- 11 ——III
Steel Vaults
Best Made, Guaranteed .”>0 Years.
Let no one tell you these are
5 not the Best on Karth or that
we fool you. Any makf
von desire. The oost is.. OL)
Funerals Complete
- inrlutlmc flnp rnatie oflokpl of «ju»l
i!'. rar?* and embalming. nv
| of o:,i funeral pp-lnr*—
$75, SIOO, $125, $l5O up
tv.' c ij.irantpp our ' iiarKr io he t,
Ho- old linte linilerlaUrr ■, nru e Am
balance*. St on | <H -al removal.
Urmrmlicr Thin
°>ir name is on hark of the phone
W. W. Chambers Co.
rile HntM n Stone Funeral Nome
Cor. Chapin & 14th N.W.
|| Gold Paint for Pipes and Radiators
| Brighten Up Winter Homes |
|| \ arvshps —|, v -(loinn- over" the furniture. 1|
|| FINISHES to »ors. walls, etc., with appropriate
P paints, stains, varnishes or other
ft FLOOR finishes. 1
ft sWl'ns 'Well advise you about tin* best
ft ~ medittnis—tell you how they can ft
w all l>e applied to advantage.
| n'oifsE LOW PRICES I
* —save you cash on all reliable paint |i
tft window products, brushes, glass, polishes. ||
ft] & AUTO chamois and sponges. |||
|| til.ass Glass Table Tops cut to order l|
|| 1334 N. Y. Ave. Phone Main 1703 ||
Clark C. Griffith will he the guest
nf the Wapiya at luncheon at the
University Club tomorrow, 2:45 p.m.
He will speak on “Base Ball: Why
We Won the Pennant and Why We
Oid Not Win the Pennant.”
Takoina Park Civie Study Cluh will
meet tomorrow. 2 p.m., in Takoina
Park Theater. Prof. O. .1. Schulz of
the I’niverslt.v of Maryland will
speak on "American Political Ideals."
Oriental Connell. Itoyal Arcanum,
will meet tomorrow, S p.m., at
Pythian Temple.
North Star \Y. C. T. I . will meet
tomorrow, 2 p.m.. with Mrs. Kdson
Mourning Blacks Dyed
Carmack Dry Cleaning Co.
Lincoln 239
Briggs, 18th and Varnum streets.
Mrs. Mary Kiordan. Mrs. Lewis .lack
' son and Airs. James Boyd assistant
Koyal Arcanum Charter day rele
' liralion tomorrow, 8 p.m., at Pythian
Temple. All councils.
The Calvary M. K. Church choir
will give "An Keening of Music" to
| morrow in the guild hall of the :
Lincoln Post. (i. A. K.. will nomi
nate officers Wednesday, 2 p.m., at '
Grand Arm • llall.
K<|iialit>-Walter Kecd Post, No. *Bl.
| Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet j
Thursday evening at Pythian Temple. j
• I Obligations of candidates and election
of a post trustee. Also an additional ;
; supply of military ball tickets will be
| available for all veterans.
The American Association of Pni- '
1 versity Women—l)r. Kllen Lonn. pro !
I ■.—.
Why Worry About Coal?
■ where in your home. * s 2O
Majestic Electric Heaters Now $7.50
Universal Electric Heaters at $5
7AQ 1 OiL Ci Established Main 140 I
* Over ST Years Main 6436 I
fessor of history at Goucher College, |
will s|ieak on "Czechoslovakia After i
Six Years of Independence" at a tea
in her honor, 4:30 o'clock.
Cosmos Club- Timothy A. Smiddy. j
Minister of the Irish Free State, will j
lecture on “The Development of the j
Irish Free State" in the assembly hall
'at 8:3o o’clock. Members are invited
j to bring ladies, using Cameron House I
! entrance.
I Benjamin B. French Lodge, No. 15,
i at its stated communication will dis- |
pense with degree work and devote j
the evening to an entertainment in j
; honor of several members who have j
! recently been honored by the Scottish '
i Hite tiodies. Former Senator George ;
: K. Chamberlain, who has been ele- j
- vated to the thirty-third degree rank j
!of Masonry, will be the speaker. Mu ■
sic and refreshments.
Takc-ma Park Community I.eague j
, will meet, X o'clock, in the new Ta- 1
koma Park-Silver Spring High School. :
An invitation was extended by the I
I school officials i<« (he league to meet
i there. "Sehoul Plana anil t'o-op*ra
* tion" will he the subject of discus
Manor Park Citizens' Association
will meet. 7:30 o’clock, at the resl
| dence of Dr. T. T. Head, 300 Kitten
j house street.
The Practical Psychology flub will
hold a business meeting, 8 o'clock, at
tht Playhouse.
The Progressive Club will meet. 8
o'clock, at it 17 Hast Capitol street.
Subject: “Mussolini and the Fascist!."
The Kngllsh Village Citizens’ Asso
| ciation will meet, 8 o’clock, in as-
I sembly room of Cleveland Park Con
! gregational church.
Takorna, D. Citizens’ Associa
| tion will meet, h o’clock, in Takorna
Public Library. Representative Thorn
* as L. Klanton will make address.
Sons of the Revolution of the Dis
j trict will meet, 8:311 o’clock, at the
| Army and Navy Club to commemorate
the 142nd anniversary of George
Washington’s farewell at Rocky Hill,
i X. .1., to the disbanding Armies of
1 (he United States. Capt. Dudley W ■
1 Knox. P. S. N.. will deliver an foi
dress on “The Vanishing Naval His
j lory of the Revolution."
Stanton Park Citizens' Association
| will meet, 8 o’clock, at Peabody
I School.
I I ■ Shampooed
Sanitary Carpet Cle. Co.
l’iioiie Lincoln 1481 ft Lancolu 7638
Combing Won’t Rid
Hair of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it. then you
| destroy it entirely. To do this, get
; about four ounces of ordinary ar
von; apply it at night when retir
ing: use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning
most, if not all. of your dandruff
will lie gone and two or three more
applications will completely dis
solve anil entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may!
You will find. too. that ;iM itching: and
* digging’ of thf will stop at one*,
and your haii will I*# fluffy, lust re ut*.
S' lossy, silky suit. and look and feel
a hundred tin**** letter.
You «*an liquid nrvon at any drug
. and it n# v*r fail* to do th»- work.
—Adverting mrot
j District of Columbia—Showers this
; afternoon and tonight: tomorrow part
! Iv cloudy and cooler; moderate north
| east winds.
.Maryland—Showers tonight; tomor
row fair; slightly cooler in east por
tion; fresh northeast and north winds.
Virginia—Showers tonight; tomor
row partly cloudy; showers in south
east portion; not much change in
temperature: moderate to fresh north
east and north winds.
West Virginia—Partly cloudy to
night; showers in east and south por
tions; slightly cooler in northwest por
| ion tonight; tomorrow fair.
Records for 21 Hours.
| Thermometer—4 p.m., 48; 8 p.rn.. 48:
! 12 midnfght, 41; 4 a.m., 42; 8 a.m., 44;
[ noon, 4u?
Barometer—4 p.m., 30.48; 8 p.m.,
j 30.44; 12 midnight, 30.41; 4 a.nt.,
30.38; 8 a.m., 30.35; noon, 30.33.
j Highest temperature, 49, occurred |
|at 3 p.m. yesterday. Lowest tempera- !
i ture, 40. occurred at 1 a.nt. today.
| Temperature same date lust year— j
j Highest, 76; lowest, 42.
Condition of the Water.
Temperature and condition of the
water at Great Falls today at 8 a.m.: 1
Temperature, 42; condition, clear.
Tide Tables.
•i (Furnished by United States Coast j
and Geodetic Survey.)
I Today—Low tide, 3:22 a.m. and 3:35
! p.m.: high tide, 9:14 a.m. and 9:27 p.m.
1 Tomorrow— Low tide. 4:*»7 a.ni. and
i 4:20 p.m.; high tide, 10 a.m. and 10:10
! p.m.
The Sun and .Moon.
Today—Sun rose, 6:36 a.m.: sun
; ■ sets. 5:07 p.m..
Tomorrow - Sun rises. 8:37 a.m.: sun
i sets 5:06 p.m.
Moon rises, 6:47 p.m.: {‘ets 8:20 a.m.
Automobile lamps to be lighted one
half hour after sunset.
Wealher in Various Cities.
x 'ieui petal ure. * S
► - V
3 - —a 5'
g "S'
station* j 2j e “ Weathsr.
a z.» » S. ob
5 S *
: • a
* Abilene. Tea ;to MOB 4:: . • )e d r
j Albany .... 30.44 48 2it .... cloudy
Atlanta ... 30.24 42 42 I.Oni'loudy
Atlantic City 30.40 50 42 .... Cloudy
I li,dtiu,ote ..30.30 52 42 Ram
Birmingham 30.24 50 40 omi floudv
| Bismarck . 30.10 54 2s Pt.eloudv
| Boston .. .30 14 54 34 Pt.eloudv
i Butlalo ... . 30.34 50 31 Clear
i 1 liai'leston . 30.14 52 50 014 Ram
, Chicago . . 30.32 4s 4n . . Cl-al
I Cincinnati . 30.31 4" 3, cloudv
I Cleveland . 30.32 4s 34 C|»ar’
Uem er . . 20.00 4S 32 1 lea'
, Detroit .... 30.31 50 3X . . clear
1-1 Pa-0.. . 20.ii4 "4 50 . . Cleat-
Gab estnn .. 30.18 50 .",4 on*' Clouily
| Helena .20 s 432 24 ci„ u dV
Huron. S. I>. 30.24 58 20 . clear
1 Indianapolis 30.54 4s *:s . Fnspv
Jacksonville 30.14 os 54 Fogz'v
Kansan City. 30.2 s5O 38 Clear
Los Anzeles. 30. 00 08 5d Cloudv
Louisville .. 30.30 44 12 OKI Cloudv
1 Minno Hi. 30.0 s M 42 0.08 Pt.Hondv
; N Orleans. .20.10 02 58 n.oi douov
, Sew Vork.. 30.42 50 3a Cloudy
j Okla. City.. 30.22 On 3s Fozgv*
Omaha .30.28 52 50 Ilea*
Philadeluhia 30.40 52 3* Cloudv
Plioemx . 20.90 82 02 Cloudv
1 Pittsburgh . 30.34 50 32 Foggy*
I Port I and.. Me. 30.52 52 30 clear
I Portland. Ore 20.90 52 >•; omi 1 loud'-
Raleigh.X.C. 30.20 30 41 100 Rain ’
jS. La'.e City 20.0il <>4 48 001 t], u ,l.
I -an Antonio 30.14 02 54 cloudv
1 -an Diej,, 30.02 oil till 010 r| ol ,ij'i
| - Frare iao 30 OO OO 54 ciou.'v
-1. Louis. . 30.32 40 34 li.-;-.'
1-t Paul... 30.34 52 28 FoggV
Seattle . . 20.94 48 44 c’loudv
spokane . 20.92 4s 34 C|oua*v
! WAsH D.< . 30.54 49 40 Ram
18 a.m.. Greenwich time, today !
j Stations. Temperature. Weather
j London. England 50 Hear
. Paris. Prance 62 Vloudv
; Vienna, Austria 48 cioudV
Berlin. Germany 42 Clouily f
i upenhazen. Denmark:.. 40 cloudy
Stockholm. Sweden 50 Cloudv
Ho.ta iFa.vali. Azores.. To Cloudy
Hamilton, Bermuda To Clear’
San Juan. Porto Rico . . so Part cloudv
Havana. Cuba T 8 Clear
Colon. Canal Zone 80 Cioudy
j Was for Many Years in Grocer
Trade in Georgetown—Funeral
Services Tomorrow.
; ♦
•John H. Sdsler. 84 years old. who
I conducted a grocery in Georgetown
| for many years, died ai his residence,
1413 Twenty-ninth street. Saturday.'
He had lived in Georgetown neariy
all his life and retired from business
i about 15 years ago. Funeral services
. will be conducted at the residence of
his son. Clarence K. Sisler. 1418 Crit
tenden street, tomorrow morning at
9:30 o'clock and then at Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, where requim mass
will be solemnized at 10 o'clock. In
terment. will be in Holy Rood Ceme
Mr. Sisler was a member of the Holy
j Name Society. He is survived by
I bis wife and five sons. Clarence K..
! Lester. V. Ambrose. Raymond T. and
John A. Sister: three daughters. Mrs.
R. M. Holden, Mrs. A. S. Harvey and
Miss Katherine K. Sister; a sister Mrs
Elizabeth Selby, and 14 grandchildren.
Twenty competitors took part in a
Town Criers' Championship in Pew
sev. England, recently and after a
heated argument as to whether a
comma should be indicated In an an
nouncement to be bellowed, the prize
wem_to_Gx_Thonias of Ahertrldwr.
found! ~
BAG—Lady’s, black eilktxsmall amount~of
money and keys: Saturday morning Tivoli
Theater: reward. Col, 10434.
BAG. brown, beaded, flowered. containing
eyeglasses. burse powder eompael, Sunday
evening. Franklin 5242. •
BAG —Through error of attendant of check
room. Congressional Country Club brown
beaded baz containing- sum of money, keve
cardcase with auto license, registration card!
nr., ami other personal belongings was evi
dently pot in wrong cost. Saturdav night
Person finding please call Miss C. M. Good
year. West 1653. between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. •
BROOCH star-shaped. Saturday everting
probably in Washington Auditorium Re
ward if returned. Address Box 2T4-S. Star
pfflOP. •
'H \TR—Gold bronzf dinioK room chair
Saturday, from Lee House. 15th and I, to
Burlington. Hofei, Vermont ,n e Reward
i 1120 Vermtnt ave.
DOG —Black and white, shaggy, gome snots
of brown, about size of fox terrier- answers
to the name of Buster; name and address of
owner scratched on <-o]|j r ; wearing ta J - re
ward. .H. .1. Wells. 411 3rd st. n.w Frank
TIOG. pointer, brown and white.~ahort tail.
Reward. Return to 223 15th st. s.e. 4*
EYEGLASSES, in black ease, on Kenyon st.
between 13th and X4th. Saturday afternoon.
Finder please call Col. 164 1 .
GLASSES, tortoise shell, in black near
ITth and H sts. or in Mt. Pleasant car Re
turn 810 18th st.. first floor.
KEYS, bunch. Saturday night: rew-ard for re
turn: initial on one Key. W. R H 808 G
st. s.vv. ' •
KEYS —Full ring: two flat with No. 283 on
each: long lather string with some kev*
tied to it. Reward. Address Box 206-9
Star office. 3«
MUFF, dyed muskrat, on Saturdav. Oet. 31 -
perhaps in a Yellow taxi. Large reward
if returned to 1825 23rd st. n.w.
OVERCOAT —Got it bv mistake or exchanged
Halloween night at the Elks’ Hall: important
papers, keys and automobile permit Please
call Fr. 3072-J or Line. 33T8-W and re
ccive reward. 3 •
PI'RSE. small, containing s4o* in Holv
Name Church. 8 o'clock mass. Will party
who picked it ill) kindly return same to rec
tory or 1218 Eye sf n.e. Reward. •
PfTRSE. leather, brown, containing $lO.
lady's gold watch: Friday: red-top taxicab
or 19th and F sts. n.w. M. 188 b. Bi. 152.
Miss Mahon. Reward. 2*
RUG—-Will man in coupe who picked up
rug from 18th and You sis. return same to
2304 Pa. ave. n.w.? Weal 105. Libera! re
SUM OF MONEY.—-Owner may have earn*
hy moving amount, etc. Main 9620.
THREE *2O BILLS. Saturday
between Treasury. 12th and G sts. Finder
nleese call Pol. 4971. Reward. •
VEST—Between 14th and tilth on Newton.
Satftrday. 1484 Newton n.w. Col. 3798-. I
«‘ffT WATCH. gofflT Mgr a red border
arotrod face: W «4ee«A»f sneliii: reward.
Col. 5278-W. 6*
j Mrs. James E. Jones and Daughter
Say Baltimore Woman's Car
Struck Their Machine.
Mi>. Janies K. Jon**s. wife of the as- j
isistani Federal prohibition eonimis
sinner, and her daughter Ruth. 17
years, were painfully injured last !
night when their limousine was struck
jat Connecticut avenue and Woodley
| lane by a machine which the police:
j say was operated l>y Mrs. Ida Frey
j.Murrill of Baltimore. Rambert Jones,
a son. who was sitting in the front
with Thomas Sole, chauffeur, was un
Due to the extent of Mrs. Jones' in
juries, the prohibition chief, when the
case against Mrs. Murrill was called
. in Traffic Court today, secured a post
| ponement until next Saturday morn
j ing. The Baltimore woman, said to
I he socially prominent in the Mono
j mental City, was forced to deposit
i *SOO collateral on charges of reckless
] driving and failure to exhibit an oper
j ator’s permit.
i Members of the Jones family told
j police they were turning into Wood
: ley Lane from Connecticut avenue
. when the other car struck theirs in
j the rear. Flying glass cut the arm
| of Miss Ruth Jones, while Mrs. Jones
! was several bruised.
Kleven were injured in 10 traffic
J cidents last night and early today
I four being struck by automobiles and
l one bv a bicycle. Two were arrested
jin connection with the accidents. They
i were Mvtthew S. Myers. L’l'JS Four
| teenth street, and Albert Hawkins.
! colored. -J years old. 710 Nineteenth
I ______
Cart) of Cfianks.
BVRI). Wp tvi(ill to *x press our *m**ere ap
preciation to our relative** ami friend*
their kindness and beautiful flower* at the
death of our dearly l**lovt d broth* i.
U.I.KN., Sunday. Novemfier 1 l;'--'*
am DORA MAY Inee Bishop t.
lovinjf daughter ol the late Aupu.la A
and Dorothy Bish.»p Funeral 'private)
froni reridem-e of her daughter. -' l g
S. a. Bergman. Wood-ide. Mu.. iue*ua>
! November 3. at 2 p.-m. Interment at
I Prospect Hill Cemetery.
ASHTON. Sunday. November 1. t»25. at
‘ "mam . ELIZABETH ■ POLE-. A-ls
TON t-eloved wife of John R Ashton and
j mother oi Alice V. Ashton. Funeral Tue
day Novenil»er 3. I :•!(! p.ni.. from nei I it**
reeiden«*e. 2104 Ward pla* - ** n.w. KHa
tiveb and friendb are invited. Interment
\ private. , °
ASHTON. Members of Lincoln Mutual R>
I lief Association an- r-Quested to attend
1 the funeral of our sister. ELIZA BKIH
ASHTON, from her late residence. -I|H
Ward pi n.v. . Tuesday. November 3. 1 !*-•>.
1 81 130 Pn RKV ... N. BEAMAN. Pres.
j BOTTLEM AN. Sunday. Novemliei I. 1»25
■AX Hill it in- resideiKc. bait lie:-
burg. >ld.. JOH hu*bauJ oi Saiali c
Bottleuvui and t^^** r «f Mr*. L*-®ld-
Mr* Ira Darbv Mr- Alvin 1 rea y and
Mi®. Waltei Ruimha-t. Fun »? :d Tuesday.
No\ ember 3 at 2 p m.. tt M r th«**u-1
rhurrh. Gaitheifibursr. Mu.
BHOWN. Sunday. November 1 1»23.
T*. •* Naval Hospital. El DENE R
1 BROWN » e’nved «on of William .1 and
Anna M. Broun, m the 2bth year of hie
a ire. >o r v n-e. with military honor- in
\rhnj?tun National Cemetery. Tue- lay
! November 3. at II o do* am. Relative
j and friend- invited to attend.
i \RROI.L Departed thi® life Saturday.
Octol*er 31 at D* D* p.ni . at her
j re®iden**e, 015 C st. *.e.. LOTTIE *AH
ROLL. She leave® to mourn their lose a
devoted husband. John f'arrol!. and moth
er three *i-ter®. four brothers, and a hos*t
, of nth rel at ea and ft iends • •
W'edne-day. Noveml»er 4. at I o clock,
from Zion Bardlet Church, on F etreet I*'
tween 3rd and 4 l j fet*. fc.w .. Rev. Howard,
i pastor.
i I istood l*e*u«Je your bedsui*
And taw your life depart.
And when I knew that you were dead.
It nearly broke my heart
1 CA*EY. Sunday. November 1. 1925. WIL
LIAM I) beloved husband of Ella Casey,
father of Marian and Marlin Caeey and
Mrs E. W. Glenn of Marysville. Mo. Fu
neral from the Vermont Avenue Christian
Church V.'ednesday. November 4. at - p.m.
(ORB. Suddenly. Sunday. November 1.
]<*3s at her residence 1010 Sunderland
witlow of Edmund Munroe Cobb. T S. A.
Funeral services from St. John s Church.
, 16th and H sts. Interment private
COX. All offieerp and members of We«t«m
star Taberna< le. No. 855. Order Galilean
Fishermen, are hereby notified to be pres
ent Tuesday. November 3. 1925. at 7:3b
p.m.. at Knights Jerusalem Hal!. 11th and
Q e»ts. n.w.. for the purpose of making ar-
for the funeral of our late
brother. EMMET COX.
DK’Tt \ V Suddenly. Satimday. October 31.
1925. at 9:10 p.m.. DONALD CHRISTO
PHER. Jr. beloved «on of Charles c and
Catherine T. Dee ran and husband of Rena
M. lieeran 4 nee I. Funeral from
the residence *>l his parents. 231*2 Ontario
rd. n.w Wednesdav . November 4 at 8 :30
;• m.. thence tn st. Paul’s Catholic Church.
Maes at !* o'clock. Friends and relatives
invited. 3
KKIJ.KK. Saturday. October 31. 1925. ai
4 30 p.m.. at hi® re«iden«-e. "6!* <Jnefv»*
Funeral *e* i i«-e m th** chanel «»f Tlio-. S
Seryeon. 1011 7ih st. n.w Monday No
vember 2 at R i*tn Relatives and
friends united to attend. Interment at
Woodstock. Va. •
GRIGGS. Departed th»«* life Saturday. ()•
tubei 31. 11*25. at her residence. 4Tth and
lo\ed wife of the late Newton Grijrg-s and
loving mother of John M Sarah
F. Brown and Geonre S. Grirrs. Funeral
I November 3. at 9:30 am., from St. Ann «
! Chiireh. 4400 Wisconsin ave Relatives
j and friends invited. Please omit flowers. 2
HINT7.MAN. Departed this life suddenly
October 31. 1925. at his residence. 312
*2lst at. n.w.. CLARENCE, son of Mrs.
Annie Hillery. beloved husband of Lucy
Hintzman and brother of Josephine Duck.
I ett. Funeral from the above residence,
i Tuesday. November 3. at 2 o'clock. Rela
j fives and friends invited to attend. 2•
HINTZMAN. Officers and mem tiers of
I Morninc Stax Lodge. No. 40. I B. P O
i Elks of W.. are hereby notified to as-
I semble at 326*j 22nd st. n.w.. Tuesday.
November 3. at 12 noon, for the purpose
of attendme the funeral and burial
* imarchinr funeral) of our late deceased
brother. CLARENCE HINTZMAN. Funeral
services to be held at Liberty Baptist
Church at 23rd st.. between H and I sts.
: n.w.. 1 p.m. Officers and members of
Columbia Lodire No. 85. and Forest
Temple. No. 0. are invited to l»e present.
Bv order of:
‘WILLIAM B. HARRIS. Exalted Ruler.
Attest: FLOYD C. PAYNE. Secty.
JACKSON. Entered into eternal rest Sat
urday. October 31. 1925. at 2:15 p.m..
at her residence. 2315 I. st. n.w.. ELIZA
j BETH JACKSON, the beloved daughter of
I Lomaa and the late William Jackson, lov-
I injf sister of Thoma® W.. Frank and Carrie
Jackson and Mattie Overhall. Funeral
; Tuesday. November 3. at 2 p.m.. from
FTiion Wesley A. M. E. Z Chur* h. 23rd
m*. bet. L and M st®. n.w.. Rev. C. C. Wil
liams. pastor. Relatives and friend® in
vited to attend. •
KKNDM.I,. Saturday. rv*to)*er 31. 1925.
STEPHEN C.. at hi® home. 27 W st. n.w..
beloved husband of Beatrice Mav Kendal)
Funeral services will l>e held at hi* late
home Tuesday. November 3. 2 p.m. In
terment Prospect Hill Cemetery.
I.EWIN. Departed thi® life suddenly Mon
day mornin? at Freedmen * Hospital
FRANK, devoted husband of Rosa Lewis
He leases to - mourn his departure two
loving children Sarah and Dorothy Lewi®
a mother. Alice Morrison: sister, two
| Krandchildren and a host of relatives and
friends. Remain* renting at John T
Rtftnes’ funeral chanel. 3rd and Eye sts
s.w . Notice of iuneral later.
LINVILLE. October 31. 1925. ANNIE M .
widow of George VY. Linville of Wash
inerton. D. C.. at her residence. 189 Clare
mont h\p.. New Y'ork City. Interment ar
West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Philadelphia.
Pa., at the convenience of the family.
LITAS. Suddenly. October 30. 1925. at 4
p.m.. at his residence. 2242 12th «t. n.w..
JAMES J. LUCAS, beloved husband of
Sarah A. Lucas, devoted father of Lillian
Bradford. Sadie Shorter. Rosa Johnson.
Nettie. Charles. James A.. William. Harry
and Morrill Lucas. foster-father of
' ! Charles Daniels. Mary Bums and loving:
grandfather of nine devoted grandchildren
and brother of Charles Lucas, sr. Funeral
Tuesday. November 3. at 1 p.m.. from
As bury Church. 11th and K s*ts. n.w.
Friends and relatives invited. •
LUCAS. All members of lonic Lodge. No.
IT. F. A. A. M.. are hereby ordered to as
semble in a special communication Tues
day. November 3. 1925. at 11:10 am. at
the temple, for the purpose c: attending
the fuperal of our late brother. JAMES
J. LUCAS. Servi<*e will be helu m Asbury
M. E. Church at 1 o'clock p.m.
R. A. PHILLIPS. Secretary. 2
LUCAS. Members of the Men’s Cliff Rock
Asso. are requested to attend the fu
neral of our late brother. JAMES J.
TATPAS Tuesday, at 1 n.m.. from Asbury
M. E. Church. Death No. 185.
MARSHALL. Departed thi- life Saturday.
Ch-tober 31. 1925. 9:30 am., at hi
re*idem*e. 59 G st. s.w.. M ADISON MAR
SHALL. beloved husband of Hannah Mar
shall. Funeral Tuesday. November 3. at
I o'clock. Zion Bapti-t t'burch. F -t.. l*c
tween 3d and 4 st-. s.w .. Rev. W. J.
Howard, pastor.
1 A sleep in Je«uV. blessed sleep.
From which none ever wake® to weep.
A calm and undisturbed rennje.
Unbroken h.v the last of foes.
MrCAULEY, Saturday. October 31. 1926.
JOHN F.. at Georgetown University Hos
pital. beloved husband of Hattie, and
father of James McCauley. Funeral from
his late residence. 1307 35th st. n.w .Tues
day. November 3. 8:45 am., then'ei t*»
Holy Trinity Church, unere mass will be
Mjnir at 9:15 a.nj. Interment in Holy Rood
MERRILL. Monday. November 2. 1925. at
her srrainldauyhter’F resident. Mrs. F S.
• Hiim-v. the Marne Apartments. 2416 13th
i *t n.w MARY C . l»eloved wife of the
late Wilbur O Merrill. Funeral from the
• ha pel of William H. Sardo & Co.. 412 H
I st n>• on Wednesday. No\em*«er 4 at
i 11 h rn. KH ifive- and friend® invited to
I attend. Internient Glen wood Cemetery.. 3
J PETERbEV F idai, O* toUr 3<» I!*’!6.
| ATON PETERSEN. Ordnance Serjeant!
[ U >. A tretned i Burial with military
honor.- m Arlington National Cemetary.
Tu**s iay Novcmb r 3. -»t 2 ti »-lo*-k p.tfi.
j Friend- invited to attend.
I KOws. Suddenb on Octr»ber 31.
1 1925. J\M |> WATSON ROSS. G loved
: -on o! Mi uni Mr- Robert F. C. Ro®-.
Funeral from th* rf-si*len«*e <*t bis -i-t* , i.
IMr>. John J. Majru'r**. 819 Alabama aie
e.»* . t'oiure-- Height-, on 3'uesilay. No
vernier 3 a? M 3** a m then*# to t'hurch
. of the A--umption. Height®.
' where nia.-s will l»e -anl for the re nose of
hi® soul at !» a.m. Relative - and friend
invited. Interment Mount Olivet Feme,
tery. •
' SISLEK. Satmdav 0«*tol»er 31. at hi®
r*-idenee. Jll3 2t*tli -t JOHN H )»elove«r
j biisbami **f MARY A dd.KR Funeral
f’*mi horn** **f !i:- . Ills Crittenden o
Tues«!ay morning at !» o'*l<M-k. theme t*i
t Holy Trinity Church. Georgetown *
j THEf KER. Slim lav NnvcmlM-r 1 19‘!5 at
Garfield Ho-pital GEORGE W U*lo\ed
• husband Ro-alm M The.-ke r of 132
Baler -t n.w Funeral from In- late repi
' dem-c *»n U »*dn*--«l. > Noveml*ci 4 at 2
I pm Relative* and f ieri*!® in\ited t»* at--
i tend. lnt<rm-*nt at Glen wood Onietcri 3
TII.MNG. **Ufnla.\. N«»v**nit*et 1. JJ»2S. at
j )•*•{■ rc-u|fn,c. Kore*tvillc. Prince tieorjr-
F«*unt.v Md E lieloved wif.
i>f Andrew Tillinir. Funeral from
rr-ulem-e of her «|;uuhter. Mr® Wilban'
S R'djewa> 804 E-!. n r Wedne- Jay.
No* ember 1 at J .30 p.m. K latii f - Hi-d
frien*ls ini it*>d Inter ment F‘»tigre**inrvd
Femetcf.i 3*
TI LOR. Mi miter* of
No. 35. 4
1 Niivsmlisr B. B
| -T
4 BIJ t IIF.R. Sunday. November 1.
1925. MEDOR \ wi«iuw «*f Mai. Gustap
'°n Bin* he* Funeral f f *»m the chanel
of W R ®neareCf».. 1208 H -t n.w
j Momla.i. Noveml*er 2. 7 »• m. Infe*
j nient at Harpers per i W Va. ffum‘
‘ l»erlan*J. Mi:,, papei - id* y-e * opy »
W XI.KER. Novenilter I 1925. 1
* arn at her residence 300 H -t e.v
Noßa. devoted wif* of Arthu** Walk?’
| She leave® to mourn th* i r In-- three . hf 1 -
dren. Che-ter Ruth and Nathaniel "'aiker
•' ■ ; <. * 1 : • • ■ • . ind friends Remain«
I resting at John T Rhine- funeral 'harwl
1 3rd and Eye -t - w Notne of funeral
j W M.KER. Offi« ep.- .mil members* of Datrh-r
Chapter. No 7 O K ar r notified to
attend the funeral of Hon. Lady NORA
WALKER Monday. November 2 1925. at
j 7 45 o'clock nm . at th chapel of John
1 T. Rhine®. 3rd and Eye *t® *.w Intel-.
‘ merit in Virginia Bv order of chanter
I j ANNA L DOR*KY. Secretary.
JES'-E TURNER. Assistant Sc<*retary •
WEBSTER. Departed th:® life Saturday
I f**-toiler 31. 192 5. ELLEN WEBSTER, hr
t i lovi-d mother r»f Mar> E Hamer, jrraml
i niuthci «-f Lida Alston. Funeral Tuesday
I No' enber 3. *t 1 p.m f:o»* /. on
j j Chuich F-t **etween 3*l and 4 k -t- - w
; * R f '■ WilJp.m J Howard, pastor. Relative®
i and friend* invited to attend.
Tin ftlemoriam.
XI LEV In loi nir remem> ran*e **f nor
d-a- <!au.'lit* , and t-i.-t*•;•. IRENE ALLEN,
who departed till- life year® a?r»
1 t*»da.i. Noieniliei 3 1!*18 ami our d'-ar
, daiuht* -1 *te r. MAMIE ALLEN
1 who *ii*-*! 21 1 ar* a2*». January 15. 1901
.1 On the hill--.*, .-of fly *leepinr.
* XVhere the flower- gently wave
Lie- the one.* \v*» loved *0 dearly
' But l**t them sleep on. bles*e«j Sail**’.
! -Xml trust we *i*all meet them again
BAKNKR. In loijng mem«*rv of our d*ar
‘ daughter and *i*t*-r BIRDIE GEORGE
* ; HUGHES BARNER who *ie Pa rte.i this It s
three year* ago N«»venil*er 2. 1922.
Rl RREE. !fd t*» the memory of op*
h'Yint daughter r*nd mother. KKNF.*T!M
1 MABEL BURRED, who departfd flu® life
I one year ago today. No* eni *er 2. 11*21.
1 Tin.u irt gone, but not f**reotten.
Dea.e-t. my love shall alw iy* >.e
For a- long a- there 1* memory
j I will alway* think of thee
I 1)14.4.'*. In meniori *»f my dear friend
j BERTIE, who died eight year* ago today,
j November 2. 1917 IDA. •
5 , HOWEs. In *ad but loving rem rt mbran*e
. ! of our dear hushnnd and father. WJL
LTAM FENTON HOWES who departed
i this life 12 years ago todav. Noifmler
! 2 191.3.
ELI I KK In loving remembrance of our
husband an*! father IRVING KEILER
j who departed thi- !ife seven year* ago
• to«2ay. November 2, 1!*18.
KEII.KK. In loving remembran«-e of rrtir
- son and brothe* IRVING E KEILER
, : who departed thi® life si ven year® ag*»
, Novend*cr 2. 1918.
! Love ami memory live forever
POXX ELI.. T i loiing mem<»ry of my tiear
; fathf • WILLIAM H POWELL who dii
NcivenilK*** 2. 1892. ami my lovinr
niothe-. ELIZABETH POWELL, who died
Oclolier 9. 194)9.
Ju*t a line of *v er-t remembran<*c.
Just a memory fond an«! true:
Jim a token of hive - devotion.
That mi heart -tdj longs for vnu.
W 11.1.1—. In »;Mi tmt lo\ tttz ipm<‘tn>*ran>-f> of
J: ..til matron I.tVINTVA W 11.1.15. »h«
! departed thi- bfe twn years ago today
Noirmlier 2 1923
Perhap* th* httle ••hildrefl -he !«•! with
, trembling hami-
XX* ere fimmi among her w*l- when klip
reached th*’ letter lan*!
Done by order of Lu*mda Uir* lc. No. 325-
i 1 u. of ST Luke -
, i.L XDYS THOM Pre®.
r.Ol*l*V WRBiHT. R*- s- •
j XX'lLsoV In 'iiviiie memary of my motbe*-
JANE F . who die*! November 2 19**9.
i | In all the world I *haH not find
A heart -n wonderfully kimi.
I 1 So *c>ft a voH-e. !»*» sweet a ®mile
f An inspiration *0 worth while
I A svnipathy s<* *ure. **.» deep.
I A love *0 l»eautiful t«* keen.
FI NKKAT- directors.
I ,T WILLIAM I.EE. Funrra] Director and Em
i balrner Livery tit Connection. Commodious
chanel and modern crematorium. Moderate
I pr„V :i:i: r.t *te. N.w. Call M. 1.-isa.
t 1 Frank Geier’s Sons Co.
lti:« SEVENTH ST. N.W. ....
' i Modern Chapel. Telephone Alain 2453
1 17°4 N CAP ST NORTH 797 fl
l | . ... ■ 1—
(I Wm. H. Sardo & Co.
Modern S cha N ms: Lincoln 524
317 Pa. Ave. S.E.
Model Chapel. Lincoln 14J.
. p.ivate Ambulance..
Livery in_Connection.
• ' (JiiTTk Pignih.-d and Efficient Serrica.
;! W. W. Deal & Co..
1 j sir H ST. NE. LINCOLN *2OO
1 ! Autontohile Servif*. Ch.oel.
Neither the nuccegsore of nor conrtert.d
«-ith the orilitnal W. R Sp»are e.tahlteh
-- 1009 H St. N.W.
f s, n.w,
Joseph F. Birch’s Sons
i! 3034 M ST.
i Gawler Sendee
Funeral Directors Since ISSO
Main 5512 _ r."*:,
Timothy Hanlon
; fi4i H ST. N.E- Phong L. 6543.
. i Phone Lincoln 372.
[ I ——
i Geo.C Shaffer *49. S V„, N
lat MODERATE PRICES. Prompt Deliveiy
[ ! Prompt Auto Delivery Service
r Artistic—^xprespive—inexpensive
SiGude Bros. Co.. 1212 F St.
Floral “Blanket Sprays” -
And Other Beautiful Floral Design® at
Moderate Prices. 14th A H TH. m 3?o;
Wg Specialije in plohal
Desiqns at Moderate
1 ;
14 T "& HST 2 N.V. MAJN^9Sa