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U.S.-GERMAN TRADE TREATY EFFECTIVE Model Commercial Pact Be comes Operative—Rati fication Slow. By the Associated Press. Temporary arrangements under which American commercial relations With Germany have been conducted since the war were supplanted yester day by the new treaty of friendship and amity with Germany, ratifications of which were exchanged by Secre tary Kellogg and Baron von Maltzan, the German Ambassador. The treaty la regarded at the State Department as the model for commer cial treaties now being negotiated with other governments. Including Hun gary and Bpain. These have been made necessary by changed conditions due to the war. The treaty with Germany was signed December 8,1923, by Secretary Hughes and Ambassador Wiedfeldt, then Ger man diplomatic representative in "Washington, but was not ratified by the Senate until February 10. this year, nor In Germany until August 20. The delay in Germany was due to debate over a resolution Included in the Senate ratification reserving the right to Congress to declare tariff rates preferential to American ship ping at any time after the elapse of one year from the effective date of the treaty. A further stipulation made by tiie Senate reserved the right to control Immigration. The treaty runs for ten years before It is open to denunciation by cither party on one year's notice. It is lmsed on unconditional most favored nation treatment and included specific pro visions that extend to the nationals of each country within the Jurisdiction of the other full rights and protection in commercial or other matters. HONOR GUEST AT DINNER TALKS IN SIGN LANGUAGE Francis P, Gibson, Grand Secretary, Society for Deaf, Urges All to “Keep on Smiling.’’ Francis P. Gibson of Evanston. Ill grand secretary of the National Fra ternal Society for the Deaf, and his wife were guests of honor at a ban quet given by the Washington chap ter of the society at the Continental Hotel last night. Mr. Gibsoff is on an inspection tour of the different chap ters of the organization. Using the sign language. Mr. Gib son gave a brief talk on "Keep Smil ing" and Dr. Perclval Hall, president of Gallaudet College, spoke on “Means of Promoting the Welfare of the Or ganization." Edwin E. Macskoske, chairman, and E. E. Bernstorff and Louis Lovett comprised the commit tee in charge of the banquet. C. C. Quinley, president of the local chapter, presided. The National Fraternal Society of Deaf Is an insurance organization, with offices in Chicago. The society was organized when it was found that insurance companies asked higher rates of deaf people, claiming they were bad risks. The records of the society show, It is claimed, that the deaf are as good risks as anybody. The organization was formed by deaf people, and all the national officers are deaf. AUTHOR TAKES BRIDE. J. N. Ball Weds English Girl on South Sea Isle. GINNEJLL, lowa, October 15 (*>).— James Norman Hall, author, and Miss Sarah Winchester, an English girl, were married September 15 last at Tahiti, one of the South Sea Islands of the French Society group, accord ing to word received yesterday by his mother, Mrs. Arthur W. Hall of Col fax. lowa. Mr. Hall is author of "Kitchener’s Bob" and other books. Fish in Sahara Desert. Live fish and shellfish, similar to those inhabiting the lakes of Pales tine, have been found by artesian well borers at depths of 200 feet and 300 feet beneath the burning sands of the Sahara Desert. Two girls are serving in the crew of the American ship Monterey. They are the daughters of the vessel's skip per. The elder girl has been at sea nearly 10 years. Clad in blue dunga rees, they share all the duties of the crew. They have lessons in naviga tlon and take spells at the wheel when the weather is fine. m J Millinery Importer* b™ «»F Streets kr Exceptional Offering In ' Millinery 95 Hats 86 Hats Srt“ s6jo 92 Hats W» *9= # All $ 22~ to $ 35 Hats s ll= and s ls NOTE.—At the above prices are All Velvets, Velvets and satin Combinations, also Felts trimmed with velvet. All have been reduced from our awn stock. I ~ Chivalrous Cop - Apologizes for m m Being Hit by Car Washington’s most chivalrous traffic policeman is Traffic Officer George H. Russell, who waves his - arms at Connecticut avenue and M street of afternoons. He was directing traffic there yesterday afternoon when Mrs. R. L. Neuhauser of 1847 Kalorama road came along in her automo bile and knocked him from his post, bruising his leg and upset ting. for the moment, his dignity. r Policeman Russell did not a launch into a tirade of righteous wrath and haul the fair driver to traffic court amid a barrage of fe g marks about woman drivers. In s stead, he smiled as though apolo glzing for bumping her car with , his person, tipped his hat, and gallantly motioned Mrs. Neu p hauser to pr >ceed, stating: “ 'Hall right, ma’am, the rain -, did it. You weren't to blame.” Births Reported. I The following births have been reported j to the Health Department in the last 24 hou rs: 3 Garlin S. and Clara W. Paxson, girl. Clarence A. and Helen H. McFarland, girl. , Harry D. and Josephine A. Wood. girl. Karl W. and Mary E. MeGruder. boy. ' and Grace Prentice, rtrl. 3 Lari W. and Ethel V. Paype.boy. Giovanni B. and Roaa M. Arduim. boy. William C. and Leila C. Hall. xirl. ) Owen H. and Nan Morns, hoy. 1 M - an<l Anna M. teller*, airl. ‘ John D. and Athena D. Naeoa. g-iiT. Paul M. and Anna M. Taylor, boy. r James H. and Lois J. Wasenen. cirl. Peter and Lrna D-mas. boy. r JJelt in D. and Emma L. Hildreth, rtrl. f Russell E. and Rn„> K. Rollers, rlrl. f 'Valter L. and Manraret Bowie, fioy. Ltieio and Ella Gome/., boy. ■ Edward C. and Sadie Davi*. boy. L Janies F. and Elizabeth Colbert, boy. Herbert \ and j,ewU. boy. William and Arnetta P. Morpan, sirl. Arthur and Eva M. Davis, boy. Jesse and Estelle Mills, boy. . C harles W. and I-ena G. Manly, bov. M an, t Dxell Griffin, irirl. i Wesley and Annie Johnson, rirl. Georire and Mazora Gray, boy. i w/Ju **■ and Rarheal Long-, boy. William and Mattie Freeman, boy. 1 Liston and Mamie C. Newkirk, boy. , James W. and Evelyn, boy. Deaths Reported. John Nick. 59. Providence Hospital. Harriett E Henry. 90. 2233 18th it. Grover C. Evans. 32. Walter Reed Hospital n!ta? nS ° n Dl Webb - 46 - Walter Reed Hot llJSf** J - Weihle. 38. Walter Reed Hospital. DiUl n J- ° rolh - 43 - Walter Reed Hoa ’ wi r iM h J- McCauley. 57. 7 Adame st. J, 1 i2 r n & r er -. 6 - Walter Reed Hospital. tushL R Ai I ' Pml> F 7 i; th “ Mayflower Hotel. Uidversify ° 3 ’ < '° or,re Wa " hintton Atla Miller. 52. Galliiirer Hospital. Grace w-mi’- P^7. a U e - 7U. Freednien » Hospital. MUliam tullev. 44. Garfield Hospital. Ditaf Robertson, lb. Tuberculosis Hos pi Bertha D. Henry. 20. St. Elizabeth'e Hoe- Garrie V. Clay. 35. 1422 P st Florence Boyd. 48. Gallinxer hospital. SOCIETY (Continued from Eighth Page.) hers of the two families followed the ceremony at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Edmond Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. Handy left for a wedding trip after the break- Tliey Explored for You! MEN like Lewis and Clark, the great ex- 1 plorers, became fa- j mous because they I blazed new trails for { the world to follow. The modern highway engineer, too, has opened new roads to speed your journey. Reap the harvest of his exploration by mo toring wisely with our Auto Maps and Guides They are comprehensive, clear, concise, and priced in a common-sense way. The National REMEMBRANCE Shop Mr. Foster's Shop 14th St. at Pa. Ave. Also 1229 Pa. Ave. * THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. I). C l ., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925. fast. They will be at home after No vember 1 at Northbrook Courts. Mr. William Phelps Eno has return en and opened his home on N street , for the Winter. Mrs. Herbert Shipman has gone to New York from Newport and is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley, at the Hotel Plaza. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley entertained a small company Informally for Mrs. Shipman last evening In the Terraced Restaurant. Mine. Paternotre of France, who Is visiting her brother and sister-tn-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Elverson, Jr., in Philadelphia, was Joined there yester day by her daughter, Countess Boni de Castellano. The Countess lived here as a little girl when her father, the late M. Jules Paternotre, was Min ister of France. Mme. Paternotre’s wedding to the French Minister took place In Washington, where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Elverson of Philadelphia, lived at Clifton, Just south of the Naval Observatory. Mrs. Coupal, wife of the physician to the President, entertained a few guests at luncheon yesterday at the Willard. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee of Canton, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haas of Detroit, who have been spending the Summer in Atlantic City, are in Washington for a few days, and have taken suites at the Lee House. They wIU return by motor to Detroit. Gov. Nellie Ross of Wyoming will arrive In Washington Saturday, and will be at the Willard, where she will spend several days. The marriage of Miss Lida Brown Kelly, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Austin W. Kelly, to Mr. William A. Brooks will take place tomorrow after noon. at 5 o’clock, in the Fifth Bap tist Church parsonage. Mr. Brooks and his bride will make their home at 465 H street southwest. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bliss and fam ily have returned to Washington, and will be In their apartment at the Lee House for the WTnter. They returned I - * ——————^———n I FIRST WITH THE NEW FASHIONS I I Jbubscid,(g r 1214 F St. Quality, Style and JKBI Economy Are Designed fsZ&iSjm Into These Lovely | COATS JA A Large Assortment Priced At 4fl|E'|lf Now, when you need a Winter Coat most, we are offering you the opportunity to buy a Ms jjKtEft Wjr lovely creation of fur and fine material at a Ilo£s£spß***** money-saving price. The color which is most l becoming to you, whether it be Gracklehead, \ 1 \ Bokara, Autumn, Rust, Blue, Pheasant, Tan or \ 1 I any other, designed in the latest style and trim- \ \ ] raed with the most popular furs, is waiting for \ \| Like Fall Foliage—Abundantly Variant and Unequaled in Beauty Are These DRESSES An attractive collection of the newest modes for the season, popularly priced at S 2B . ! For every occasion, for every type and f ancy we provided when we purchased these frocks, which include all the most popular styles and materials such as Satin, Faille, Vel- , veteen, Crepe de Chine and many others. Co me and select the gown that was designed for you. DAINTY UNDERTHINGS Come and see our large assortment of chemise, fashioned of fine grade radium and crepe de chine, in cither a tailored or lace trimmed model. We are featuring a novel style in the new waist line garment. This popular and new creation is a chemise with a brassiere top and step-in attached. You will find these gar ments lacey, dainty, well tailored and a fine variety from which to select. Ideal for a gift. $C.95 to Washington yesterday after being away for the Bummer. Rummage Sale for Men’s Service Club Calls Society. Mrs. Theodore Douglas Robinson, wife of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, was a patroness for the rummage sale being held for the Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marines’ club house, at 1015 L street, which open ed yesterday at 1224 F street and will continue today and tomorrow from 9to 4:30 o’clock Other patron esses include Mrs. Dennis E. Nolan, Mrs. Malin Craig, Mrs. Hugh A. Drum, Mrs. Conrad Babcock, Mrs. John Joyes, Mrs. Frederick Kellond, Mrs. Frank Francis, Mrs. Cortland Nixon, Mrs. Prescott S. Tucker, Mrs. Francis Hopkins, Miss Reaume, Mrs. Robert Danford. Mrs. Emery Adams, Mrs. E. S Du Bois, Mrs. William H. Carter, Mrs. Willard A. Holbrook Mrs. Mary Duncan Albee, Miss Block Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Kennet Mrs. F. o. Johnson, Mrs. D. W Harmon, Miss McKlbbln, Mrs. Archi Miller, Mrs. W. V. Morris, Mrs. Dan lei Van Voorhis, Mrs. 11. C. Morrh Mrs. John B. Bennett, Mrs. Charle K. Mallony, Mrs. Robert Sears. Mrs William E. Persons, Mrs. Eugene S Hartnett, Mrs. Joseph E. Bastion Mrs. Herbert J. Wild, Mrs. Rober Fleming. Mrs. T. Hardy Todd and Mrs. Phillip Mallony. Miss Thresa Eawrenee of Herndon. Va_, entertained at dinner Monda> evening in honor of Miss Thelma Leone Thompson, whose marriage to Dr. Daniel Landis Detwller, also of Herndon, will be an Important social event of the coming week, the wed ding being solemnized In St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Wednesday evening, October 21. Miss Thompson is a grad uate of the Woman's College. Lvnch- WE ARE OUT —of tb« »»y, but v.lira it conn** to (rood mork and low price, wo are the flr«t one In the rank. Remodeling Our Specialty WAT 17 furrier WULr burg, and will be attended by several classmates of that college. Mrs. An nie Robey-Walker will play the wed ding music, and Miss Elizabeth Ellis of Washlngton-Herndon will slug. The Rev. Alexander Galt, rector of St. Timothy's Church, will perform the ceremony. Mrs. Albert M. Tennis and sister, Mrs. V. L. Daougherty, of Hampton, Va., are the guesta of the former’s daughters, Mrs. George T. Wood and Miss Mary Frances Tennis, of 1773 Lanier place. Mrs. J. M, Schneider left Washing ton on Sunday for Wilmington, Del., where she will take part in the many social affairs being given in honor of the marriage of her son, Mr. Julius M. Schneider, Jr., and Miss Frances Sellers of Wilmington. Cards have been received In Washington for the MNWI U MTWnMMT M Never Sold in Bulk Our Name on the Double-Wrapped and Sealed Package Is Your Protection wedding, which will take place Sat urday, October 24, at 7 o’clock, In the Church of the New Jerusalem, in that city, Mrs. E. J. Brennan will be hostess at the Sunday tea at the Women’s City Club. She will be assisted by Mrs. McPherson Crichton, and Mrs. Joshua Evans, Jr., will pour. The guest of honor will be Dr. Gertrude Brigham, who has Just returned from China W T fl Cleaned I I ■ Shampooed iiUVlus Stored Sanitary Carpet Cle. Co. Phone Lincoln 1481 * Lincoln 7818 Cl TDC Stored and 1 vlw Remodeled Gaaranteed Work—Best Materials LOW PRICES New England Farrier 61b 12th St. N.W. Frank. 6355 J 1113 • G • STREET \ 3 Praised by every one 1 J These Beautiful Luxurious S \ Fur-Trimmed l A COATS G Which We Have Gathered Into One p i Assortment at v Jt $49.75 r 9 Every woman who has teen them marvels at the value for | • the pr * ce —frankly it is only possible through the coopera- J {j W tion ** vcn us by one of New York’s biggest and best designers. S I m. Dress and Sports—Flare, Wrappy and Straightline. Such / V Os elegant fabrics as \ v\ 4k Petty Point, Velora, Suede, Bolivia, Tweeds and Novelties. A r | Trimmed with—Manchurian Wolf, Caracul, Gray Wolf, Rac- 7 l coon, Opossum, Cape Fox, Squirrel, etc. I Second Floor x I\jk* Actual 515.00 c J? Dresses jtzr — f n a special sale for Friday at 7 Rhymes of Hosiery Aft d* % Lido Stockings won’t toar I I ■ I II | / At the heels or the toes; I | |§\#\/ ( They arm bound to give wear —— I B J They’re guaranteed hose. fd The women who want quality llv I Sirar .i”.2:i, r . a*2t UM B***™ “o^ l —featuring the J unrestricted Guarantee on every graceful flared ftldrts and long *f nair we sell, and try our No. _ , ° \ 975. sleeves—in Satins, Crepes, Bro- I Art All-Silk Chiffon Sdk l cades, etc. —in wonderful combina- C from Top to Toe, of ex- It ' , 4 quinte texture . 11l tlon effects —brilliant with colored \ Aam Qg embroidery and lace trimming. > “ X All the season’s most popular I j 3 Pairs for $5.50 colors—in Women’s and Misses* L Other styles at $1.25 and $1.55 sizes. I Lido Silk Hosiery sold -1 exclusively by us btreet FlOOr v MILLINERY SALE— Tomorrow j Offering a Special X Purchase of New Hats— (' j d I So smart in style—so unusual in value—that we r urge early shopping (the quantity is limited) L Dress Hats! Dance Hats! Street Hats! I Tailored Hats! Sports Hats! Travel Hats! c Velvets - Satins • Felts * Brocades - Combinations I Many, Many New Colors T I Refurnishing the Winter | : | Home Distinctively ] \ i —does not necessarily involve unrea t sonabie outlay—not when recourse \ \ may he had to Henderson's stocks. I iflWe display suites and occasional \ pieces for every room —all of one qual- j| ity the Best all PRICED IM- ff PRESSIVELY LOW. g W Inspection invited without obligation. 3 I James B. Henderson | E Fine Furniture, Laces, Upholstering, Paperhanging, Painting 3 I 1108 G Street—Phones K”” | 9