Newspaper Page Text
WORE GIVEN FOR YJ. Cl FUND M. 0. Chance Wins Ton of Coal He Offered for Best Record for Day. With $4,-40 raised yesterday. Y. M. C. A. team workers had reached the mark of 513.900 as .they started out (••day on the fourth day of their i'Hmpaign to raise SJii.oitir to balance the organization's 'budget for the cur rent fiscal year. M. O. Chance, captain of Team Xu. 1 went into first place yesterday after trailing in second since the • start of the campaign, and when he announceil the atnutmt his team had raised- he awarded himself a precious ton of coal. As he had made the an nouncement ottering a ton of coal to the winner in the day's contest just previous to the luncheon. Mr. chance's friends good-naturedly ac ’ fused hun of knowing the result be forehand. Reports of the amounts raised hv the teams yesterday were made by the team captains, as follows: Team No. 1. $1,030: teaifi-No. S4B;i; team No. 3, sll o; team No. 4, $230; team No. $x!l: team No. ti, $234; team No. 7, $104; team No. x. team No. ft. $240; team No. to. slus; team N't. 11, s2oo, and a special team. 5750. IJr. George Otis Smith, director of (lie Geological Survey and for 13 t years a presidt nt of tin V. M. <A. and mm a member of its interrational committee, traced the beginnings of tb“ Y. M. C. \. movement from its formation by 12 men in London in ISX3 down to tbe present strength ot 1,537.til 1 membtrs, of which 102 arc boys, in addiessing the team workers yesterday-. The local organi sation alone, ht said, served 10. Mix , •-1 and boys every year. Sketching the early hlstorv of the organiza tion in the District. Or. Smith re called that it occupied rented quarters lor ;t long time, but now owns build ings and real estate valued at more 'han $1,250,000 and requires an an nual budget of approximately $400,000. 1 le emphasized the fact that the local X'. M. c. a. lias about 000 men work ing for it regularly without a. cent of cotni>ensation. t h. \\ . Uetlast, associate general -■ retary of the X'. M. C, A., ad dressed a. "dormitory dinner" at the central building of the Y. M. C. A. hist night. William Knowles Cooper, general secretary of the X". M. C. A., end Ossie llluege, third baseman of tic- Washington Nationals,' were guests of honor. U. S. PROTEST EXPECTED * ON MEXICO'S ARTICLE 27 XI MX ICO CITY. November 10.—The political circles 'and new .->papprs of Mexico City are buzzing wiih con tradictory reports as t<« whether the 1 nited States < lovernn-.ent intends to protest the provisions of I’resident t'alles' bill, giving effect to article 27 es the constitution, governing the rights of foreigners to hold property in X texicu. The American Ambassador. .Tameo " I;. Sheffield. admitted visiting Foreign Secretary Saenz, but said any state ment must com, from the State I le va i intent or the Mexican foreign office. The foreign office said Mr. Shertield ! i'-'d not t'l-esonre.l any note ] —buy a dozen for dinner— .l XT P«C3w.’CJ< INC. I ' j • 9*', £ | X-tfrO Cufr Ccufronj ( vE ,c * VAatW r II Save Your Coupons! —they will buy you Zero Cups or beautiful prizes ! —ask Mother to serve Zeros for dessert! —buy a dozen for dinner. • Finds effect ice treatment ’u >< re tnusties TELLS HOW TO j AVOID LAMENESS AFTER EXERCISE | Athlete advises a simple j method of keeping muscles in trim Men who put their muscles to the I strain of hard exercise have learned a quick, sure way of taking out pain and stiffness. “In my training work," writes a well-known athlete, "I have used Sloan’s Liniment for the past five i years and found it most effective j j for soreness caused by vigorous I | exercise. Also an .incomparable remedy for stiff neck.” (Name and j address of writer given on re- I quest.) It is marvelous how ache and , stiffness in lame muscles yield to the magic of Sloan's. Just a little patted on lightly, and healing new blood tingles through the hurt place. Away go “fatigue-poisons." New tissue sets needed nourishment. Sore muscles limber up and stop aching. Get a bottle today and have it on hand. All druggists— -35 cents. Dr. Earl S. Sloan,. 113 i W. 18th St., New York. ■ Quick Relief !A pleasant effective »Tr. ;. m ‘ . ’ ' ‘ “ . / T M W J > . Glen Bogie Sports Frocks New Gold Stripe Stockings j\y|* 9 Y: j M W Omen S The “Year-round” Knitted Dress /% Silk to the Very Top! IVIISSeS || 1 |T(j Mr Hr U sh sheer chiffon weight—full fashioned—pro f \ fl I C Guaranteed not to stretch—no hooks nor eyes to >1 mr Hf SC WL tected from ruinous garter "runs” by the patented | t • bother with. Choice of several styles and colors! Cold Stripe that prevents them liO An ideal frock for golf, travel, JQA CA H from getting down into the body AC NEp li ever you had the oppor- street, business or deck wear— M of the stocking. Silk all the «P • *)*} Pair Reductions that will crowd fj'; ! tunity to secure a wonderful * smart almost anywhere!..' mr 1215 F St. H.W. m way up I this Misses’ Coat Shop tomor ! fji valtie in a beautiful and sash- row with eager shoppers! Just Fa j ’ UL ionable Winter coat —lure you read over this list and see if it have it. Coats of every type -j m m a <■ '« c> n doesn't look as though you li Tomorrow —A Grand Remnant Clearing! M 2—529.50 Suede Cloth Coats, in i ' ■——— ———— - | ‘ side-flare styles, with fur > models as well as flared .' M and ar cuckoo sant °' SI9OO ALL the broken assortments of Fashion Apparel all the odd groups and broken w\ y t l h es 'nat B u e r a ai t, squirre r rTnd ft j ’•**. . . . , . . 11 . »•* n 1 ... Ringtail Opossum. Colors— Veloria Coats, with black sizes of Apparel Accessories which have accumulated in the past month’s selling — £ r a e ; n ’ biack and $43.75 f,. I Si IS STi 5 39 - 00 GO IN ONE GRAND REMNANT CLEARAWAY TOMORROW! 1: | of course, * these are all new fashions—mostly arrivals ot the past sixty days—but a <, .rT o o d f el ;-at«S; l, i; B uir a r n e?. V i| fa n r d anS os cuff S <°'' $ 4600 color, a size or a style that should be sold to rightly adjust our stocks. Fh?ots?S^ o °Too a ?f i 3 ~,n o Ta e n n a s g eJ 6s ve°mar y a %°A And this Friday THE PRICES ARE DOWN—down to a point that makes it worth- con h ar, be cc.lfs f a 549 go while for you to hunt through these stocks to find YOUR color in YOUR style! Try it 6-M n , d sses n s75 o co' a ts, m carmma. JN border Y * d «n ° ' * lustrosa and pinpoint—offer- W 10— Women's $75 Coats, in Pin- Ulld YOU Will be re D aid! !", 9 „ a =^ oice of both straight 1 " point. Cordara and Veloria,, tlllU >UU))UI line and wrappy models. All or both collar and cuffs of pockets and some deep cuffs if IS! Women’s Dresses Misses’ Dresses | I\y l a w w brown dove and 7^ brown and cuckoo Here are reductions that wc believe would hardly be expected I—| „ li you want a partj* dress, a street or afternoon dress, a dinner black.. <poo. t o 1— Woman's $95 Brown New- by the most optimistic bargain hunter—yet here they are totuor- £ ihcss, dance frock—almost any kind of dress—here s your chance B —Misses’ $79.50 to $89.50 One- j zelia Coat with Red Fox stole row-—all beautiful Jelleff-quality dresses from our regular stocks. to secure it and save, too! These are dresses in the present modes of-a-style Coats, in both collar that reaches $69.00 The reductions speak for themselves: \,l(] another hat or two to —charmingly youthful, and smart as they can be! t ! . ared and wrappy models. to the hem . , , , .. , ___ , M _ . .... . Materials include needlepoint, rA , - on r n 10—Women’s $25 Afternoon and Street Dresses of flat crepe and >our wardrobe toinoriow— 4—Misses $29.50 Twill Dresses in smart straightlme mod- lustrosa and carmma. All the Ui tS. b—Women s $89.50 and $95 georgette, in navy, black and cocoa —sizes 36, 38, 40 and 00 11 v ’ on 1 c,,ct m’l' has the-e els, trimmed with braid and buttons, in cocoa and navy 7 Cfl coats have fur coliars and straightlme and flared Coats, 44. Tomorrow—only amazing prices show. The blue ' PU ‘ JU cuffs—of Mink-dyed Squirrel. w,t 9 h ray Sa"rre.°Tr Lustrosa ' 10— Women's $29.50 to $45 Georgette and Flat Crepe Dresses in hats are beautiful—remnants 12—Misses’ $29.50 to $35 Street, Afternoon and Evening Frocks, in Beaver, Natural Squirrel and \ Beaver collar and (70 no navy, black, rust and powder blue. Beautiful models for $0 QQ 01 recently purchased as- Twill, Flat Crepe and Chiffon. Among them you’ll I»nd some un - Platinum Wolf. Colors— cuffs “ «p/O.UU the lucky shopper who wears 36, 38 and 40 v sortments. usually smart basque and two-piece models, in both $]9.75 Cracklehead, wire, $58,75 i j w . .... r ~ | B —Women’s $65 to $35 Afternoon and Evening Dresses, in smart 15 —57.50 Dress and CO Os) and da,t< shades... ... b fr U <ti mr ~ 4 Womens slls Coa.s. of black straightline styles or in models with draped tunics— Semi dre-sc Hats 10—Misses’ $35 Afternoon Dresses in Satin and Flat Crepe—both 1 5 : ' J ats 0 or brown Vivette. with side choice of black, periwinkle blue, gray and flesh color. <CI C (\(1 two-piece and straightline models of delightful youth- L car^,n a- te and flares. Tuxedo collar to the Sizes 36 and 38 10— $10.00 and $12.50 $5.00 fulness. Colors—choice of cuckoo, wine, pencil blue 76 ~ hem— of brown or CQC no .. ... . _ . Dress Hats and black ■pZ'O. / O straightlme modes, with hlark rararul fur tOv'UU 14—Womens $29.50 Georgette Crepe Sleeveless Dinner Dresses, with „ " beautiful collars and cuffs of bj: chenille hand-embroidery—black, brown and navy— sl6 00 ° L af td $15.00 8 Misses' $39.50 Chiffon Dance Frocks—dazzlingly youthful crea- Natural Squirrel, Platinum L, rSI 6—Women’s $95 Coats, with sizes 38 and 40 * Mats stunning $7.50 tions in flared and basque models, with trimmings of ribbon and Wolf, and Fit-h p* ripple flares beautiful 18—529.50 to $45 Women's Afternoon and Street Dresses of Geor- £® delß "" .. " ' ban dmade flowers. In coral, green, orchid and flesh $26.75 Colors Gracklehead, wine. j j styles. In wine color, black gette, Crepe de Chine and lovely Crepe-back Satin—in 41 C Hfl s'-- 50 Black Velour Hats of color -e cuckoo, gray and 470 CO, and gracklehead Larloma sizes 36. 38. 42 and 44 '? l3,uu exceptional quality even 12— Misses' $35 to $39.50 Street and Afternoon Frocks of Georgette, black cloth — with natural 2— Women's $95 and S9B Evening Dresses— one (size 36) is an import, or fheir otigmal $6.50 Chiffon, Satin and Flat Crepe — in beautiful chemise and two- 15— Misses’ sllO to $125 Coats — Fitch and Fox col- SBS 00 in b,ack Net; the other (size 38) is of cuckoo brown 470 00 - pnce piece models, with a choice of bishop or tight sleeves — or no exclusive models in needle- *gr lar and cuffs * Crepe with lace inserts <pAu.Uu 5 —522.00 and $25.00 Dress Hats sleeves at all. Color choice: Green, cuckoo, orchid, pen- 429 60 point, roulustra and mosulera. 4 3 Women’s sllO Coats in —Women’s $35 to SBS Afternoon and Daytime Dresses of Crepe —copies of models by famous Cil blue and black *r Featuring tuxedo, muffler and ;! beautiful straiohtline ’and Elizabeth, Flat Crepe and Crepe de Chine—in beige, 420 00 designers included—all B—Misses’ $45 Afternoon Frocks in youthful two-piece models as shawl collars and five-inch or flared styles, 9 in black brown, cocoa rose, navy black. Sizes 36. 40 and 42.. will be proud $] 2 .50 well as the smartest of flared andchemise styles enriched with Li gracklehead and brown. En- 14— Women s $39.50 to $49.50 Dinner and Evening Gowns of to wear all-over embroidery or beading. Both Jenny and round necklines. ap a straight-line riched with brown imported and domestic Laces, Georgette or Chiffon— 420 00 Millimrv Slirio—Third Moor Choice of Bishop and tight sleeves. In wine, black, CT'? 7C e tec to. Colors—Gracklehead Fox and Lynx col 470 Oft sizes 36. 38 and 42 JJ>ZU.UU .wimm r> I mrd Moor pencil blue and green ’509.75 wine, falcon, sea swallow and lar and cuffs . ... 16—Women's 539.50 to $49.50 Street and Afternoon Dresses—of 14—Misses’ $49.50 to $65 Afternoon and Evemnn FrnrkV of r, ack ' Furs used are selected 2 - $ 1 25 Coats, with skirts! arwelf'as S'. "$2 q! 00 rx C T~J Ind' r?bbon fnmmfng"' B C oih°h?gJ, ro a nd b da?k e sha n d d es tWO '. P,eCe m ° d ' BeavC,eUr ' rran ' d $89.50 jJ and Un beaut r ifu C | 0 6-Women’’, SmSo"! Afternoon and Evening Gowns, of Lus- 2 SpCCials els and frocks with flared skirts, embroidery, beading $30.50 8-Misles’ $135 'to' $145 Coats- L, The material sB9 00 trous Velvet, Satin, Elizabeth Crepe— in orange, cocoa, 40C DA - l>rrss Shop—Third Moor stunning models n needle- Roulustra ™ ’ beige and black. Sizes 36 and 38 in the point and kashir.ora. Beauti -8 Women's $135 Coats in B— Women's $49.50 to $89.50 Afternoon Gowns of Elizabeth Me nf) . . 01 • T.l O n 1 ful straightlme styles as well Corsette Shop! In the Sports Shop s I 111 , 45 M T^ r r6 y 9S JUmPer 51075 t Frfcks Je S < 9s SportS s — $115.00 Underwear! , , r „> J Remnants are Clearaway Prices! Special at $5.00 i!S Jr W I oniorrou conies this big opportunity to increase vour W inter These are New Corsettes of u i. arly , smart - Choice of both able shades. The size range is 1 gs supply ot dainty lingerie at prices that will mean "a most de- a fa T ous mal<e — ar, d this is chanel and club collars, front- broken—that’s why they're re- L/l 8 fc otded saving! Don t miss these wonderful values’ first time we have been P L Ca } skirts; all seasonable duced—but every one is a won i| lUi $5.00 Silk Gowns and Steo-in Chemn.c k * r ab 'e to offer these SATIN shades. Sizes 14 to 20. derful value. v ' j J | •. .1 Ilf P“* 0 'llor.a .1y1..: h, m ,l„ch U ,J Cor.rt.,, at .nywh.r. near S|H.rl, Mu.p Slreot Floor lunfaY W Little Women phch ««»h co'or. orph.d $3.85 Th., „.n boned, both p J j • , will be a fine opportune,-‘for H $6.85 Step-in Chemise of fine quality crepe de chine' daintilv tr m- , back nd f fr ? nt * and have DiOUSeS Much Reduced in Clearance! junior.* to secure a lovely dress j i Our Specialized Shop for ed with venise and filet laces—a wonderful value tomorrow! attached. 3 °Made S& o/'beauLfu! $2.95 Tailored Dimity Blouses, with either round or V neck lines Litfle Women’s Coats—one of p! s ° the daintiest of georgette chemise, trimmed with CC OC pink satin, with insert of one- and with the seasons long sleeves, go tomorrow at the 41 on 8—516.50 Junior Two-piece the most successful departments nci a t , n< l f b ' nch Vif Ces " -ipo.OO piece elastic. clearance price of IpI.UU Frocks, with skirts of shim- T"! ! of our store — offers these won- * ' ' *u : '2 Ch , errnse ? f , b * aut,f “ l Qualities of radium silk and D* i d l $2.95 and $3.95 Tailored B'ouses of fine English Broadcloth Choice mering velveteen and blouses r ”j derful values tomorrow! fi*n^rmnrt7H h °L C q ° f Ai° th ta .' ,ore o d and 'ace-trimmed stytes. Pink Broche Corsettes of round or V neck lines—long-sleeved ncodels. Splendid 41 GC ° f serv 'ceable jersey. m in flesh color and white. Also a few St,p-m Drawers of «1 OC c values tomorrow at only P 5-1.95 green, cocoa and 412 76 I—Little Woman’s $65 Wine Sllk - Special at $1.50 u . wme.. A sss stocking —1 ISSXSSS f are boned back and front— 11 J* tl a e,s Wit h kick-pleat skirts I—Little Womans $59.50 Tana- _ _ . side-fastening models, with O WIHG ht*< i 3 Lrpve ' —>n blue and 41 fi 6f) ? e rtJr arnela . ine Two Remnants in Glove Silk Underwear! two pairs of hose supporters Remnants Tomorrow* cr ay | smart BemVcollar $49.00 $1.75 Glove Silk Vests of excel- | $1.50 Glove Silk and Rayon aa -' e J Sm;jrt Woo| . and . sjlk Spo ‘ ts -tile Smart Suede I °lJ^eiutSf!ilks n i°nd°7vertv s—Little Women’s Coats, in sea lent quality—full length and j _T! ,e 9l °HV! lk VCStS Garters and Garter Set*- Stockings, in a wide variety 8 ports Coats—plain twills—and including bnsqu e y swallow, tanager and queen- reinforced under the arms. J are in maize and Nile green. Uariers anfl Larter seto of colorings, including black— colors — two-piece and stra bird, contrasting with mush- Tailored tops—self straps. In few rayorTvlsts 9 m° U a D /h* 3 Remnants at SI.OO duced o ** a " s,ze9 - a " d so re .' C1 - PA models. Colors—chei i"- -T «< $56.00 «..K.<, l .r r dorch,d M 0,,,, :r o ;7or jN r ' h "'“ Th .« 1 * P . SLIS pair 514.50 i l 4 S q ” e odd sizes but won- s l>3 o and orchid. Slightly 4] Q 0 Events onderful Sports Lisle Stockings. ,n the Ju.Sop shmwTh' . « 10— Little Womens Coats, of derful bargains at soiled «JSI.UU for Christmas gifts—all col- most wanted—,n light ~ Jimtor >ho|>—Third M«K»r. ! Vivette, and Car- prs and styles. Garter sets colorings. Reduced because ".'. in- r l ii..„ B u "Tox s . , o,', 1 :; 510.85 Silk Negligees, 59.85 rSchSJSJ," ;,?si $1.25 pair p 4-^ Jt. Dle-'lare models. Lovely Crpee de Chine Neghgees. v,.Jh rows of cream -colored - !>ll, ’ r> n,,r ’ l 1 l “" 1 C "roned—' some 'with A1 1 *l.' .. M wine, gracklehead S6B 00 ace ar °! jnd neck and sleeves. All fiave the desired side-tie 1 ■■■"" hems' A fine assortment«sL !*■ £ X fe and tanager fastening. Other beautiful negligees of satm and taffeta, trimmed * . „ c*AOA colors, but not a l s ,z« Try Serond Floor wtth self ruchmg. Splendid value! , HandßagS, 56.99 to * SI!S paS O ■J Wnman’. Costume Slips Offer Remnants! »<«.. IV©OIICOCI l 1 womens I 'JiriS Handkerchief, , Gla “ c % ,hro «i> h this ««c ■*,/»/ Qllifo! jersey silk and baronette Rayon Slips—all with 20- chases! „ T , lICA S Values! TIICII COlllC ill tomorrow (Hid REALTY . c £. 9 « ss; *>* **«,**„ ? Kvnmants oi i Chli.lmL “m.hod'y! Cants—all of than! p r .of,r™ ,'h.r . H ra!~' SI4B box $95 29-inch Gray Caracul Coat I —Woman's $165 Gracklehead brown .. ... go fast at only V each style in fine leathers. Handmade Linen Handkerchiefs. With fox Collar I\OW $62.50 <3 Blue Velmara Ensemble Suit, U ’H Imd Costume Mips on Street Floor such as pin seal. Morocco ,n .f iar 9e variety of lovely 41Q6 2Q inch P „„,, C 1 ! with collar and border . and beaver calf —in black, patterns and colorings. These, Oray GaraClll LOai o w f „,c P,atinum $139.50 IT 1 11 brown, tan. gray and red. as°giHs S . U,tab ' e . 50c each with dyed squirrel collar $62.50 I I— woman’s $89.50 Black Twiii _ vJHIDT6IIB.S Leather Bags, $5 29-inch Black Caracul Coat Ensemble Costume $39.59 IPgJ (JyQgg I A fine assortment of leather j TniJotf Wlt h dyed suirrel collar 552.50 i’ :tx „ -Suit $5.00 Pure Silk Umbrellas —Made bags in all the desired styles I UIICL $195 2h-inrh Rlnr'lr !lp| 2 — Women's SSO Wooltex Tai- D./l on the best 10-rib 22-inrh and c o |ors > al * grouped to- r> _• 5 DIaCK LcLTaCUI lored Suits, in tan and blue ISiOll ’ gether at this one greatly A ¥*oo3.l*3.tlDTl4 Coat Now Onlv 5i;Q6 AO mannish checked 462 60 paragon frames, with am- reduced price tomorrow! ivpaiailUUa ‘ A y . •?»O.UD box jacket styles.. berite tips and ferrules. Pure Sti-eet Floor Sharp reductions—available sit>U Z9-inch American Broadtail I— Woman’s $65 Black Wool silk shades, tape edged. A to just 32 customers tomorrow! Coat with fox collar <KQ6 DO Ottoman Long $44 50 V • large assortment of wooden ■■■ ■ ■■■■ Shop early it you wish to share 44CA *?*> * U I r/i* 1 A J«k«.d Suit Join c.™.d and colored. „ 2 , WSO 32-mch Jap Mink Coat— | "*&■£! ■ B T T"" d”T753.45 200 Pairs * 325 cioth Tailored Suit [ OfYIOYYOW . red ’ P ur P |e and black. plrfume the^ath* 11 $175 Full-length Bay Seal (dyed Women's Suit Shop — $6.00 to $7.50 Umbrellas—A truly but re 9P'res a great 3 deal Coney) Cape Now Only $95.00 Second Floor ■ -- ■■- remarkable price for these Hg \ flAfMl’ smaller quantity at 44 0=: $1 6f» Full o 1 / j j Pure silk umbrellas! Some L, lIIJIIVIL R a *'ma ■ Bay Seal (dyea J 1 h.v. 16-rib kyota frames with t IC I f/Ylt JjlS,* Coney) Coat with leopard Cat H ti l,9ht wooderl shank, fancy Ollj has all the enchantment the Collar, Cuffs and border $95.00 I ' 1 tie colored or 1' /2 -inch satin bor- C 3 J n f me (Chinese Night) im- $l5O Full-lencrfh Martnnf fna* ders. Others 10-rib paragon SHOFS W f a ? n a ‘ full-length Marmot Coat— QItVIKhU CL AMi 3n U L O Jrice . . . $5.95 N°W ody $95.00 JH £ OCim. kjDUU match—handles mostly the • —both Pumps anti Ox- llcauty Section — . Street Floor $l5O Full-length Marmot Coat.... $125.00 , vj * ' * £/ lub T b L km k d f S er o c i tords in st - y,cs to suit n L ¥ 1 s*so Full-length Marcoon Coat— —offers wonderful opportunities to colors CS $4.85 both women and misses— J Women and Misses to save on frocks in 510.00 2.50 ' Um br.lles- Lan"Remnants* • $169.50 Full-length Bay Seal (dyed" .2. two remnant assortments at offering a most elaborate as- ~ with .in h 1 ■ * Coney) Coat with collar and 1 .. sortmen, o, handles-Avalon. Regularly $8.75 rcal’lf o^hi"’." 5 a“dV' a" Cuffs $125.00 S| j| and )15 r ' l :ar::2 to $12.50 a pair $169 - 50 Ful| -length Bay Seal (dyed ■fi-V XCF f s’hanks; short .pt Coney) Coat with red fox collar 19 $39.50 Satin Dresses, trimmed with beige lace SIO.OO Br'SSd" .'ftVmt Vn“j' ££ ' *£% Pair - ,•••*125.00 —choice of black and brown colored borders. All <C 85 costume jewelry—odd pieces $295 Full-length Black Caracul 18 — 539.50 Georgette and Flat Crepe Dresses, with a wanted colors * assortment consists choice of blue, rust »uckoo and navy blue. $15.00 SIBJ>O Silk Umbrellas—The very e s broken and discontinued new , P 7 ce for tomor - 75 c $495 Full-length Persian Lamb 1 Sizes 36 to 44 finest qualities of silk—the lines—not all sizes in any row’s clearance ~. r . ... & , ~ newest handles of pearloid, o ne style, but a good assort- 14 Pieces of Real Stone Jewelry LOat Wltll natural mink Collar 7—Beautiful Georgette Dresses, trimmed with self-colored lace. amberite and bakelite in most ment of sizes in the lot — lovely ornaments of semi- ar »rl r-ufiFc r»nlv 47Qt; Aft These frocks may be had in both navy and red. $lO 00 intriguing effects carved nevertheless—and the well precious stones, such as jets. . umy iJOTfD.UU - J Sizes 38 to 42 * novelty ferrules! 16-rib kyota known Sorosis quality in jade-colored stones, crystal s47s'Full-length Hudson Seal Coax L pL fr# ames . ,n - n ovelty styles. every shoe. A splendid op- onc * cora ) he sold to- i i I r !1 J /r r\r\ Simple Irork Slu»p—Dounslairs Wonderful val- sl2 85 portunity to save! morrow irl one j/ With Diack IOX COllar and CUiTS . .8/^95.00 lie v * Sorosis Shoe Sluqt—Street Floor group /2 * TICC . Fi,r Salesroom—Seeouil Flmir M miem hkb mmmmmmm^ Slll'el Floor At Klltrttllee. StlTCl Mool - THE EVENING KTAR, WASHINGTON. I). C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1925. 21