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SOCIETY (<V*ntlnucd from Eighth Page.) sited by Mrs. .Toseph T. Herson, who | was gowned in rosy taffeta of ihp early j ;uis. Mrs. William Richardson wore a sow n of 1850 ami Mrs. I.aura 1... | .Paul, chairman of costumes, wore a sown of )S7ti. Mrs. Edson W. Briggs heatleil the receivins line in her wedding sown, | and was assisted by Mrs. Walter Mas j tian ami Mrs. I’obb and others. Ml', i John Clarke o|*e rated the motion pic j ture machine, which caused much , merriment when old-time photographs' were thrown on the screen. Reception Friday for .Members Vassal- Alumnae. Va=wr alumnae will be the guests ‘ of the American Association of I'm versify Women at a reception and 'ea in their clubhouse at lt;:'.4 I street Fri day afternoon at t:3<t o'clock. Dr. Nohle Mact'racket!, pres’dent i of Vassal" College. will be the guest of honor. Mrs. David I. Wing, presiilent of tlie (ortil hranch of the Vassal alumnae, will receive with Dr. Mac Cracken.- \t r. o'clock Dr. MacCracken will sjtcak on "Correlation and Con rent rat ion. " X'assar graduates of Washington who will assist Mrs. Wing are Mrs. t'az nnvp lac. Mrs. Herbert C. Wool-j ley. Mrs. William Slade. Miss Margery tjuigley, Miss Dorothy Johnson and Mrs Herbert 1.. Whittemore. Mrs. .tennis Kittle. Mies Florence; Spanier and Miss Ester Phelps, wilt* were in Washington for two weeks n« delegates t• • the Congregational con vention. havp returned to theii hemes to Clinton. lowa. Mrs. I.ittlc will siiend a few davs visiting relatives in Chicago before r» uoning to Clinton. Pattfnc-ses for the lttncheon and ratal party which the Federation of Republican Women of Montgomery ' 'ount.' will gi\c at the Mayflower W ednesdav. November is. at 1 o'clock, include Mrs. Hlaydon l.ownes. Mrs. Charles I. Corby. Mrs. George K. W tight. Mrs. William S. Chase. Mrs. .lohn A Holmes. Mrs. Edward L. Stock, Mrs. William Tyler Page. Miss Helen Stauffer. Mrs Joseph 11. Sail octane and |)r Kertha ,\|t K. Bigelow. Mrs. H.-irrv A. Dawson is chairman. The ttliio tlirls' club of Washing ton gave its Halloween dance at the' Denies Saturday evening. The hall w i- decorated with Halloween colors, a ltd even tlip fortune teller was in evi dence, Nearly all present were masked. The president. Mrs. Falv. wore a Chi nese costume, which she purchased while traveling in the (trienl last Slim mer. Prizes were given to Miss Min nie May Hardy as having the pret tiest costume; Miss ft race Young as wearing the funniest costume; Mr. Merlin as the man wearing the most original costume, and Mr. Bowman as the matt wearing the funniest cos tume. Autumn leaves, pumpkin-heads and Halloween favors formed the deco rations of the table at the annual dinner of the State Officers' Clult of the District of Columbia Daughters of the American Revolution, hpld at the Cairn Saturday evening. The president of the club. Mrs. C,. Wallace W. Hanger, dressed in black and silver, acted as toastmistress. Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook, presi dent general. N. S. D. A. R. in a gown of white crepe embroidered in crystal beads, gave the main address of the evening. Other speakers were Mrs. William S. Walker, organizing secretary general, D. A. R.; Mrs. Richard Jackson Barker of Rhode Island, Mrs. John AT. Reavers. Airs. Howard L. Hodgkins and Alt-s. Hy man B. Pwormstedt. Two groups of songs vyere sung by Mrs. Ralph Barnard and humorous sketches were .given by Mrs. Harry Bovle Gauss, - Airs. Gains Ai. Brumbaugh and Mrs. Francis A. St.. Clair. The committee in charge of the dinner and program were Airs. Harry Boyle Gauss. Airs. Janies AI. Willey. •Miss Emma Strider. Airs. Charles o. Appleman. Mrs. Kdgar Alien. Airs. J. Edgar Smith. Miss Flora Johnson. | A PROTEST AGAINST EXTRAVAGANCE ROLLS ROYCE * HAVE you been paying for a Rolls-Royce and not riding in it? Many people have —people who buy cars costing from four to eight thousand dollars usually spend more in a few years than the owners of a Rolls-Royce. Why? Because the average "good” car depreciates in value 40 per cent the first year. Ten years of usage finds it practically valueless—if it has not been junked before! But a Rolls-Royce, after ten years, is worth at least 50 per cent of its first cost —and even then it is good for twenty or more years of service. No one knows the length of service of a Rolls-Royce because none has ever worn out. Few, even, are ever resold. Ten years ago 346 Rolls- Royce cars were owned in New York City. Some were eight years old. Today 274 are still in the hands of the original owners, and will be for j years to come. Let us demonstrate the perfect riding comfort of a Rolls-Royce in a 100-mile trial trip, arranged at your convenience. W ashington Office and Maintenance Depot, 2400 16th Street Branches and Maintenance Depots in the following cities: New York;; Chicago; Boston; Philadelphia; Rochester; Syracuse; Utica; • Albany; Buffalo; Washington; Pittsburgh; Charleston, W’est Virginia; Wheeling; Cleveland; Providence; Springfield; Hartford; Newark; St. Louis; Detroit; Milwaukee; Kansas City; Houston: Los Angeles; Hollywood; San Francisco; Canton, North Carolina; Miami; Tampa; Palm Beach; Jacksonville; St. Petersburg. Other Maintenance Depots are being opened to keep pace with the steadily widening circle of Rolls-Royce ownership. j Mrs. Gaius M. Brumbaugh and .Mrs. ' Amy J. Leeds. ; Air. and Airs. Albert Pezold cele j hrated their thirty-ninth wedding anniversary Friday evening in the | home of their daughter. Mrs. Elinor* ('ase)ige. at 1 pui V street southeast, j The following guests were present; I Dr. ami Airs. Myers. Air. and Alt's. fuselage. Airs t'. Jones, Airs. Anna 'Silverman. Mrs. I.lllian Li vender, Aliases Cascluge, AI. Jones. Lavender. I Mr. Clyde Pezold. Mr. David Pezold, j Mr. Clarence I’ezold. Mr. AI. Jones. ' Mr. V. Jones and Air. Samuel Alc j Carney. Several games were played .and refreshments served. Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Ihflta, Women's Legal Fraternity, gave a tea to the students of the Washington | College of Law. in the gold room of the LaFayefte Hotel, yesterday after noon. The honor guests were Judge Alary O'Toole of the Municipal Court and Airs. Katharine Campbell of the Department of Justice. The .Madrigal • Quartet, composed of Mrs. Viola Ship pert Klmge. Aliss Edith Graham Shill ing. Miss Mabel Jean AlcCalip ami Miss Edith AI. White, with Aliss Paul ine Knoeller as accompanist, gave a program *>f music. Births Reported. The following birth* hnvp l*»on rpnni'Vrrl Ito ih° Health Department in the *'4 • hour •h»hn ami Glady* <\ Pu*h. .lohn W. ami Cornelia R Johnson. Imy. Jame« A. and Henrietta M Perley. srirl. Harry and Lula Paleotra**. boy. Harry tml Rose Rosoff s' ll l John R. and Rloree Hu’don bo\. John L. <oid Amelia S. Stearne «rir 1. RaJnli and He mice R Wilson sr ir I David r. ami Sarah R C<»insb». U. ho> . William T. and Renee Davit boy. *«fers L. ami Sue • \ Ralf’ei srirl. Robert R. and Rertha Rose. Ihi\. Deaths Reported. The follnuntp fipath* have been reported to the Health Department in the u-t •* | hours Wilke- < Prather. .*><» yearn. 3SI 4 K»- nauaha afreet north»m. John R. Braes*. 11 year*. i»«»S Tenth street south'uci t'harle* Allen. 71 year*. I'rntril States Soldie*-« Home John R. < ollins. .Ml yean?. ITS Sixth street not thu euf Patherine Willineham. H7 years. I*?4‘.’ Ma* viand avenue nnrth«>a«t. Mary v. Prim-e. 77 years. I I New Hampshire avenue northwe-l. Robert H. Scott. .’I yearn. RIO M Mieet noi l hv est. Janie- J Tunas. •»£ years. 2*2 4*2 Twelfth -t ref * i nor th u eat Richard Johnson. 1 5 years, Freedman - Ho-pita I. Minnie Ramsey. lb years. Tuberculosis 1'd. Mary K. Settles. .S months, t’hildren s H<*- pttai. Marriage Licenses. rtasre licenses have lieen issued to the i follow in*: Sidney Steuart of ia Va.. and 1 Kli/al>eth Taylor of Baltimore. Md. Lloyil Gibbs anti Beatrice Sims Julius Robinson anti Leha Jackson Robert Leroy Rut-ler anti Hattie Jones. Howard \ Draper of W JclifTe. N J . •tml Marv f, Mavnard «»f this «11 \ Upholstering REUPHOLSTERING PARLOR SUITES AND ODD CHAIRS A SPECIALTY CHAIR CANEING PORCH ROCKERS, SPLINTED “Nus-Ced!” The Be»t Place and Lowest Price* After All Ask my 20, (Ml customers. I give the service you have the right to expect. $9 SILK TAPESTRY CUT TO $2.98 PER YARD Clay A. Armstrong Drop Postal to 1233 10th St. N.W. Or Phone Franklin 7483 Man Will Bring Sample* THE EV£yXX('4 STAR, WASHINGTON, D, C., MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1925. WCAP PLANS FEATURE. Musical Attraction Scheduled for ' Broadcast Wednesday Night. WCAP has scheduled as one of its chief musical attractions Wednesday i night a dance program by the Caro- j iinians under the direction of Ralph j Gaum. The selections will include ! the latest arrangement of college | songs of Catholic University, solos by ; various members of the orchestra and I lie newest dance hits. The orchestra consists of eleven members—Ralph Garren, pianist and ; director; Homer Zirkle. Frank Rap ; tista and Benjamin Brotman. j phones: Robert Blatt and Lew Gould, trumpets; Glen Jones, trombone: Peter t'ross. tubal Joseph H. Rainier. violin; James Briscoe, banjo, and Cecil Carr, drums. SR" &, Galt & Bro. j£ I -niia ! Rare Jewels l ine Watches > C H 1 Cold Ware jJ) Silver Ware j | Mjj lor nearK a centurv and | d ,£3',-3 a quarter -since President !ft JcftersonYadniinmrauor* j "IT f| ’I —have enjoyed the !it , 1 1 I ratronaae of those most t xl 3 < loselx idt-ntifitsl » ith the j "I JT | official ami srxial life of , V r I the capital and nation. , f. j listahlished ISO 2 \ m v * Ftwi^KinuAv^nuc Living Room Furniture Drastically Reduced Immediate clearance is what we want to effect, and we’re going to accomplish it by offering values THAT CAN’T BE DUPLICATED. Odd pieces as well as entire suites in the lots. ! 2 Living Room Suites These suites are of the finest quality— d>n A A discontinued lines—finest velour covering. Just an example of the reductions. Each Of/U GEORGE PUTT CO., Inc. ! Painting, Paperhanging, Upholstering, Draperies 1325 14th St. N.W. Main 4224 | bm wmmmm wmmm : 'HUSBAND WOUNDS negro.! Screams Reveal Prowler in Yard | of Manassas Home. Sperial Diapatrh to The Star. MANASSAS, Va., November 2. ! Michael Lynch, a Southern Railway j trainman, emptied both barrels of a j ! shotgun al Ed Harris, a negro, when j hp arrived home late Sunday night, i Ed heard his wife screaming. ' ' The negro was in the yard. As he j BRIGHTEN THE HOME UP —with a 1 1 life Saper and paint. Th. .-oat i I* very reanoidWile. Maylte * window shade j needs attention or renewinr You’ll find I that t,y eo riotn* it will hrirhten the home up— Ni worry or inconvenience attached , CORNELL WALL PAPER CO. 711 13th St. NAV. Main 5|7».5374 t Wh r| Dance* Wardman Park » Hotel * Kv*rjr Frols* (1 V \ wl, Fresw I<* eTltsk A;r!i Wardman Y% /jL i Park j Boern*tein V .T Orchestra 1 \,*|H fever rk«r»». Mr i * reee rVI tlens ( el. 2000 ~\ \ tlltiws | J fled several ahot struck him and he i | was slightly wounded. Arrested and I j placed in jail on a charge of trespass, | 1 ~ ' i! f “Hi! • * If eII make them * tn measure factory ' j l ,riro * * nvp y°" j f 3 ;i money. Let ns esti - \ s i •"!"■' ' * jj; |: | 830 13th St. N.W. | # I Phones »;!; «>• | I'ropri'(or The House % w 1 # : « w Mtlmsbom [ j *Sjs* A 608 to 614 A ELEVENTH ST. Shop in U asKin^ton i j Two Special Assortments of- :i i Fur-Trimmed Coats —At Interesting Prices— —' ' ■ ’ | 1 —~| -7 "I «.. ,J RV , . rU rin .. Po .V , ‘... Omrklehpjid Bolivia Brarkleltpad Koulustra with Platinum Nolf—S,., with Mark Wolf—sls ,vith riatinuni Fox—s7s A November Value Demonstration at $45.00 and $75.001 They are splendid Coats—both groupings—expressive of the best fashions and superior values —in weaves, workmanshjp and trimming. Straightline w rappy an d FI are models. jj _ !□ The Cloths arc — The Furs are — The Colors an |j I Roulustra Wolf Gracklehead j[|J Carmina Fox Lipstick j 0 . Pm Point Beaver Cuckoo “I Lustrosa Squirrel Tana^'er Vivette Caracul Queenhird 7 Montabello Opossum Black 7 All Women's and Misses' Sizes Third Floor I] Fj Hand some Fur C oats- I I at Feature Prices Five Attractive Lois of Popular Coats —selected pelts —skillfully made jr 1-1 Sealine (dyed coney) Coats, trimmed with Muskrat Coats made of split skins, de contrasting fur collars and cuffs of Beige signs of beautiful northern muskrats; plain J Squirrel, Silver Muskrat, rox ~ n rct 1 ‘ - and Wolf. 43 .0 46 inches $1 OfX 00 V '° r “I"’,° ° r $1 5Q.00 J i ontf Raccoon. 43 inches long 1 V j= H Gray Caracul.Coats; trimmed with Platinum Silver Muskrat Coats, trimmed with Fox Wolf collars, and collars and collars and borders; or in plain effects. Silk cuffs of the shade now so $1 Ott.OO ined throughout. 42 and 45 $Q 1 A.OO popular. 43 inches long. ... A inch lengths -L vJ 7 Third Floor ia&—ini~——in[=a=jimr==i I hp uM hp wap In tha yard appkinfr fruit to pat. Thf woman had soon 1 I him through a window. The Vanity Beauty Shoppe, Inc. * Announce* the § Opening P.rninn.n'f 11,1,1,1 g, n,„,,.11>', 3, unlrr not ing, focinl massage. scalp treatments, hair coloring, manicur ing, hair culling rlnne by expert Souvenirs (rivrn.on Opening Day e also ha\e with our firm now Mis* Kniily \nthon*>>. formerly * with Bertha Parker, and Mr*. M. (~ Ofen«tein, formerly with la For Appointments Hours: 9:15*7:00 P.M. i„.— —. . . 1 . , . 9