operating reserve fund. The building and equipment of the memorial hospital to Vie established i at Yokohama will cost 500.000 yen j and this institution will have double this amount as its reserve fund. 1 The building for the memorial hos-j pital in Tokio will be of steel and concrete construction and is design ed to be proof both against fire and earthquake. It will be completed with in two years. The Hospital Founda tion has been ready for some time to proceed with the building, but the work has been held hack pending the completion of the adjustment of the sale of the land, which will lie effect- ' ed before the end of the year by the j Reconstruction Bureau, according to; the authorities. j V. S. Have >3.500.000 The American Red Cross Society! transmitted to the Fraternity Memor ial Hospital Foundation $3,000,000 last ) year and $500,000 later. At that time, j the American organization suggested) to the Japanese authorities that the fund might lie used for the establish- j niont of a memorial hospital since the funds for relief work were no longer needed. While the offer was made un conditionally, the Japanese officials concurred with the suggestion coming from the American Red Cross head quarters. Since the remittance, the fund has been swelled by interest and by the time the hospitals are com pleted, more than 500.000 yen will have accrued in this way. J Will Broadcast Taft Address, The address of Chief Justice Wil liam H. Taft at the dedication of the Alphonso Taft College of Law of the University of Cincinnati October 28 will bo broadcast by WSAI. I Have You a Savings 1 Account With Us? I Then you should JOIN TODAY A SJ mrular t-avei- "mows down" all obsta- ill f'r.s that prevent sue'ess. We nav S •> e interest on Savings Account* fa rank! ffj OF COMMERCE I and savings I Cor. 7th and E Sts. THE HECHINGER CO. “From Foundation to Roof” DOORS AND SASH —Both salvaged and new. New doors, stock size, $3 and up; Sash, new, six lights, 95c each; Screens, 40c each. WINDOW SETS ; —Complete Frames. Trim, ; Sash and Hardware. !?4.50 up. * Main Office } 6th & C Sts. Southwest Camp Meigs ( sth & Fla. Ave. Northeast (, TIIE j i HECHINGER CO. 1 vaaaaaaaaaaaa< DANCING. p GLOVERS. 613 22nd N.W PRIVATE LES- '5 •ona any time. 760. Course. 4prtv.. 3 class, $4. | , Guar, results. Fine emironment. W. 1129 j S PROF. AND MRS U. A. AC HER STUDIO. £ 1127 loth st. n.w.-—Classes Mon. and Eri.. 8 1' to 11 with orchestra. Priv. lessons by t appointment. Fr 8507. Established 1!»00. ’ MR. STAFFORD PEMBERTON. * 5 Lessons in All Styles ol Dam-ing. 1 Studio 1831) Biltmore st. Phone Col 2902 j J9» \ Spanish and Classic Dancing ! MRS. MAE DAVISON. f Studio. 132!) M St. NAV. « Private or Class. Classes Now Forming. | Anna Lanoff SCHOOL 01 DANCING. ! V Paviowa’s Method Instruction of Chlldrrn a Si>p«*!altr. I | *503 Champlain St. N.W. Adams * j GATHERN BALLET ! 719 9th St. N.W. M. 9-E.V- 8 School of hurh standing. Can teaeh ve-i she C latest in few private lessons. Assembly Tues- j day. Special rates for ladies in orchestra. £ lb* ' HELEN JANE MARK « Disciple of Ruth St. Denis I .> SCHOOL Ol CREATIVE DANCING V Method Rallet technique. All types of Oriental t and classical. classes limited to eight . pupils. Special children's classes. fc American Step Dancing f. Musical Comedy, Acrobatic, Buck, i / Soft Shoe and Charleston j Professional Routines Guaranteed ' 1818 M tt. N.W. Franklin 9732. 16* LETTIE MARIE BARRETT 1 Sat tonally Known Danseuse ( WiU Make You a "Perfect" Ballroom Dancer ] THE CASTLE CLIB € studio, 1213 K St. NAV. Fr. 6263 ) Psricing With Orchestra Mondays and Fridays £ TJ Teach you to dance cor- V i/nvjood o rgptiy ln a few i eMOng £ JfROF.-MRS. Strictly private; any hour. * 1311 M BT. N.W. Class and dance Saturday £ Vain 1732. evening with orchestra. ,5 Toilariata. Charleaton. Foxtrot. Tango. Waltz. £ I TODAY’S AMUSEMENTS. j National—“ The Passionate Prince," I Oriental play, at 8:20 p.m. ,T atin'.e j at 2:20 p.m. i Poli's —"Artists and Models," j at 8:20 p.m. Belasco—"ls Zat So?” comedy, at j 8:20 p.m. .Matinee at 2:20 p.m. , Keith’s—Alice Lloyd—Bransby Wil ; Hams, vaudeville, at 2:13 and 8:15 p.m. Karle—“Homer Lind Revue.” vaude i ville, continuous from 1 to 11 p.m. j Straml—“Alive in Toyland.” vaude j ville. continuous frcmi 12:30 to 11 p.m. [ Layety—"Talk of the Town," bur j lesque. at 2:15 and S:ls p.m. I -Mutual— "Speedy Steppers.” bur j lesque. at 2:30 and 8:20 p.m. Palace—" Little Annie Roonev," at II a.m.. 1. 3:10. 5:10, 7:10 and 9:25 p.m. i Columbia—" The Pony Express,” at j 10:50, 12:50, 3, 5. 7 and 9:15 p.m. ! Metropolitan—“ The Dark Angel," ; at 11:35 a.m., 1:35, 3:10. 5:30, 7:35 and | 3:40 p.m. Rialto "Thunder Mountain.” 'at | 11:35 a.m., 1:35, 3:40. 5:40. 7:40 and j 9:40 p.m. Tivoli—“Fine Clothes," at 2, 4 5:53, j • 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. ! Ambassador—" Tin Iron Horse,” at; ! 6:13, S and 9:40 p.m • Central—“ Shore 1 .tuvve,” at 12:30, 2, j 3:30, 5, 6:30, S and 9-40 p.m. Special Sale on Plants Visit Our Nursery "vines 50C j ! Peony j Roots «JUC | | Butterfly 7C„ | Shrubbery. j*i variety • j 1 'greens $1.50 lllltl lip Rodman Bros. 1449 Park Road N.W. <>♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦◄ ; j JOHN R. COCHRAN. THUS. P. HICKMAN. President. V. P. and < uahier. i 3% 4% On Time S iving* Funds Cidnmercial business and savings ao counts specialized and solicited. Resources Over $5,000,000. WE RENDER TO BANK CUSTOM ERS A SERVICE IN SURPASSED BY I THAT OF ANY BANK IN THE UNITED STATES. Monthly statement of accounts rendered We hare for free distribution handsome metal eatings banks, which, inculcate the spirit of thrift. Bank Remains Open I'ntil 5:15 PM. on Government Pay l)a\. FRANKLIN NATIONAL BANK Tenth St., at Penna. At©. N.W. Branch Jill Connecticut Avenue Cafritz Has Created a Wonderful Community in Pretty Petworth We have built more than houses—we have built a community of HOMES—into which have been put all the elements of comfort and the accessories of luxury. There is no place in Washington like Petworth and no Homes to compare with Cafritz “Life-time” Homes. Think of some feature you’d like—and you come to find it —and many others—already provided. The prices and terms are convincing. $8,950 —$1,000 cash—s7s a month Inspect all three Exhibition Homes——426 and 522 Buchanan Street; between New Hampshire and Illinois Aves., anti 4814 Seventh Street, between Decatur and Emerson Streets. O pen from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take the Busses to Grant Circle, or the 1 Ith, or Georgia Ave nue cars to Buchanan or Emerson Streets, or phone us and our auto will be at your disposal. Watch Washington Grow to a Million 14th & K Builders of Communities M. 9080 1 This Winter l lZ a <tZZh I wind broad- 0 casts its icy blasts—Florida is basking in the sun and enjoying the gentle breezes from the /gjj gulf. It’s just up to you. Here are two con- 0 venientJy arranged low-priced tours to help you 0 make up your mind. 0 {FLORIDA! § NEXT 12-DAY j NEXT 8-DAY I ® BOAT and LAND TRAIN and BUS <•> g ROUND TRIP ROUND TRIP f TOUR TOUR ssSj >' October 16th ( n , , __ 01 October 20th &! i t-day boat trio ) ..-jf to Jacksonville— \ 1 fir $v M#i Jacksonville. ft? JaJkXVille. ®! mart l b; e Tn rT «h‘u oV°. r “dSyJpre- Open Every Evening Until $j vloas to aniline. } 10 P.M. j These special price j Phone l's at Once— © 1 tours are arranged i Main 347, 6753, 6736 ® ; ® only for the accommo- 1 0 dation of those persons ) Homeseekers’ Realty Company 0 who are interested in j Asrenits lor the jI I the purchese of FLOR- I) BT b THE SEA »neki llollynood. Fl«. 1. W. loon,. Prw. A l iZ, HYMAN N. LEVY @j District Mgr. ra x Address /Jv ' Washington, D. C. | 1426 N. Y. Are. N.W. || THE EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, I). C.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14* 1925. Halloween: NOVELTIES —Costumes, noise makers, masks, etc. A tremendous stock. GARRISON’S Wholesale Toy and Novelty Ce.. lee. • 914 E St. N.W. J JK M E-SCO fff&M/ CUP TESTED WM“S3 MESWiNGco ioiTTTt CURE W jB —ue have Blank Books, j ! Always a Big supply on j hand. E. Morrison Paper Co. 1009 Pa. Ave. ■ delicious I riCkJT* ■ HOMEMADE I Iff Hi I VGANDIES I 1 ***™ * 1013 E-ST ~ 7IS-IVST ~ Zl6 •13 ST MT. VERNON Rteamer Charles Macalester l>av©9 7th St Wharf 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. Round Trip. 85c. AdmUaion 25c. j Ou: < . 1 Opt reauy at ail tmi«s wMV J to advise you re \ tfartliiij; your 1 •♦if»:i Stop in anti J have your eyes examine*! M.A. LEESE«EK|ft»| swre" 712 11th Street 1 ! The Portner Apartments 15th and You Sts. N.W. Try Our Excellent Home Cooked i Table d’Hote Dinner ! 75c Daily, 5:30 to 7 P.M. Ample Parking Space I | Get It At Gibson s Where Your Dollars Have More Cents Gibson s Great Expansion Sale Starts Tomorrow Special Announcement to the People of Washington Our Radio, Electrical and Hardware departments have outgrown their present quarters. We were compelled to expand into our new building, 915 G St. N.W., so that we could take ample care of our many good customers. We arc very anxious to have every one visit our new Radio, Electrical and Hardware Store, so we are putting on a Great E.xpansion Sale in all departments. DO NOT FAIL TO COME IN DURING THIS GREAT SALE HERE YOU CAN SEE A COMPLETE LINE OF cNewand Improved epmgi $39 50 RCA Radiolas Are Also on Display | All Sets Sold on Convenient Terms | Great Expansion Sale on Radio and Electrical Specials Radio Specials Brandos Superior QQ $3.75 Large 45-Volt. ©.-» in Phones .Special ©Z.49 Brandes $10.o<) Table ©*w |Q $4.75 Heavy-duty ©•» qo Talkers. Special.. * •*'9 45-Volt. Special. Manhattan SIO.OO Ail- Burgess B Batteries— justabln L,,,, ,i 4no ?- 00 Large 22L;- © | «q Speaker. Special.. $4.98 Volt Crosley Musicone. 98 !' * 4 $2.89 Westlnß Storage Battery, $4.79 100-ampere-hour. q«* _ ■’ >« «• Wire-. 39c $10.98 Electric Soldering Iron.. 08c I I R ‘j A U a n -P S" n * $2 25 Franco Dry Cells 29c nlngham Tubes Eveready Drv Cells. ©b no Eveready B Batteries— - t fnr ’ ©I.OO Volt. Special Burgess Dry Cells. Each, Above Radio Specials on Sale Only at 915 G St. Electrical Specials Electric Light Bulbs Edison Mazda Bulbs 10-watt Clear ] 10-watt Clear 15-watt Clear 23c Each 15-watt Clear Only 25-watt Clear L or 25-watt Clear L » 7r 40-watt Clear _ . - 40-watt Clear f _ . 50-watt Clear I ® ‘ or 50-watt Clear ■ E*ch 60 Watt Clear, 29c ©B |Ar| 6c Watt q<b each, or 4 for ©A.UU Clear Os£C Size Electric $5.00 Hot Point Elec- ©Q qo Room Heater. Spe- ©x: 4.Q trie Iron. Special.. . ©0.09 ‘\ ,Hl * 6-lh. Guaranteed Ele<- ©v> ja Ln I versa I Electric trie Iron. Special ©*£.49 Room Heater. Spe- ©d |q 3-lh. Uuaranteed Elec- ©o 1 ** * trie Iron. Special ©«J.4*9 \ lolet Ray Machines. Electric Hot Plate, ©x Regularly $12.50. ©Q qo Special ©1.49 ~ *” * $5.00 A. C. Vibrator. ©•» qq Electric Treatment ©7 aq Special ©D.9o Special.... W« ■* Gibson Three-heat Single-heat Electric ©0 Electric Bad. guar- ©o r Pad. Very special... «N*.4<9 antecd „ y<^ r * ©B.oo Electric Toaster $1.98 Electric Curling 1r0n.... 59c Candy Specials 3—sc Love -ifk I ih. Hershey 9 n „ * efit AUC Kisses o9c 3 —6 c Seven- -1 Eleven AUC 1 lb. Chocolate on 3—sc Hershey -■ Sponge OVC I3ars lUC 1 lb. Park and Tilford's 3 —loc Hershey txrv Delicious Chocolate Bars Cordial Cherries 09C lb. Hershey q 3 — s<- Luden’s -in Cocoa Cough Drops... MIC NO CANDY DELIVERED. Our Special Banner Leader On Assorted Chocolates 1 pound Very Fine Assorted Chocolates, absolutely A fresh. Very special Great Expansion Sale on Soaps Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only Or Until Stocks Are Exhausted 10 P. &G. White Xaph tha. .Special 4 Old Dutch Cleanser . <2«>C Limit, 10 to customer. Limit, 4 to customer. 12 Guest Ivory 45c 10 Star Soap 47c I Limit, 12 to customer. Limit. 10 to customer. 10 Palmolive Soap 59c 10 Kajrv Soap 39c Limit, 10 to customer. Limit. 10 to customer. 6 Ivory Soap Flakes.... 49c Limit, 6 to customer. Great Palmolive Specials I—Palmolive Shaving Cream and 125 c can Palmolive “J (T After Shaving Talcum, both for U«/C I—soc Palmolive Shampoo and 150 c jar of either Palm- grfl olive Cold or Vanishing Cream *SUC Great Razor Specials I—Gold-plated Auto-Strop Razor, complete with case. 1 blade and strop, and 125 c tube of D. &R. Perfect A(\ Shaving Cream, both, very special 4VC I—Durham Duplex Razor, in case with 1 blade, and 125 c tube of D. & R. Perfect Shaving Cream, both special. Great Fountain Pen Special Self-Filling Fountain Pen, very many styles to select nr from, each pen guaranteed. Very special. Other styles up to $9. Sorry we cannot deliver any specials advertised in this sale Get It At Gibson s Where Your Dollars Have More Cents 915-917-919 G ST. N.W. ' AMUSEMENTS. O««I£TKX .STAHL* Y COMPANY Os AMfUtCA issio GOROZOTJB AND COMZOBTABLZ HIGH GRADE PROGRAM 1 TOll “The Road to Starland” I “HOMERUND^SREVUeJ Fir it Wiahlngton BHo wist ■ Hold Your Hot odd Sit Tliht ■ “WILD, WILD SUSAN” I IS HERE I A Poromount Ploturo I fi OTHER PERFECT FEATURES Keith'* Popular Priced Vaudeville and Stanley Photoplay* STARTING SCHEDULE: Pictures— 1, 4:30, 7:50 YodvU—3. 0:15. 9:15 I Direction Stanley Co. of America. IHA.MJAU.r-" 1 - METROPOLITAN F AT 10th I TODAY—II A. N. to 11 P. M. First National Special VILMA BANKY RONALD COLMAN Supported fey an exceptional cant In a romance that has the world war aa Its remote background, the DARKANGEL -extra imperial MALE QUARTET In a chromatic prologue at 8(85, 7130 and 9i35 !>■ M. “Oor Cong” fontedyi Sce:itcj World Survey: Wtirld Serlea; Washington's Finest Orchestra CRANDALL’S T,vw, ‘ , - _ _ ! till A I’.irk Kd.N.W TOIiAV—T.EWIS sTONf. K I,MA Kl'- UENS. RAYMOND ORIKFITH and I'F.RCi MARMOV! i i FINK CLOTH Ks AL ST. JOHN in ' KAJR WARNING And TOPICS TOMORROW—ANITA STKWART in NKVER THK TWAIN shai.l MKKT AKSOP FABLE and RK CRANDALI’S ambassador UUUIUALL o lHth&( oI.Rd.NAV. TOI>AV ANIi TOMORROW—MADGE BELLAMY and OKU ROE OBRIEN in THE IRON HORSE CRANDALL’S . TODAY—RK HARD BARTHELMESS :m1 DOROTHY MACKAILL in "SHORE LEAVE And OIR OAMJ in ’ BOY- WILL BE JOYS TOMORROW RICHARD DIX in THK I.I'CK Y DEVIL" And NEAL BURNS in "SOUP TO NUTS." CRANDALL’S Savov ThPa, e r nth and Col. Rd. TODAY -- BETTY BRONSON and ADOLPHE MENJOU in "ARE PARENTS PEOPLE! ’ And COM EDY. TOMORROW CLAIRE WINDSOR and pat O’MALLEY in THE WHITE DESERT" And SEN — NETT S J.’SKINNERS IN SILKU CRANDALL’S fl Vf. nu t Gra " d t>4« Pa. Atr. (t.E. TODAY—LEWIS STONE. ALMA RU BENS RAYMOND GRIFFITH and PERCY MAR.MO NT in "FINE CLOTHES.” AESOP FABLE and TOMORROW - TOM MOORE and 7.ASU PITT- in "PRETTY LA DIES" And SPAT FAMILY in THE ROYAL FOUR FLUSH " CRANDALL’S Th^"- v.u.xv.auu U u-»4 H St. NF. TODAY VIRGINIA VAT.LI 'in "SIEGE." And SENNETT’S “SNEEZING BEEZERS " TOMORROW—ALICE JOYCE and CLIVE BROOK in “THE HOME MAKKR." And CAMEO COMEDY _ CRANDALL’S ra \ or M h TZ Ga. At.. A Unrher St TODAY—RICHARD PIX In "THE LUCKY DEVIL" And HARRY LANGDON in "HIS MARRIAGE TOMORROW—VIRGINIA VALT.I in CCUMEDY An " HAL R ° ACH j CRANDALL’S TODAY—LON . GHANKY m '"THE UNHOLY THREE." And CAR TOON TOMORROW—ALICE JOYCE and CLIVE BROOK in "THE HOME MAKER And EDDIE GORDON in ' THE POLO K'T) " GAYETY s fl3 r COLUMBIA BURLESQUE 11. M. Strong Pre«»pnt« “TALK OF THE TOWN” With CHARLES (SLIM) TIMBLIN Results of World's Series Games from State Ladles' Matinee Dailr. 25e J^ex^lWek——|J[^^Re^i^Parisienne*^^ TONIGHT |%*HUBERT#k Mi t. Today I AtB:M Ktl ACpO 50c to s23o ßitLfl5 WW 5()c , 0 sl^, Hanncrment Meiart. Shubert SABiS BOOTHE and MESSRS7 BHtIBEitT Present The Greatest. Loudest and Longest Laugh. Last Times of “IS ZAT SO?” By JAKE* GLEABOV * RIOKASD TAB ZB NfflTP °,' rta « .4° Unxh* and length of 11 I£t play the curtain mutt riee at i ——» > and »■ BEXT BUM. MIGHT—BXATB THTJBB. BUGENSO’NEILL'S I de^ir| UNDER THE ELMS milh Frank MCOltpui a ! The Most DUcneaed Play es the Century ! Direct Prom 49-Week Bun in Hew York The Greateat Artiata For - the Leaat Money. MONDAY EVENING ! ' CONCERT SERIES Presented by Peggy Albion | WASHINGTON AUDITORIUM 19th & E Sts. N.W. Opening Concert October 19 Reinald Werrenrath At 8:15 F.M. Other Concerts Include i l.nrrezia Burl Louise Homer ; Josef Hofmann J l‘J l, J* 0 1 n Benno Moisel- Albert Spaldin* witseh London Ktrin* Cleveland Or- Quartet chestra Alexander Brailowsky and i Florence Austral I Tickets now—Jordan Piano Co.. I.lth A i O Sts. N.W. Phone Main 487 j Woodward Si Lothrou (Vletrola Dept.) Subscription Tickets, S 5, *lO, *ls— war tax. for entire series. Single Concert Tickets, 91, 81.50, $T I —plus tax. 4 First Trust Loans Large and Small Second Trust Loans J. BENSON THOMAS COMPANY 818 J.3UI at. N.W. M-in *Alti AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. ! WASHINGTOrS LEfIDIHG THEfITERS f' i LOEWS r LOEWS I COLUMBIA PALACE I 1 F Street at 12th F ■ treat at ISth i TODAY Aim ALL WdH Tona-r .«n a.. s | Paramount Present* ODAT AJID ALL WEEK g I "J||£ PONY Vnitod AreutM ProaoM | I EXPRESS piCKFORD S B fames Cruse's %sondsrf%tl ruo~ I I V a cwr to 'TtoCoverod Waco* t w u , t> | ■ BTT T COMMON—RICARDO *V x '£y\ v I H CORTEZ WALLACE BEERY— LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY” 1 i ERNEST TORRENCE. WITH hadtes § ' Wltk Ixdtl Mnilo Special Mast cal Score, | 1 COYTISrOC*, lOrSO A. M.—ll p. H. | \ Thrilling! Sensational! # X Tickets Now on Sale for > 250-Mile National Championship Classic Auto Races See //ie World*B Famous Drivers 1 on World*s Fastest Race Track y C Purse of $25,000 1 Baltimore-Washingrton Speedway \ / Laurel, Md., Saturday, Oct. 24, 2 P.M. S C GENERAL ADMISSION C TICKETS ON SALE Adults, 52.00 > At company** offlof, Conti* firandstand Reserved nenfal Tru*t Bid*.. NpsldineX $3.00 to SO.OO ® Willard Hotel, Washlneton Ho- Inrlndincr Admission tel. C ity Club. Columbia Coun* <’ .. nft . etn no try Club. Jerry> Sport Shop. KOXCS, 5 <.00 to SIO.OO Quality Shop. John R. Peak. Includintr Admi*.*lon w? JjJ* et,tmrnt B,d *- and Sol H «* r - parkinK * f,jll ' iew of race> * AMPLE PARKING SPA(E FREE H WORLD'S SERIES | ■ WINNERS H | alicTlloyo J D Swaet and lfew Songt U H In Her Inimitable Way jl g BENNY RUBIN & CO. II H A Great Comedy Teater® II H I OTHER GREAT ACT« I | If Extra Added Attraction U H BRANSBY WILLIAMS N II Interpreting Dickens 11 H Show® Daily—*ls and 1:16 || ■ssamanaEssaal Mutual burlesitl THE AVEHUX AT BTH It “SPEED! STEPPERS” ■! Thar®. Hlta—Wrestling. JOZ TURVES r* JOE PARELLI. ~ " | MRS. WILSON-GREENE’S CONCERTS POM S THEATER—«:3O ARTISTS’ COURSE nrSOMNA GIANNIM. Mexro-Soprano. RACHMANINOFF. Pianist. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. Sera® Kou®»evitrky Conductor. MME. OALLI-CFRCI after an absence of one year In Europe and Australia. BENIAMINO GIGLI. Lending tenor of Met. Opera. First appearance in Wash ington. PHILHARMONIC COURSE TITO SCHIPA. Lendine Lyric Tenor of the Chirnco Opera Company. FRITZ KREISI.ER. Violinist. MME. JF.RITZA. Sensational Viennese Soprano from the Met. Grand Opera. ■ SIGRIU ONEGIN. Contralto. First ap pearance in Washington. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, j Serge Conduetor. ! ffILSON-GREENE CONCERT > . SERIES Os Six Evening Concerts Washington Auditorium 8:30 O'clock. JOHN MrCORMACK. Great Irish Tener. BALER and GABRILOWITSCH. Pianists. In a two-piano ensemble concert. MISCHA ELMAN. Great Violinist. PALI. WHITEMAN and his Concert Or chestra. George Gershwin's opera. “Bine Monday," with distinguished soloists, will be presented second half of program. WTI.I, ROGERS. Prince of Entertainers. »nd Famous PE RESZKE Singers. I MME. FRIEDA HEM PEL. Soprano. In ♦he famous Jenny Lind Concert. (By re quest.) j N.Y.SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA WALTER DAMROsen. Conductor. POLES THEATER. I November 10. December 8, February 9. March lfl. Dee. B—GEORGE GERSHWIN. Com poser-Piaulst. Soloist. Feb. !>—ALL-WAGNER PROGRAM. *e ; lections from “Rlenxl" and "Parsifal.” with soloists and chorus of 350. March 16— OTTO KLEMPERER. Guest Conductor. Soloist. LAWRENCE TIB BETT, baritone. Met. Opera. Season tickets for all concert courses now on sale at Mrs. Greene's Concert Bureau. Droop’s. 13th and G. Phone Main 6493. Film Features i CIRCLE 2105 Pa * Ave. Ph - w - 953 I r Amnle Parking Space LEWIS STONE. VIRGINIA VALLI. LIT A NALIJI. “THE I-ADY WHO LILD. I LIBERTY North c »p- aild p sts. I UUMUI ALMA RUBENS in “A OMAN'S FAITH." ! AMERICAN lst st - anrt R >• Ave. I „ EDWARD HORTON In BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK." ! PARK THEATER | STARKE. CONRAD NAGEL in “SUX OLYMPIC You st - Bet. 14th & 15th uilL™ , LAURA LA PLANTE in ■ THE TEASER." MERM AID COMEDY DUMBARTON 1348 "iseonsln W, UU ! DOROTHY GISH and LILLIAN GISH in “ROMOLA. " Time Pf shows, 7 and 0 p.m. ELITE 14<h st - and R - 1 Ave. “BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK. STAR_CA%L HIPPODROME 9th&N.Y.Av.N.\V. mrrutißUMt CRIF . NEW STANTON E ROD LA ROCQUE. DOROTHY GISH. ERNEST TORRENCE in “NIGHT LIFE OF NEW YORK." EOT NEWS, CHEVY CHASE £■>»” „ McKinley St., D.C. NORMA SHEARER. “SLAVE OF FASK ION.“ " CLIFF BOWES. “THE MAD RAPHAFI 9th ando StreetsN.w! IUUIIMC.L LILLIAN GY9H In CAROLINA llth * N.C. Ave. B.E. cnnuLiim -restless wives." with JX>Bl2_ KENYON. PRINCFU tl» 9 H St. N.E. rninWLdd BETTY BRONSON in “NOT SO LONG AGO.'-- „ - FMPJRF 911 H Street N.E. LDllllVL KENNETH HARLAN ill "DRUSILLA WITH A MILLION.’ COMEDY. "MODELS AND ARTISTS.” TAIChMA Takoma Park, D. C. innvnin LON CHANEY in “THE UNHOLY THREE. COMEDY. National CARL REED In Association With A. 11. WOODS Preaeata LOWELL SHERMAN “THE PASSIONATE PRINCE” By Aehmed Abdullah and Robt H. Davi® Week Com. Next Nun. Seats Tomorrow. Moat Famous Show In America SAM H. HARRIS Prreent® IRVING BERLIN’S Fourth Annual MUSIC BOX REVUE With Fannie Brice. Clark * McCullough. Oscar Shaw, Grace Moore, Brox Slater®. ! Runaway Four. May Corey Kitchen, Jo ! ®eph Macsnlley. Wynn Bullock, other* and : the Mos'r Box Boy® and Girl®. Staged by John Murray .Andersen. Thursdav, f\—L 1 C 4:30, V/Ct® 15 Opening Ten-Star Serie* Wm *Va> Hinshaw Proiiu^tinn “Elixir of Love” Opera Cob]l<3Up by Donizetti Ticket®— *1 50. *I.OO. roe T Arthur Smith Concert Bureau 1330 G St—Homer L Kitt Co. Afternoon >erie®, boi. 17. Jan. A, Mar. !> Philharmonic Society of New York Orchestra Wi Ihclm” Ihfnwlent !er Conductors Tn-ket®—*4.oo. S'-.50 Capt. Roald Amundsen In the Tlirillint Illustrated Lecture, “Our Airplane Hash to North Pole- Poll'® Theater. Wed. Afternoon. Oct. 31 Ticket®—, 82.00, $1.50, SI.OO T Arthur sn.ith Bureau 1330 G St. Homer L. Kitt Co. Shubert AttraeHona' _ POLLSTonigtt ""zsr Why Go to Pari»7 You Can Saa It Otiar Harm! SXttß* SHOCtRT S BJfSV+J Kj, K»9IIS y COM. NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT SEATS TOMORROW tntix/wDßiws (gawHl THE'SKAri’IVI’ 4 T * ■ » vMotAa/u rrfSriu ro*k> PRICES' K ™“ Bit. 50 c, 81.00, I HIVLJ. 81.50; Orchestra. 82.00 and 82.50. Bargain Thursday Marine®. 50c to 81.50; Pop. Sat. Hit. BOe to j 82.00. Plu® tax. A Great Thrill i is coming: in to your life MKgLlat the Rialto, |H j commencing: | next Sunday. M n f Y* f (RIALTO •th at Gee It. W. Cf»*l Show to r Thrill Seekera and Mimic Lover® THUNDER MOUNTAIN Tram John Golden's Stag® Hit, "XewAy Tolki,” Stirring Midge Bellamy and Leslie Traton ALICE EVERSMAM Formerly of Chicago and Metropolitan Op®ra ELENA DB SAYNE Fern®us Violin Virtuose - Mlichi Gateraoa, Conductor Washington’s Bast Orchestra World Seriea Kasaita Anaonacod