TAGS FOR BUSINESS' VEHICLES ON SALE Officials Ask Co-Operation of Motorists in New Plan !£ to Avoid Rush. License tags for commercial ve- 1 hlcles. hackers anil dealers went on ; sale at the District Building today, j but tags for the pleasure vehicles will j not be on aale until December 1, lie- | cording to announcement by Commis sioner Rudolph. Owners of pleasure vehicles, how- j ever, are warned not to put off the i purchase «.f tags because of the hope- i less congestion which arises at the J close of the month when thousands j of belated motorists rush to the traf- j fie office expecting to obtain tags be fore the last day of grace. In an endeavor to eliminate nr avoid the last minute rush, which 1 causes ill-temper, lost time and trim hie. a plan has been worked out which depends on the heartiest co oneration of all motorists for success. The plea of (’iminiissionpr Itudolph is that all motorists, whose Ifll’a tags number from 1 to 25.000 call for their hew license plates between December 1 and 1. During t lit- next live days thereafter, all those with numbers from -.1.u00 to .10.000 should respond, and so on through the month until all motorists hate obtained new tags, j ‘•ol. I. <\ Muller, assistant trattle I director, announces that his office is how ready with the necessary data To tix the rated load capacity' of all trucks as required by the new traffic code. As each applicant for tags for j a truck calls at the license office he will he sent to tile traffic director's office to have the rated capacity of Ills vehicle marked on the registra r tion card. FRENCH MONEY LENDERS HAVE DIFFICULT DAYS Borrowing Extensive, But Profit Goes Entirely to Pockets of Borrowers. - Correspondence of (lie Associated Press. PARIS, November 3.—The note shaver and chattle mortgage special ists In France have the blues. To ' many of the profession it seems that the only ieniedy is for the money lender to retire from business until ! the return of better times. Changed conditions of life in France ts the principal cause. Borrowing lias gone on even more extensiveb yhut all of it It is not been spent in r viotous living. Part of the loans has gone info foreign oil or mining stocks which, advancing automatically ini value as the franc went down.’ brought handsome profits. The hot-- | lower began paying interest to the j lender in depreciated francs, pocket ing the profits and then borrowing! more money to finance new deals. Tuesday Morning 9:15 —in the Basement Store MEN! A Real Shoe Sale Broad toes, Balloon toes, French toes, English toes. Every style that men are wearing. High shoes. Low shoes. Blac kor tan. With plenty of perforations or perfectly plain. Shoes from a manufacturer everybody knows and respects. , Absolutely perfect. Fitted with Goodyear welt soles and rubber heels. If you’re a good walker you’ll appreciate their comfort. If you’re a good dresser you’ll appreciate their style. And if you know a bargain when you see one, you’ll be here on the dot at 9:15. 1,500 pairs—and twice that many men wanting them. The Hecht Co. Basement Store i ! Abe Martin Says: "Does she love him?" is th' first ! thing that pops in a woman’s mind i when she hears about some husband lovin' his wife. "They .jest had th' two children. | Th daughter died on a crossin", an' | th lx>y wuz killed in war at Chicago," we heard a feller say t day. Those who have seen A1 Moots' ! new wife say she kin be clipped an’ painted up t’ look all right. Little Lester Pine got his auto age an railroad age mixed up t’day an' had t' pay full fare. Ilaiu't it a re lief when a show comes C town we re a 1 ready seen7 iCuuvrisht. Julia V. Libia Co. I Births Reported. The following" birth* ha\p b«»»*u rroortpil , to fi»e* Health Department in the lant *M hour* I.awrenee ami Antonetta Vallano. girl. Paul ami 6ra**e Teter pirl Fwcn C. ami Louis* MaeVea-rh. pirl. John W. ami Nola Howes hoy. Ira and Margaret Kwm>. hoy Jovnh ami Ruth De Lu» a. br.v Donald K. ami Margaret Kevhoe. boy. Edwin and Kmma R'>iow. girl. Magnus ami Verna Wefald. Inn- Martin .7. and (ierf-mie M- Namara. 7>or Fay K and Fraru • s W I• in son Miehael and Adelia Downey, hoy. Thomas C. anti Cora Smith. W\v Ang-elo ami Jenny i'aliamiro. boy. F ami Lillian Fvnn- trirl. riifton and Plone Richardson, jrirl. Frank and Leo I a Jaenhs. srirl Samuel and Sarah Hardy, hoy. Si OVER 70 YEARS OF SUCCESS | THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.. NOVEMBER 23, 1925. 1925 BUILDING OVER 1921 RECORD NOW Scarcity of Housing for Those of Average Means Still Reported. By the Ansoiiatcil Press. CHICAGO. November 23. —Building construction for tile first 10 months of 1025 has exceeded the total for 1924 anil broken records in most sec lions of tile country, but there is still a scarcity of suitable housing for per sons of average means. The statement was made tonight in tlie semiannual report of the Ameri can Construction Council issued through its president, Franklin D. ; Roosevelt. "The larger volume of residential | construction has not yet met the coun try's real housing need." the report said. "City residential construction has i been largely of higher priced apart There’s a glow in every spoonful Don’t let another day go by without tasting the wonderful flavor in Campbell’s Tomato Soup! Serve it for lunch or dinner today. It makes the whole meal sparkle! Relish the pure tomato juices and luscious tomato meat in this puree, blended with golden butter. Delicious! 12 cents a can • ment hotels and apartments of a spec- ! ulutive quiure, and while suburban j I'iomc developments of the colony type ; have been very active, they have too 1 frequently been high in price or in | ferior in quality. “Aside from residential work, public improvements and utilities and-com mercial buildings and institutional! structures have been going up in in- 1 creasing numbers. "Present indications,” the report said, "point toward an increasing tie j maud for industrial buildings and re j placement or alteration of out-of-date buildings of commercial and other types. Work contracted for and con templated for the Winter schedule is milch greater than usual at this time of the year, showing the growing belief of the public in Winter work when it is properly conducted. "Labor productivity lias increased and thus helped to reduce actual costs, anil the stabilizing Influence of this condition, if maintained, will be very helpful for the future. Material prices have also continued relatively stable as a whole. Money for build ing purposes has been readily avail able in most localities.” * i Frauds are heenming so common in connection with platinum* that repu table dealers in this costly metal are asking for a hall mark to be author ized for it. I : aQEeas2Go2E®SoHe2GEeese2/sOHGen THE PALAIS ROYAL i BARGAIN BASEMENT TUESDAY IS , I George 'Washington threw a dollar across the Potomac. “Yes,” von will say. “but a dollar would m ”•0 farther in those days!” And so it would —but scan these items and you will be convinced that a Is dollar will go almost as far in our Bargain Basement tomorrow. And this is as true as the story about QJ the cherry tree. Q iyl 25c Plain White Outing | —77— — , , 11 7 hi > Flannel 7 Yards $1.29 Crepe de Chine $1.29 Raincapes S 100 Children’s \\ a t <_* r- . fU g 2S-inch Heavy 'I willed Out- a J GlieilllSe proof Capes with lu,od at- $1 hi m mg Mannel, in white, pink and I 100 Chemise of Crepe de taehed, in red and blue. I [U V? blue. Chine, in pretty soft shades, J | Sizes 6to 14. t^l hi lace trimmed. Sizes 38 to ; | 1,000 Hemmed Diapers I ———l4 c and 25c Mill Lengths of @ | • ■ , , 6For $1.59 Khaki Knickers Bleached Muslins, 9 Yards § m Flannel "liiapers*— fC 'in' $ 1 BIOUSCS 3nd Coats, Each 36-inch Fine Bleached Mus- ff R] IS? fnntc’ I >5 pieces of sport Rarmpnt'. of A y c 1 i I Ni ants use - A pood quality khaki, nea.lv fitting $1 hn, for general home use. V | ft] and strongly made. Broken sizes. ** B m sl*39 Rayon and Cotton —- 79 Ktmnrmc N || Spread Materials, Yard Dollar Day In Our 75 i kuAieue or crepe m I New Basement Shoe *1 fl m nU so malk.ng bed.,,read,. » I Department med. Size- 36 tu 44." S Marts and centers, al-o cur- M imviu |-j: lH tains. Women’s $1.49 House a[sj 1 42x36-Inch Pillowcases I 1 Chalhes W HM A. fnr A-4 Children’s $1.69 School a| hi Ir **., | Shoes ;turdv tan uppers. $ 1 36-inch Figured C .ottn„ Chal- JL f]J jU Heavy quality, for home JL some with rubber heeK Ml JL hes, for conuort covering. ZS and hotel use. _ s j zes s to 2. hi ® 1 000 Yards Part-Linen -”‘ n Ydd’/''‘, e s $1 $1.39 House Dresses p [l4 rari-Linen shades and sizes. A Only 50 of these dresses . g n] Crash, Reeular 20c i Misses’ and Children’s 89c a III 1 ' ar ’“ us . brands ot ging- | IQJ tv J . Rubbers-all perfect - all ? | ham and plain lmene smart- S m 7 Yards size*. 2 pairs. A y tnmnied - Regular and QJ 17-inch Heavy Absorbent 1 Women’s 98c Felt Slip- extra . ize>. hj Crash, for hand towels. pers —all shades and sizes. $ 1 m ———— JL Women’s Full-Fashioned |j 58c Cretonne Laundry 59 c Assorted Women's Silk Stockings m S tfagS, L lOr J"i i .We Size Laundry Bags, *A >OO o i«e in , H ' 101 The imperfections are so slight 1 tn >" oetonm- patterns. ch'.miJand prices, ,sip ,*of whi?. - «-f fc; J 0,.,, rtmfc »r., L*J ' muslin, shadow batiste and nain- 4 I qiialit'c. in thr leMt. I Sfi S nr t /Q r < . sook. Princess slips and bloomers A Long s,lk boot, h.gh spheed heel 0 Womens 69c Chamoisette m,,™. rJ,„ s s "" 1 M Gloves, 2 Pairs for 1 b ' 2 ” '° ia ® pjS All First Quality Real Chamois- sl-29 !n 7, r~77"7„ 7T ffl [U ette Gloves, with silk-embroidered J | ».. ( i WOlllCri S 07C MIK ailCl backs, gauntlet style, with wrist * I ASSOrtCd UfldCrWCar r> Ci. f • U a. ,■>». »«■< Rayon Stockings i h) covert or white. Sizes to 8. chemise, bloomers and step-ins, 7 Pifrc frtf I N ot various soft materials, as ■ A Z cilio iUi I^4 hi |"Y , t|uci 7~ o°"b a “ie! 0 n o ,«fy r Tr'mmb !had ' -L S , W »"’'"' S S® t R »"" ,-g Rj i Women s $1.25 Fleeced *1 ! 1 TTnfAn Cftffc 1 and lisle garter hem. Colors: -A* lM union jUllj beige, nude, tan. brown, grey or black. v. m _ah First Quality Womens 59c Children s Flannelette Sizes B’/a 8 ’ /a to i°- lu JU Fine Rih-knit Union Suits, with TT J _ n> | DS h ch"n«k”^ I Xw"eVv«l 1 Underwear, 2 for Women’s Ravon Stockings i ankle length. Sizes 36 to 44. .100 pieces, including sleepers, . WUIUCIIS IVdyUU UHULAiilgi p|} with the feet and drop seat, gowns f/>« H 4 with trimmed yokes. I _) X d.ll 5 lUi H Women’s 69c Union Suits ~« 2 Gw “-‘ A $1 1 (si 7 fnp ■ - seam up the hack, high spliced I [[] ** lUi heel and lisle garter hem. Colors: Si Fine Rih-knit Union Suits for «P I Rrey ’ beige> sanH ' b,ond or black [(] larger women Low neck, sleeve- JL 11UU3C1IUXU Sizes 8G to 10. IS less and knee length. Sizes 46 to 50. _ | hj 500 Scalloped-edge Dress- [U I I Women’s 50c Union Suits I $ 1 sb2s Ho-Ma-Bout | lij * 3 for u,rly 25c_6 for Dresses j| lM r J _ 200 Lace-edge Dresser & 100 Wrap-around Dresses, J L Si Women’s Fine Rib-kmt Cot- a Scarfs—colored centers of Si in white and colors. Regu- I Mil ton Union Suits, low neck, ,b1 , , , . , '-'V'B . ° ■ Lr* QJ sleeveless and knee length. Sizes rose and blue. 4 for X lar and extra sizes. ar - Ass r * - , * neatly boxed for Christmas $ 159 C Mailts" DreSSCS Hi 125 c All-Linen Crash f„d ro s e s«, re 2 for [jj S ~5 Y " . . 12K and , 5c Washcloths, »h?,«^li'',r&4»«"« * 1 tlj jlj Colored, Striped Heavj- beautiful color combina- I 3 r okes and laces or embroidery. *r I weight Absorbent Crash with JJy | tions. 12 for M Also about 25 petticoats includ- -M. icj (f| colored borders of red and A n . pd in this lot - Sizes °T- 2 - ry 17c Hemmed Part-linen £-4 D ue ’ Dish Towels—with hanger I QJ , au a d,e,i. 8 for X $1.29 Flannelette Gowns [Q lifl 17-Inch Hemstitched ~I 75 Striped Flannelette Gowns, I Ki| IS! - _ /> i< i very good quality, with fancy tC Ik| 1 All-Linen Napkins, 4 for Corsetlets 1 | gh All-linen Figured Damask Hook-side style, of novelty A-J high neck. Regular sizes. [JJ Napkins. Ideal for lunch- $ | striped materials. Elastic in sides, I ' ■■■— [y S eons and breakfast. All A four supporters. Sizes 32 to 42. A __ , ♦ r» if n f ZN [1 neatly boxed. 59c Children s Bath Robes m 1— Brassieres, 2 for 2 for . §j I Boys’ 79c Union Suits, 2 for $ 1 , 25 B, ? nk ' t ® o ri b ' ! ' % r liy $1 hi Boys’ Derby Rib Fleece-lined a Sizes 32 to 46. I to ts J n s^ades - -lightly *r I [U fU Cotton Union Suits, with high neck, N | PaHis Royal—Bargain Basement -A. soiled. |jy long sleeves and ankle length. 1 abm I Sizes 4 to 16 years. [U —1 Boys School Stockings 59c Women s Flannelette N 1 1,200 Seamless Sheets Underwear, 2 for m Regularly $1.29 4 i ElfS lOf 200 pieces, including O HH 81x90-inch Seamless Bed J j First quality. Boys’ Heavy, gowns, petticoats and SI [JJ jf| Sheets, heavy linen finish 'I Coarse-rib Stockings, with plenty bloomers of striped flan- I esl I quality. AH pariect, | j- i 15