OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 27, 1925, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1925-10-27/ed-1/seq-13/

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Congress Has No Right to
Put Europe’s Burden on Peo
ple of U. S., He Says.
Congress has no right to unload the
war debts of Furopean nations on the
American taxpayers without specific
authorization of the people. Senator
Borah of Idaho, chairman of the Sen
ate foreign relations committee, de
clared in a letter to Charles i'iez. presi
dent of the Illinois Manufacturers’ As
s'ociation. Senator Borah's letter was
sent in reply to a communication from
-Mr. I’iez suggesting that the Ameri
can Debt Commission should have ac
cepted tin- recent French offer of a
settlement. Senator Borah said the
money loaned to France was obtained
front the American people under a
very specific pledge that the loans
would be “repaid with reasonable in
Pointing out that since the war
France has maintained an army of j
from seven hundred thousand to a i
million men; that she now has 200,000 !
soldiers fighting the Riffs and that i
she has 1-sined large sums fi> other*
countries to maintain military estab- !
ltshments. Senator Borah declared he !
•lid not fee! if was any part of his ;
duty to put tin load of the present
"imperialist je war and France's mill j
tar.' establishment upon the taxpayers !
of the I'nited States.'
-The Idaho Senator contended that !
the French as a people arc more pros-
Porous than any other people in lOu- |
rope, and that if the government would ;
establish a sound 11 seal policy the peo- i
Pie of France would be abie to pay *
the debt.
In this connection lie said Ameri j
can hankers had loaned to France and
other debtor nations millions of dol
lars at higher rates of interest than
those charged by the American Gov
eminent, but that he had seen no sug
gestion that the hankers should can
cel any part of the principal or in
terest on these loans because they and
their clients would he benefitted by
auch action.
Transferred to Vermont.
< -apt. Randolph Russell. 7th C'av
airy, at Fort Bliss. Tex., has been or
dered to Rutland, Yt., for duty with j
Organized Reserves of the Ist'Corps*
Wednesday—3oo New Dresses
for the Larger Woman—
Thoroughly new in line and coloring. Sizes 40 to 52 t /&
Wasfwngton's Fastest Growing Deportme,* Store W e haye sketched four> but they arc
■ f" T 'H Ml typical of the individuality displayed through
i! I'*') fTk Ml ST\t. out the selection. Navy, black and lovely new
JL Ail'll -It JI%?(LJ[ILIL L-tt shades of green, wine and cocoa. Sizes 40
F Street at 7th . to 52 *- P1 „„, The „ echt Co .,
.* i _.
j -tbs-rnlwl •M||l i'll " P1
B tesT To PKesseo (jin; .
I ! U< *? zf,.
p>t»- 1925 <Tt T Wn^r> n* <v
m .wmm ctir, mmsms, n g., mmix. owumm rw
j Circuit Rider During Civil War,
I Later Served Several Pas*
torates in Capital.
U<*v. OufstaviiH Warfield Hobbs. 84
years old, Methodist Episcopal minis
ter, who rode •‘circuits” during the
Civil War and had the unusual expe
rience of preaching to both Confed
erate and Union soldiers, died at the
home of his daughter,- Mrs. Charles
11. Evans, 1701 North Broadway, Bal
timore, yesterday.
Bev. Mr. Hobbs was ordained in this
city at the beginning of the Civil War.
1637 Webster St. N.W.
Phone Adams 736
Building Materials
“Rock-Bottom Prices”
• Window
Frame, Trim, Sash and
Complete at OUR Yards
Main Office
6th & C Sts. Southwest
Camp Meigs
sth & Fla. Ave. Northeast
Hechinger Co.
“From Foundation to RooF*
and during his preaching to the troops
1 of both the North and South ho was |
received with equal good will and |
trust in tho camps of the Kedcral snl
dlers and the Confederates.
Serving us a Methodist Episeopal
minister for 50 years, Rev. Mr. Ilobbs
was at one time' pastor of Grace M. K. j
j Church, the Gorsuch M. E. Church
I and Trinity M. E. Church in Wash- j
j ington, and also served as pastor of
i several churches in Baltimore and
J Virginia. Although not on the active
j list as a pastor for the last 15 years,
ihe served as a supply pastor in
| 1 churches In Baltimore and vicinity un
| til about a year ago.
Bor four years Rev, Mr. Hobbs was
m |
j | |
!| Wlkat to Consider Estal>~
| Lslimg Sanlking Connections |
I *
| Experience—An Institution fully skilled in .the con
| duct of every banking - and fiduciary function.
lj * |
| Age—One old enough to be thoroughly conservative
I and experienced, yet young enough to be progressive.
Stability —Steadfast in character and purpose.
Strength—Strong enough to safely endure financial
Service—The soul of the institution and that which
I makes your connections pleasant as well as profitable. J
1 'I
i I . _ i?
I The American Security meets all of these requirements.
I |
® ?
¥ a
1 I
I American security 1
I / o AND TRUST <*" I
rz ™ r , ,
| 15th and Penna. Ave.
! B fe
| Capital , Surplus and Undivided Profits
| Over $6,500,000
1 I
I Central—7th and Mass. Ave. N.W. Southwest—7th and L Streets S.VV.
Northeast—Bth and H Streets N.E. Northwest—ll4o 15th Street N.W.
f A $1,000,000 White Enamel |
\ Is Ready For Every Day Use ||
3 npHE white woodwork of the $i,000,000
Jf JL residences, the $10,000,000 institutions,
E that’s Farboil Enamel Paint. The whitest SJ
white, the thickest coverage, the tile like
lustre, the hard surface that can be washed
and scrubbed, that will not absorb dirt or R
grease, that will not chip or flake. You j^j
can buy it now, for any job you have, ft
l at $1.55 a quart. ||
FARBOIL AH Purpose Varnish Stain
For the floors and furniture'-there's Farboil All ||
Purpose Varnish Stain. Does away with dingy gfj
furniture, worn, scarred floors, makes all wood
work in the house look like new, will never turn
white and is water proof. Costs only $ 1.45 a quart. ft
FARBO Water Paint ft
Farbo"forßeautiful Walls. Do notconfuse it with ft
ordinary kalsomines or water paints. Because ft
Farbo wont rub of. It gives a deep soft tone, a ft
beautiful tint to the walls of every room in the M
house. Goes on right over the ft
old wall paper. 75c for a five
nMm . ■ p I | I I I I HI pound package-covers 250 ft
square feet. Comes in thirteen ft
\ W e make only First-grade paints
Far oil ‘Products phone or 'write
I and we’ll tell you where to get them
Farboil Paint Company M
Farboil Enamel Paint is sold by the following paint stores! Ml
Moore A Wood. 306 10th St. N.W. O. Hartlr. 800 H St. N.E. ft 6
Mrs. Silverman, 1243 4% St. S.W. Stewart Hardware Co.. 100 H St. N.W. M
Berlin A Freeman. 603 Penna. Ave. S.E. It. Wolfe. 1000 N. Capitol St. ft*
Max bold her*. 831 13th St. S.E. Mall A Writ*. 207 N. V. Ave. N.W. . MM
John Sawyer, 103® Nichols Ave. t.eo. 1,. Miijhew, 1817 71li St. N.W. a m
Thoa. Reardon, 2205 Nichols Ave. 4. 4. Kenny A Son, 3121 <ia. Ave. S.W. HI
<». B. Stevens, 3731 Nichols Ave. S. t.oodmnn. 3706 11th St. N.W. a *
W. R. Walls. 72® Bth St. S.K. K. Cooper, 1502 I-till St. N.W. Dfl
Economy Hardware Co., 423 Bth St. S.K. Craven A Co„ 1911 I’eiiuo. Av». N.W.
Alpha Hardware Co., 906 Bladenshurg Rd. N.E. Mt. Pleasant Hardware Co., 3160 ,Mt. lMeusant QS
D. Del Vecchlo. 1434 Florida Ave. N.E. St. N.W. ft*
Farbo—the Water Paint that won’t nib off—is sold B fl
by practically all the Paint Stores In Washington. PJ
superintendent of the Cum hr rland
| district of the Baltimore Conference
! of the Mothodist Kpiscopai Church.
I During the Civil War his circuit eov
] cred what was known as the Berkeley
| circuit in West Virginia, a.nd to pet
; from one end of it to the other he was
j forced to ride 40 miles. He met in j
daily contact, many of the great men
of the Civil War days, including I'resi
dent Abraham Lincoln, who attended
services in Washington at which he
was ordained.
Itev. Mr. Hobbs had just received
an invitation and intended to attend
the seventy-sixth anniversary celebra
tion of the tiorsuch Church in Wash
ington when he was stricken with the
illness which terminated in his death.
Coolidge to Attend Banquet.
Definite assurance that Presidetv
Coolidge ex[»ects to attend the banquet
of the New York Mtate Chamber of
Commerce at New York City on No
I vetnber J 9 was given today at the
| White House.

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