OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 02, 1925, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1925-11-02/ed-1/seq-14/

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Suffering in Hospital in Peru
Following Altercation With
Poet Laureate.
B.r the Associated Pros*.
PERU, November 2. —Edwin El- i
more, a newspaper writer, lies in j
e. hospital here with a bullet in his ab- I
tinmen, inflicted yesterday during an ,
altercation with Carlos Choeano. poet
laureate of Feru, who calls himself
“the singer of America, aboriginal
end wild."
The altercation had its origin in a
controversy the men had carried on
for some time in the newspapers with
regard to the doctrine and writings of
.Tose Vasconcelor, a Mexican writer.
Choeano denounced Vasconcelos in j
the local newspapers, while Elmore |
was one of his strong defenders. Yes- j
terday the men met and Elmore is de- j
dared to have begun pummeling i
when the poet laureate drew his re- j
volver and tired.
Ranks With D’Annunzio.
Like Gabriele D'Annunzio—the Ital |
lan soldier-poet—Jose Saxtos Cho- !
cano always has been keen to scent i
the battle in political controversy and j
to take up the gauge whole-heartedly, i
according to ills ideals.
For his writings the young South j
American poet several times narrowly !
lias escaped death. In Mexico he whs J
expelled for extolling ihe virtues of j
Venustiano Carranza, leader of the
Mexican constitutionalists, against the
de la Huerta regime. Later in Gua
temala, lie so actively espoused the
cause of Estrada Cabrera, the deposed
president, that lie was thrown into
Jail. At another time the military
government in Lima incarcerated him
because of speeches and verse to
which he contributed its downfall.
Extract from I’oetn.
Thus runs a portion of one of his
poems, literally translated:
“I am the singer of America, aborig
inal and wild:
My lyre has a soul, my song an ideal.”
Pressman Mangled Under Truck of
Columbia, S. C., Street Car.
COLUMBIA. S. C„ November 2 OP).
-—D. B. llosse. 61-year-old pressman
for the Columbia Record, was found
dead late yesterday under the front
truck of a street car. The motorman
feeling some impediment to the
progress of the car. asked a passenger
who was about to get aboard to see
if there was anything in front of it,
and Hosse’s body was found, badly
mangled. Mr. Hosse, a native of
Nashville, is survived by his widow
and several children.
CHARLOTTE, N. C., November 2
OP)—-Thomas \V. Tanner, 52, for sev
eral years in charge of the cotton
• lassing office of the United States
Department of Agriculture here, died
early yesterday in a local hospital,
following a brief illness. Funeral will
be jn Petersburg, Ya., his native
home. He was stationed in Norfolk
several vears before coming to Char
R.ixxa !he teautg •/ fA* Scarlet 7 ««*
-i —vgp —
j gj
Press the Button,
Release end count
ten, while Duofold
, drinks its big £ll
Have You
Bought Your
Yet—Are You
Keeping Up
with the
c The Ten with the 25 -year
otnt That Gives One an
Appetite for Writing
PEOPLE who get ahead
in the world take care
not to let the world get
ahead of them. They know
that their work must com
pete with hosts of others
now writing via Duofold, j
Hand-size Grip, Over
»ize Ink Capacity, Free
swinging Balance, Invisible
Filler, and smooth-gliding
25-year point.
As-beantiful a pen as
ever graced the hand or the •
desk. And its black-tipped j
lacquer-red color makes it I
hard to mislay.
Good pen counters would (
not be without it. Step to !
the nearest and choose j
your point.
Mir Orwr-ri?* Duofold, $7; Duofold Jr.
lutmudiittt tixt. $5; Lady Duofold, with ring
for chouiaim, $5
Factory and General Office*
Mai Kw* ColorC<robhwtl<*
m . Til 1 Hark U. 8. Pat- Oflea
1 w— —
: ■ ——■———
All Merchandise Advertised in Sunday ’ s Paper Will Be On Sale Tomorrow
T Almost Incredible—This Purchase of
-ANSBURGH & BRO. Very New Dresses
7th to Bth to E—FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE IB6o—Franklin 7400
M there were any superlatives strong enough to express our enthusiasm over this
purchase, we’d use them! But there aren’t!
Six Extraordinary Sales! $1 Q Q>
i On every floor the kind of remarkable v alue and saving that Washington women
have come to look forward to onT uesdays at Lartsburgh & Bro. /A
| —— —_—~— There are new silhouettes, new trim- /M 4&SI "VjA ’ IS
ON THE FIRST FLOOR ON THE SECOND FLOOR n ings and new materials this season — ■! 3‘
as distinct from anv that have been /-fy 'mH Ml ' Jf
Men’s Full-Fashioned An Unusually Smart I worn in the last three or four seasons sj\
Pure Silk Socks ■ Corselette as uis possible to be. But there is no |« la -WM,
8.. - ..,«•( . D . .... , | new feature of the mode —however B i-
At Exceptional Savings! A Regular $5.00 Value T nsS ” ' r
~ \ recent —that you 11 not find in this lot.
79c Pair $2.98 rn\\ illfc iWm
Men, here's your chance to replenish W hen the L&B Corset Shop offers 'y C" - ! ■ Materials of Unquestioned Smart- /j Mrpf|
your hosiery supply at much less than a special value, you may he sure that ' xTTpw/ ness—Metal Cloth, Chiffon Velvet, Jl. 8 jag jEJY;. /
the usual price.-for such a splendid it is a real one and worth investigat- Brocade CheniUe Velvet, Chiffons, fllßlSll- / W
grade, and women, here is your oppor- me! r''-C Vv 01 • /- n- . /ilHSflift It *Sfl
tunity to start your Christmas shop- This corselette is a well designed ** »• « e™*** J?* r M or " it\
ping right now! and good-tooking model of dainty gette, Rich Satin, Flat Crepe, Charmeen, Wyß BW . a wl| a
In the live most wanted shades: broche, with mercerized elastic gores Twills. IMlli
Black, cordovan, beige, navy and gray. over the hip, to insure perfect com- Alj'CM'lfh 1 I j \ KnaEflXpCJ
Yes, sir. pure thread silk and full sash- fort and tit. Four strong hose sup- _ i . / p'®T
IV— | ioned, and only 600 pairs in the lot! porters. And all tile brilliant, gorgeous trim- \ J
’Ntiffsed! >izes 34 to 46, in flesh only! mings that fashion’s sybaritic mood \
ON THE THIRD FLOOR ON THE FOURTH FLOOR 1 has conceived. Rich new colors and J j j /
striking combinations. Misses’, worn- y\] l 111
Splendid Grade Cotton Natural Looking Dressed ms and extra sizes! \J L\ Mjz)
Jersev Bloomers Infant Doll r “°“ “ Xs,l ' oH * ,,R " v
For Tuesday Shoppers, Pair Too Cunning for Words! ,
• , r Y, 49c slo ° Milady, Your Fur Coat
a / \ A timely ofter for Winter is here in ou don t know how adorably tbLAT **
i \ earnest —and these are so nice and natural a doll can look, until you L 4 ■'■r ■w’ m
warm! Os a dependable and well have seen this one, with the true ex- ] I I—l f flp JrK
B known make, and a quality which pression of a very tiny infant. Daintily ji Qf JL f
usually sells for more than this special dressed in a long lace-trimmed frock, f Q A 1
l ,rict ‘- a,ui to make it more realistic yet. |* \ i A special selling started today —with an
~ , , .1 wrapped in a soft pink or blue blanket. Ip I 1 . ... ... , . i A r
Made with strong clastic at waist : ,r 1 IF i enthusiastic attendance that proves Washington 1 jM aL y'
and knee; in three favorite dark Ihe youngsters will simply love it, Ri 1 women are not only connoisseurs of style—but 4
shades for Winter, cordovan, navy and and so will the grown-ups! As for the 1
taupe. price, it usually sells for 51.49! ' \
Mahogany Finished Cabinet Galvanized Window’ 1 \ v p s
Smokers’ Stands Refrigerators wc
r 1 Are Very Special at Regular $2.50 Value (o**"| Quite a new wrinkle of the designers this il|M Jf|M |
season is the idea ot using lurs as they use .|M (•;
l|l fabrics—and the tailored sports coat of fur and R|\*aX| ; i
Sr • 'lr • | Tomboy coat make their debut! These new I . y 'y,
a ..oil,- rrnr>a_innirintr nipep nf -ftimi- tailored furs are usually priced so high that
lure and one that will he greatly ap- \ ery inexpensive in the beginning, I they are almost prohibitive—and we are justlv \I J /
; Predated by the smokers of the house- a „d a gfeat economy the whole Win- proud Ot being able to add set’eral distinctive V \\ /
If I 10 ],- ~ , it t tcr through, for it keeps vour food fi-vT f models of this type to the ? 100 sale. V \ \ /
| I 1 Well made with door of three-ply fres h and cold, without the bother and \ \\ 11
!Jj equipped" with a crystal glass' 1 a°sh "ray! ex P ense of ice - Wonderful Sample Coats— Vtw
!| || il Stands 29 inches high, with top and Comes 23 inches wide, with either x W\\'rv^ c *‘
J I *■ cabinet eight inches square. sliding or drop door. An excellent I That is why they are possible at all at this V N v\'^
—— A wonderful value at this price! purchase for the thrifty housekeeper. price —or anything approaching it. The eie- v^-
. - - - —■ gance that no other article of attire may' ever attain; sumptuous, glossy.
flattering! Os rich Sealine (dyed coney) in the new taupe shade, as well
as black.
IV 4\£lt Mrintll f I "TW T N. With collars and cuffs of natural beige or rock sable, squirrel,
11 OVemuer—ldOai mown. r rvj dark marmot, natural skunk, mink, muskrat, Russian wolf
T?* „ ll UV C 111 UC I \ or mendoza beaver Misses’, women’s and extra sizes.
ry \\ A Reasonable Down Payment—Convenient Terms.
COATS Sale of Silks > ’
rr,, c, 9 r a a c -^ n even s unequalled even in the dramatic history that the
* e r es accesses L&B silk department has made! After months of prepara*
ft ere in fee ompre nsive great event is in full s wing and it measures up to
Groups of Splendid Values— the highegt standard of quality for L&R silks P
t $39.75 Fine Flat Crepe j Black Chiffon Velvet | I
$49 7=? Vi'liT $ 4 -95
0 jff The quality you usually pay $7.00 for—int- ..
yx Wggt Fifty lovely shades for lingerie and frocks. An ported Chiffon \ civet, 40 inches wide. '■* InC Newest and Loveliest OT
\ J ■ unusually rich crcpcy weave. TAT XT
T . so and 54 in. Silks New Winter Hats
Stunning, youthful coats for misses; da lilt f\\ In a remarkable Sale at
becoming modes for matrons—all new I
k luxurious pile fabrics of exquisite UiiarilieilSe «Jj>Tr«*UV/ C* S F"*
W®' 5 cU ” ! f, SS and $2.25 Grade . a°t 'iti? £s?.
J charmcuse, flat crepe. Usual SO.OO grades.
Rpnutiful rn«f/v Fnr< wl) J ust arrived from New York, and fairly bristling
Deuuil/ui, rurs wit |, smartness and individuality 1 An unequaled col-
Trim Them Satin faced—an unusually smart fabric. In 30 Oft 1 tYI A II l ect *on at this price—which is only the result of a very •
stunning Fall colors.; plenty of black. q| J •S O xjUalUUlv special purchase, we assure you!
Only the latest *tyle idea*—straight- An infinite variety of shapes and materials:
line and flare type* trimmed with T J 1
ur f big collars, deep cuffs, 5k2,90 hfl-tlfl LrGDG as* Dress hats of satin, satin and velvet, gold and
wide, sweeping border* and novel sr Ta fa silver cloth, embroidered velvet, youthful hats,
banding*. Choose your winter coat S' F* distinctive matrons’ hats, scores of smart Pirate
ro^.Tei l dv t irtbrth^e^onl beaUtiful A soft, deep-pile velveteen in beautiful colors. . Pokes, rolled brims, off-the-face, turbans,
co *f l ready at tne three popular prices . , • . in fact every new shape is included.
—539.75, $49.75 and $59.50! Every fashionable shade for Autumn in this ° 1 s w
second floor. i.ANsBrRUH * bro. smart double-faced silk. 40 in. wide. And the most stunning colors and
—— ; T _ Crepe de Chine and trimmings! j
The Auto Contest 54-In. Dress Silks Satin Crepe *>,o^
Rll#l e ? OO wood, sand, copen. purple, henna, black, gold and silver
XOIUUHUn * J and various combinations. Trimmings.. .new and un
e sure to get in your letter telling us how I usual... fur, lace, bright-lined flowers, metallic lib
can best welcome Santa Claus to Toy- Regular $4.00 to $6.00 grades of heavy satin . boils and embroidery. Lome early to make your se
n, upon his arrival next Saturday, Nov. charmcuse, flat crepes and printed bordered Exquisite new colors in rich beautiful quali- lections tomorrow.
, in the mail tomorrow. Nov. 3rd the crepes. ties. Our usual $2.50 grades. second floor.
1 day! i , r i *

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